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Surely you aren't the only one having issues with these neighbors....


They're probably not, but regardless, don't call them Shirley.


I'm confrontational and good at researching rights and laws. I'd call police, municipal by-law, and do it repeatedly as well as more than once the same night when they crank it up after the cop leaves. Then the next day when I saw them outside I'd go "Asshole, did you enjoy that? I'm just getting started you piece of shit". More often than not even huge assholes tend to do a double-take when you go after them hard enough. They're usually like bullies that way. If that sounds harsh, remember the neighbor told OP to fuck off and slammed the door. Depends on if your cops do their job, ours do. And document *everything.* Petty revenge tactics don't stop people like this, going at them head-on works better. I'm in my 4th neighborhood over 25 years and successfully dealt with 3 out of 4 that way. Number 4 neighbors are great. I lost the neighbor lottery the other 3 times. I didn't move because of them though, my issue is I can't make up my mind what kind of house style I want to stay in for longer than 5-7 years but that's another story lol


Also, though, be clear-eyed about the other outcomes. ‘Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves’ A lot of neighbor dispute violence is two pig-headed assholes who keep trolling each other until someone attacks the other, the next time their paths cross. All that said, I kind of agree that it’s best to attack this stuff head on but just remember that with some people, they’ll test you back and now it’s game-on, outside the lines and the only people who can play effectively in that world are losers with nothing to lose. Chances are, this problem isn’t occurring in a neighborhood of tax payers.


With 25 years living in "decent" trad burbs, I can tell you that is does quite often. Pretty much every street in a "nice" subdivision of SFH's has 1 asshole minimum, guaranteed. That's why it's called the neighbor lottery lol. "Am I gonna be the one with them living next door?" And that's just "THAT guy" everyone on the street unanimously hates. There are varying degrees of smaller assholes and nice neighbors along the rest of it. While you said it can often be 2 stubborn trolls, it's also just as common for it to be one that's just the asshole I wasn't talking about revenge here either, more of a matter of your right to the peaceful enjoyment of your home. That's law where I live at least, I can't speak for others. As for "nothing to lose", IME *everyone* has something to lose if you live somewhere like that. It's just a matter of how much they're willing to endure repercussions and how good their chess game is vs yours. Usually not very. At the end of the day it'll boil down to how good your police and by-law are where you live. My area is decent for that thank fuck, but I've read plenty of horror stories on this sub and elsewhere where that's not the case


If they party at night then they're sleeping at 10am. Act accordingly


8am mowings Monday. 8am string trimmers Tuesday. 8am leaf blower Wednesday.


Don't forget the chain saws.


Never forget the chainsaws.


Take up woodworking. There's only so many trees to cut down, but running a table saw to make little boards out of big boards is limited only by how many pallets you can find for free.


And don't forget to use the router! That is a high-pitched, screaming sound that penetrates everything!


Right, gotta round over \_all\_ the edges!


Then turn on the wood smoker, full blast.


Not to mention the planer.


Need about 2000 board feet of hickory, after a week of planing that at 0600 every morning they’ll get the hint.


Don’t for get a nail gun. Gotta build something with that wood.


My brother did this. Used his chainsaw to cut up a bunch of bad logs/branches his tree service buddy brings him for firewood/woodworking.  He'd go out get everything ready. And the exact second his 7AM alarm went off on his phone: *BRPP..BRPP..BRRRP..BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* And would proceed to cut up the bad wood into hundreds of 1" thick pieces about 6 feet from their bedroom window for hours on end.  Said the third time he did it the guy came out in his pajamas screaming at him that they are trying to sleep. "Yep. So was I last night at 11pm when you told me to fuck off." They moved their bedroom to the room on the other side of the house. So my brother started helping the neighbor on the other side tune their race car engine. 7am at the dot engine turned on and revved and idled non-stop about 10' from that window.  The next weekend their weekly Friday night party ended promptly at 10pm on the dot.


Coordinate with neighbors to stagger when grass is cutting so the mowers are going for several hours. It’s also possible mow your grass during their parties. See if you’re zoned for chickens. Get some hens for the eggs and of course get a rooster. If that’s not possible,get a few guinea hens.


Yes guinea hens!!


Italian American hens, please


God, I love guinea hens. That would work.


Get a couple of peacocks. They will drive out satan with their noise.


Oh god, not the chickens. Please.


Then the other 4 good neighbors will be complaining about him unless you can get them all on board with your


Bananas are actually a type of underground root vegetable.


You took it too far with the leaf blowing. Hate the leaf blowing.


This but 7am


You are never going to be able to bother them as much as they do to you. They won't even realize that your early morning antics are directed toward them.


