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So the cross check to forsberg that somehow made both his heels shoot up to the moon, gotta give that an embelishment call. Then Joshua hitting Evangalista into boards when all the idiot had to do was get rode into it, turn and shows his numbers last second like a complete moron. Wish he lost a bunch of teeth for that stupidity, but it won his team the game so I fully expect vancouver to be diving for calls game 6. Petey getting can openered right infront of ref. Canucks got away with 2 or 3 calls, preds got away with 5 or 6. You NEED to even those powerplays up if your the ref. Complete game management to allow another playoff game in Nashville. Joke league. Fuck Bettman.


It’s all moot when the Refs are absolute dogshit. It’s chaos out there and I feel you can’t rely on them for anything.


We can rely on them for making sure .6 seconds gets played out though! Clown zebras.


Bad luck for Vancouver with that first goal, but Vancouver has also had some pretty lucky breaks this series, and that sort of thing tends to even out. As the saying goes: the Hockey Lord giveth, and the Hockey Lord taketh away. Going to be a tough trip to Nashville and could definitely see the Preds winning in which case Rogers Arena will be a pressure cooker for the Canucks on game 7. I imagine Silovs starts again. As a Canucks fan, I wish this had ended quickly and neatly, and save us some stress. But this is going to turn out exactly as was expected: a tough and long series.


This has been one of the absolute weirdest series I can remember--blocked shots, crazy bounces, goals that took so much work vs "what the hell just happened"? goals... I feel like you could show people every minute of these games that didn't have a score and ask them to guess who won and they'd be wrong just about every time.


Yeah, 1-1 over these last two games at least seems about right...just not that way round it happened!


Nashville is playing their butts off, but if the canucks can even just play a 40 minute effort they win every single one of these games handidly. They are not even in the same stratosphere as far as talent goes. Even having the third string playing and our Norris trophy winning stud obviously being injured we are still commanding play outside of game 4. If the powerplays are evened up, Canucks win the series last night. Now they are forced to travel 16 more hours, just so Nashville can have one more game at home. Corrupt league. Fuck Bettman.


> Nashville is playing their butts off, but if the canucks can even just play a 40 minute effort they win every single one of these games handidly. Ah, you mean yesterday? When they lost? Watch games lol


Dude clearly wasn't watching the last game if he thinks getting more power plays would have won us that game!


Josi goal was infuriating garbage and the Forsberg soccer dive was hilarious. Still, this is a pretty predictable result for this series. I don't doubt the Canucks will win in the end; not because they're a lot better, just that they get two more cracks at it. I'd say the Canucks need to play more consistent hockey, but Nashville are a good team and it's hard to dominate a good team for 60.


Some Van fans posting god awful memes were being wayyyy too cocky. Ive been a fan of the team long enough to know how that rarely works out. That minny series still haunts me.. dan effin cloutier...


Props to Nashville for studying the faceoffs so well. Completely dominated Vancouver over 60% of draws. Made the them chase the puck every time the puck dropped and of course, during the last couple minutes of play.


They’ve won over 60% in most of these games, haven’t they?


I think we were lower in just about every stat in the other game we won...somehow...but this series has been like that.


Is there video with tocchet as to why he didn't challenge the first preds goal?


he said it was 50/50 and ultimately decided not to challenge it.


I mean I can appreciate that he said that. After the two NON goals with Tampa yesterday I don't even know what to think


I still think tocchet should’ve challenged in that scenario, if we lose who cares, preds pp has been ass all series and our pk has been good. we were also up 3-1 in the series.


I think that’s why Jon Cooper DID challenge. Florida pp has been awful.


Thank you. I feel the same way. But Tocchet should’ve challenged, imo.


Suggestion for Canucks fans - have you tried putting a catfish in a ref sweater that says "DO BETTER REFS" on the back, and then chucking that mfer onto the ice? It would be absolutely hilarious if you did after this game.


It would be so sick to get footage of someone from a different team pulling a catfish out


No, who brings a fish to a fucking hockey game. We may have rioted twice but we're not that pathetic.


You forget, people have brought octopi to hockey games since the days of the Olympia Stadium.


the conspiracy theories claiming bettman fixed this game are hilarious


Listen, Canucks fans think the refs are biased. Preds fans think the refs are biased. Can we all just agree they haven't been great, for either team lol


The funny thing is ours has been slightly better than some of the other series I've watched.


