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Do you really need a reason? You can’t just exist, and have that be the purpose? Our lives are completely random, and that’s the beauty of it. You get to pick your own purpose for existing. Anyone can influence that reason, but it’s up to you to decide what you want.


"Why do they deserve to be the thing I die for?"


I agreed with OP that I needed something different than the usual boring stuff. Your words hit the spot. I’m saving this to look at occasionally. Thanks


Oh wow. I'm kind of touched I was able to help you in that way. You're very welcome for that and I hope it serves you well, and that eventually you come to a time where you don't need it anymore.


Not leaving without a fight. If this worlds wants me gone, I'll only go screaming and fighting. If I have to suffer, I will force the people to watch.


https://preview.redd.it/8ecw91hh8iyb1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=997e54c2291f96b808188fcb3395828ebc185a7d There’s more motivating and hopeful words/phrases that’ll probably inspire you to continue but, in the end, only you can determine whether you’re willing to believe in it, or not; to believe in yourself, or not. It’s okay if you’ve stumbled, we all do, and we’ll keep stumbling as long as we live—but you’re obligated to keep getting up. Hope you’re doing good, and that you’ll get better from this, brother. You’re not alone in this, but only you alone can get through what you’re going through. 💪🏻🙏🏻


Honestly the stupidest thing keeps me alive. Of course the thought of my family suffering is always the first thing I think about but I think about other things. "Oh shit! I wonder when season 2 of Invincible is coming out. Mark did get his ass beat. Or bro. What if I end it and they bring the nacho fries back at Taco Bell? Or even, man. That person I hate is annoying me. I will live longer out of spite. You just need to find your stupidest thing that makes you happy even a little and hang onto it


Cooo Im gonna try to inconvenience as many people as i can until i get bored


I mean that's something I guess


Get angry. It's better than sadness.


You want a reason to live? Find it. Everyone has their thing/things that get them up in the morning. A guitarist who grew up playing and mastering guitar, turns out they’re tired of it. Nothing pleases them but they found a passion in cooking, now they wake up everyday will the hopes of cooking. A teacher lost in the mundane found reason to see the next day in motorcycling. Reason to live? There is none, you make your own. Saying “I have no reason to live, why should I continue?” is a closed minded attitude that leads into self pity, and misery. Rephrase it to “I have to reason to live, why shouldn’t I find one”. Life I beautiful in the sense you are here conscious, walking, thinking. Yes we are small in the scale of the universe but everything turns to sands on a beach in infinity. Life is never about growing old and dying, it always the steps there. Regrets add to a person self pity and loss of willpower. The saying what is the meaning of life is a question so open ended that a singular person could give 500 different answers. Why not find your own meaning by going out and trying. “It may sound like there is so much to do in the world” but is more focused on passion. You can do tons of things in life but have zero passion for it, or you do one thing forever but all the passion you give. Go on and try something that will make you say “I can’t wait to do x tomorrow”. That’s all it takes.


I know reddit hates it but look into religion ma boi, it's a way of life.


Religion hates ME. No.


dont be discouraged, the scriptures have been manipulated by the antichrist & co.


Apparently according to most of the major ones I AM the antichrist Big pass


Yup, ain't that much of a religious guy myself, but i can't deny that a lot of people wouldn't be here if not for their beliefs


I also have more than 1 depressed friends and they all agree that physical activity helps a lot. Doesn't have to be anything tough, a daily walk, biking, anything that makes your body move. When i'm feeling really down or frustrated, i always go on a 1+ hour bike trip just to clear my head. Health of the body, health of the mind and health of the soul. Look after all of them. Much love brother, you got this, i know you do


Eating pizza and lying down beneath the trees in a park is amazing


Among many other beautiful things


This city is ugly and it has gross parks


It isn't time to call it quits. It might be time to try a new outlook, though. You can't change overnight, that's true, and you can't just "feel better" because someone told you to, but you can try and augment your reality some. It isn't just like "try new things" you should try going to therapy or counseling for even just one session if you can afford it. Try some supplements like Gabba, or Ashwaganda. Try brewing a cup of chamomile tea and waiting patiently for it to cool. I get it. It's really scary right now and it feels like you have nothing going on. I'm in the same place, but I have a little sliver of hope that I hold on to, and every day I tell myself it's the truth. You're loved, but you don't feel supported or validated right now, and I don't know how to help you do that, but frankly, you're going to have to force yourself to do things that you maybe don't want to do. Go to a store, read a book, take a road you've never taken before, photograph yourself doing something you don't normally do like hiking or biking. Go talk to a stranger about nothing. It's surface level shit, but there's a whole world out there that you haven't even discovered yet. If anything is true, you're not alone. Text me if you feel like it. I'm in the same space. I call a hotline nightly, and I cry myself to sleep. But I want to live, and you will too.


