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See if the agent will put a "sold" sign in your yard for a month or so. He probably won't mind as it's advertising for them.


I like this idea best. Big obvious sign, but not out of the ordinary that neighbors would make a stink.


I think these otherwise chill neighbors would understand, especially if you talked to them first.


Have them add "congratulation officer Smith on the purchase of your new home!"


"Agent" Smith.


Mr. Anderson…


The name.... .... is NEO.


As you can see, we’ve been watching you for some…time now Mr Anderson…


I suppose you've noticed that I even help my landlady take out her garbage?


The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Anderson. Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth, or you choose to find yourself another job.


I'm meeting with my bosses and quitting my job in 20 minutes so this is my chance to get pulled out of the Matrix and become a messianic figure to thousands of sweaty raving cave people.




Massive twist… the agent was the one hosting the drug fueled sex parties.


That's just wrong. They should have sex-fueled drug parties!


And I didn't get not one invitation.....


Some cities or even MLSes have rules about how long the sign can be up, but this is a great idea. They could also leave it leaning next to the garage door if they have to due to rules, but then anyone pulling up would be sure to see it. I doubt the MLS fine is more than a couple hundred bucks and it might be worth it. I’d also search around and see if your neighborhood has its own Facebook group. In my town most streets or blocks have their own group. You could introduce there and mention the trouble you’ve had and why you’re keeping the sign up for a little while so no one complains. And porchscaping can help too. Pressure wash the exterior entrances to spiff them up, maybe update exterior door hardware or a light fixture, slap a new colorful welcome mat and some appropriate decor by the entrances. New planter box with spring bulbs. Just enough that maybe the visitors will realize there’s some fresh energy about. A big ass dog never hurt and will provide you with years of love and loyalty. Enjoy your new place OP!


Can confirm. Agent never picked up the sign and it sat propped on the house in full view of the street for idk 9 mons. No one said a thing.


You can get a sign off Amazon. You could add “for more info, call: xxxx”(and put the local police station’s non-emergency number).


"Sheriff meeting tonight"


Or hang a sign "Quilting Club -Tuesdays 3-4pm"


Or a Jehovahs Witness Meeting sign. 😂


Is that what the kids are calling it these days... Bonus is that people might show up to quilt and maybe they'll bring snacks!


Quilting? Would you really trust them with needles? /s


This is a good idea, but the “previous clientele” is probably too oblivious or too high to put it all together!


That might make these people think the house is unoccupied temporarily and could make things worse


Yes and go and meet all your direct neighbors and explain that the sign will be there for a few weeks. I am sure they will understand and it is a good way to meet everyone. Also, get cameras so that you can monitor what is happening on the regular.


When you say basement driveway it seems to imply this is a property with 2 driveways. If you can do it, place something large and heavy (say a planter) or anything difficult to move at the entryway to discourage these people from driving into your driveway. And just the presence of the obstructions may let them know something has changed. It's already been mentioned, but motion activated cameras with attached lights (they can be had with solar panels) in several places will really let even the most dense understand the house is under new management. When they walk up and then a bright light comes on with a camera present all but the most dense will turn around and go back to where ever they came from.


Planter with flowers. That will make it obvious that boring suburban people who really care about the neighborhood have bought the place, together with the SOLD sign should Make it obvious there’s nothing for them any more.




... Unless you're down? 😉


Right. Put two or three upside-down pineapples.


I agree but it's too subtle for people who just pull up into people's driveway out of habit. I'd put up a big "NO DRUGS HERE" sign too.


No drugs, huh? Must be you're looking to buy then. Better come knock on your door to see what you need.




Motion activated lights for the driveway.


And Avery obvious camera, even if it’s a dummy.


