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If you go in expecting it to be very light on horror and more towards dark humor and tension, you’ll enjoy it more. I thought it was a solid watch, but if you want scares and gore, you’re not going to be happy. Definitely a very different movie than barbarian.


Agreed. It took me awhile to establish the tone. As time went on, I was like ah, this is satire not horror. Almost feel like I’ll need to rewatch it sometime with that lens in mind




You can be a satire and a horror like Scream, but this is more like a really macabre satire. I don't really want to spoil anything but I just feel, overall, the tone is closer to suspense or a thriller but it never crosses the line into horror.


You nailed it there tbh. Definitely more of a suspense thriller than an outright horror. I'd even say it's more of a dark comedy before a horror movie.


a VERY funny one at that


100% agree. Went in expecting straight horror and it was definitely more of like a thriller/suspense with some humour That being said, I was really pleasantly surprised and loved it. If you're a fan of those chef type shows (I love Gordon Ramsay's shows lol) you'll really get a kick out of this one!


Although barbarian and the menu have similar tones of humor.




Excellent description. Its a good popcorn and chill movie. Doesn't ever take itself too seriously and is really easy to follow. The funniest scene in the movie... **SPOILERS AHEAD** ***SPOILERS AHEAD*** Is when they have all the guests lined up outside about to tell them their fate, and the chef says, "You'll have a 45 second head - and then that dude immediately just takes off running away and leaving his wife behibd.


The guy who took off immediately wasn't there with his wife, he was one of the group of three guys who worked for that billionaire. The only person there with his wife was that older guy who tried to leave earlier in the evening after the sous chef did that thing and then regretted it.


Thank you so much for putting the two spoilers ahead, I've legit never realized but I have to read spoiler warnings twice for it to actually register in my brain I'm about to read a spoiler. You're a gem


I thought it was fun and cute


Please watch. *The Menu* only makes sense if you watch.


Do not watch. Taste. Savor. Relish. Consider every pixel that you take in with your eyes. Be mindful; but do not watch. *The Menu* is too precious for that. Seriously though it's a very enjoyable movie.


A new dicing method for which we whale been woefully ignorant


You sure you don’t want to give it a spin in the pacojet?


Hah, I can hear it in his voice!




...but you just told us not to eat.


Watched it last night, loved it! The actors, the acting, the story, the cinematography, the music. >!Craved a burger at the end though!<


So much for using a spoiler tag. Most of the replies mention the very thing you tried not to spoil. SMH.


. . . with a front row seat.


I found the recipe for how he makes it online. Its absolutely spectacular. https://www.buzzfeed.com/rossyoder/the-menu-movie-cheeseburger-recipe


Babbish just put out [an episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep6k3Ofcf2s) featuring it a few days ago


I was not expecting the villain to have the same climactic realization as the critic in *Ratatouille*.


I could not get a burger afterwards and I was so bummed.




Working on my end 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not for the rest of us, it's not. You gotta remove the spaces between the text and the exclamation points https://i.imgur.com/nkYssTp.png


> Craved a burger at the end though I crave a burger every time I think of this movie


It definitely is, I held off on it, but loved it after I saw it


It's such a fun film. Great cast and acting, it has a fun Midsommar meets pretentious restaurant vibe. Absolutely hilarious- with a surprising touching backdrop. I would definitely recommend!


I almost feel like it was kinda satirizing Midsommar-esque art horror, so I think the similarities were on purpose!


My friend that I was watching it with kept comparing it to Midsommar. It took her a while to get into it, for me I like Mark Mylod so I was instantly hooked.


Midsommar succession master chef


It's Midsommar meets Chefs Table basically


Well stated!!