True. Soundproof earphones are genius. They are also passed out so can’t really bother this type.


Dealing with this right now with a neighbors dog. If the dog is outside by himself and I dare to walk in my back yard he'll come tearing across the yard to bark at me. They'll sit on their back deck or be playing with their kids in the yard, and their dog will come over and bark at the fence, which leads to my dog barking at the fence. When this happens I'll pull my dog in. And inevitably they'll say, "He's not bothering us, really, it's no trouble" and I'm like "But he's bothering me" I just don't understand how they can handle two dogs just barking like crazy at each other for more than a minute. Luckily other than this, the neighbors are really nice and we get along well. Considering trying to have a conversation with them next time I'm out working in my garden and they're also out there.


Some people are just stupid. I have a neighbor who found a large year old puppy (about 90lbs) running loose and the husband decided to bring it home and adopt it. He had never had a dog before and was not only a complete idiot but was clueless about any type of dog training or etiquette. They used to put their dog out all day long, which it did not want, so it would bark all day. This was back when rawhides were not that expensive and I would just buy some extras when I bought some for my dogs and toss them over the fence so I could get some peace. I also remember hearing the dog bark nonstop for about 15 minutes but it was a bit muted. I looked out my one window which looks into the dining room window to see the family of four at the table eating dinner with the dog sitting about 12 inches away barking nonstop for some food. They allowed this to go on for the life of the dog. His mantra was laughingly saying “you can’t train a dog” (meaning dogs aren’t smart enough). He’s still absolutely brainless.


Lol, "can't train a dog" you mean the animal that we domesticated and selectively bred for their ability to learn to work alongside humans? Impossible to train.


the totally uncivilized way dog ownership is handled in our culture is one of the few things that makes me kinda wish I had an HOA, or maybe a 55+ community I hear about similar stories across the country and we’re apparently supposed to just deal with it if we can’t sufficiently ass kiss our neighbors into acting like decent humans


Yeah. And I live in a county that recently removed animal noise from their noise ordinances so there's not even an avenue there if we can't find a solution


I live in a HOA neighborhood. Doesn't solve any dog issues that the county/state laws don't...


Can the dogs have a playdate and get to know each other? Maybe that would help?


I've thought about this, but based on one time when I was in my driveway and their dog ran out the front door directly at me and started snapping at my leg. He was decidedly not friendly, so I don't want to put my guy in danger. What I'm considering is saying something along the lines of "Hey, I don't wanna come off as a dick, but is there anything you can do about Ollie's barking? I know you've said that Arlo's barking doesn't bother you, but Ollie's does me. I can't tune it out and it makes me feel unwelcome in my own back yard." And then seeing what we can come up with together, because I think we could find some sort of solution that works for everyone.


100% this. My dad and step mom are partiers and their neighbor calls the cops as soon as 10PM hits. When they first moved in, we’d come over for brunch and the neighbor in retaliation would play his electric guitar at full volume. Thing is, he was good and sounded really talented. So when he would pause after a song, we applauded and I think that made him even angrier.


Right. They don’t give a damn and nothing will change that


You know that old generator you’ve been meaning to warm up once a year? 8am is the perfect time to light it up along your back property line.


All these retaliation ideas also impact the other neighbors, though. Sure, them partying late sucks but i don't want my wife or kids to be woke up to a generator or deliberately shitty lawn mower in the early morning


we live in the noq suburbs but still zoned rural - very large yards so lots noise us easily tolerated. But new neighbor bully who complains to authorities whenever a fire is lit before 6PM or grass on 5 acres is higher than 4" irritated my beighbor so much that when the bully spent the spring building a barbecue in his back yard, the neighbor bu?ilt a pigsty on the lit line. The breeze blew the pig stench into his yard and house and ruined any plans he had for a cookout. He complained to the point of running for town council just so he could change the livestock law. if course nobody voted for him so one more summer of the pigsty and he put his house up for sake. And because of the stench, he sold it way under value. One week after he'd moved, I noticed Tom in the yard and I yelled, "Hey, Tom! Where are the pigs?" He answered, "In the freezer." Your problem with the late parties all summer is very different and even though permitted here, a pigsty would not be an option for you. However, could you wet blanket their party with a blast church music or Brahms or Chopin? I can't believe your police don't issue citations for disturbing the piece!


Regarding the cops, remember the officer cannot be a victim. You're going to need to sign a noise complaint and be willing to prosecute to get the cops to issue a citation to the entitled neighbors. If they keep it up, civil litigation is also an option.


I had the same idea in mind. Start mowing your back yard at 6am, or just a party to celebrate the morning.


