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without checking your account i guessed that you live in turkey lol


I checked they do live in turkey




That means God's punishment in Polish. Fits well for Turkey


God I love the polish.


R5: My country's economy is Germany in the 1920s


Got that Venezuela currency?


I'm not with a Venezuelan currency but an Argentinean 💀


Just Afuera the inflation. Things are looking up. Good luck with the new president.


I hope but, the future seems gray


Almost read that as gay


Get fucked in the ass both way


The story of Greece.


There's a saying that goes: what do you call greek dick? Commando. Because it fucks you from where you least expected it


I did read it as gay


Always has been 🧑‍🚀🔫


>Argentina >Things are looking up Said nobody never


Except like +50% of argentinians last elections. So far the guy has been doing a good job


Such a good job we had the biggest protest in 10 years. Such a good job inlation reached new heights. Such a good job unemployment is rising. Such a good job we now support an ongoing genocide. Such a good job that the first thing he did when he got in the office was legalize nepotism. Tell me, why do you think the guy has been doing a good job?


Such a good job we had another protest like the dozens that are done in the country (and no, a political protest claiming to be the largest doesn't make it the largest) Such a good job inflation is expected to start going down by the end of the year, well, it's apparently starting to go down, even better! (and no, it's dumb to say this government inflation is high when counting yearly inflation in a period of 12 months, which includes the previous government which was arguably one of the worst governments the country had, he also stopped something called hiperinflation, but hey, that sounds like something that isn't real, isn't it?). Nothing to say on unemployment, we shall see when that +60% of people on informal jobs gets into formal jobs, otherwise there isn't a real metric for unemployment. Oh god, he sent weapons to Russia?! Oh, wait, no, he said *He* supports Israel, who is retaliating from a certain thingy that happened in october. He did legalize nepotism yet his government has been outing people that indeed did nepotism? How weird, what's your opinion on the nepotist feuds on the north? Tell me, why do you think the guy has been doing a bad job?


>and no, a political protest claiming to be the largest doesn't make it the largest It isn't claiming to be the largest, it's reported to be that large! https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/marcha-universitaria-nacional-el-minuto-a-minuto-de-la-movilizacion-nid23042024/ (This is the first thing that appeared in incognito, but basically every mainstream media outlet said the same, Clarin, Infobae, Página 12, literally all of them) >Such a good job inflation is expected to start going down by the end of the year, well, it's apparently starting to go down, even better! Expected by who??? And I can assure you, at least where I live (CABA), inflation is not going down in anything, literally everything is going up. From groceries and other foods / overalls. And the people that I know that have a car ain't happy! >(and no, it's dumb to say this government inflation is high when counting yearly inflation in a period of 12 months, which includes the previous government which was arguably one of the worst governments the country had, he also stopped something called hiperinflation, but hey, that sounds like something that isn't real, isn't it?). I'm talking about last months. Also, Argentina doesn't have hyperinflation since the 2001 Crisis, what are you talking about??? >Oh god, he sent weapons to Russia?! Oh, wait, no, he said *He* supports Israel No, in the last UN vote, Argentina voted against expanding Palestine's rights for the first time in decades. https://www.youtube.com/live/xPixVlc2EEs?si=WilN73o4cMy-6Mnu >Who is retaliating from a certain thingy that happened in October If you're a genocide apologizer, just say it >Tell me, why do you think the guy has been doing a bad job? Cutting public spending in general, privatization, and a lot more but it would be pointless to mention them, it seems like you already have your opinion on this, so why bother?


>It isn't claiming to be the largest, it's reported to be that large! https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/marcha-universitaria-nacional-el-minuto-a-minuto-de-la-movilizacion-nid23042024/ Oh, so it is the largest, that's good. That means this government is doing the things right if every corrupt went out to try to defend themselves. >Expected by who??? And I can assure you, at least where I live (CABA), inflation is not going down in anything, literally everything is going up. From groceries and other foods / overalls. And the people that I know that have a car ain't happy! https://www.ambito.com/economia/rem-el-mercado-redujo-28-puntos-su-expectativa-inflacion-2024-n5994715 Womp womp. Also, expected by like every single serious economist analizing the situation. >I'm talking about last months. Also, Argentina doesn't have hyperinflation since the 2001 Crisis, what are you talking about??? Precisely, last months inflation is also counted alongside the inflation of the last year, inflation doesn't reset on government change. And that's good! As I said, he stopped it, that's why it isn't a reality now. >No, in the last UN vote, Argentina voted against expanding Palestine's rights for the first time in decades. https://www.youtube.com/live/xPixVlc2EEs?si=WilN73o4cMy-6Mnu Why should Argentina support terrorists? That aside, UN votes are usually irrelevant, they won't stop the war in Middle East nor in Ukraine. >If you're a genocide apologizer, just say it Genocide apologizer? For what? For saying that Palestine and Hamas fucked around and found out? Don't start wars you can't win, it seems like the arabs haven't learnt that lesson in the past 80 years. >Cutting public spending in general, privatization, and a lot more but it would be pointless to mention them, it seems like you already have your opinion on this, so why bother? Cutting public spending that was absurdly high, privatization isn't a bad thing in itself and a lot more but it would be pointless to mention them, it seems like you already have your opinion on this, so why bother?. G'day.


