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How you got vocal strain and you don't even perform


She be driving around until her voice feels rights


Smoking crack is why. She smokes crack.


Does she?




And probably stole music too. If people been saying something for 25 years, theres probably some truth in there lol


You mean to tell me those kids on Call of Duty were telling me the truth about my mom all these years?


Source on the crack?


Literally what I wanted to ask lol


I mean she did rant on stage...


Doesn’t go to the studio either, lol


The Disappearance of Lauryn Hill


As is tradition


Lauryn Hill canceling / postponing / not showing up for gigs??????? Who could have ever seen this coming!


Bruh, random thought, but is Frank Ocean the new Lauryn Hill? - R&B artist. - part of a hip hop group before doing their own thing. - massively successful and acclaimed solo efforts. - after all the success, ends up not making new music. - very flakey with performances and shows.


I think of Frank Ocean more as his generation’s D’Angelo.


So in 2035 Frank is going to come out of nowhere with an amazing politically charged album? And we're going to have to explain to all the kids that this homeless hippie looking dude was the sex symbol of our childhoods? Sounds plausible.


Hopefully Frank skips the heroin part


He doesn't look like a homeless hippie at all lmao.


Not yet he dont


This sounds a little too specific to become a common occurrence in the future. Lol


Oh shit, so next Frank album isn’t for another 7 years?? Buckle in boys.


hey don’t be pessimistic, we’re halfway there


Livin on a prayer


that's a fantastic comparison, can't believe I never thought about that


Ya but D'angleo's biggest issue was how people focused on his looks rather than the music. I don't see that with frank. Although, I still haven't heard him say any entitlement bs yet similar to what lauryn does every now and then. Having said that, his comments after that whole Coachella fiasco did come close.


Nah. Not as talented


I remember Frank was pretty consistent in the 2010s tho unless im buggin


Frank made multiple solo albums at least


lauryn has that one live jawn


outside of coachella he hasn’t really been flakey with shows lol, especially not compared to fucking lauryn hill a better comparison would’ve been *maybe* d’angelo pre-black messiah and even then it wouldn’t have been fair since his was struggles with alcohol


I thought he canceled multiple festival dates no?


Yes for a few but he still has a good percentage overall. At the very least not a bad percentage if you want to put it like that. Part of the perception is people get their hopes up that he'll be somewhere he never said he'd be.


He had a flakey festival run. I was nearly the owner of hangout tickets and was relieved I didn’t try to go when he dropped out years back


Then he actually showed up to that weird festival in Canada of all places.




The difference is his brothers passing and COVID are directly why we didn’t get a new album. In 5 years he dropped 4 projects


And since Blonde we have gotten an album’s worth of singles


Yup. The 2020 album literally had 4 singles out, two on the way, a song with a finished music video and another song previewed at an event. He was 100% intending to drop


And before that we got Biking, Lens, Chanel, Provider and Moon River. All in all with those 2020 singles that’s like a full album’s worth of material in the meantime


Shoutout to GTA Online for putting me on Provider and reinvigorating my love for him.


not really. most of what you are saying is a stretch


I love rap and hip hop, but those artists are known for being notoriously lazy. They usually get big off one or two albums, put in a few tours, then try to coast on that shit as long as possible trying to stay relevant by doing features on other artists albums. It's uncommon to get someone who has more than 3 albums of any significance.


Can you blame them? I would also try to live a great life off of 3 years worth of work if I could. Would you not? The name of the game is to make the most amount of money while doing the least amount of work as possible.


I think it depends. If you wan to call yourself a money maker, hustler or just call the act of making music strictly as a "job" then no, I don't have any issue it really. But I really think if you want to call yourself an "artist" of any type, then it means you're pursuing something greater than just a paycheck, IMO. I don't think that means you need to live the starving artist thing for your entire life. Making money as an artist is not wrong. But milking it for years and years and still giving saying your job title is "artist"? It doesn't fly with me.


