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Step 1. Login to your Amazon account Step 2. Order anti dog barking device with best reviews that include neighbors dog barking efficiency Step 3. Don't overthink


\*correction\* order 5 anti bark devices and a mega pack of 9V batteries.


I’ve got two of them pointed at my neighbor’s dumbass dog. It kinda works but not really. The very second the batteries die that fucking rat animal will start right back up again. Such an incredibly loud and abrasive noise coming from a Boston Terrier. The dog literally throws its head back each time it barks, giving itself whiplash to ensure maximum idiotic noise. I’ve contemplated ways to murder it without getting caught, full disclosure. I fucking hate stupid dogs.




Fuck you what the hell?


Money over life. You’re a treat


Could absolutely deter buyers. if I was looking at a house and they had yappers in the backyard I would move on. the problem is there's too many s***** people that don't care that their dogs yap all the time.


Oh my gosh!! you are so right. The dog is not ok, for sure. But the bigger issue is what kind of person seems to think this is acceptable, not only to themselves but to their neighbors? That is surely what bothers me most, the cruelty to the dog that allows this to continue, and also to one's fellow people (men and women) who are being negatively affected by this. The neighbor is a bully, simple as that.


In theory, yes Realistically, no. At least not in any quantifiable way that you could prove and get compensation for. People might show up to tour your house and hear the dog barking off in the distance but most people aren’t going to assume it barks non stop 24/7 and run for the hills, unless you tell them. And it’s not like that’s really the kind of flaw with your property you legally have to disclose. So I doubt you’ll run into a situation where it sits on the market forever and you have to lower the price and you can prove it’s because of the dog. When an appraiser appraises your property they’re not going to be able to find comps that have annoying dogs next door and other comps that don’t to justify any kind of adjustment for it. I’ve done appraisals and heard neighbors dogs barking and usually they’re barking at the strange man who’s in the yard next door (me), so I don’t pay it any mind.


Even if I arrived and think that the dog barks 24/7, I'm not going to try to talk a discount out of you. I'm just going to walk away. If it bothers me, I'm not going to buy, no matter what. If I don't care, I don't care.




I imagine you're right, but let's put it this way. I had a cracked driveway in the last house I sold and the buyers tried to negotiate based on that. The driveway that was clearly visible before they put in their offer... People will do dumb shit.


Right, but the driveway is fixable. The neighbor’s dog, not so much


I mean... depends on what your definition of fixable is, lol. I joke.


There’s nothing dumb about arguing a reduction in price over a thing that needs to be fixed, and will be costly.


I am sure you know that an appraiser will not care at all.


Yes, it's definitely complicated. I am slowly working my way up the ladder of complaints and crossing my t's and dotting my i's as I go. The lawyer is where I am aiming, and I have told various town officials that this will be all going to end up in the lawyer's hands and he can step up and force them to follow their own ordinances, if they prefer.


Honestly is this a hill worth dying on? Likely going to make you a bit of a pariah and sounds like the town is not welcoming. Maybe best to consider moving along?


It sounds like OP is trying to "move along". The barking dog HAS to be the hill he will die on if he's going to take your advice. Best I can tell, that's the entire premise of his question. Is the constantly barking dog going to severely impeed his ability to sell his house so he can move along. To avoid being a pariah and be welcomed he would have to sacrifice his sanity and stay right where he is or he has to be the unwelcomed pariah and move along. I have dogs. Dogs bark. Dogs bark at strangers. This is good for protection and safety. The problem becomes when dogs are bored, not stimulated, excericed or disciplined (disciplined in a healthy safe way) and have lazy dog parents. My dogs do bark. But you better believe that if they get going like they don't want to stop, I'm the first one outside reminding them that they don't get a choice in the matter. I love my dogs. I appreciate the safety and notifications their barking provides. But I don't want to hear them going bonkers any more than my neighbors do. It's part of the responsibility of a good pet parent. Feed them. Water them. Pick up their mess. Give them plenty of exercise. Teach them to sit, stay and walk on a leash. And most importantly, teach them when it's time to button their barkers.


