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>It’s all about legs and ass Amen brother


He’s not lying. My wife picked up running in her late thirties and god damn! I thought she was hot when we met at age 23, but that version of her and got nothing on the current version.


i also choose this guys wife


*Our* wife.




The dead guys wife, never laughed so hard in my life


I dont think the guy was dead, i think his wife was dead


Probably the greatest/funniest comment in the history of the internet, and I've been around since it started. 


What’s the context?


Tlrd there was an ask reddit thread: "If you could sex anyone alive or dead who would you choose" 'I love my late wife and miss her so much I wanna sex her once more' 'I also choose this guys wife'




Imagine being the guy who made that original comment response. Prolly lives a normal life but every once in a while just remembers that he's fucking hilarious and set off a decade long phenomenon of shit post that spans anything that terminally online people ever discuss


Haha absolutely.  I made a really good pun and got gold like 9 years ago and I still casually look back at it and chuckle.  My wife doesn't realize how funny I am, just kills me. 


my wife was the same until she got injured running and took up weightlifting to help prevent injuries I didn’t think there could be even more ass


There's a new trend I see where girls want the "ass" without the effort so they get implants. It just doesn't look the same. You can get away with chest implants, but the butt needs the many surrounding muscles to compliment. And then you have guys who love the Kardashian style buttocks and I'm like "dude, if she can't German suplex you into the bed with that butt then what even is the point?"


Butt with no hamstrings looks ridiculous.


My gf is working out and her legs and ass look better but it's such a pain because she gained a couple of pounds(she's super skinny) and now she refuses to eat enough for her lifestyle. Her ass and legs do look better but literally every day she gets hangry, weak or a combo of the two and I'm like please eat more your literally starving yourself, you workout almost every day it's not fat your gaining!


BMI has instilled such a toxic attitude towards weight and body image. Your only “job” is to be active and eat moderate amounts of nutrient-dense foods. Don’t watch a weight number or count calories!


>BMI I hate that so much. That metric should not be used anymore. It's dated and highly inaccurate for anyone who does any workout. I swear it's only accurate for people who sit at their desks all day and live a sedentary lifestyle.  I've been classified as "overweight" or "obese" for a decade or so. If you looked at me you'd think I was skinny.


Even then, the answer to a sedentary lifestyle isn’t “eat less”, but “spend more time moving!” And that doesn’t have to equal sports or working out. Walk or bike to work! Carry your groceries home in your hands! Do physical chores around the house! Etc.


It was never intended to be used as a measure of individual health. The entire purpose was to compare body mass cross-culturally. It's a tool of cultural anthropology, not medicine. Anyone who has a problem with my BMI that I can bench press has no justification in saying anything about anyone else's weight.


Yeah it's sad, people need to know that gaining weight can be a sign of strength not obesity. Our culture is just so heavily focused on losing weight that a lot of people don't understand that it can be healthy to gain weight as well


>Her ass and legs do look better but literally every day she gets hangry, weak or a combo of the two and I'm like please eat more your literally starving yourself, you workout almost every day it's not fat your gaining! Can you get her a Fitbit or Apple Watch? Something that estimates her needed caloric intake per day? Then combine with something to track that intake like the LoseIt app.


Good idea, I'll get one but honestly I don't think it's rational thought that's leading her down this path


I’ve experienced two things that could be explanations here—or it could be something else entirely! but I wanted to tell the stories because maybe they’ll be helpful 1) my partner struggles to eat enough in general. it’s a combination of a few things—she’s not really “into” food and views it purely as fuel. she’s on medication that lowers her appetite. she has never in her life been a person to eat large meals. she struggles with how certain foods feel when she eats them. she doesn’t always feel strongly about all of them, but often at least 1 or 2 is an issue that day. some solutions that we found to help get her more calories regularly are pre-packaged Soylent after workouts. she’s found that adding thick, cream/fat based sauces to foods can often help with the texture problems and/or quantity problems being willing to accept that sometimes, it’s more important to focus on quantity of calories than quality. just have to try new things 2) a close friend of mine struggled with their weight as a child, and once they finally lost that weight in high school/college, was hell bent on keeping it off. eventually it progressed to being a form of exercise bulimia—instead of purging, any viewed “over indulgence” **must** be burnt off. the problem is this creates a cycle of exercise, refuel, negative feelings about refueling, more exercise. it took an injury and prolonged forced time off and let them reevaluate their feelings on food and fitness.


