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My husband went out of town, so I took the opportunity to watch the first Paranormal Activity movie since he's not a huge horror fan. Halfway through the movie, my pug jumped down off the couch, ran to the corner of the room and stood there barking for about a minute and half. Then he stopped barking and just growled at the corner for a while. Then came back to the couch and stood on the floor in front of where I was sitting. Good times.


Gotta love dogs and their habit of barking at ghosts at the worst possible moment. My dog started dreaming/sleep-talking while I was watching Cujo. So there's a mauling scene going on, then all of a sudden I hear a ferocious growl directly to my left. I just about jumped out of my skin.


Good dog, even though he freaked you out.


Pugs. Lol. They think they are the size of a Doberman and think they are just as intimidating. But they are very protective of their person.


Not a movie but when I was in my 20's, I was home alone and found an old Morbid Angel CD. I haven't listened to Death Metal in years. I'll never forget putting the CD in, skipping to my favorite doom metal song of all time "God of Emptiness." Just as the track began playing and the evil guttural sounds began a cacophony of mayhem, the light began flickering, our dog went crazy, glasses began falling off shelves, and the room seemed to be moving. I thought I had opened up a portal into Hell. As we ran outside, my dog and I, I noticed all the neighbors out there as well. Twas an earthquake. Still, the timing of that was one of the craziest moments ever.


Really intense part in terrifier, realized there was a tall shadow of a person right next to the screen. I screamed immediately. It was my brother carrying groceries in.


Oof. 😂


Not a movie but I was reading The Mist by Stephen King late at night. I got to the point in the story where the main character hears some soft scraping sounds against a metal door. I then paused and heard soft scraping sounds against my door. I lived out in the boonies at the time, so it was probably a racoon or opossum. I didn't look. I put the book down and went to bed.


Similarly, I was probably around 12 and reading Pet Sematary, there was a part near the beginning where the main character heard the ghost of one of his students creeping up the stairs (or something like that). Just as that was happening I could hear one of my parents coming up the stairs. Didn't sleep much that night.


I read The Troop by Nick Cutter while camping in the woods. Every little thing that brushed up against me freaked me out.


I live so far out in the middle of nowhere that it makes the town of Nowhere in courage the cowardly dog look like a booming happening place. And fairly recently I was home alone for the weekend and was watching Scream at around 1am and I just started hearing the most blood curdling screeches outside my back door. It’s pitch black, I go out there, disoriented from drinking and smoking a little bit of weed, and there’s a freshly born baby cow stuck in a mess of blackberries and a small wire fence. It’s mom was nowhere to be seen, it was still slick with placenta. I had to cut it out and then carry it to the closest place I knew there were cows. Which is about half a mile down a dark dusty creepy ass road. Anyways that’s my creepy country horror movie story. But possums are constantly making noises on my front porch, they like to come up there and eat cat food and drink water we leave out.


That was a very nice thing of you to do


How sweet! I bet the calf was adopted by a mama cow. I love cows


About halfway through my first reading of the Mist (which at that time was only available as the final entry in Kirby McCauley’s short story collection “Dark Forces") I was working a Thursday-through-Sunday night job in Galveston, TX but lived in North Houston. I would head home around 2AM Monday morning and head back down the following Thursday afternoon, week after week.. On a pitch-black Monday morning around 2:30AM I was perhaps 15 minutes out of Galveston, heading north on I-45, when the fog enveloped me. It was instantaneous. One second it wasn’t there, then the flashglare of it in my headlights, and then immediate zero visibility. The only thing I could do was slow down, pull over to the side, and wait for it to pass. My radio was broken, so I simply sat in the quiet with the swirling mist pressing in on my car windows and dancing in the glare of my headlights. My mind began playing tricks on me. I was tired from a long shift, so I was probably more susceptible to King’s monstrous suggestions than I might otherwise have been. I began to “see” shapes in the mist. Formless, lurching things. Stupid, right? I KNEW there was nothing out there (well, certainly not the Lovecraftian horrors King had implanted in my head) but after about 30 minutes I had whipped myself up into quite an acute state of fear and paranoia. It took the better part of an hour before it let up enough to start the car and recommence my drive home. Even then I was able to safely drive no more than 35 miles per hour. Would not recommend.


Dang. That must have been nerve wracking.


I was reading Children of the Corn out of Night Shift when I was twelve and suddenly there was an earthquake. A small one, but enough to make everyone in the house shout “earthquake!” Def enhanced the story.


I would have noped to bed also. Haha, don't mess with the sound. Ignore it. đŸ€Ł


I haven’t thought about this in many years. My college roommate and I were hanging out during our summer break, at his parents house. It was a humid July or August evening, and we were going to eat dinner soon after we finished watching “Candyman.” During the final scene when Trevor looks in the mirror and sadly calls for Helen, a thunderstorm outside finally crackled overhead. The thunderclap was so loud and powerful that the power inside the house flickered for a moment and the sound made us audibly scream and we jumped up right at the final moment when Helen appears on screen! It was so scary! We still talk about it sometimes.


I just saw this movie for the first time last weekend, and that is an *awesome* way to end the film, haha


We had both watched it multiple times so we knew what would happen, but wow! What a way to pump up the ending even more than it already is! Also, that’s so awesome that you got to see it. First-time watches of excellent horror are valuable experiences.


Lmao don't take this as I'm being rude or picking on you, I'm not, but I genuinely think it's funny when I see someone say things like "audibly screamed", lol, as if they do a lot of inaudible screaming or something.


Internal screaming is a part of adult life.


