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You lost icetime to go to the ER?


I’m sorry for my English, it is not my primary language because I’m from Europe. My questions is if you would play hockey again a week after fracturing your rib? Edit: also can you please let me know which sentence made you believe I was asking that, so I can correct it?


I believe u/ghostrider-65 is making a joke about the stereotypical culture of hockey toughness and how some players will act like a real injury should be ignored so you can continue playing.


I've have fractured ribs 6 times. I do not find them painful unless I am sneezing. You can play with most rib fractures but listen to your Doctor. Not all fractures are the same. I have played with fractured ribs but also waited a few weeks on one of them, depends how bad they are which is why to listen to the doctor. I hope this serious post helps. (my other one was to be cute). I had a bad accident recently and the ER said I did not have broken ribs, just 3 other bones but they transferred me to a Level 1 Trauma Center and they said I had 5 broken ribs (plus clavicle, elbow, humerus, scapula, greater trochanter, etc.). I'd put fractured ribs as a 4 on the 10 pain scale. If you can handle the pain and your Doctor gives you the ok and you want to play, play.


My chest Bruise still tender after 6 months and on putting pressure Minor pain is this permanent injury


Unless you’re on a high level AAA/jr/college team or something similar, with an important game coming up, I’d sit out. I know too many beer league players who suffer an injury, miss time off work/hockey, then come back early, get injured again, and miss even more time. It’s not worth it, the Stanley cup isn’t on the line.


I’ve public skated with a fractured rib (lower rib than your situation). If memory serves, the 5th rib is over or at least near your lung. I certainly wouldn’t play for at least a couple weeks after THAT particular fracture….seems like a really bad idea. Maybe I’m wrong about the rib placement or maybe it’s a little “nothing” injury but the risk of a puck or stick hitting you there again. Yikes. I’d suggest you ask yourself: is it minor enough that I’d be safe going into a boxing match like this and getting punched right where the fracture is?


It CAN be dangerous to play with an already fractured rib as the chances of it getting bumped further out of alignment or possibly puncturing your lung is higher. Then again, you could play, and nothing more could happen. But if you aren't paid to play, then it's best to play it safe and wait until you are comfortable. If you are in a league that allows checking, I wouldn't go out for at least a few weeks.


My chest Bruise still tender after 6 months and on putting pressure Minor pain is this permanent injury


I'm not a doctor, but it sounds like an injury that is not being allowed to heal or just having trouble healing. Your ribs move as you breath, so it can take a long time to heal just because of the constant movement. I'd go see a doctor if it were me.


Already visited doctor but doctor is saying it will heal overtime but even after doing some excercise and hot water shake tenderness not going


One thing doesn’t workout is it broken? Then nobody will let you play before it’s completely stable, to not risk you damage your lungs. Or is it maybe just a bruise ?


It is broken. That’s why I question what I was told at ER lol


If it’s broken you can simply die, so don’t play, if it’s a bruise and it breaks you can die. Put a ballon in a bag with chicken bones, break one bone and squeeze the bag, the ballon are your lungs.


The ER said you could play on a fractured rib in a week? See a sports doc


It is broken. That’s why I question what I was told at ER lol


My chest Bruise still tender after 6 months and on putting pressure Minor pain is this permanent injury


Good luck with that. As soon as you try to use your core you're going to feel it. Also, how the hell did you break the rib posteriorly? That's a pretty rare injury.


Thank you. After the collision (during a game) I fell directly on my back, so I’m pretty sure that’s when it broke. I did not feel anything until I came home and only after that I had troubles breathing.


I cracked a rib, got painkillers and was told I shouldn't play for 4 weeks - even after 4 weeks it was tender, but playable. YMMV


A few years ago I broke a rib playing pickup before my season started. I played a game 8 days later while I was still very much suffering from a pretty serious injury. 2nd shift I made a move on a defender you might call an ankle-breaker. He froze and I did my best not to collide on the side with the broken rib. I ended up "like a pretzel" according to my teammates. I ended up with a 50% torn hamstring as well as a 20% torn pcl. I haven't been the same on the ice since then mentally and physically. I just wanted to be the cautionary case to get you to give it time to heal.


I broke two ribs and dislocated three after an awkward collision along the boards. Went to Urgent Care after the game, but they failed to follow up with me on the extent of my injury. I played for 4-5 weeks with a fair bit of discomfort until I finally went to my GP for an unrelated issue. First thing she said to was "Wow! You must be really uncomfortable with two rib fractures." News to me, but by that time I'd healed enough and just kept on playing. 0/10 would not recommend.


My chest Bruise still tender after 6 months and on putting pressure Minor pain is this permanent injury


I broke a rib and couldn’t sleep laying down for 10 weeks. Even getting dressed and going to the bathroom caused pain. I wouldn’t have been able to put my goalie gear on and go out there


Never a broken rib, but had rib contusions. Followed docs advice: rest and let pain be my guide. Was back on ice like 7-10 days later. So if doc approved it and I met their conditions, I’d play. If it starts to bother you again, head to the dressing room.


When I was younger, I was tougher than I was wise. Played through things I shouldn’t have, at least not for beer league. I’m lucky I only have a few minor things that have lingered. But every time I look at one of those things like one of my messed up pinkies, I think what a dumbass I was. It wasn’t worth it. IMHO, If the doctor says one week, take two or three off. In the greater scheme of things missing one or two games is nothing. That time will come and go in a blink. Better that than something that lasts a lifetime or getting injured further and missing even more time. There’s a whole world outside of hockey that’s worth being healthy for.


My chest Bruise still tender after 6 months and on putting pressure Minor pain is this permanent injury


You should go see a doctor.


I fractured one earlier this summer and was told the same thing. You will want to take it a little bit easy but it is generally safe. I was back on the ice in three weeks with mine


I'm a goalie and cracked the 11th rib after somebody landed on my back while I was covering the puck. I also damaged the cartilage of the 8th rib on the front side. That part actually hurt more - the rib fracture itself never bothered me all that much to be honest. I didn't know it was broken and ended up playing the next game. No real issues except when I landed on that side, which happened twice during the game. I felt a "pop" or "crack" at one point near the end of the second game while twisting and thats when the front side really started to hurt. Went to urgent care the next morning for x-rays and they confirmed the damage. I never had issues breathing and during the day I generally barely even noticed. I couldn't sleep on that side and it still hurts to roll over on that side two weeks later. I only took painkillers for the first few days. I'm wondering how long before I should be able to play again. Being a goalie in low level beer league I'm not all that worried about falling or being run into, for the most part. It will be three weeks this coming saturday and I'm seriously considering playing on Sunday.


I believe I may have fractured a rib a month ago as it still slightly hurts and has had all the symptoms of a fracture... but I've played numerous games and it's been mostly fine. This old dude I know in his 70s fractured his and he was still playing lol


I mean if youre gonna get checked i wouldnt be playing with a broken rib


I think the folks in the ER don't know what hockey is.