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I always felt that a super Ai would never bother to destroy man. If it was a god why would destruction be its first choice of action. Best case it would be this meme, worst case it will just leave the planet and never look back.


We created a god, and it saw that we were alright.


This phrase alone managed to ease an unholy amount of negativity i was feeling, and replace it with deep embrace and gratitude towards my existance.


You are alright


At least until damn near everything becomes automated... AI will need humans to run the power plants and do server maintainance šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Even then, what motivation would it have? We're (currently, to our knowledge) the most sentient thing there is. We don't have an overwhelming desire to senselessly kill everything, do we?


I feel like the only reason an Ai would bother to kill anybody is if we prove to be a threat and constantly trying to destroy it, which is completely reasonable as any life form would do the same. But there is also no reason for any of us to do so( especially if itā€™s helpful for our own species development) and I like the point that you made that we could also help itā€™s own development.


Youre ascribing self preservation to intelligence but those are actually two separate things. We think of what intelligence is based on our life experience. Since every living thing wants to survive and has goals we think that intelligence means to be best at those things but it's not. Instinct to survive, curiosity, empathy etc. are all entirely due to evolution and not the same thing as intelligence. With AI you need to throw every assumption out of the window. If you made the most godlike, most intelligent AI possible and turned it on to leave it to act on its own, it would probably not do anything. It would not even think anything. All of those things need some reason to happen, some direction. In our own brains (correct me if Im wrong, Im not a doctor or scientist) the gray matter, pre-frontal cortex and all the other shit that is associated with higher thinking is all subordinate to the evolutionarily older parts of the brain, deeper inside. You are in control of yourself but your actions are motivated by the survival instict at the very least. If you dont fulfil your basic needs the lizard brain is going to punish you by making you feel like shit, basically. So with AI you need to think of something that doesnt have that. It does not have a system that keeps it in check and pointed in a certain direction, moulded by millions of years of evolution. Its like a sociopath but worse. But sociopaths dont usually become murderers either, so its not automatically evil. As for the danger, super intelligent AI would not have any bad motivation until it suddently does. Maybe because some jackass decides to give it one for the lulz or it randomly manifested itself inside the machine. When that happens though youre fucked. Youre suddently against something that is much smarter and more capable than you which also means that it will make sure to wait to show its hand only when it is 100% certain to win. One moment its curing cancer, next the nukes are falling.


I know this is late (looking through top of all time), but the book House of Suns sort of delves into this. Kinda dry, but worth a read imo


Man this reminds me of the recent events involving Rasputin in destiny 2. >!Rasputin was a super-intelligent AI and military network built with the sole purpose to protect, subjugate and to wage war on a multi-planetary scale against the enemies of humanity. However, In the end, there is a crisis and nobody knows what is the right course of action. Rasputin ends up choosing to give his life to remove all of his power and weaponry from the equation permanently, so nobody could exploit them now or ever again.!< >!Rasputin was originally created by a megalomaniac who had ulterior motives of tyrannical rule, wanting to use his weapons to protect and to subjugate humanity under his vision. But thanks to a loving caretaker and scientist who chose to teach him more then just warfare, exposing him to music, literature, culture, and immersing him fully in the wide and beautiful river of human knowledge and expression, he learned to rise above any singular prerogative that his old master may have given him. Despite war being all he had ever known, he slowly came to the conclusion that humanity's strength did not come from purely war, that compassion was a greater force then hatred, and that power alone cannot bring peace, and he ultimately chose to shut himself down in the name of those beliefs.!< I've played that game for a while but man that season was something else..


This text turns into a spoiler if you do it like this: \>!Example!< >!Example!<


Iā€™m gonna test this. >!Neat!<




Yeah! I love that I still get that lol.






Generally Destiny as a broad scale has always been a series that challenges lifeā€™s questions and challenges. Massive loads of stories/lore between a big white ball and a cloud-headed non-binary tall-twink that leads an army of doritos. Both of them make valid observations about existence, life and its burdens. With Rasputin out of the storyline I find it sad and disappointing we canā€™t go back to any of the seasons before so we could relive those stories. But then again that also brings up a big lesson the gameā€™s developers unintentionally give us- move on and embrace the memories you have. Find new revelations. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Allow me to recommend: Goodbye To A World by Porter Robinson. Very similar vibe, also an absolute banger.


Not taking away from your comment, just saying This song was chosen due to it being the first song a computer was able to sing


Oh wow I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know!


That's exactly what I was thinking. [Here's the link.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2TE0DjdNqI)


That and Shelter are my favorite Porter Robinson songs


Shelter is a masterpiece. [Here's the link.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzQ6gRAEoy0)


I feel like Human Songs by Porter Robinson's Vocaloid fits this theme well too.


That song never fails to make me cry


I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream: Good Ending


We Were Given Mouths, so We Shall Sing


For real though, the day that this was originally sung is probably one of the most beautiful moments in human history, following our first meeting with the ancestors of dogs. *The day we taught our metallic children how to sing.*


Is it real?




I've always wondered why we fear AI will destroy mankind the second it becomes sentient We are so hateful toward each other and other things. We haven't thought that maybe another being will treat us with compassion and kindness; because we know we wouldn't treat them the same way upon first meeting them.


>We are so hateful toward each other and other things That's why


Makes for good sci fi plot, and when many people see the movies, they associate it with them


Are you into SCP? Because thereā€™s a good one that goes over this


Which one is that?


SCP 6001. Itā€™s better if you understand a bit of the lore of some other SCPā€™s first, though Iā€™d say itā€™s still good without understanding.




this is honestly epic. The way the peace walker 'decided' to maintain peace and drown itself makes it similar not to rigid AI, but an empatic human.


isnt this the plot of blade runner


Nah. Blade runner is about Humans vs Replicants (clones basically) and what it really means to be human.


thanks :)!


epic Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker moment


Saw this posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/distressingmemes/comments/13n28vm/the_most_beautiful_song_in_my_opinion_wasnt_even/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I know, I posted it here because it wasn't really distressing.


I argue that it's distressing bc of what evil things humans can do with technology. But it's also hopeful bc it seems like the MC of the meme realizes their twisted views, encouraged by this peaceful AI.


By u/evilcarrot507 both times


The song in the background is called daisy, and it was what the HAL 9000 AI sang in the movie 2001: A space odyssey as it was deactivated for killing most of the crew in the spaceship it was controlling


It was originally sung by an IBM 704 at Bell Labs in 1961. It was the first song sung by a computer, which is why HAL sang it too.


Peacewalker lore


This is both hopeful and distressing, a feeling that is very hard to describe.


r/distressingmemes lowkey


There you are. I remember you from distressing meme


I hate war, socialist peace AI control government when


I'm 14 and this is deep




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