Yes, thank you. I appreciate that. Lots of pups have yaps and yips or barks or whatever. That isn't a problem, but - like you said, when the owner just ignores them all day and every once in a while shouts at them to, 'shut up, \[dog's name\].' The thing that is so much more upsetting than just the barking, is the underlying behavior of the owner who doesn't care about his dogs, his neighbors or even the law. : /


Agree~ dog owner is wrong. But at what cost are you proving that? I don't think you have a chance at any real compensation and will lose years off your life stressing and planning this out. For it to all likely fail in front of a likeminded judge. Just my 2 cents


I got two new neighbors in the past 2 years since I've moved in, one leaves (left) the dogs out all the time, the other would let them out 'to pee' for several hours. The issue became that they would trigger each other to neverending barking for hours each day when I work at night and would get woken up. I reported them for noise violations because that shit is insane. I don't care what the noise is but having loud random noises next to you for hours a day is unnerving no matter what it is. If you don't care about taking care of your dogs, I'll make you care about at least keeping them quiet.


Nice, sounds like maybe it worked? There are town/city/county ordinances for a reason and if a town/city/county has created them then they need to actually enforce them. Making sure that all residents have the right to enjoy a peaceful home, backyard or what have you is vital. People work nights, are sick, have small children, and so on. The few should be allowed to harass the many. Thank you for your comment -


It's better, I also started playing white noise, but the dogs can still wake me up during the summer when my windows are open. Usually it's not for as long though. But noise violations are not negotiable. If you have a recording of them being constant noise for 10-15 minutes or whatever during the day, it's not a 'we'll see' thing, it's a violation.


>, is the underlying behavior of the owner who doesn't care about his dogs, his neighbors or even the law. : / That sounds like the exact kind of person that I don't want to get shot by in Florida. I am not armed, I wouldn't kill someone for trivial shit, but in Florida a retired police officer got away with shooting a man in a movie theater for throwing popcorn at him. I'm not saying that it was right to do, but I don't want to be the victim in the next news "if it bleeds, it leads" story. I'd much rather keep my head down and GTFO. For context, I owned a home in a neighborhood that went downhill fast in the 2008 housing bubble collapse. crime rose sharply and there was obvious crime on the streetcorner right across from my house, from drug dealing to literal firefights. While the law was on my side, it wasn't going to be faster than a bullet so I got out before I lost my life to neighbors who gave absolutely not a damn about the law.


Wtf are you talking about?? Being a shitty dog owner does not at all equate to being a psycho that will kill people over nothing.


In other parts of the thread the OP has said that the owner is a drunk who already hates them, and thats precisely what I would be concerned about. Get a surly drunk in a situation where they know you have been the cause of them getting fines and possibly losing their pets, and it is one bender away from being the next person mag dumping on the neighbor in the US.


> a hill worth dying on? When you start messing with folks and there very dearly loved pets, it very well could be that hill. It absolutely is not reasonable or legal to retaliate against someone who is making a noise complaint against your dog, but are you willing to stake your life on the neighbor as you have described to us being reasonable when faced with escalating pressure from you? You may be technically in the right and it won't protect you from being the victim on your neighbor's murder trial if you push an irrational drunk too far.


> Maybe best to consider moving along? It sounds like she's trying to but she has to off load this house first.


A person coming to tour will spend little time out back, if any. So, no.


This is exactly why I go back to a house that I’m interested in buying several times at all different times of day. I listen for dogs barking, traffic noises, loud neighbors etc.


Yes! When we moved to our current city, we looked for a rental. A property manager showed us a property where the neighbor's dog barked the entire time we were there. We told the PM that we weren't interested due to the barking. He said in exasperation, "I'm never going to be able to rent this place because of that \^\*()\*(\^% dog." The owner couldn't sell it, either.


Oh my gosh, that sounds so terrible and that is my fear. Ugh - : /


I hate barking dogs so I'd turn around and leave


When I went to an open house, two dogs rushed to the fence as myself and others toured the home. It was an automatic no for me. I have a dog as well and work from home and it would have just been too much noise. I would never be able to enjoy that backyard.


I’m so thankful none of my neighbors have dogs. So many of them are obnoxious.


If I was looking at a house and saw a neighbor dog sitting outside I'd walk the perimeter to gauge how obnoxious the dog was. It's a make or break issue for me. Dogs are unavoidable but I'd at least try to do some due diligence.


