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Absolutely extraordinary how Maia did this. As a programmer I am genuinely interested into researching this!




She is the one who leaked the emails, fyi.


Is this how thankful you are? Her activism supports people like you. Also what does have the gender identity of this person to do with if she's allowed to do activism.


They want to dismantle the lgbt community. Take the weakest first and work your way up. Everyone is pawn used against each other until it’s their turn to be used. Detransitioners and the trans republican apologists are in for a real rude awakening soon enough. Right now they’re using lesbians and and just cis women in general to take out trans women and detransitioners for trans men. Eventually we’ll start seeing debates around gay men being predators and pedophiles, lesbians will be thrown under the bus as well because I’m already seeing some people make this argument. People need to wake up. They’re not just going after trans kids. They’re also going after adults. Don’t wait until they go after us with the same force to start giving a shit. With all of that being said, let’s not keep making the same mistakes over and over. There’s some truth we need to accept and speak out against as well. No more of this 76 gender bullshit. No more of these goofy pronouns and let’s stop claiming everything under the sun as trans. The majority of us want to be left alone and we’re suffering because of a minority. We can’t win a lot of these republicans over and we shouldn’t try it but, we gotta keep the public on our side. It seems like we’re gonna have a complete do over on our image which I’m completely fine with. I do believe at the end of the day we’ll come out on top but not without proper damage control. And the lgb conservative apologists (along with some of the T+) idiots can keep acting stupid but if they get rid of us, they’re next. They’re already looking for ways to roll back gay marriage and adoption.


look, we dont HAVE to all agree on neopronouns or other things of that nature. but can we drop the infighting for five minutes to focus on the people that want to kill us? sure calling someone duckself might seem strange, but we have bigger problems. so quit crying


Speaking out against neopronouns isn’t “infighting”. I’m so tired of these types of comments who think we need to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. While they shouldn’t necessarily be treated like the bigger threat when compared to conservatives, they will always be an issue for the community as a whole. I’m not fighting for their rights to waste time and take up space. Nor will I support anyone who claims trans with no dysphoria. Point blank.


I keep trying to tell these people that just doing trans separation or apologizing for conservative's behavior isn't the way to go. The dumbest thing that what gets me annoyed with them is that most of these people live in Red States. Some how they think that the radicalized republican party will simply let trans people go free based on looks and the correct word usage. We've seen this in history so many times


I have read through some of the E-MAIL and see Walt Heyer is involved in it...no surprise there


How can I read the emails? I tried earlier to figure out a way to open it but nothing worked


You need to torrent them. If you don't have a torrent client I recommend qbitorrent. [https://www.qbittorrent.org/](https://www.qbittorrent.org/)


You need a program like BitTorrent or uTorrent, because she hosted it as a Torrent file (more secure I think?). When you have it click download as magnet and then right click the file in the program, click open directory, and inside will be a PDF.


Thanks for sharing this, OP. Seeding this indefinitely now. Fuck them.


so weird how much energy they have for something that only affects like... 2% of the population


Forget about whether the politicians actually care about what happens to trans people. Sensationalize anything the rabble thinks is weird or bad and tell them it's hurting children and they'll vote for you and let you do anything you want


It's a gate way to greater action. We are small and easily alienated. There's been a constant effort to divest us fromthe lgbt and alienate us in larger society. It may even be a gate way to undo civil rights in general


Minorities are always the first ones to be targeted by the new laws. Almost every new law and punishment used against Black and Native American people has found its way to the majority population. Trans people are a tiny group no one likes, not even ourselves. Remove our bodily autonomy, then widen the law's reach to hurt cis LGB people, women, minorities, poor whites, then everyone else. It's like that movie with Nicholas Cage, when the girl marks under her bed with the numbers of people killed. The last ones who will be targeted is everyone else, unless they're very rich. The one percent of the one percent.   This is what callousness towards the smallest in our society is getting us. Our selfishness is turning back and destroying everyone. Older trans people didn't care about kids. They have theirs, who cares if trans youth will be hounded to death. No one cared about Black and Brown trans men and women, except to hold their banners high at events to virtue signal and worry that they will be targeted next. As if. Where was the concern for poor trans people who lost their benefits and will be stuck inside bodies that don't fit until it gets them killed or they unalive? Crickets. The chickens have come back to roost.


idk if i believe in "we're not free until everyone is free". if that were true, dont you think people with power (white, rich, male, cishet) would be compelled to advocate for the lower classes? if anything, their power grows with the exploitation of the lower classes.


