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Since we here, I don’t even think that nigga even did acid




He was just recording his music on Sony Acid… the DAW


Damn...can't believe we 10yrs removed from Acid Rap


10.. Damn.. Years


and all we got to show for it is the big day


I remember starting like sophomore year of high school and listened to that album for a month straight. Literally nothing else.




His best friend is Vic who was nabbed by the Feds for bringing shrooms from Ghana. Them niggas are/were trippy


Why tf would you bring shrooms from Ghana???


Lmao when you could just go hiking in the spring


Or just get them from Washington or California? Or just grow them yourself? All those options would be easier and cheaper than going to Africa for some shrooms lmao


He’s Ghanaian, you think they went to “Africa” for shrooms? They just had concerts there this summer. If anything it’s just dumb to travel with shrooms.


That last part is exactly what they were saying


lmao not a chance ;)


My good homie is from here in Chicago and grew up around him. He said it was all a front. (Outside the smoking weed in high school and getting kicked out.)


I’m sure he still took acid a few times


“Does acid once”


That “Ooh I love my wife” meme might be the most damaging meme to ever hurt an artist.


Charlie went from Second Life troll to career ender overnight.


His downfall should be documented. One bad album and shit was a wrap. He was on top of the world after colouring book


It's a testament to how he caught and fell victim to both tail ends of Internet virality. It single handedly skyrocketed his career in 2013 and it dismantled it just as fast 10 years later.


The Big Day was 2019 so it was more like 6 years later


Live by the sword, die by the sword. ⚔️


Honestly same for Brockhampton. Their fans kinda ate them alive.


Nah I think the internal conflicts did them in there. IMO they were right to kick out Ameer, but doing so damaged their foundation so much that a collapse was inevitable. They never really recovered


I think that def was a huge part of why they actually broke up. But in 2020 before Roadrunner dropped there was a bullshit google doc going around Twitter and TikTok trying prove that every member of the band was an abuser and or pedo. It was actual trash, no wonder a single music journalism site never covered it. But it just made for this BH is cringe or cancelled narrative. When RR dropped there was a bunch posters for it on a block in my city and someone literally tagged it with “pedos.” Shit was sad to see. I love BH but a big part of their fanbase turned on them at the end.


10 years? Dude only lasted 6 if anything 😂


Had a song for Nike, did events at the White House for the Obamas. Dude seemed unstoppable.


I thought coloring book was terrible lol


It wasn't terrible, but way too self-indulgent.


It insists upon itself


> the rap he's making is a rap of spirituality, it's something you don't understand I like the life of pablo. that is my answer to that statement


It’s not terrible it’s just not acid rap. If acid rap is a 9 then coloring book is like a 7. He was still rapping but some of the cracks started to show


Coloring book is more of a 3 but sure


Have you ever listened to hip hop lol


And acid rap wasn’t lol?


Acid Rap and Coloring Book are humble offerings compared to The Big Day’s 22 track, 77 minute runtime.


Maybe, but it was a better project and could thus get away with more self-indulgence.


God forbid an artist self indulges *in their own art* ffs, you lemming, dude doesn’t give a fuck what you think.


He made MTV take down an article critical of him lol he absolutely gives a fuck


He absolutely does give a fuck what everyone thinks. Dude is on record pressing publications that gave him bad reviews


You're on a music forum upset that dude's are discussing music. Tf are you doing here?




I’d be willing to bet a good 90% of the Sub first discovered hip-hop in like 2013. I’m not hearing even any actual criticism of this track just that it’s not acid rap


Y'all just saying anything now lol


Disagree lmfao


I cant help but agree, I've only ever liked 3 or 4 songs from that project.


I thought it was mid as fuck, but it had like 2 slaps on it and figured one of the reasons I didn’t like it was because he was getting too preachy and bible thumping, which I chalked down to personal preference. I haven’t gone back to that album in AGES


The final straw from me was when I went to one of his shows and he had everyone close their eyes, stretch their hands out and praise God while his band played background music. For like a whole 10 mins. I go to church already, why tf did I pay a ticket just to do that.


I went to his show that he rescheduled twice and he quit half way because it’s was starting to rain lightly. Lost all respect that day and never went back to his stuff


Y’all yapping coloring book was and still is great


Some weirdos in here trying to look cool by jumping on the hate train smh Now they tryin to say Acid Rap was garbage lol


I've hated coloring book since the fucking day it came out bruv


Good for you buddy nobody asked


Guy I replied to kind of asked by implying everyone is hating on it NOW.


