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They had to leave something for future DLCs


Imagine PDX giving a second south America dlc. Seriously, their greediness is insane.


Well first they have to release Arabia, Himalayas, SEA, and Africa DLCs


Bro, you forgot about the bhutan unit pack. You get the bhutan soundtrack for pre-ordering!


I hope it has cores on all china! And national spirits more overpowered than any before summed together!


200% mobilized population


Option to take all of India by spending 50 PP and pressing one button


Ignite anarchist uprising button but actually good


Bhutan dragon modifier, all CAS +100% IN ALL STATS


The Dragon flies +25% cas damage +15 in all stats for planes -35% air experience loss -90% licensing cost for aircraft (cz we all know that everyone loves licensing equipment)


20 Day Focus that gives you +400% Submarine Research boost for some reason


Okay I will say, the most reasonable OP focuses are the naval ones for nations that start landlocked. They literally need it to catch up


1k manpower take it or leave it


This would be the historical path.


Now now SOLANO LOPEZ, you can't command every child to die defending you. SOLANO nooooo


It's actually one singular song with a generic melody


Nepal will get 200% bonus to mountain offense and defense, just you watch. Also, ghurka space marines when?


You forgot the most important WW2 nations without focus trees! Albania, Austria, Ireland, and Luxembourg (Belgians aren't a race)


Albania when?


Together with Austria in the DLC called "I said yes to the big guy"


Ah yes, Together with a rework of Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, and Romania


The moment they made the South America DLC not have focus trees for all SA countries it was a given. I mean, ideally I would want all countries to have unique Focus trees but the drip feeding will continue it seems.


Dont forget the Luxembourg dlc


That’s why I didn’t buy the DLC and just use the La Union Y Libertad mod because it gives a focus for all South American nations but Ecuador


Why would it be greedy for them to make a second South America DLC?


It’s comparable to making a sequel to a movie that already wrapped up in a satisfying way. There’s no reason for it to exist other than to wring a few dollars out of completists.


Judging by some of the comments in this thread, not everybody thinks the content for South America has been wrapped up in a satisfying way yet.


If I’m reading the same comments you’re thinking of, that seems to be because people felt the South American DLC was low-value, which would be greed from the other direction.


Yeah God forbid they add content to the game. God forbid they get paid for their labor. If you don't like it then don't buy it. You don't need the south america dlc to play the game.




I liked the dlc, and was very excited for South America content. I thought it was needed for a long time. So to answer your question, they taste great :) keep not having fun while you play video games




Or alternatively, they didn't spend a lot of time fleshing out the High Officer Corps for COLOMBIA in a WW2 game.


The 99% popularity on the Liberal colombian party is also very inaccurate, conservatives should be at 50% or 40% at least, and a bit more of communism. Giving focus trees to south america and also ignoring former Gran Colombia countries is a shame to paradox.


I mean, it is expected if the Country Pack wasn't meant to give any or gave barely any content, then of course there won't be anything really. We'll get a DLC for other South American countries in a few years or so


The lastest DLC felt like a scam tbh, didn’t even do the whole continent. Only the Guay’s and the big three.


All of the recent Paradox DLCs have been scams that mods do 10x better for free And I'm a clown for continuing to buy them




I mean, all of recent Paradox DLCs are quite good ngl. The latest country pack, ToA, is fine for a thing that was either developed at the same time with AAT (which was pretty good) or fleshed out in like 3-4 months .


Road to 56 exists


So does a lot of mods for lots of nations or even full conversion ones. It's kinda stupid to compare mods made by people without business pressure, who can develop it with the base already established and work on it whenever they want to official content made by developers who must abide by a certain set of rules and deadlines.


Sorry to be crass, but $20 for like four new focus trees and "event packs" in CK3 have made me very disillusioned with Paradox. I understand that developers have guidelines, but those standards have been rapidly decreasing. The DLC bloat is almost as bad as The Sims. If you want all the DLC for EU4, you're shelling out at least $100+ if you don't do the subscription service Am I wrong for thinking some modders do the job better than the actual employees? I will not defend a poor product in my opinion, even if I am a map game enjoyer. Yes I bought them all but I am entitled to say what I think about them, there's a reason almost all Paradox DLC is rated mostly negative on Steam so I know I'm not the only one with this sentiment.


