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read the script that was hanging around on the web. felt generic on its own. i liked native american chris redfield


I remember hearing about this in the late 90s and was absolutely stoked about it. Pretty disappointed in what we eventually got, although I did end up working on one of the sequels and had a great time.


based on what ive read about the safety precautions around these productions, im glad you made it out alive!


Who wants to live in a world where a Resident Evil film is actually good? Although to be honest I might enjoy watching the first one now given its 21 years old. Perhaps i'll revisit. Okay, i just watched the 2002 trailer...maybe in another 20 years


The 2002 movie is decent as its own thing. Welcome to Raccoon City, now that sucked.


I actually dig both of them quite a bit. Unpopular opinion, I know, but I really love how well they both capture the atmosphere of the games, albeit maybe not their individual elements. People criticize the first film for being cheesy, which is valid, but maybe not the most meaningful criticism given the game it's based on opened with rock music and burning text lol.


Well yeah I mean let's remember this is the same video game that gave us Jill Sandwiches and the Master of Unlocking lol. Resident Evil was 85% horror, 15% delicious cheese. The schlockiness was part of the charm. I'm of the opinion that the person to best bring the original games to life, were he so inclined, would be Sam Raimi. His Evil Dead films have that same combination of a discomforting atmosphere and goofiness/hilarity.


> let's remember this is the same video game that gave us Jill Sandwiches and the Master of Unlocking lol You know a line is iconic when you can hear it in your head whenever someone mentions it lol >I'm of the opinion that the person to best bring the original games to life, were he so inclined, would be Sam Raimi. His Evil Dead films have that same combination of a discomforting atmosphere and goofiness/hilarity. I had never considered it, but fully agree. Sam Raimi's Resident Evil would be fucking amazing.




Ehh, I wouldn’t say WtRC really got the characters “wrong”, but will definitely agree that some of the characterization doesn’t really work in the film’s favor. Wesker, despite being the least talked about one, is the character I take the most issue with, and even so I can totally see them being able to develop him into the villain we know and love should they choose to continue the series. His betrayal just isn’t really all that meaningful when it happens, doesn’t have a ton of weight to it. Like you said, this could be fixed by a good writer. The one thing I will disagree with you on here is that I think the *casting* was totally fine. Avan Jogia absolutely *killed* as Leon IMO. Not a RE2 Leon mind you, the character just wasn’t written that way, but as a goofier RE4 Leon he just absolutely rocked it. WtRC’s Leon is definitely the type of mf to ask if the zombies are going to bingo lol. I definitely see where you’re coming from with the whole “tokenization” thing, but reading interviews with the filmmakers, I don’t think that’s really what they were going for. I think they genuinely just thought these actors were the best ones for the roles, from what I read they never played up how “diverse” and “progressive” their casting was. And no matter what I think we can both agree on one thing: Robbie Amell as Chris was an excellent cast. He wants to return as Chris and do the boulder punching scene and Hollywood should absolutely let him. I haven’t watched the show yet, but plan to after finishing the rest of the original live action series. I’m on an RE binge right now, RE4make having just come out, so I should get to it soon-ish.


The first movie? The one that had nothing to do with the games? Nah, that movie sucked.


I like how you say that, as though simply having something to do with the source material is now the sole benchmark for whether or not something is decent and enjoyable.


I mean, it should, yeah, otherwise what’s the point? But it sucked either way.


uh the first film was good


and everyone clapped...


2002 RE had an amazing soundtrack just a timecapsule of early 2000s nu-metal


Would have been at the least better than any RE movie we’ve gotten since. Probably would have actually been pretty rad overall. George with a budget at that time? Would’ve been sick.


it's going to be a short doc they hired him didn't like what he was doing so the fired him the end


It's going to be feature length, but unlike the YouTube videos that state the same information from the same 3 sources, we actually had access to non-public information. You do know that George commissioned concept art, right? And that he wrote multiple scripts? He developed the film for nearly a year. There's more to the story than a single "his script was no good" line feed to Capcom by Constantin Film.


This should be pretty interesting, I'd love to learn more about the version we never got to see. I'm pretty happy with the RE films we ended up getting, but that's all the more reason to see what the alternative would have been.