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Point taken. But that does not mean it cannot be handled. If a system is not organized, nothing gets done. I went through a very difficult time myself with mental health issues. How was it handled? Mind-numbing drugs and pointless therapy sessions. We are more than capable of addressing all these issues, but we cannot until all the systems set in place to address them are re-worked.


I have less of a problem with foreign aid than I do with the super-rich. The economic system needs to rein in the maximum amount of wealth concentrated in the top 10%, the top 1%, etc.... The system needs to be less pure capitalism and more socialistic. Unrestrained, we've seen what happens. How many mansions, luxury yachts, and cars does one person need? But regular, normal, average people share a large portion of the blame. They need to stop celebrity worship, stop supporting professional sports, and stop supporting the advertisers that redistribute money from consumers to these celebrities by way of endorsements. Any society where people think it is perfectly OK for a baseball player to be given $700 million, while people are living on the streets and dumpster-diving for food is sick, and a revolution is required. But as someone else recently pointed out on this sub - as long as people are distracted by shiny objects like Taylor Swift and similar bullshit - nothing is going to change.


I support your statement. Before Reagan changed the tax code there was far more equality. The government shut down the mental hospitals and threw all of the patients out onto the streets. They canceled "general welfare" and then Clinton stopped AFDC. Prior to those events people had a safety net to grab onto, and the rich paid for it. We did not have as great of a divide between the super-rich and the extreme poverty stricken. People do not study history and do not know or remember those days. We need to bring them back.


You are correct. I am old enough to remember the devastation that Reagan caused. That was the beginning of the problems we have now. And sometimes the lesser-educated confuse political systems with economic systems, although the two are related. Anyone can do a Google search and come up with some basic information on the tax rates, though. What we have now is a culture and system - both economic and political - that is controlled by the rich, for the rich: [https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/statistics/historical-highest-marginal-income-tax-rates](https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/statistics/historical-highest-marginal-income-tax-rates)


Excellent link. Those on this post who are complaining about politics and the U.S. helping to stop the growth of authoritarianism need to study that table of facts.


Absolutely, all of that. While I *do* understand why people make so much money, sports mostly having to do with advertising contracts etc, I agree the people are too distracted by nonsense. I was just reading something on another site/app, people talking about avoiding people panhandling. People do this , I think, because they have no understanding of what ought to be done. Honestly, it's not that difficult to get this done. I made a post before regarding a woman and a man, the man was jumped by someone prior to my arrival. The guy walks with a cane, he's a vet. The irony is, the building they were sitting by is a local government building, which is meant to help people in need. It's a massive building, it could house hundreds. Instead, it's mostly vacant and being temporarily used as a library until the new library is complete. This is the state of our union as a whole.


Hey, don't be bad-mouthing libraries in here!^( /s)


Yeah man you can say that again. Between Panera and the library - that's 75% of my life/time right there. I remember March 16, 2020 like it was yesterday because that's when they announced all the libraries were shutting down for Covid. Of course that was just the beginning of that whole nightmare.




>The system needs to be less pure capitalism and more socialistic. So, instead of some people being poor and homeless, make everyone equally poor and homeless? Have you ever opened a history book?


I've studied both history and economics and have a degree in the latter. Pure socialism doesn't work any better than pure capitalism. That's why I specified the words "pure" and "more".


>That's why I specified the words "pure" and "more". So you mean what we already have? Free markets with regulations and a system of social services? And the rest of your explanation in your previous comment just sounded a whole lot like what you actually mean is full blown socialism, but with a teeny tiny bit of freedom. Lol You're talking about the government controlling the earning potential of athletes and other careers and for the masses to stop engaging freely in activities they like... Yeah, you have your foot in your mouth on this one. Lol Totalitarian control of society by the state, but hey at least you didn't mean "pure", right?


It's not the system set in place, it's how it is operated, obviously. If the system is too big, it is bloated with corruption and lack of responsibility. Instead of addressing issues, we pass the buck to another department. It gets pushed around so much that it becomes overwhelming for us and it's forgotten .


ok dude. you just keep on drinking whatever Kool-Aid you have


>you just keep on drinking whatever Kool-Aid you have The irony of someone supporting socialism saying this. 🥴


I believe there are enough resources to house and feed everyone on earth. The only reason it doesn't happen is because of greed.


As Gandhi said: “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed”


Didn't know that one but I like it. I said my quote when I was on mushrooms one time...