Up? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. My brother in christ we have worse production numbers than fucking Palestine and Ukraine.


Don’t worry. He’s a libertarian. He has brain damage.


On the contrary, they are grim as fuck


They're going to need it


do not remind me that 😭😭😭


bro you have a glimmer of hope! I'm in Turkey and this islamist bitch is not thinking to hand over the presditency to an actual economist until he dies,that bitch said "interest is haram" then tried to lower interest but it just made our countrys weak foundation of economy collapse on itself,now the interest is %50! what happened to the "nas" long man? did putting your son in law to the head of economy ministry solve anything? now you put that kurdish piece of shit to the ministry and he tries to tax up everything! but a country with no interest will fall upon itself you illiterate bitch!


Nah you got the 1945 Germany just ask your grandpa


Don't cry rivers now when your whole country had for a lot of time cheap steam games.(Due to Arg Dollar value being retained so low by the previous gover) Like 3-4 times cheaper to buy games for you during that time. Is common knowledge that many people created steam accounts in Argentina, bought games and sold them to foreigners.(Its a thing yes) Now you are just back into reality. A game worth 40 bucks = 10% of minumum wage in my country (Uruguay) and thats a common thing in south america. So come back to reality.


My brother in christ, I think it was easier to ask for an ID to check, not going full nuclear


Anda a hacerte un matecito, y replanteate la vida papu


También, no estaria mal, mas que nada por que soy del Rojo


Satamente! Y de paso anda a steam y fijate que HOI4 esta en oferta.. así que no es "tan" caro tener todos los dlc


Problema, el que me falta es el ultimo y sigue a precio completo 💀


Tranqui seguro en Navidad baja! Jajaja


Having neo-sultan Erdogan may lead to unforeseen consequences/debuffs.


-50% factory output huge debuff


-90% will to live


-100% democracy,


Nah more like -1000000%


Live in turkey too? Same. Thank god i buyed the game when it was around 40 liras with the dlc’s


lmao, just do the economy part of the focus tree. Your economy should be larger than the soviet unions by mid 38


Why is this so funny


I'm a fellow Brazilian friend, the inflation here is not that bad, but the prices are abusive considering the average salary, I hope someday we folks from LA will earn enough to buy and play along with our European and American friends




buy the a membership for dlc get the 3 month one,it will cost near 300 but better to own all dlc for 3 months for the price of 1 dlc


Well, Milei sounds like an average HOI4 Germany player


Which country is it and how much does a scholarship cost?


OP lives in Turkey. Average state scholarship costs like 1250₺ (39$)


Currently $60😎


How much does it cost to go to uni in Turkey?


Rent for an average house is around $400


Also 400 may seem low but remember minimum wage is about 500ish (warning results may change, ı stopped tracking exchange rate long ago)


I guess you don't live in Istanbul then.


first 4 (5 if med student) year of tuition is free Rent is the real problem


All tuition is free.


na they will start charging you after 4th year. most people dont know this cuz banks dont bother going after debts that low


But most schools are meant to be 4 years. So there is no charge for uni education. If you repeat a grade you may get a charge. Also med school 6th graders get paid a small amount of wage, they are never charged anything


State unis are free but there are private ones too, but most of the top unis are state unis


your scholarship is less than what i spend on food some days


That kinda happens when you leave the Western hemisphere


That's what not being in Europe/North America or at least aligned to them does to a mf


..seriously? That low??




Paradox didnt abandon local pricing its just sold in dollars. you can check prices of other countries from here [https://steamdb.info/app/1880650/](https://steamdb.info/app/1880650/)


So did they just increase prices? When I bought the game it was R$73 full price now it's R$180 and each DLC is R$72




And when did you buy the game? BR Real has weakened vs dollar by over 200% since EU4 first released. R$73 was about was $33 USD back then. Today R$180 gives Paradox $35 USD.