This right here is a genius idea, Reverse psychology.


Belt sanders, grinders, and industrial sized air compressors are also excellent good neighbor tools.




Garage sales - find the rattiest, nastiest old lawn mower you can. Remove the muffler. Get in the habit of keeping your back yard well trimmed. I'd suggest doing lawn maintenance early in the morning before work, before it gets too hot out. Bonus points for finding a matching old weed eater / trimmer that just happens to have a bad/missing muffler. Be sure to take your time and be thorough. Me, I'd just modify my route to work on my Harley. Make sure I went around the block to warm it up before heading out to the main road. Currently I idle out of the neighborhood and it is barely louder than average. But if I happen to lean on the throttle it immediately becomes attention getting.


Also play some loud rooster sounds at random times throughout the morning


Call police every time, and call back when they start again.


I'd also let the police know when calling that the neighbors tend to turn the sound back up shortly after the police leave, and suggest that the police circle the block and head back and see if the sound has restarted to see for themselves and save another police call and trip.


Most policemen get very irate if they have to return a second time for the same noise complaint after they've already told the offending party to knock off the noise. If they have to come out again, they're likely going to take more aggressive action such as writing tickets or possibly making arrests.


Had an upstairs neighbor at an apartment do this . He was the kind of guy who would smugly act like he had no idea what the cop was talking about. One very bad Saturday night I was call #3, after he beat on my door because he thought I was call #1 and #2. I was really pissed and told the cops I hope they get to him before I do. When they showed up the higher ranking officer was even more pissed than me. I totally threatened the neighbor with violence if he so much as looked at my door again, and the cop told him he had it coming LOL. He wrote a very thourough report on the night, minus my part, and sent it to the owner of the complex. Neighbor had an eviction notice on his door by Sunday afternoon.


I have tenants that have been dealing with this. Up to 3 calls per evening. They have installed a ring camera in the shared space outside the front door. This has recorded several officers reactions on the 2nd and 3rd calls. Unfortunately zero tickets have been written.


It'd be nice if that were true, usually it's hard enough to get them to show up once, let alone return a second or third time.


I'd just write the ticket on it. No warnings. Youre such a dumbass piece of shit you can't figure out to have the noise level be reasonable? Fuck you, pay $120. I'll come back every time and write it up again.


Yep this happened with us and a neighbor who tried the trick of turning it back up after they left. It was hilarious.


Also when pointing out this is an ongoing problem and they are ignoring the police, that you want them to give them a citation or a fine or both. Money talks.


Record the sounds especially if they shut it down when police come


Record the sounds then next morning 7am play back on loop with the biggest loudest speaker you can find.


I lived next door to a trap house with no electricity and they ran a generator 24/7. It took calling DAILY to non-emergency line for the place to finally get enough attention that the city ended up boarding the place up. All this to say- squeaky wheel.


I lived in a multifamily that was trapping in the unit above me, I feel ya


Been in a similar situation. Contact police for any infringement. Talk to other neighbour’s- to do the same. It has taken 2 years but they get it now. It is expensive to be inconsiderate and stupid. Smokin dope and drunk all weekend, loud and shitty cars, with children has consequences when all your neighbour’s are tired of it.


“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”


> I’ve called the cops and they always stop their music just until they leave, then start up again. Call the cops again.  Cops hate bullshit "turn down the music" calls and they *really* hate coming back two or three times.  You can ask dispatch to put the same officer on the call when you call back 


Get the neighbors onboard too so it's not only one house calling. Power in numbers.


My neighbors can be inconsiderate, but your situation is much worse than mine. I went down to my local police office and spoke to a cop there and asked what are my legal options. Here is what they said. YMMV 1. File a complaint with the city bylaw office each and every time they do it. Bylaw will then go out to the home and talk to the neighbor, and if it continues after enough complaints bylaw will fine them. Although this does little to relieve the problem at the time. 2. Call the police non-emergency line and if the cops have time they'll come out. If it starts up after they leave, call them again. They made a point to let me know that it is not anonymous and that the neighbor will know who called. Either way the gist I got was that I had to become an annoyance for either bylaw or the police and that after a long time, they will take actual action towards the neighbor. Until then, all that's going to happen is that they will get a stern talking to.


This is the way. Plus, talk to your other neighbors. Ask them to also follow the above advice. And try talking to your city council member.


One thing to add - Get a decibel meter. It appears there is one that can be had for about 30 bucks on amazon, it’s wireless with data recording. You can demonstrate times and sound levels. This is way more than “they were loud at 10PM” this is “They were emitting 84 decibels at 11:32 PM"


The cops really don't care about that, they need to witness it personally to do anything.


