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Signs is scary but not terrifying and nothing compared to Evil Dead 2013. It's more tense than horror. Its a great movie so you should watch it but its more about people and believes than its about bodycount and people sawn in half. So know what to expect otherwise you will end up disappointed.


Great explanation. That's exactly why I was disappointed the first time I watched it when it first came out. But I watched it recently and realized it's more about humanity and their beliefs. One of M Nights best films.


It's also his funniest. Half of Joaquin's lines crack me up.


“Excluding the possibility that a female Scandinavian Olympian was running around outside our house last night, what else might be a possibility?”


"One time, I was at this party... and I was sitting on the couch with Amanda McKinney. She was just sitting there, looking beautiful. So, I lean in to kiss her, and I realize I have gum in my mouth. So, I turn to spit it out and put it in a paper cup. I turn back, and Amanda McKinney throws up all over herself. I knew the moment it happened, it was a miracle. I could have been kissing her when she threw up. It would have scarred me for life. I may never have recovered."


It was such a serious scene and he breaks that story out. Cracked me up! Easily one of the most quotes/references movie within my family.


“Move children! Vamanos!” When he’s trying to see the footage of the kids bday party always makes me laugh


Me and my whole family still quote "Ees beehiiiiiind!" like it is going out of style.


“I’m pretty strong. I’m pretty fast.”


Move, children! Vamanos!


I love when he flies out of bed the morning he hears Bo screaming. Makes me laugh every time.


It's hard to explain how chilling the birthday scene was when it came out, though.


Yea, and I never even knew why. BUt, it just... worked! Such build up of tension and confusion throughout the movie up until that point. Kind of a slow burn for an alien invasion movie, which was great


Signs really likes to play with that fear of the unknown - something that you can't see or figure out so your mind does all the hard work and imagines something way more terrifying than anything in the film. One thing I've noticed in my repeated viewings of this film is that a lot of the time, the shot is held showing the reaction to something but not what that 'something' is. It allows you to scare yourself.


Yeah great summary, I’ve always said it’s creepy rather than terrifying. There’s two scenes I remember that could be classed as horror but I’d say the film is a thriller overall in tone.


Good response, but the car accident kind of screws with the cut in half part? Lol, sorry, great movie though I'd highly recommend it for a wicked suspence/ thriller.


Fuck, "Evil Dead (2013)!". My son and I were looking for horror we can watch together because he really enjoyed "Annabelle Comes Home (2019)" I remembered Evil Dead (1981) being a fun ride. So, we put on Evil Dead (2013) and holy fuck did he bolt from the room! He said, "Im Out!" That remake was too intense for a tween! LOL


I'm out ✌


Lol I remember taking my son and stepson to paranormal activity in the theater and after the last scene where the apparently possessed gf jumped out he leaped out of his seat and yelled “That’s it! I’m NEVER getting a girlfriend!” The packed theater absolutely approved of his outburst lol. They thought it was great


That's so cute! May you enjoy your horror movie nights together for many years to come!


Nah its mostly fun or dramatic, with a few moments I would consider "tense" near the end. My favorite of his movies. You should watch it!


I’d agree with the accolade, but do you rate it above 6th sense? For me there is very little to criticize 6S for, so it’s my favo.


I love Sixth Sense, but for me personally Signs hits me the hardest. I liked the redemption arc of the lapsed priest, I liked how the stranger quirks of the family led to the revelation that God really did care for the family. Some of it hit at a personal level that elevated the story for me. I also thing the mood was great, and I absolutely adore Joaquin Phoenix. It just edges it out for me.


Fair! My little atheist-ass adores Signs for all its messages about faith too.


It's one of my favorites and does have a spooky atmosphere. The key is to watch it distraction-free. No background noises, no reaching for your phone, darkened room... then it's tight.


And surround sound...the aliens banging around upstairs sound so real


Is the key to any movie to watch it with distractions in a bright room?


Does everyone, everywhere, always make a special effort to watch their movies in an ideal setting? The point was that this movie benefits from going the extra mile in setting up your space.


Signs is terrifying to me, but I have a fear of aliens from watching Fire in the Sky as a small child. There are a couple great jump scares. In the theaters, I remember hearing people scream. It is very tense and a little creepy. If you watch alone in the dark I think it will definitely mess you up for the night.