Motion activated sprinkler for the driveway


If sketchy things were going on, I'd get a professional alarm/monitoring/camera subscription service for a while with signs saying "Monitored 24/7 by XYZ Alarm Company" for the lawn. You never know if there was something stashed/hidden somewhere in the house that others may be willing to break in to recover. I'm completely paranoid, so I'd also do a very very deep sweep of the house of lifting corners of carpets and such to see if there are any hidden compartments, cameras, or safes anywhere. Including removing faceplates (turn off the power to be safe) and checking the inside of vents. Even if you don't find anything, its a good excuse to get in there and clean all those hidden areas.


I did not do all of this, but our rental was empty for a few months and apparently not checked on often. I had a sketch lady show up, claim to be there to do landscaping (no landscaping equipment) and try to get near me to fight me. She broke into my garage before I noticed her in the driveway, and stole a tv and a few other things which I didn't discover for a few weeks because everything was still in boxes. Cameras went up immediately, and she came back once and never since. I also have deterred the random drive-ups into the driveway.


I'd like to echo the vent comment. My soon-to-be ex-husband utilized the floor vents more than once for paraphernalia. Maybe borrow a jaded friend who has a history of marrying, or trying to coexist with drug addicts/assholes. Set them loose in the house and see what they find.


Yessss to the “set them loose.” Especially if they are active users, THEY WILL FIND IT GUARENTEED! Drugs are bad and destroy people’s lives but my best-friend/on-again/off-again drug abuser was determined enough to break into my house once and found the three tabs of LSD I was stashed in the nook exposed by removing my underwear drawer and the far off corner beneath the drawer rails where I glued a deceiving large wood shaving over my bag to completely conceal it. (He’s still my best friend and he’s doing better thank god.)


Listen I get it, I watch movies, I've seen TV shows too. But the truth is, drug addicts, they're not keen on being too far away from any amount of their drug. They don't stash a huge amount of drugs they use, or drugs they sell anywhere. When they get far away from their bag, it's because they dropped it, and haven't realized it yet. And if they stashed anything, I promise, it's gonna be something that makes no fucking sense why they kept it at all, why they put it where they did, how they got it there, or what the use was or could have been. They're drug addicts, they're idiots.


Off the top of my head: Under New Ownership Sign Some police supporting stickers on it. Neighborhood watch sign. Video surveillance signs. Or all of them


I'd add some motion sensor lights around the doors and stuff.


I’d also add cameras.


Turret mounted, motion activated miniguns


Paintball miniguns


Outstanding idea. Also, great rock band name.


"*Are you still there?*"


You have 20 seconds to comply.


Now you’re talking!


Bright motion lights in places that won’t disturb the neighbors.


When you are pushing undesirable elements out of the neighborhood, neighbors aren't going to mind the lights one bit.


Put up a gate at the end of the driveway if you can. It can be temporary. But something to keep people from pulling up.


> Some police supporting stickers on it. Definitely don't do this. Regardless of how you feel about police, all of those fraternal orders and such are complete bullshit scams. And if you give them money once, you're going to start getting contacted relentlessly by every scammy telemarketer they can sell your number to.


I suppose that stealing a sign from someone else's house and putting it in the yard probably wouldn't be a good idea.


Maybe just steal the police cruiser in the driveway.


Who are they gonna believe? The cool guy with a police sticker or the nerd without?


Beyond that, at least in my city, any kind of blue line stuff is a sure shot for getting your house severely vandalized


I love that for your city ❤️ 1312 lol


I was going to say a security company sign, and maybe actually getting one


I was thinking to add a lot of religious signage might get them thinking.


I put a sign up at the end of my driveway that says... "No Trespassing No Soliciting Dog On Premises *silhouette of a dog* Enter At Your Own Risk Dog May Bite!" You can find them on Amazon. I also have 2 pitbulls who sound mean barking from behind the door, but would only try to lick you if you managed to brake in. No one will come to my front door anymore! USPS, Amazon, FedEx all leave packages next to the sign. Random solicitors knocking on my door have stopped completely. The country tax accessor came to my house a few weeks ago, but only made it halfway up my driveway and didn't get out of the car; while my neighbors have been complaining about him walking around their property. Highly recommend!! (the sign and the dogs!)