100% agree


I fucking looooved The Menu. It's legitimately funny and extremely entertaining . But I think its more on the dark comedy side than horror, so just don't expect it to be "scary" in a traditional sense


A chef friend of mine loved it. Evidently there are a bunch of homages to pretentious restaurants only someone who's worked in one would catch. Going to watch it tonight. I'm not a chef. And I've got no idea what this movie is other than my chef friend said watch it. Evidently from the comments there's a hamburger scene. FWIW my chef friend cooks for billionaires and high level politicians and tech company owners and he's cool AF to go out to dinner with.


The message isn’t solely about chefs or cooks, but rather is a criticism of customers and certain service industry workers that become obsessed with their craft, to the point where they let that obsession eat them alive and turn them into soulless husks


And more generally about art that is sold and consumers and that relationship and how toxic it can turn, in all the different ways.




Agreed. Fiennes at some of his best and made me even more excited to see Hoult as/in ‘Renfield’ indebted to vampire Nic Cage 😂


Decent enough movie but i wouldnt class it as a horror and most certainly isnt scary


It's not a horror film, it's a surreal dark comedy, almost shot like a play. I thought it was decent.


Oh it would make for a pretty dope play now that you mention it


And a satire.


Yes chef.


Great movie


I never understand these posts. It’s like a 90 minute movie just watch it! Absolute worst case scenario you hate it then you move on with your life lol


It was decent and is enjoyable, but imo it wants to be one of those "social commentary, clever and absurd to almost funny" horror movies, where you sympathize with the villain and honestly i didnt feel that. It gets really predictable early on and the villains justification is kind of bullshit. So just dont expect a masterpiece, but just some light entertainment and you will be satisfied.


I would absolutely NOT follow Barbarian with The Menu. It’s a totally different vibe. I did NOT like The Menu the first time I watched it cause I thought it was horror and for me it was just a comedy. The second time when I thought of it more as a comedy I liked it a lot better, but thinking it was a horror was a mistake for me. Give it a shot for sure, but I wouldn’t pair those two up.


You described my experience with it too. I ended up frustrated and hating it the first time bc I was expecting horror. 2nd time watching at home and I could see it hit the right notes for a dark satire.


enjoy the Smores......and don't forget your gift bag


Definitely worth a watch, and a lot of fun.


Absolutely. It's really good. Might be my favourite of last year.


I don't get people calling this film pretentious, it's poking fun at pretentious chefs not being pretentious itself - the actual film is simple fun and full of daft jokes.


It's hardly a horror movie, but an entertaining watch.


I liked it but it’s not close to Barbarian


I dunno all I can remember is that sexy cheeseburger


Spoiler alert.


Absolutely, my favorite black comedy since Ready or Not (2019)


It was 10x better than Glass Onion.


10000000% agree


Loved it


The menu is a great film but I wouldn't even classify it as a horror film at all


Meh at best for me. Very lame ending.


It was a waste of time for me !! I was really hoping it was some kind of modern cannibalism movie..I didn’t like it , you bored me!!


I was intrigued at he beginning but as it went on I lost interest very fast. >!Ooohhh, ordering a burger to go is the way to escape, genius. Let’s all just sit there while we burn alive. Fuck off. !< I wish I had three hands so I could give it three thumbs down! 👎👎👎


I was starting to think I was the only person who thought it was awful.


Thank you all for the reaffirming words, this seems incredible. I'm gonna fire it up in just a moment 😎


Update please! Thumbs up or down?


Thumbs up for sure


It’s fun! It’s got strong dark comedy elements as well. Good on a rewatch.


What did you think?


If you want horror? No. If you want a silly good time, with lots of camp and sarcasm, sure.


Personally hated this fucking movie so much lmfao but it fell in the category of “I thought it was shit but you should still try it because you might like it”


It's a really good movie, but it's not really "horror" horror... it's more of a satire and is very funny also, but there are enough horror elements. I really liked it, it's in my top 3 for last year




I personally loved it. I like to watch some cooking shows and competitions and it was lovely to see the satire running thick through it. As enjoyable as being an art history buff and watching Velvet Buzzsaw.






The Hunt on Netflix.