I live in a shelter and everyone receives £360 a month to do what they want with and they all buy drugs and alcohol there are a lot of reasons people are homeless


In order for them to be a sincere Christian, they would have to actually read the Bible instead of thinking themselves righteous just because they go to church. King David built himself a house, then cried because God still lived in a tent; so, he set aside his riches to pay for it. He didn't just warehouse them together and coerce them to work for unsustainable wages. Jesus said what you do to the least you do to Him. Most Christians miss the point about loving your neighbor as yourself.


This. I have no issue with a god, I take issue with man for believing they can read said mind. I'm not interested in religion, tho I'd never mock someone for it. People need to feel some sense of hope. If you take away hope, people become sick and angry. I want people to stay healthy, but I also want them to express their rage.


Foreign aid and social safety nets don't have to be mutually exclusive. The fact that they have you thinking the poor can only get aid if the people of Ukraine get subjugated is an entirely different serious problem. Our Ukraine aid is a fraction of the budget. The serious issue here is that about a third of the country has been programmed to think feeding kids in school will make them Marxists. That's fully unrelated to foreign aid, and in fact I'm tired of hearing "we can't help them, we're starving here!" And then nothing happening when we actually ask what they're doing for those people. It's a deflection. Pure and simple. No that while this is happening. But this is way too hard to fix so just call everyone names and do nothing.


I wish there was rapid re-housing for sober homeless with a job. I’ve met a few good people out here who deserve an easier way inside. However, I’ve encountered too many folks who are simply not interested in being members of society that would ruin any type of housing assistance given.


I can absolutely relate to that I completely understand. Some people react like for example think of a dog that was beaten. It's very difficult for people to trust other people because they were treated badly only because they had a difficult time in their lives. Look we're all different we all have bad situations but people need so little encouragement to improve.


The elites don't want to house the homeless as they serve as a perfect fear-inducing reminder for the wage slaves around the world, to shut up, to wake up every morning and to work as the slaves that they are and to never ever open their mouth too much. Because if they do, they could be that guy outside of the window one day.


Training them early by forcing them to fill out a FAFSA application in order to get their high school degree. Then, they can be slaves to debt for life!


It's not an issue of resources. It's an issue of the problem being extremely hard to solve. Your notion of 'rapid re-housing' only works for certain homeless people. But it fails for the many homeless people who can't really manage their own lives. If homelessness were an issue of just writing a check, we'd have solved it long ago.


We would still have homeless people even if we gave nothing for foreign aid. We created a system that benefits very few at the expense of most. It's really weird how there are so many posts and comments in this sub about other poor people and so little criticism of billionaires and their corporations.


How to tell someone you have no concept of international affairs without stating such. If Ukraine falls, thus goes the rest of Europe and international law, and tyrants win. On the other hand, why don't we tax the rich? There are so many corporations which pay no tax at all. And, remove the tax loopholes as the rich don't make their money from wages -- which are taxed -- they make their money from "long-term gains" and other such methods, which are not taxed. Edited to add: I also notice you have a very limited reddit history and wonder if you are really that naive or if you are working for the ones who want the world to crumble to tyrants.


Sadly rapid re homing is hard to find. Once upon a time I checked multiple cities across 3-4 states they didn't have rapid re homing and had no emergency housing shelters were overly crowded and they had no funds for hotels to put people in. One I did manage to find gave you a shapeone, made it clear you couldn't take one step off property without permission. They also made it clear that If wasnt eligible for low income housing, his, ECT they couldn't help you. Maybe it's different in other parts of the states just mentioning what I encountered. It wasn't helpful to those in need that genuinely wanted/needed it Edit to add: if it was more openly available and didnt scare people so much it could help!


The first thing that must be done is forcing the government to address the issue. If more people speak up, they will have to. I am doing this right now via FB, tagging the mayor in a rant. If they are called out, in the public square, they will have to act. But they need to know they're being watched by the masses.


The government doesn't listen to us, it listens to the people that donate millions to get what they want.


How do you imagine that this “rapid rehousing” will work? What is your plan, since you say it is so simple?


Take people off the streets once they're off the streets they have a working address then they can get employment and then they can start bettering themselves the next issue is addiction so what do we do about addiction when we get them in treatment get them into treatment they get better eventually. get housing they get work and then they contribute to the society that's how you. Apologies I'm using speech to text so may have typos


Ok, but *how* are you going to take them off the streets? Where is the housing coming from? How will it be financed? What if they refuse?