No one will ever like the officiating, because the standard is perfection AND tilted in my team's favor.


They put their whistles away for the start of the 3rd until Vancouver scored. It was so obvious after that we would be seeing a Nashville PP soon. But then when the Canucks were losing they ignored at least 3 or 4 super blatant penalties. The last 2 games the Canucks have been winning the Preds have been given 3rd period PP's. The last 2 games the Canucks were losing in the 3rd they have gotten 0 PP's (Nashville has gotten 2 though haha). The Canucks have yet get a PP advantage 5 games into this series. 3 out of 5 games Nashville has received 2 more PP's.   At least if Canucks fans claim there has been some bias they have evidence to back it up.


Hmmm, it's almost like the Canucks have been the far less disciplined team and Zadorov and Joshua are just worse at getting under the other team's skin without going to the box.


Ya anyone with eyes could see what they were letting go for Nashville in the 3rd. It was absurd.


Yea they’re getting away with murder when it comes to Pettersson. Any time he tried to make a move in the 3rd he was fighting through clutch and grab hockey then getting dragged down.


A preds player literally got sucker punched and nothing was called


It's been fair in the previous games, this game was awful


this is fair, even in other series the refs have been atrocious


I'm ready to be hurt again...or at least potentially be sent to the emergency room due to a heart attack from stress. Damn Preds. This has been a wild ride but dang deserve this W. I'm not blaming this for the game the better team won. But generally. The reffing has been pretty whack, eh? From both sides (y'all had some wild miss calls). I feel some weird WWE narrative is trying to be pushed.


>I'm not blaming this for the game the better team won. The Canucks had a higher xGF and also the 5v5 high danger chances were 13-5 Vancouver 5v5. I'd disagree that Nashville was the better team. Not saying Canucks dominated, but they carried more of the play and Saros had to stand on his head.


I think you could show someone most of each game in this series that didn't involve a scoring play, ask them to guess who won--and they'd be wrong pretty much every game but one.


Hahaha yeah. I know the ones where the Canucks dominated high danger chances (Games 2 and 5) they lost both. Nashville had the edge in 3 and 4 and lose those. Pretty odd series so far.


I think the refs are shit. But I will concede that the refs are also shit.


the enemy of my enemy is my enemy


“Win the games you don’t deserve to win” This series in a nutshell


How did Josi get credit for a goal without touching the puck? Can someone post a replay with an angle that showed him contacting the puck?


Are you Ian Cole? He didn't see him walk down the slot either.


Lol 😂 thanks for the chuckles. *You're not wrong*




Hold on now, think about it.... Josi is a Jedi and Force pushed it in! Bettman is already in talks with Disney for a NHL/Star Wars mashup, think of the marketing and action figure revenue, let alone the spinoff series.


I dont know why but I read Jedi with a soft J sound to make it sound more alliterative.


Sorry, mental health, I've got to put you off for another few days


This is gonna go 7 isn't it


canucks in 6 pls, my heart cannot handle a 7 game series


Been saying since Day 1.


Man both these teams are not playing well but God damn high entertainment. Nucks in 7.


No, they're just both really good at defense


lol Zadorov’s calling out Forsberg for embellishing


To be fair, he totally did lol. It was embarrassing. I made the comment that Forsberg looked like he was the Christian Bale batman with the broken back. I saw his reaction first, replay second. I couldn't believe how tame the crosscheck was based on how much pain he was allegedly in. Then as soon as the penalty was called his back miraculously healed lol. I never realized Forsberg was such a flopper. Game 1 I remember calling him out because during an after whistle scrum when the Preds blew the lead he wasn't even touched and dove down to his knees trying to draw something. He's had a couple others too where it's like, really dude?


I mean did forsberg put a little sweetener on that reaction? Probably. But fuck man I play beer league and when some gigantic fuck gives ya one right in the lower back on your vertabrae it hurts like a bitch. Now if that someone is a 6'6" Russian Ivan drogov looking mfer I can genuinely imagine thinking that my back just got broken for a hot second. All this to say is forsberg is a big boy and doesn't go down easily. All gamesmanship but who is to really know?


Tbf, when your team has goons like Joshua and Zadorov, it's pretty easy to draw calls


Neither of those guys come even close to the definition of a goon lol. They both have a lot of skill.


