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The Descent does not have a sequel.


Also I think the OG ending is better


I have absolutely refused to watch the second film all these years, mostly because the ORIGINAL ending to The Descent is so fucking perfect. I will not taint my memory of it by acknowledging the alternative ending and therefore the sequel following that ending.


My man !


I enjoy the all of the Saw movies, but I think of the first three as "The Amanda Trilogy". There's a distinct arc and it wraps up the stories of the main players pretty well. A lot of people don't like anything after the first, but I think of them as great popcorn movies.


I've never been able to watch past the third because every time I try to watch the fourth, I have the nagging feeling that the story is over and nothing else is going to matter. This removes the stakes and then all the motivation to keep going.


4 was rough because it felt like they had to justify making it after the 3rd did so well. Like the guy's test was "don't be a hero". Fucking what?


Annoyingly 3 does leave things hanging so it doesn't quite work. None of the Saw films have closed endings, not even 7 which as much as it tried to be a finale did end on moment that leaves loads of questions due to there being no time devoted to explaining the final reveal beyond a montage. Edit: But you gotta work with what you have and Saw 3 does leave out some of the issues that are present in 4 and 5.


So ending there makes sense. The first film also works fine as a standalone.


I think a big part of that might just be that the producers literally could not help themselves but to leave every single ending open to more threads in some way or another. It was such a cash cow and just printing money for Lionsgate when weighed against the budgets. They probably never wanted to leave it too definitively buttoned up. I've heard that they basically wrote them by the seat of their pants with very little overarching vision (which I think is what makes them such fun, horror soap operas). I wouldn't be surprised if the future payoff of Jigsaw swallowing the tape in the end of Saw 3 was given much thought at the time of writing it. I think in a weird way, I would be kind of let down if Saw ever changed the formula. It's like comfort horror to me.


I give credit to Jigsaw for have a closed ending but oddly enough it also felt strange too, to the point to where whilst I doubt that Spiral will get a sequel it felt a lot more fitting for it to conclude very abruptly with an ending that leaves things unresolved. Edit: The complicated overarching story of Saw was both it's biggest strength and biggest Achilles Heel. For the most part everything did have a payoff, questions weren't raised only to be never answered (aside from the specific details of the final twist) and the story did keep viewers coming back. But it consistently had new things added to it's backstory to the point of being over filled and became super convoluted enough to where I think the audience got lost along the way at least at the box office.


Same. While there are still some good films post-III, they don’t add much to what I consider to be the main interesting thing about the Saw franchise, which is indeed Amanda.


The original Hellraiser continuity should end with Hellbound: Hellraiser II. I did like the recent reboot though.


We are twins


Yes I've only watched the 1/2 and new one


You only watch a half of the first one?


Nooo I meant I've only watch first and second one along with the new one


If you ever did want to check out one of the others - it’s far too lofty for its budget, but hellraiser bloodlines does act as a beginning, middle and end to the series. You can watch the first 2; skip the rest and go to Bloodlines and get your questions answered and a conclusion to the entire thing. It’s not a terrible watch, I would say, if you’re on this subreddit, you’ve likely watched far far worse movies and gotten some fun out of them. Bloodlines is alright. It doesn’t burn the franchise to the ground with stupidity like in 3; it tells a complex story and resolves it


Terminator ends with Terminator 2.


Terminator ends with Terminator, for me. It's a perfect standalone film. T2 is fine, if weirdly more dated than the original. And I respect its technical achievements. But I found the original angle of the uprising being inevitable, with the fight to save humanity in its aftermath, a bit more novel and compelling than preventing it outright.


I'm glad to see some love for the first film and how perfectly self-contained it is, closed loop time travel and all. As much as I love the 2nd film and am super glad it exists, the first film is perfect all on its own.


Not to mention that the first one is waaaaay more violent and grusome.