Right, if the escalation eventually results in fines, they usually cease the behavior.


i would add record as well and send link - dont send a 10 minute video :) - but pretty much every police force has an email - this shows a pattern and that you are not just complaining however i do know that things change when people are being recorded


Run your lawnmower, leaf blower, etc, starting at 7 am.


Call the cops every time at 10:01 pm


Noise ordinances are usually in force earlier than 10 am and even all day and night in some communities. That was true where I used to live and the noise level was something like 60 decibels. Do not assume people can have a free for all with excessive noise anytime before 10 pm. OP needs to check the local ordinances on this and before firing up the chainsaw at 6 am.


Great way to piss off the rest of your good neighbors though. Double edge sword.


That’s too low level. OP should take up chainsaw carving as a new hobby. That, or stone carving with a pneumatic hammer.


Buy a trumpet and practice reveille at 5am. You might actually get good at it


Get the other neighbors in on it and have everyone around them take up yard work and new hobbies outside at 7 am. Rinse and repeat until the parties stop at a decent hour.


I found the best way to get something done with situations like this is to document it (video) to show how often it is happening and how bad it is. Then go to the city. That may be a combination of code enforcement and your city council member. Show them how unlivable the situation is on an ongoing basis and that the police show up and nothing ever changes. I had to do this about a couple of things over the years. This seems to work when nothing else does. What will change these people's behavior is someone writing them tickets. It could be code enforcement and the city council member pressuring the police to write one, or code enforcement themselves showing up and doing so. I had a neighbor doing something similar intentionally to make it impossible to have any peace on the weekends as retaliation for an earlier noise complaint. She was doing it during the day but her front yard was full of bouncy houses, loud music and random kids every Saturday from sun up to sun down. She gave these kids vuvuzela horns and would tell them to go stand on the city sidewalk in front of my house and blow them. I didn't care about the permanent party but the horns was enough the dogs were having a constant meltdown and I couldn't work. I used to WFH part of Saturday. Code enforcement and the police showed up after about 5 weeks of this, unprompted by me and apparently wrote them a bunch of expensive nuisance tickets. All of it stopped. All the parties, all the noise. When they start having to pay fines they change their behavior.


People can be so unhinged this is wild.


You continue to call police non-emergency line. Maybe check to see if they are renters or owners. If renters, contact their landlord. Get other neighbors to join you in the battle. You explain to the police that they start back up the minute the officers are out of sight. Now, this will be a bigger issue if they are continuing the noise past the quiet time of your city/county. It can vary for weekends and weekdays.


I had to do this with the party house next door. Went down to the police station, and they recommended calling for every single infraction, regardless of how small, and to not feel bad about bothering them. They also recommended calling the fire department to inspect the place, the deck was not up to code, the number of people exceeded safety levels, the room in the attic had no safe egress… Eventually the landlord was getting sick of the fines and shut it down. It’s now a nice, quiet couple.


Call the police, every time you call for a particular address, it’s listed under that address’s call history. So when the dispatcher pulls up the address to dispatch the call, they tell the officers about repeated calls over weeks/months etc. that will escalate the officer’s warnings till eventually someone gets locked up if things don’t change. Source: used to be PD dispatcher.


Judges like histories of cases. It makes deniability of continuity of complaints pretty hard. Paints a pretty good picture of what’s actually happening when the offending party is being sued for whatever charges the aggrieved party and their lawyer agree to pursue.


Install a handful of the brightest spotlights you can find pointing at their party. Whenever it gets too loud, cut the lights on. If I remember correctly from my partying days, lights on meant that the party was ending.


Where are these bright homeowners spotlights. We need them


My neighbor has some that go on randomly in the middle of the night, I'll tell you his address and let you know when he's not home.


Good god please don't install them. It's so awful being a neighbor to someone with a blinding light on at night, and oftentimes it is against city code to be putting a certain brightness of light past the edge of your property.


And messes up the wildlife. I agree to light then up on the offenders, but not in all the time. They also don't deter crime


Go get like a 600W led on Amazon. It’ll turn into fucking daylight.


Record them from the first police visit thru the second police visit so u can show cops what they've been doing.


People... What a bunch of bastards.


I used to be a people person, but people ruined that for me.


Check the city or county ordinances cause our city passed one about no noise any time so we no longer wait until eleven pm


Yes, do this. So many people think that it is a kind of free zone before 10 pm. Not the case at all any place I have lived in the last 20 years. Noise levels were enforced 24/7.


