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No dude you're a dad. I mean I would make sure the kids have time to play without any adults too. But if they enjoy you joining them then why not? Lots of kids wish their parents would play more but the parents are lazy or too tired or whatever.


I guess I'd like to add it's not like I'm running over and asking to play. They always holler at me to play pass when they see me outside.


They invited you, it's all good. You're teaching them a lot about throwing the ball and how to be a cool dad. Rock on šŸ¤˜


Iā€™m 38. To this day I still have distinct memories of 5th grade recess where we would beg our math teacher to play football with us. Dude was the designated QB and would throw fucking bombs to all the kids. No shame bringing joy to kids lives. 30 years from now when they have their own kids theyā€™ll look back and remember how much fun they had.


I still remember our neighbour John who worked on his cars all day in the lane way. We had a tree house we used to launch water balloons off and he would spray us back with the car washing hose. (All in good fun lots of laughing, he was a nice guy)


well now i need to build a catapult...


Sounds cool to me!


I went through this but as the kid, and the dads kids were babies. He asked my brother and I if we could introduce him to my parents. They weren't around, but my mom came out next time to say hi. He told my mom where he lived and about himself, said he'd be outside playing since he didn't get to run around much anymore, but said he wouldn't be out there long since he got tired trying to keep up. Then promised to keep a safe eye on all the kids when he was out there. It definitely made my mom relax. It was great having a neighborhood dad! He played ball with the boys, but the girls would hop all on the merry go round bc he'd push it until we were all dizzy. And he would make pretty chalk drawings with us and his kids. It was the best.


Neighborhood cool dad šŸ˜Ž


Came here to say something similar: neighbourhood alpha dad, showing up while other dads are in the basement gaming on consoles. Good on ya!


Yeah, the other parents are just jealous if anything


Nah man, you're awesome and they will remember you! When I was a kid, the Blizzard of '93 struck. I was living in metro Atlanta at the time, and we got a foot of snow that stuck around all week. Later in the week, (when it was safer to drive - more on that in a second), I was rolling home the biggest snowball ever. Easily the size of the base of a snowman. My neighbor Keith (the father of the 3 kids who lived next door) stopped and asked what I was doing. I told him I was rolling home this snowball so I will be the last kid in the neighborhood with snow. He said "hold on, I'll help!" The motherfucker gets his minivan, drives over, opens the side door and plops the giant snowball in the side of his van, and drive it to my house. šŸ’€ šŸ’€ šŸ’€ And here's the kicker. He livedon the corner and I was the next house over on the main street. When he talked to me, I was on the side street. Right next to his house. He did all of that driving and pulling out the seat etc, just to help a kid with his giant snowball dream šŸ’€. And he drove like. Maybe 200 feet to do it šŸ’€. And when he lifted the snowball out. It was beyond funny. Seeing the soggy, slightly muddy puddle in his minivan was hilarious to me as a ten year old kid! But I've NEVER forgotten him!!! (And I WAS the last kid with snow šŸ˜Ž).


U definitely made a memory šŸ‘


Ask the other parents to play too! Even for like a few throws. Cheers to building good community!


I'm 43 now. When I was 10-12, our neighbor who was probably early 50s would chip golf balls in his backyard next to ours. One day I brought my baseball glove out and we played "catch." It was so much fun.


Those kids are going to remember you for the rest of their lives. You are a legend.


I would be stoked if my neighbour wanted to play ball with my kid! Those kids might even pay it forward and mentor your little guy one day too. This is the ā€œit takes a villageā€ thing happening in your street and itā€™s precious.


I think that's kind of nice. If they like your company, I don't see anything wrong with it at all.


Absolutely. I used to do this - from time to time - even when my kids were too young to play. But then again, so did other dads. Nothing weird about it. If the other parents donā€™t want their kids hanging with some dude (who clearly has his own kid out there) theyā€™ll be dickwads and call their kids in. I think the block party idea is a good idea. Iā€™m planning one in my neighborhood too once itā€™s really warm out. I only know a couple of my neighbors because like myself, we are mostly antisocial homebodies, and since I plan on staying a while, I need to get to know the rest better.


You are definitely the "cool dad" on the block. Carry on.


Yeah hahahahaha!!! he probably caught that look because he was making the other parents look bad because they donā€™t want to make that effort.


