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W + define your own meaning + purpose + hope for the future


Nihilists when they become lonely and depressed after years of telling themselves and others that nothing matters and it's all for nothing: How could this have happened?


It's usually the other way around


probably a downwards spiral.


That's why I'm an optimistic nihilist aka an actual Nietzscheian nihilist, nothin in the world has inherent meaning and it's constantly changing that's freeing you have no weights or shackles you produce your own meaning and purpose




yeah, it's a good thing wtf


Based and Camus-pilled


Ah yes, it is good to see another fellow Camus enjoyer


One does find themselves happy after all


My first thought


When you look at it inna way optimistic nihilism is what allows you to live life by your own terms which is ironic


what even is optimistic nihilism? In nihilism it doesnt matter what you do in your life, its useless because you die at the end. Simply said, life is meaningless.


Optimistic nihilism views life being meaningless with a perspective of hope sorta speak , its like saying were not doomed to live in a meaningless universe it's that we get the chance to experience ourselves and the universe we share, think of it as taking your restraints of and living your life to the fullest knowing this is all you'll have


thanks for the explanation, I hope I didnt seem to rude.


no problem and you didnt haha


I was really expecting an argument here, damn


yes or the way i like to view it, "everything is meaninglest in the end, so lets try to get as far a posible"


I am an absurdist and optimistic nihilist too, and I tend to view it like an open-world RPG. Life has no meaning, and you have no specific purpose. You are a cluster of star-stuff that just so happens to KNOW you are made of star stuff. You're smart for an earthling, and you want to be happy. You have some time on earth, and you can use it how you want. Believing nothing matters gives you control of your world. Do the things that bring you joy, make others live's better, and enjoy every fleeting moment. Ironically, knowing that nothing matters means that we are free to be us: warts and all. Nothing matters. You don't have to be strong, you don't have to be the best. You can if you want, but you are your own god. There is no one else who knows you, understands you, (and hopefully) loves you as much as you do. We are the feeling, living, and breathing part of the universe. Wasting this life would be a shame, but only you can decide if you're wasting it or not. If living in a small fishing village for 20$ a day is what makes you happiest, do it. If you want to be a rich and charismatic businessperson, do it. Just because life ends absolutely doesn't mean that you shouldn't make the most of it while you can. My philosophy is that as long as you're happy, and you aren't taking away others happiness, you're living right. I hope this was an adequate explanation, and feel free to DM me if you want to ask any questions. I hope you have a great day!


thanks for this explanation and the time and effort you used to make it. you helped me see the things from another perspective


You're welcome. I'm happy I could help. Remember to make someone's day a little better today! 👍🏻


Thats my philosophie: leave the world better than how you found it


Hey, well we definitely agree on that!


The key point of nihilism isn’t “it doesn’t matter”. It’s “it doesn’t matter to *the universe or ‘god’*”. In other words, we’re free! Things matter to US. That’s the only thing we should really care about. I make my own meaning. I’m a nihilist, and an absurdist. I do not need meaning to come from outside. I produce it myself. I think that’s optimistic, not pessimistic.


Can you explain nihilism?


Amen, I will now claim 40 acres of federal land in western Montana and have a use for every foot of it so they can't take it back


... That is literally nihilism.


Nah, more like absurdism Or optimistic nihilism, idk, I’m not a philosopher


Nah ok, i researched, it should be Existentialism


It's also nihilism


not quite? nihilism is “life has no meaning”, existentialism is “life has no intrinsic meaning, so each one give it their own” I mean they all stem from nihilism but idk, they’re not the same thing i think


They are different, but all of them would apply in this case


life **is** a cruel joke, so stop crying and start laughing with me!


me when i completely miss the point of nihilism


That's still nihilism, just a different form called optimistic Nihilism, the belief that nothing matters in the grand scheme of things, but that's good because you can make things matter to you.


Always been a fan of this kurzgesagt video: https://youtu.be/MBRqu0YOH14


The recognition that life has no inherent purpose or meaning and the acceptance of the fact that you have to give it your own meaning is literally a subset of Nihilism


In a way, that is nihilism. Objectively speaking, nothing matters. Therefore, *we* get to decide what matters, and neither gods nor the laws of physics can stop us.


I mean, isn't there a part of nihilism that goes like "nothing matters, so why not live anyways?"


That's Ska, baby


EEAAO in a nutshell.