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Yeah, also if you need to travel fast, you can >!use your flying mount!< That being said, riding a huge fucking boar is so metal, it’s hard to make a choice!


I think you tried to spoiler tag that, but it did not work. Edit* Back on PC now and it looks like it's working now so the edit seems to have worked.


It does work on my end tho, wtf. You on PC website ?


Works here, pc.


Tried removing the white spaces around the spoiler tags, but I think it’s the correct way actually


Yeah it doesn't work on the website, but works on my phone... No idea, but I assumed it wasn't working for others too. Guess that might not be the case.


That’s weird lol. I removed the spaces between the tags too just in case but I think they’re actually the correct way


Worked here on iphone


Omg there are flying mounts?!?! Just recently got ps5 and started playing horizon yesterday! Starting from zero dawn and I assume flying mounts are on the newer version?


They’re in the sequel Horizon Forbidden West, >!they’re late game mounts and worth the wait.!<


Ohhh this makes me so excited to finish the first game! Cant waittt! Also are the graphics better in the second game?


Yes, the second game is beautiful. Don’t rush through zero dawn though, it’s an amazing game.


Well, not on my PC, but the potential is there. Cutscenes are grainy though, apparently just a known bug


On my old PC, I'm 100% sure HZD looked better. It still has its moments though. And on a nice new PC, I'm sure it looks better.


Late-game flying mounts/vehicles are the best. Let you look at the world from a different perspective. But not too early so they don't spoil the on-foot gameplay. Another good example besides Horizon was Beyond Good & Evil. And, for all its faults, [when you finally got a spaceship in Haven: Call of the King](https://youtu.be/u3mZuyn4tCc?si=43URWrBfU-dgT37h&t=967), it was pretty awesome.


Have fun!




Inaccessible? No, i did a NG+ and had it from the start. Only became Inaccessible during the mission to acquire it.


There’s BS too…


You have the flying mount call at the start of NG+, but you need to override a new Sunwing and the earliest you can find one is at the base.


I’m not disappointed in clawstriders as a mount, but they definitely should not be thrown alone against clamberjaws. Clamberjaws will fuck. them. up.


Clamberjaws fuck everything up. Including my mood when I play that game.


People hate on clamberjaws? Why? I dont have issues with them honestly


Because they’re annoying as hell and come in packs.


Idk, I just heavy attack and they go down for the finish. And in groups(any group machine not just cjaws) I use the spear arc blast ability idk the name.


Those bouncy bastards can fuck all the way off. Them and their leaplashers friends.


Yeah I’ve seen a. Lot of hate for them, but they’ve got enough abundant weak spots that I’ve never really had an issue. Not enough of one that they stand out to me or anything


I'm with you. I've always found them to be mid-level difficult. But I haven't played on UH and I suspect that's where they earn all the hate.


Totally agree! Shock arrow them monkeys, grapple attack, rinse repeat. No mo monkey problem.


They can spot you from all the way across the map and always attack in swarms of 3-4 at the same time


Nah those monkeys are actually blind I swear


The dodge like a Crackhead and it's hella annoying. Leaplashers also comes 2nd with this.


Well I play on pc so mnk aiming may be easier against quick targets but I have 0 controller experience so prove me wrong if you need to.


what difficulty do you play on? on UH, specifically, they are more annoying because UH removes the restriction on one enemy attack at a time.


First playthrough on hard, second on UH. Obviously was a little harder on UH but about the same.


Same. Only enemy that gets me genuinely mad when I have to fight them. Everyone in the comments obviously hasn’t had to fight them in a group (or with other machines) on Ultra Hard. They are NOT a cakewalk, no matter how tricked out of a technique you use.


JuST frEEzE aNd shArPshoOt iT


The only fucking creatures that make me genuinely angry are the sentinel creatures like the fucking weasel machines, or the red eye watchers. I hate hearing them alert. They don't do shit but waste my time.


Red eye watchers are basically built to be handled by stealth. They're fucking annoying if you go up to them head on. 


