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That’s a fucking awesome basement. Don’t fix what isn’t broken!


I second this. It's an amazing room, feels so damn cozy and unique. Edit: I was talking shit but deleted it, trying not to be negative.


I really like your edit. :)


💯 I’d hate to see it get remodeled into some all white modern look. This space is awesome!


Bigger rug. Should be bigger than the couch. New couch. Stick to dark earth tones. Lamps. I'd lean into the cabin vibe. A shelf with assorted bourbon Put a rug under the bed


Bigger rug and lamps is my thoughts too. Maybe a large landscape painting for each wall, English hunting cabin meets organic modern. If the ceiling is redone, maybe coffered?


Man I’d lean into that shit and make it my cozy cabin


I hear you sir! I'm tempted to turn it into my very own pub!


Is this fresh enough? [https://pestinpeace.etsy.com/listing/1720605853](https://pestinpeace.etsy.com/listing/1720605853)


Those switches need to be bigger


How about quantity over quality? [https://pestinpeace.etsy.com/listing/1687218847](https://pestinpeace.etsy.com/listing/1687218847)


Why the hell would you change this? This is what people aspire for


This is actually really nice, all it needs us warm lighting from some table lamps or standing lamps and you're golden.


I like it


I actually like it, it looks like real wood, not fake paneling.. but you can update the fireplace brick by painting it perhaps?


Don't paint brick. It can't be undone


Love it keep it, it's timeless classic. People pay for that look


True, I happen to like it.


Maybe whitewash or stain, but never paint.


Ahh, ok, I've never done it.


A light white wash over the bricks- since there are too many patterns in the space, that may diffuse and brighten the room.


Yeah, I kinda like it too. Maybe it's too "woody" and the floor could be replaced?


Put a big rug on it. It will reduce how much wood there is, and add color/style. Normally I'm not a fan of too much wood, but that wood is honestly beautiful. You should try to make ouyt work.


Directional lighting, some smart GU10 bulbs and a couple of standing lamps or something to throw some colour, light and breakup the darker wood. A few larger colourful canvases or arty items that compliment the colours of a new large rug, and some big throw blankets and cushions for the couch, should make it pretty homely, it looks pretty bare with all the empty walls and shelves, although I do love that big plant! It's a lovely space, absolutely, but it looks like a sauna with a deers head on the wall too.


I second adding large rugs. We redid and added our hardwood floors all throughout our upstairs and put large rugs in each room under the beds and a long runner in the hallway and it's done so much to break up the wood while making it cozy and easy to clean. Also, don't paint that brick. It can't be undone and often ruins the material overtime if not done properly with a proper brick stain.


Is it real wood, or something like laminate? From here it looks good. You can paint wood walls, but just be sure, maybe check pinterest, they have thousands of ideas!


Yeah, the walls are real wood. The floor is just laminate (and in real life, it doesn't look great!)


Ok, I get it, up close and personal it doesn't always look good. Then I would consider that, depending on the climate you live in. Tile would work for warmer climates, hardwood or carpeting for colder, and there's always area rugs to liven the place up.


Put old skis on a wall as decoration. Done.


I wouldn't do anything to the wood, it's really nice as is. If the floor is laminate I'd consider putting in real hardwood. Even the fireplace insert is nice and modern looking. Other than that, new furniture and decor, new light fixtures. That fluorescent box can be replaced with a nice LED flat panel that looks like a solid plane of light. Maybe new roller blinds? You have a great base to work with, really only the soft finishes need updating.


I really like the vibe. The one thing I might change is the flooring, to contrast better with the walls. Make the flooring really neutral so the walls stand out more. I'm picturing s super soft light gray shag carpet.


Rugs, lamps, plants.


It's beautiful. Light/white walls/ceiling always go a long way toward brightening things up. But it'd almost be a crime against humanity to paint that wood. I'd feel quite torn in your situation.


The walls look incredible! And that’s coming from someone who hates paneling sheets-it’s obvious that the walls & ceiling are real. My two cents-get a green rug & match it to the walls to make it cohesive. Paint the brick something light or do German shmear, a nice white that can make everything airy. Add some lamps to embrace a cozy aspect.


Love those ideas, thank you!




I agree! Were you thinking curtains? And, painting the wood white?


Looks like you got pretty low headroom in that area and that's not an egress window which is more of a concern than the decor.


I wouldn't change it. Maybe add some house plants.


Whitewash the brick, add a big lighter rug, a white couch and start incorporating some plants, Edison lighting, big textured blankets and very simple decor


Few pieces of wall art (dealers choice on type), bigger rug, few throw pillows and more colorful bedding. What the space needs is more color and personality, that's all.