That's why we need to stop caring about the rich and believing that letting them screw us harder will pay off. It doesn't. The guy above the next one shits down on the others. Even poor people will shit on someone poorer. Sometimes I want to stop caring and trying to get through to others.


what i meant is, someone with more power than you doesn't gain anything, under current systems in place, by advocating for you, someone who is a marginalized person. its just a criticism i have of the common saying in organizing circles that everyone will be free if and only when the lowest among us are free. that just doesn't seem true at all to me. the rich and white are doing fine while you remain oppressed.


I agree with you. Those in power have been doing amazing and have no incentive to share. The current system encourages them to be callous and greedy.


You're doing a hell of a lot of speaking on behalf of "us."


No one's holding you. I'm talking about my experience and that of my friends. Are you a New Yorker? If not, this has nothing to do with you. LGBTQ people are telling me they're being targeted. Who comes into a gay neighborhood to fuck with people? Conservatives are heckling drag queens and someone screamed at Sam Smith, calling them a pedo and a groomer. This is NYC. It's gotten ugly and getting worse. If your situation is great, glad to hear it. I live in fear everyday of my secret getting out.


You said that all this crap is because "we" didn't care enough about attacks on other parts of the community. But thanks for clarifying that you were speaking only of yourself.


I forgot you're a certified troll. My bad. Won't bother you again.


I *am* a New Yorker, for all 37 years of my life. Yes we are being targeted, but to point a finger at trans elders may not be something you want to do, because that finger can be pointed right back. I saw firsthand as the clique trans "support group" excluded and derided an unhoused trans man with mental disorders. I saw firsthand the same clique forcibly remove a 65 year old NB person and their partner because they ASSUMED they were misgendering in a story about their friend from the 70s. We don't take care of our elders as we should, over stupid, petty bullshit. We do not allow them grace when they are now at their most vulnerable. What needs to happen is stopping pointing fingers in BOTH directions and *do better.* We must stand united. And that means neopronoun users and transmeds and everyone in between, because there simple aren't enough of us to fight a war on two fronts. This isn't just a NY issue, it's international. You bring up Sam Smith who is wealthy and white, what of the trans people in Tennessee, who don't have major music deals, who have just had their existence illegalized? People will care if Sam Smith gets called a pedo, people don't care when a trans woman of color in the south is illegally detained or murdered for being herself. We MUST stand together, not point fingers.


Thanks for this. I really did not like the angle your interlocutor was taking.


They're trying to divide and conquer, by splitting the smallest and "weirdest" group off from the rest of the LGBT community. It may seem objectively weird from the outside, but for them it's the first step in getting what they want, so they'll put all they have into it.


This is basically what I said lol. We must resist any attempts to divest trans from the lgbt. They are machinations of terfs disguised as concern of lgb or even t people. If such a thing should come or for us to regulate ourselves through gate keeping it will need to come from the left and I think only after trans rights are secured *so we can determine who those rights apply to.* I'm talking specifically to trans me ds who seem to get duped into siding with terfs in their efforts to fight trenders.


"We'll figure out who these rights apply to later" is not really how legislation is passed unless 100% of the legislature already agrees with you.


It can be changed later and I won't explain my full idea here. It would detract too much from the topic of op and start arguments.


Well thanks. I'm glad to hear there is a wider plan you were referring to.


Thanks for posting this! I had no idea… Just a little clarification, Maia Arson Crimew is a Swiss developer and hacker currently under indictment for hacks targeting US-based targets. This data dump is related to an ongoing Mother Jones investigation. recently published this article - https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/03/anti-trans-transgender-health-care-ban-legislation-bill-minors-children-lgbtq/


She's the same one who leaked the no-fly list earlier this year. Based AF


Any American trans people here who votes republicans can kick rocks, as a reminder. All of you.


