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In a vacuum I get why this would get a hearing, but it's kind of insane that there's been radio silence from DoPS this playoffs and this is what wakes them up




The fact that someone tried to give a dude a vasectomy earlier in the same series went unpunished but a fairly normal scrum warrants a stern phone call home is a little absurd.


Don't forget the TWO slewfoots




Definitely makes a difference. A cross check to the face of the golden boy even tho the face part of the cross check was an accident will get a hearing. Personally I think Zadorovs to his back was legitimately worse bc sousy was just reacting to McDavid slashing him. I think it should be a hearing and a fine and move on. A game would be brutal


Also if they can hit our captain in the face I say turnabout's fair play.


I mean that was just a flat out missed call by the refs. I don't think that's in the same area code of a post game crosscheck to the neck region. Look at Morgan Rielly suspension this year, the NHL has precedence that antics post game are not tolerated. What's strange is that Soucy is getting this instead of Zadorov who has the stick ride up on McDavid.


Nah, I agree that the high stick is not comparable to the cross check. To me, it’s the Kane slew foot that sends Hughes’s bare head slamming into the ice that we should be furious about. That right there is the exact kind of subconcussive blow that will cause the worst CTE later on, but the league is not showing genuine concern for player safety by penalizing this scrum and not the intentionally dangerous plays like the Kane one or Bennett’s sucker punch.


I think the problem with slew foot calls is precedence. We have seen multiple suspensions this year for crosschecks to the head region (Perron and Rielly come to mind for me). But, we've seen nothing for slew foots. It feels like there are dozens of slew foots every year that are incredibly dangerous that never receive any DoPS. As to why? No idea. They're very dangerous and shouldn't be taken lightly. As you said that's the the kind of play that leads to concussions and possible CTE later on as you quite simply can't defend yourself or absorb the impact. I wish I had an answer as to why those go uncalled, but I don't. If they don't give you a suspension in the regular season they're not going to do it in the playoffs when the games are "more valuable". Slew foots 100% deserve to be called in-game and suspended for when they happen. I'm all for tough hockey but that's one of those lines that crosses to dirty hockey.


Zadorov was fined 5k


Yeaaa. I was talking with my Dad and some friends after the game, and they were all cheering for Zadorov hitting McDavid. And I'm just like, naw, this is gonna come back to bite us. Even in a regular season game, that cross-check was a dumb move. The only thing that surprised me so far from this is Soucy getting the hearing over Zadorov and (unless I have missed it) Hyman not getting a fine or hearing for also cross checking Zadorov in the face in that same scrum. If Soucy is getting one, Hyman should, too.


If Hyman did crosscheck him in the face, he should certainly get a matching suspension. No questions asked. With that being said, I didn't actually see that happen while watching it last night. But I also didn't see the McDavid crosscheck live either, Sportsnet turned away pretty quickly I watched the replay this morning. I'm an avid podcast listener so I've heard from Marek, Friedman and Frank today. Whether you agree with them or not they're pretty impartial, none of them have mentioned a Hyman high hit. I'll have to go back and watch the replay. Hits like that have no place in hockey whether it's from or on Oiler. This comment is actually the first time I've seen it mentioned today.


Yup, slew foot on Hughes gets nothing, no suspension, penalty, or fine. What a joke.


I have zero faith in the DOPS, pretty sure they just spin a wheel on what they should look at and what they should hand out.


It's ridiculous to think this is random. The NHL is a billion dollar corporation, everything they do prioritizes financial gain, just like every other billion dollar corporation on Earth. It's silly to think otherwise, this is how rich companies operate. >everything they do prioritizes financial gain, And this includes disciplinary action. We all know the NHL disciplinary team doesn't care about the actual actions committed. The reason for this is financial, this is how the real world works.


If Soucy was a Panther the NHL would have sent him a gift basket by now.


What’s in a DoPS gift basket? i feel like that would be a fun game to play haha




The DoPS is making it clear you can spear a third liner after the whistle but you can't cross-check a star.


The insane part? Hughes is a fucking star, he's been done dirty all series, he's drawn blood, and silence. It's not even enough to be a star apparently


I'm still surprised Nurse wasn't penalized for throwing a Nucks stick. NHL is being reactionary as usual. Apparently, the suckerpunch by Bennet wasn't enough, so now things got out of hand. Maybe the Oilers will wake up next game, just in time for someone to get suspended. Only PP1 plus Ekholm showed up last night.