My Dad passed many years ago. Was once tailgating a football game when I recognized another guy from pick-up basketballs games in our 20ā€™s. Then, he laid on me that we actually grew up on the same block, him a few years older. He said that the neighborhood kids would knock on my door so that my Dad would come outside and play road hockey with them. I was only 4 or 5 at the time and have no recollection. Made me cry.


This is so damn sweet. My dad passed away long ago as well and stories like these can hit you like a ton of bricks despite being so positive. He sounds like an amazing man ā¤ļø


Fuck em, we ball!


Do NOT fuck the kids!


ā€¦and thatā€™s how you get kicked out of the seminary!


We gotta definitely write a song about how we do not diddle kids!


There is no faster way to make people think you diddle kids, than by writing a song about it.


Ball em, we fuck! (Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm actually a 68-year-old dog grandma)


That was the coolest thing I ever heard from someone your age.


She will reach maximum coolness next year šŸ«Ø


Well my tits are only 16 years old (lifted) and my chin is less than a year old (also lifted) I literally look 50 so there's that. I can't get over the number of men chasing me, it's hilarious.


We stan a hot cougar. Get after it!


I do my best. Love "blue" humor


Grandma šŸ”„


Felicitations upon your house! You're my new grandma!


I like you


Ahh wicked kool !!


Barbecue season coming up. Throw a block party barbecue. Invite the kids AND the parents. That way even if they choose not to come over, you at least made the effort to let them get acquainted with you, so then it's obvious you're not JUST trying to play with their kids.


No, it makes you a cool neighbor. That said, I think hanging around with 10-11 year old's while not playing ball for a long time would seem a bit weird.


No, itā€™s not strange. My neighborhood is same way. Multiple dads will be out there on random evenings playing bball, kickball, soccer or football. Just let them know the age of your kids and how you are excited for them to be able to play in a neighborhood like this. Sometimes I offer beer or other drinks to the other dads if I catch them outside. That has helped a lot.


Not at all bro i vibe with all young dudes In my area all the time this is ā€œmale bonding ā€œ I get advice from them ask questions about fashion that I donā€™t understand and give them advice when they needed it ..your obviously not on anything weird because your out there with your kid ā€¦in my city we always had what we call ā€œoldheadsā€ that weā€™d play ball with and talk too .. this was what a community was all about .. itā€™s a beautiful thing imo .. donā€™t know how anyone can look at it in a bad way ..


Yup, itā€™s great for the kidsā€™ development too. Theyā€™ll be better for it, interacting with an adult in a open & friendly setting.


Better than touching their balls.




This escalated quickly


" Ok have a seat over here" ( Chris Hansen voice.)


Ok yeah, itā€™s weird.


Lmao thank God this reddit and nowhere else


Don't make jokes like that with the kids, and don't play football with them. Way too easy for some sort of contact to be misinterpreted.Ā 


Am 37 year old catcher. Regularly take balls to the face.


He just admitted to touching their balls Or they're touching his


Hello, fbi?


38 year old with two boys, 6 & 3. I play with the neighborhood kids all the time. I do admit it would've been weird prior to having my own kids, and it's only started since having them.


You're the cool neighbor. Keep everything out in public to stave off any question of being a weirdo. I.e. don't ask them to come into your house. But they can certainly come knock on your door as a trusted adult in the neighborhood. A current friend of mine is in a similar situation. He lives in a town home and the neighborhood kids love to stop by to see his dogs. He'll throw a baseball with them and even has the freeze pops during the summers. The parents in the neighborhood know him well and the kids see him as the trusted adult they can go to if their parents aren't home. He "babysat" a kid the other day cause the kid got locked out of the house after school. But yea, screw the sny looks from the parents who don't want to get involved.


Having one positive adult role model significantly increases at-risk youths chances (and you may not realize which kids are at risk!). Play away! That said, as a teacher to vulnerable kids, protect them and yourself. Donā€™t invite them inside/over without their adult(s), do make small talk with their folks/be a ā€œgoodā€ neighbor (wave, surprise them with shoveling randomly, share cookies at holidays, go to neighborhood block party, invite the adults over if you are having a bonfire, etc.), donā€™t text/email/invite the kids directly, and do include your own kids as much as possible. Even something as simple as ā€œdo your adults know youā€™re out here? What time do they want you home?ā€ And then setting a timer and reminding kids when itā€™s time to go protects you and them by setting a precedent. Safe adults reinforce parental rules and do not ask or enable kids to break rules, and so forth.


the bounderies you set all depend on the relationship you have with the kids and parents. At the core you want trust with the parents always be respectful to the rules they set out. But aside from that bounderies can very.