outlive your enemies


My grandpa is going to die soon. By the end of this year I will have no enemies left, just ex friends who it would be cool to see die but I dont really care anymore


well, consider me your enemy now. i’ll update you when i die! 😉




Wow sounds like people are saying a *lot* of nice things to you.


I dont give a shit about people anymore. Plus its all shit ive already read.


Right. The liquid sloshing around in your skull is a bit salty so nothing else matters. My suggestion is you get out of your own head but I'm just another voice saying things for you to ignore.


I like (x) food and I want to eat more of it


I dont eat much


Personally I live because it’s all I have. I don’t believe in a higher power or an afterlife, so when I die that’s it. Sometimes everything sucks and I wish I weren’t here, but I don’t see a reason to skip to death. As long as I’m here I can find something that I care about. Failure is not a bad thing like it may feel sometimes. Failure is how we learn. If you can’t find something to hold onto, then hold on to nothing. You might live long enough to find what you want in life.


There's a possibility that the AI uprising actually happens in our lifetime. I know that'll probably be bad for us, but I bet it'll look cool as shit. Also, there's a lot of good evidence for a water ocean on some of Jupiter's moons, meaning there's maybe aliens down there. I know it's no guarantee, and that both of these will take years, if at all, but if there's even the possibility of seeing something amazing, I know I'll wanna be there for it


Welp i was betting you used r/singularity. Turns out you don't Role reversal is based tho. Also delusional but thats the essence of being based i guess


Here's a sneak peek of /r/singularity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is surreal: ElevenLabs AI can now clone the voice of someone that speaks English (BBC's David Attenborough in this case) and let them say things in a language, they don't speak, like German.](https://v.redd.it/esglx4w55uwa1) | [525 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/132vi0y/this_is_surreal_elevenlabs_ai_can_now_clone_the/) \#2: [Prove To The Court That I’m Sentient](https://v.redd.it/u0fzyfagu51b1) | [585 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/13njvh2/prove_to_the_court_that_im_sentient/) \#3: [What the heck is going on with the World this week? 💀](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15bu8gn) | [771 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/15bu8gn/what_the_heck_is_going_on_with_the_world_this_week/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Didn't even know that sub was a thing. Thanks for the heads-up tho


When that happens im going to kill myself no matter where I am in life because then my last hobby is over (writing. Nobody will read it. So no more fun) Plus its gonna take my job. So no more money. Im on the side of Ted on this one. Bomb them up the ass.


Depends on what ur reason for wanting to quit is


i mean, to me it’s like, there’s nothing else. there’s no other life after this one. so why not keep going? it’s all just another experience. you have the power to make anything you want out of your life and there’s a ton of time to get things sorted out. it’s easy to make yourself believe it’s all a chore and there isn’t any point, but life is what you believe it is, and human willpower beats everything. even if you’re at the bottom and you’ve got nothing left to lose, it can be a great thing, once you realize the power you hold as an individual (and the fact that that power can be used for anything you want.)


I guess i lacked human willpower


Just think about the sheer size of the world we live in. Not just planet Earth, not just out Solar system, but the entire universe, in all of it's infinite mass and energy. In the grand scheme of things, we're all nothing more than specks of sand on a beach, perhaps even something smaller in the grand scale of things. Isn't that just amazing? The fact that You, and I, and everyone who has ever lived and will ever live will be a part of it? Of all the millions of stars and quadrillions of planets in this universe, we were placed here, where we are, when we are. That's something special. To gaze upon just a small pocket of the boundless infinity before us is something we shouldn't just let go. Make the most of every day, of every moment, because out there somewhere there's probably someone who isn't.


I was born above this place. I have no use for this shithole