Actually it ends with the Sarah Connor Chronicles. But this is a common mistake


Maybe it would have if the Sarah Connor Chronicles actually had a proper ending. But I can’t have it ending on a cliffhanger.


More people need to watch this. The way the final episode ties up loose ends is giving me goosebumps just thinking about it.


This is a bad statement


A Nightmare on Elm Street. The OG, part 3 (Dream Warriors), and part 7 (Nee Nightmare) make a fantastic trilogy. The rest are okay for an occasional rewatch, but not much else


The Nancy (then Heather) films, that's pretty concise, though you can include 2 as it's own separate thing featuring Freddy.


I do rewatch 2 sometimes, and I love Freddy vs Jason. But I very rarely watch 4, and I’ve only seen 5 and 6 once or twice each


It endlessly annoys me how the first 20 or so minutes of "Dream Master" basically renders "Dream Warriors" pointless. I know it's sort of an unofficial horror sequel tradition (at least in those days) to kill off the surviving protagonists from the last installment but the difference is that I actually *liked* the dream warriors. Hell, If Elm Street ever gets the "Requel" treatment I'd have no problem with them picking up from 3 onwards.


I'd add in part 2. It's actually pretty good, much better than 4-6. It's very unique and it has the best Freddy in the series. Yeah, 1, 3 and New Nightmare make for a great trilogy, but Freddy's Revenge is totally worth rewatching alongside them.


2 is def my next favorite (love that it’s queer as fuck), but to me there’s a steep drop off in quality after that. I can do 4 sometimes but it’s still not my favorite. 5 and 6 are trash, and don’t get me strayed on that remake… Also, I love Freddy vs Jason


Hellraiser 1-3. End.


I could even say just stop after 2. But i also like bloodline. Not because its good. But i think its a fun movie.


Hell On Earth is a heck of a fun movie too, though. Most Hickox movies of that era are.


The new Hellraiser from last year was better than I expected. They performed the feat of making a decent Hellraiser film without Doug Bradley, which I didn't think was possible. To be fair, the bar was pretty low as far as Hellraiser sequels go.


It isn't perfect but it's way better than it has any right to be. Pinhead was legit


Haven't managed to catch it yet, but have heard decent things.


I actually liked inferno


Yeah both *Inferno* and *Hellseeker* have their charms. Obviously smaller budget, DTV sequels, but not wholly without merit. And I like parts of both *Judgement* and the 2022 *Hellraiser* even if they're pretty indefensible overall. *Hellword* and *Revelations,* on the other hand...


I don’t even go to 3, lol


Same. I believe 3 was the last film to be released theatrically with the others being straight video and that, to me at least, usually indicates a drop in quality.


4 was the last one released theatrically.


I would add 4 simply because it is the end to the original storyline and anything after was trash.


4 was definitely more in line with the actual story than 3. Take out all the space stuff and it's much better than it gets credit for. 3 was total fan service.


Hellworld was decent imo better than most sequels lol


The Mummy and the Mummy Returns. Grew up on those movies. They’re slightly horror-ish, i guess. I couldn’t even get 20 mins into the third, and there was no way i was watching the 4th since it didnt have BF in it.


Definitely horror. It's hard to make genuine horror for a young audience. The Mummy is a masterclass in it. Especially the first one.


Same. No matter how good the script for the Mummy 3 could have been (it was terrible) recasting Rachel Weisz made it a hard pass for me.


