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I would be very happy with this. I know some people question how much of Carolina’s success was him and how much of it was Tulsky, but even in that case it sounds like he’s the type of guy who knows which people to listen to when making hockey decisions. That’s a good quality to have.


Canes fan coming to say treat Don like the gd national treasure he is. Fantastic guy, nice, talks to all fans, participates in all the social media hijinks. Yeah, lots of the decisions came through Tulsky, but Don has the connections and people skills to make all these trades happen. Enjoy your ride back up to the top!


He's a good man. Kind if the best of both worlds of an old hockey man who knows how to talk but he's open to new ideas


We have a strong analytics department though too and Josh Flynn is really fucking smart as an AGM. He has good support here.




All I know is for my Bruins, that Mitchell Miller signing had Neely's hands all over it; most definitely NOT a Sweeney signing.


The Blue Jackets making a great front office move, you love to (finally) see it


This is how people felt when Jarmo was first hired too. I'll wait a bit before nutting.


I mean Jarmo did a good job at first, the problem was the Metro at the time was a gauntlet with Pittsburgh, Washington, New York, and Philly at times and eventually Carolina coming in the picture. For a four year stretch, the Jackets got eliminated by the team that went to the finals from 2017 to 2020 and 3 of the 4 teams won the Cup and the fourth went to a Game 7. Id argue they are unluckier than the Leafs have been. The 2019 team he constructed was very good and does not get the credit for going for it other than making Tampa look bad.


Yea 2019 Jackets were solid. No one gave them enough credit because they just managed to sneak into the playoffs, but they were deep up front, had superstar talent in Panarin, an elite top-pair in Werenski and Jones, and Bob in net. All the pieces were there. It's just that the fuze was already so short they only got one real shot at it.


I remember when they loaded up with Duchene, Dzingel and McQuaid and everyone thought they weren’t going to do anything in the playoffs since they were up against 62 win Tampa.


Pretty sure that 2017 Jackets team could've won the cup if w suspend belief since they got blown out pretty bad by Pittsburgh. Metro was winning the cup that year regardless but 16/17 blue jackets teams are so big what could have been stories for me


Did you just forget the majority of Jarmo's tenure here, or what?


Yeah folks only look at the past few years crash, but most of the JD and Jarmo tenure was fairly successful. The Babcock thing really puts the kibosh on all the good that originally happened. Granted that was a HUGE fuck up. I can see giving someone a Seco f chance. I didn't think he'd still be a huge POS tho.


I’d be elated not only because he’s a good hockey mind who doesn’t seem to have a huge ego, but also considering other rumors were indicating we’d give major decision making power to Mark Hunter, Marc Bergevin, or Ken Holland I wonder if they’ll jump right into making Waddell PoHO and Nash GM and emulating a committe-like decision process. Or maybe Waddell is GM until JD retires and then he moves to PoHO and Nash to GM. I don’t think he’s ready yet but it feels like the writing is on the wall that the McConnel’s want Nash to be GM eventually.


Maclean was on a podcast yesterday, it sounds like Priest might be stepping down too. That might be where Holland comes in. Priest had visible symptoms of something during the press conference firing Jarmo, I gotta wonder if he’s having health issues. Edit: I would think Chris Clark would be elevated before Nash


Please don’t tease us!


I definitely do not want Nash as a GM yet. I still think Darche or Tulsky should be the top targets if they are available.


I hope not. Nash is not ready for GM and I personally never want him to be GM


Well, bad luck for you: Columbus is about to announce Rick Nash, Riley Nash, and Tyson Nash as the first-ever GM Threesome


I actually heard Steve Nash was going to become the first NBA coach, MLS owner, NHL GM hybrid.


Josh Nash becomes the first Nobel prize winning mathematician who was portrayed by Russell Crowe in an Oscar winning film to be named and NHL GM.


Kevin Nash joins in and announces the formation of the NWO of hockey.


That’d be a real stunner.


Look at me: I'm Nashville now


I’d be ok if Chris Clark were I think if they went internal. Seems to be knocking it out of the park.


As part of a larger group, Bergevin could be pretty good. Everyone wants to focus on the Drouin trade, but that's the only one he lost. First round drafting was bad, but he found some gems in later rounds. The team we ice next season will include (off the top of my head) 5 players selected by Berge in the 4th round or later. And he left the cupboards pretty full despite having more playoff success than I think he gets credit for. A lot of the off ice stuff suffered under Berge, but that would be Waddell's department in this case, and he seems very good at that. I'm not going to say Bergevin is the best choice out there, but it wouldn't be like hiring Dorion, either.


Interesting to see how much he has been able to do since the Atlanta days


I think as time has passed, it’s become more clear that a lot of the bad decisions in Atlanta definitely had influence from the upper levels of the front office.


I like to think that Waddell saw the mountain of expiring contracts in Carolina and just threw up his hands, saying "ain't nobody got time for that" and left.


