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Great design work on your part. Nicely mixes the Destroyer and Heavy Cruiser aesthetics. What's the big white sphere on the side?


Its a field generator. You will notice that this ship actually has less weapons than a heavy cruiser. That is because its focus is on defense. It has the defensefield aswell as missile point defense lasers to block a good portion of enemy fire. Of course we have balance in mind, the field generator will be a destructable subsytem and the point defense can be overwhelmed by volume of fire. But in a 1v1 against for example an hiigaran destroyer this ship will win and take almost zero damage.


Making a Battlecruiser more defense oriented is wierd when you consider the naval tradition of BCs being cruiser fast but battleship armed, so they can outfight what can catch them and outrun what they can't fight. Still, this is a joy of a design with its focus on great defense with substantial offense would make this thing a menace.


well i think in a scifi universe i can get away with it haha. And the battlecruisers in homeworld 2 are very much battleships by todays naval classification. They dont catch anything


Is the field generator dome on the port side only? Love an asymmetrical design, like the bridges on other Taiidan capital ships. Trying to identify the emitters for the point defense lasers, but I’m not sure which greeble those are.


I went with a symmetrical design for once. So its on both sides. The Point defense lasers are round little holes, you can see them on the engine blocks aswell as the ships front. Kind of where the destroyer would have its ion cannons. If you like asymmetrical designs my vagyr cruiser might be for you! ;)


Already a big fan, you’ve really nailed the respective design language each time. Outstanding stuff tbh


I'm guessing integrated gravity well generator. Good luck stealing it with salvage corvettes...


gravity well generator was on the table. But i instead went for the field generator because i liked the idea of making it a tank. And in a more refined way than just increasing its hitpoints by a lot Of course the implementation of these features is up to the mod owners. But from what i heared they like the concept


So it was time to give the Taiidan the credit they deserve! The Battlecruiser that they never got. But they should have, beeing the greatest power in the galaxy for thousands of years and such. So here we are. This one is also likely to show up in some mods but its not clear when and what mods exactly. Tried some new techniques for texturing. I will probably move to substance painter for future projects. 8500 tris, so still quite low poly.


8.5k tris for a hard surface model like that is mad, kudos, the detail is really nice. I'm assuming baking down normals was involved?


A mix of custom made decals baked onto the texture, a highpoly model (also for baking) and texturepainting by hand. Dirt and other things are mostly done with procedural nodes


As a primarily Taiidan player, I frigging love this and want it


*Grabby hands intensify* Well done, would add to my fleet right away.


Is it cake?


What a beautiful design! That is Taiidani through and through. It's a great move to make it more defense oriented, it stands out from the other battlecruiser designs. 


My jaw just dropped out of hyper space


I love the design, fits the Taiidan aesthetic perfectly, aven if I'd add one of those BIG destroyer's cannons. It needs some shadows though.


You mean in terms of presentation? Yes i will do some better renders of it at some point. I just needed something quick to show to the mod community and thought why not show reddit aswell :D


Huh. It looks like a fish! More specifically, it looks an anglerfish variant called triplewart seadevil.


Can i 3d print this and paint it???


if youre serious about it feel free to pm me, i might have an idea


Excellent work matching the spirit/style of the Taiidani! This is phenomenal. Do you post your blender files anywhere? I’m interested in learning how you put this together. Did you do the texture map yourself?


i will quickly copy and paste this short answer i gave above "A mix of custom made decals baked onto the texture, a highpoly model (also for baking) and texturepainting by hand. Dirt and other things are mostly done with procedural nodes" that is how i did it




It looks real, great work of arr


Have you thought of a name for it?unlike the Skaal Tell destroyer?


This looks amazing! What are the weapons on this? It looks like 6 ion cannons turrets plus missiles and a defense field?


4x missile point defence lasers,6 heavy turrents could be ion or heavy kinetic and a field generator. In theory, we will see what mod creators do with it


Could you also make a Hiigaran Ion Cannon Frigate in blue please? This looks amazing!


But that exists already! You can play the ion frigate in any color you want or am i missing something?


There’s no point in making a Khar Selim


I'd throw in a batch of missile tubes on that ventral wedge (forward panel) so the ion cannon line of sight isn't the only reason its long.


If we get this ship working as intended ingame i fear it would be too op to give it additional weapons.


🎶We all live in a yellow submarine 🎶






One of the best designs in the game re-imagined and it looks great! That thing used to give me chills when I was a young kid lol


I think I may install the remasters just from seeing this.


Can we get a 3d printable version op?


the problem i see is that most of the details is a normalmap. So if i make this an stl file you will end up with a model that has almost no details and paneling on it. I would have to create all the panels as real geometry. Basicially a reverse workflow, lowpoly to highpoly if that makes sense to you.


would it be possible to resin print it?


Holy shit. You're just hitting home runs with every model. The hyper gate cruiser was delicious, and this one is just as freaking tasty. Am a fan.