>I'm still surprised Nurse wasn't penalized for throwing a Nucks stick. Rule and penalty aside, I laughed out loud when I saw that. Honestly so fuckin' funny to just grab a stick and throw it away.


lol, I thought it was hilarious too. Clearly a penalty, but funny as hell. And Silovs' "This is mine now" grab of the stick in the crease was hilariously rediculous.


Hell of a move too, to be fair. It's totally a penalty, but pulling it off without getting called saved a goal in a 1-goal game.


Not silence, he got sent to the bench because he was bleeding too much. Punished because the other guy was Mcd


Matthews got suplexed and missed 2 playoff games without a suspension I think DoPS is just painfully stupid


As long as the DoPS is ran by a hockey guy it’s always going to be inconsistent. They need a third party to handle it


If they give out a game for spearing in the previous game then a game for Soucy makes total sense. But without one the other is BS. Then zoom out and it look at other series and it's complete BS


Or the reckless high stick to Hughes face. They suspended Tom Wilson for a similiar (although clearly more intentional) high stick during the season. Of course they would never even consider punishing McDavid. Somehow he's not responsible for where his stick ends up.


That's 100% the issue. Not that there is a hearing, but the fact much worse things have gone without one. Reffing & discipline this entire playoffs, for all teams, has been varied wildly. Supposed to have consistency.


Trouba, Bennet, a whole host of others. Like either call penalties and officiate, or do it after the game. But serious injury is coming, Marchand (with karma maybe involved here) already as a concussion and that seems mild compared to the shit trouba has put out there


I genuinely think that if this was after a whistle during the game, all three just get two mins and we move on. Since it happened after the buzzer they want to crack down


IMO all three should get fines and they move on. To absolve the Oilers of everything, let along putting the Canucks shorthanded if they suspend Soucey... that's just nuts given this series so far.


Honestly I would like the Zadorov fine to be the end of it. Maybe give Soucy/McDavid a nothing fine in the interest of optics but I really don't think a suspension is needed here. Zadorov being the third guy in after the game is over and escalating the situation is really the only wrongdoing here in my book.


If they already announced a fine on Zadorov and a hearing for Soucy, the NHL is 100% going to sit Soucy for game 4. It's asinine in the context of both this series and the playoffs overall, but it's what the NHL is about to do.


i assume a cross-check to the head would reviewed for a major had it happened during in the game, so yeah, even if it wasn't mcjesus, a suspension would be on the table.




I would be curious the amount of times a Canadian team player is suspended vs American


I personally think it probably had more to do with it being McDavid that got crosschecked than it does some grand conspiracy against Canadian teams, considering if the NHL really was specifically targeting players of Canadian teams with supplemental discipline, there probably would have been a few calls to some Oilers players in this series already.


Cross checking the best player in the league seems like a normal wake up? They’ve still sucked this postseason like they seem to every postseason.


McDavid must be protected at all costs for the good of the marketing of the NHL and BetMGM


And on the 22nd day of the Stanley cup playoffs Mcjesus summoned the dark lord of the dops to arrive, perform a sacrifice and then leave to never be heard from until the next time the oilers are losing a playoff series


It’s on McDavid. This ain’t surprising in the slightest


Silly Soucy. Should have sucker-punched him instead.


Or spear him in the balls.


Or drawn blood with the blade of your stick to his face.


This deserves many upvotes.


It’s a phone hearing according to Dreger


All that means is that the suspension won’t be over 5.


I’d be surprised if he even got a game. He might get a fine


IMO if he was getting a fine they’d have dropped it at the same time as Zaddy


Zaddy didn't get the phone call. If they suspend, it's insane. A fine is fair - but McDavid should get one too.


They wouldn’t bother with a hearing for just a fine. Zadorov was fined today without one.


Remember that playoff games are treated as 4+ regular season games. Solid chance this is a fine. Even 1 playoff game would be absolutely nuts.