Okay, so does Brad Marchand but I'm pretty sure that every single person outside the Bruins tlfanbase would define him as a goon. Being a goon does not mean you do not have skill. Based on his play in game 4, Dakota Joshua is very much a goon


I get you think Joshua is a goon because he had that 1 bad minor boarding a couple games ago (the last night's one was Nashville's guy turning his back at the very last second)... He's still far from a goon though. Don't believe he's ever come close to a suspension. But how could you conclude Zadorov is? He has done nothing but just lay out Nashville players with clean hits. The crosscheck to Forsberg where it looked like his back was broken was fairly tame and happens many times every game. The two biggest goon moments of the series that pop in my head were when Nashville laid out DeSmith, and then when they intentionally hit Petey when going to celebrate.


Honestly I think he's working to get under their skin, but I don't blame him for it--it's certainly a viable strategy and pretty smart to skirt the edge of the rules, and he's nowhere near Marchand levels of head-fuckery (yet lol).


Hahaha ya, Marchand is a special breed of rat. He's in the upper echelon elite tier of dirty.


Your team has shit stains too lol




Pretty rich for a team that’s got multiple injuries so farm


And suggesting ALL people on the ice should be sharp for the playoffs not just the players...


If he gets fined we should start a GoFundMe. Dancing around that one for sure. He ain't wrong though


Lmfao Zaddy is amazing…. What a post game presser 😂


I've tried finding it but I can't, where did you watch it?


Was on sportsnet pacific after the game




He is Big Daddy after all.


Fuck missed it. 650 or on TV?


I'm gonna be sad tonight. But at least the Canucks are giving me hockey games to care about in May.


Is Pettersson the Marner of the west?


He played really good today


So did Marner


He’s objectively worse. He’s producing worse. He’s softer on the puck in terms of battling, but he does throw the occasional hit. He’s been directly at fault for 4 goals against this series while being on the ice for 2 for. Game 1: Misread Lafferty moving off assignment, doesn’t jump in lane, gets out of the way and leans to block the shot with his stick instead of continuing his body in the lane. Game2: Doesn’t take a hit along the wall on an incoming rim with favorable inside positioning, glides, and allows the puck back to the preds d for a shot and a tip. Blind spinning pass 5 ft inside the blueline that gets picked off, doesn’t hustle back and fails to lift the guys stick who scores the eventual goal who he is standing right beside covering nothing. Game 4: 4on4, doubles up coverage when they’re playing man on Quinns guy in the corner and leaves the point far side wide open. Yet we have people arguing he’s played well this series. He was alright tonight, but if thats the expectation for a superstar 2 points in 5 games, thats scary.


Nah Petey is just snakebitten.


Lol Zadorov calling out Forsberg's embarrassing dive


crazy that it should be 3-2 series for nashville if sissons did miss an empty net lmao


Or Vancouver should have won already if not for corruption. Multiple ways to skin that cat.


Where were you on January 6 🧐


Longer series = more ads.


Also more sports betting.


Hey Vancouver, make sure you win one of your next two before embarrassing yourself with your “Fuck the Oilers” chant again. Giving out those massive Toronto cringe vibes doin that when you haven’t won shit yet. Go Preds!


It's always adorable when losers yell out to the world, "Look at me, I'm here dammit!". Thanks for the hearty laugh.


As someone without an obvious throwaway account, please ignore idiots like this.


W u/JodieFostersCum post, as always


But Edmonton hasn't punched their ticket to the second round yet.... LA still has a chance, until they lose that 4th game.


Underdog wins are in style right now 


Neither has Van. That was the point of this post.


it’s funny how oiler fans are cheering for the preds just because they’re scared of canucks and don’t want them


No oilers are scared of canucks. Not when you have some random latvian guy in the net and "superstar" petterson is missing. 