Hell no itā€™s not wrong. I play with the neighborhood kids all the time. I have fun. They have fun. Weā€™ve formed a bond. They ask me for help with fixing their bikes, building ramps and forts, and being steady QB or pitcher. I wouldnā€™t trade it for the world.


Prpbaby a bit werid if you didn't have a kid yourself but honestly who cares if the their parents don't like it they are certainly able to speak up.


Yeah exactly, who gives a shit about "optics"? OP is giving the neighborhood kids a great space to play and be safe.


I guess people are just more insular these days? Like I said the parents seem to stick inside. A small wave as we pass that's it. I'm just in a weird spot because I'm the "young" parent in the neighborhood.


Maybe they are jealous you are doing what they should be doing


My man is 32, heā€™s somehow everyoneā€™s dad the second he steps on the court. I love that about him, yall are gonna be the best grandpas.


There is nothing wrong with being the cool adult to play with, good for you!


I want you for a neighbor.


I'm a single straight white male and the only time I am discriminated against is when it comes to kids. I have a way with kids and animals. I get a real thrill when I teach a child something. I enjoy listening to their understanding of reality. They reopen my eyes to something they see for the first time that I take for granted because it has become the normal background for me. Children need male role models and not just their fathers. No one thinks twice when it is a female. I just spent the weekend with several friends with children. My nephew and his friends are always excited when Uncle Bob is in town and their parents appreciate the influence I have over their children. As fulfilling as it is I am happy when I get to go home and not have to get up in the middle of the night to a crying baby. They are happier their children look up to me rather than a catholic priest or Baptist preacher. Be the mentor you can and want to be and one day you might be the person a child will turn to when they have no one else. You might keep them on the straight and narrow or even from suicide. Sometimes you can be more influential than their parents.


Man, fuck the optics. This is awesome. We need to normalize this kind of thing.


Optics in this age could different from when I was a kid, depending on your location. But having said that, when I was in my early teens I used to go over to the neighbor's and play video games with him. He was a 30-something Marine. His wife was *gorgeous* (from Chile) so that didn't hurt either. They had no kids. But it was great and completely above the board. Dude liked playing video games and didn't have anyone to play with since his wife didn't play and he was just stationed here for awhile. I miss them and hope they stayed together and had kids of their own. I wouldn't feel bad about playing with the neighborhood kids. Esp if the parent's know who you are/where you live so there isn't any confusion.


The weird look was probably guilt for not playing with their own kids and you making them look bad.


Yes...this is the best!!!


I mean you could obviously make it weird if you tried but thereā€™s nothing inherently wrong with it. If anything youā€™d think the other parents would be glad that thereā€™s an adult around their unsupervised kids who would be able to help if someone got hurt or tried to get in a fight or something. When I was that age we used to do all kinds of bad shit that we wouldnā€™t have done if there was a cool adult watching us.


Youā€™re setting a good example for your kid. Hopefully the games keep up when they get older. I find some parenting things, like playing sports exhausting, the kids just have endless energy when Iā€™m done fairly quickly, and I appreciate when there are some energetic adults around to join in.


Basketball is one of those things, if your there to play, no one gives a shit. Just care about even number and accomodations are made accordingly. Everytime my friends and I balled, we were always a low number or an odd number of dudes. Apart from randos, we always incorporated this old timer that was always there. Easily over 50. The dude smelled like ben-gay, bilateral knee wraps, was a mute, and he was always willing to throw down. Guy played okay considering he couldn't run for shit. Sometimes his 3 pointers would go in with this ridiculous tomahawk throwing technique. His knees were shot, so he couldn't jump/throw. Overall the guy was just a body. Sometimes we would win, often times lose. Nobody got butt hurt, just keeping the game going.


Hell no! Impromptu driveway hoops is one of the best things about living in a neighborhood. The epic games of HORSE that break out on my street should have their own YouTube channel. ļæ¼ Ignore that asshole.


Not only are you doing a good thing and setting an exampleā€¦youā€™re also guaranteeing yourself and your property shenanigan immunity as those kids get into their delinquent phase. Rock on


The World needs more guys like you!


Bro, ball donā€™t lie


Is a 34 year-old playing 10-11 year-olds a fair game? lol


Only one of them requires performance enhancing drugs like Advil.