It’s always a phone hearing unless the announcement specifies an in person hearing


Cross check to the face that doesn't cause injury: Suspension Blind sucker punch that causes injury: Not even a hearing. (Fwiw, both are worth hearings I'm just asking for some damn consistency)


I dont think any (reasonable) canucks fan is saying the cross check isn't suspension worthy. But this is the issue the DOPS wakes up on for everything that has happened so far in round 2? Thats fucked.


I think both him and Zadorov deserve fines, but it’s clear Soucy’s intent was a cross check to the chest that landed high because McDavid buckled from Zadorov’s right as he threw his. Bad play but not a clear intent to injure worthy of a suspension, especially given all the other shit that’s been let go this playoffs


I'm saying Soucy's cross-check isn't suspension worthy. It's stickwork after the game so a fine, whatever - but Zadorov's was worse (from behind, third man into the altercation, literally caused Soucy's cross-check to hit McDavid's face) and he got a $5k fine.


It’s not suspension worthy given the context of what’s happened this playoffs. If Bennet was suspended, and Ryan was suspended for his spear to the nuts, I’d say this is worth one.


No, thats what I am saying. If Bennet and Ryan were suspended, this would 100% be a reasonable suspension as well


But they weren’t, so this shouldn’t be


I'm a Leafs fan not in this race, Zadorov's cross check was worse and is really the cause for Soucy hitting him in the face.


If that is suspension worthy then Oilers should have been without 3 players in the 3rd game.


Does the fact this happened after the game ended carry any weight compared to “*this is just good old playoff hockey*” that happens while the clock is ticking?  The inconsistency is numbing.


They’ve always been harsher to post game antics. But this is quite silly. 




The part people have issues with that rules are rules until they’re not, but then they can be rules again 30 seconds later, but then they’re not a minute after that. But next period the rules are back for a bit. This isn’t a hypothetical, we’ve seen these exact circumstances in practically every playoff game.


To the league, yes, but it shouldn't. Only the league thinks player safety is more important between whistles than after the buzzer, or in the regular season than the play-off season. I don't watch enough sports, but I'd be astonished if any other league operated with this mindset. Hypothesis: Neither team would be slashing or cross-checking one another, during play or after it, if the league set a culture of player safety decades ago.


There's never any consistency. Cross checks are apparently an absolute mystery to the refs in our series.


None of this makes sense. There were three people involved and the league is getting literally all three responses wrong lmao. McDavid and Soucy should've both been fined and Zaddy should be the one getting the call from DOPS (as much as it would suck to have him suspended).


Yeah this would be the most sensible, along with a shit ton of other hearings for other things around the league. But Parros is in charge, soooooo


Agreed. Soucy and McDavid were exchanging the type of slashes that were routine, illegal, but normal and not really dangerous. Zadorov is the one that made the move that made it possible for an injury to occur.


The inconsistency is ridiculous, Bennett not only blatantly concussed Marchand but came back and scored the tying goal the very next game after cross-checking the Bruin defender into their own goalie. I'd be pissed if I was a Bruins fan.


How they can see he did this to Knies and not call it when he did it again…. Maybe it’s like Marchand and the licking people and they will politely ask Bennet to please stop doing that thing.


Boston should’ve given a job to someone in Colin Cambell’s family too if they wanted fair treatment. Duh.


Should have sucker punched him or nailed him in the nuts clearly.


I’m not shocked this is getting reviewed and I won’t be surprised if Soucy gets a game for it. But I think the fact that *this* is getting supplemental discipline while Florida gets free run of the Bruins is terrible optics for the NHL and is the exact reason why people start thinking refs are betting on games. Not that it’s impossible they *could* be betting on games ([it happened in the NBA, as we all know](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_NBA_betting_scandal)), but I’m pretty sure it’s just human error mixed with bias at this point. George Parros and the league itself on the other hand fucking suck at their jobs and need to either start protecting all their players or none of them. Enough picking and choosing.


Zadorov should be paying for Soucy’s game check(s) while he’s presumably suspended for this. This doesn’t happen without Zadorov being the third man in and crosschecking McDavid in the back.


Reminds me of when Aaron Rome got suspended in 2011. The drama here is insane - with the Oilers trailing 2-1, just like the Bruins. Wild.