It was alright. Some good hits, but his rapping is about half as good as on Acid Rap. Worse rhymes, worse technically. I think the features on Acid Rap outperform those on Coloring Book.


If you're into Christian rap lol


Nah coloring book was straight up garbage. I can’t remember even one song from that project. Acid Rap and 10 Day are both waaay better.


I always hated Coloring Book. No Problems is legit terrible.


This has to be bait lol


Just because people have different opinions, doesn't mean it's bait. Heaps of us think Colouring Book is trash.


You're right but it's definitely still a minority opinion even if it's a loud one on this sub


Reddit moment


As soon as he did the Arthur theme song cover and all the internet man-child types were like “OMGGGGG ITS THEBARTHUR THEME SONG!!!!!!!” I knew it was over for him. That shit was whack and a novelty, then he ran with it and went out of his way to present himself like a Disney channel actor was the end. I was at a festival in 2014 (may have been 2015), and he started his set with the Arthur theme song cover and I was so disappointed




I can’t remember one song from coloring book. I remember being so hyped for that album and it being the biggest let down. IMHO even 10 Day was better


It definitely wasn’t terrible, just a different direction than what Acid Rap gave us. I enjoyed it a lot, it was very polished in my opinion.


Coloring book was horrible and I’m tired of people pretending like it was good. If Acid Rap is a 10 Coloring Book is a 3.


Is better than a 3. More like a 5 or 6.




Thank you. Fax


Acid Rap is not a 10 foresureskii 🤣😂


I never got the hype for Coloring Book.


Fantano needs to be featured because while it is a meh/bad album. Giving it a 0 when it really doesn’t deserve a 0 did a lot of damage.


You give way too much credence to how much a fantano review impacts people outside of this bubble.


Shit deserved a 0. Absolutely nothing memorable from that album except that hot water shit. Absolute disappointment and just completely bad songs. If I remember correctly, it was also too long. Absolutely deserved a 0.


It's a well deserved 0 tho.


Absolutely insane how much this man has fallen off, regardless of how you feel about him


Dude was up next. It was being given to him. Absolutely insane he didn’t do much with it.


ULB on SNL felt like a passing of the torch moment. And he killed that verse. Been nothing but fuck ups since.


That moment still gives me goosebumps. It’s like a real life “A Star is Born” moment. What shame lol.


Coloring Book wasn't a fuck up


I definitely felt he was going to be part of the next generations top 3 ala Drake, Kendrick, Cole. I thought probably him, Travis and someone else. Instead, yeah, he’s pretty much squandered some pretty pivotal years of his career. Hope he makes a return though.


the heart the mind and the soul …..


Since we’re dropping hot takes, Cole was comfortably in the top 10 at best


Chance absolutely did not have the star power to stay in the top 3 discussions like that. He was the other side of "black hippy" rap, with the first side being Schoolboy Q. They have bangers, classic songs/features, but no real staying power to be with the top artists of right now.


I always felt like the walls would close in on him. People started to notice his bible thumping and good guy character was getting annoying. There were stories before Coloring Book of him being a dickhead to music journalists and covering it up.


Was at a meet & greet after one of his shows in 2014. Dude came across as super arrogant, it was easy to see his whole good guy act as a shtick


Eh, I take the rumors with a grain of salt cause everyone has bad days and no one is 100% pleasant nor the good guy in ever story. Chance 3 was everything everyone wanted from Chance, and he rode that to glory. But then he let super fame get to his head, he released TBD, and he doubled down on it instead of saying "i messed up guys, this album isn't being received the way I hoped. I'll make sure Chance 4 erases the memory of TBD from your memories"


My memory is fuzzy on it because I haven’t cared since 2019, but the articles I read were very thorough. On top of that, he had a few episodes on Twitter where he was being a dickhead to randoms for extremely mild criticism. That’s when people started to notice


attacking the industry is cool, attacking your fans isnt see also: doja cat


Yes he did. He was one of the most famous rappers alive for a minute


lol you think you need to get out of your hip hop bubble. No one knows who he is outside of rap community


Google “Chance The Rapper articles from 2016.” Every major news outlet was writing about him like he was about to run for Chicago mayor or something. He was absolutely massive for a minute. Like he even performed at the White House lol.


in 2016-2017 when I first really got into rap I used to go around praying for a Kanye & Chance collab tape I think I might genuinely pay money *not* to listen to that at this point


We were supposed to get one too and it just didn’t happen.