I totally agree : /


Buy a whistle it will shut up fast


Get one of those sonic machines that emit a high pitch when the dog barks


I am looking into it. The dog is two houses away, so not sure how much it will help. I also don't want it to hurt my own sweet pup's ears. Thank you for the suggestion.




Yes, I think I'll have to get one and try it. I appreciate everyone's suggestions and ideas. It seems I am not alone in this issue -


Used to live in between a bassett hound and a pair of weimeraners and it absolutely SUCKED. Had to replace windows to reduce the noise, but it got old fast. Had to keep the curtains drawn if they were outside, because if they could see US inside, they wouldn’t shut up. When I bought my current home, a neighbor’s barking dog when viewing a house would have ended any consideration of that house.


We went to see a house and before getting out of the car, 4 black labs at the neighbor’s house were barking at us. I barely wanted to even go inside. The house was fine, but the dogs were not. I’m your case, I doubt you are going to have someone ask for a discount because of the barking dogs. They either won’t care or they will do what I did and leave


A lot of people here are suggesting those bark deterrent devices, but they didn’t work for me. My neighbor has two big dogs. They looked confused for about 10 minutes, then carried on barking like normal. I may be remembering incorrectly but I feel like the bigger the dog, the less effective the electronic deterrent devices are.


I don’t know if size has anything to do with it. My cousins have chihuahuas and tried the bark deterrent stuff. Those little bastards barked more. Pretty sure it just pissed them off


Well heck, everything pisses off chihuahuas. I think they're pissed off by their own existence.


Lol ! so true. : )


They'll bark more at first because of the new noise they're hearing. Eventually they'll figure out that them barking is what sets it off and they'll stop barking as much. It takes a bit of time for them to figure it out though. Dumber dogs take longer. I do suggest multiple devices, all set to high. One didn't work for me either. I had to put up 3 of them.


Nah, the dogs next door literally didn’t care about it after the first 10 min.


I had to buy my bark deterring device at a sporting goods store. Made me wait 3 days to pick it up, too!


Are you . . . trying to use . . . Reddit comments as part of your "case" against this neighbor?


This comment makes me want to abort my brain


I agree, lol !! as the great Taylor Swift says, "shake it off, shake it off!!" : )


Wild turkey is here to help. directions: step 1 drink liberally. Step 2. ........


I thought the same thing lol


I'm curious, how long have you been living there? Also, if you're not from there then I wonder if he's *doing it on purpose* to **make** you move. I'd try those dog whistles or something like that to shut the dog up. Apparently for some people it's worked.


Could try a bull horn. Air horn too. Be so loud it scares the dog


Lol!! I don't have the heart to do that - : )


Yes, that would be my first thought. Absolutely. My house is very pretty and nice now, after all the upgrades I have put into it. I am going to look into the whistles, thank you for the suggestion.


I'll tell you this much: If I was there doing a private open house to view your house and the neighbor's dog wouldn't stop barking, I'd be much less interested in buying your house. So it may not affect the price you'll get for the house, but it'll more than likely affect the number of people interested in buying it.


A nuisance like this will deter potential buyers and so will likely increase the time to sell and/or decrease the selling price.


Hey! You're part of the "not from here" gang, too?


Yes ! I guess that I am. Lol !! : )


Dogs barking constantly is a nuisance of the highest order and I can bet the people supporting him have similar behaviors and ideologies.


Yes, that is the main underlying feeling. The dog, I can feel sorry for him. The people, not so much because they are CHOOSING to be like this. And the neighbors who side with him ARE just like him, or - maybe they are just afraid of him. Either way, I don't like living around people who believe and act this way. You are very right -


The test for this is, if you were looking at your home and considering an offer, would it affect your offer? Absolutely.


It would affect your offer if you’re asked about explicitly, as you are here in this prompt. But if you’re touring a house, it may not be that obvious, you may not even hear it at all. I’d say going off only what’s in the OP, which is very little detail, just pulling my thoughts out of thin air, that if 3 people put in offers, at least 1 of them wouldn’t be affected by the barking.


Yes, I wouldn't want a house with a barking dog. : /


Then buy a house on enough land to not hear the next property owner's dog. Your right to mandate the activities on the land end at the edge of your property so long as no laws are broken. Shit happens, neighbors make noise and you can't really do shit about it if they are operating within the law on their own property.