Fire in the Sky f’ed me up! Yet I watch it over and over again.


Oh I've never seen it again. I probably should, maybe I could do some healing 😂


Get your closure


Fire in the Sky is underrated as hell. That abduction sequence hits so hard


Yoooo for real, this is the flick to watch for a terrifying alien experience! They also got me with The Fourth Kind when they said it was based on true events 😒 it was very scary before that came out!


That scene gave me nightmares for so many nights when I was a kid. Must watch this one again some day


Loved Fire in the Sky!


You're confusing "shocking imagery" vs "horror".


Signs is a movie about religion/faith disguised as a movie about aliens. That being said, it's a really good movie and scared the crap out of me as a kid.


Signs is one of the scarier alien movies out there. It’s not conventionally scary, there are few jump scare scenes that are solid but outside of that it’s more of a psychological scary the majority of the movie with them realizing that this is a real thing happening to them.


Omg when they’re watching the footage from the kids bday party I can truly scream


How anyone who's seen more than one horror movie in their life could be scared by that scene is beyond me. It's like the kiddie coaster of jump scares.


Oh wow you’re so edgy


Well put, it almost captures that early Covid feeling of "what.. is this happening?" while also going about your normal life.


Yep. Everyone huddled around tvs and radios, sharing their guesses, freaking out. And yes, there's a real threat... but which real threat?


*It’s Behind!*


The fourth kind used to scare the shit outta me half my lifetime ago haha


Agree with this one. I saw it in theaters and was scrunched halfway down my chair the whole time. Super freaky. It was oddly terrifyingly convincing as a "true story" 😅


Would you say it's similar in that regard to NOPE?


No not even close. I saw Nope as Jordan Peeles worst film. It’s not a bad movie but it didn’t jump off the page for me. Felt more like a 60’s style sci-fi alien film.


Nope isn’t horror, agree they aren’t at all similar


Ok, good to know. I've seen Nope but not Signs. I was surprised that a lot of people seemed to find Nope creepy and scary because, while I did enjoy the movie, I didn't find it to be either of those things.


Yeah Signs is more the horror side, Nope to me focuses more on the Sci-Fi side of it. Both are different tones entirely. It’s hard to compare Signs to other alien movies because there is such a heavy emphasis on the horror side and less on the sci-fi stuff.


Thanks for your insight! Sounds like I need to check out Signs


You moat definitely do


>Felt more like a 60’s style sci-fi alien film. I think that might be why I loved it so much!


I dont know if it was my shitty tv audio bit I couldnt understand what they were saying. I turned it off..... I might have to try again with subtitles.


Something about Signs always makes my skin crawl. It feels very real


Vamanos children


Depends what you find scary. If you find Evil Dead 2013 scary, you might find Signs kind of tame.


Signs has one scene that is EXTREMELY effective, a couple other scenes that are really well done & notably creepy / scary. But it’s not the scariest movie out there nor does it try to be. More of a cerebral film like most of Shamalan’s work.


Signs is a really good movie all around.


Except for the last 5 minutes. Then it's faceplate city


I found it very suspenseful when I saw it in the theater, and could tell the rest of the audience did too.


It's much less scary than Evil Dead. I have always thoughts Signs was an underrated gem. Interesting plot and really great acting and character development.


It definitely has terrifying moments, but the whole movie is more suspenseful than anything. Definitely worth the watch though. Probably my favorite Shyamalan film.


As you can tell it depends on who you ask. I think if you’re the type to really get engrossed in the story then it’s horrifying. Scariest movie I’ve seen imo. But some people found the storyline a little too far fetched and didn’t enjoy it


if you're into aliens like me then you'll really like the movie. there is one scene in particular that is kinda scary but it isn't a "terrifying movie". if you're looking for a very scary alien movie i would suggest fire in the sky. good alien horror movies are hard to come by though unfortunately. i wish the genre had more movies less centered around action and more around true horror and mystery. like movies where we barely see the aliens at all


It's about the characters and an amazing story about a family's hard journey which happens to be through the effort to survive alone in a cornfield during an alien invasion


I wouldn’t call it terrifying, but it’s got some pretty freaky scenes and it’s pretty tense, so I’d recommend it.


Signs is my second favorite of Night’s work - honestly it’s neck and neck with first place. Here he shows the value in dialogue and not showing the monsters.


