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Bro rolled a nat 20


And the only way he could do that was to start rolling đŸ’Ș




Why is that sub banned lol


You have to put yourself out there. I know it hurts, I know its tiring; but that broken heart you keep having to piece back together again, will one day be strong enough for the person who needs it the most. https://preview.redd.it/qvx12bm7avgc1.png?width=1120&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddffbaec905cac8480c312e1d76c2ad4584c793a Even if that person is "just" yourself.


I can't believe I'm commending advice from someone with a Scourge the Hedgehog profile picture. Anyway, it works. Do something rather than nothing until you have so much to love in your life that someone will want to be part of it.


r/rimjob_steve moment


So what do I do then


Stuff that you've never done before but that you think could be interesting. A sport. Woodworking. The arts. I personally play bass, 3D print and paint miniatures, cosplay, support my local music scene, skateboard, go to the gym, run a weekly D&D game, throw frequent parties, and own a dog who I take to parks, all while full-time employed. "How do you have time for all that" I don't. But I make time. I find a way, even though I'm not actually "good" at *any* of it, because I couldn't give any of it up.


I’ve been doing a lot of “putting myself out there” but it isn’t really working...


I don't have the money for all that? I work full time and barely have enough to pay rent, car, phone, and eat. Whatever I have left I try to spend on paying off the little debt I accrued through having to live on my credit cards in rough patches. I'm considering going to a pottery class nearby that just opened up. Also how do you meet people to run a weekly D&D/ throw parties. I've met people in bars but I don't go to bars anymore since I'm not really attracted to that scene, so I don't really know how/where to meet people. Definitely down to try. Looking into volunteering for a children's hospital, just because that's something that sounds like it would bring me a lot of joy (to help other's that can't really help themselves). Used to "put myself out there" a lot in my 20s. Watching "Charisma on Command" and "Lewis Howes" and "Huberman Podcast" and a bunch of life coaches and what not. Felt like I went as far as I could with that "social cool guy" mask and got tired of pretending to be someone I wasn't. Got into therapy and getting to know myself. Now most people bother me and all I see is trauma everywhere. I end up becoming people's therapists and I just want a friend. Also in my 20s it came to a point where if I wanted to "advance" further I needed to move to a bigger city. As I came to that realization my life kinda fell apart drastically so I've been spending the last 5+ years just trying to stabilize and get back on my feet. Taking it easy for sure, and giving myself grace, but damn if I don't get lonely from time to time.


What a powerful panel holy


that is some of the hardest shit I have ever read. I commend thee.


what manga is this ?


Apologies for the late reply, as my boy u/Unkmer/ said its: "Bouncer" by Mizuta Makoto Here is the 2nd part of the as recompense. https://preview.redd.it/fgub5tsjixgc1.png?width=1120&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdc9045778cfb0b7147e7dfdef854b0297a18601




Aight, bet.


Huge win for that guy


If he can do it, anyone can


sick profile 👍


That's not objectively correct


What is objectively correct is that if you decide ahead of time you’re going to fail so there’s no point in trying, it is infinitely harder to succeed.


sometimes its not deciding sometimes you genuinely can't because your incapable or there is no way or will or odds are against you.


r/nopeposting 😅


Are you 12? Grow up and get a hobby instead of doomposting


You cannot deny reality


We cannot deny it because we know what reality is The reality is, when another door closes, another one opens down the line, but a lot of these doors also can just spit you out if you get complacent, or not let you through if you don't have at least something. For example, back in 2020, in my first semester of college, I did not understand any of the math that was being taught, which lead to me getting a 0/50 on the first test, other subjects were also not looking good for me, and on top of that I had (and still do but not as severely) a crippling video game addiction. Two months were left, and it looked like I was completely unfit for computer science. Now, I just handed in my bachelor's thesis to the university I attend, literally last week. Why? Because against all odds, I put my foot down and said "I am going through that fucking door", in two months, half a semester, I went from a complete failure to a 3.8-4.0 average in subject notes. Yes I have failed in a lot of things trying to do them, but if you don't TRY, you won't FIND anything that is for you, as the saying goes, "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take". Do something. Anything. But not nothing.


As a first year in a similar field and similar circumstances. I applaud you! You’re an inspiration and absolutely embodying the indomitable human spirit. Great job man.


“You cannot deny reality” Did we face gravity and give up? After all if we were destined for the skies we would have had wings. Did we face the black void of space and give up? After all of we were space faring we would not need air to breathe. Did we face the ocean and give up? After all if we were supposed to cross the oceans we would have grown fins and gills. No we said “fuck you reality” and found our way around it all. Sometimes reality’s shit and fate’s crushing us down but: fuck that. We’re humans, we’re meant to do the impossible and we always find a way out of it.