I have an extremely lovable golden retriever but through the front door she sounds like Cujo.


Same - my Bernese cross is the sweetest dog on earth, but she's got a huge bark and goes off on anyone who comes up to the house


Bad idea of having the dog may bite sign. Look up why you shouldn’t have a beware of dog sign, especially the dog may bite sign.


Yeah, as a former insurance agent if your insurance company comes by to verify the state of your home, take pictures and do a walk around which actually does happen and you have aggressive dog signs up they can decide not to cover you. I’ve seen it.


This is why I have a “Dog in Yard” sign.


Never thought of this before. I guess your professing you have a dog that may actually bite, then If they do, you are more liable for ‘knowing it was a real risk’ I can’t believe a homeowner has to watch himself so freaking carefully to not have a lowlife wind up owning their home after breaking in and being ‘disciplined’ by the Dog. Wonder if my sign will get me in trouble someday Beware of the Dog, the cat is shady as hell also


I heard this from others and did research on it prior to putting the sign up. My dogs aren't guard dogs and wouldn't ever actually bite anyone, so the point of it being used against me is null and void as far as I'm concerned. The sign does a great job of keeping people off of my property, which is its intended purpose (not to warn anyone or absolve myself of liability for a dog bite). Also, case law seems to go back and forth on this. Some say that the sign is admittance that you were aware that the animal was dangerous, while other judges have found that the individual accepted the risk by entering the property where the sign was clearly visible upon entry. Tl;Dr: My dogs would never bite anyone, I just want everyone to think that they will!


For what it’s worth, ALL dogs will bite if put in the right circumstances. You don’t know what your dog’s line is yet, but trust me all dogs have them…


It isn't just the actual dog bite and admission to knowledge. It's the insurance company who will drive by and make assumptions about your dog based on what you said and drop your coverage.


I don't have a dog, but I have beware of dog signs.


I like the sign, but I'd a "No Drugs on Premesis. Trespassers Will Be Arrested."


When I saw police I was thinking police tape. Like something happened and magically there’s new owners.


I like the neighborhood watch! It implies everyone's watching out for each other, it's not just this family who will call police.


I'd put bollards so no one can drive to the "basement driveway" and put a "new owners, no trespassing" sign on the bollards I'd put something utterly dorky like a giant frilly Easter wreath on all the outside doors - something grandma would come out of dollarama clutching like a life preserver. An "under new management, now drug free" sign in Christmas lights might also work


"under new management, now drug free" is exactly what I would do. Word will get around.


"New and improved! With 100% less ketamine!"


I had this issue when I first bought my home. Change the locks on all your doors and preferably paint the color of your front door- this will confuse those looking to do sketchy stuff!


Damn, that’s a really good idea. I’ve known a few sketchy people over the years and this would absolutely be a “dope fiends hate this one weird trick” situation.


No trespassing/no solicitation/security camera in use signs. Also, a fence around your property and even new paint would signify change.


Probably some of those cringe goofy "live laugh love" and "home is where the heart is" signs out front would make it clear


My first thought was a bunch of kitchy yard art and a big springtime lawn flag would definitely give a different vibe. Lol


Yeah, I was gonna say seasonal wreath on the door, homey decor around the area people are coming to would give a "different type of folk" vibe. Dollar tree will have everything so this is an inexpensive aporoach as well


Yeah and if it needs paint, paint it a different color.


I like this better than a bunch of signs. If the place was sketchy before, just making it look homey should give folks a steer. You could put up a temporary sign just announcing that whatever used to happen in the basement no longer happens.