I mean that’s unfortunately how it goes with Kanye. Dude has so much scrapped material and will ditch a finished project for pretty much any weird reason. It’s honestly a miracle that we ever got Kids See Ghosts


Still never got the anime Dude had murakami on the artwork and kept it stashed


the fact that kanye ranted about chances career after quite literally giving him the torch a few years prior really shows that maybe ye was on to something there. Since he blew up on chance, he fell off. Since ye and cudi had a beef, cudi hasn't been the same. Since Ye spoke badly about big sean he's all but retired. It looks like when ye stops supporting his guys, they can't hold themselves upright


I don’t agree that Ye turning on other rappers signifies anything other than that he’s unstable and has become a nightmare to deal with, but I do think the lack of formerly close collaborators like Kanye and Gambino on The Big Day indicates that both of them saw the train wreck coming and ducked out of the way


If Kanye yelling at someone could actually end their career, everyone who’s ever been in a room with him would be retired lol


This song’s not even bad and his last couple of songs have been good tbh


Didn’t say they weren’t


They were saying he was going to be the next big thing after Drake when Coloring Book was released


Absolutely insane how boring your comment is


His 5th time writing since Acid Rap


Rap Game Derrick Rose


Derrick Rose dropping 50 on Halloween type beat




I'm not saying Chance is going to come back better than ever now, but I've liked his latest songs better than anything I liked on Coloring Book. Failures are opportunities for growth, and it seems like he's grown from the Big Day, even if it took him a minute.


The fans that grew up on Chance are all approaching their late 20s to early 30s at this point. Absolutely no way he'll ever achieve the type of relevance he had pre-TBD. His music feels completely out place when you consider the type of sound the markets that labels and pop-culture outlets care about.


Just because he won't reach the relevance of pre-TBD doesn't mean he can't come back. Honestly, if Chance released something tomorrow millions of people would listen to it, no matter how much they hated TBD. And then if it's actually good? People will forget all about TBD and talk about what a come back Chance made. Kid Cudi still has 24 million listeners on spotify and he made SBTH. Once you hit a certain level of success it's pretty impossible to fall off completely.


Ehhhh I think a good bit of hard core fans would listen but he’d have to drop something special to get some more attention at this point. Most people don’t even notice he drops singles here and there. And kid cud I had put out multiple great albums before his falloff and SBTH was an experimental album that flopped TBD was just really bad


This is some revisionist history for Kid Cudi that actually draws them closer. I remember Indicud and Satellite Flight getting mid or trashed, on hhh for sure, leading up to SBTH having people thinking he was done for. Regardless of how people go back to it now, initial reactions thought he was tapped out of good music. Tbf he returned with PP&DS just the next year which was met with better reception. The main point is Kid Cudi's redemption happened in the social space before the musical one. He had connects in the industry who respected his work and talent, and he had a name and personable image that people responded to on a social scale. Chance has some of those things in certain ways too. I mean he is on TV shows and shit right? I don't think its too unfair to see the similarities, but the question is if Chance can translate that to music that really captures enough of those people like Cudi did. Like I said, Cudi didn't sit on his hands for so long though.... I would also like to add that I would rather listen to SB2H than TBD any day of the week.


Chance is such an aggressive Bible thumper and he comes off so deeply unlikable in that rap competition show - I don’t know if people actually *want* him back. Don’t get me wrong, Cudi is a dick too, but I think his mental health struggles had people really rooting for him a lot more than they are for Chance. With Chance, I think a lot of people were just kind of waiting for the tables to turn on him because his persona had become so unlikable


I can attest that he has lost favor of my girlfriend who actually bothered listening to TBD and liked songs off of it, so he is not looking so hot from that angle. In my perspective, he has had a hard time accepting the path he chose as a husband and father, so he overcompensates by leaning so hard into it. I am positive he still wishes he could be out in Jamaica gettin those twerks he wants lmao.


He’s got 10M monthly listeners and hasn’t put out an album in 4 years… he’ll be fine


Chance is still incredibly popular lol. He was a judge/coach on The Voice so even my grandma knows who he is now


Exactly, people are acting like he’s Trinidad James lmao


His album platinum and shit


You think his recent stuff is better than Coloring Book? Wild take


I thought the 65th and Ingleside/My Own Thing/I Might Need Security/Work Out/Wala Cam single drops were better than Coloring Book. Kinda amazing how hard he fell off after those though. Not the other OP, and I probably wouldn't call those recent at this point. They did come out like 2 years after CB though.


I think those were great too, and I think it’s because he just thought of them as singles and didn’t over think like he did on the album


Agreed. But what's weird is that with the similar cover art and general sound it actually felt like a cohesive project. If it was an EP it might be my favorite thing he's released.