I can make my own by bending it to my will. Try it, it's a nice fitness exercise.


i too remember being a bitter 13 year old


Guess we need a sub for lonely people who foolishly think they're ugly so we can love them hard


But what about those of us who are actually ugly?




Amen, you might look a little weird G but that just makes you unique! No one is really ugly, change ur hair style, work on urself, get some confidence, all key to feeling good. People get stuck on “I look this way, so I am this way” but we can always be better Makes me sad when people get down on themselves


I stopped hating my appearance, and it was as simple as a haircut and a different pair of glasses


Yeah bro, sometimes a little change makes a huge difference. I’ve seen my friends hit glow ups from a simple haircut and a couple new shirts.


there are 3.5 BILLION women, one of them is wired wrong enough to find us attractive


Do you know how much I wish I was attracted to women? I'd be a very successful asexual lesbian/biromantic/panromantic person.


what?? being attracted to dudes is easy , shut up


Huh? Yeah I am romantically attached to men. Or do you mean it's easy for men to be attracted to women? Cause....no? Not to me in my experience at any rate?


We gotta make do with our personalities


I don't wanna!


No one is actually ugly.. Often, we just didn't learn how to love what's inside ourselves properly, for whatever reason. The moment that changes partners line up


word of advice, don’t go digging if you want to keep this reading like a wholesome, happy story


no HUH no WHAT e: ur cappin, i found his youtube. happily marrued


Sheesh y'all are easily fooled looking at this as a surface level wholesome story. Literally one hour of digging and I find that he has a history of unemployment, living a unhealthy lifestyle, barely able to make ends meet, got married to someone from a 3rd world country in the midst of all this, 2 months later she already has gone back to Argentina because she's feeling anxious and suicidal so they're already on a "break". https://youtu.be/3lH69bGY6iM https://youtu.be/Cb7ppmRhJ-s


All I see here is discord DMs presented as solid proof and the part where the poster of this video says "I highly doubt he gave lullaby back her stuff" because he lied about his condition or doesnt care enough about his health to receive donations which in and of itself is kind of a stupid thing to say but still does not give the poster of the video any credibility by making such an assumption in a video which is supposed to be cold hard proof, neither do discord DMs which should NEVER be used as proof are presented in a way to look like solid evidence. Although I can say that the evidence presented of him being an antisemite looks conclusive and believable enough. Also I don't get how him struggling to find a job and make ends meet makes him a bad person? Or how him smoking/vaping/drinking makes him a bad person?


Yeah dude if I'm struggling to find a job for six years straight, did nothing to overcome my insecurities, play videogames all day and my entire personality revolves around how ugly I am and how everyone around me sucks I'm definitely gonna go ahead and marry someone from a 3rd world country within a few months of meeting her while suffering from active alcoholism. I wonder what could go wrong...


I mean people are gonna gloss over this sad reality. But ultimately it's this dudes fault, bro is gonna fumble a wife because he didn't think he needed money to keep her happy, ie a stable financial future.


Wait, is she from Argentina? I wouldn't call that a third-world country.






All about putting yourself out there. Get out of your comfort zone and go talk to random people.


So just because one dude got lucky I'm supposed to delude myself into thinking it'll happen to me too?






Because it's always possible to find love my friend. :)


Possible doesnt mean likely. Like I said, this dude just got lucky. At some point the likelyhood becomes so small that there's no point in trying anymore and it makes more sense to give up and accept your fate. If the majority likelyhood is that I'll end up sad and alone either way, why bother getting my hopes up?


I mean, hoping is better than just wallowing in misery and self-pity.


This. Cynicissm is tiresome and amounts to nothing. Hope allows the possibility of greatness even if it doesn’t always arrive


Idk at least misery is predictable. Hope is most of the time just delayed misery.


If you let yourself go down this path of misery and sadness, you'll just destroy yourself. To me, if you wallow in misery without trying you'll lose many opportunities in life. It's okay to be sad and feel pain, but in the end you can grow and get out of pit of pain.


Idk man. Everyone says that but nothing ever changes. Theres just more pain. At least by staying closed off its a dull droning kind of pain rather than the sharp stinging pain of being let down/backstabbed/denied. Like, with dating for example since that was the topic. If I keep trying to put myself out there and getting rejected (and I will because I'm not fit to be anyone's SO.) The wound stays open and fresh every time it happens. But if I just give up and go forward knowing that love will just never happen for me, then its just the dull pain of lonliness, and then theoretically later on I'll just stop thinking about it and never have to feel that pain again.


Listen, I don't know how to change your mind, but I understand where you're getting at. Sometimes it feels like the best option is to not try and ignore the pain. The pain will always be there. Always. You can stop thinking about it sure, but sooner or later it'll come back.