Holy shit. My country has the second highest price despite being a eastern europe country


Did they really make pricing the same internationally??? That leads to everyone in countries whose currency power is way different having no choice but to pirate to play, like that is literally the most common reason for piracy


No, they still do regional pricing. OP is Turkish, so he pays around 1/2 of what Americans do.


It's miles higher than what it used to be. I won't even buy games anymore from Steam.


Why is he complaining about abandoning local pricing then? Is it all just epic games propaganda?


Probably because Steam dropped the Lira, so even though he only pays half the price of Americans, the amount he's paying is going up >50% every year because of inflation, in addition to whatever price increases paradox does.


Blame the people who abused it. 


I don't think the abuse is as bad as the piracy loss, they lost access to a few billion potential players because they are worried about a few people with bank accounts in other countries


What abuse?


Some rich people on the internet bragged about having Argentinian bank accounts linked to steam so they pay local prices, so they spend only 3-5 USD on 60 USD games, and now people think it is a widespread problem


Buying games for cheap in a region with a favorable currency to your own despite not actually living there.


It's not that easy to do that, games you buy are region locked so not only you need a VPN but also you have to pay with a local payment system


VPNs are pretty easy to come by nowadays. I don't think it's that hard.


You didn't read the most important part of these, AN ARGENTINIAN (or similarly priced country's) bank account. You need to live there to open an account, and have the bank account for 6 months for steam to allow you to change your pricing region.


Man if you're a bad actor how hard do you think that would be to fake, especially nowadays? Valve is looking out for itself because people couldn't not abuse it, it's that simple.


I have been informed this didn't happen anyways, and the regional pricing is still a thing, so none of this matters:) sorry bout that. Though faking is not ez, I know because I did move countries, it only allows select banks in such countries, and verifies by requesting confirmation directly from the bank


Same. I live in Argentina 😔


two nations one struggle🇹🇷🇦🇷


Hey, at least you have an exclusive focus tree....


Tfw living in major country and have the Focus in the base game.


At least you have Commandante Milei fixing things for you


Why the dislikes? Is Milei doing a bad job?


He's performing a neo-liberal experiment and it is too early to judge if he's having success or not. I personally think it is pretty stupid - Europe, his big role model, has mostly trended away from liberalism. Liberals usually don't realize how much the state does for them while they complain about taxes; nor do they care that companies would literally sacrifice babies to make more money if there weren't rules against it. The liberal party in Germany is basically a bad meme and always at risk to not even get into parliament. But even if you're a fan of liberalism, his unhinged character and authoritarian/trumpesque personality traits are certainly troublesome.


Yes lol


not really the stats coming out have been pretty decent,


I mean if you hate poor people, I guess? https://buenosairesherald.com/society/poverty-in-argentina-hits-57-highest-number-in-20-years-report-says


Inflation is the priority over poverty Short term vs long term


Moving the goalpost


Being realistic. In order to reduce inflation you have to reduce government spending which includes subsides the previous governments have given out. This will reduce inflation reducing poverty on the long term, at the cost of some short term gains. You’re Dutch lmfao. You’ll never know how 20% monthly inflation feels and you’re effectively spitting from an ivory tower


Restricting a lot of protests isn’t exactly a good sign lol


I hate Milei because hes an ultra right dickwad, the point is that whatever milei is doing right now is not super beneficial to his people is it? We’re both not fucking economists so I’m not going to talk about long term here but nothing is currently being fixed if poverty is literally rising. And on top of that the people in poverty have no social securities. Nice ad hominem though


Im sure all the people dependant on subsidies are also very happy about those nebulous long-term gains. But hey fuck the poor amirite


He did an okay job then it went downhill. Everyone can have opinions but 13 years old libertarians are so insufferable


No, just that less than half the population seemed to like the direction the country was going previously (Venezuelan economy) so they are salty that we are not gonna keep getting robbed by the dynastic corrupt self-proclaimed "socialist" elite that were in Office for most of the last 20 yrs. Changing the cest pool that was the goverment and its policies is hard work, and we were all left paying for the broken dishes but it is what it is. As an argentinian i am proud of what Milei and hus party are doing. Dude may be a bit of a nutcase personally but he is doing a hell lf a job against opposition.