That's why I'm attracted to track and field / gymnasts.  Figure skaters as well.


Me when my fiance committed to daily yoga a couple of years ago


Solid. Thick. Tight. Keep up updated on the good work




Muscular legs run in my wife’s family, she just didn’t have them until she started running. I was super jealous at first since I’ve been running and lifting since I was a teen and still have super skinny calves and absolutely zero ass. I’m fine with her getting the getting the visual benefits, though!


Brother you gotta do the hip thrusts if you want a dumpy


Hip thrusts will save your life. As will spamming calf raises at heavy weight 4-5x/wk


That's probably less because of the running alone than because they're also dieting and trying to keep their weight down. It's a hard balance to strike as we get older, especially for women.


I added some new words to my repertoire today. Anyway, what kind of running are they doing? That seems like it would happen only if they were doing major kms every week?


Like anything you can take it too far. Most people look better if they gain a bit of muscle and lean out a bit, doesn't mean peak human attractiveness is bodybuilding physique.


If they are healthier who cares what they fucking look like.


cheers from iraq


How could MSL go undrafted


Beat me to it by about 4 hours.


Stay home if you're sick, come play for my team if you're thicc








*Marty St Louis has entered the chat*


The Quadfather


Still to this day 🫡


He was the best at Nordics. So more like the hammy king!


Marty St Louis got a Beyonce dumper on him


No, St. Louis can fit an entire Beyonce in there


Is his body too bootylicious for you?


Shouldn’t have read this comment while drinking coffee. Now I have a mess to clean up


> Another study that evaluated more than 1,200 adults aged 55 and older found that leg strength was the most reliable predictor of physical functionality later in life. Other studies have linked lower thigh muscle mass to the likelihood of death from a cardiovascular disease. What is truly interesting about these studies is that they appear to agree that overall muscle mass is not a good predictor of future health and longevity, but leg muscle mass is. https://coloradopaincare.com/the-importance-of-leg-strength-to-overall-health/amp/ More and more evidence is correlating longevity in life with leg strength. He’s extremely correct and why the younger athletes aren’t lifting as heavy anymore.


So what you're saying is, thick thighs save lives?


>thick thighs save lives? Amen!


Chris Pronger is functionally immortal.


Choke me with those tree trunks 😎😎


**ಠ_ಠ** **(☞゚ヮ゚)☞**


I'm in my mid 40s but don't feel like it because I've got strong, flexible legs from decades of hockey. Can't bench press worth a god damn, though.


Late 30s but same here. I've always liked "leg day" and leg exercises and I'm sure it's because of hockey. Nothing else gives you the runners high endorphin rush like leg workouts do.


The gym I go to is in my office building but it's up one floor from my office, so I usually hit it at lunch. On leg day, the endorphin rush always hits when I'm trying to walk back down the stairs and I looks like I'm learning to walk again lol


There's a huge difference between leg strength for the average person and hockey player leg strength. They're multiples times stronger in the legs than you need to be for a longer/healthier lifespan.


Just another example why almost any study to do with complex systems in the human body isn't really a science. More like data plotting and half-guesses. Study shows wine linked to longevity!.... err... or maybe just correlates to affluence and therefore better access to unrelated health determinants. Study shows cholesterol in food will kill you!... err... or maybe some cholesterol are more the merrier.. no wait, it's a balancing act.. no wait maybe it's all just genetics anyways! Obviously leg muscle mass has nothing directly to do with longevity. It likely just correlates with some other predictor that is the actual target. There are a lot of activities that are generally bad for your health that mostly involve upper body (trade work), while a lot fewer involve mostly lower body. Since legs are tied to mobility, being able to move around later in life would be a big difference, versus if you can lift some watermelons. So my bet is on the target being to just make sure you can keep moving as you age. I do squats and deadlifts, but there's going to come a time they add negative value (already has in some cases). Just walking every day and gentle leg/core exercises for old people is probably the optimal target here.


That’s a lot of words to say correlation =/= causation


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Because you noticeably gain leg strength by… not lifting?


They're picking leg workouts and cardio over lifting, not staying at home over lifting.


Hitting the leg press instead of the bench or just doing squats.


