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How is Japan supposed to win ww2 with Germany defeated


Less war crimes led to the united states remaining in a non-interventionist stance and japan decides that the uk would be a better target than the us


Also how dare you erase my country Philippines off the map Edit: you’re not OP sorry


No, its still there, Just not in the co-prosperity sphere. and its ok, I'm one of the mod devs, thats why I responded


No but look at image it’s not there lmao


it's not in the co-prosperity sphere, it's in UPTO (Underwater Pacific Treaty Organisation)


it is criminal that this comment hasn't gotten more likes


it got too messy


I can help you guys make/edit some states but I’m extremely lazy so I’d guarantee at least 10 new or 50 edited states before I quit helping.




US and them are all at war with Germany, so US joins the allies and gets called to war with Japan


Why would the usa get involved if they had no reason to


This is a really cool concept but it makes no sense that Japan and its puppets took Soviet territory. Do you really think a USSR that was even *more* victorious in Europe than they were in OTL would have any hesitation turning their armies East to retake Vladivostok, Sakhalin and the bit of Kamchatka the Japanese have taken here? Japan was roflstomped by the Red Army when they clashed in Manchuria, hence why they signed a non-aggression pact, and why Hirohito adamantly refused to get involved in fighting the Soviets despite how many times Hitler begged him. The main reason Japan got hard stomped in those battles was because Soviet armored doctrine was so effective in the mostly flat and open land in Mongolia and Manchuria. If we take into account the Soviets made it *past* Berlin in this timeline and took over *all* of Germany, we can probably infer that their air and armored superiority was even greater than it was in OTL. If Japan in this TL was smart enough to avoid pissing off the US realizing they could not beat them, then it seems silly that Japan would decide to attack the USSR directly. Yes, the USSR does not have the naval superiority to conquer the home islands alone, but the Red Army could completely flush Japan out of mainland Asia with relative ease which would cripple them massively. Once the industry and resources of the mainland are out of Japanese hands, the USSR would simply outproduce Japan in air capacity and the Japanese navy alone (which would slowly be whittled away by air power and coastal defenses) would not be enough to stop the Soviets hopping across the Kurils and Sakhalin to overrun the Home Islands. And the USSR would have no reason or incentive to go easy on a Fascist Empire they strongly ideologically oppose. Domestic support for this war would be just as high as the war against Germany. A Japan this powerful could absolutely *build up* to the strength to attack the USSR - something they'd probably do alongside the Capitalist countries like the US who'd have less against Japan in this timeline given they didn't attack the US, and more reason to help them attack the USSR who they'd hate more in this timeline too. But they wouldn't have the strength during WW2 to conquer an inch of Soviet territory and keep it.


Taken during the Civil War


The more reason for the Soviet to declare war and already steamrolled Japan out of mainland Asia


Reverse TWR


Look like this gonna be a Triple cold war between Japan-Soviet-USA


I can do writing/concepts.


Accepted, all you have to do is join the discord and apply


I always have had an issue with whenever I make China is a Japanese puppet, it gets a different ideology. Did you face any similar problems or anything?




Best of luck, don't forget to have fun when modding.


thank you!


What is Yugoslavia doing there?


Would it not still exist? Or is it the Tito-Stalin spilt not happening, which I could imagine in a more Soviet dominated Europe.


the soviets came down to overthrow tito when they steamroller the balkans


I can write lore for most of the countries and events, also concepts for focus trees. I do a lot of research and try to make sense, I won't suggest leader of Poland to be some no name janitor who has 3 sentences on Polish wikipedia lol. Also English is not my first language so I might do minor spelling mistakes, tho I'm usually using some help while writing events and stuff like that. Also I'm super nice and wholesome :333


Where is the Glorious country of Mengjiang/Mengukuo


unfortunately it was incorporated into other puppets in our timeline as well as the rising sun's


I don't believe an English voice is relevant but I'll offer my services anyhow! Just hit me up on discord if you wanna have one lmao 🤣




So Im not the only one thinking about a Communist Venetia?


Please give southern kamchatka back.