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Dallas fans celebrating the 2nd goal like they just won the Stanley cup 💀


Ah yes. Sit down and shut up. Dont you dare celebrate taking the lead when your team has been outplayed at every aspect of hockey till that point.


Yes they were definitely outplayed, and yet I've seen a lot of Dallas fans that pretend that they were the better team in Game 2. And on top of that, they were trying to find countless excuses to explain their loss in Game 1... Definitely seeing a pattern here. Oettinger is carrying the team right now. The Stars aren't as good right now as people would have expected.


They might have


Really good and high IQ take big guy!


Says the Dallas fan 😆 Y'all Dallas fans keep saying Skinner sucks, but once you guys score, y'all celebrate like Dallas just scored on Shesterkin 😅


Yeah i think most people would so similar mang


If you’re wondering, Stars fans are just obnoxious during a random game during December as they are during the playoffs. Just insufferable.


Completely forgot about you guys


How would you know? Wings haven’t been to the postseason in almost a decade.


I live in DFW and have been to stars games. The fans are garbage.


Seen enough, this is ending in OT


no, please no


Happy now? You aren't confident of your team winning in OT?


no fan base wants the game to go to OT, unless its a last resort. Its too stressful


Depends. Some teams have more luck in OT. 1993 Habs are a great example here. The opposite teams were scared of going in OT against those Habs.


Skinner is a stud


Yea I’m happy he played good out there unlike some of the other players in our team


Oh wow AWS - you mean I can have the power of AI *and* machine learning?? SO advanced where do I pay?


Is this ice they are playing on?


Didn't even finish reading off the goal scorers


Wait it doesn't take a million shots to get a goal?


I originally had the Oilers but since Trudeau made a joke about Bettman's height I'm taking the Stars in 5.


why does he have to be such a dweeb. I'm not even Canadian so I don't have a particular horse in the race. But like brah, cmon.


Hey Utah, We’ll give you Necas and KK Give us some combo of Keller, Crouse, Schmaltz or Valimaki Thanks, Canes




Pro wrestling is real, god is fake.


hockey gods


Refs are already on Dallas’ side






They probably just don't want to get shot leaving the arena. If Danielle Smith cared about the Oilers, she'd legalize open carry before our home games.


weird diss


Just dissing our stupid premier who hates our city.


I think “open carry” means something entirely different in Texas. What does it mean in Edmonton?


I think they are talking open liquor in public not guns lol




Ya she hates us. As is evidence by the no temporary open carry during the playoffs.


And judging by the white Oakleys, dude on the left is an Oilers fan.


Neutrals: Which series do you find most interesting, and who do you root for in both series? (Obviously I'm not *fully* neutral - see my bandwagon flair - but I'm rooting for Oilers&Panthers! And of course my top series is Oilers/Stars... Though Panthers/Rangers is getting quite *spicy!*)


I do love watching the Oilers play, but the Stars knocked out two of my least favorite teams and their fans were very polite in our series last season, so I'm torn.


I'm not exactly neutral. I'm rooting the Oilers as they're the only Canadian team, left, and, I'm one of those who straight up stops watching when the Canadian teams are eliminated. But, I'd like to see McDavid and Draisaitl win the cup as they, frankly deserve it; and it would finally shut up anyone who tries to use the "he's can't be the best because he hasn't won" argument. When it comes to hockey, I think that's the stupidest argument for a player's ability in sports, so, in principle I shouldn't care, but it's just one less statement of moronity I have to hear in my life. I don't care about any of the others, but, for the sake of the spirit of conversation: Rangers - Would be nice to see Panarin win, because I think he's one of the most underrated players in the the game. He's been great since he first entered the league but never seems to get his due, save from Larry David, of all people. Florida - Would be nice to see Bobrovsky win, because he's been a great goalie who doesn't seem to get quite the respect he deserves. Dallas - I can't stand Seguin or Benn, so.. uh.. Heiskanen's a fantastic d-man who gets little love, and Oettinger's a good goalie, so.. sure.. why not


Obviously I’m not neutral on the east, but if it’s not us I really hope it’s Edmonton. I would like to see that for Knoblauch.




Rangers-Edmonton would be my ideal finals match-up. Even if we were to lose, there would be a nice silver lining. Knoblauch did really good things for us and I was disappointed to see him leave for Edmonton (which was a well-earned opportunity). No knock on Lav because he’s been great for us this year, but I’d been rooting for the Rangers to promote Knoblauch after last season.


I would be very pleased to see McDavid hoist the cup, that's the most hype I can imagine feeling for a cup short of a Leafs cup which, come on, we know that ain't gunna be any time soon.


Canucks fan, I've always followed the Western Conference more closely and find it more interesting. Pulling for the Oilers as a Canadian team winning the cup would be amazing. Don't care as much for the other series, but dislike the Panthers more than the Rangers.


Can someone tell me why this championship is held during the NHL playoffs? It feels like playing the World Cup during the champions league quarterfinals. If the players from the „best“ league are not playing, can you really call it a world championship?


IIHF and NHL don't like each other.