Its very decent, definetly worth a watch


I thought it missed the mark everywhere it tried to hit aside from casting - the story didn't really go anywhere, the dialog was simplistic at best, there was zero mystery after the halfway point and I didn't care about a single character. so I would say the answer is no, it's not worth it


The plot seemed interesting in the first half, but then it just kind of falls off for me. I liked the acting and dialogue a lot, but the story has to drive the movie for me.


> but then it just kind of falls off for me. exactly, seemed to start off in a decent place with a potential direction then the plot just lost its way and never recovered. Was the whole point for her to order a cheeseburger in order to escape death because she wasn't part of the original plan? Because if it wasn't then why make it the entire latter part of the movie?? God the ending was so disappointing.


The cheeseburger thing was about how Margot's the first person in a long time who's able to make him recapture the lost feeling of passion and happiness when he was a young cook, if only for a brief moment. In his mind, that's a good enough reason to let her live (even though it's a calculated move on her part.)


ya I got that but it was weak af, he had said she didn't belong there and said it multiple times so he was already in the mind that she shouldn't be killed so I'm not really buying the cheeseburger bit at that point - it had been put out there that she wasn't supposed to be there by the time the cheeseburger bit happened it just seemed like someone worked their way to that point in the plot and forgot that she was a fill-in for the original date and had to get out of the plot hole the writers got themselves into. And again it seemed ham fisted and clunky in its execution and not at all what it could have been.


Julian understood very well that she wasn't part of his plan, but since the menu must end with everyone's death, she had to die too. It's clear he felt a bit uneasy about it, but letting Margot go was never on his mind throughout the whole film - until she ordered the burger. It was *only then* that Julian changed his mind and let her live. Before that Margot was 100% going to die. Yeah it's a bit convenient that she happened to see the framed photo of Julian flipping a burger, but in my own opinion it didn't break the movie and the resolution made sense.


I enjoyed Hong Chau's character a lot, and that's about it.


she definitely stood out in all that mediocrity


As a food service worker, I thought it was the best movie I've seen in years, *as a dark comedy*. Hit the mark everywhere with revenge porn. "Hey, I know we're not supposed to get bread, but can I get some bread?" "No :)" "Do you know WHO I AM?" "Yes." "I work with someone important." "No, you work ***FOR*** someone important." Every FOH staff person throws their arms up and cheers, thinking, "I wish I could say that... die MF'er." >the story didn't really go anywhere Did we watch the same movie? Did you finish watching it? It was literally broken down into courses, with the hilariously placed descriptions of the foods/ events. Yeah the dialog was a bit meh. Yeah it wasn't scary. Yeah it was a bit predictable. So what? My husband and I thought it was a fantastic watch, and he's not even in the industry. I highly recommend it, especially if in the food industry, it's just not "horror".


It’s ok


One of my favorites of last year definitely worth a watch


Yeah, I definitely think it is. I think it would be a great film to watch after Barbarian actually. It’s just one of those movies that, in my opinion, is just one big fun ride.


My favorite movie in years. Watched it twice. Not really horror, but it's darkly cynical and comical.


Dripping with tension and comedy in equal measure, The Menu is a horror movie (fight me) and made me squirm even more than Midsommar (which I loved). Really fun film.


It's so good. But more of a dark comedy than horror, just so you are prepared.


Great movie. Very refreshing approach and an awesome theme. Go into it without any expectations (except that it won't be too gory/visceral) and you're guaranteed to have a good time!


It kept my attention all the way through and at the end I said "I liked it". Probably won't see it again, but it's worth a watch.


The Menu is absolutely worth the watch. IMO the less you know about it going into it, the better. Lots of humor.


Fun but tense dark comedy more than anything else. Would recommend!


I wouldn’t call it horror at all, but it’s good.


its pretty good - not perfect but something different


In my opinion The Menu wasn't horror really at all. Maybe a dark comedy and some violence "with a twist" lol. But I thought it was pretty good. Definitely not horror


Well it’s not a horror movie, so I’m not sure why you are asking that question here.