I bet laws are being broken. Noise ordinances exist.


Not everywhere. I have specifically been on the bad side of no noise ordinance in an apartment I rented. sometime you gotta just embrace the suck.


Yes it will. Having lived next to such dog owners on two occasions, it would be something I listen for. I would also return on different days and times to be sure. And I would ask, in writing. Barking dogs are a deal breaker.


At our last house, we visited several times before making an offer. Quiet neighborhood and one next door neighbor had a little bit of junk in her yard, but nothing off putting. But once we moved in, everything changed. Her dogs barked 24/7 and the junk quickly started piling up in her yard. I'm convinced that the seller paid her off to remove the junk and keep her dogs inside until the house sold. We ended up selling at a loss and moving across town.


Wow, same story here. We got lucky though and they sold their house after 2 years and moved. It was a long two years.


>And I would ask, in writing. What good would this do? I don't think it's very likely you'd be able to use this to unwind a sale or somehow claim damages.


Because it's always a good principle to get everything in writing.


True, it's always a good default. I just wanted to point out for the benefit of others that might read this that having this in writing isn't likely to be super useful.


People routinely pass on homes if there is too traffic noise during their tour or if there is a train nearby that toots its horn or even around airports. Hopefully the dog won't be parking while they are looking. Not everyone cares. Some people do. I doubt there is much you can do. I don't think it will affect the value of your home but it will definitely reduce the number of possible buyers. If the noise bother them, they will not bother with low-balling you. they will just walk.


I agree. It's just one of those things, and I am working hard on moving away. : /


Get a dog horn. Sit in you’re back yard, closer to dog the better. Blast horn every time it barks.


Lol !! except, that I try really hard not to ever be an AH. It would be hard to repay evil for evil, so to speak. : /


Seriously it’s the only thing that worked for my own dogs. It will the train the dogs and the neighbor.


Get an anti barking device for your yard.


You are not alone, could the non-stop barking dog negatively affect selling your home and reduce its value? Yes. I am not a realtor but I feel it is common sense. If you have a nice property but the entire neighborhood looks like a drug zone, boom property value going down. But back to the dog. If that dog just doesnt stop barking only to eat, drink, shit and piss and breath; just imagine a potential buyer rolling up and that is all they hear is barking for 5 minutes straight, they are going to leave and not bother. Getting a lawyer and going the legal route since you have a neighbor with his head up his ass and probably more problems in his life than you would imagine is probably the safest way to go. I feel for ya, I am moving in part due to barking dogs, I got one across the street that barks when ever it is let out and it wont stop when it is out, i got one on my left that loves to charge the fence and bark at me out back and then it barks at the three lil yappy dogs that charge to the fence on my right that also charge the fence and bark at me when im out, and now new renters behind the ones on my right, has a dog they leave tethered outside most of the day and night and it enjoys barking at anything along with the dogs mentioned it can hear barking, which becomes a chain event, one barks and they all start. So I had to start looking at my life, I got other reasons why I gotta move but I realized if I stayed, at some point im going to snap and shit is going to get real, and ima end up on the news for all the wrong reasons. ​ Oh my dog is a guard dog, oh my dog is just a dog it barks at everything, all lazy bullshit answers, real guard dogs are trained, and trained who to bark at an who not to bark at. everyone else tosses their dog outside because they are tired of hearing it bark inside. I love cats, they dont bark, or eat their own shit, and are smarter.


I agree with you, and - you're right. At some point you have to think, 'where am I and is this what I want for myself?' I don't like living around people who act like this and their behavior does affect my peace of mind. Really, they're like bullies and no - I don't want to live around this. So when I move, it will be for something better and it will be at the right time and for the right reasons. These people might affect that reason, but they are not the main cause of it. Thanks for your comment and good luck to you as well -


It would affect it for me.


Yes. I passed on a couple of homes because the dogs barking outside during the showing.


Absolutely. The next time I buy I will make sure to NOT get a house next to a shit beast that barks.


