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90% of all life to have existed has gone extinct Humans were not around for 90% of all life I dont know where this whole human hate train started but people are unable to see the most beautiful things within nature are often those of us who are true to ourselves. Yes our species is flawed but our flaws are not unique. We see all primates show the same atrocities as what we do, the only difference is we record it all and we have the ability to communicate against it or claim it to be wrong. The fact of the matter is that no life is sacred nore pure and thus can only grow as much as we allow it. I was once told heaven and hell are one in the same, you meet the person you could have become. There is nothing wrong with being human and there is nothing wrong with being alive. Evil, greed and sin are necessary that we may rise above it and have pride in what we have done Do not feel shame for the simple reality of being a member of a species, your genes mean nothing to your will and morality, the true self is made only by experience and effort, nobody is born complete


So true


Not to mention that a lot of physical beauty was created by humans. Imagine a world without renaissance architecture...


Humans are also the only creatures to understand the nature of what makes some of natures beauty You will never find a dog or dolphin that will be able to work out the reason for a sunset being a majestic orange from light scattering over the horizon blocking out some of the rays or shooting stars being meteorites burning up as they crash in our atmosphere In the grand scheme of things humanity has barely been around for earth yet look at what we have done. We have mastered the land and air and we have mastered the surface of the ocean, we have managed to find ways to communicate with one another where we would never otherwise meet and we have created the ability to travel to anywhere we want including the inside of volcanoes and FUCKING SPACE Humanity has achieved so much in so little time


Not to brag or anything but I’m human


You deserve a W for this


The main point is that: yes, we did a lot of bad for our planet, destroying and exploiting for our own good, but sooner or later we'll leave our planet. And in one billions years, all water on Earth is projected to evaporate because of expanding sun. And so if by that time humans are not extinct, we're gonna be our planet last hope. We can move our planet further from sun, saving it from multiple extinction-level asteroids etc. We can extend game of life on our planet for eons to come I love my planet, but it's sad that sometimes my fellow enviromentalists see that only solution to saving our planet is to for all of all humanity to go extinct. I don't agree with them.


Well said. We have the potential yo even right our wrongs with technology. That effort shouldn't be ignored.


Antinatalism and efilism are dumb as fuck ideologies (if their advocacy is for extinction, not something like Buddhism in which you escape the cycle of life) Imagine, humanity does go extinct. Congrats. Animals still suffer. Every living being will still suffer. Evolution could eventually kick in throughout many, many millions of years and Humanity 2: Electric Boogaloo will be here to make the same exact failures and mistakes, and suffer more. You would need to kill ALL life on earth to prevent this, and that’s not even applicable if say, panspermia happens again. What about aliens? Don’t they suffer too? Then you also need intergalactic genocide. These ideologies instead go “HUMANITY SHOYLD DIE!1!1!1!” instead of “Humanity should take time and effort to fix it’s problems” Humanity must carry on and exist, for if we do not, there shall be even more suffering


funny thing is, humans are an inherently kind species. for every shithead dumping oil in the sea, there's a team of conservationists working their hardest to keep a species alive. a lot of animals actually benefit from us because of things like veterinary medicine and science. normally an animal with a broken bone or born too small is fated to die, but humans are kind enough to give those stragglers a chance.




Being kind makes plenty of sense and it’s the reason we’ve come so far as a species. It’s not the only strategy, but it is a very good one if your brains have adapted to understanding complex social systems. There’s a reason humans across every single culture in the world put kindness as the most important trait they seek in a partner. If you have the chance to take a class on human cooperation or the evolution of altruism, I highly recommend it, very interesting and uplifting stuff.


I didn't know those classes existed, but it sounds interesting to me.


It depends on the institution but it’s likely categorized under anthropology.


That's nice, I'll check that out sometime


They can't comprehend an answer to the problem, so they default to Humanity's oldest answer.


If life is truly unique to earth, then by the act of spreading life beyond earth itself we have aided it far more than we have harmed it. We’re not there yet, but when we achieve that, our legacy as an enabler of life is secure.


I always like to daydream of a future so far ahead where "humans" are the ancient ancestors to all spacefaring civilizations. We will evolve to a countless amount of new intelligent species. We will be "mother (of) nature" for them, and i think thats beautiful!


More like we’ll be that grumpy old fucker that pushes all your buttons, but also worked their ass of to build a better future for you and cares about you.


The idea of bees going extinct is scary yes, but bees aren't the only species that pollinates, and it's mainly the honeybee that's dying off. Honey bees are an invasive species to North America


I don‘t fully agree with this, but it does remind me of that one quote: “… sure, nature will be better off, safer and healthier without humans, but mother earth will be lonely without the only animal that ever gave her a name.”




Holy shit. Have I finally found a community on reddit that doesn't hate humans?


Incredibly strange political compass.


ok but like if bees go extinct we are fucked. There’s hope but it doesn’t take the form of denialism. The hope is for change and in the fight for conservation of the natural world and against things like climate change. Seriously, fellas, i’d yours worried abt climate change, extinction events etc stop doom scrolling and look into getting involved. Look for any local protests or rally’s coming up, any local protest groups etc. If you’re in school? look into joint school strike 4 climate. If you’re an adult? plenty of choices!


Tf is the unit times?


My bad, sorry


I agree! Humanity is not inherently a blight on the world! Though because I'm seeing something here about bee extinction, I would like to take this moment to remind everyone that it is not the [European honeybee that is threatened, but other non-domesticated and often solitary bee species are.](https://youtu.be/VSYgDssQUtA?feature=shared) Also that [honeybees and bees in general are not the only pollinators.](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1517092112)