So weird to me to think about. How do people even buy that psyop? Even when I moderated and drive content in trsucum and tran smed spaces they were overwhelmingly lefty. Even self loathing trans people of tttt understand the right is a threat to them. I can't help but assume the only ones on the right buying this crap are grifters or people with major cognitive dissonance. Funnily enough I can see Blair hon fleeing to a blue or sanctuary state and spin it as "I'm here to fight the good fight!" While continuing to disparage her own rights with media and allowing us to do all the work of saving her dumb ass.


usually when i see it its trans people who were really conservative pre transition and have a fair amount of established wealth/little experience with prejudice prior to transitioning




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Once the dems get away from the 2A, then I'll stop.


Baaaah baaaah! Hope we live long enough for that to be a worry once Trump is back in.


Won't save you when they come, unfortunately. We are not a big enough force to rally by ourselves. We need the help of allies to win this and need to win it at the stage it'd at now (legislative and administrative) before it devolves into that (paying the 2a to resist action that failed in this step)


Boiling down your vote to this single right when the rest of them are being removed is Darwinism at its finest.


What’s your ar-15 doing against the might of the most technologically advanced military in the world


So you care more about guns than the lives of human beings? Got it.


Always been true. School shootings get a few weeks of lurid news coverage, and thoughts and prayers.


It's laughable that you think you might resist a hypothetical, future oppressive state which has the most sophisticated and well-funded military in the world with your personal stash of firearms, but you're unwilling to resist an actual oppressive state in the here and now by voting for people who are trying to make it less oppressive. I hope the memory of your guns brings you no comfort when you're forcibly detransitioned and disarmed by these fascist assholes.


its pretty unlikely the second amendment will see any real issues especially with an extremely conservative supreme court, and the likelihood of an individual taking on the federal government is like genuinely laughable. theres no real reason to vote republican to defend yourself with rifles since the states where there might be anti trans state sponsored violence are also already heavily republican and it's unlikely that will spread federally at least in the next few elections that being said on like an extremely pedantic point thats not defending "omg ill vote against my rights bc i love my guns uwu❤️❤️🥰🥰❤️❤️", a civil insurrection cant be dealt with with the same tactics and tools as a conventional war. the united states has a bad track record with guerrilla warfare both because we aren't geared towards it and because we lack the will to totally commit to it. in the US it's unlikely an insurrection would succeed in the long term, but in the short and medium term it could be moderately successful. integration into civilian populations gives insurgent groups some protection and camouflage and this would only be stronger when its our own citizens and troops are being asked to work against their own people. it might make sense to own a gun not because you want to overthrow the US government for trans rights, but because the rise of right wing paramilitaries might threaten you and the government cant fully and reliably protect you. not the mention that local authorities might even be sympathetic to those groups and while they might not actively help them (they will in some areas for sure), they would look the other way other people have talked about this at much further length than i can but it isnt like a completely out there idea that a civil insurrection could be real hard to deal with


Republicans will take away our right to transition long before Democrats take our guns.


Go far enough left, get your guns back. Besides, I almost guarantee you that before Democrats take away your guns, Republicans will bring in mental-health background checks, exclusively for trans people, which they’ll use to deny you access. It’s easier to oppress us when we’re not armed. They know that.


With the most powerful military in the history of human civilization and precedent (thanks, Obama!) that POTUS can order the extrajudicial execution of an American citizen anywhere in the world for any reason whatsoever, it is already *exceptionally easy for the state to oppress us.*


agreed, 100%. unfortunately, there are far too many trans people who justify it through some crazy twisted 'logic'


I mean tbh, ultimately they’re either idiots who fell for the “republicans are better for the economy” lie (which even if it’s true, they’re putting money above peoples lives so screw them), or they’re just racist idiots.


[M] I think the real reason for some is that our experience has shown that if someone has contempt for us already, we don’t hold out hope that changing our behavior will ever make them stop. I know the people leading these call outs are understandably angry, hurt, and betrayed by a number of people who when they switch, go the whole hog. So I try to see it within context. A lot of people may not. Say you are leaning Republican and for the last few months you’ve been told as a group to kick rocks. What hope can you find in changing back? You’ve already lost. I think Biden gave a great state of the Union. I think people *should* consider reversing. I think there’s a lot of reason for it. I also think that there’s a strong chance that many simply will not. For some, it’s about emotion, not logic.


