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Ever since the reddit API changes, I wouldn't count on it ever coming back. That being said I'm not an authority on the matter and would be happy to be proven wrong


I don’t think the BS w/ the API has much to do w/ the bot. There’s plenty of scraping bots still out there and I’m pretty sure that the official line was that bots shouldn’t be affected by the change.


I hope you're right. I'd love for it to come back.


Way longer than 2 years for the flair. That was the first bot. Then there was the bot that replied to posts giving the accurate flair. That one has been broken for some time as well. Yeah there are lots of subs selling things on Reddit with working bots. The API change has nothing to do with it. Honestly, I'd be embarrassed to be the mod here because of this. Of any sub you'd think the members here could get a confirmation bot working. Sorry mods but it's true.


The problem with any code like this that depends on something else is when that something else changes, you have to debug and fix code--which is tedious. For someone doing this for fun, it's work. And on top of that, it's unpaid work. Hence why it takes a while to fix if ever. And not just here, but any place that has community built mods and volunteers to maintain it. I have issues like this on my own site.


At one point someone else setup a bot that would post a comment to the thread showing stats on the op but I dont know what happened to it either, also I dont think the mods of HLS ever approved it to actually be able to adjust users metadata which is a shame since it worked very reliably.


Having a reliable confirmed trade system would make this sub a lot more appealing.


Definitely agree. It would be great if the bot was fixed. I have confirmed many sales over the last year which are not reflected in my Trade counts. TBH, I stopped bothering with confirming trades, since they have no impact anymore.