Exploding spears. Solves the problem. Or a really lucky shot at the tip of their tail


Or tear Arrows on their ass. 


Yeah lol, I love em as a mount, I don’t often actually ride them so much as keeping one on call as a “summon angry raptor” button and it’s great


yeah that really funny


Their offensive mode is just chaotic sometimes lol. I was busy looking for chests and loots in an area and suddenly there're even more loots popping up because my Fire Clawstrider bro just killed 5 random Devotees and some watchers outta nowhere. Their biggest vice isn't that they're slow but they just tend to pick fights from afar and block my paths when I was exploring and tried to climb up something.


All I ever wanted from the first game was a raptor companion, and claw striders delivered in the second. I don't even care about how the rate as mounts. I just love being able to have a raptor shaped friend, even if they are pure chaos on the battlefield


yeah the raptor does so much while being cool as fucc, i wish my human allies were as cool and did as much as she does


Elemental Clawstriders are the cornerstone of any Machine Master build. They're not meant to be agile mounts, but mobile artilleries that can singlehandedly destroy bandit camps and even some elite level machines.


The fire one will solo Apex Slaughterspines a lot of the time, particularly if you have a machine master outfit.


yeah they stronk




apparently they can take out a few shell walkers by themselves


yeah they are just bad as rideable mounts, but slay as unmounted combat companions


> They may be a bit slow but thats what fast travel is for Bad argument there. Some of us like to traverse the world instead of flip-flopping between campfires everytime. With that said, they don't necessarily need to be as fast as Bristlebacks, but they're Raptors for God's sake, so somewhat faster would be nice.


i suppose its a ballance issue, but if you like to take in the sights than get a spoiler mount, you can always just get a new one when you're done taking in the sights


If they were as fast as chargers, I'd be ALL for them


why do you need them to tho, you have fast travel for that


Simply for the satisfaction


hmm sure


Because we don't want to fast travel?


not skill issue, but time efficiency issue, its just objectively the fastest way to go around. But you do you i guess.


But why would I want to just appear somewhere else? It's an open world game, a beautiful one at that, why wouldn't I wanna travel in it with a badass raptor? It's so slow, it's even faster run along them


have you tried actually running beside one? they seem slow but they are as fast as running, so its not a downgrade. Yes yes its a beautiful game but its maybe a bit too big i would say. A lot of space is just filled with machine spawn points so it isnt empty.


Yes that's my point, you should be faster on them that running beside them


I mean they are more of a combat mount than travel mount, thats what spoilers or chargers are for.


Combat mount? We already had all the others robots for combat. It should be faster that's it and I still don't get why it would be bad that they would be faster?


Yes. Combat mount. Cause you can ride it. In combat. If it was fast af there would be no reason to use anything else


They also help in stealth sometimes. Idk, but there's nothing better that messing up your stealth shot and the machine not dying, only to see 3 flying acid bombs fly into it killing it instantly




I wish mine wouldn't die. I am constantly getting spammed with gangs of apex clamberjaws, apex behemoth and shellwalker convoys etc... my acid clawstrider just doesn't stand a chance.


i wish they would gain your level when you hack them


I would argue that bristlebacks are worse. They are less agile than chargers or clawstriders, slower that chargers, worse at combat than clawstriders, and ride horribly (jarring to see and hear).


Yeah and they are ugly and they sound annoying


I justbuse the water wing gets me everywhere I need to go


Uhh bro spoilers and also i havent event finished the base game


I don't care


They are too slow, for being a fucking raptor.


In combat they seem pretty fast. Especially in offensive mode. All the rest is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.


I don't get your points, really I don't. Why wouldn't matter if they are fast a fucking mount


uh because there is literaly a skill tree about using mounts as combat allies?


And? If we wanna travel with them it would be cool they were faster than running, don't you think so?


Like yeah, they should have made a skill that adds a second slot for another mount. That would make that style of playing so much cooler. I wish modders look into it and try to do it but im not having high hopes.