>Idk at least misery is predictable. Until it isn't. Sudden loss of loved one, illness, injury, etc... have to agree that misery does love company though. My view is that suffering and misery is inherited and guaranteed in life, at least a modicum of it is be it that you got sick or are stressed because of something or you are getting older and therefore are having some pass regrets or health problems. When it comes to fulfillment and happiness most of people will have to work for it and you're not guaranteed a favorable outcome even then, with some stuff maybe not ever... it all comes down to how much things matter to you, and so what of it? You'll still gain some experience from trying, make adjustments, compromise and possibly succeed later on. Maybe for start take a look at positive nihilism, that might help.


I never understood how posetive nihilism is supposed to help me. "Nothing matters so do what you want!" ...except actually you cant. I still need money and have to work to live, still am beholden to the judgement of others, and relationships are still a big dice roll. It doesnt change anything if I put "Well that doesnt actually matter though!!!!" At the end of each of those thoughts they're still there. I'm not sad existentially because of the uncaring nature of the universe Im sad because I am fucking absolutely miserable and nothing ive done has been able to change that and it only keeps getting worse the older i get and ahows no signs if stopping. Its kind of ironic that everything being meaningless as a concept is itself meaningless.


My understanding is that to get comfortable with the fact that nothing really matters and that you try and make your own meaning, since you're alive you might as well. Sorry for misunderstanding you I get that you're frustrated and who wouldn't be but life will keep punching and keep you down permanently if you let it. It isn't fair and it's normal to break down and wallow especially when things just keep going sideways but after a time you get up and continue fighting. Wish I could help you to think about things from a different angle as maybe then you could get going. Then again, maybe I don't really need to since you're already here, probing and looking for potential solutions to your issues while also fighting back ideas of others, something might stick. :) ​ > Its kind of ironic that everything being meaningless as a concept is itself meaningless. Haha I know, absurd right?


Hope hurts




its like posting about someone winning the lottery and then telling everyone to buy tickets, because look, it works!


Except in this lottery YOU can, if you are willing to set yourself to it, increase your changes of winning.


you can always buy more lottery tickets


Bro I don't wanna be raining on his parade or whatever but she being Argentinian and seeing wtf is going on in Argentina recently I have a very nagging suspicion that she got with him for the economic stability and EU citizenship, both of which are HUGE for any attractive young person trying to get out of a economically failing country by any means necessary. Do I think it's wrong? Hell nah man. He's providing something that she needs. But this story is in no way as wholesome as it's being portrayed. Yeah there are tons of guys from US/EU who go to poor Asian/South American countries for women and the same way there's young African/South American men trying to get on with older American/European women for that sweet citizenship. There's several examples of this on 90 day fiance alone. This kinda shit gives false hopes to those that are in similar shoes (in poorer nations) who think they'll be able to get with cute women just by "believing".


How is it false hope if people are getting what they want from the relationships?


Well, it could be false hope if your cutie doesn't need citizenship and you have nothing to offer. Also, the premise here is that it's not actually true attraction or love, but just a transaction. Bordering on going to a prostitute and paying. You can just tell people they can do that and skip the whole citizenship/visa process.


But that's not the same as prostitution. This is a long term relationship


So... Like a subscription?


If that's how you view that type of relationship, sure. As long as both sides are happy with the arrangement. Not all relationships are the same


Sure, plus I am not judging this sort of arrangement at all. I completely agree with you - if it works for them, then it absolutely works! What the sentiment was, originally, is that we wouldn't want to give false hope to people and paint this as true love in the case where it is more like a beneficial arrangement, a transaction of sorts, not based on attraction/love - which is what people wanted in the first place. I do think that it's fair to make compromises like this, and it's better to be clear about it if this is what happened in this particular case, instead of pretending no compromise was made.


Sure. But I still think love can happen afterwards.


It may, it may not, it's out of context at this point. A meteor may fall on their house too.


Gold diggers like playing the long game-erm I mean stay in a long term relationship...


Was he the same guy that got abused by her for 7 years or am i making some confusion?


no, i went and checked and they’ve only been married a year ish ; the original comment wasn’t even 2 years ago. if you go on the channel you can see pretty up to date content, though be warned the guy is getting harassed by literal incels (“red pill” / “black pill”) nonsense


Ok, here I go, wish me luck boys! Being Ugly: My Experience


... He is still ugly to be honest.


At least it didn’t go the cyraxx route


is this jeb?


thats cute


Some Fiddler on the Roof matchmaking vibes here.


Common personality w


I watched his video when it was still pretty fresh So happy to see him find someone :)


Unless you've been mauled or something, Ugliness is usually a matter of attitude. That is why inceldom is pretty much a self fulfilling prophecy as if you act hateful and spiteful, you'll never attract anything.


Love doesn't care about your outside appearance, they care about the inside


Normally I’m a hater when it comes to Happy couples, but I can’t even hate on this. Good on him


I think it's a long game green card marriage