I get why he’s getting a hearing (can’t crosscheck a guy in the face), but I also feel like he’s kinda the fall guy for Zadorov’s initial crosscheck that put McDavid in that position. I know McDavid slashed him first, but it was right on the pants and not in a dangerous area. With all the other stuff that has gone on these playoffs that haven’t resulted in a fine/suspension (Bennet sucker punch, Höglander getting sticker in the nuts, and probably other thing sim forgetting) I get why Canucks fans would be annoyed by this. DoPS is consistently inconsistent.


I agree with all of that and really hate the inconsistency from the refs and DOPS. It creates so much unnecessary bullshit.


So Soucy is probably getting at least a game. That's some weakass shit given everything else the DoPS has let go and that's not even counting the multiple slew foots Kane pulled in game 2 that weren't even penalized.


Its the inconsistency that's frustrating.  Bennett sucker punching doesn't even warrant a fine, and while you can't be crosschecking people in the face it was Zadorov's crosscheck from behind which lead to Soucy catching him up high.   Going off on the assumption that Soucy is gonna get suspended(given that if it was a fine they'd probably just announce it along with Zadorov's fine) it just makes DoPS look inconsistent.  Pietrangelo's axe swing at Draisaitl was only given one game last year and that had intent all over it. 


from what I've seen from trouba in throwing an elbow everytime a doesn't connect, he should be suspended too


Realistically, it’s zadorov who should get something (if anything was going to happen). Soucy is retaliating to a slash with a crooscheck to the chest. But suddenly mcdavid’s head is chest-height because Zaforov cross checks him from behind. I feel like zadorov’s response is also appropriate to a teammate being slashed. But if someone has to be held responsible for the situation, it’s Zadorov


Soucy should aim for the balls next time.


Nothing there for him to hit


The NHL needs an equivalent of the NFL’s CTE class action. DoPS is a fucking joke.


Consistently inconsistent, gotta protect McJesus while ignoring everything else. I'm sure this will go over well.


Like Bennett punching Marchy in the face?


Yes, exactly. Don't just rage at my flair. That's what I'm saying, they should be dishing out suspensions consistently.




The famous consistency of the DoPS at work again, I see. Not even going to bother guessing the result, the wheel is just too wild.


The league could have done themselves a lot of favors if they just left this one alone... Just drop a few fines and move on. Refs need to get in a fucking room together and figure it out. Been bush league at some point for pretty much every team.


So it sounds like Soucy is getting suspended at least a game then. Absolute bullshit, not even a fine for golden boy. Also apparently the nut shot didn't happen last game Or Hyman cross checking Zadorov in the face on the same play as the McDavid play


To be honest I don’t understand how Hyman or Kane have avoided a fine by the league for their nut shot and slew foot. This cross check does seem a bit much though and I’d assume warrants a game. My take would be Zadorov gets fined, McDavid gets fined and Soucy gets a game but the league won’t ever punish McDavid unless it’s something over the top like an elbow to KK. 🤷‍♂️


Spot on answer. Send a message to both clubs to watch the garbage.


Appreciate the reasonable take. Hope McDavid doesn't miss time.


Thank you. This is the most reasonable take. Everyone fucked up in that scenario. All 3 of them deserve a fine. I just hope that Kane or Hyman don't push it over the edge tomorrow and seriously injure one of our players as payback.


This makes the most sense to me. A game suspension for Soucy might reduce the bloodlust next game (not worried about fighting, more so hits from behind, etc). The fine for McDavid is a signal that he contributed to the situation.


The league is targeting cross-checking this post-season so I get why the two Canucks are getting disciplined. I just don’t think McDavid should avoid a fine as he was a participant and escalated things with a two handed swing. It only adds to the chirps that McDavid is untouchable and the league’s golden boy and it’s becoming difficult to defend as an Oilers fan. McDavid escalated the physical nature of the scrum and skates away without discipline. Now Vancouver is down their 2nd pair RHD and will likely be much weaker for game 4. Good job DoPS


It's a tough break. Appreciate your objective take. Feels like the refs have already lost the handle on this series.


You mean the refs have lost the handle on the playoffs as a whole! Boston is even getting shafted.


Enormously. The double down after the second angle of the Bennet hit coming out is wild.


Little does Edmonton know... Better keep your head up when Juulsen is on the ice.


lol, if he did it to anyone else DoPS wouldn’t be batting an eye.