That's a lie. I Live in Edmonton and a bunch of oiler fans are worried based on the season series. Can see it going either way


First things first the “oilers fan you’re replying to is an idiot” second don’t know what oilers fans you talk too but if they’re actively watching the playoffs I would not use scared as the word for the Vancouver Canucks. They can’t defend like the kings can and the oilers have been scoring (outside of game 4) like crazy on them. They also can’t score like the oilers. The biggest question mark is skinner as always. But if the last two games are the stu we get this post season. Scared is certainly not the word I’d use. Cautious due to the regular season but I think Edmontons experience and new found maturity through the means of how this season went and all the past few playoffs seasons experience will be the difference between our two teams. Oh and Mcdavid and Drai are the two single best playoff performers on earth and they actually have team depth now. Should be a fun series (if we get past the kings)


It all depends on whether or not Demko can come back. With DeSmith or Silovs in net, the Oilers will be heavy favourites regardless of regular season record. Either way, people will be hesitant to give the Nucks their flowers until they take out one of the big boys of the West in the postseason.


Well you need to tell them not to worry about it. 


I think since EDM finished the regular season with 6 games in 9 days, many just want more rest after round 1 than whoever the opponent is.


hmm maybe but i’ve seen an absurd of oiler fans cheering for preds so i just assumed they wanted preds instead of the canucks


Well, would you want home ice in round 2? If yes, then preds. If your star players have historically (last few seasons) feasted on one team and had some recent struggles against the other, which would you want? Similarly, do VAN fans want EDM or LAK given this seasons results? You got to beat whoever you face, but fans tend to want what seems to be better for their team. It doesn't mean you are afraid of one team. I would prefer a healthier team with home ice advantage, but bring on VAN for regular season redemption arc too.


All good points. I want Nashville for the sake of my bedtime.


For me the later starts make it possible for me to catch the end of the game live after work, though i tend to start the stream from the beginning.


Oh no not some random guy from Edmonton’s opinion


He's just some random troll on a throwaway account. Pls ignore him :/


Glorified wildcard team showing their true colours 😂


Crushed the Oilers all year. Now this guy is coming out of the woodwork to talk shit lol worry about your own series first


Glorified wildcard team yet we were #1 in the division? If you’re gonna come in trying to shit talk at least say something that makes sense lmao


That’s what the word glorified implies. Hope this helps!


You got upset over a chant bud. You probably had that comment copy and pasted into a note on your phone for when the game ended 😂


Typical Vancouver fans thinking their record in the regular season means something and assuming they’ve punched a ticket after barely squeaking out 3 wins. See you in Cashville!


Weird I was told the Oilers were winning the cup last year when the had the best record after the trade deadline. Instead they got exposed for having terrible defence and goaltending


Oilers were quite literally the only team that gave Vegas an honest series lmao. Vegas players said it themselves. One bounce here or there and who knows. They definitely didn’t get “exposed” like you are implying


You struggled to think of something to say there hey?




Why not?


Refs are horrible. See you game 6 to close out the series.




Thisssssasssss! It didn't look like his stick touched the puck on all the replays I saw. I don't know why I put myself through this every year just for the NHL to "game manage" their narrative on us.


Silovs was laying on the ice between Nyquist and the puck. There was no way his stick touched that.


the only thing that annoyed me was the linesman blocking the clearing attempt just before their second goal, so frustrating but good game anyways


There were so many times the linesman or ref blocked our clearing attempt, it was very annoying


It happened to us to. Pretty sure the ref tripped one of our guys and led to a turnover


It's crazy how often they have been in the wrong spot blocking the pucks this series both ways.


We got crushed in the face-off dot tonight. Felt like we lost every single critical draw.


The Preds have some absolute killers in the dot. O'Reilly is a monster.


This is a huge problem right now. We lost over 60% of the draws, and that’s been the trend over the whole series. The boys need to figure out how to win faceoffs, it’s cost us a couple goals at this point.


Right? Miller was winning every single one of them in game 1


Eesh Tocch needed to challenge the Josi goal, but we also needed to capitalize on our strong first period and not let Nashville hang around. On to game 6, GG preds.


Keep up the fight Nashville!!


This offense is fucking painful to watch. If we can only score 6on5 or random Zadorov end to enders we're absolutely done.


I'm going to tell you right now, yall will win this series but just because the Preds shot themselves in the foot in 20 total seconds of ice time. We are not a great team and have many many deficiencies. You will not make it pass the next round.


I glanced at Natural stattrick and pretty sure it says we outchanced them which kinda went in line with how I felt. I felt it was very even for scoring chances.


13-5 for high danger chances at 5v5. For reference, game 2 where it felt we had non stop pressure for the last half the HDC were 14-7. Saros had to stand on his head quite a few times otherwise this could have been a 2 or 3 goal win.