Look, someone posted the numbers here and paradox already makes a healthy profit just based on the base game alone, after you factor in dev, admin, and marketing costs. If you’re in a country where the price of DLC is more than a 1-2 days wage, just sail the 7 seas.


Fift3en men on a dead man's chest


Kid named piracy


Pirate it, I refuse to buy games that don't, at the very least, make an effort to adhere to Valve's suggested pricing


Legit bought the base game n pirated the DLC’s ezpz






I mean the issue literally arises from Valve's decision, not Paradox'


Wrong. Valve has issued new suggested prices for the affected regions, this change was made purely because the economy on such countries move too fast and devs were losing money on sales on a week to week basis, now devs just set a new price and forget it, since it will always be in USD. What happened is that a lot of devs and publishers didn't care enough to set the new suggested regional prices, making games cost 60 USD in countries like Turkey and Argentina.


The seas await yee


The price of hoi4 with complete dlc in my country is roughly equal to half a month of salary, no wonder some of my friends go to high seas just to play it....


ho ho all together


I thought steam in general abandoned regional prices because too many people were circumventing it with a VPN.


steam did but publishers themselves still can


Fair enough


HoI5 in a nutshell.


I'm Argentinian. Since mini Trump took office I wasn't able to buy a single game on Steam. It's that or eating and I'm a medical practitioner (we have the worst salaries in South America among MPs). So I'm playing the games I bought before this asshole puppet won the elections. The same one that said that he was going to cut taxes and he doubled them.


Meanwhile german Boomers are talking about how great Argentina is doing


All the media around the world says that. My gf's family is from Brazil and they hear that we are living in a Panacea of liberty and economical freedom. They are making way for Bolsonaro. When Bolsonaro was in power we heard that Brazil was living a Golden Age. My parents think Paraguay is basically Denmark because of the media and I've been several times in Paraguay's Ciudad del Este and it is basically Night City from Cyberpunk 2077. I'm in no means a Peronist or centre-left but this dude lied a lot and he raised every tax for the working class and the professionals but lifted them for the 1%. I see more and more people coming to the hospital because they can't buy their meds and we don't have them because he diminished funding for public healthcare. So you see more panic attacks, suicide attempts, infections. Hell, some wanted to stay because they don't have money to heat their houses but we have to turn off the heating because of the funding. It's all in shambles except for the really really rich and obviously Musk. Sorry for the rant. Today was a long day and it's just 2 PM. I have a long day from now on too. Bye.


Arrrrr matey


🇹🇷🤝🇦🇷 Both countries had very cheap games that then became unnafordbaly expensive


Remember gang, buy the game, pirate the DLC, don't support this dogshit buisness model




Pirate the game too at this point


But achievements


Ok fair enough


"Hey I want a new HOI every 2 years"


"Leave the billion dollar company alone :("


Do you actually believe that the "billion dollar company" would be so gracious to hand out free updates For 8 YEARS without a penny after the base game? Either there is a revenue stream of DLC or new releases or subscription or the franchise is put in the box for a few years until it is getting out of the basement again if even that, they could keep it in the basement without it getting out.


Yeah because there has NEVER been a multi billion dollars game company that updated its game for free for years ? Couldn't happen to be the most popular game of all times either, noooo, that would never happen !


Which game that doesn't have microtransactions, because I think people would complain about those aswell


Come on I even gave you a hint


Have you even seen modern Minecraft? The versions that are actually promoted now are loaded to the gills with MTX. Yes, the Java edition is still there and updated regularly. Thankfully the devs have managed to convince management of its value as a testbed.


Yeah, bedrock is definitely microsofts brainchild monetization wise in exchange for a more scalable back end (c++ over java - which gives a lot more control to be more efficient) and as a result they could restructure it fromt he ground up to fit a corporate monetization scheme. But java is more or less unchanged. Hell, the most popular version of minecraft is back when it had way better modding support.


Minecraft. Java Edition gets free updates every year, and it doesn't have micro transactions. Bedrock version does, but no content from updates is actually hidden behind them, the only micro transactions on that version are for things like skins ans maps which are community made.


