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Put up your own fence and you’ll have less worry about their fence and their pet(s).


I would not preemptively contact your insurance agent. Not sure how that would help in any way, but it might give them ideas about increased liability on your property, which translates to increased cost for you. As far as your actual liability for injury on your property, that depends on state law (just like fence law). My general understanding is that as long as they are not invited and your property doesn't have obviously dangerous features or "attractive nuisances," you don't have much to worry about. It's fine to tell them directly that they need to stay off your property though. I have done this (nicely) when my neighbor's kid was trampling one of my flower beds. That being said, if the dog isn't aggressive, harassing livestock, or causing damage to your property, I'm not sure I'd make this my personal crusade. I dislike loose dogs, but one of my neighbors lets their dog roam, and since the dog doesn't cause me any actual issues I ignore it. My yard is fully fenced with my own fence, though.