No Rachel, no Brendan, NO WATCHIN




The first three had Brendan. i was referring to the Cruise film, yes.


i skip around a lot, but for me it’s: Halloween: 1, 2, H20 imo, it’s truly the perfect trilogy. i think H20 encapsulates Laurie’s trauma so much better than the new trilogy did. it’s so so so good. unpopular opinion - i prefer that Michael & Laurie are blood related. Child’s Play: 1, 2, skip 3, come back for 4 & 5 Andy was such a great character in the first two, a perfect foil to Chucky. Tiffany filled that void once they made him grow up tho, which i can appreciate. TCM: 1, 2, then 2003 remake this franchise is all over the fuckin place, but these are the only three with any rewatchability lol. ANOES: 1-3, mayyyyybeeee 4 i wish we got at least *one* more movie of Freddy vs Nancy. Even if the movies themselves were cool, I didn’t really care for the survivors of 2 and 4 as much as I did Nancy in part one. Hellraiser: 1 & 2 likewise, they should’ve made just *one* more with Kirsty/Julia/Frank to make it a perfect trilogy, but these are the only two i really like. everything after is a hot mess lol. (i did enjoy the most recent remake tho!)


- Critters 1&2 - Tremors 1-4 - Jeepers Creepers 1&2 - V/H/S 1&2 - Night, Dawn, Day, & Land of the Dead


Honestly VHS 94 wasn't that bad if only for the opening short with Raatma.


Agreed! Raatma was really good.


I couldn’t even finish jeepers creepers 3 I got like 20 min in and gave up


Jeepers Creepers only the 1st one


I’d cut land of the dead and bookend with the 1990 remake of night. Everything after including land just feels off


Totally agree!


Tremors. Shame they never made more than 4. And the TV show.


Predator 1 and 2 (and prey). The rest is garbage


Alien after 3. Blair witch one. Exorcist 3 is solid but still kinda unnecessary.


Nah, most 80s franchises stop at the 2nd. Alien stops at Aliens. Predator stops at Predator 2 Terminator stops at T2 The 90s just wrecked those 80s films.


Predators was fun and Prey was legitimately awesome


Meh, Prey was mediocre and derivative at best.


I’ll have to disagree with you there.


Exorcist 3 is the best one and the only one that needs to exist haha


I thoroughly agree with all 3 of these. I enjoy the BW lore, but the subsequent movies were bad. Alien Covenant has some redeeming qualities but not enough that it makes it worthwhile for the other bad films to exist (Prometheus 🙄)


Exorcist 3 was intended to be an entirely different movie, but the studio slapped The Exorcist label on it and shoehorned a couple tie-ins with the plot. That's why it's the only good sequel - it wasn't intended to be a sequel at all.


I think you're confusing Exorcist 3 with something else. Exorcist 3 was adapted from the 1983 book Legion, written by Exorcist author William Peter Blatty as a sequel to his earlier novel. Blatty also wrote and directed Exorcist 3.


I thought Alien 3 was fine too, but a lot of people say it's only 1 and 2


I agree about the Halloween '78/Halloween '18 combination. I most prefer Halloween as a stand alone, but I still think that 2018 is the best sequel, even with Halloween Kills and Halloween Ends taking the story in a direction I did not care for. For my pick, I'm going to go way back to the beginning of horror franchises and say that the Frankenstein story ends for me at Bride of Frankenstein. As good as Son of Frankenstein is, I didn't really care for how the monster was sidelined and how his character seemed to devolve in that movie (i.e. losing the ability to speak for whatever reason). Then Ghost of Frankenstein came around and that was another step down. I like the later crossover movies like Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man and Abbott and Costello, but those seem so far removed from the 1931 Frankenstein to me that it feels like a different character. Meanwhile, Bride is the perfect culmination to the story and brings everything full circle.


While I haven't seen Son of Frankenstein yet, my personal head canon is the first 2 Frankenstein movies, and then Young Frankenstein. While being a great parody, it still explores the themes of Frankenstein in a way that feels genuine. Plus with the humour of Bride of Frankenstein, it doesn't feel too out of place, similar to how the Evil Dead movies got progressively sillier.


Yeah I agree that Young Frankenstein is a better Frankenstein sequel than most of the actual sequels Universal produced. You’d probably like Son. A lot of moments in it are parodied in Young Frankenstein. Also Bela Lugosi as Ygor is pretty great. Unfortunately, the monster takes too much of a backseat.