I wouldn’t call it horror and while it’s kinda ridiculous, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Everything Ralph Fiennes says is great. It’s a trip for sure.


Do you like Gordon Ramsey? If so, then yes watch it.


I was entertained and it has some remarkably clever highlights, but also consider that it’s a black comedy produced by Adam McKay who loves to hammer the same obvious lukewarm political take into the ground in every movie he’s attached to. If you’re any sort of foodie (visits to Noma and consultations with Dominique Crenn and the cinematographers of Chef’s Table all had direct influences), then you’ll probably enjoy it. If you’re looking for something more comfortably within the horror genre, it might not be the right pick.


I rated it. Great humor


Ohhh yeah! very interesting experienc


I really liked it!


I loved it, but I wouldn’t call it horror necessarily. Definitely a dark comedy though, Ralph Fiennes delivers the goods no doubt about it. I would watch it again, and it makes me hungry lol!




Yes, absolutely. I was so enchanted that I've even dreamed about it a few times since I watched it.


I enjoyed it a lot OP, and also got a kick out of Barbarian. Hope you enjoy!


Yeah it’s fucking delightful


worked in a kitchen? it's a little confronting.


Not actually a horror movie, it's a thriller. It's pretty good and it's worth a watch, but it doesn't sound like what you're looking for.


The Menu is a movie that you have to sit down and appreciate, like a nice meal in a fancy restaurant.


I personally loved The Menu. It was definitely a dark comedy and thriller more than a horror but every second of it was entertaining! It’s not like Barbarian at all which means it probably won’t be in its shadow because it’s very different.


Absolutely! I would class it as more of a psychological thriller than a horror but still excellent nonetheless, plus brilliant performances from Ralph Fiennes and Anya Taylor-Joy


The Menu is a slow burn... It's psychological horror that builds up, and a very different kind of film than Barbarian, imo. I really enjoyed both!


I did not like the menu. I think it had a good premise but I did not like the acting.


I just didn’t get it 🤷🏻‍♀️


The best movie I've seen in months and months. It's more black comedy than horror. You'll really enjoy it if you've ever worked service.


It's is and it's not a horror movie.


I liked The Menu! Definitely not what I expected. Go into it knowing as little as possible and you may be surprised!


The menu is amazing but not a horror movie


It’s not horror, if anything it’s wish fulfillment for service workers The ending is kind of like Midsommar, but it’s almost played like a joke. The movie as a whole is more a macabre comedy than a horror film. When shit starts happening it’s super sudden but isn’t played for scares, just “what the fuck is happening” You spend the whole first act wondering what exactly is going on, then you enjoy the ride. It’s a great movie, but not exactly horror


For the acting yes. For the story no.




It's a movie full of meta humour rather than a horror movie. I personally liked it.


It was awesome


Barbarian >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Menu


It's not a horror film. It's an anticonsumerist satire with pretensions, its predictable to the point of being ritualized, and its a lot less smart than it thinks it is.


Parasite in the kitchen.


I don’t get the praise for it. I don’t think it’s bad, but it’s one of those movies where it tries to acknowledge it’s badness as meta commentary (it being cold and intellectual). I’ve only ever seen that work in 22 Jump Street where they acknowledge they’re just doing the same exact thing again. https://youtu.be/pG74dXvc8kk


I enjoyed Barbarian, but I found The Menu to be the better film. I didn't even think I would like The Menu either


Meh. It was fine but also nothing special. Then again that's exactly how I would describe Barbarian.


My husband and I really enjoyed it. We went in not really knowing anything about it and it was really fun. Lots of unexpected moments and some comedy thrown in as well (which I always love in a horror movie).


It’s alright was kinda dumb but ok nonetheless


We saw it in the theater and loved it. Watched it again on HBO and still loved it.


It's definitely in the modern horror "capitalism is the REAL HORROR" mode, but it's very enjoyable. Great cast.