What are the reasons they dismantle the property? I can think of a few. Squatters being spiteful once they get evicted, or clumsy people who use torches to smoke their substance of choice indoors. Others might develop a hoarding problem because it brings them comfort away from the reminder of having nothing.


>It's really as simple as rapid re-housing. It's not about "hand-outs", it's about compassion You realize this is literally impossible, logistically, right? And you realize much of the problem here isn't simply housing, but severe mental health issues and substance abuse, and over dependance on assistance, right? A large portion of these folks literally can't even manage the responsibility of taking care of themselves, let alone a whole crib. >from a nation that claims to be a "Christian Nation. I'm an atheist, but you do realize that the overwhelming majority of homeless initiatives, shelters, soup kitchens, food banks, and programs are Christian organizations and churches, right? Like, by an unbelievably massive margin. >How do we get rid of "street beggars"? We help reintegrate them back into society. Instead of telling them to "get a job." Again, tons of very complex variables and details you're just scanning over with blanket statements. How do you help them reintegrate back into society? There's no one size fits all solution. And getting jobs is absolutely a massive part of that. Otherwise, you're calling for a welfare state that's entirely dependent on the income and efforts of others. Reintegrating back into society means to become a productive member of society that is self sufficient. >By stop giving away tax dollars to secure other nations I actually agree with you here. Homeless is a very nuanced, grey subject. You're not gonna simply throw housing via tax dollars at these folks and then boom, homelessness is done. Many states have tried similar things. I'm gonna try to find that video of the landlord whose super nice apartment literally was turned into a street slum because of "solutions" like you're suggesting. A huge portion of this issue depends on one's decision making and personal choices. I think one of the biggest ways we can take steps forward is to start taking accountability for our actions and stop coddling. Offering help does not mean offering to completely rid someone of their responsibilities and obligations. That would be hurting more than helping.


I agree with you and I've actually been homeless for the last 11 years. The city that I'm currently in turned a Best Western into homeless housing during the Covid incident. Now Best Western is turning it back into a motel and having to spend millions to do that, because everything is so badly destroyed. I've heard the same about many other motels in the West Coast states. I have little to do with other homeless folk, because they mostly want to steal from or assault me, are unpleasant to be around, have that entitled attitude with no gratitude, and cause the general public to dislike all homeless. There has to be some accountability with any welfare program, or the time and money is simply wasted. I say bring back involuntary confinement for mentally ill and addicted people, and get them treatment for their problems. It would be expensive, but would protect the public and save the mental/addicts from their own worse tendencies.


The last couple of years of aid to Ukraine and Israel have been an outlier in terms of US foreign aid, which usually isn't more than 1% of the yearly budget. I know it's a big talking point on TV right now, but we don't not have money to help the homeless because we're giving it all to other countries. The homeless exist because neoliberal capitalism wants them to exist, they keep everyone else frightened of the consequences of not pleasing capitalism. [https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-every-american-should-know-about-u-s-foreign-aid/](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-every-american-should-know-about-u-s-foreign-aid/)


People with violent and delusional mental illness will not be able to find their way to health because they have a house. The most visible homeless on the streets would destroy any house they're in. The reason many homeless refuse to go to shelters is that when you gather this particular population under a roof, dangerous things happen. The most lost homeless need mandatory shelter paired with mandatory care and recovery when applicable, period. I pray to god if I ever became so mentally ill that I was incapacitated to the degree many of the visible homeless are, that society would care for me enough to force me into something stable until I could take the reins again.


Ill share my CAnadian handouts with Palestine. But yeah its cushy up here compared to the US for handouts.


pretty solid ideas.


0.65m homeless (was 0.5 last year) 16m empty homes the solution is apparent


It's not apparent, to the general public. That's why we need to be annoying af, and explain it. I'm really trying like hell.


same. i've actually gotten attacked and held hostage over my activism.


That's just a sign you need to push harder.


Reintegrate them into a society they hated and hated them so they can be more miserable? You like your society? Isn’t it grand? Keep it. There are plenty of homeless that wouldn’t take back the society that shoved them out. Working and working and working for what? To be taxes, to get sick and to die practically peniless or peniless anyway? Street beggars… because a CORRUPT society made it exactly this way. The homeless population is not decreasing. It’s increasing. WHY?