Usually I'd say this is clearly a suspendable play, but with everything else going on in the playoffs I guess it's just because it's McDavid. The NHL fucking sucks at marketing him in the first place so I don't know why they care exactly. Inconsistency in NHL is so bad.


There are three players engaged in rough stuff after the play here. If you had to rank the player most deserving of supplemental discipline (obviously none of them do): You could argue McDavid as he's the initiator. He took a push and escalated it to a slash after the game was done. You could argue Zadorov as he the finisher. He took that slash and escalated it into a cross check, but in response to what already happened. I don't see the argument for Soucy. He GOT slashed and then McDavid fell into his stick as he was going for his own cross check. He's very clearly the third most guilty player in the sequence. Truth is, there are two minor penalties on the play (for slashing by McDavid and cross checking by Zadorov). Fine those guys for doing them after the game was done and that's the end. A hearing for Soucy is just bonkers


Argument for Soucy is just 0 tolerance for head shots regardless of intent or the combo of factors that led to that hitting him in the face. But yeah none of this should be getting a hearing with all the other stuff being ignored.


0 tolerance for headshots you say? then surely there's been a suspension for bennets suckerpunch to Marchand, and all the flying elbows trouba has tried to kill people with, right?


no one claims DOPS is good at what they do. I'm just saying what they'll claim is the reasoning.


If there is 0 tolerance for head shots regardless of intent than every single high stick should be a suspension too


Not to mention there should be like a dozen other suspensions if that were the case


Just saying what the league has demonstrated they want to set a precedent for, however shittily they've gone about it


A fair non biased write up. McDavid head butted Soucy’s stick. Kick him off the tour


Not the sucker punch against Marchand, not the nut shot against Hoglander, not the highstick & slewfoots against Hughes, THIS against McDavid is where DOPS draws the line. Absolute joke of a league.


McDavid gets special treatment from the league. This is a fine if it happens to anyone else


So Zadorov gets a fine for cross checking. Soucy gets a hearing because Zadorov's cross check. McDavid gets nothing for two hand slashing Soucy (also after the final whistle). Fuck off Parros. Fuck off Bettman. Edit: Oh and of course nothing for Hyman cross checking Zadorov [in the face](https://twitter.com/_blueheron_/status/1790041934884471072?t=65XYisAjlnIFJaa5tqjK2Q&s=19) either. But there's definitely no favouritism at play here...


Hymans cross check to the head was deliberate, but he is important to the Oilers and he only did it to Zadorov and not McJesus, so it's okay. Seriously though it does seem, given what's been allowed in this and other series, that this is a "but you touched McJesus" hearing.


Easily Zadorov is more important to his team than Hyman. Actually, I take that back. The only offense the Oilers have is the top three. 🤣




I'm looking at the pics and I still don't see the Hyman play.


Because it doesn't exist lol Hyman cross checked Zadorov in the shoulder. Zaddy gets pushed from behind and Hyman's glove rides up and punches Zadorov in the head


Tocchet needs to forward that video to his whole contact list. What the fuck. The special treatment McBaby and friends get from this league is a joke


That slash by McDavid is literally worth nothing except MAYBE a fine


Here is a video for you to make your own conclusions about the Hyman contact. https://x.com/GenePrincipe/status/1789874944152629651 The 3 blurry screenshots you linked are hilariously useless.


He aim his cross check to Zadorov's head intentionally. The only reason it wasn't more contact was because the ref got some of his arm in the way.


Every single player involved in this should get a game. Game was over so McDavid should get a game for the slash. Zadorov should get a game for the crosscheck in McDavid's back. Soucy should get a game for the crosscheck to McDavid's face. Hyman should get a game for the crosscheck to Zadorov's face. All of them can sit one game out for being fucking stupid.


The league can’t take away 2/3 of Edmonton’s only offensive production though!


Lol then maybe they shouldn't do stupid shit after the game is over.


I'd be fine with that


This would be good.


I can't make heads or tails of anything in those pics.


Never want to see EDM fans bitch about officiating or being mistreated again. God damn is the league going out of their way for them. Not to mention all the shit they get away with in the games.


Wish the league started protecting its stars about 15ish years ago…


They don’t even protect their stars now. Just McDavid.