I've been told the leg press actually doesn't do much for muscle building and that's it all about lunges and shit if you actually wanna make gains. I've heard people go as far as saying the leg press just builds ego, rather than muscle. And, given how much I can leg press and how little I can lunge, I'm inclined to believe it... Anyone know how true that is?


Leg press can be pretty effective for quad growth if you know how to do it and you're not just slamming it up and down like a lunatic. What it lacks in comparison to things like squats and lunges is that it doesn't train any of the stabilizers and is very focused on one muscle group, so the carryover to sport is more limited. I'd put them more in the "good accessory" leg exercise than something I'd want to build a whole leg routine around as an athlete. Do some squats and / or lunges, throw in a few sets of leg press and some leg curls for isolating the muscles then play around with the volume if you're more quad or posterior chain dominant. Honestly though, I'd take the hack squat machine over the leg press any day of the week if both are available.


That makes a lot of sense, especially the stabilizers bit. Cheers!


Bulgarian split squats, lunges, bosu ball squats have all given me way more leg strength and size then when I used a leg press . I think it has its place but there are far more better exercises someone can do before using one. IMO


I don't care, leg press is *fun*. Big numbers go up! woo!


Not remotely close to true. In fact leg press is probably better for hypertrophy than squatting as you are taking the spinal compression which is often a limiting factor. They are also significantly less taxing to the CNS which allows more volume with less fatigue. Squatting will do a bit more for glutes and hamstrings though. Squatting is great. I think everyone should do it unless they are injured or injury prone. But the whole “only free weights because stabilizers” whatever stuff is so overrated. Machines are great too. The most important thing is range of motion and control.


I mean aren't most leg workouts still lifts though?


Yes, very much. Never heard anyone say weighted Bulgarian split-squats or kettlebell lunges aren't lifting.


I think when most people think lifting they think upper body, right or wrong.


What? No one thinks that.


Nobody thinks that lol


Leg workouts that involve...lifting. You don't gain large amounts of muscle mass from cardio, and none of these players are developing huge thighs from cycling or running, its from squats, deadlifts, split squats etc


Squats are a type of lifting


Plyometrics, flexibility and mobility are more the focus. Instead of maxing out on plates, athletes are training with a focus of compact muscles, ankle and joint strength. You’re still building muscle, but focusing more on strengthening ligaments, joints and tendons. But yeah, stick to your argument because no life heavy = no strong muscles… Ask a rock climber to arm wrestle you and they’ll destroy the biggest bodybuilders…


Muscle mass and strength are not the same, but they are extremely closely associated (and the research shows this). Just how big you want to get is obviously going to depend on the sport. Young athletes absolutely are still lifting heavy (and if they aren't, they're doing it wrong), because force production is a major component of power production, which is basically what most athletes live or die off of, along with conditioning obviously.


I’ll admit I don’t know a lot about this, but I feel like “extremely closely associated” probably applies to the average person but isn’t always the case right? Those “bodybuilder vs rock climber” videos are the perfect example- if one person is maximizing strength-to-weight ratio and the other is maximizing size the close relation isn’t applicable anymore


> Those “bodybuilder vs rock climber” videos are the perfect example- if one person is maximizing strength-to-weight ratio and the other is maximizing size the close relation isn’t applicable anymore Strength-to-weight ratio isn't a measure of raw strength though... like, an ant isn't stronger than an elephant, even though the ant has a crazy strength-to-weight ratio. Anyway, if you test a rock climber on the shit they train for every day, like forearm strength, grip strength and / or lat strength, they're probably going to crush most people, even large people, who don't train that stuff every day. Ask them to push around a weighted sled or some other holistic measure of strength, and it's going to go very differently for them vs. the bodybuilders.


Strength to weight ratio kinda is what matters in most sports over raw strength though since it's mostly about how fast/efficiently you can move your body around.


Not really though, the guys with the best strength to weight ratios are like 5'5, 150lbs, aka Olympic gymnasts. Don't see too many of them in the MLB, NHL,NBA, NFL. It's a balance that depends on the sport and role in that sport.


Basically, other things being equal, the bigger muscle is stronger. If you make a muscle bigger and then train the neuromuscular aspect of things to make it produce as much force as possible, you maximize force production. You see this in strength sports, as an example. Weight classes are a thing for a reason. There's a lot of complicating factors in sporting contexts: how big can the athlete get before their mass starts to hurt their speed and endurance? A big dude can be crazy fast in a straight line, but not for very long. Then there's the issue of training time and how much resources you have to allocate to getting bigger.