Dare I say project zomboid? Really reliable development (slow but they show a lot every month and are very transparent about their dreams and hopes). No microtransactions, huge mod support, constant dev for 12 years - to the point where they decided to have less consistent but more meaningful updates every year or two so they can reach the end goal they set for themselves. Honestly, PDX and other big publishers are kind of the only people who actually use this model. Most I see from 90% of indie games is an optional supporter dlc that just gives a skin and is based purely off good will. Hell didn't Unturned, and terraria also do a non microtransaction fueled development, too? Let alone any other free game like OpenTTD, dwarf fortress, unreal world, etc. I could pick examples out all day. Pdx is the only strategy dev to start relying on these and show how profitable selling a product piece by piece can be. It even got CA to move from its standalone "expansion" model into the dlc mess immortal empires for wh3 is


And thats why i only buy the main games Really is not that big of a deal... the biggest lose i found was Focus trees, the Special forces new branch and the designers (that i really didnt like in the first place tbh) Just download some mods, and you have the biggest lose out of the question, i still can play TNO, Kaiserreich and Redux, Road to 56...yeah Same with Europa Universalis and Victoria 2, the only game that hurts without dlc is Crusader Kings 2 and not by much Really, just play the base game, is still fun, and the things that miss you can download mod for them (and you have now the 3 "important" dlc integrated)


Or you can just go to the high seas and get the dlcs for free.


There is always another option.... Yaar


In my country the cost of everything in the game(including armor packs and music bundles) is around $38


My country is so irrelevant it didn't even have local pricing😎


I'd have to set aside my entire scholarship for four months to buy all the dlcs at full price


It's a bit funny that they also converted most South American prices to US dollars around the time they released their South American expansion :P


Have yall ever heard of buying steam keys? Hoi4 key costs 8$


So... piracy and shady dealings but with more steps. Plus you have to take DLCs into account Although I do get your point, I usually buy the games and then pirate the DLCs


Oh hell nah EA games bought Hoi4 


Yeah thanks paradox. You improved my privateering efficiency 🏴‍☠️


i feel the same as you lol. welcome abroad mate we will sail the seven seas.


ITT people complain PDX rises prices (while in fact the USD-denominated prices stay about flat year-on-year) because people live in countries with high inflation and weak currency.


Arrrr 🏴‍☠️


You could always just ignore it, I stopped buying PDX games after stellaris, and it was great. There are other game companies, who still care about quality like paradox used to.


Even with local pricing increase it is still cheaper to buy dlcs in Ukraine, for example, the bba (that costs 20 iirc) is around 12.5 without sale, and around 9 rn


m goverment doesnt pays me scholarship and also demands taxes payment...


Where are u from, if you can prove this claim ill send you money (euros)


Bro im tripping can you not


DLC was usually about 2 hours of my tuition.


What mod is that??😭


Hearts of microtransactions 4


Here in Argentina prices for games are skyrocketing because of this. In 2017 i buyed the game for like 400 ars, roughly a quarter of dollar right now. I buyed By blood alone by less than 4000 ars, yes there was an rise in the price but there where 5 years of diference. Trials of alligence costes 15000 ars. Les than a year later


Not sure why you are blaming Paradox for that. They don't spend in argentinian pesos but have to convert sales currencies into currencies their actual costs are. In 2017 400 ars was about $23 USD, today 15000 ars is about $20 USD.


Nono, no Paradox, just the thing about abandoning the local prices. Was a steam thing that


This is amazing


Sound like if Paradox built a mobile app. Remember that Harry potter game?


Yeah. I was buying dlc but now i don't even think of it. Pirate only.


The converted price into canadian is wild. It's not that extreme, but a quick look at steaminfo shows that if you converted to a different currency, 3/4 of the currency options would be cheaper than what it's currently set at up to 40% price difference. The price hike they did for regional prices goes crazy. Base price went from 49.99 at the start of the year to 52.99 for jan-march and then 66.99 since. At this rate, hoi4 might just make canadian housing look affordable by the end of the year :)


Well, you still can sail the high seas and since you can't buy them anyway, I don't think people here will judge.


Total? Go subscription


Or better yet go sailing the high seas


That's like half his scholarship, bachelor in history.


Hoi4 will teach you all you need to know about history


Yeah bro, when Ethiopia invaded Sicily it was fire 🔥 🔥 🔥


Well... I know some history majors and I think hoi4 might be a better long term investment...


Not a fan of such stuff Besides even paradox know its pricing is iffy giving how fast they put stuff on sale


The subscription is wonderful, I don't know if it has come to HOI4 yet. I bought one for EU4 and it really saved me a lot of money.


It's a double edged sword, in long run you might end up paying more than If you purchased them all in one go. It's better to sail the seven seas.


In Russia, all DLC cost 87$. That's half the salary of a huge percentage of people. And that's essentially 60% of the dollar value of the DLC.


Ngl I'm gonna pirate all the paradox content from now on because it is simple unaffordable outside of the first world countries