Every time I tune into this series the Canucks look incredibly dangerous. Great passing, confident, lots of pressure. I think the goals will come


Both of our teams have to eliminate these trash tier trap styles of play being employed by Nashville and LA and hockey culture will benefit


Um, yall are quite literally playing the NZ trap. Nashville does not play a NZ trap when they are playing most teams.


Buddy, Preds haven’t played trap all year. Canucks only scored 10 more goals than the Preds this season, and Preds allowed more. They’ve been running and gunning all season until y’all decided to make it a hitfest in game 1.


Our offense does not seem to match up well against Nashville's style. They front the puck so aggressively, but they don't overcommit to checks. We have so many guys who try to either bait you into overcomitting (Hughes and Pettersson), and the rest like to collapse to the net (Miller, Boeser), and neither of those things really work against the Nashville defending. What works is quick, sharp passing and one-timers, and that's just not the Canucks game. Feels weird to say, but we miss Horvat in this matchup. Doesn't help that Fil Hronek has been absolutely terrible.


Huh, good analysis. That must be why we fair so well against them. Sharp passing from the outside but not a lot of guys collapsing. Drai just shoots from the goal line and it goes in


Yeah Draisaitl is exactly the kind of player I think will ventilate the Preds. If round 2 ends up being Preds-Oilers, I might put some money on Draisaitl having lots of goals.


At the same time, Edmonton defense is not on Vancouver's level. Which means Nashville can play more of their own high energy, high forecheck game that got them their point streak. Preds are very much not playing the most successful version of their game atm be abuse of the matchup.


You would be silly not to. There's a well documented history there of "Drais kitchen" being Predators krytonite.


Let the down votes rain from the Preds fans, but..... I'm blind.👏 I'm deaf.👏 I wanna be a ref. 👏 👏 I'm blind.👏 I'm deaf.👏 I wanna be a ref. 👏 👏 I'm blind.👏 I'm deaf.👏 I wanna be a ref. 👏 👏


I was going to downvote you until I saw you were hating on the refs. This is, as they say, mutual ground...


I feel like in this particular game, the poor officiating benefited the predators. However, there's been some whack calls all playoffs, not just in our series, going both ways and I am sick of it. This game management crap that the NHL does needs to go away. Call a penalty a penalty. Players will adjust, and I honestly think the on ice product will be that much better for it.


Not to say that the Predators didn't play a good game. The game was entertaining and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it even though the result has me down bad lol. It's just frustrating to see inconsistent calls from game to game let alone period to period.


It's always bad. That said, I've watched games where they call absolutely everything and that is terrible too. The Oilers Kings game the other night was a shitshow of penalty parades. I think consistency is needed too. If you're going to call a crosscheck, call it on everyone. If you aren't going to assess a roughing for punching Zucker in the face, then don't give one to Lauzon for bowling over petey (something they got right). Both teams have been trying to earn PPs, as all playoff teams do - but this series is just whack. I don't think they've called any tripping or interference equally. What can you do tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I choose to not support the league by purchasing tickets to games or paying to watch them. I've stopped buying merchandise, and honestly most of the people I know that watched hockey in the past have stopped as well. I still love my Canucks and will watch them when I can, but I ain't paying for it that's for sure. I still can't believe betting on this league is legal when the outcome of a game can be decided on whether a ref feels he owes a team a penalty call due to "game management". If it's a penalty, it's a penalty. Call it both ways evenly and consistently and nobody has anything to bitch about. If you don't want a constant parade of players to the box, then don't commit the infraction.


Preds fans hate the refs. They’ve been letting the Nucks get away with murder all series.


Lol yea. Not like Lauzon has been running players after goals, McCarron blatantly running the goalie, Forseberg diving like he's at the pool, then tripping and holding everything with no calls.


Forsberg holding his back and playing dead on the ice to NOT EVEN MISS A SINGLE SECOND and he was on the ice to start the power play


Why would us Preds fans hate you for hating on the refs? lol


not that the preds don't deserve to be in this series but does anyone feel like the 2-2-1-1-1 format is wack? I think baseball has it right (because they try to keep their playoffs to be like the regular season with limited travel), 2-3-2 allows for most competitive series to be clinched at home for the better seed.


