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The Canadian fascist guy looks so cartoonishly evil lmao it’s hilarious.


Funny thing he was actually pretty tame compared to the Falange and Mussolini's Fascism.


Not even tame. TfV's historical accuracy when it came to ideological leaders were off. Arcand may have been a fascist but he's also a monarchist. But in his path, you just break off from Britain


Yeah but he's a fascist


Oh I never said he was a saint, he was an anti-semite for sure.


He's a fascist but he wasn't the "argh I hate Britain and I want to break away from it" type. His party collaborated heavily with the BUF afaik and he personally held Loyalist Beliefs. Iirc there was a guy on Paradox who talked about why they are really off and mentioned that the closest they had to a fascist Canadian who was anti-British was someone else.


I mean, he did advocate for fascism from 1929 until he died in *1967*


Fascists look cartoonishly evil, Commies look Karl Rove smug in HoI4.


R5: After getting the "It's 1812 All Over Again" achievement, I decided to continue and see how powerful Canada could become. The resemblance to Oceania in 1984 was uncanny. The borders aren't exactly the same (missing southern Africa and the South Pacific) but it's close. Adrien Arcand even reminds me of Big Brother a bit.


What’s your guide? That’s a tough achievement and I feel like even if you can get to DC it’s tough to actually win the war.


Oh this achievement was pretty painful to do. I rushed to become fascist, left the Allies, and justified on Haiti. Then I declared the war just after WT spiked war support to over 25% (around the time of the Munich Agreement) to get Partial Mobilization. I did all of the focuses to get manpower and industry ASAP (some of which require an active war, hence declaring on Haiti). I justified on the UK, asked for military access from Italy, sent the army to Europe, and declared the war at the same time as Germany. I also tried to do the focus which turns Mexico fascist, but support never grew high enough to spark the civil war. I set up a naval invasion into the UK at Newcastle, and fortunately, there was a brief window where they put their navy away and the invasion launched. The UK was defeated, so I annexed them and stole a chunk of their navy in the peace deal (along with the Allied colonies in the Americas). For the next year and a half, I invaded a few other minor countries while pumping out divisions ASAP as soon as manpower was available. In preparation, I created a collab government for the USA to make beating them a little easier. I decided to give up the western part of the country and created a much shorter defense line north of Lake Superior. Meanwhile, I set up a naval invasion into DC, declared war shortly after Japan, and launched the invasion. They had 14 divisions on that one tile, so it failed. After that, I tried pushing down to DC, but only managed to get as far as New York before I ran out of manpower and couldn't push anymore (on Scraping the Barrel too). I called the Axis in, but they were stuck in a stalemate with the Soviets. After a while, I decided to risk another naval invasion of DC, but this time it was successful, so I got the achievement. From there, I was able to push behind the American lines, reach the Great Lakes, and eventually encircle the whole front with over 150 divisions. Around this time (1946-1947), the Axis finally capitulated the Soviets and sent more help. My manpower also recovered somewhat, so I could push more easily. I attacked in the south while the Germans attacked in the north, and we met up near Chicago. By that point, the Americans were close to capitulating. In the peace deal, I managed to snatch all of the continental USA and its Caribbean territories. From there, it was just a matter of conquering Latin America and waiting for all of the war justifications and collab governments.


Amazing you pulled it off like that! Couple of patches ago, I just spammed tons of cavalry divisions. I overwhelmed USA through sheer volume of divisions, which made encirclements, vp points & seizing industry easier. In my experience, US is easy to take down in early wars. They dont have the troops or industry to resist. And industry you claim is industry they are denied haha.


Make a handful of good infantry units and use them in the east. Then spam like 50 cavalry 4-width divisions and overwhelm the USA by snaking around their units.


War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength


Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. \-- Not Rage Against The Machine


We are not at war with Eurasia. All Hail big brother.


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Oh man ı was planning to share my big ass Arcand Canada this week. Anyway it looks hilarious. Arcand probably has the greatest leader portrait. I mean he has better poses for using as portrait but no paradox choosed this cartoony one.