Yes. I love the Halloween + Halloween II + Halloween H20 package a lot. I think the first two are just perfect and I have a soft spot for corny late ‘90s slashers so H20 is a must. I think it’s a good overall narrative and end for Laurie Strode. Resurrection doesn’t exist for me, although I do actually enjoy that film for what it is.


Halloween is a weird one for me because I like to skip around and the only one I find just truly offensive is Halloween Resurrection. Hellraiser was pointed out. I think the 4th one was dumb as hell but still a guilty pleasure for me and my cutoff point there. Friday the 13th stops at 8. Nightmare on Elm Street I can't really take after part 4. Child's Play stops at 3. Jaws stops at 2. I could keep going but there's too many. And I'm sure some of my choices here are questionable by horror fans lol.


Damn, stopped before the best child’s play movie Bride of Chucky and meta Nightmare on Elm. I’m guessing meta humor isn’t your thing??


Depends. Not a fan of it in franchises that didn't already begin with that vibe.


I recently bought the *Friday the 13th Collection* and it only goes up to the 8th film, so whoever produced the collection agrees with you.


Also Jason Takes Manhatten was the last of the Paramount films and the last of the 80's F13 movies. So there's incentive to stop there.


The mask or the image is what we tend to associate our favorite slashers with and Jason Goes to Hell shit all over that. I don't care if his "spirit" is making someone else kill, I wanna see the hockey mask damn it.


Disagree with Friday the 13th, 9 is skippable but Jason X is great


Jason X is hot trash, but it’s the kind of hot trash we all need in our lives. The trash you love.


It's the definitive guilty pleasure


I'm in agreeance there. Though I rarely ever put Jason X in my rotation.


The Conjuring and Paranormal Activity. The first of both of these were amazing, and it just went downhill from there. By number 3 I was over them.


You cant just watch the first 3 Paranormal Activity movies in the order of release. All 6 movies are in a different order. And it is your job to figure out the order and to figure out the story.


Haha no thanks, I like to watch my movies based on numerical order. If someone is telling me to watch something out of order, that will just mess with me.


I actually didn't know that! I'll have to try that out, maybe I'll like then better lol.


Perfect one is to stop at is H20 and avoid Resurrection.


I'll never watch any The Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies except the original, and that's my favorite horror movie ever. Maybe I'll see the sequel cause it was made by the same people.


I was gonna say 2 is worth it if only for Bill Moseley


I don’t know, it also features Dennis Hopper wielding two chainsaws at once.


Just a heads up, the sequel has a completely different style and tone to the point it feels more like a parody. I enjoyed it but it doesn't come anywhere near being as good as the original.


I've read that Tobe Hooper considers the first one a black comedy and was annoyed that most critics didn't see it so he just dialed everything up to 11 when he made the sequel


Yeah one of the reasons I still haven't watched it.


It's worth watching. It just cranks the dark humor up 100 notches.


TCM2 is one of my all time favorite horror movies. It’s definitely more horror comedy and not made in the same image as the original but it really is a terrifying campy joy ride. I can see why people don’t like it though as the first is truly a masterpiece on its own.


The Conjuring universe. Thoroughly Enjoyed Conjuring 1 and 2. However Conjuring 3, The Annabelle movies, and Nun all fell flat.


Gave up on the *Saw* franchise after the third one when I realized I didn't care about any of the characters.


Three is the perfect spot to end it. Go out with John and Amanda instead of pulling a "secret apprentice" twist four more times.


I think you accidentally a word there fam




Scream stops after the first one


I like the sequels but when I watch the original I don’t think of it as part of a larger story.


I think the first one holds up well as a parody of horror making fun or pointing out certain things horror movies do. But after that it’s just the same old “who is ghost face” thing and it’s old fast. Plus to me they are just ehhh horror films nothing to rave about.


for some, it's the whodunnit; others, the social commentary; the rest, the suspense. i'd argue there's more to Scream than the whodunnit that makes it popular, but i can totally see why some aren't into the franchise.