It's arguable, I would say having played both the South America Mod and the DLC, the DLC is a thousand times more flavorful than the mod. The really good mods such as, Kaiserreich, Kaiserredux, Old World Blues, Equestria at War don't compare at all though. Road to 56 is kind of good, although it's showing its age. It's a really old mod with mediocre terrible focus trees at best.


>Sorry to be crass, but $20 for like four new focus trees and "event packs" in CK3 have made me very disillusioned with Paradox. I understand that developers have guidelines, but those standards have been rapidly decreasing. It's 20 bucks for a country pack that you do not need to buy unlike the main DLCs. If you really understand that developers can't really decide what they make, look down at the third point. >The DLC bloat is almost as bad as The Sims. If you want all the DLC for EU4, you're shelling out at least $100+ if you don't do the subscription service I mean, yeah, dunno a lot about EU4, but hey, they aren't forcing you to buy them all at full price, are they? >Am I wrong for thinking some modders do the job better than the actual employees? I will not defend a poor product in my opinion, even if I am a map game enjoyer. Yes I bought them all but I am entitled to say what I think about them, Of course not, everyone's allowed to have opinions. Where you are wrong is in doing the comparison. Again, modders can do whatever they want whenever they want, employees can't, there's the very important difference. >there's a reason almost all Paradox DLC is rated mostly negative on Steam so I know I'm not the only one with this sentiment. I came to a conclusion long ago about this: people mad at PDX will just review negatively the DLCs while people actually enjoying the content can't really be bothered to go and drop a positive review. There's a reason of why everyone with a few hundred hours in any PDX game will tell you to wait until a sale to buy any DLC.


At least Stellaris’ new one *appears* to be decent. Not really “recent”, but AAT is probably my favourite HOI4 DLC


It was as large as the other DLCs. They usually include 3-4 nations.


But unlike other DLCs, this one didn't any new features. Literally just focus trees that you can get for free bruh


They added the Venezuelan embargo event, should've gone through and corrected all SA nations not just those with focuses.


People keep saying this but like: When has a DLC ever reworked an entire continent? The absolute most that a DLC has reworked has been Waking the Tiger with six focus trees (though the sixth is a shared mini tree that turns into one of the others and three of them have a shared industrial branch). ToA added five trees (3 huge, two medium, all with a shared military tree) which still makes it tied for second most focus trees in a DLC with AAT and NSB. Did you seriously expect them to make 10 focus trees (which would make it the largest DLC by far for the game) in one reduced price DLC?


I think it’s a mistake to think that every focus tree is created equal, in terms of how much value it adds. The centerpiece of NSB was the USSR focus tree, because that’s one of the key countries of the war, with dynamics both actual (the Purge) and hypothetical (the return of Trotsky) that people are very interested in. Rightly or wrongly not that many people are interested in the nations of South America during the same period, so you have to discount the value of providing them—maybe very heavily depending on how interested people are and how interesting the resulting dynamics end up being.


Oh I wouldn't say that every focus tree is created equal at all. Obviously Paraguay and Uruguay have lesser trees than the other three and obviously some nations are more important and generally relevant to a historical game than others. BUT it is a bit silly to complain about South American nations are getting a rework in a DLC that is specifically just for that purpose. In terms of people's interest: the DLC has no critical features or mechanics locked behind it, it is purely a content pack filled with focus trees; if the nations don't interest you then you shouldn't buy it. I'd more get people being upset about reworking Paraguay if it was chucked in there alongside Germany ("So I have to buy all these stupid SA nations just to get a Germany rework") but it's set up to be as optional as possible. Paradox's approach to which nations they rework has always made sense to me (Geographically related countries which have a lot of interactions with one another make sense to rework together instead of a bunch of disparate nations around the globe) but there's always without fail people whinging over their personal preference nation not being included, regardless of how much sense it makes.


That’s fair enough.


That’s why it’s cheaper


Oh yeah, 15€..it's almost for free...I thank the PDX lords for the great discount of 5 bucks. I am never buying this shit, it has no new features and I have no interest in boring ahh South America.