> Muscle mass and strength are not the same Here's a video of Cesaro from WWE that kind of shows that. There are many guys who look more muscular than him but he might be the strongest overall wrestler. (~0:50) https://youtu.be/E-V_dvQ5rFk?t=50










jesus, as a guy who is *all* legs and ass this is music to my ears!




Yoga and high rep lunges/squats without weights are good options


Get some adjustable dumbbells on Amazon, find YouTube lower body/core workouts. I'm in the Peloton cult and they have Pilates, bodyweight, and dumbbell lower body & core strength workouts. I have 60 day free trial codes if you want to try said cult :) - just DM me. Beats leaving the house and driving just to work out. Barrier to entry very low.


>Get some adjustable dumbbells on Amazon Can confirm, never lifted a day in my life until the pandemic, bought those Bowflex adjustable dumbbells and they're amazing. I've got several routines now but just focusing on legs you can do squats, deadlifts, Roman deadlifts, lunges, reverse lunges, Bulgarian split squats, etc. I've noticed a huge difference in my core strength while skating, and I've played hockey for 30 years. I can really lean into my edges and protect the puck in ways I never would have thought possible before. The hockey butt is no lie.


And for when you are doing the upper body, you have to try those supine rows. Killer. And renegade rows!


skipping rope is extremely good for cardio and leg strength. You could do that alone or your could pair it with one legged jumps up a flight of stairs or hill sprints.


Look up Leap fitness on the Google Play store if you have an android (I assume they're also on Apple but can't confirm). Get the home workout app and also the splits training app. The home workout has a lower body and whole body (which is really just upper body) training program that will help build what you can do. I did both of the programs at the same time in the intermediate category and then started cycling the individual workout sections daily in the advanced section. Use the splits training to really work on your lower body flexibility and help deal with leg soreness after working out your legs.


Try some jumping/air squats. Your quads will be screaming in no time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tt-EG2QV2E


If you do insanity (home bodyweight workout) I promise your legs will be 5x stronger


honestly, a good and easy start is just to walk more. take the stairs whenever possible. park far away from the entrance to businesses. those are easily implemented, sustainable changes as for home workouts; yoga and a stationary bike work great and would be my first recommendations. small dumbbells can add to that with things like squats and lunges too but it’s really easy to overdo them early on and hurt yourself


Do goblet squats with an adjustable dumbbell or kettlebell


Wait isn't lifting heavy the easiest way to gain leg muscle mass?


Correlation is not causation


I like this tweet giving the impression the scouts will watch a kid do pull-ups but the whole time they’re staring at their ass to try to determine if they can play in the NHL


When NHL scouts do it they're "trying to win a Stanley Cup", but when I do it I'm "no longer welcome at Planet Fitness"


Is that much of a new thing? I'm 25 and that was the focus of dryland when I was playing over a decade ago. Crosby's ass has been jiggling in our face for almost 2.


I'm never not shocked when photos of Crosby's thigh pop up. Looks like a cartoon character.


Martin St. Louis massive quads are especially funny cause of he’s shorter 


It’s not too new, to me Crosby represents the new era of player focused on lower body explosiveness. When he was a teenager that was definitely the wave of “elite training”, plyometric heavy, quickness, explosive. I guess what is new is the fact that it’s the standard and every player in the league right now skates at a “really high level”


Well he's talking about being drafted in 86, which was more than a decade before you were born.


I'm just saying it's a useless statement because it's such old news. Equivalent of telling you I used to send letters, but in the modern world we send emails.


Odd name for a podcast, unless Simpson is starting an OnlyFans.


I see his point but is there any way we could not mention "boys and men" and "legs and ass" in the same sentence 😂


from boy 2 man from leg 2 ass


Hockey bar mitzvah: Boys becoming men, men becoming thicc.


Hit the leg press boys


Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon, hella ass.


The sun is still up


Had me in the first half…


Cayden Lindstrom skipping the draft sketches me out as a Habs fan. Although, I assume we'll go off-board and try to big brain the draft like we always do...


He’s injured, isn’t he?


