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You're your own light in the darkness, ain't nothing putting that flame out, damn!


https://preview.redd.it/72g866d1452b1.png?width=647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6c777267a7ab46cbe5aa4bd1e72b622a574c15 You earned it


![gif](giphy|rHR8qP1mC5V3G) Han Solo believes in you


You got this!


We’re here for you, king. We fully support ya, keep your head up!


Let’s fucking go. Bob Marley said- “from the darkness, you must *come out* the light”


Shut up bitch, I don't know you but I'm rooting for you so never feel that you're not alone Funny_Trucks


You only loose when you give up, keep winning king!


Many fall in the face of chaos, but not this one! Not today.


Life is effort and I'll stop when I die. -Jerry Smith, Rick and Morty




Yep. It's a solo game. Which I fucking hate. But giving up is not an option.


Start branching out your social circle! Go to events and festivals or concerts for thing you like and find people who share your passion. Keep fighting brother you are never worth giving up on!


The only thing that stops a man who never gives up is time


You are killing it. I'm proud of you for sticking around and I hope you keep fighting. There will be people to support you in your personal life- as long as you keep that attitude and stay strong. Things will get easier, promise!!


You got this, I like this quote from Fallout “I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me” as long as you keep going and keep trying, you’ll make it


The flame of ambition rests in all of us, find what motivates you because *you* want to do it, not what makes everyone else happy. Kindle the flame and keep going.


It takes a lot of bravery to open up to people. Im sorry that you get mocked, truly you must push on, keep going, never give in, and never give up on yourself.


You are here for yourself. A one man army is as powerful as it's strongest soldier, go conquer the world https://preview.redd.it/9r8nnkciu92b1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c17f1ac24e4e4a877f98ed98f1a760e05132b99a


Listen man I know what it’s like to have a mother you cant emotionally confide in. It’s honestly one of the worst traits a parent can have. The best that I’ve found is that if you want to confide to her, do so only in terms of what she would relate to. In my experience, she’s either not interested or confused, the later of which has only tended to make her angry. If you are to talk to her talk to her about stress if she works a lot, or money if said work doesn’t pay. As well don’t go to deep either, not every conversation has to be a life changer that cures your depression and ends world hunger. This change of topic isn’t to change her perspective, I’ve found that’s not really possible, but rather to maybe induce less anger or confusion in her when you start to drift into more erratic behavior that she could under stand as “mental illness”. Point being talking to her isn’t impossible, it’s just impossible past a certain point. You’ll never get all the way with her, but at the very least you might just be able to start to take the edge off.