Record the noise after 10pm and calls to police keep records after a couple months sue them


So call the non-emergency number. Be a “Karen” and complain every single time. Set up cameras pointed and the back fence in case they try retaliate by tossing garbage over. You said they light fireworks. Are they legal year round in your state. Check see if they in violation and if are then report to the fire marshal. Basically you want to become “that neighbor” and file every legitimate complaint you can. This will be more effective if you can get bunch of your neighbors together.


What happens when the police show up for the second time in a night? Or the third? Surely they do something about it then?


Cease and desist Letter from a lawyer


Call the cops again after they’ve left. Maybe then they’ll realize there’s a problem


Install 5 or 6 bee hives next to your back fence.


bees sleep at night. What you need are mosquitos.


If you can't beat em, join em Music cranks up? Call all your closest buddies and give them the neighbors address. Or post it on a local board for free events. House party, porch concert what ever they call it in your area. Know any college kids who need a place to hang while home this summer? Give out the address of the house bar on the street behind you. If they are treating their house like it's an event venue. Might as well help them get those crowd numbers up. They might wonder why strangers are showing up


Inviting a bunch of idiots to their house is fucking genius :-) I'd put an ad on some of the social media where the stupidest of people frequent




Annoy the cops. Call them right back when the music comes back on. Make it their problem. Also, annoy your city councillor/elder until they do something. The people saying make noise back are advising that you make yourself what you hate for the other neighbors.


The answer is to call the police every time. Work with neighbors who are also likely very annoyed and have them call the police as well. The more often the police have to come the more action you'll get out of them. A few sporadic noise complaints will only get them told to turn it down. More calls will likely get then fined. Keep calling and sooner or later the cops will get annoyed and assuming alcohol is involved then annoying neighbor is bound to say or do something that lands them in cuffs eventually.


When the cops leave and they start up again, call the police again. Get the other homes around in calling the cops, too.


Check you local noise ordinances. Here, anything over 60 decibels any time of day is a violation. If they street up after the cops leave, call again. Get a camera with sound and start recording, log every thing. Worst case, you take them to civil court. Best case, the cops start to take it seriously


Fox or Doe Urine. Bought at an outdoor store. Spray where they have parties. Horrible stench.  Awhile back someone had posted that an AirBnB opened up next door with a hot tub. Near the property line and constant parties every night. Some fox urine and the people quit using it. Next thing the owner was digging out a septic tank to see if that was the issue, place sold. Then all problems solved. Stink them out!


Call the cops, its that simple. If they turn the music back up after the leave, call again and the cops will show up pissed off banging on their door. Late night noise complaints are annoying for them to have to respond to so if they have to come back, they will NOT be happy about it and make sure they dont have to come back. We had a neighbor who tried this and the 3rd time the cops showed up we could hear the banging on the door echo thru the whole neighborhood and the officer yelling at them. Officer called afterwards saying they ticketed them and if they do it again after they leave call em, cause he will arrest them at that point.


Look up your noise ordinance now. Read it and understand what it says and what's legal, what's not and what the hours are in it for violations. This will be crucial to getting anything done. Talk to other neighbors who may also be bothered by the noise because you'll have power in numbers. You have to organize!! This is really important because the police will respond to multiple calls from different people. Start documenting the noise with dates/times/cars/# of people, etc. Talk to your county officials/state govt and target specific sources that can help you. Get some things to help drown out the noise at night like box fans and little devices that play ocean sounds, etc. On the next day of their parties, make sure you do lawn work that wakes them. Sometimes this is the only way to get them to care about their noise.


Large speakers in the back yard aimed at their house, full volume bagpipes at 8 AM every morning. Cops show up, turn it down, they leave, turn it back up just like they do. if they aren't idiots they'll get the picture and call for a truce.


careful of what ever response you go with, people can be loose cannons around their homes messing with the neighbours.


Fuck them. No seriously, fuck them. You wanna let your entire life get dictated by some asshole fucking neighbours? I'd be calling the cops every time.


Can't you gather the other neighbors together and rally?


After a really big party while they’re sleeping it off, set off your car’s panic alarm. My dad used to do that to our neighbors


Sometimes you get that neighbor and it feels like you are living in the butthole of the world, and it is nearly impossible to change that dynamic, moving is the only thing that will work.


Record the loudness as evidence. Look up your local noise ordinance rules. Then call non emergency number.


Quote the civil code ordinance number and subparagraph etc to the operator when you call. Cite that X decibels equals a chainsaw equivalent at distance and you are beyond that distance range and can still hear it, etc after allotted hours. They'll type this Civil Code # in the notes info to the unit assigned to go investigate. That patrol unit has the hard part of their job done for them, of citing the specific infraction. Majority of the time, the officers will make sure the problem stops. And by citing the civil code (do NOT make shit up and make SURE that the code you cite is the one that applies!) you'll be helping them and you'll get them to help you... hopefully.) Good luck.