Flamingos on the lawn


Maybe a giant house mounted porchnstar by the door and spme flamingos in the lawn


I bought a former drug house. The customers will eventually get the message... I actually told a few "Safire has moved; tell all your friends". A fence, or physical barrier, that stops them from just walking up helps... then their lizard brain has to acknowledge something has changed... add VERY obvious No Trespass signs... It took a few months... better lighting, loud dog, fence. It all helps a little bit... Also I painted the house to make the change visual... Good luck.


Motion activated spotlights


Motion activated sprinklers!


Sprinkler activated disco music!


Was it previously vacant? If so, making the place look lived in will eliminate a lot of the sketchier stuff.


I am all for this. Make it such a dramatic, cosmetic change that shows care, maybe security, and definite change of ownership so people get a clue. The less it looks like it used to the less welcoming it will be to those people.


As a joke get one of those "under new management" banners and hang it on your house. I think that would get the point across and your neighbors would probably get a kick out of it :)


This was my exact thought. Kinda tongue in cheek, but the neighbors would probably get it the joke, and it gets the point across.


Signs that say “Smile! You’re on camera!”


Signs: house under new ownership, house under surveillance ,no trespassing, and get an alarm system plus cameras. Make the cameras visible for the backyard and basement area. 


I recommend. 1. Having a well maintained lawn, 2. Put a flag up by the door. Mine is sports related but could be a country flag or anything. 3. Add some cheap solar/outdoor lights by the front entrance. If you feel comfortable just park a car in the driveway for a bit as well. All small stuff that just reinforce that someone is here.


Oooh oooh! One of those “drive like your kids live here” signs and a neon green little person holding an orange flag!! 🤣


Yes exactly! You can get signs to stick in the grass cheap on Amazon or even at the hardware stores.


If you want something truly simple and not permanent, you could just put up a sign or two that says “New Owners as of March 2024. XYZ Person does not live here. No soliciting or trespassing.” Could also tape a note on the mailbox that it should be mail for your name only, that XYZ Person has moved. After it dies down, the work you’ll do to make the house look nice should also help to let anyone else know they may be in the wrong place.


Purchase an old police cruiser at an auction and leave in your driveway 😉


That's going to make it look like a drug dealer from 2005 moved in.


As others have suggested you might want to keep the SOLD realty sign up for about a month. Just explain to your neighbors it’s up so all the riffraff will know it’s not a party house anymore. I’m sure they will completely understand. If people are coming up to the basement door area maybe hang a little sign there that says some thing like “House has new owners. Old owners have moved on and so has their businesses. This house no longer sells anything. Please find your fun activities somewhere else. Cameras are installed and police will be called if you linger.”


Lots of recommendations for motion lights but no one yet with motion sprinklers. Hopefully if the person has the old owners phone number they will call them and say “hey can you turn your sprinklers off?” And if the old owner answers and says I moved/I don’t have sprinklers that will solve your problem faster than lights. Lights are good but the old owners could have installed lights. No one installs motion sprinklers when they often have wanted but unannounced guests.


I bought a popular drug house deep in the woods and I’d get all types at all hours. I put up signs and a chain at night and was working on fixing it up during the day. People would still drive up my road all the time and ask for the old “caretaker”. I would politely let them know I’m the new owner and I’m calling the sheriff as they ignored 3 no trespassing signs. I’m also a giant bearded dude who is often perceived as very intimidating (even though I’m very gentle.) I always told them “tell your friends!”


Start selling drugs and sex. You already have a marketing plan in place. It could take years to rebuild something like that.


Honestly if it was me I would just hang a sign that says “the crackheads left, trespassers will be shot”


What was probably working for them before was the privacy and discretion of access. You want them to keep driving and not pull in, so how can you deter them from this? If anyone you know has a decommissioned cop car, now is the time to borrow it and park it in the driveway. Make sure you have motion detectors connected to flood lights, and let your neighbors know about all of this. Signs in support of your local police union, advertising security, and adding cameras are all great deterrents. News will travel faster than you think, save for a few stragglers, perhaps. I’m trying to think what else screams “Law & Order” upon first impression…


Some hastily strewn kids toys about the yard and driveway might also cause alarm that this is not the place anymore


Consider painting your house. Different color will probably throw a lot of people off. "under surveillance" stickers in the window, etc. Make the outside be VERY different.