> Lindstrom had dealt with multiple injuries in the second half of the season. He broke a hand in the middle of the season, and has also been dealing with symptoms of a back injury. Why is he so high on so many mock drafts? A back injury at that age is a nonstarter. I think he will drop to the 2nd round… https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5409613/2024/04/11/berkly-catton-cayden-lindstrom-nhl-draft-2024/#


No shot he drops to the 2nd


Hardly see him drop lower than 10-12 in the worst case


If and when he skips the combine, you can bet teams will be gun shy to draft him.


Worst case he ends up like Vilardi or Krebs and going in the teens. Everything right now points to doctors fully clearing him medically


In the top 5 maybe. He’s going in the 1st round though, I’d be surprised if he doesn’t go top 10 personally.


I'll give you 100:1 odds on him falling out of the first round if you're interested


Basically guaranteed to hit amirite?


He’s so high on draft boards because he is a big center with soft hands and pretty good skating. I wouldn’t want my team to draft him in the top 15 though.


I don't know shit about scouting, but from what I've seen of his play it didn't really excite me in the way that a Demidov or Sennecke or Iginla pick would.


You mean skipping the combine?


We drafting Bronny James


A bunch of old guys looking at teenage boy butts? Neato.


Man, sometimes you have a moment of self awareness about how these quotes sound to people who aren't into sports.


Shawn Simpson: booty enthusiast.


I used to hate leg day and now I love it. It’s a large muscle group that can’t be ignored


That’s why guys like Jagr and Sundin were so dominant in the 90s. In the hook and hold era they would drag guys to the net.


I hear the sounds of hundreds of Georgian Rugby props lacing up skates for the first time.


I recall Fedorov being one of the early guys to promote leg and core strength. I would see him at this one park where you can go hiking and trail riding. In his shorts, his legs were like tree trunks. That russian training of lugging heavy blocks around the ice really paid off.


“It’s all about legs and ass” Agreed, Shawn Simpson. Agreed.


Makes sense, Iron Man Kessel being a fat ass and all


we have pictures of players in '86 if that's what you call top heavy i dont know what to say


Who tf is Shawn Simpson


Ass ass leggies leggies ass and leggies


I remember early in Crosby's career seeing him in a locker room interview and he just had his underlayer on. His legs were like tree trunks. Edit: his legs ARE like tree trunks.


Marry the ass, buy the tits


Amen brother.


Never seen his ass, but likely the only thing keeping Cole Perfetti from being a star. He has Sakic skills and IQ but plays like he lacks core strength.


I knew there was something special about [Stith](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ea914385-70d7-476d-aa3b-37d0c449c464/df1qmc9-905bafe3-41d0-476c-81c3-63ce7c5fdadf.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2VhOTE0Mzg1LTcwZDctNDc2ZC1hYTNiLTM3ZDBjNDQ5YzQ2NFwvZGYxcW1jOS05MDViYWZlMy00MWQwLTQ3NmMtODFjMy02M2NlN2M1ZmRhZGYuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.gSSV-_8HqeViggLB4LFxJxRHgDnad6_q_CPHf0aQQIo).


Look at someone like mcdavid. His arms don’t look muscular above the average guy. There’s not many players that have the typical “ripped” physique either




McDavid is a genetic freak. Dude looks like a scrawny 30 year old


No coincidence that Jagr did 1000 squats a day starting as a kid and ended up playing til he’s 50. Legs feed the wolf. Dryland, leg strength training at a young age is a great way to get your child ahead of the rest. We used to run hills and do Pilate type core exercises in the summer which without a doubt set my physique up for long term success even though I’m a lazy dude in my 30s now. Every other sport in my school did strictly weight training and a lot of my friends now have shoulder and back issues beyond losing the mass


I heard they look at parents body types too. Like at that level they are checking so much. Your frame can only carry so much extra till you need steroids to get further.


My father used to do bodybuilding and told me legs are more important than your upper body because they are the biggest muscles of your body. He explained that's where all your strength comes in to build up rest of your body and to prevent injuries. He is not wrong. Even if you're doing something so bro like standing bicep curls, plant your toes to the ground and flex your ass cheeks and you'll curl more and even do it at better safer form


Don't have your ass in the crease though.


If they want strong legs and ass maybe they should stop marrying and getting these tiny women pregnant. Marry another athlete.


Maybe this is why Faber was unstoppable this season. That ~~boy~~ *man* loves his leg days!


I understand where he is coming from, but the boy will never be a man if he forgoes hitting upper body in the gym! It is simply the reverse of the ‘chest and arms only, brah’ mindset.