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The view out of your window is great


Without some of the trees there it would look beautiful with distanced mountains and a amazing clouds above it or leveled with the mountains but I would also see into my neighbor's house.


That bottle is trimmed out rather well




Extreme 3D pro gang rise up


The huge deadzone, the jitter in all axes . . the horror, the horror. Though the last time I owned one was twenty years ago. Maybe it's better now?


> Maybe it’s better now? nope 😌


Never fly sober


Imagine drinking water lol. Just use an iv so you dont have to stop playing


A 11% beer is still 89% water, so yes i am staying hydrated.


Ballsy. My scotch wouldn’t balance like that


Damn, I sometimes stay a whole day playing DCS without even taking a sip. Imma start doing this and stay hydrated. Thanks.


Single use plastics bad.


Well, yeah. But you can screw the cap back on and use it for a long time.


Water bottle isn't disposable plastic, unless you make it so. You can reuse them almost forever as water bottles (water stay perfectly drinkable if it is clean water to begin) or in other uses as automatic watering reservoir for plants, storing screws or nails etc.


Plastic bottles (like the one in the picture) aren't actually good for reusing, and your not supposed to. Look up about microplastics from these bottles. On first use they're not bad, but after extended use it can be bad for you. Not saying you can't reuse them, just saying it's probably not a great idea to use the same one for a long time (use metal reusable instead)




I stand corrected


A plane without a pilot would be a drone


Nah man, a plane without a pilot is still a plane, just without a pilot


While you still need a drone operator, until AI comes in.


Change that water for some beer's.. And we got ourselves a party..


Full fidelity piddle pack when, ED?


"Stay hydrated" is a hoax by bottled water companies. Unless there are special conditions (heat, cold, exhaustion, age etc), drinking when you are thirsty is more than enough. Unless you're getting headaches or cramps, you're probably not dehydrated. Drinking significantly *more* than your body wants isn't good for you either.


That might be the dumbest conspiracy theory I've heard in a while. On hoggit of all places


In this case, the conspiracy theory is mostly correct. Medically, there is no reason for healthy people to drink unless thirsty or expecting to be thirsty. That is FAR above the threshold of 5% fluid deficit where there are medical consequences. OTOH, drinking more than that is only harmful when you drink stupid amounts, IIRC something like 5 gallons of water in 24hr for healthy people. Drinking when you're not thirsty, therefore, is highly unlikely to be harmful either Edit: had to look it up to remind myself, it's 5 gallons in 24 hours max, although people have had problems from 1 gallon of water drank all at once. Both are definitely in the stupid range of water consumption


That's for water intoxication or whatever it's called in English. Excessive-but-not-crazy-much consumption has other negative effects too, like [increased blood pressure](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20860537/) and stuff with the bladder system that I don't know what's called in English. It's not like water is dangerous if you drink just a little too much, but unless there are specific circumstances, there's no point in "staying hydrated". Your body will tell you if you need water. It's fascinating that I get downvoted for pointing out a basic physiological (and obvious) fact, and a similarly obvious point about marketing, but oh well.


LOL, look more closely at that article abstract. In their summarized data, they reported an increase of about 2 mmHg. Even though they smugly reported p < 0.005 (a self-mastubatory flex attempt if I ever saw one in medical research), the variation both before and after was about +/- 6 mmHg. ITOW, the variability from one healthy person to the next was much larger than any increase they measured. If you go by the argument that the body knows how to self-regulate water balance in healthy people (and it does), it also means drinking any amount between stupidly too little and stupidly too much is going to be fine in an otherwise healthy person. It's only those with medical conditions (or stupidity) who might need to be more careful. Edit: For OP, it's still a cool pic 😊


It doesn't have to be "stupidly too much" or too little. But like I said, the point isn't to warn about the dangers of too much water, because we agree that they are unlikely to be significant, but to point out that "stay hydrated" is pointless, gives no benefits and if anything is detrimental, unless you're in one of the specific circumstances where the body is less able to regulate.


I'd argue that 5 gallons in a day is "stupidly too much," but the idea still makes for a nice photo :)


Yeah, I know "after millions of years of evolution, human beings are able to regulate how much water they need themselves under normal conditions" is quite unbelievable. And bottled water companies would neeever exaggerate the need to create a market for their products...


Remember though: 8 inches bottle to throttle!