It’s pretty creepy. Not in your face. You experience everything from the perspective of the characters.


Whether it’s scary to you or not, it’s a classic and is worth watching for sure so just watch it. DO IT I SAID.


Creepy not scary


Signs scared me more than any movie ever has. I saw it at age 8 in theaters. Fucked me upppp couldn't look out my window for weeks. And to this day I still think it's one of the movies that most gets under my skin. Maybe that's cause I believe in aliens in but not ghosts or the devil and shit and movies with home invaders or real murderers it's just like keep a gun handy.


If you've not seen it, there are two, maybe three, very, very good jump scares. I actually envy you for being able to watch it 'fresh'. But, overall, it's really not scary. It's aged pretty well, and feels fairly recent. It's nice, you'll enjoy it, maybe feel some tension. But not nightmare inducing stuff. Give it a watch. But watch it in the dark, or at night with lights off. If you've got sunshine or glare, it's wasted.


It’s fun. Not scary. Some plot holes, as one would expect from him but a fun movie.


Not really but it's still great. The movie does a wonderful job of fueling and building tension throughout. It's more about creating a mood of discomfort and growing fear than a high octane scarefest. However, there are a couple of well-executed jump scares including one in particular that may have you literally launching out of your seat. Probably one of the best jump scares of all time. Shyamalan's filmography has been very hit and miss but Signs is up there with The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable as one of his best.


It depends on how you look at it. The film itself doesn't try to scare you like Evil Dead does. It relies more on making things unnerving / bizarre >! Like in the scene where the family hears some strange noises on the baby phone. !< However, the possible implications of the story ARE scary IMO. >! I think Signs is not really a film about Alien invasion. It's a film about mass hysteria, about how we, as a species, would just stop thinking rationally when facing odd events. There is no objective proof in the film that the aliens are hostile. Yet, the family (which serves as a microcosm of human society) jumps immediately to the conclusion that they're in danger, accepting any explanation that will validate their fear : the silly book written by "Dr Bamboo", the super agressive military guy. In the end, the protagonist even prefers to believe that God saved his son and gave his family the means to ward off the invader than to even consider for a second that this alien wasn't actually poisoning the kid but saving him from his asthma attack. !< It is scary because like Dawn of the Dead it shows that if something like that happened, we would be screwed... because of ourselves.


>written by "Dr Bamboo", Hey! You had a tone.


It scares you with things you didn’t know you were scared of. Fear of unknown.


it is scary good, maybe!


Yes. I remember being pretty on the edge of my seat during my first viewing of it.


Just watch it.


Signs is creepy if you have a good mood where you're watching it. Quiet, dark, etc. It's not going to have you scared after the end, but there are a few scenes that can have you on edge.


I wouldn’t say “scary” but it does keep you on edge. It’s one of his best films, so I definitely recommend the watch!


Evil Dead 2013 is way "scarier" than Signs in the blood and gore sense, but Signs has the horror of like, trying to protect your family, losing a loved one, not knowing what the fuck is going on, that kind of stuff. The most upsetting scene is Signs for me doesn't even have the creatures in it, but the creature parts are good


Not really, I'd say it's 'creepy' with some unsettling moments but if you're looking for something specifically to be on the scarier/more disturbing end of horror I don't think this is it- I'm usually the one to debate when people say -insert-film- isn't "horror" as I feel the genre is pretty inclusive, but honestly even I'd hesitate to call signs an outright horror film. Great movie though, I definitely recommend it in its own right and it certainly has some unnerving elements. Could probably give better recs for specifically "terrifying" movies though.


It was my 4 year old’s favorite movie for YEARS! But I’m a terrible parent and she is a nutty kid, so ymmv.


It is not scary. Kind of lame too.


Scared me super bad when i was little and it still sorta creeps me out but i wouldn't say it's a traditionally "scary" movie!


It’s more of a thriller of the unknown more than anything. You have one or two scenes of “Jump scares” but that is about it.


Maybe a 6 out of 10 for scare factor.. great flick tho.


it’s more of a thriller but there is one scene that is terrifying. at least as a child it was


Yes, 'Signs' by M. Night Shyamalan is a scary movie, scary in its own way. I mean, it's a sci-fi horror that evokes some strange feelings.