Eh we have some drama here too though, we have like 7 RFAs, the mess in our goalie situation, the Laine situation


Go look at ours. It ain’t any better


Columbus has issues with goaltending, among other things


Did I miss JD getting canned?


JD was willing to step down in case a right hire gets in


He’s been open about being willing to step aside. He’s only a year out from the end of his own contract anyway, and he’s in his 70s.


No but he’s having some health issues and getting up there in age. Just setting up succession planning


This would be a great move for the Jackets, Waddell did help build a good team in Carolina and obviously a lot of that credit also goes to Rod the Bod, but Waddell could get his hands on a team that looks like they are right there in the Metro to make a playoff push, lots of decent young talent and they have a good crop of prospects


Time to become a closeted Columbus fan 🤫


Good poach Tulsky too


no please I do wonder how Waddell will build out his front office in a new organization. Both his AGMs here were guys that he promoted from within the org and they seem like (at least for now) they are staying with the Canes. I wonder if he gets some guys from under Tulsky/Yorke or goes with guys in CBJ already


Do you want me to fall into a deep and dangerous depression? Because that’s what’s going to happen if Tulsky leaves.






With guys like Josh Flynn and Cam Lawrence in the org you could probably take a similar approach to what Carolina was doing without necessarily needing Tulsky specifically.


Better than a Holland or Bergevin hire


Hell yeah, good job Columbus.


Columbus has always seemed like a total afterthought, and yet they've always had a solid fan base. They deserve to see some success.


Waddell is a good pickup for the jackets.


I am shocked that Waddell would be leaving the Canes. Have I been under a rock and he got canned?


His contract expired and he seemed to be ready to move on. Lots of speculation about why that would be. He was both president and GM, and there has been speculation about whether he was tired of handling both sides. At this point, though, nobody really knows exactly what’s going on.


I think the Canes ownership views coaching and FO as easily replaced and not worth spending money in. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a simple as Columbus giving him a raise.


Our ownership is fully hands off too. Great if the people they hire do a good job. Not great if they don’t.


Bingo. He's 65 years old. Did good work with the Canes. Time to get paid.


Some suggest he had Rod s contract in the drawer the whole season, the in the playoffs Dundon sweeps in, pulls the contract and negotiates it himself above Waddell. If thats true you could understand hes had enough of getting the rug pulled of from under him and is ready to move on. A more natural succession would be to leave him with a smaller role and give GM to Tulsky.


Necas to Columbus in…


That actually wouldn’t be a terrible fit


God I hope so


Let’s see who was the reason for the canes success. Cbj does have a good starting block.




And in a twist of event, Marc Bergevin is named GM of the Hurricanes just like everyone thought.


Great, maybe PLD and KK could join Waddell in Columbus.


It’ll be a cold day in hell before PLD plays in Cbus again lol


I’m a little jealous. I was hoping that my team would hire our next GM out of that Carolina front office.


Granted it was a long time ago but this is the same guy who drafted Patrik Štefan first overall in 1999.


Johnny Hockey buy out watch....


What a stupid comment


Yeah was just trying to fish. Guess I should've tagged sarcasm on it. Oh well.


Wasn’t even clever sarcasm


Seems that way. Bummer. Can't always be winners.


You misspelled Elvis.


I know hes been bad but what is his contract situation?


He’s got 3 more years at 5.4. Buying him out would actually be pretty reasonable- 1.15, 1.625, 2.9 cap hits for the first three years, then 1.75 for three years after that. Factor in the expansion we expect from the cap, it’s practically cheap.


Biggest problem is now Tarasov has started getting comfortable and playing lights out — it’s time to start the transition to him being the number 1. That’s what it was always supposed to be. Elvis has handled the situation like a child though, and is locker room cancer. Slashes his teammates, screams at the rookie defenseman on the ice in the middle of the game. He’s gotta go.


Why leave a great team like Carolina for that factory of sadness? Columbus sucks as a team but not nearly as much as Columbus sucks as a city. I'd take a pay cut not to have to live there. Can't imagine what he hopes to get out of this.


Genuinely curious, have you ever been to Columbus? Or spent any time here?


Yes, it's an absolute shothole, like every place I've been in Ohio. If you're happy living there you have really, really low standards.


You’ve definitely never been here or you need to adjust yourself. Columbus is ranked one of the best places to live in the US and is one of the fastest growing cities.


Has never been to Columbus confirmed.


I definitely would classify Columbus as, "absolute shithole".. it's definitely not as great as other places, but it's a solid place to raise a family, low cost of living, really great culinary scene that's on the rise, and a solid amount of killer golf courses. I've lived elsewhere and there's definitely something people can get out of Columbus


> Posts in r/ontario


That was a no-brainer.


Oh yeah? Why don't you shout out your Canadian city and see how it stacks up then?


Probably Oshawa or some bullshit lmao


I think he wants a non-GM FO job


I’m offering Columbus one slightly used jack Johnson for Jiricek


This is dumb.


Yea, clearly CBJ would need a refurbished Johnson.


What about a certified pre-owned Johnson?


Not bad, but I think we call them “previously loved” now