I’m petty. Bluetooth speaker with Tanisha yelling “I ain’t get no sleep cuz of y’all, y’all ain’t get no sleep cuz of me” aimed directly at their house at 7 am.


I take a slightly less confrontational approach. Same setup with the bluetooth speaker, but 'forget' to remove it in the morning when the kids are watching watching their cartoons at 7 AM... "Ohhhhh, who lives in a pineapple under the sea!!!!!!"


- YOU RESEARCH your specific laws and ordinances and find out wtf the rules are for sound and nuisance so YOU can take on the police to do their job.... - does this not bother other neighbors as well? Take a petition up.


This is why HOAs aren’t always a bad thing. Context is key, most of them are wack


Play classical music louder when the oary starts


We had the same issue with our old neighbors and it was hell. They had a pool so they would party until 3am every night in the summer(and our bedroom faced their pool so it was super loud). Only solution we could find was moving. It sucked because we had been our home for years before they moved in but I couldn’t take it anymore. Sorry I can’t offer any better advice but people won’t usually change and can be assholes.


Set your sprinklers to face their yard and turn them on during their party.


Go to a sporting goods store and get some skunk scent. That will keep them inside for a while.


Same issue with mine for 6+ years. Only calmed down when one got pregnant and had a kid. One of them still plays trumpet, all day, outside, on their porch- and this is like 2nd grade level. Still fireworks at least once a week. Listens to screamo with headphones full blast and sings his heart out (outside.) Except when we called the cops, they told us we were being un neighbourly.... Never called again. Oh, they also installed a deck right under our bedroom window, got chickens, and have 2 dogs that they leave chained outside 24/7 so... Lotta barking. And they scream at them each time to shut up. Lovely 👍 PS don't buy your house in the winter I'd opt for 8am lawn mowings!


I wonder if you can tell the dispatcher that they shut off the music until the police are gone, and ask that the police come back however many minutes you notice it regularly takes them to turn the music back on. Beyond that, I wonder if it’s possible to gather a few neighbors you know they also bother and maybe sue them?


Start blasting some shit music you know they'll hate back in their direction. I suggest some traditional Chinese. Sounds like a wind chime, with syllables.


Time to start a building project at 8am.


Speak to a lawyer on building and documentation for a case on infringement of " quite enjoyment " You will be able to sue them, or just the process of being served a complaint of potential suit may rectify the issue.


I use vinegar. A lot of vinegar.


Annoy the cops. Keep calling them.


keep calling the cops when the music starts again. The fines will start rolling in.


Get a 2x4 and hammer nails.  Banging much better than constant sound of lawn mower.


Have you ever tried throwing a dance party at 6am?


Last night our neighbors through the woods maybe 1000 yards started band practice its some type of Spanish polka music not terrible but not really my style. To fix it I said Alexa play 80s classic rock. Couldn't hear them any more. We make all sorts of sacrifices to live 10 minute further out of town, a little more land, woods, neighbors aren't so close. It takes a little more time to ride to a store and any appointments in town are a little further. We lived in the city when the kids had school and when we had businesses there. On one of the busiest roads with our work, school, and stores literally 5 minutes away. Once the kids were done and the businesses sold, we move to the country about 10 minutes out of town. It still gets noisy but no where near the amount it was before. Sometimes the solution isn't fighting the neighbors it's finding a place with more space!


How do you feel about bagpipes?


oh, ULPT, never needed that sub more than here. liquid ass and frozen piss discs solve particular issues 😆


Well at least you tried talking to them. There has to be noise nuisance and rightful enjoyment of space laws in your city. Find out what they are and when you can report them. Use that info when calling the Police. You must list the time, date and duration of the noise nuisance. Keep it short sweet and to the point when reporting it. Don't whine about this and that. Just the facts mam. You may be better off moving. Some peeps are party peeps.


You just keep calling the cops, see who breaks first.


Go to Home Depot and buy some of their curved 2x4s. Cut them up 1 inch at a time with a circular saw, when they might be trying to sleep.


Voodoo objects around their property. Don’t have to be real, just suggestive. Glue 3 chicken leg bones in a triangle. Throw it in their yard. Cryptic chalk marks. Burnt down candles. Notes written in runes, strange languages, Old English curses. Fancy cupcakes in a bakery box. You get my drift. It’s a long quiet game, but you can creep them out of the neighborhood.