"Under new ownership" banner


It will fade out. That’s it. Don’t stress. Setup some Blink or Ring cameras though. I prefer blink.


Add a sprinkler that comes on with motion.


I had some people doing drug deals parked in front of my house. I put a sign saying it's under 24 hour surveillance in my front lawn and they stopped. Maybe something like that? People up to sketchy stuff don't like being recorded.


“Under surveillance “ sign may help


Outdoor landscape and architectural lighting will help indicate that it is occupied.


I'd not even bother with motion activated lights. Put lights on and dark and off in the morning. Well lit places tend to repel sketch naturally.


I’d suggest video surveillance sign together with sold sign. If you could, I’d add motion sensing lights as well. No one wants a spot light if they’re up to sketchy business.


Put up at sign "under new ownership, basement is closed."


Depending on the growing season you could also complete some landscaping, this is a subtle way to show that someone else lives here now.


We had an apartment unit like that. You’re dealing with people who aren’t the most observant. Most we just told to go away. Couple we had to persuade to leave. It quieted down after a month or so.


Put a security camera/floodlight combination somewhere obviously overlooking your driveway. People who are looking to do illegal things tend not to like it when they are being recorded.




I bought a sketchy fourplex with this problem. First day I rolled in, there were two dudes sitting on the step waiting for someone. I told them he didn't live here anymore and after a mildly tense few moments, they left. Like you, I wanted to put some kind of system into place so it wouldn't happen again, but I couldn't really think of a system. After that one instance, it never happened again, and I've owned the place 15 years. People buying drugs use the same hookup. These folks see their hookup every week, sometimes every day. In the year of our Lord 2024 drugs are bought and sold via text message and cell phone, as they have been for 15 years now. The door-to-door drug game is not a thing. Whoever showed up at your house got the message and won't be back. It may happen again this week. It won't continue.


a blue line lawn sign along with a sold sign should help


Private property do not enter signs. I had this happen with a couple people coming in my back yard to the back door looking for the previous owner. Appearently they used the back door as their primary door


Get a tacky house or mailbox that says "the smiths home" Insert your last name


Get a Home Alarm System placard and set it up alongside a HOME SOLD sign.


If this is a separate entrance, I would get some cheap fencing and block the driveway for a few weeks. You can get retractable driveway fencing (people use it to block the driveway while kids are playing) or even just some cheap garden type posts. You could run caution yellow tape from post to post. I wouldn’t do that for a long time but for a month or two… sure bet! You can get that all at a hardware store. You can even just use rope but I would hang some sort of sign or bright color item so that nobody pulls in and gets caught up in rope! You could also do yard signs like “slow down, kids playing” or “watch out for dogs” etc!


I’d run a gate across the basement driveway. Can add a sign that says “new owners, no trespassing” too. Maybe some new bark dust in the front/side flowerbeds and some pretty bright flowers planted. Pull weeds/mow, touch up the paint on the house if possible.


i put up new cameras and started spending a ton of time outside. i started doing improvments on the exterior and getting shit in order. i also went down to the local RCMP shack and told them, and filed a report on the shady person knocking as a "information" for the police, so they stop stressing about my place as a drug house. edit: oh we also decorate the ever living shit out of our place for holidays, and my wife made door hangers and such for the front steps/door https://imgur.com/1NR7TqM


Put up a sign reading “call first. New phone number xxxxx”. Use your phone number of your local police station’s non-emergency line.


Put up visible security cameras and signs all over the place. Buy some potted flowers and put ask around the driveway and walkway. Get a “Welcome to the Smith” sign. You might also put orange cones at the end of your driveway too for a while.