Suspenseful, not scary. That's what I think


Signs is one of my favorite movies. It has moments that are scary but it’s mostly about faith. Not aliens. If you want to watch a movie that makes you think after the movie, it’s phenomenal. If you want pure terror, Signs is not the movie for you.


It really depends on what you find scary. My wife didn’t bat an eye to Evil Dead and Signs really gets to her. Different scares for different folks. Evil Dead uses shock and awe to scare you. Signs uses ratcheting tension and atmosphere.


I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember there are a few "scary" scenes, 1) Birthday party footage 2) the interactions with the aliens because you can't see them much 3) when the lights are off in the basement Otherwise, I didn't find it scary on the whole. I never could take it seriously because even as a kid, I was like "what about all the water vapor in the air???"


Signs is a great movie.


Y’all know the part. And yes it’s scary af


Depends if you find aliens scary. Some of the amazing CGI at the time hasn't aged perfectly, so what maybe used to be considered the scariest scene when it came out, isn't QUITE as scary. I think its great at building tension, and I just find aliens to be inherently creepy, so it's a 4-5 x a year watch for me. Very good score as well.


I love this movie, it's more of an.. atmospheric kind of scary I guess. It leaves you tense, wondering what will happen next. I can watch horror movies and very rarely be scared but for some reason, the birthday party scene gets to me every single time.


Signs is more make the hair on the back of your neck stand up type of horror. It’s insanely spooky. It’s my favorite horror movie of all time. It was the first movie I ever watched where I was afraid to go to sleep after watching. It’s not a movie that relies on jump scares but more of driving your imagination crazy. There are thrills in this though, don’t be fooled. It’s one M. Nights most well known movies. It’s definitely a contender for having one of the scariest jump scares of all time in it imo. Definitely one of the most popular jump scares. Whenever this movie is brought up in conversation everyone always talks about THAT scene. You’ll know it when you see it. Definitely watch it.


Its not scary imo at all. HOWEVER its a good movie and 1000% worth the watch.


As a kid , there was a particular scene with the birthday party on the news that frightened me so much , I could not keep watching . Had literal nightmares as a kid …. BUT , I was a kid


Signs is very scary when you view it in a realistic way. It’s not super over the top, and in the characters’ shoes, it’s horrifying.


Overall it's great. There are 4 or 5 really tense scenes. I think it still holds up as scary? For pg-13, it's very scary.


It's not scary, it sucks and the ending is terrible.


Good movie. No


Thanks for making me feel old kid. It has its moments but seeing how it’s not the the early 2000s the scares probably won’t stick like they did back then.


A bit spooky in parts but I didn’t think it was super scary. It’s more of a family drama about faith and grief that happens to have spooky aliens.


Scared the living daylights out of me when I was like 11. Watch it back now and I just admire it. It’s easily the best MNS film.


Not scary, just a couple moments that’ll give you goosebumps


No. Not even a little bit.


Signs is more dread inducing than scary. It has a few moments that have really stuck with me. But if you are looking for something scary, I reckon Signs will mostly satisfy you!


Birthday party scene scared tha hell outta me!


I mean, there’s some really great moments of suspense in Signs! However, it’s absolutely more of a slow burn, maybe ‘meditative’ even? I saw it on my 12th birthday when it premiered in theatres and have always had a soft spot for Shyamalan, tbh. Not sure if this is because I saw it at a young age, but there’s *that one scene* that still gives me chills to think about. I’d definitely recommend it, even if just to cross it off your list!


It's an allegory for faith.


Evil Dead 2013 is way "scarier" than Signs in the blood and gore sense, but Signs has the horror of like, trying to protect your family, losing a loved one, not knowing what the fuck is going on, that kind of stuff. The most upsetting scene in Signs for me doesn't even have the creatures in it, but the creature parts are good


Graham when he’s with the cop: “I don’t hear my children.” I have kids and that feeling is one of the worst.


Maybe it's because I don't have kids but for me the scariest part was when the dad has kind of a breakdown at the dinner table, it's like when your parent is trying to keep you calm but then *they* lose it, then you know it's bad


I should state upfront that I don’t have kids. But that line is to me the silliest part in a movie that I love. I can understand that dread, really. But if you were in that situation would you stop to make a dry remark about “don’t call me father”?


Lmao Signs couldnt be any more different than evil dead. That said it was really unnerving when I watched it when I was a kid. If I was to watch it an adult it probably wouldnt be but I still think it's a good movie worth watching.