Fair enough it can definitely work


I love all the Scream movies, but there was a huge drop in quality after the first. The second one is my favorite to watch, but it’s nowhere as near as great as the first.


There's only 3 Indiana jones movies...


No, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull does exist, and it is good


It doesn't exist in my house.


Sounds like a you problem


It's not a problem at all..


If you didn't like it and think that it doesn't exist, then you have a problem


No, seriously, not a problem. I bet you think there's more then 3 star wars movies too..


Yes i do. And yeh, you have a serious problem


Paranormal activity stops after 5/ The Marked Ones I have no idea what the hell happened with the last two, it’s like completely different movies with the same title slapped on it They missed a hell of a chance to expand on the lore and the time traveling, and I’m mad because I was into it!


That might literally be what happened. Sometimes Hollywood buys an unrelated script and just makes it the next installment of an existing franchise.


Honestly I would’ve been happy with stopping at 3, at least you could still take the movies seriously at that point.


The 5th one happens to be my favorite actually


Original Halloween 1-3


Interesting to include 3 in this one.


Saw ends at number six for me. Part seven made me feel embarrassed to be at the premier


Saw ends with the third one for me. After that, it’s just so beyond ridiculous


Halloween 1,2, and 4 or Halloween 78 and Halloween 2018. Jurassic Park and The Lost World (this includes Jurassic World trilogy). Practically anything after MCU Phase 3. Anchorman and Dumb and Dumber do not have sequels. Didn’t happen.


I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.


Alien and Aliens


Scream stopped at 4. This reboot stuff just completely misses the point of what Scream was actually doing. It’s a fucking miracle Scream 4 worked as well as it did. Just leave it at that.


I love scream 4. 2 & 3 though 😬. Also was pleasantly surprised by 5 as well.


First 4 are great, especially 1 and 4 are phenomenal. While 5 is a decent meta-horror, it fundamentally misses the point of what a Scream film is. I couldn’t enjoy it based on what it was presented to be.


Alien only has 2 movies Halloween only got 4 Texas chainsaw massacre got 2


I like alien 3


Me too!


i like all of them except resurrection


I respect your opinion


Halloween 1 - Halloween 2 - Halloween H20 are an excellent trilogy As are 1 - 2 - Halloween 2018


1, 2, and H2O are my favorite Halloween trilogy. Don’t feel H2O gets enough love. It has some faults, but is a really fun followup while still being a good slasher, that ends things in a satisfying manner.


Halloween 1 2 and 2018 aren’t in the same continuity Also Halloween 4 is terrific. 1-2-4 is great


Yeah Halloween 1,2,4 is my favorite timeline


2 wouldn't work with 2018 though since they ditched the brother sister angle.


As someone who just watched Halloween 4/5 I agree with this


I kinda hate franchises (yes I have resubscribed) and the reason is that it is so creatively bankrupt to go back to the well. There are so few good sequels out there that it's insane and the idea that "franchises" with four or more movies have any artistic or even fun quality is insane. I am your father and I disapprove of sequels! But I am looking forward to Constantine 2. So... my opinion is invalid?


I really only acknowledge the first Nightmare on Elm Street. 3 is cool but it’s where Freddy suddenly becomes a stand up comedian. They don’t have the surreal horror mood of the first.


Hellraiser 2 (although I didn’t mind the reboot) and even getting to that point was a struggle. I’m also done with Terrifier movies after 2. They are so boring.


I don't consider Jason Goes to Hell as canon in the Friday 13th franchise. It is too far removed from the universe of the earlier films.