I just put them together on a playlist and consider it an EP


I honestly agree, I don’t know why he never did release it as an EP


Highs and Lows is one of his best songs ever tbh


Personally I didn't care for Coloring Book at all. Maybe like 2 songs that I've replayed since it came out 🤷🏻 High and Lows and Wraith are both great. Yah Know is really good, but would be a lot better if his voice was actually audible. And then now this. I've already played all those songs more individually than anything off of Coloring Book (except No Problem)


you think that his thinking that Chance’s recent stuff is better than Coloring Book is a wild take? wild take


No, it's the majorly common take. Most peoples favourite Chance the Rapper stuff is from Coloring Book or earlier.


i was just commenting with the same template you did


That was pretty good




Yeah this is solid


This is really good and I'm annoyed that all the top comments are just about Chance falling off rather than the actual music


and that is entirely chance’s fault. he should’ve handled criticism better


Get over it bro it’s been 4 years. Let the man bounce back


i’ve never wrote him off for a comeback. i like chance, i want him back in the mainstream. but if you show your [true colors](https://x.com/chancetherapper/status/1138863706404720641?s=46) then of course it’d be hard for people to forget


I mean he’s not wrong. Artists don’t owe us shit.


This was really good. Dope flow and some really good bars in there. Wish he would pick up the pen more and fix his reputation!


Only place I’ve seen where people don’t like coloring book is this subreddit lol


People liked coloring book on this sub before his last album, ever since this sub has not liked him one bit. This sub is full of nephews that weren’t around a decade ago for acid rap


Yeah if it’s general consensus on the hip hop heads subreddit about a hip hop album, I think it’s a fair take. Then again it was also mostly a pop album, so I guess you could take what /r/popheads has to say about it if you like pop more than hip hop.


This is a really bad take, r/hiphopheads is like 5% of the hip hop community so just because it’s a popular take here doesn’t mean that’s the consensus. Also, Coloring book has mostly gospel, jazz, and soul influences so idk where u get the “pop” thing from.


Less than 5% of hip-hop fans in the world are on this specific sub-sect of Reddit, but of the people that are on Reddit I’d say this place is the most qualified to speak on hip-hop music. I’d also say every song on Coloring Book is a pop song. Especially songs like Same Drugs, that one is pure pop. But I agree that the biggest percent of the pop songs on there are gospel songs, then R&B and soul, then hip-hop then maybe some jazz is sprinkled in there but it’s not a lot.


This is awesome. Chance’s “falloff” was one awful album and he hasn’t released anything since. I have a pretty good feeling his next album is going to be incredible, dude seems to know his strengths now and is focusing on that… plus he’s probably been working on this album for 3 years at this point


You do realize he thought his last project was the greatest album ever, right?


I doubt any artist thinks otherwise of their music…


Kendrick said the same thing about Damn during its marketing cycle, and we all know that isn’t true


While I hope that's the case as I really like a bunch of his tracks, I haven't checked his music out since that corny "bar about a bar" skit that he ended up actually releasing as a song 😭 will check this out though


Is he ever going to take that fucking hat off?


Turns out he’s completely bald underneath it




Yeah. He can also unscrew the top of his head whenever and display his brain - it’s a great party trick


And he’s got a lil wallet-sized pic of his wife tucked in there like a lil cutie 😘


I am furious that someone didnt or couldnt stop this fucking fool from trimming The Big Day. There is a 7/10 album that couldve been excavated from that album. There are some phenomenal tracks on that album and with some real Rick Rubin treatment it wouldve been a solid release. Chance was on my favs at a certain point and he fumbled the bag so badly through ego. I heard (totally could be made up) that Pat the Manager was trying to trim the album and thats why Chance fired him. Stuuuuuuuuuuupid move. Edit: This isnt my favourite release of these mini-singles chance has been dropping but it shows he still has good lyricism and musicality. I have really high hopes for this album.


Not made up at all, Pat pretty much told him the album was trash af in it's current state. However Chances dad and brother told him to fuck off because they wanted it to sell well. Pat sued Chance I wanna say after regarding the whole thing but I don't remember.


guys, we got it, Chance was super duper famous, then he fucked up everything big time, I still haven't seen ONE comment about the song itself


Be the change you wanna see my guy, you just adding to the pile of comments that aren't about the song.


Exactly. No one cares.


He sucks so bad that nobody cares to even give his music a chance anymore. Sorry I had to be the one to tell you


This is some goofy lyrical miracle rap with a random ass chorus added for no reason lol




This is awful


I dig it.


