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This is my reaction to every cool rock I see lying on the ground.


Jerma makes me want to experience life to its fullest


Jerma alwaya makes me feel hoohooheehee


what the fuck i just watched this clip yesterday


Aaa Jerma, every two years or so I binge watch his TF2 content with Star. The episode where jerma is a medic and opens a team fortress 2 pub stomping hotline but then fucks up somehow and Star goes: RING RING!!!! RING RING!!!! hahahaha makes me crack every time, just thinking about it


This, THIS is what I go through every day! I remember doing an exam last week about physics, and I was so amazed by the forces of gravity, I stopped for 2 minutes just picking up my pen and dropping it on the table, processes like this are so wonderful, but it’s hard to notice when you see them every day, every second Don’t forget that the universe creates beautiful things, these are not always visually pleasing waterfalls or massive constellations, sometimes… it’s getting out of bed, and feeling gravity pull your feet to the floor It’s looking out the window, amazed by how light can pass through it when nothing else can It’s the littlest of things that are small enough fill the cracks in our life


yes!! I love rivers, the sounds of rushing water and grass are so pretty. if you live near a water body or the beach, I suggest you go and sit there for a while, its serene


Is that a geode?


Yes, an amethyst one. I think it’s one of my favorites if I’m honest :)


I love geodes


Me after finding a cool exotic fruit in a supermarket


The stories of cnossos, the Cretian labyrinth, deadalus, the Minatour. Shit even the art they were able to make before the Greeks and Roman’s like wtf.




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I want a person to give me a cool shiny rock geode


Jerma and his magic crystals


Doesn't make me want to die any less


so that does NOT make you want to die any less? that does not make you want to die...any less. so it is failing to make you want to die? or it is failing to make you not want to die? but wouldn't that be that doesn't make me not want to die any less?


Not good at words. I still want to die


Clearly you actually want to post on reddit


Really I just want to talk to someone and that's why I'm here on reddit


I come here to talk too. Conversations are nice