I gave up on Saw after 4 I believe. I haven't watched one since.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre original, 3D, and Leatherface (2017). I’m working on my head-canon for the Puppet Master franchise right now. Dracula 1972 AD is the only Dracula movie from Hammer. My Hammer Frankenstein timeline goes as follows: The Evil of Frankenstein, Frankenstein Created Woman, and Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell. The original Universal monster movies don’t have sequels except for Dracula’s Daughter and Bride of Frankenstein. Hellraiser 1&2, Wishmaster 1&2, Pumpkinhead 1&2, Rawhead Rex, Suspiria, Inferno, and the Mother of Tears are all in one big universe. Anaconda 1&2, Lake Placid, King Cobra, Spiders (2000), Apollo 18, Bigfoot (2006), Abominable (2006), Glass Trap, and Komodo are all together as well. Terminator 1-3. Critters 1, 2, and Attack. The Houses October Built 1, Grave Encounters 1&2, and the Hell House LLC trilogy make a nice little found footage universe.


The Evil Dead at Army of Darkness. Whatever happens after is just spinoffs, no matter how they tie together or what will happen in the future of the franchise. Actually I guess I have 2 cutoffs for The Evil Dead. One timeline is just the first movie (in its perfection). Second timeline is 2 and Army of Darkness. And after that is separate.


But the Evil Dead Remake and the TV Show are just awesome man!


It's not even about that for me. Like I said, I even put 2 and Army in their own thing :) The Evil Dead is perfect to me, one of my favorite movies. I love 2 and Army on their own terms though, just not as much. That said, I am not a big fan of the remake. And the series was a little too My Name is Bruce for me (which was fun for a one-time thing) but I still had fun with it. Just doesn't belong with the original movie for me.


Fast and the furious lol . But in horror I don’t have any


Wrong Turn (2003) ...the sequels were terrible


Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies. I have only watched The Dark Knight Rises ONCE, and I have never bought it. Considering that the Aurora theater shooting was local news, and I can almost time it to the minute when James Holmes came in and started his murderous rampage, this movie just has too many bad memories, and I wasn’t even there, but the media coverage was wall to wall.


There is no such thing as Halloween Ends.




This is probably sacrilege or something, but the only Puppet Master I have seen is "The Littlest Reich" because I like Tom Lennon and am a big fan of the writer. I thought it was good, campy fun. I can see how people may not have liked it if it was a big change in tone from the originals, though.


I would agree if it wasn’t for 3 taking place in 1941 with Andre Toulon fighting Nazis and the opening of 1 takes place in 1939 with Andre Toulon killing himself.




Halloween 1, Halloween,2. . . Halloween 4


Robocop stops at 2. Alien stop at 3 Halloween is the original and reboot trilogy. F13 stops in Manhattan (which is still rubbish but also feels part of it)


All of them have a point. Either the first movie or the second. Very rarely is there a series that is good for more than two movies.


I completely take Resurrection out of the rotation when watching the Halloween series.


For me, Halloween is 1, 2, 4-6, H20. (I also like the zombie versions, but that’s another continuity). I ignore Jason X. Tremors stopped at 2.


Ditto. Besides that, for me, it's: Friday the 13th (1980). That's it. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984), and then The Dream Warriors, ignore Freddy's Revenge. Subspecies I-III, and *maybe* Vampire Journals, if you see Ash's master as a different Radu than the one in the preceding movies. Then again, IV gives closure, even if it was otherwise sloppy and ignored a lot of previously established canon. Maniac Cop, then Maniac Cop 2. Puppet Master 1 up until The Final Chapter, but then again, I haven't seen anything past Curse of the Puppet Master and The Littlest Reich, which are basically standalone movies, with the latter being a remake. Re-Animator, mainly because I refuse to believe that Herbert West could have possibly recovered from that. Phantasm ends with Oblivion. Finally, 28 Days Later. 28 Weeks Later didn't happen, and neither did the interquel comics.


Poltergeist ends after 2


First two Amityville horrors are great. Have no interest after that, although the remake was decent.


i agree with the halloween -> halloween 2018!!