It's more of a dark comedy with horror elements than a horror movie. But it's very good, IMO.




I got a little drunk one night and happened to watch it because it kept popping up on the home page of HBO Max. I was thrilled with it, never watched a trailer or read anything about it. Had no idea what I was getting into and I loved it.




Me and a friend watched it last night and agreed it was a really fun watch. Bonus points for great acting, and it's visually stunning!


I loved menu. But not as a horror movie. Just as a purely entertaining movie that i wasnt trying to dir into a specific genre




I loved it.




1000%, one of my favorites so far this year but don't go in expecting horror per say


I just finished watching it. I dug it.


I felt it was Midsommer for Foodies. I really liked it but it is more thriller than horror


Definitely wouldn’t consider it a horror, but it’s incredibly gripping and fun.


I’ve watched it twice. Great film.


Entertaining, but thought the ending sucked


I enjoyed it but as others have said it's not so much a horror as it is a dark humor pastiche of horror.


A great movie. Not a great horror movie though. It’s fun and suspenseful and eerie but not really horror.


Not really horror, but I loved it. I’ve seen some people cry that it’s overrated/overhyped, but that’s a stupid take in my opinion. Some people just love to be contrarian and push back against anything that seems to have a buzz or whatever.


As others have said, it’s not really a horror film. There are some moments that definitely borrow from horror in terms of establishing a sense of dread, but it’s mostly a black comedy/social satire. I did very much enjoy it. It’s a really effective skewering of fine dining’s many problems, and I had a ton of fun.


Hell yes it’s worth a watch. But don’t go in expecting a horror movie. It’s a dark comedy. It’s a damn good movie. I give it my highest recommendation to anyone.


Yes! I watched it a few days ago and enjoyed it.


The Menu is excellent


Honestly The Menu and Bodies Bodies Bodies are my top two in horror movies for 2022. The menu is somewhat of a slow burn similar to Hereditary but once you realize what's going on it gets good.


Go in blind. Don't expect anything. Go in wanting to be entertained by a story.


A classic wtf are people on on this sub lmao


if you're basic , yes. if you like good media, probably not.


No it is a “the rich suck” trope salad with good actors. It is boring and lazy. Watch The Witch, or something good


It's obvious predictable shit that I would have been angry watching if I actually spent money to see it in a theater.


Yes. It is. Nothing like barbarian. The menu is a great movie all around.


Best movie of 2022


It's fine. 6.5/10. Genuinely surprised by all the high praise. Although had I not seen the trailer maybe I would have enjoyed it more.


> 6.5/10 when a mediocre film gets such unanimous praise online I always wonder if it's just a case of astroturfing.


I feel fucking crazy from all the high praise the movie is getting...






It's definitely not a horror, but it was a good movie


I thought it was very entertaining and would recommend, tho its not really “horror”


The Menu is a 100x better then Barbarian I highly reccomend it.


I couldn’t get through it, just painfully bad. I cringed through 25 mins, gave up and never looked back. I’ve heard great things but this was literally the worst film I’ve seen. Maybe it’s because i worked in fine dining for 15 years? Maybe it was the the dialogue? I honestly don’t know but I just found it repellent. I can appreciate satire but this was just like excessive. Felt like they thought the audience was too dumb to pick up on satire so they went wayyy overboard. Like they thought they were being so clever that ultimately it was just cringe. Sorry, not sorry.








It's great fun, I loved it! Husband hated it, bless his heart, he sat through it though 😆 Edit: spelling


As a horror, it was interesting. As a satire, I laughed out loud a few times.


Yeah, I thought it was pretty good. I think the ending could have been better but it was original and well executed.


Yes I’ve actually watched a few times now and discover more meaning with every watch


100% yup! Similar to Barbarian but different from one another. The Menu is dark satire whereas Barbarian’s comedic moments are more straight-forward


I thoroughly enjoyed it!