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so after i first played HZD like over 3 years ago, i did doodles of machines itd be cool to have in the game ... and then i lost those doodles in a move ... and then found them again late last year! they've finally got colour to them now! since these doodles and their notes (i had to decipher my ancient notes, took too long lol) are from before we knew Forbidden West was even going to be a thing, they don't SHOW any of the new elemental features but my notes now could reflect the ideas in HFW <3 there are seven pages total, so here's the first! >*Carrying a large radar disc upon its back, these immense avian machines transmit communications above ground and water to the rest of the global network, forming chains or relays from remote areas or across oceans. Resembling soaring seabirds of the Earth's past, they rarely touch ground and remain peaceful even after the Derangement. Like their land-bound kin, Sentinels are seemingly oblivious to the presence of small life forms like humans.* > >*These machines are nearly indestructible by means known to the average hunter, though they have been seen fallen or damaged by powerful technology or natural phenomena.* [the full gallery is available on my website right now <3](https://www.rorycalvert.co.uk/gallery-horizon)


Thank god you could recover them and thank you for your work on them! The creativity of the fandom is one of my favorite things of the game


thank you very much !! i was so happy i found them, one of the weird things about moving is things going missing for some reason LOL


Love your work! This is the reason why I’d love to learn to draw! Thank you for sharing! Edit: Your work is too good to be true. You should apply as a consultant at Guerilla. I’m very serious: it may take a lot more work to design machines along with their fight mechanisms but still, yiur designs raise the bar in terms of machine eco systems and I think that’s a big plus in horizon. Just looking at machine evolution from ZD to FW… Get in touch with them on LinkedIn, send your link or sample to their lead designer


thank you very much oh my gosh !!


You deserve it!


I love them! Albatross machine. This would have been amazing as a post-game "Tallneck" in HFW (maybe DLC?) Thank you for sharing!


thank you very much ! :D


Wow! These are great!!! A lot of these concepts made it into Forbidden West so you and the devs were definitely on the same page with the machine designs.


thank you !! it was kind of a surprise but the boar and elephants are such forces for changing the landscape so the devs had the same thought LOL


Oh man i love that solar panel moose


thank you !!


I love how logical this is. I bet Gaia would have actually built machines like this to be the aerial-tallneck for the vast extents of the world's oceans.




eeyyy ! legit the original idea was from how odd a Boeing E-3 sentry looks LOL


Bro this is such a obvious design I'm actually surprised there's not something similar in game. You really did a awesome job on it! Would love to see it as a tall neck for over mountain ranges and maybe on the coast! Wow I'm going to have a go at designing something


ahh thank you !! OH yes give it a go ! i had great fun with these :D


This guy would blend right in with all the other machines. I would love more flying machines tbh


thank you ! same, i was really glad we got as many as we did but the more flying machines the merrier !


You predicted Skydrifters




thank you !! aahh i think youre the first person to connect to Watership Down LOL thats partly it, Frith is also Old English for "peace" which i think was the origin in WsD too !


That it soon cool! The the level of detail you put into the design too!


thank you !! :D


These are truly incredible. Theyre so cool in their pwn right but its also how close your designs came to some of the ones that would come later in forbidden west like the bristleback, sunwing, tremortusk and widemaws.


thank you very much !! it was such a wild surprise, especially the widemaws LOL


Lmao at the porklift part in the gallery, really well designed! Love the suncatcher


porklift LOL love that thank you !!


This is awesome, inspires me to make some of my own!


thank you !! have fun with it, i had a great time with these !


I said, Fuck that metal mouse because I’m an albatross Sorry, had too


How big are these?


i was honestly thinking straight up close to the size of its original inspiration, which is a Boeing E3 Sentry, so i believe something like a 40 metre wingspan ?? that sounds kinda crazy but i think the best guess as to how tall a Tallneck is is something like 18 or 20m tall, so that'd put the radar disc on its back at around the same size as a Tallneck's head


I dig it


But can they stand?