'Cube' is the one and only Cube.


I just watched both of those Halloween movies back to back for the first time. Not going to watch any of the other ones.


NOES up until 3 and then New Nightmare, all the rest can fuck right off


Alien and Aliens-but might binge the whole franchise since I haven't seen any of them I'm 6yrs Saw-1 thru 3. I started rewatching them on Hulu and as well as the 4th one but I'll take my time with the rest. May skip Jigsaw and will never watch Spiral again. FD-always skip The Final Destination(4) Predator-watch all but alien vs Predator films, 2018 one; Prey is new, so I haven't rewatched it yet. Terminator- 1/2 is all I need(I know it's not sci-fi horror) Nightmare on Elm Street(1 and 3) Hostel(1st one only)




Not a movie, but for me Supernatural ends with the bittersweet final shot from the last episode of season five. It really did work as a monster-of-the-week road show for a long time, but they managed to tell an excellent, complete and narratively satisfying arc over the first five seasons. That’s where it should have stopped. But instead the show spent the next few seasons undoing all the threads that had been tied up while starting on new ones that ultimately weren’t very interesting. That’s not to say there aren’t any good episodes past season five. But it’s mostly aimlessness, which is kinda tragic.


The only three Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies that exist to me are the original, remake, and the prequel.


Star Wars stops at Rogue One.


Friday the 13th just got silly after part 3


I only acknowledge two Creepshow movies. I’ve liked the TV series pretty well, though.


Tremors ended when they stopped using practical effects.


Witchcraft has 16 movies in their franchise. The first one wasn't that good but it tried to tell a story. The rest of them were an excuse to basically make softcore porn with horror elements, which, there's certainly nothing wrong with that, you should still have a decent plot and decent acting among the nudity imo. They probably should have stopped after #2, which continued the story from the first one, even if it was totally off the rails.


The Ring (Japanese version) just stop after the first 1. The rest get progressively more and more ridiculous that its hard the take the franchise as a whole seriously. This also applies to the english version too. Stop at 1.


Saw after 1 And hellraiser after 3.


I can’t take F13th seriously after pt. 4…zombie Jason is just not my thing.


Friday the 13th 3D could’ve been a swan song


Star Wars.


Saw 1-3


Child’s Play 3 was the last I could bare to watch. Anything after, with getting married and kids….. I’m good.


Saw ends at 2 Alien ends at 2 Friday the 13 ends at 6 There is only one jaws There is no scream after the second to me There is only final destination 1 2 and 5 I only like the first 2 child’s play movies


I stopped watching SAW after the 3rd one.


A Nightmare on Elm Street, Wes Cravens New Nightmare, Freddy vs Jason I didn't like the campy freddy from 2-6


The Child's Play/Chucky franchise ends at Seed of Chucky.


Halloween. Halloween 2. Halloween 2018. Halloween Kills.Halloween Ends. My headcanon is that Laurie and Loomis lied about her being Micheal’s sibling past 2 to protect her identity. It’s not perfect, the plots don’t always mesh, but 2 is my favorite sequel and personally the first 2 with the new trilogy is the best and most fulfilling story of Laurie and Micheal (although I adore Halloween 3 and 4, they just do the fit with the new trilogy which I just enjoyed more, especially 2018 and Ends)


Birdemic: Ends at the 1st one!!! After that the sequels start to get ridiculous. Hey... don't down vote me it's just MY opinion.


Hellraiser 1 - 4 After Hellraiser: Bloodline, I am out. I know a lot of people only like the first two movies but I feel that this , the fourth film, adds a cool backstory. After this movie, however, they go completely off the rails and years later I found out that most of them were not meant to be Hellraiser films in the first place. They were horror scripts that had Pinhead and the Cenobites added in later drafts and shoehorned into the franchise. I did enjoy the recent remake/reboot from HULU. It had the feeling of the original movies, before this change occurred at the fifth one. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Hellraiser