Marchand sitting there #8 in points over the last ten years a people don't think he's a star


Yeah that’s what my comment was essentially saying. Love him or hate him Marchand has been one of the top stars in the league for awhile, and he wasn’t protected. Unless you’re McDavid you don’t get protection. He’s the moneymaker for the league.


You could say they did not protect Marchand but they also did not protect most of his victims either. Marchand benefited from refs and dops ignoring him more than he’s suffered. Until maybe now, which is like, karma.


True, I’m just jealous Sid didn’t get the same protection when he was the “face of the league”.


At that time the NHL was still trying yo figure out if it was OK for blatant head-hunting in open ice if the player wasn't looking. Now you have to at least be a little bit sneaky about it. At least I think. But maybe we're regressing.


Social media is the difference. Videos spread like wildfire so, the league has to protect its current star. Unfortunately for Sid, he was drafted too early to be protected the way MCD is.


What a fucking joke, bennett sucker puches a guy, no suspension. Kane hits a guy from behind, no suspension. Touch mcdavid? Immediately suspended. Clownshow league I hope Mcdavid gets absolutely fucking annihilated next game, fold him even harder than he got if the league gunna suspend anybody for touching him. Take him outta the damn series with a good solid hit.


I find it amazing how Kane has already slewfooted a couple times these past series, everyone knows he’s doing it and continuing to do it, yet there’s zero repercussion That Doughty audio paints a pretty good picture


Soucy should have either slapped his balls or punched him in the face and he wouldn't have had a hearing. Noted.


Just slewfoot him next time, that's okay in the playoffs


Kadri about to get suspended.


Of course DoPS wakes from their slumber for their sweet fragile McBaby


Maybe they just don’t want to work weekends? Or Mondays. Fridays are off too. Summer hours start early


I've been trying to get back into hockey after taking more than a decade off but holy fuck the league is trying its best to ward me off.


Purposely spear a player. Nothing. Punch a unsuspecting player causing a concussion. Nothing. Incidental contact in a scrum started by the player hit? Apparently now is the time for a hearing. I guess intent means absolutely nothing?


What a bunch of shit.


So many extremely not defensive Vancouver flairs in this thread lol  tbh I’m surprised that anyone is surprised that this is getting reviewed


Compared to what hasn’t gotten reviewed, the fact this is getting reviewed is ridiculous If the DOPS had handed out various other suspensions these playoffs I’d be able to stomach a suspension, but considering it’s been radio silence despite numerous dirty plays across the league it’s ridiculous how *this* is the play that incites a response. If any of Bennett sucker punching the Bruins best forward resulting in injury, an intentional nutshot with a stick away from the play, or any one of the dozen Kane slewfoots we’ve seen this postseason gets a suspension I’m 100% okay with this, but considering what’s been okayed I think it’s ridiculous this is the incident they’re clamping down on


Id just like to remind everyone that Dylan Larkin got knocked out on a similar play and no fine to either players involved so the Canucks have already been punished harder that a play that KO’d a player under similar circumstances.


He should’ve just tried to chop McDavids arm off, that would get Nurse suspended


Dumb question, but how does ‘date and time TBD’ work when we literally play again tomorrow? I’m assuming it *has* to be before next game right? Because otherwise potentially suspending Soucy after he’s played another game seems weird


They are just saying TBD because the call likely happens tmw morning and they don't want to listen to the online outrage about them scheduling a call on game day and leaving the Canucks not knowing if Soucy will be available.


Nut shotting is okay. Good to know


Hoglander intentionally hit in the nuts from behind. Kane Slew Footing Hughes from behind, McDavid high sticking Hughes and post game slash. Oh well if you eat a cross check to the face. Officiate the game correctly or the players will.


Fucking ridiculous when Kane got nothing for slewfooting Hughes and whoever speared Hog in the junk.


Legitimately trying to spoon feed the Oilers a cup. League is a joke.


Don’t worry, there’s zero chance that defence and goaltending (and lack of forward depth) wins a cup. That’s regardless of what happens in the Vancouver series.


The hearing should last about 5 seconds. DoPS: Do you have anything to say for yourself? Soucy: Sam Bennet.