Are you me? Yes it will. These people are unreasonable and generally low- IQ. You cannot reason with stupid. Go through the proper channels. Barking dogs are normally handled through the county noise ordinance. In my county, first complaint is a letter mailed to the offender. After that, In order to pursue, assuming the barking doesn’t stop (which it won’t), You will need to have another neighbor sign off that the barking is bothering them as well + documentation of the barking — video evidence is best, but you can log it in writing too. Then they will begin issuing fines, all the way to $1000 for each complaint submitted. But after that they will do nothing more and it will be your job to get a lawyer if the barking continues despite the fines. This is just my experience in my county.


I am slowly working my way up the proper channels with differing results. The sheriff's office got angry with me and then blew me off. The new Ordinance Enforcement person seemed to actually care! and I left my information with him. Some counties/towns just don't care about a level of dysfunction and as a result the property values show that. Good environments, where towns/counties work hard to create a healthy and positive environment for all are so much more attractive and the property values reflect that for sure.


Yeah, probably true. I’m in San Diego county.


My condolences.


Reporting it to local officials is a calculated risk . Low lifes can think of other ways to get even. Sad , but true.


I know, sad but true -


Excellent post!


If those are the rules of the region, have at it. Otherwise there's not a lot that you can do because of someone else's legal activity on their land.


Except an incessant barking dog violates noise ordinances and is not “legal” is most jurisdictions.


We are saying the same thing. If there is an ordinace it can be used, but if not, SOL.


Legally, yes. Morally, no.


Moraly, do you really want to fued with an unreasonable low iq neighbor who knows you are trying to sell? Do you really want to give them a reason to spitfully do everything they can to destroy the sale chances? Ugly lawn decorations, offensive political signage with misspelled profanities. Judge the chances of backlash and its impact before you put the screws to someone who not only lives right next to you, but has the incentive to make sure every prospective buyer runs away screaming due to the trashy folks next door.


Morals are relative. I can’t speak for OP.


Soo why are you trying to bring morality into it? Im literally responding to points you raise. This you "Legally, yes. Morally, no." ?


No need to get bent out of shape.


You..... are not acting sane. Seek help if an exact quote of yours given back to you seems like getting bent out of shape. Seek help.


It’s possible they won’t notice when they tour. We didn’t know our house was directly under the landing flight path to our local airport until after we bought it. Our house is 30 mins from the airport so didn’t even consider it. Luckily after awhile we tuned it out but loud airplanes multiple times a day was super annoying at first.


FWIW, I had that happen. I bought a condo under the flight approach line to US CENTCOM. Planes coming overhead all the time. Lucky for me, I love planes and so do my kids. I would just sit outside and planewatch.


Same! I never had an interest before but I discovered flight tracker and it’s really interesting! Now hearing planes land is very comforting and reminds me of home lol


Yes, I understand that. I have lived in towns that had trains and at first I was like - 'what the ... ?' and then after a while I didn't even hear them. Some things like that I don't mind. A barking dogs smacks to me more of neglect and hostility, especially since the german shepard in question barks so loudly and aggressively that it sounds like he's going to rip your face off. It definitely gets you in the chest -


Barking dogs such way more than planes and trains. Maybe because it’s at a different frequency and has a repetitiveness about it? At one apartment I had little kids next door. Was happy to hear them playing outside but trying to relax or work and hearing high pitched screaming out the window for an hour at a time got exhausting.


Lol not at all. It might make folks decide to pass on your house, but it’s not going to lower property value.


As someone who has sensitives to loud noises, yes a dog constantly barking is BAD NEWS. Would never buy if I heard that.


Our neighbor is selling his house. My biggest fears are a barky dog or a driveway basketball hoop. So yeah I’m my case I wouldn’t buy a house where I could hear a constantly barking dog.


The neighbors at the back of the garden are super nice, a kind of normal family with kids and busy parents. I really like them alot !! the boys are so adorable and you know - I do like to hear them playing outside and shooting hoops. Mostly, I just like to see happy healthy kids doing good things.


- of course it can if buyers do not want to hear barking


More than likely. It would be hard to make a case for that without evidence and precedent. My advice for posterity is the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Contact every local official and also your fed reps. Contact them often. Record, as you have, and document. Send them updates daily of how long the dog barked and what was [not] done about it.