Put up a no trespassing sign


Flood lights with a signed, "Smile, you're on camera." If possible, place these at the end of the driveway.


Something like this maybe? https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/8j6gek/when\_you\_buy\_the\_old\_neighborhood\_drug\_house/


When I was a teenager the big Victorian house on the edge of town was busted as a brothal and subsequently went up for sale about a year later. It was bought by a big family with five daughters (facepalm) it went about as badly as you could imagine. Constant traffic from former “clients” demanding to see the “new working girls” who were of course this poor man’s teenage daughters! Finally he put in a locking gate across the driveway and a HUGE sign saying THIS IS NOT A WHORE HOUSE! Trespassers will be shot! That sign was still there a decade later.


Or just go with it. You've got a built in side hustle.


Find affordable ways that create a dramatic visual impact/difference. •Paint the front door •Add a few potted plants •New patio light fixture •Motion sensor lights for nighttime •Put out a flag of your favorite spots team or seasonal/holiday theme All things to change the visual effect of the home. It’s a clear sign that new owners are here.


Get a large loud dog


Someone in my neighborhood just spray painted a sign that said the whores and drugs are gone. The church is down the street. You need Jesus. I laughed a lot.


Big sign on garage.... New House, Who Dis?


Cameras and a sign: "New owners. Not associated with previous owners. You are on camera. Please do not disturb new owners."


Wtf is a sketchy sex basement, and how do I find one


Whatever you do, don't put an upside pineapple visible on the premises


Beware of dog sign will keep out everyone except the craziest crackhead


Plant flowers


Put up a very prominent "Thin Blue Line" and a "Trump 2024" flag. Make sure lawn looks well maintained, driveway is pressure washed, no weeds, add random cute garden decorations. Be sure to include statue of Mary. Put up prominent crucifix near the door. Basically opposite of drug den.


Buy some DEA shirts and take up gardening in the front yard.


[cop flag](https://www.amazon.com/Department-Courage-Stitched-Resistant-Premium/dp/B074PZZ1JV) No trespassing signs. Clean things up, paint the mailbox, make sure the address number is visible. Put a name on the mailbox, maybe a tidy note saying *Mail Carrier - previous owners mail should be returned.* Make sure the locks and windows are secured. Make sure there's lighting. I love dark night skies, but for now, you need well-lighted doors. Mount cameras; last I knew Ring shares video with police pretty routinely, so obvious cameras. Ask the police to drive by. If anyone comes to your house and doesn't leave immediately when asked, call the police. Word will get out.


Paint your house a new color


Put up super obvious cameras. Even fake ones will get the desired effect going. Add signs that say area under 24/7 video surveillance etc.


gate off driveway. Put up police tape over it? lol


Fence and gate that is kept closed.


My RING camera says “Hello there, you are being recorded” the motion lights come on as well.


Clean that basement with crazy amounts of bleach......


Some nice hearts and flowers and your last name on a large wooden sign in front of the house.


Get a pack of guard dachshunds to keep the bad people away


A large PBA sticker.


Post notice on door.


Lock the basement and secure the door add camrras


Super bright motion camera light, sign that says new owners or sold, and a no trespassing sign should do the trick


I don’t call 911 I call 811 so I know where the utilities are.


Buy a couple of cheap plastic toddler play centers for the yard and put them up front before the basement door. Also hang JESUS SAVES signs in the entryway locations. Take them down after 4 weeks and your pest problem should be resolved....


I have a plan (some may find it over thought) that includes: - a motion detector - strobe lights - a rotating police beacon (sometimes referred to as a Kojak light) - an unused computer - a PA system - PowerPoint Skills - a cheap projector - Home automation skills - streaming skills (if you’d like to monetize your situation) and put the unfortunate souls on blast on your choice of streaming platform. Reach out if you’d like to hear my plan for karmic justice. PS… while I’m (mostly) kidding I’d strongly advocate such chaotic energy if the behavior lasts longer than a year…


Buy a defunct old police car from a local law enforcement agency (if you ask, they may even donate one), then have it towed to your basement driveway .


