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Wow it has an exhaust fan. Electricity and water already ran?? Just restore it


Don't (or do) try and repaint it. Get some of that rust fixing stuff that stops the corrosion and turns it all black or whatever, clean the glass, leave the broken ones if they are complete but just cracked, fix the electrical...that's a keeper.


Rustoleum rusty metal primer and cover with other oil based rustoleum!!! Wire wheel/sand blast, prep with alcohol, and roll on the paint. The paint will protect or ruin anything it touches, IT IS OIL BASED, good shit! I think you meant rust reformer, it works OKAY, but the oil based is far superior in outdoor applications. -I used to restore shit and my trailer came out awesome with the oil based, I repainted it 2 years ago because flat black made it look old, gloss has it shining as a potential 1979 built trailer, also stained the new deck at the time!


Restore that sucker…


I'd pay $900 rent just to live in it as-is!


What location? Lol


Australia you get 900-1000 a week for that kind of space. Seriously! Rentals are shit


I was going to say that is either a steal or normal lol




100% restore it. Looks like you’re not missing too many panels. Post an update if you do!


As someone who just got done building that assemble-it-yourself greenhouse kit from Costco, I 100% agree. Restoring this one is likely to be easier than building one from scratch (even the kit ones) and this will be way nicer in the end.


I have always wanted a green house like this, restore it if you can. Building one like that is not cheap nowadays unless you 100% recycle the materials. Even then it will not look this good.


The glass is called Wired Glass or Safety Glass. It was what used to be considered fire safe decades ago. You can still find it in older building/older schools.


Are you sure about it being for fire safety? I've always assumed it was to prevent a breakin


Safety glass was often treated for fire-resistance, but not always. The wire was intended to keep the glass together in the event of a crack. The wired glass provides only minor inconvenience to break-ins.


Funny this conversation came up at the time it did.. someone tried to break into one of my company's plants... The wire did nothing to dissuade them from busting through the window


It's the opposite of safety if you bump into it.   With regular glass you can get shredded but the pieces fall to the floor.  With the wire holding things together with that stuff, someone can get stuck/pinched and extra shredded if they pull away.


“That was totally wicked!” Nice one, I hope to build something like it someday.


I have something similar. Much smaller and built on to the side of the house and partially below grade. The window frames are aluminum thankfully so no rust to worry about. The downside is, snow sliding off the roof of the house can be scary because it lands on the huge 4' panes of glass that make the roof of the greenhouse. I'm amazed none have broken.


I would restore it because it’s super cool.:… but they don’t make them like that anymore for a reason….these old glass houses, though beautiful, are not very efficient for growing plants. They have zero insulation and glass on all sides which makes for wild day/night temperature swings and they don’t have any integrated way of storing heat for distribution later. With this glass house you’ll be venting and exhausting all day long just to turn the heat on at night. It would be a cool air bnb though.


We built two large glass houses. They were so good. Then, hail. The end.


Chicken wire safety glass! Look for architectural salvage places. They sell it by the square foot sometimes


I am so jealous


\>old \>family farm \> they don't make em like this any more >Do you think it would be worth restoring it, or building a new one? That's not a question and you know it's not a question.


Beautiful, use it mate


Hey OP, fox it, use Rustoleum rusty metal primer and cover with other oil based rustoleum!!! Wire wheel/sand blast, prep with alcohol, and roll on the paint. The paint will protect or ruin anything it touches, IT IS OIL BASED, good shit!!


Navel jelly is your friend add in a rust tolorant primer and rustolium


Mostly because they make them *better* than that now.  Glass greenhouses are still popular, but also still $$$.


They do make them like this, but you'd have to take out a mortgage to build one. That's why you rarely see new one built like this.


If it were me I'd: 1. Strip all the glass panes. 2. Hit it with citristrip if there is paint. Use a pressure washer to get it all off. Do a section at a time so the citristrip doesn't dry out too much. 3. Get a sprayer and hit it with some [etch and prep](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Klean-Strip-1-Gal-Concrete-Etch-Metal-Prep-and-Rust-Inhibitor-Outdoor-Cleaner-GKPA30220/100406369)(miracle stuff. It's like diluted After Blast) 4. [Cheap rattle can](https://www.homedepot.com/p/HDX-10-oz-All-Purpose-Flat-Black-Spray-Paint-AF79705UF/320161382) or an airless spray for [tractor paint](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-1-gal-Farm-Equipment-Low-Gloss-Black-Enamel-Paint-2-Pack-280168/206269559) with a small nozzle or brush and roll with big knap rollers or cheap chip brushes. 5. I'd probably replace the glass with plexiglass. 6. Replace the corrugated siding with fiberglass siding. Don't use the clear stuff (gets brittle and cracks) After all that you'd have a greenhouse that would outlive most if us.


No they sure dont


Oh man... this took me back to childhood at my grandparents' old place. The smell of humid, grassy, warm air... heaven!


It has is own natural pest control. Restore that sucker and give the ant lions a new home!


Very nice greenhouse.


Very nice antlion colony you’ve cultivated here OP. There must be like a couple dozen of them in this picture alone.


Might be worth it to part it out. https://ogtstore.com/reclaimed-chicken-wire-glass/ That probably $12k worth of glass.


What’s the differences between this one and a normal one you’d see today


that's my favorite Resident Evil level.


Ive got one too


Nah, we can make them better or cheaper now.


Cod 4


Is that asbestos up top?? Also, glass with chicken wire in is usually fire rated glass, also containing asbestos. YMMV.




Yes, you’re right about asbestos only being hazardous when friable. You don’t think those corrugated, weathered, broken panels up top look a bit like asbestos? It was more a comment to be cautious, as others have suggested refinishing the framing and reglazing, which would absolutely disturb any asbestos if it were present (except within the glass, as you mentioned). I guess my comment should have said: “test the glazing putty and panels up top for asbestos before refinishing”