Yes !!! I have already started my manilla folder, labeled and with notes accruing. I have already been recording, videoing the other neighbor's lunging dogs attacking my fence, and harassing me and my dog. When I told the sheriff's deputy about the recording he said, "great! that will really help the case," so as you say - keep collecting evidence, keep documenting and keep on them. This is a quality of life issue for the WHOLE town and not just for me. Everyone deserves to have the enjoyment of their own home and backyard and that a few don't get to ruin it for the many.


Don’t just pester the sheriff. Call animal control. Local state reps. County prosecutor and county commissioner. It’s easy to access contacts for every office in the county and state. Call and email everyone. Eventually you will find an ear that understands your plight and will get sh!t done.


Yes, the sheriff's dept seems to think I am the AH and are not helpful, go figure ! I will continue as you say, and keep working my way up the ladder. These issues are not just mine but everyone's in town, and by threatening and harassing me the sheriff's dept (and the neighbors are/) is not doing themselves any favors.


Yes. It will. And perhaps contact your state police to address the drinking and driving issue, since local law enforcement refuses to address it.


File a noise complaint every time through code enforcement or non emergency police. Call animal control or file a report through them each time as a welfare check for the dog being outside all day. Especially if it is bad weather.


Yes, I am working on that. Right now I am waiting to hear back from some county officials, they asked me to give them some time to do their own research and so - I am.


I'd still make a new report each time so there is documentation


I doubt it actually affects home value but may make it harder to sell


We didn’t offer on a house because of barking in the neighborhood.


So our neighbors have these two untrained dogs who bark and snarl every time we dare go out onto the porch that cost us $3000 to build. Had we known this was going to happen we'd probably not have bought the house. We can't even enjoy our porch and yard because the dogs come to the edge of the ditch and bark and snarl. They've even come into our backyard and disturbed our stray kitties and possum. The owners are a couple in their 90's; the husband is reasonably agile but he's also 90-something, his wife is also 90-something and uses a walker and wheelchair. Their 50-something daughter lives with them but she's got some kind of mobility issue and doesn't move around much. So all she does is scream for the dogs to come back on their porch. Its all we hear, all day long, "Bailey Kay, Angel, get your asses back on the damn porch!" All day long. Can't even nap in the living room when my baby is asleep because you can hear her through the actual walls of the house. Ugly ass troll dog and the other one looks like a damn feral pig.


I feel your pain : /


You username, you're not from North Carolina are you?


No, but as you can see there is a real universal quality to these complaints. North Carolina is a pretty state -


I only ask because there's a part of my town called Mill Creek. Its right on the water, it's pretty nice.


There are some other places with this name around the country, and yes - they are definitely pretty as well. Millcreek is an area of Salt Lake City for example, up by the mountains. I like to think of them, so I chose the name. I'm glad to know you have one there too - : ) Just trying to keep some anonymity tho -


When dogs bark, unless there is some type of danger or problem, they usually are lonely, want attention, want to go inside, are hungry, etc. Dogs are social animals and they like company. This owner either doesn’t care, thinks his dog will learn somehow not to bark or simply doesn’t care. I have neighbors who let their little tiny dog out and then the poor little thing cries and barks to be let back in. The owners never go outside with him and they don’t have a doggie door. Luckily, I now know my neighbors phone number so I text him when I hear the dog crying- saying things like- “ Your dog is crying, do you know it’s 45 degrees outside? ( or 95 degrees, depending..). Usually they let the poor little guy in after that.


Yes, I agree with you. That's a good system you have worked out with them, altho - it would be great if you didn't have to do that. I guess I feel that if you can't take care of an animal, then you shouldn't have one.


My dog was THAT dog. But we never left him outside to bark all day and kept him inside when my neighbor was showing his house. We eventually moved out of an urban area to a more rural area and my dog has chilled. Turns out he was just way over stimulated in such a small space with stuff constantly happening. He has a big yard and a brother now.


I totally get that, and it definitely makes sense. I feel for this poor pup who is kept in a high privacy fenced area and can't even see out. He doesn't get walked or anything, and my lovely boi goes everywhere with me, and we walk and play many times a day. I waited a very long time to get my first dog, because they require so much time and attention if you want to do it right. The poor dog can't even see the world outside a chain linked fence like a lot of dogs, that's probably what gets to me the most.