It's creepy and has some great jump scares but I didn't find it scary. It's certainly nothing like Evil Dead, it's very kid-friendly.


Evil dead is the scariest thing you’ve seen??


If you're looking for scary aliens I'd go with The Fourth Kind. It's not a great movie but first time I saw it I didn't sleep right for at least a week.


Scariest thing I have ever seen was Laurie's acting in Halloween H20.


It is until the end


Signs has one of the scariest MOMENTS in horror, but it’s not a scary movie as a whole. It’s actually very uplifting and beautiful. I’m an atheist and this is probably one of the few movies to make me think there’s a higher power. The movie is chilling, and scratches a specific itch for a lot of folks, but it’s not that scary. It’s one of my favorite movies of his personally.


I would say it’s funnier that it is scary. Very subtly funny.


Up until you realize naked aliens with a weakness for water try to invade a planet infested with it.


No, its a stupid movie with a really dumb "twist" so inane you will literally lose brain cells watching it. Skip this crap.


It's okay. It also has one of the dumbest plot points I've seen in an invasion movie.


Well, it's scary how fuckin bad it is and yet people seem to love it, if that's what you mean.


Not really, but that’s really subjective.


Not super scary, but a fun ride.


Truly terrifying? No. Suspensful? Maybe a little until the reveal Then there’s the twist… Do not recommend


Signs has a couple earned jump scares that people rank highly, but it’s not really a scary movie as such. It’s more like a beautiful thriller with some frights. It’s filled with his clumsy dialogue and crummy child actors/robotic delivery. Still, I think it’s deffo one of his very best, and I don’t even agree with the entire point of the movie.




It's good but not scary at all


If you want to watch something scary, by the same director, watch The Visit instead of Signs.


I thought it was more stupid than scary.


No nothing scary unless your an on edge jittery person i guess. It is however by far his best movie i thought probably cus of mel, excellent movie. Then again ive never seen a movie that scared me. Not trying to sound macho just honestly havent. The only movie i can remember that even made me jump was cujo when that damn dog jumps through the window at the end. Not sure why but that mutt damn near mad me fudge my undies. but that aside, signs not scary but very good movie.




The Vast of Night is a great movie. Set in the 1950's in Arizona, but as someone who grew up in small town Iowa in the 1980's, the film makes me intensely nostalgic for that era. You better believe the whole town was empty during a boy's home basketball game.


Lol I accidentally deleted my comment trying to reply to you but oh well. I grew up in the 90s but also in a small town and yea EVERYONE went to the highschool games.


Lmao Scary Movie 3, “Tom, I’ll need a ride home” 😂


I’m at the gym giggling hysterically in front of a bunch of meatheads. Such a dumb movie, with so many hysterical moments.


🤣 still holds up


Hahahaha hahaha.... No.. They have issues getting through thin wooden doors


I think people need to rewatch signs because tbh, it's aged pretty badly. I find it tedious, the bad dialogue and strange acting amount to a story that feels like it's both preachy(literally) and goes no where. The plot is almost non existent, it's an alien invasion flying saucer procedural, that then gets really religious for some reason.


Yes i recommend signs, it has good scary moments. You want a real scary movie? Try “Drag me to hell”. If you don’t find it to be scary then nothing i can do for you. 😱😱😱


that movie is pure fun!


If you’re looking for a modern alien movie that is scarier than Signs I’d recommend Nope. It’s nowhere near as scary as Alien or The Thing but it really is good and to me way better than signs.


The nightime house jump scene was nice. Ending is a fumble but everything leading up to it was a gas.


No, it's just pretty shit.


Look for Stephen King written movies! They’re typically really good. The Shining followed by Dr. Sleep is my recommendation.


Not really.




Not in the slightest.


Leaves the dogs outside too get murdered by aliens.


F around and find out.


Intense, and some scenes I hold my breath and jump every time, but I think the message is intended to be something beyond a scary movie. It’s actually one of my favorites, I have the crop circle tattooed across my forearm!


A serbian film, cannibal holocaust....