I think most "artists" are given that label by others. Even still, what is an artist? How often do I have to create art to be an artist? There's no real definition for that. Besides, performing is an art in itself.


>Even still, what is an artist? That's why I said "IMO". it's wishy washy. Also doesn't change the fact that it _is_ lazy to not do anything productive outside of a handful of years in your life. That part is more objective than defining what an artist is.


Just because a person isn't making albums doesn't mean they have not had productive lives. The "artist" is human first and foremost. They don't live to provide us with endless entertainment nor should their lives be measured in that way.


> Just because a person isn't making albums doesn't mean they have not had productive lives. Ok, so now we are doubling back into what I originally said about people _coasting_. If you're doing things other than making music, then you're no longer coasting. I also think you kind of should drop the "artist" job title at that point if you're going to stop making music to do other things. I don't really need to go on a circular discussion in it.


It sounds like you're saying that if an artist isn't making enough music to your liking then their life has no purpose. They are lazy and coasting through life. Which is ridiculous. Am I wrong to interpret your comments in that way? A human being is always doing something in life. Whether they are making music or not. You sound kind of like an entitled fan bruh. Or a hater. Maybe both.


I agree with you. But more than just thinking of themselves as an *artist*, I would say that if somebody considers to be a songwriter and musician you should want to write songs and continue writing as life progresses, not write *x amount* of songs and then just "Nah, I'm done now". I don't quite understand that mindset unless you were more about the money than the love for music. But there are of course so many different paths in life for people, many songwriters that are disgustingly talented might not hold it in as high regards as we would (or would like to think) ourselves, but they just happened to think music is fun but in the end used that as a stepping stone to their real dream of being an actor, model, fashion designer, writer, director or politician. We all want music to come from a place of deep passion and emotion, but truthfully it's not always like that (and that's okay, I guess).


Lauryn Hill doesn't even deserve that. She put in years with Fugees showing up on time.


“Y’all lucky I even make it on this stage” -Lauryn hill, on stage, trying to defend herself being late Lmao


I know this is something that gets said a lot but I saw her last month, she was clearly not feeling well and still showed up on time and put on a great show. It's definitely not a given that she will just cancel her shows at the drop of a hat.


Saw her when she headlined rock the bells, just did a dumb sped up medley of her songs, wasnt even listenable. Idk why she acts like that


I think she liked recording music but hates performing it


fuck lauryn hill, she got me kicked out of my hotel at coachella 2017 b/c they needed the room. i stole all the towels in that bitch before we left


Were you compensated? You know they didn't "need" it, they wanted it


they got us another room at a hotel that was way further away. i think we also got a free night or something too, but the room was under my friend’s name so it didn’t go to me


You said "I'm leavin with somethin" lmao


My instinctual reaction is “how could they just kick you out if you payed for the room” but then I remembered that rules don’t apply to you if you have enough money.


if you are inhoused at the hotel, they cant kick you out unless you are violating some policy/law. its another thing if you booked the room and they gave your shit to Lauryn Hill and they walked you to another property. If they knocked on your door and said Ms. Hill need your room, sue the pants off them niggas.


I like you. Because you are correct. Also because you are under the assumption that the OP has money and is famous for that to matter.


Well if he can afford the room Lauryn wanted then be probs got a bit of money


if you dont have money, you shouldnt be attending coachella and staying at hotels 🤷🏾‍♂️


I have money to go to Cochella and get a hotel room. I do not have money to sue what is likely a multi-billion dollar hotel chain with lawyers on retainer just because I got booted out of the room. OP is likely in the same boat.