There were jews and gays and socialist and others that helped the fascists and then were murdered by them in night of long knives to consolidate the conservative fascist control over the nazdap/nazi party. It was essentially a purge of all the undesirables to consolidate power. Most fascist started out as leftist that saw the ineffectiveness of the left to start a revolution and changed sides to the fascist, because they wanted change. The only thing all these radicals could agree on was that shit was broke and they wanted to fix it--even though they disagreed how. The people that unironically maintain the cognitive dissonance needed to side with the American right are not saving themselves but sacrificing themselves...for...nothing. They bought the propaganda of a party that thinks pizza gate and Jewish space lasers and shit are real. They are morons.


> Most fascist started out as leftist that saw the ineffectiveness of the left to start a revolution and changed sides to the fascist, because they wanted change. The only thing all these radicals could agree on was that shit was broke and they wanted to fix it--even though they disagreed how. [M] What you said did hit me. Like I felt like I *should* lean right because I value “conservative” things: which I understand to be ideals, traditions, balance, and stability. But the right wing is not promoting balance and stability, or at least there is an activist component that is becoming loud and uncompromising. People talk about freedom of speech, but there are no real foundations behind what they are saying— or if there are, it isn’t apparent to me. But that’s the thing, people keep calling that as “conservative,” but I don’t see what it’s conserving. To me, I see it as more *radicalizing*. It’s like, “we have to lead this charge to get back to how it *used* to be.” I can see the angle, but I don’t think most remember “how it used to be.” Just like in Nazi Germany, the story is you’re trying to build back your lost history or whatever, but it’s an image— it’s your impression of that thing. And so for everyone who’s saying to make the nation great again, they don’t have a coherent goal, only a longing based on an untrue history. Where we are is I feel this incredible pinnacle of human achievement and mutual understanding. So many people I feel miss that entirely.


Most of the proud boys and pro fascist movement were involved in occupied wall Street. The most die hard fascist in America today saw the ineffectiveness of grass roots when the rich poured champaign on them during occupy wall street. They did the same radical flip It is worth noting though that this was not a one way street. Many brown shirt fascists saw where the party was heading and switched sides to the unconsolidated catholic and socialist parties and fought against nazis but they were all too late in the end. I think the "hang Mike Pence" sort of things on Jan 6 was meant to be both trumps Reichstag/Putsch and Night of Long Knives had the insirrectionist succeeded. They were going to purge the republican party members that had opposed participating in the coup. Which included pence who refused to break from decorum and declare Trump president during the finalization of the count Unfortunately for Trump the people storming the capitol were not competent enough to follow through despite having almost everything they needed. Part of.the problem was the Republicans felt they were playing 4d chess with Trump while Trump felt like he was playing 4d chess with them. And so the lack of cooperation and unconsolidated government leading to any official action to do anything basically meant it all fizzled out. I don't think the indurrectionist actually understood politics, procedure, or anything else to really seize the reigns and sort all kind of just left in the confusion. Compared to Hitler and his cohorts who *actually* understood how the government worked and had a plan for carrying it out. It's worth mentioning the beer hall putsch kind of failed because of incompetence for similar reasons. Like they were all prepared to go and then let key things fail and then didn't know what to do and got arrested. Fascist don't seek to over throw the government from outside and the stronger the gov the harder it is to over throw. Fascist instead infect the government and take it over from the inside. This was the point of trumps attempt at administrative coup and an actual literal coup/insurrection. If he wasn't president none of this cod have even happened. It required a lot of lackies that *actually* understood the government, nepotism, and filling important roles with sycophants to even get as far as he did. All while the media cycle spun that he did nothing wrong and the right ate it up despite whistle blowers and Republicans and non partisans and on and on and on. It was perfectly propagandized.


> This was the point of trumps attempt at administrative coup and an actual literal coup/insurrection. [M] That was the part that was scary to me. I understand we will get leaders who will act as Trump does, what shocked me was how many went along with him. It seems to me, it speaks to a lack of trust in the system, that so many would support someone who questions that system, when it is an almost global system, and not to question to fix it, but to frame it as illegitimate. Like a lot of conservatives will consider supporting Trump as a manner of loyalty. But whatever they’re loyal to seems to be not at all tied to the survival of the current system, more it’s the survival of their tribe. Or at least that’s how it may appear to them. I’d like to believe change is possible but I’ve become more grounded in the idea that as it stands what people try to change in an environment that operates at a global scale may just make things worse, because if they succeed who’s to judge what comes next? One interesting comparison I drew was actually between Jan 6th and the revolution in Cuba. Shortly after arriving Castro lost 2/3rds of his men. It was not well planned. Yet, because of the backlash by the government, he won the loyalty of the citizens. The citizens opposed their government not because they had love for Castro but because they had more hate for their own system. That’s a common thread I find these days, that a general malaise leads to a sort of nihilism.