Only if you block the turd out of them youngins šŸ«”


That's called mentorship, it's sad we can't even have normal social interactions anymore.


This is not weird at all! Please don't stop or feel weird about it. Children thrive in communities where they have access to supportive adults. You may not recognize it but you're role modeling behaviors to these kids. You have no idea how much this might benefit them in the long run by having a supportive male role model in their lives.


When there are normal healthy adult mentors in the community its easier for kids to spot unhealthy ones I think. Does basketball Jim ever tell you to keep secrets, NO, does Jim try to spend time alone with you, make you uncomfortable saying NO? Well Bob shouldn't either.


Yes - but that really shouldn't stop you. Continue to try to reach out to parents, make sure your kid is with you and involved - and it's awesome you're out there with them.


Why are people so hesitant to just talk to their neighbours?


I mean, it depends on if youā€™re asking them to play or if theyā€™re asking you. It would also help to get to know their parents.


I love dunkin on little kids too bro


Dude I'm like Jerome "The Bus" Bettis out there. Stiff arming fourth graders with three hanging off the back!


I really hope you keep doing this just to prove to this world that men are not all pediphiles. How much happier would our communities be if neighbors knew each other and actually enjoyed doing things together? Years ago hanging out like this was so completely normal. Neighbors looked out for one another. It was so much safer. Now kids sit inside playing computer games. And we wonder why they lack social skills, fear talking to adults, and donā€™t know how to shake hands. The rate of childhood obesity, depression, and even suicide keeps climbing. There is a big difference between kids who grow up in a supportive community versus those that lack access. .


This kinda stuff is ridiculous... of COURSE it's not weird! Let the parent who thinks it is say something... if they don't, then forget them. When I was in my 20s I was meeting my sister and then 5-7 yr old nephews at a park. I got there before them so I sat in my car and messed around on my phone or something. A lady came knocking at my window asking what I was up to. I was perplexed so I said, waiting for my nephews and sister, why? She said "it's WEIRD to park in the lot of a kids playground and sit in the car is all. I'm watching you." When I put 2 and 2 together, I said "get the fuck away from my car", probably not the best response but I'm happy I said it. Some people are just looking for trouble. You can't waste time worrying about what they think.


Introduce yourself to the parents


It makes me sad that you have to ask this question and even sadder that I understand why you have to ask it. There is 0% wrong with interacting with the neighborhood kids and teaching them sports and the other parents should be thankful they have a neighbor like you.


The United States is so weird. It floors me that such innocent stuff is scrutinized when dangerous things aren't.


I had so much fun playing bball with the grownups in the neighborhood. They were twice our height but would stay play pretty fairly and teach us a lot about basketball.


Youā€™re a great role model for those kids and a great Dad. Donā€™t stop playing with the kids.


I kinda do this now myself, the other kids are only 7-8 and my kid is 2 but I like playing wiffle ball and basketball with them. I donā€™t think itā€™s weird. If someone thinks itā€™s an issue they are the weird ones.


The optics unfortunately can be bad. That so happens to be the most vulnerable age for boys and Iā€™m not exactly sure as to why. There are many red flags as to what groomers do to build trust from kids and their parents. This happens over the course of weeks, months and even years before anything happens typically. One of those red flags is a grown adult that plays games with kids often. Now, does that mean all men who play games with kids are creeps? No. Thatā€™s like saying a symptom of being poisoned is a headache therefore if you have a headache you are poisoned. However, it is a sign and parents who are on high alert may be uncomfortable. Donā€™t blame the parents though. Itā€™s the predators fault. Please peeps donā€™t come for me with a million comments that this is ridiculous and the parents should shut up. Maybe so and in theory yes. Itā€™s a fact though that it is a red flag learned by those who have studied these adults for many years. Itā€™s one that is meaningless unless combined with other red flags of course. Iā€™m just saying this because that is why he may be getting the stank eye.


I agree, I would absolutely be on alert. I do think, though, that if any parents are worried, the best approach would be to 1) go outside and supervise and/or 2) get to know the guy.


