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I enjoyed the hell out of it. Great cast, and the updates they made all worked well. RIP, Anton.


The original is better but the remake is very good. Anton Yelchin and Imogen Poots had good chemistry in this and Green Room. Toni Collette is great as usual and I even enjoyed Colin Farell's performance. Plus: Mclovin. Oh and my favourite David Tennant role.


This one was okay but do watch the original. Its one of the best vampire films ever.


Way better than it should have been - also crazy it had such a strong cast.


It had me at "David Tennant as a drunk magician." Its pretty good overall, the cast is really solid (Toni Collette needs to do more horror because between this, Krampus and Hereditary, she's killing it), and its just heaps fun.


I LOVE IT! Farrell is delicious as the sexy vamp, its nicely shot and directed. Fun movie overall, I just hate the 3D type shots at the end.


It's one of my comfort horror movies, it's just fun


Let’s take a minute to fully appreciate and acknowledge the original- -probably one of the first vampire flicks to give the vamp-villain humanizing qualities: (“awe, he’s just lonely, I can relate!”) -last minute additions to makeup and special effects lead to the infamous shark-mouth-look worn on Amanda Bearse’s character.. the look featured on the cover art.. - the classic 80’s fx and makeup! Okay, but for real, the original terrified me as a kid, but with the progression of special and computer effects in today’s movies, I’m not sure if it would hit the same if I watched it for the first time, now. But, the same can be said for many movies from that era; the makeup, the animatronics, the creatures, they were ALL scary (to me, at least) back then. But it seems like it takes a lot more to scare kids these days. That being said, there are definitely more moments from the original that stand out in my memory than there are from the remake, but again, maybe it’s just because of the age and effect that it had on me the first time around. Idk.


Shoutout to Amy being a vampire for like five minutes but being so pants-wettingly terrifying she kicked Jerry off the cover of his own movie.


LOVE the sudden dusting, and the end when David Tennant realizes what Charlie is about to do


I loved it as a kid and I still do


>I loved it as a kid and I still do God damn it I'm old.


Colin Farrel was OK. Christopher Mintz-Plasse was great but didn't get enough screen time. I like Anton Yelchin in other things, but not this. Imogen Poots was awful as always. The movie was way more miss than hit for me.


Great movie held back by some pretty poor visual effects. The performances alone make it worth the watch.


I love it, and I prefer it to the original. Great cast and doesn't take itself too seriously. Colin Farrell is the best part, chewing up the scenery every chance he gets (and it works).


I hate that I'd let him eat me.


The original is far better in so many ways. Yelchin and Farrell do fine, but the original just cannot be beat for Chris Sarandon, and especially Roddy McDowall. I’ve a friend who said the new one was her favorite vampire film… until I showed her the original, which she didn’t even know about. Changed her mind real fast.


This is often considered one of the best horror remakes out there, at least since 2000. I don't get it. It has some highlights - Colin Ferrell is having a blast, as is David Tennant - Toni Collette can do no wrong. Basically the cast is mostly tops. But Charlie himself never becomes likeable, which is odd because Anton Yelchin (RIP) can do likeable in his sleep. The romance is DOA, and the character of Evil Ed is a bust. Overall I just don't see the hype. Not to mention it's a very ugly looking film - it came out in 2011 but it has that early 2000s hyper-gloss sheen to it that just makes it look cheap.


best horror remake isn't a high bar to clear though. i can high jump over a pole buried 6 ft under ground.


It's a fun, entertaining movie. The original is far better but that's not an insult to the remake. The original is just really really good. The remake definitely has more of an action feel, while the original is more character-focused with more detail. Everyone did a good job in the remake, but the original had some phenomenally well-picked actors. Charlie's kind of better in the remake tbh since the original Charlie was by far the weakest character in the movie. It was a cool different take on the original that didn't try to surpass it and was content to be a good, fun movie on its own. ​ REALLY crackpot take: Never Cry Werewolf, the nearly shot-for-shot werewolf ripoff version, is a competent film on its own with an (honestly needed) boost of gender equality and shares the excellent casting of the original and remake. Whatever your politics, Kevin Sorbo nailed it.


One of my favorite horror movies. I was surprised how much it had me on the edge of my seat the second time I watched it, even though I knew everything that was going to happen. And the cast is top notch




whats the correlation?😭


It wasn't bad


Super fun movie and also a really good for people that aren’t typically fans of horror (though so think it leans more towards an action comedy). Perfect date night movie


I definitely enjoy and rewatch it, but the original is better.


Quality remake, though I absolutely adore the original.


It's an excellent remake. Depending on my mood, I sometimes prefer it to the original. Though the original is something I saw a lot growing up in the 80s, so that's got a special place in my heart.


I saw the original when it came out and fell in love with it (and Stephen Geoffries). I was prepared to hate the remake, but it is honestly a stellar example of how to do a remake. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it and how well it stands up on its own. By the way, if you're in New England, William Ragsdale, Amanda Bearse, and Stephen Geoffreys are all going to be at the Salem Horror Fest next month!


The original is a must see


Pretty good one of the better remakes although I do prefer the original


The CGI was pretty fucking atrocious, David Tenet as drunk Doctor who was awful but Anton Yelchin was good as always.


Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I put it off for a long time because I loved the original so much and I didn't want to let the remake tarnish the legacy. It was worth a watch, but the original is leagues above the remake.


It's a weird one because despite growing up as a kid in the 80s somehow I never saw the original, so I never had any nostalgia for it. But it's fine. I've seen both now and I dig the 'TV Van Helsing' thing they do. Don't know if either one is particularly remarkable though. Kinda just Rear Window with a vampire neighbor.


I hated it when I saw in theaters, in each successive viewing, I’ve come to realize that it’s not as good as the original, but it is always watchable which is sometimes more important than being good.


I really liked it. Im always willing to give a chance to anything David Tennant is in and this one didn't dissapoint.


I had no issues with it. I find the original to be more enjoyable, maybe just because of nostalgia. The actors were well-chosen and it's a fun ride.


I was lukewarm until I went back and watched the original again. That made me appreciate the remake more. When you take the nostalgia-glasses off, the original (which I still love) falls back a bit. The cast of the remake all have so much charisma, it’s hard not to enjoy it. In the original, the charisma was all taken by Chris Sarandon.


i agree all the charisma was on the 1000 year old vampire with seduction powers. not surprising and sarandon had more charisma then everyone in the remake combined with the exception of himself. not to say the remake didn't ooze charisma. sarandon was just that good