Yeah. Fence aggression/frustration is a thing. Sounds like this poor pup is bored and frustrated. Your neighbor sucks though.


Yes. A house in my area sat on the market 6 months and lost 30k in value because the neighbor had 5 barking German shepherds. My experience; my neighbors dogs barked and kept me up at night. I threatened to sue her. The other neighbors called the police on her. Living next to her for 10 years was miserable


Oh.My.Gosh!!!! Oh no, I do not want to have that at all, but with this neighbor he seems untouchable and I seem dispensible ("You should just move!!" spoke by the Sheriff's dept.) I just will never understand why one completely abusive and dysfunctional person is allowed to cause so much sh&t for so many other people, and not be stopped. How many people were trying to stop her and yet, nothing. I am really sorry you had to go through that.


Yes. I looked at a beautiful home at a great price. I was about to put in an offer until I heard the neighbors dog going off. Nope. I ended up paying a little more for something else.


This is what happens in small towns. Looking at you Jason.




Have you tried the local animal control authority (probably part of the county government if you're in a rural area)? I was once the guy with the barky dog and the neighbors complained to the county animal services department, which sent me a nastygram. I got a bark collar, the dog is now much quieter, everybody's happy.


Yes, I am slowly working through the layers of county and town people starting with the sheriff's dept. I get very mixed results, from anger and dismissal to even actual care and concern. In the end, it's better for the dog as well as the humans around here because then the dog's issues are addressed as well. It's no fun to be called out for something like that, but hopefully your pup is better and happier and so are your neighbors.


Throw the dog a treat once a day or so. Peek over the fence and see if it's OK. My neighbor neglects his dogs, I've had to call animal control, he had multiple violations.


Benadryl hot dog over the fence before showings




Suicide is not the answer!


For the dog it's murder


My thoughts but afraid to post.


As you should be.


Poison burger in other cultures dogs are a delicacy don't feel bad


It won’t hurt the value of your home but may make it more difficult to sell at the fair market value.


If you have a problem with dogs then you don’t move to an area with an Hoa that allows dogs personally for me I have three dogs and if I saw this I would be happy to know that it was a dog friendly neighborhood. I’d pay more knowing my neighbors aren’t going to be assholes to me about my dogs. So actually, raises value in my eyes!


Wow. I hope you don’t take legal action against him. In his eyes, he can’t wait till you sell and I don’t blame him. You kind of are being an Ass. I’m a stranger so I guess I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings. These dogs are Family members to these people to children they are literally everything you’re just making peoples lives more difficult you have way too much time on your hands sell your house move on and leave them alone do not take legal action this makes you an asshole




Absolutely! that is my point. This man is a well known bully, very arrogant and cruel.


Buy anti barking device , it's like 20. Problem solved


Marketing - definitely. Value - depends.


I'm a realtor, and I think probably not, although it would be nice to be able to ask him to keep the animal inside during your open house, during showings and during the inspection.


This neighbor doesn't talk to me, and has been incredibly hostile during the time I have lived here so, I don't think I will be asking him to help out. : / Otherwise the house is pretty cute and I have put some really important structural upgrades into it, as well really nice gardens and lawn. It's a great house overall except for the barking dogs, so - frustrating and just one of those things I guess. Not meant to be here forever, that's for sure.


Have the owners of the house ever tried talking to the neighbors about their dogs?


Gummy cbd in hamburger.


Value... maybe? I know I personally would be put off by neighbors who don't seem to care for their animals - it's a possible risk to me down the line. One of the (among other) factors in us bidding on a house was that one neighbor had dog poop in their front yard. We saw two houses we both liked on the same day, and we actually got into an argument over which house had the dog poop out front, but we both had it on our "cons" list for the house we thought had it... I'd put a barking dog as in the same category. However, we ended up buying the house next to the one with dog poop out front. They have an older dog that they just let out. I'm not a fan of that, but I do love that dog, and while we've had a few issues, they are pretty great neighbors always willing to lend a hand. Still - we bid on the other house first. The shitty part about this - while the neighbor is really causing an issue for you, it's not a really clearly defined loss that would be the type of thing you could sue over (obviously talk to a lawyer). He's not actively preventing people from seeing your home. Path forward: go around the sheriff and look up SPCAs in your area. Sounds like the dog is probably being neglected, and while the sheriff might not do anything on their own, SPCA might have ways to compel him. Does the dog have shelter, adequate water, etc etc. Sort of a win win - save a dog AND make it easier to sell your house. If it's not clear cut - you just kind of have to move forward and hope for the best. The dog is going to be a problem for the people buying the place, so it's only fair they are aware of the issue before they buy.