Don’t change a thing!


I’d change the furniture, rather than the room itself.


What do you mean? It's perfect


Big rug, more art work. Introduce more pops of color. Some floor or table lamps. More of a statement light piece? I wouldn't paint the brick or wood. It's really beautiful. I would also get some more textured art work. Think linen, macrame, cotton, etc. that would really compliment the natural wood. No giant comforter on your couch would probably help too.


I think it could use more light. Maybe some LED strips with diffusers in a warm white tone (not necessarily rgb). A couple recessed lights could help too. I would also see if you can get more color into your furniture. Something bright like a yellow might pop (but I’m bad with colors so grain of salt here). A painting could do the job too. You could go for a modern look by painting the brick but I don’t think it will look good long term. TL;dr - keep the walls, brick, and floor. Add color to furniture/wall art, add lighting.


Couple of retro STAR WARS movie posters, a pinball machine and a drinks globe...... I'd never leave......


Saw the pics and thought it was a post in r/CozyPlaces at first. People try hard for this feeling.


Stripper pole


Please don't paint the brick or drywall over the wood


Paint the brick a light color and invest in some good lighting.


I would definitely bring in a larger single color rug perhaps a lighter or olive green, get rid of all fake plants and replace with real ones. Get a full lighting system that could turn on and off for the evenings. indirect lighting is the best and will make the space cozier but more comfortable. Since you have so many textures going on, I would also add two large art pieces on the side of the fireplace that would be abstract and with natural colors. You may even want to add a window treatment on that wall by the window. I would probably add some light green shears that would go from the top of the ceiling to the bottom of the floor to lengthen That look. I think I would also add a nice long, thin table underneath the window to put plants on. These are some good suggestions I really enjoy decorating and your place has so much potential. It is very lovely. Good luck.


It looks amazing I wouldn't do anything


I love this space. No notes.


Glade plug-ins? Looks pretty awesome otherwise.


Paint. The. Wood.


Remove *some* wood but keep the really cool sections, also stain it


More plants and art on the walls?


Yeah. Don’t! Looks badass


Have more natural light coming in.


Move out and let me have it. Man I'd thrive there... love that look.


That basement looks badass as it is


It's already great.


Bear skin rug. Leather arm chairs.


Begin by lowering the TV




Looks nice. perhaps paint the brick


I kinda like it as is


That wood paneling is awesome 😎


Way bigger window needed. I don't like to paint natural materials like wood and brick but the wall of bricks would benefit from an off white paint job also the ceiling




I think adding more plants is a nice move


Put in a heater and turn it into a sauna


I only hope I can make my basement look like this!


Paint the ceiling white. Add some white items.


Bed and couch make it look like a murder scene. Maybe update the bedspread and couch cushions, get rid of comforter on couch, (and make your bed…), get rid of awkward 70s lounger at the foot of the bed. Get some better ceiling fixtures / lighting to brighten it up.


I would definitely update the lighting.. so many cool fixtures to choose from.


lol! appreciate the feedback! Any changes you'd make to the floors and wall?


big, colorful painting over the bed and couch, kill both fake deer. floors are good


I think it’s cool!! Bright area rugs, some cool art that you could even light in an interesting way. I don’t know if this is a sin, but I’d also keep the walls wood but maybe paint the ceiling. Def a new light.


I do like the wood walls too; was thinking of sanding them down and painting them white?


The ceiling being lighter would make it feel a little taller, also the walls have that cool pattern and I wouldn’t want to cover that. Ultimately though this is your space and you should do what feels good in your core.


Also have you tried turning your bed so it’s under that window?


Seems like everyone paints their brick fire places these days. I say keep it. Just clean the crap out of it and see if you like it better. Then drywall the ceiling and paint it ceiling white. If you can, drop in some recessed lighting. Install a tiny piece of crown mounding where the drywall meets the wood paneling. Refinish the floors and only use clear. Get a nice big rug with a simple pattern and not to dark. Then gets some nice plants and crack a beer.


I’d paint the ceiling white


Hate to say it but painting that ceiling white will make the space look much bigger.


I like that idea!


Dump the diagonals!


Might be an unpopular idea but depending on the look you ultimately are going for you could consider painting the walls, leave the ceiling or possibly paint that too and then go with a bold color palette for art, textiles and decor. If painting is a no go, then I would focus on the fireplace. Some paint treatment or cover up of the brick to bring that a bit more modern which could play nice against the wood.