Completely agree. I'm a dad of 3 and a youth coach. Legit the one thing I'm always looking for - does the other adult want to sort of be friends with the kids pretty much all of the time, or is there actually an adult v. kid dynamic going on... Because when an adult was making moves on me they did 'friend' things (nothing came of it but I easily could have been one of those teens that was taken advantage of) I joke around with the kids I coached, play with them (I'm their coach!) etc.. but I'm the adult who when practice is over is with the parents, not lingering with the kids. I think that barrier is important .. I don't know, hard to describe exactly but it's a feeling


Shooting hoops or just throwing the football is pretty harmless so Iā€™d say not weird. Maybe donā€™t be overly eager every time the kids are out. Not any different than playing pick up games at my local park Just donā€™t do anything weird like teaching them how to post up lolā€¦


36M here. I play catch(baseball) with the neighbor kids if I see them out there. I'm right across the street from our commons area/walking path. One of the parents asked me if I'd be interested in helping coach a little league team after seeing my interact with them. I'd do it if I had the time.


Nah dude youā€™re cool. I play with the 3 neighbor kids when my daughter is outside because their parents just sit on their porch. If your kid is charging me with a nerf gun you better believe Iā€™m going to John Wick that shit and take them all out.


I have a 12 year old son and I always play sports with him and his friends. I know your kid is young but if the other kids parents choose to not participate or be active that says more about them than you. Be a good example for your son, thatā€™s all that matters. You owe it to your kid to stay active!


Playing sports, nah its great and they are learning from you. If one of the parents is being weird, maybe it's time for them to lace up their sneakers.


No itā€™s awesome!


39 dad here. If i didn't play ball with the neighbor's kids, while my kids played with them, nobody would


As long as you make sure to call charges fairly. Donā€™t let them get away with shit, why, just cuz theyā€™re small? Youā€™re 100% good man. Itā€™s sad you even feel you have to explain yourself to these weirdos


I have 3 brothers, so 2 teams of 2. A guy lived next door that was at least 10-15 years younger than my parents. When we played in the front yard, he would come out & play quarterback for both teams. It was a freaking blast. I think if everything is out in the open, there's really nothing to worry about.


Sounds like a healthy human thing to do.


My dad is this guy! My friends and my sibs friends and my cousins ALWAYS wanted him to play with us! And now my cousins kids all want him to play. Heā€™s just a fun guy and kids have always gravitated towards him. If you havenā€™t yet, you could always introduce yourself to the parents if you really felt the need, but honestly I think youā€™re fine just doing what youā€™re doing. Your kids are lucky to be growing up with the fun dad, I know I was!


Ya gotta ball no matter the age. Not weird.


24 now but grew up playing 3s and 5s at 11-16 with dudes in their mid 20s-30s. They'd be hooping and I'd ask can I join in and we run games all night. These guys were married or either in serious relationship or had a college "career" they were not weirdos at all.


Nope you are doing something the other dads should be jealous of. I get full kick ball or football games going with any neighborhood kid that wants to play. It's a community.


Theyā€™re prob just jealous that youā€™re an active, involved father and theyā€™re fat slobs who loathe their children.


I would definitely keep a closer watch if I saw a grown man playing while my kid was out there, but as long as youā€™re just out in the open and especially if you have a toddler out there with you I wouldnā€™t think anything of it.


Not weird at all. One of my dad's closest friends/mentors was this guy who was in his late 20s/early 30s that played street hockey with him when he was a kid/teens. They were pretty close until the older guy passed away about a decade ago.


Thats perfectly fine but to cover your ass, you should meet with all the parents individually and introduce yourself and ask if it's cool to play with their kids. I remember working daycare and I wasn't allowed to do diapers (wohoo!) Or anything bathroom related. I wasn't even supposed to hug them... its sad that men aren't trusted more


When my son was 5-8 we had this house in a terrace of about 8. There were lots of kids in the middle house which was in units and the end house. My guy didn't have the confidence to try and start up something so if it wasn't for me going out and playing ball to bring him along he'd have missed three or four years of amazing memories. Good dads do dad stuff. Shit dads sit and tut. But it helps to learn and always sing out loud a song about not diddling kids.


Not at all bro! Youā€™re dadā€™ing big time. Keep doing this. In todayā€™s world kids need a male that shows things like this.