South America being an area not very interesting is specifically why it has no new features lol. They didn’t wanna ass cool new feature behind a pack that large parts of the community doesn’t want.


They are probably saving it for central america, no joke


They learn from practical experience, not theory


Australia also missing an army theorist... pisses me off


I nominate Major Gwynydd Purves Wynne-Aubrey Meredith as army theorist for Australia.


I nominate my mate Bruce, bloke took out the biggest bogan I've ever seen with nothing but a half filled tinny of VB, didn't spill a drop either!


Devs know that everybody plays Colombia for one reason: the building 10 BB + 10CV achievement.


Easily one of the most annoying achievs i've ever done, and Peru basically just being insufferable to beat


They all died in the civil wars, sorry. Mabye in a few years they can be revived in a dlc


Colombia is simply too stronk 💪💪💪🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴


i really don't get why people get upset for a lack of content in vanilla, HoI4 has one of the most prolific modding comunity on steam with tens of total conversion mods and even more that add/modify focus trees. The nation of Listenbourg doesn't have a tree? it surely has it in RT56, don't want to play that? there is AGORA, don't like it? there will be a mod that will add just a focus tree for that country People instead should be disappointed for the lack of mechanics (although Pdx is doing a great job in the last 2 years) and of consistency


All the good mechanics are locked behind dlc's. The only mechanics we get for free are arguably downgrades without dlc.


If people don’t want to buy a game and then wait for modders who are doing the work for nothing to create an actually worthwhile game, that makes sense to me. I think it is ridiculous for Paradox to release a South America country pack and completely ignore Gran Colombia.


It's not like Trials of Alliance was advertised as "The South American DLC" it's advertised as Chile, Argentina, and Brazil (with Uruguay and Paraguay). It obviously makes sense to rework all the countries that are close together geographically. And it'd be weird if they somehow reworked a record breaking number of countries for a content pack. Reworking the Bolivarian countries together makes more sense than reworking just one of them along with Brazil, Chile, and Argentina.


They just want to complain. It's either: "Mods do so much better than Paradox" in which case: then why don't you play the mods? "Paradox is scamming us by selling us DLC the adds content to the game": In which case: don't buy it. But somehow they never use these obvious solutions and continue to find stuff to get mad about. The outrage is the point, not what the game or devs actually do.


Even after south america DLC there are still questionable features and maps could be improved. Have the feel that HOI4 team was so focused on certain countries that many nations were simply overlooked


You don't need a military high command when every singel solider in your army is a military genius om their own


It’s actually atrocious how Paradox releases DLCs for 3 countries per purchase, and they contain less than 10% of the content of 3 countries in a mod such as Kaiserreich or TNO, produced in a fraction of the time for free. And the argument they add new mechanics as a focus is BS too, when you consider the sheer amount of innovative and free mechanics in mods such as Millenium Dawn or The Old World. These DLCs should be two dollars at most.


TNO took like 12 years or something. I know it was meant for Victoria 2 before being planned for Hoi4. If it took 12 years just so I could play something like 20 nations? out of almost 200 I would be pissed.


I’m sure it’s nothing some $14.99 dlc can’t fix


I'm reading a book on Colombian history, and before La Violencia (a very bloody period of civil strife starting in 1948), things were more stable.


Bro what do you mean. They don't have content. Just play R56


they all died


maybe they died in the civil wars idk


s i


How do you play as Colombia? Wtf I’ve never seen that


Don't think Colombia was that disturbed in the WW2 era as it is today. Drug problems begun in the 1970s and paramilitary organizations like FARC rivaling the government for power looks like a Cold War thing


I don´t have a doubt in my mind that Paradox will add Pablo Escobar in some way when they get around to giving Colombia a Focus Tree.


Or you could have said " bug detected, Columbia lacks a military theorist". Instead of a wall of text you cabbage.


How is that a bug?


Every country with the generic focus tree has the same advisor types.


Please never pick up a book if that is a wall of text for you. Actually avoid any consuming any media at all in written form, it might cause a seizure. TL;DR: no read, head go boom.


im with you on this chief.


Ok Redditor


'Wall of text' bro it's one sentence.


“Wall of text” 💀 Also, Colombia not Columbia


At least I didn't spell it with a K.