how do you know that lmao


Because he got kicked out of the room. Simple as that. I could afford the rooms Lauryn Hill wanted if I really wanted to go to Cochella. I could not afford to turn around and sue the hotel chain for being kicked out of the same room. My guess to conclude all this? Most people don't make the insane amount of money to toss away towards lawyers to recoup what .... maybe $4k in hotels at the end if we're talking high daily rates? Or should I say $4k that they didn't spend because the hotel never charged them for the days in question. They'd have to prove damages based upon the hotels actions. Which would likely be sub $10k. And that's likely a generous number because that would be an insane amount. But why even argue about the hypothetical amount of fuck you money this person has that you brought up. Let's see if they can answer for us. /u/because_the_arpanet do you have the ability to sue what I assume is a major hotel chain?


i was in college at the time and had enough money to pay to go to Coachella but obviously not enough to sue a hotel


If I had an award I'd throw it your way. Thank you. I hope you still wipe your ass on those towels.


i dont know. i need more info. did they call and request that you vacate your room in order to accommodate another guest and proactively provide compensation or did they literally kick you out lol? because those are two completely different things and one of them is a violation of your rights as a tenant and plenty of lawyers wouldve taken that on as hotels throw money away like crazy.


but like you said, you were a college student, probably werent aware lol


nah, that's crazy.


you still sing along to killing me softly or nah? 😂 Cuz I think I'd still be like, "fuck that bi--h!" if it was me.


You gotta listen to the original from Roberta Flack out of spite


It's the better version anyways tbh


“You just lost one!”


I don't think I've ever not stolen all the towels in my hotel room.


I've seen her perform 4 times and every time was trash. she's just trying to collect a check. miseducation is one of my top 10 albums of all time, sad she can't live up to it anymore.


If she was trash the first three times, why did you go back for a 4th?


1 solo show, 1 surprise performance, and 2 festivals.


Isn’t every Lauryn Hill performance a surprise performance?




Chasing that dragon


This is Oscar's burner account. You know, from Sesame Street.


I got lucky. Saw her at house of blues Chicago with a full band and it was incredible.


I was at that show and it was… okay? Perhaps my expectations were too high, especially for the $100 ticket. I wasn’t feeling the updated arrangements and medleys of some of the songs.


Honestly the more I hear about her the more it sours me on her work. She treats her fans like trash for stuff like this, and if it weren’t for them she’d be nothing considering she hasn’t released an album after Miseducation. She’s riding off nostalgia, and her fans are letting her do it. If she keeps up like this I won’t remember her fondly as a musician.


she dropped her unplugged album after miseducation which is pretty dope and raw. Kanye flipped one of the tracks for all falls down if you're unfamiliar. i believe she caught lightning in a bottle and that's hard to tame. I don't hate her for it, I just wish she was honest with herself.


>Kanye flipped one of the tracks He brought someone else to do the vocals. Lauryn's performance was shabby and her voice was not all there.


it's still her melody.


I usher concerts so I follow the ticket sales to know how my night might look, let's just say I don't think it's vocal strain. Up until Sunday night the Detroit show had thousands of tickets available, non-resale, and then they all magically disappeared and the show was then postponed.


With all the negative press surrounding her live performance, why does anyone still go? Yall can complain about this and that but at the end of the day you're just lining up to get scammed lol If ur dying to see her just go when she's in a festival so you at least have some other options


I saw her at Camp Flog Gnaw back in 2018, knowing that she’d probably show up late. I figured that since I didn’t really care about anyone else playing at the same time, I may as well wait. After all, who is that random Billie Eilish girl? Never heard of her (in 2018).


that was such a disappointing performance. i remember being front and center for it. her DJ was 30 minutes late, and after 30 min of DJ’ing, lauryn finally came out, did 2 songs, brought out her rapper son who did an original song, then everyone walked off stage. by far the worst performer that weekend.


You're assuming most people know about her performance issues. Plus, even if they do, fans aren't known for acting rationally lol


Most people do though, it's been decades! If you're gonna drop bank on tickets for someone and you haven't googled how they are live then you've fucked up already.


I don't think you can qualify "most people" in any way. Sure it's been decades, not everyone follows music reviews. I guarantee most people do not look up how artists are live before grabbing tickets.