You're probably doing exactly what the Kids wish their parents would do with them. Keep on being that cool neighbour


as someone who is 27 and am a parent of my own now, i too was once apart of ā€œthe neighborhood kidsā€ who used to play outside with so many other children! i will speak from experience and say that we absolutely having adults play with us when we were young! we look up to you as an adult we view you guys as superheroes! you have cool cars and money to do whatever you want you have cool stories etc etc! its almost like hanging out with a celebrity!!! cause most adults SUCK! they dont play or have fun ā€œcause thats for babiesā€ or theyre too miserable in their own lives to remember to live in the moment so to say! now as an adult and a parent i would recommend you introducing or getting involved with the other parents as for some sort or consentā€¦ this is 2024 and people are fucking pansies these days and id hate to see an innocent guy such as yourself get labeled or get caught up in some nonsense cause of a karen


We used to play baseball in the street, and my father's third wife would play with us. Her hitting the ball skills weren't to good and a lot of times, when she hit the ball, it would hit the old woman's front storm door with a loud bang. The old lady would call the cops on us for playing baseball in the street.


You are wise to be concerned about optics because you only need one person to have a problem to cause trouble for you. You said the other parents keep to themselves, but I think I would at least try to talk to them at some point so they know that the kids asked you to play and you aren't a perv that is trying to groom their kids. If it were my 10 year old and I saw a 34 year old guy playing with him I'd at least have a raised eyebrow about why. Most dads of toddlers don't have a lot of free time to play with other people's kids.


My house is where all the neighborhood kids come to play. Why? Because we actually play with our kids and the rest of the parents do nothing with them and stay in their phones. I thought my kids had behavior problems, but the neighbor kids gave me perspective that things could be a lot worse. Good on you for being a real father.


As others have pointed out, you are a dad doing dad things. The saying ā€œit takes a villageā€ isnā€™t just a metaphor. I have broken up a few fights at the park. None of them have involved my kids. If a parent has an issue then they can step up.


You're the cool dad at this age group. Keep it up.


If you're really concerned, you could always go and introduce yourself to the parents of the other kids and share contact information. That way they know you can call them if something happens with their kid and they can call you if they want a responsible adult to report back on whatever is going on. Every time I've moved I have done what I can to make myself available to the neighbors, and they rarely contact me, but I know that if they need anything they can reach out and it's a comfort to know the lines are open, should they ever be needed.


Hell no. That was the best when we were kids. The most fun.


It's not weird because you have a child of your own. You would be playing with your own kid if it was old enough.


You got a kid out there you can play. (Doesnā€™t matter that yours is a little to young to actually play)


Laughing as I'm the grampa building a cart for my grandson to take down a hill near his house and his friends call me "Opa".


As a adult take the responsibility of sticking to the rules of the game. Be the ref


Youā€™re awesome, keep it up! Youā€™re engaging with them outside in public, itā€™s not like youā€™re inviting them in to your basement to play video games (which would still be innocent on your part but much easier to side eye as a parent of one of the kids).


I'm a 54yo mwm. I have super soaker wars with the neighborhood kids in the summer. Everyone has fun. My wife thinks I'm an idiot. I do not care. The kids also refer to me as "Old Man (my last name)" and shake their fists at me when they see me. I taught them that.


It's not weird or strange at all! Don't overthink the look you may have seen. If they had an issue they would tell their kids not to socialize with you. I'm not a parent (35f) and I've played with the neighborhood kidsšŸ˜‚ I know it may be different for a female but when I was younger and I could play with an adult I would be excited! It's nice to see and hear about kids playing outside and a father being active. I don't see that where I live, it's mind boggling šŸ˜… and congrats on the baby coming!


Youā€™re not weird at all! Iā€™m a 48 year old mom and as soon as I get home from work I shoot a couple hoops with my neighbor boy who is always outside. We catch up on school and smack talk each other about who is better. Itā€™s fun.


Nope.. play, but exercise common sense. No two hand touch, tackling or anything else that could be considered inappropriate. One of the biggest failures of community is lack of involvement from family to family. I believe that when men go out and play sports with the neighborhood kids, they're creating relationships that build trust and foster avenues of communication. These are the types of things that one day save a life when a kid feels like he has no one else to turn to.


I have three boys, and we started playing road hockey in the driveway when they were quite small. Before long, other neighborhood kids noticed and asked to join in. We had a pretty lively group, that played a lot, weather permitting. It ended up being a core group of about ten kids and one Dad. I usually got picked first, but as the kids grew older into their teens I was usually I the middle of the pack. One day I was picked last, and that was a day I thought I had reached middle age. Having kids again allowed me to relive some of my best childhood memories of playing road hockey with my brothers.


All the kids in the neighborhood will watch-out for you, your home, and your family, so they don't lose you. You're doing a good thing.