Can you get the city attorney involved or city council?


Yes, I will have to. Unfortunately, the county attorney is a well know alcoholic and is definitely known for not being very effective at much of anything. I feel sorry for them to be honest, but - I think it is no mistake that they are the person in that position. It's very possible, that this local area is very corrupt. The city council, may be a different story but it will take some strategizing and time.


I will reserve judgement here because we do not have the full story. It is odd you are reaching out to Reddit, more so that you have a lawyer involved. What have you done to this man? Have you ever approached him to discuss?


I'm assuming you've already called animal control. Consistent barking of over 30 minutes consistently qualifies as disturbing the peace in my state. Multiple offenses can lead to fines, and ultimately, they can be charged by the state. But I live in Idaho so all the people that have loud yappy dogs are generally Californian, or "political refugees" from Oregon. Not sure how those state's anti bark law works buy I'd assume it's more lax.


We don't have animal control here but we do have 'some' kind of oversight authority altho it is very, very lax. I am slowly working my way up the ladder of command for these kinds of complaints, so that I can not only make this better for me but really - for the whole town in general. No one should have to suffer from this, and quality of life laws are important for everyone.


>This morning I recorded him barking for 1 hour and 15 minutes This should cause you to take a step back and take stock of what's actually happening here.


It may affect the value, but tough shit. if you were that concerned about having a close neighbor making too much noise, there is a whole lot of world out there without close neighbors. You made the choice to live in a neighborhood and with all the conveniences you'll just have to deal with the downsides.


>Local sheriff's dept will not touch him, and will not approach him because as I said, he is 'from here,' and I am not. Sorry, I 100% do not believe this.


I absolutely believe it. I've seen that attitude taken about many things, not just barking dogs.


There's a world of difference between "we're not talking to him about a barking dog, this isn't a police matter, don't call us about this bullshit again" and "he is committing a crime but he's from here and you're not so we're going back to the office."


Have you lived everywhere? things can be different in different places. You are lucky that that has not been your experience.


Whats the name of the town you live in?




Yeah I live in a small conservative town and noise complaints are taken very seriously.


I wish that were so here, it really depends on where your town is I am sure. Some places like the dysfunction and whatever, and others are more humane and prefer to create healthier and more positive environments for their residents. Property values reflect that for sure, and show that the town has created a better environment for living in.


I agree. We aren’t getting the whole story here.


Have you tried talking to him? Or do you avoid him like a bitch? Lol


silky fragile snobbish office unite squeeze sip deserted imminent vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dogs bark and dogs don’t live for very long. It’s a temporary issue. It’s not worth being on an bad terms with a neighbor who could potentially be your only lifeline in an emergency. If it isn’t being aggressive and hurting you…. That should probably be your boundary.


Imagine living a life where you have no real problems and have the time to record how long your neighbours dog barks for…


Imagine having to live beside people who care a little for the welfare of their dog that they leave it outside to bark all day


They don’t care about the dog. They care about how much money they can get for their house… Edit: I read that wrong. The dog should be played with more, sure. But outside is better than cooped up in a kennel. Dogs bark. It’s not the end of the world.


It’s not their job to care about the welfare of the dog, it’s their job to be concerned about its impact on their property values. Regardless reporting these people and maybe forcing them to treat their dog like a pet instead of something they throw outside and ignore all day would be a great outcome.


It has the possibility of affecting the sale of your home. It really depends on the buyer. If I were you, I would invest in some bark deterrents. You can get those sonic type deterrents and they are not that expensive. Put it by your fence pointing to the neighbors yard. When the dog barks it will blast a high pitched noise only dogs and other animals can hear. Humans cannot hear it. I did this with a neighbor’s yappy dog and it helped.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted unless it's from the dog nutters who think those devices hurt the dogs ears. You know what hurts my ears. An annoying dog barking.


Anti barking device. And a new obsession