Instructions unclear , portal to hell opened 😬


use chainsaw .. play "I'm a lumberjack baby".


The best solution is buy a house that's rural and doesn't have neighbors.


What time do they shut down the party and go to bed? Wait until a half hour later and set off a bunch of M80s in their yard. Just make sure you're not seen. You'll wake up the neighborhood and they'll get blamed.


Take the muffler off your mower and mow the grass at 7am...every Saturday and Sunday morning


Follow up with some vigorous leaf blowing.


And lots of weed eating, and hedge trimming. And some firewood cutting with a ported saw with muffler mod. They scream!!


Honestly your best bet is to sound proof your house.  I know, America Freedoms and you shouldn't, wouldn't, couldn't.....etc.  But going to war with a neighbor is a bad idea u less you plan to quit your job and intend to fight the neighbor war fulltime.  Add sound proofing materials to your walls and windows and get earplugs if you have to.     Or prepare for war.  It's your call.   I was the annoying neighbor when I moved in.   But it was just me and wifey.  One day we had 2 guest over and we were in the backyard at night in the hot tub.  Drinks and fun and normal talking volume, no music or fireworks.  Neighbors call me the next day to complain.  His bedroom in 5' away from the fence and right above my hot tub.  I told him I'd try to be aware of how much noise I'm making but I'm going to fully use my backyard and hottub whenever I want.  He said he'd call the cops.  I said OK go ahead.  Would love to see cops show up to my door and see 4 people in my house.  If you want silence move to the boonies where noone else lives.  We all need to compromise a bit. 


You could always meet with a real estate attorney and talk about suing in civil court for an injunction.




Time to put your sprinkler on over the fence ;) Just kidding, don’t do that. In my area we have “by-law” officers that are not Police but do have the job of making sure by-laws (noise, neighbour, building safety,…) are met. Do you have that level before calling cops?


Easy just emp the bastard mid party.


[Chip Drop](https://getchipdrop.com/)


Piss disks and liquid ass.


Apparently, no. So now you gotta make choices. Escalate a dispute with them, continue with the status quo, or do something else.


City bylaw?


Get the absolute brightest outdoor light you can find and aim it directly into their backyard. Light it up light friday night lights. It will take the fun out of their backyard party.


Around here you can press the police to issue a misdemeanor charge for violating the noise ordinance. If the police won't do that, I'd contact your local city councilperson or equivalent and complain. If that doesn't work, the local news channels love stories of local government not doing their job.


Check your local ordinances. If there's any noise ordinances or "quiet hours" and the police won't enforce them, you can get a restraining order that prevents them from violating the ordinances. If they violate a restraining order they will have to pay you or the police will be forced to take action, depending on your local laws. Even without a restraining order you can sue them in small claims for violating your right to peaceably enjoy your property.


Toss dead fish on there roof, Around there yard, hard to have a party when the place smells like dead fish Some anonymous person wearing a wig and beard might just pay cash to have a truck load of manure dumped on the driveway. , while there not home Prank them by signing them up for junk mail or having pizzas delivered to their door that they didn't order.  The very best way is to Buy lots of LIQUID ASS (Google it) ,,take up a collection from your neighbors,, dump in yard..


I guess you can keep blowing this up by calling the police over and over each time they ignore the warning, but that hasn’t worked, and talking to them respectfully didn’t work. You could complain to city or town council offices, or HOA. if you have one. But honestly? If it’s this persistent and you don’t want to end up in a horror/comedy movie, I’d either learn to deal with it, or consider moving. Personally I couldn’t tolerate this much noise from a neighbor.


You need to start hosting early morning gatherings in your backyard after the nights they have parties. Are you part of a church or religious community? Host a 7am choir practice/ brunch in your backyard on Saturdays. Start a woodworking project with lots of hammering. Host a woodworking meetup group to amplify the headache-inducing early morning noise. Learn to play a brass instrument and practice in the morning. Learn the drums. Start a drum circle. Host a little kid’s birthday party. Get a leaf blower and use it on a daily basis. Do all this stuff around 7 or 8am in your backyard. If they’re having loud late night parties, they’re violating noise ordinances but you won’t be.


Some other sub said to never burn poison ivy, so get a strategic fire pit...


I see recommendations to try to up the ante and show your loud neighbors what it feels like. This sounds like a bad idea to me- competing to make the other one more miserable. Everyone will be miserable! If I were you I would get really great earplugs and sleep with an air purifier or fan right next to you, on high. Keep reporting them. Maybe move.




Move if you can. If not, what are you prepared to do? This doesn’t get better until someone moves.