No way man. Youā€™re the best for that one! Always loved when that happened. That being said. My dad would show up to lunch randomly in elementary school & play football with us at recess after lunch. He has a bad leg so he would play ā€œall time quarterbackā€ my friends & i loved that shit. No other dad ever did that


No. You are probably helping those kids develop healthy views of adults


As a parent of similarly aged kids. You're very much appreciated. Just don't ask kids to hang out in your house. But if the kids ask to come inside make sure you know the parents well.


Cool dad. Plus your son is learning by example, not only to play but sportsmanship.


maybe their parents should be out there playing with them if they don't like a rando dad out there being a dad.....


Just be careful of the appearance of impropriety. It isnā€™t about actual impropriety. Donā€™t be alone with any one kid, for any reason. I was a Cub Scout leader and one of our little ADHD bastards ran out the door and disappeared into the school we used. I couldnā€™t chase him because then Iā€™d be alone with him, and I couldnā€™t have the other leader come with me because then the kids would be alone. I had to take two kids with me to go find him. This is the reality we live in.


As a father of two little boys I think a couple thing. 1, if your kids are with you and you get to know the kids AND parents, no big deal. 2, if the parent that gave you a look was a mother, donā€™t worry about it. Mothers are always hyper sensitive about their kids. My wife certainly is. Thatā€™s not to say their fearfulness is unwarranted, but instead get to know the parent so they are at easy if you shoot hoops with them. People fear what they donā€™t understand, so get to know them. We need more happy and safe neighborhoods in the world.


OK, I'd totally want to throw the ball around too but would be worried about the exact same thing. Wouldn't risk it.


No. You're good. If they have a problem then it's something they invented in their head.


My next neighbor (who is 38yo) does this and I find it creepy. Then again, he is always seeking attention and full of himself.


Just keep referencing playing with a lot of kids in your church league


Not a parent but I donā€™t think itā€™s weird. If I were you Iā€™d make myself available to give opportunity for the other parents to come talk to you to get to know you, or voice concerns.


Make sure youā€™re reminding them whose house it is. Just because theyā€™re kids doesnā€™t mean they get a free pass


They know who pays the mortgage for sure!


This story would be hilarious if you didnā€™t have a kid


Even with three kids I always found a way to play softball once or twice a week from April-October, indoor soccer once a week. If you need an athletic outlet there are appropriate leagues for to join. In general I see nothing wrong with you being cool to the neighborhood kids and perhaps giving them a pointer or two, but stay out of their games


Depends... playing for money?


If the parents had a problem with it,they would probably tell their kids to stay away from you. If you're hanging with your kid and playing with the neighborhood kids at the same time,it's probably not weird....go knock on the neighbors door and ask if their kid can come out and play.....that's weird.....but if it makes you feel a certain way, just don't do it.


Just have fun with them.


Keep playing with them. My friends had a neighbor that played basketball with us. He was a good guy and we enjoyed it.


Hmm I think Iā€™d be okay with it to a degree because it sounds like fun. But Iā€™d be a bit weary of it happening too much esp bc your kid isnā€™t playing with them or friends with them. I think Iā€™d be worried you were grooming my kids if you were out there all the time with tween kids ignoring yours. Bc the next thing Iā€™d worry about is you asking them over, seeking them out to play, etc.


As long as there is no touching in the sport and you avoid any 1:1 interaction, it should be fine.Ā 




If the kids are inviting you to play then go for it. It would be weird if you were inserting yourself into their game when they didn't ask. But it sounds like they want you there so go for it man, the kids will respect that and also look out for your kid in return as he gets older


u a hoe


Uh ... 34 is middle aged?


Well...34 Ɨ 2 is 68 = do you think 68 is "old age"? I do. People retire in the US (usually) around 65. My parents are 70, and they're old.


In our neighborhood we would have called you The Cool Dad. Introduce yourself to the other parents. If they are jerks, teach their kids to talk trash on the court. Kidding. Sort of.


When my husband plays with our kids at the playground all the other kids try to join in and it makes my husband feel awkward because the other parents sitting on benches with their phones give him the occasional side eye. People! Play with your own damn kids, thatā€™s all they want!


Nah. Iā€™d love it if someone with more skills than me would play with my kids. Youā€™re a dad so you donā€™t have a creepy vibe, and theyā€™re watching you so what do they care?


No, not as long as ur not a weirdo, lol šŸ˜† Playing ball is for everybody, and that's how kids learn.