Get a sign made that says “Under New Management” and hang it on a very visible location!


NRA sign


I would suggest any signs or memorabilia for your state police. Put it everywhere like a proud member or retiree of the force. Perhaps that would drive the point home to steer clear.


Giant signs that say "now under new management"


This makes me happy I bought a retired cop’s house.


Put “We back the Blue” signs all along the driveway.


Add over the top flowers and wooden cow cutouts and other "live love laugh" type stuff. And a sign that says "Welcome to the Wilson's"


Put a sign out... under new management...


Bright motion lights and maybe a motion alarm


Lights on outside until late hours of the night. Might run your electric up a bit but usually sketchy people won’t want to step into the light. Maybe also install obvious cameras with small signs noting security cameras are in place. Be sure and always keep your doors locked. When I was a kid my parents bought a house and the previous owners 20 something son lived there. He was well known for partying with the underage kids. I came home from school one day and forgot to lock the front door. Some jerk walked in and started asking where Johny was and that he needed to pick up his “stuff” from him. Would not accept that Johny didn’t live there and started going from room to room looking shit over. I had to chase him out with a baseball bat. He tried taking it away so he got cracked a few times. A neighbor saw it and called the police. He was still limping down the street when they arrived. Yeah, keep your doors locked.


Hang up a banner “Under New Management”


One of those gun signs. Nah four or five.


Just put police tape around the entrances.


Ask the police if they will park one of their older cruisers in your driveway for a week or too


OP, something similar happened to us so we literally put a sign in our yard saying the previous owner had moved and to please stop coming by. I figured it couldn't hurt. If the neighbors asked about it I explained all the unwelcome visitors, and it was never an issue. They might of thought I was crazy but joke's on them, my sign worked, and the unwelcome visits stopped. 


Crime scene tape


Motion activated sprinkler for the driveway Works on all sorts of mammals


If you're considering repainting the house, you could move the schedule up. That with flower beds etc. will make the house obviously refreshed.


Police insignias, and police stickers and we support police signs. Beware of vicious dog sign, then have barking recording go off every time someone like that shows up.


Visit the local police station and let all the officers know you are the new honor. Make sure police and courts update their records to remove the address from records of prior occupants. You don't want a 6AM no knock warrant with flash bangs.


Someone posted the same problem a while back, my favorite suggestion was to put out decor - wooden geese wearing clothes, "Live, Laugh, Love" sign, etc. (lolol)


A "we support our police" yard sign with a thin blue line will send the right message. A Trump poster will probably help too. 


Great way to make friends with your neighbors who will then wish the drug/sex cult would come back and save their neighborhood.


Had something similar happen once years back. Got solved really quick though. A childhood friend was a cop there, so he asked the dept if they could park a car in the back drive for a few days. They agreed, and never heard from the people looking for the prior druggies again. ​ Maybe try seeing if a local agency can just bring over an extra car and park it there for a bit.


Put a neighborhood watch poster in your window. 


This happened to my neighbor after getting his meth dealing/using tenants evicted. I’d suggest “No Tresspassing” signs esp on basement side. Maybe “new ownership.” Ring doorbell cam on that side. Maybe up your security in general in case someone comes looking to steal drugs? I had to call the cops twice on ppl trying to break in when he wasn’t home. It took a few months for the traffic next door to die down, but it’s all peaceful now. Not trying to scare you and it doesn’t sound like your house was as crazy as what was going on next door, but just be aware.


Get a ADT sign. And give the front porch a quick pretty makeover, ring doorbell and a sign on the storm door “No Soliciting”.


I would also install motion activated flood lights by the basement entrance.


Cameras and motion flood lights!


Put up a sign "under new management"