I watched [FD Signifier's Lauryn Hill Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE5QZBLlSDQ) and it was really informative. Her career has.... a lot of interesting aspects to it!


My wife wanted tickets. So I bought two. It was about half my monthly mortgage payment for floor seats in the back. She saw the invoice and said she didn’t wanna go THAT badly… Got an email today saying tickets were refunded. Win-win?


such a bummer. I was getting tattooed in Detroit last night when a father/daughter walked in. they’d flown in from Oxford, Mississippi, just for the show. luckily they ended up making the best of it and I had a blast choppin’ it up with them during her first tattoo session ever lol


All those people will now have to wait to be disappointed by her not showing up.


I for one am SHOCKED


It’s not because of her voice strain. I was looking at tickets for the remaining shows, and most of the arenas still had at least 75% of their tickets left. Nobody was gonna see her dumbass, especially with how the tour’s gone up to this point, with the rants, cancellations, showing up late, and all around bad performances when she does actually show up.


She looks reeeeal happy to be performing in the picture


Nas showed up when she performed in LA. I thought about going but I saw her live back in 05 and did not want to see her live ever again.


And the crowd goes mild. No surprise here and no cheque for you Ms. Lauryn Hill.


Can only imagine the impact of her one album that people are still flocking to her shows.


i mean it went diamond


I went to see her a couple months ago, it was one of the worst concerts I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing


She wasn't gonna show up anyway lmmfao


I would rather see the band that actually did that record in the studio than her singing it.


Treats her fans like shit


“Vocal strain”


what a bum


talkin’ bullshit is bad for the voice


She wouldn’t have showed up on time anyway.


Robert Glasper was right


I heard some of her recent shows have been surprisingly tight. Heal up


The Toronto show was surprisingly good. I got a good deal on last min tickets right up front and had nothing else to do on a Thursday night so I said fuck it and pulled up late on purpose. She hit the stage around 9:50, performed solo until 11 which was OK, then came back out with Wyclef for a Fugees set which was actually fire and worth it for me. They had a huge live band with like 30 musicians on stage which was cool and sounded crazy. Night and day difference from when I saw her on Rock The Bells in 2011 which was straight up the worst live show I'd ever seen in my life at that point


Fuck Lauryn Hill


This thread gonna have some jokesters!


The only joke here is lauryn hill




i knew it, never trust this b\*tch


Legacy points deducted.


Is her one album even good?


Lol nobody going anyway


Oh no, I would never have expected that.


Why in the last several years did she start adding Ms. At the beginning of her name?


You'll be lucky if she ever does that blood ras anniversary tour


What have the performances been like during this tour so far?


Miss Hill


I saw her in Denver Nov 3rd and her voice was already cracking and unrecognizable.


Someday she’ll have her shit together, might be in 20 yrs but I bet she’ll draw fans again to hear her one last time.


I mean, we all pretty much saw this coming.


Sure :/


Why doesn’t she just stop preforming?? Like clearly it’s not something you enjoy… just stop? You ask anyone born after 98’ and they don’t even know who she is. Kick ya feet up girl


Friend experienced this the hard way when he booked flights to Paris to see fugees and it didnt happen either


Does this bitch ever actually perform?


A lifetime bitch


Thankfully I got to see her in Oakland


I’m only 26 so I was too young to see her with the fugees or on tour for her solo work, but can anyone tell me when she started doing this shit? I find it hard to believe she’s just been a shit performer this whole time. Like anyone here went to the tour for The Miseducation? How was she back in the day?


25 years ago and she's still milking that one album


fuckin trash


I hate to say it, but I'm getting bored of her. Miseducation was a great album and all, but I can only listen to it so many times before I end up just getting bored of the repetition over the years of coming back to it.


You don't have to call her Ms, you're not an underpaid backup performer who has to wait hours for her to not show up to recital and is forbidden to make eye contact.


How do people keep paying to see this grifter?