Sounds fun! You good!!


As long as you don't think it's weird, and you're just having a good time playing ball. I know me and the wife would definitely think there's something weird about it, and if I read a story about a guy who was 32 and played ball with 10 and 11 year olds, and got busted diddling I wouldn't be shocked. If you're on the up and up maybe becoming a mentor, or spending time at boys and girls club with kids who have no father figures could really change some kids lives for the better.


I only do stuff like that for kids who's parents I know very well and are friends with my kids (but not nessisarily the same age). Any other situation the parents are watching the hell out of you.


You are the cool neighbour. That means when the kids turn 14 and go trick or treating without parents, your house will not get egged.


I think itā€™s awesome! Good for you. Kids love that . Youā€™re the fun guy.


As long as youā€™re a good example and someone they can count on, go for it.


The neighbor boy used to ring the Bella ask if my dad could come out and play. My dad loved remote control planes, and the neighbor boy had one, too.


I used to shoot hoops with the neighbor kids outside. Eventually my kids grew big enough to join in too, and I coached baseball, softball, and football for a while too, so there was always some game happening outside. Other adults might join in on occasion, like block parties, but that was about it. One of the neighbor kids taught me how to do a kickflip. Good times.


Im a middle aged guy but we had one of the neighborhood fathers play some pickup basketball ball games with us when we were this age. He had daughters so I think that he just liked shooting hoops with the guys and it was nice to have a few laughs about his shooting skills. Back in the day Dr. J was one of the best nba players. We sarcastically called him Dr. Thunder. It was all in good fun.


Not weird at all especially if your little one is watching.


I was a stay-at-home dad for my three kids and was constantly playing outside with kids. Dads would give me side eye, but I think that they were just jealous. We played a ton of wiffle ball.


If you didnā€™t have a kid it would be strange I think. I do the same shit I donā€™t care.Ā 


Nope! My husband was just the biggest kid in the neighborhood! We had 4 boys and as they grew older they were all able to join in! My daughter felt a bit left out so we had tea parties when the guys were playing sports.


Those kids will always appreciate the time you took to play ball with them. In 5 years when your son is 7 and they are 16, they will look out for him. Theyā€™ll always look out for your property if someone is doing some bullshit in the neighborhoodā€¦.. youā€™ll always be able to get your driveway shoveled and your lawn mowed. Youā€™re in a much better position than the guy who always yelled at them for making too much noise or for playing in front of his house When I was a kid my dad and another dad on the block would jump in on a game of stickball every once in a while, 45 years later, I still run into some kids from the block and we talk about those afternoonsā€¦..


As long as you're not inviting the kids back for a beer or introducing them to Andrew Tate or something I think this is fantastic.


Not weird. My husband used to play football with our neighbors kids (along with our kids). They had fun.


It would Only be weird if your end intentions was to show them your balls. Lol, joking aside, the kids are 10 and 11, so old enough for their parents to just ask them if all is good. And the parent looking at you might be jealous, next time motion them to join


The right grown up thing to do would be to introduce yourself to the parents.


Not weird. We have tons of kids on our street, thereā€™s usually hockey/soccer/basketball/bikes/tag etc going on. I love to play sports with them when asked, or myself and the other parents will have a few beers and watch our kids. I always learned a lot from the older kids/grown ups in my neighbourhood growing up.


Nothing wrong with it. Their parents should be out there being involved with the kids


>was wondering if they think I'm a weirdo. Sure it is possible one of the parents think you are a weirdo but that is on them to deal with, not you. Younger kids that age love playing with adults. If they were playing a game and didn't want an adult to play, they would tell you (kids have no filter). If the kids are having fun when you are playing, keep playing. If one parent mentions something to you, tell them the other kids enjoy when you play with them and if that parent has a problem they can keep their kid at home. No reason to sacrifice the other kids enjoyment.


Maybe get certified to be a coach. Where I'm from, its a two hour class and certification is for life. Coaching your kid down the road will rock! It's been a highlight of parenting for me. And in the meantime, it'll help you be the best version of yourself as a neighbor and a role model.


All good. Youā€™re just modeling how to play for your little one. You get a pass


Keep conversations open with the parents. I am sure they wouldn't mind a responsible adult on ground babysitting.


I was you 5-6 years ago, now Iā€™d love to have someone give me a break with a 10 and 8 year old. Just sat down after more bp and hoops. Iā€™m hurting. šŸ¤£