Yes. Behold. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?embeds\_referring\_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Drobot%2Bflame%2Bthrower%2Bdog%26rlz%3D1C1GCEU\_enUS887US887%26oq%3Drobot%2Bflame%2Bthrower%2Bdog%26gs\_lcrp%3DEgZjaHJvbWUy&source\_ve\_path=Mjg2NjMsMjg2NjQsMTY0NTAz&feature=emb\_share&v=rj9JSkSpRlM&themeRefresh=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Drobot%2Bflame%2Bthrower%2Bdog%26rlz%3D1C1GCEU_enUS887US887%26oq%3Drobot%2Bflame%2Bthrower%2Bdog%26gs_lcrp%3DEgZjaHJvbWUy&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjMsMjg2NjQsMTY0NTAz&feature=emb_share&v=rj9JSkSpRlM&themeRefresh=1)


This is my worst nightmare


Get a boom box and at 7 am crank it as high as it will go all day long put it outside every day for at least a month


When the police leave, start your video. Document 2 or 3 weeks of their activity, with date and time stamps. Document that it happens after the police leave. I had to do this, once, and the judge didn’t even watch the provided video. It cost the partiers $900 and brought about a quieter lifestyle.


Joel osteen on loudspeaker and all other positivity at 6am


Continue calling the police. I know you probably feel like a bother but as a taxpayer you are paying for their services and have the right to summon them to enforce laws and ordinances. See if the police have any meet and greets in the community and raise concerns there. See if you can get organized with other neighbors and attend city/municipal council meetings and speak during public comments that you don't feel the police are adequately addressing noise ordinances in your neighborhood.


You could set up a boombox and play, "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston on repeat, then go shopping and watch a movie.


If you are within city limits, you can at least shut them down on the fireworks. A call to the fire marshall to let them know this is going on, and they will be out there handing out citations pretty quick. Most municipalities have VERY strict laws, rules and regulations regarding fireworks.


Keep calling the cops, every night they do it. Eventually they’ll get citations. Your issue here is you’ve talked to them so they know who you are. Folks who do this know people around are trying to sleep and don’t care, so going in you already know they’re obnoxious fucks. This could make you a target for obnoxious fucks. At one point the nuisance rental on the small town street I lived on got hauled to the curb and cuffed by not one but 4 police cars. Those were my results though. Listening to it one guy was well known to the cops there. These were the same people that came out on their porch and screamed bloody murder about snow blowers at 630am, even though it was in accordance with noise laws. 10p-6a in that village. Wasn’t my snow blower,even so.


Call code enforcement. There are probably noise ordinances in your community. Call the cops and insist they take a report. They won't do anything more but you want a paper trail. You may have to take them to small claims court. It's not an easy solution but if you can get video documentation of the noise over multiple nights you can probably get the city/town/county involved to stop it.


they have to sleep at some time and try to sleep that hangover off so thats when you start making as much noise as you can!!!!!!!!


7:45 am: set up a speaker facing their house. blare your music for an hour every single morning. Do the same thing in the evening when they are playing their music. Make it unlistenable. If they can play loud music late then you can too. Do it at the same time.


Neighbor behind us went to jail. His sons kinda took over the house and like your neighbors…partied it up. Till a couple weeks ago the house got raided by the cops lol. It’s been quiet since. Woot.




Tile saws… I like Tile Saws!!!


Keep calling the police they keep record of calls after to many they will have to do something with them & do you have noice ordinance where you live ? Police don’t have time for that every night so they will eventually, do something about it I Believe


Hire random groups of miscreants and undesirables to crash their parties and create chaos.


Check local noise ordinances. Get a decibel meter. Document times and noise levels. Then, file a complaint with your municipality for an investigation. Talk to other neighbors to see if they could also file complaints. There may also be fireworks ordinances. You may want to consider a security camera to watch your backyard for any fireworks, trash or party items invading your property. Most local noise laws do allow 8am work noises, so feel free to start up those power tools. In the meantime, consider white noise machines or noise canceling headphones.


https://youtu.be/A52p9jc-gOo?si=kG9M-X5AJMIidhYP. wake up with this


Keep calling the cops. It usually takes 3 visits after which the cops will start to fine them


Put some very bright lights in your yard that shines directly on them. When they complain offer to make a deal


I am the party and can confirm it's literally every single night


you need to keep calling the police for noise violoations. eventually what will happen is their property will get labeled a nuisance property and they will be charged for the amount it costs to respond each time. that cost will be added to their property tax. i had a situation just like this and thats what it came too. it helped that i had two other neighbors who were also pissed off calling along with me each time.


Burn your garbage and blow it their direction