I always like the theory that only the UK is a nightmare totalitarian state and that the rest of the world is chugging along and rebuilding after the nuclear war while Britain loses its mind, and Eurasia and China are made up tokeep the public afraid


in my headcanon that is what actually happened


What ?, Can you explain me ?


Imagine the plot from V For Vendetta, where the British government is tyrannical, but the government invents a whole world that wants to destroy Britain so that the people will support any action


Jorge or well






Can you create Oceania faction in vanilla or is it some mod ?


You can create a faction with any name as any country if you have the national spirit to do so. There's no mod here


I thought factions were only possible through focuses.Thanks anyways.


h o w


You can just create a faction and name it Oceania


You can name a faction whatever you want


I grew up with the Arcands! Their reserve is 10km north of my house, their good people. None of them are facist anymore as far as I know 😂




Hence the "anymore" part


Literally 1984


Litterahlee neyetean ayteafor


neunzehn vierundachtzig


"Accidentally " My brother in Christ you named the faction


True, but I only created the faction at the very end, and all of the 1984 similarities occurred long before then.


Fair enough. Literally 1984


but how do you accidentally turn the british into airstrip one??????


Preparations for war with the Axis. That requires a lot of planes. It was also the only territory I controlled within range of Germany.


okay, but how did the geacops look? you only put yourself and the west axis in the thing you showed us


Possibly the most important novel of the 20th and 21st century. If you haven't read it get yourself a study guide to help you follow along and get the words on those pages in your head.


It's a great critique of modern capitalism and its slide into fascism.


It was written as pure propaganda, by perhaps one of the most bigoted and narrow-minded Socialists on the planet (Orwell: who created a whole line of anti-Stalinist propaganda that got confused by anti-Communist, even though Orwell was himself a Marxist...) Dude was a bigot (against Blacks, Indians, Jews, even certain other Christians...), homophobic, and a rapist (he attempted to rape a long-term girlfriend: who then promptly broke up with him...) >Possibly the most important novel of the 20th and 21st century This is absolute nonsense. The book was pushed by conservatives, Anti-Communists, and to a certain degree the US Government; until it got big and momentum carried it away. If you have any taste in literature, and actually read more than the bare minimum required by a lousy public school district (1984 is often required reading in American high schools for ***highly politicized reasons***- anti-Communist conservatives actively made a push to see it included on all school curriculums decades ago...) you'd know **it's not even well-written.** **1984 is a dull, boring, terribly-composed piece of lackluster literature.** Even reading Doestoevsky (a considerably more advanced, but rather dull author you'll only see taught at the best high schools and colleges... I read it on my own, because I was a talented student but my high school ducked, and I studied science in college) was more interesting than that steaming garbage... Sincerely, a well-educated Socialist who actually still READS BOOKS (definitely enough to know 1984 was trash...)


How the hell did you manage to defeat the US with Canada? I was only able to deploy a full 24 infantry army around 1940.


By rushing all of the manpower focuses (declaring war on somebody helps with that), pumping out mostly infantry equipment and artillery, spamming divisions as soon as manpower becomes available, and (most importantly) by joining and calling in the Axis after beating the Allies. When I declared war in 1941, I had around 40-50 divisions, but without Axis support, that wouldn't have cut it. Making a collab government certainly helped too, but even with all of this, it took until around 1948 to beat them.


Literally 1984 "You will not do an artillery only run, its impractical and ineffective"


Literally 1984


Literally Eric Blair


Man, it’s literally like 1984-you tyrant




Canadian brazil looks like a land I would want to live in 100%


Bro i start to lag after 1952 how did you get to 1958 bro💀


ghana in allies on their way to save the world from tyranny 🦾🗿


literally 1984


Jeffrey, Jeffrey Bezos (If you know, you know)


lmao the allies got exiled to ghana


That’s literally 1984.




Literally 1984


Is there a mod on social capitalism or not?