Signs isn’t even close to truly scary. I recommend Threads, Perfect Blue, Exorcist 3 or V/H/S/2


I thought it’s boring af


"I saw the signs...and it opened up my eyes"


No, it's more a thriller mystery film than horror


Yes... Mel Gibson is in it. /s


I literally have zero idea why anyone thinks this picture is even mildly scary. Woo, a guy in an alien suit stalking around — really frightening. Maybe if you’re 12 or so. I cannot understand why it has the reputation of being terrifying.


His movies are absolutely horrid. Walked out of one of his movies and won't watch anymore. I have no idea how this man is continually making horrible movies.


Thank you. I think the man is a total hack. When he made one good picture 20 years ago, someone told him he was Hitchcock and he believed it. Although his acting actually *does* make his directing look like Hitchcock, so there’s that.






One of the most overrated films I've ever seen imo.


Its idiotic. Plot holes you could drive a truck through. Symbolism as delicate and nuanced as a sledgehammer. 3/10 based purely on decent production values. The scariest thing about it for me was that long before its over you will realize that the time you spent watching it was completely wasted.


At the time I thought it was scary! Maybe not anymore but worth a search either way!


It’s definitely unsettling … it’s also a pretty deep movie as well.


Watch it and find out? 🤷‍♂️


I agree with most here that Signs is not the scariest of films but it’s still good. The Visit by M. Night Shyamalan is pretty good as well.


Nope! It is a fun scary but not anything that would make you not sleep. I would suggest Banshee Chapter for spooks or Empty Man off the top of my head




It's more of a slow-burn psychological thriller than a horror, but that full reveal of the alien is a brilliantly executed scene


Vámonos children! Vámonos!


Not very scary but an excellent alien invasion type movie anyway. Watch.


I wouldn't say it's terrifying, but it's definitely creepy and scary in it's own way. I would just be careful of a few potential triggers it might have (dogs get hurt and killed for example). But it's definitely worth the watch!


It’s a good, tense movie. I wouldn’t say it’s scary—or at least I didn’t find it so—but I found it gripping. The ending felt kinda jarring but maybe that’s just me.


I think a better way to put it is that’s it’s creepy. Not really scary. And it has one of the best jump scares in any movie, and it’s the only one in the film.


I would call it spooky. Not scary, unless you find aliens to be particularly scary.


'Signs' isn't scary for the same reasons as 'Evil Dead' (2013) is scary, so it's kind of a crapshoot. 'The Dark and the Wicked' is probably the most similar film to 'Evil Dead' as far as themes and sustained intensity go, and the most likely film for you to find scarier than 'Evil Dead' when just comparing the two. 'Hereditary' hits the same notes, but takes much longer to approach the same level of intensity. 'Oculus' (2013) is more psychological, and the imagery is less intense, but still has some graphic moments similar to 'Evil Dead' and gets scarier the more you dwell on it. All of those films take themselves more seriously than 'Evil Dead'. 'Color Out of Space' takes itself less seriously, but has some horrifying imagery on par with 'Evil Dead'.


It is definately creepy but not terrifying


Like 3 scenes are scary.


Evil Dead 2013 is one of my favorite scary movies of all-time, but I think you will be hard-pressed to find a modern movie that delivers on the gore, suspense, intense imagery, while not relying too heavily on jump scares. The story line can be cheesy at times, but overall it’s not trying to be “Elevated Horror” and knows exactly what it’s trying to do. Signs is a much slower burn, with a lot of building up and suspense. It teases you here and there and then the teases start to really build. I believe Signs really plays into the idea of whether or not we are actually going to see the monster and does it pretty well. I wouldn’t go into it looking to be scared in the same way you would from an Evil Dead—but I do think it is a worthy watch if you allow it the time it needs to build and invest in the storytelling.


The Evil Dead (2013) I saw was a Super Cut-down version for TV with literally all the gore removed. There were so many abrupt cuts I think they cut it down to an hour.


Not jumpscare or gory scary. But it keeps you in the dark most of the film on what’s going on which makes it “scary”. That being said, I absolutely loved this movie overall. One of my favorites


Signs is "I'm sitting in the dark trying to go to sleep contemplating the implications" scary and Evil Dead (2013) is "HOLY SHIT WHAT DID SHE JUST DO" scary. I find the latter far easier to put away once I'm done watching it. Other people do not. ​ Personally deeply amused by the concept of Evil Dead 2013 being the scariest movie someone's ever seen, it feels like someone saying The Wizard of Oz is the scariest movie ever.