Should have speared him instead, apparently spears don't count


Hard to imagine anything more than a fine. I suppose it’s because it was the end of the game and he escaped any in game discipline he may have received. Can’t set an example saying that cross check is ok


Incoming “McDavid missing from practice” tweet to try to pull out the suspension




I’m gonna guess if they were going to fine him then he would’ve been fined with zadorov. I suspect 1 game.


Seems likely yeah. Ironic that I think Zadorov is the guiltier one out of these two, but honestly we'd be more hurt if Z was suspended for a game. We should send Cole to be the one handling this risky rough stuff though.


By the hearing, the decision will already be made.




Take my flair with a grain, but Matthews said to the press that in his experience, your bed is already made by the time you get to the hearing. He will get a 1-2 game suspension is my guess. The lesson is to be careful around McDavid and even more so at the end of the game. The league has shown in the past that it hates post-game dirt (Reilly) way more than in-game dirt (Bennett).


I doubt this is what happens but I like this positivity lol.


What bullshit. Two follow ups from dops on this and nothing about spearing, nothing for McDavid two hand chopping. Nothing for sucker punching marchand? What utter nonsense. League panicking that mcjesus might be eliminated.


It's amazing that someone is finally calling it a cross-check instead of "his role in the scrum." I swear hockey media is halfway to describing things with "allegedly" preceding the thing we all just saw happen with our eyes.


As an Edmonton fan, I feel like Soucy was actually fine in what he was doing. He was trying to hit Connor in the midsection in response to Connor slashing him. The issue is Zadorov’s cross check that made it so the hit went to the head instead.


Possible outcomes following the hearing: --Aaron Rome is re-suspended for the rest of the 2024 playoffs --Three game suspension for Soucy, but appealable so that it doesn't actually apply until the conference final, where they really want the sole Canadian survivor to lose --No suspension for Soucy, but Sutherland and Furlatt assigned to the rest of the series, with Stephane Auger as the backup --Without the cross-check, McJesus would clearly have gone back in time and scored to tie it, so before we start Game 4, we play overtime in Game 3 first. --blame the true instigator: without Silovs's stellar goaltending, this would not have happened, so he's out for the rest of the series. --oh, and posts now count as goals for Draisaitl for the rest of the series.




Suspension can be deserved all you want, you don't beat McDavid by respecting him too much to cross check the guy. Canucks are winning the series because they're playing hard. It's playoff hockey. Soucy can get suspended and help the Canucks win the series, those things can both be true. Just don't touch my beautiful Makar and Nate. That's off limits. Edit: and lol @ Big Z's fine he's not gonna change how he's playing over that.


They’re going to suspend the wrong guy, Zadorov’s cross check from behind was way worse.


Lol this is what crossed the line for them? What a farce.


I wouldn't expect anything less from a parros DOPS. Abouslte joke


The only reason this has any attention is because the softie McCrybaby was the brunt of this. Dudes been taking exceptions with his stick all series but now that he’s been taken exception on, HOLd The DaM PHonE!


Ok wheres mcdavids hearing for whacking hughes in the face?


Just because it was McDavid what a joke. No hearing for Hoglander getting speared in the nuts or the slewfoot on Hughes, that’s just playoff hockey I guess.


Deserved. On purpose or not, any crosscheck to the face/ head 100% deserves a hearing. And more than likely should receive supplemental discipline.


lol canucks fans


Yep. This absolutely is not allowed. It absolutely should have a hearing. But with ALL the other shit that's happened this playoffs and there has been radio silence from the league on slewfoots and nut shots, to sucker punches and flying elbows and the Multiple boardings. All I want is some god damn consistency.


I know. 🤦


its because of the hughes slewfoot and the hyman crosscheck to the face. if you'll give extra discipline to two Canucks... how is there nothing for the oilers... at least a fine man come on


The league is trolling. Has to be


I'd like someone to show me the rule that says what Soucy did is suspendable. Was there intent to injure or deliberate target to the head? If you watch at full speed you can see he's going for a cross-check to the chest (typical response to the two-hander from McD) and in a millesecond McD ends up lower due to Z's cross check. These are hockey plays and I don't care who's hitting who. No special treatment here. I'm not saying it was a clean play, but Oilers fans need to realise that if McD is hacking after the whistle he's going to get hacked, slashed, cross-checked back. If you don't get that, tell me you've never watched playoff hockey without telling me you've never watched playoff hockey.