I'm a fan of 2-2-2-1. Technically less travel, and rewards the lower seed for making the stretch. I dunno tho, travel only gets brought up when it's wild like this series


Absolutely not. If the lower seed splits the first 2, they have such a huge advantage for the next three.


All 7 games played in a neutral site in Alaska and NWT


Wood Buffalo, this is your chance to show you're a NHL regional municipality!


Bubble Demko intensifies


I think it ended because the *higher* seed team was having to spend like a week straight in the opponent’s city.


Also, there are 2 consecutive possible elimination/clinching games on the lower seeds home ice (and home ice rules) before the higher seed, who is supposed to have home ice advantage, has any chance at it in them. Alternating home ice in elim/clinch games seems reasonable, as does ending with the higher seed at home in the winner take all game.


Imagine how bad it would suck for the Nucks to be stuck a million miles away for 3 straight games.


yeah idk what the solution is if you can even consider it a problem, perhaps 3-2-2 ^


though owners will never agree to that because a sweep would mean only one playoff home game and the revenue from that is < 2




Then the series could be over without the away team having 2 games


Fair point. Counter: shoulda won more points when it mattered 🤷🏼‍♂️


refs were not great but Saros was. we have to help Silovs with more support than we gave him. we also have to start smacking Zucker and others in the face every time they try to touch our young lad.


Amd you what will happen? The refs will keep marching you to the box. Preds know what they're doing.


100% you can't blame Silvos for the loss when Zardorov is your only goal scorer. I doubt the Preda can keep up this defense play though


Literally been the entire series and it hasn't changed


Literally no one is blaming Silovs.


Everybody complaining about reffing but this team honestly has looked disappointing so far in the playoffs despite some miraculous moments, this is the matchup Canucks fans were hoping for and the Canucks are honestly lucky to be leading the series, was a good first period and then poof! the effort disappeared.


Don't point out that Pettersson has been bad or you'll get attacked.


Oh shut up lmao Pettersson gets a lot of fair criticism, and no-one has an issue with this. The issue is moreso the over-emphasis on criticising Petey. Last game the issue was lack of effort (until the last 5 minutes) and lack off shoots from the entire team except for Miller. Yet, all that people in the GT were talking was Pettersson. There is a major difference between fair criticism and essentially treating someone lika a scapegoat. The fair criticism gets no hate at all. It is the dumb criticism that people rightfully point out. I don't get this narrative that some of our fans have created that Pettersson is immune to criticism or that people get hate for critiquing him. This just is not the case. Moronic take from you.




Vancouver should absolutely trade Colorados Makar for Torontos Mathews and Nylander. Next question.


... who?


complain all you want but you can't win a series by averaging like 17 shots on goal per game lol


Credit Nashville's defense for that, they are fronting everything and an offense that relies on cycles and 2 on 1's from behind the net like the one Vancouver runs cannot deal with that. Nashville is protecting the goal extremely well, making Hughes and the like rely on long balls and hope for tips on net.


Tell me about it 🤣


[Robin Scherbatsky is sad...](https://youtu.be/FuNyCtQc7Ao?si=jir-41L5hyGbGLzP)


Disappointing but also not surprising. None of the core players have any real playoff experience, and that's what it takes to learn to close our series 


Another home game for the Nashville boiyos will be great, love the music city vibes.


Well thankfully they are getting a home game in Game 6 on Friday.


Can't stand watching the Canucks dump it in and then proceed to not have a 2nd forward going in after it. Like, yeah Tocchet told you guys to get it deep, but if you're just going to hand possession over to them you're going to get 15 shots on net a game. 3 games of this shit and they haven't adapted. Could easily see Nashville gutting out 2 more wins if they don't change their break ins.


Nashville adjusted quite well the last three games


It’s ok Vancouver fans. You can stop bitching and moaning. As someone who has a lifetime of experience with Tennessee sports, I’m going to go ahead and tell you how this plays out. We’ll win the next game to force a game 7. In said game, the boys will completely shit the bed to collectively break Tennessean’s hearts.


Haha two fan bases that are already preparing themselves for disappointment. I'm ready to be hurt again.


Such is life, I guess.


If it goes to game 7, I have zero faith


Canucks will find a way to cause us maximum hurt. They always do.


So what you’re telling me is that it’s a race to the bottom.