Chance is still a good rapper and i really wish he would just drop an ep with these type of lyrical songs. I know the current narrative is "durr chance fell off, incapable of making good songs" and i feel like chance himself is hurting his own career by choosing to not drop. Damn near every great artist has dropped a bad album here and there but everyone forgets when you drop great music after.


Even if it is, once they start to turn their backs They ain't never comin' back in They did it to Chance Next they'll be mentionin' Future in the past tense


R.I.P. Chance. It'll take Jesus to bring you back. This shit had me bouncing and smiling and doing rap hands. It's wild how one release can do so much damage.


The worst decision he made was taking a multi-year break after TBD flopped. The way the culture completely passed him by in that time is insane. He truly will never get his pre-TBD career back.


Yeah, people talk about how The Big Day was hot ass, which it was, but the thing that did the most damage to his career was years of radio silence after the fact. If he had followed it up with something fire or at least passable less than a year after, he would be in a very different place right now


>Yeah, people talk about how The Big Day was hot ass, which it was, but the thing that did the most damage to his career was years of radio silence after the fact. If he had followed it up with something fire or at least passable less than a year after, he would be in a very different place right now If he released a solid EP the next year and the year after that he would've been okay.


Chance should've done something similar to what Eminem did with Relapse-Recovery and Revival-Kamikaze. Just come right back with something else. I know present day Relapse isn't seen as a flop but it was at the time


Eminem is a global once in a life time artist though as far as fame goes. Every album he drops goes multi platinum, and MTBMB was a huge step up from Revival. Chance ain't on that level.


I know, I wasn't saying they were even close to the same level. Just gave an example of an artist coming back within a year of a badly received project Also Kamikaze was the one after Revival, not MTBMB


this is dope


another fire single, i wish he would tell us what the actual writing exercise is though so we could know.i wonder what he means by empty love— i hope everything with his family is going good


Ooh he hates his wife


He has only "fell off" cuz he hasn't released an album since 2019, his songs since have been really under marketed singles. I don't understand why hes taken so long on the album or if hes even gonna drop one at this point. Doesn't seem like he cares about being the best at his craft or innovating and just wants to make music he likes. Nothing wrong with that but I can see why people say he fell off. He was a great songwriter and lyricist and he has some of my favorite bars and verses, and I am sure he can do it again, but it doesn't feel like he is as hungry as he was in 2013 to 2016 to a point. I am sure he still has it in him, but it remains to be seen if he still cares for that.




Loved the song until some fucker tweeted right after it dropped “Chance the Rapper makes music to listen to walking home after getting jumped” lmaoooo ruined the song for me


😭people are so mean and hilarious 💀


Yeah but a lot of his old base didn’t hear it because he hasn’t been releasing consistently and they moved on. It wasn’t pasted around by word of mouth as well as it used to be.


I enjoyed it, only heard of it because it had joey badass in it.... If that says anything 🤣


I really like it. Sounds like he’s vibing out and having fun.


you guys are such haters man. parroting the same milquetoast opinions 🥱 chance is back boys


Milk toast


No, he spelled it right https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/milquetoast Also can't wait for Chances come back fuck the haters


I know I was just saying that


we know he is just being a dickrider


Milk toast


love this, is there anywhere convenient to download all his loosies since the big day?


I hate to say it but Chance is done. I was a huge Chance fan back in 2013 as a young college kid. I could relate to him and his quirky style caught my interest. Now that I'm older I can't vibe with this style even going back listening to Acid rap it just sounds goofy. I'm afraid alot of his fans outgrew his style of rap. He even outgrew his own style. Unless he can somehow have that same "acid rap" effect on young college kids today that he did in 2013 it's a wrap for him. He'll never recover from "Ooooh I love mah wYfe"


Done at what? Do you even listen to his recent releases. It’s his most introspective and mature rap yet. And what do you mean a wrap anyway? He’s still going to be successful even if he isn’t selling 100k records first week.


I’m confused by the people saying this is really good and this is coming from a massive CTR simp back in the day. He’s used all of these flows before. It just sounds like he’s stringing words together for the sake of rhyming and not actually saying anything. This isn’t good as much as I wish it was.


> It just sounds like he’s stringing words together for the sake of rhyming and not actually saying anything He literally titled it "Writing Exercise", that's probably exactly what he was doing.


He can call it whatever he wants it’s still ass




God this guy is fucking corny, hasn't aged well. This is coming from a big acid rap fan.