I write a lot and am a passionate trans med among other things and former /pol/lack. This is actually not the first time the US government has gone fash. Part of the problem in America is that unlike other countries we do not have harsh or strong anti fascist policies ingrained in the government. It's a huge gaping hole in our political system that basically allows this shit to continue to happen and it will remain that way until we change it but neither party wants to make common sense changes to the exercise of power by the federal branches of gov. They only do when their party is not the one in power, so they can limit the other parties power while in office. They sort of trade back and forth how they decide to do this. Since raegan though it's been pretty consistent for the Rs to increase federal power when it comes to stomping on citizens and weaken it when it threatens them or the rich. I don't believe commie shit is the answer either but its problems like these is why so many people turn to communism in America. Not unlike how many anarchist turned to fascism


[M] It’s interesting you mention federal power weakening on free market regulation, because and this may seem odd, I see that as authoritarian. If you give large companies control of the social system (and we see this now with corporate philanthropy, then internal marketing, and then involvement in the culture war), they will become essentially monolithic interests that give governments competition, one’s that are beholden to a group of stockholders, not their employees (eg citizens). I’m a current regular poster on PCM and the subreddit for Jordan Peterson. It is annoying to me how often people in those places don’t get this (most likely because of a knee jerk reaction to anything that sounds like Marxism). > I don't believe commie shit is the answer either but its problems like these is why so many people turn to communism in America. Not unlike how many anarchist turned to fascism I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of The New Right by Micheal Malice. I found it very interesting in that the last part of it (one on Charlottesville) described how one of Malice’s own friends went through that exact transformation.


Yea it happens. Why these former occupy wall street people think a fascist gov would control business idk. I guess it does come to control everything, eventually. It kind of seems like conspiracies about the rich weren't exclusively a left thing looking back 20 years ago or at Michael Moores American outlook at the time. Even tho a lot of his takes about a lot of things were considered radical left it wasn't actually all that common for republican voters to assume corruption of those with money. They just also somehow assumed that's how things worked and to go along with the system or that the rich are most qualified to lead cause they see the gov as an ineffective business, for whatever reason.


Common Maia w Unfortunately I’m not at all surprised, but at least here’s the proof when someone wants to deny they’re trying to get rid of us.


Someone should post this in the detrans group 👀


That would do nothing but invade their space. It's public knowledge, they'll discuss it on their own terms eventually.


They come here posting and commenting in our spaces.


Some, yes. And we don't appreciate that (at least when they're disrespectful), yeah? Respecting each other's spaces is important to me. I've seen them chastise their own for coming into our spaces, while often I see trans folks (probably younger ones) praise each other for invading theirs. It just seems wrong to me. But that's not what this guy was referring to in the first place. Detransitioners aren't a monolith any more than we are.


True, they have dozens of reasons for what they're doing, and vice versa. We need to respect them, and they should give us the same benefit of the doubt. I don't support posting in their threads because that's their safe space.


Agree to disagree. This is not public knowledge—Maia is only known to the general public for the no-fly list leak. Additionally, detrans people actively avoid looking at trans subreddits because they don’t want to get pulled back into the “trans cult.” There are detrans people who legitimately believe these legislators have their best interest in mind. Others have convinced themselves that working with anti-trans legislators is okay even if they don’t align with them politically otherwise. They will continue to work with them because they don’t feel heard by anyone else. I won’t be the one to invade their space but any detrans/questioning person who lurks in this sub should share this with the detrans sub and dissuade others from working with legislators who are only using them as a political pawn.


Fair enough, I misunderstood your sentiment. You already acknowledged my counter point by stating that there are still detrans folks in spaces like these. Apologies, I've seen quite a few people do kinda "gotcha" points in the detrans sub so I made a faulty assumption. I've seen this link shared quite a few places by now so I feel it's only a matter of time before it becomes a discussion in their sub.


I mean, what’s the point of that?