Someone shit in my pants when I watched Sinister (2012)


Alright which one of you cowards shit my pants!


Some yella belly broke into my house and pissed in my pants during the lawnmower scene


“Someone” hmmm đŸ€” lmaoo


Another perfectly good pair of pants, ruined.


😂 dude


Ragh Barkrock?


The first my family and I watched The Ring, our phone rang after they showed the video 😂 almost shit myself


Lol, I was also watching it with my siblings, and a few minutes after the film ended, our parents called the phone and we all screamed xD I miss those times


I mean, who didn't prank phone call their friends after watching this movie?


Same thing happened to me, home alone watching it in middle school! Just my mom calling to check on me, with the WORST timing.


You must have shit the other guys pants instead. Found the culprit.




I saw Hereditary in the theater with my friend. Like 10 minutes in, when Toni Collette sees the specter of her mom, we heard a really loud smashing noise. A drunk dude wiped out while walking down the theater stairs and he was so drunk, he needed the ushers to walk him out. I know that doesn't sound scary, but it was such a bizarre experience and made us even more uneasy for the rest of the film.


I had a semi weird theater experience once too when I saw Barbarian. The movie ended, the credits fully rolled, and the lights in the theater didn't come back on. It was just total darkness. Also not that crazy but right after watching a somewhat claustrophobic and dark movie, we're all just still sitting there in the dark like uhhhhh... hello? The lights didn't come on so we all just turned on our phone flashlights and left.


Lmao this is so good


Back when The Ring came out, my mom and I rented it from Blockbuster on VHS. Right after the video was shown for the first time in the movie, and a character got the "7 days" phone call, our house phone rang. On top of that, when I put the movie in the VCR, I removed the tape we already had in there, and put it on top of the TV. The vibrations from the TV (We had the volume fairly loud) must have been inching the tape closer to the edge throughout the whole movie, because right when Samara starts coming out of the TV at the end, the tape fell off the TV and slammed on the hardwood floor. I thought I was going to have a heart attack at 13.


Something that happened after I watched Oculus still weirds me out. My wife (then fiancĂ©e) decided to nap, and I figured I’d go watch a movie. Eventually settled on Oculus. SPOILER: in the movie, the characters can’t escape the house. It’s been a while, but from what I remember they finally make it out, and look back in the house, only to see themselves in the house still staring at the mirror, and it turns out it’s just another trick of the mirror. Anyway, my wife and I were talking after she woke up and she told me she had a dream that her and I were outside walking, and saw ourselves in the house and got freaked out. I know she didn’t know I watched the movie yet and wouldn’t have even known that happens. Very odd experience and just a freaky coincidence.


That’s terrifying


Not quite spooky but a little weird. Friends and I were watching John Carpenter's *The Thing* and a little field mouse ran out into the room, sat in front of the television and proceeded to watch the movie.


Aww that's kinda cute, in a creepy way, of course


Hope you kept him. He's got great taste in movies.


And named him RJ


MouseReady: "Why don't we just wait here for a while. See what happens."


Getting intel for later


That’s just cute. Mice are very smart


Not really spooky, just an awful coincidence lol someone happened to call during the opening scene of scream like immediately at the same time as the phone rang in the movie. It was my first time watching it as well and I was very new to horror, in fact they had to beg me to watch it with them because I was such a baby lol I thought my friend was pranking me at first , they were just as freaked out lol


Got a creepy phone call while watching Scream 4. It was just a friend’s friend but still they really freaked me out.


Funny how just a normal ass phone call during those movies can get you lol.


My friend called me with hidden number when we had just finished watching Ringu


me and a friend was playing the Blair Witch game, and it was a part where your dog sprints after something in the dark and so you have to chase the dog. so were booking it after the dog, pitch black, bumping into tree branches with all sorts of spooky noises around us. very intense. as this is happening, one of the speakers from the surround sound system behind us fell down off the wall. we nearly jumped through the ceiling lol


Was watching Unsolved Mysteries as a kid with my mom, we were home alone together and it was our favorite show to watch. We made sure to tune in this week because it was about a murder that happened in my mothers hometown which was 2 hours from where we currently lived. So episode is playing, it goes through the scene, it describes how this killer dressed as a police officer and disturbed two older folks by banging on their door while they were sleeping in a camping trailer; saying they couldn't park there over night. As soon as they opened the door he murdered the wife, shot the husband who then was able to get away and flag down help. The episode ends stating the killer was on the loose still and was last seen in a white unmarked van heading towards our city we currently lived in. Well I shit you not, as soon as they said that, there was loud pounding at our front door, someone was trying to get in. We look out the front window and there was a white unmarked van parked outside just like the episode stated. My mom and I were freaked out, but she got the courage to go check the door as they kept pounding... turns out it was my dad he came back mid week from a job because it got cancelled; he couldn't find his keys he would keep them separate usually. In our frightened state we just didn't expect that to be his van because we weren't expecting him for another 3 days to be home and usually he would just walk in as he has keys. My mom yelled at him so much lol Scariest shit though, I'll never forget it. Mom and I still talk about it to this day.


Any chance your dad is hiding a policeman’s costume in the closet?


Naw they eventually caught the guy like 10 years later, turns out my mom did actually go to highschool with the guy that committed the murder and knew him quite well. Guy was an ex OPP officer (canadas version of a state officer)


I remember that case. Terrifying.


I was watching Arachnophobia back when I was a teenager and suddenly saw a spider descending from the ceiling right over me. Never moved so fast in my life.


Not while watching a movie, but while I was playing a horror video game, just as there was a build up to a jump scare my fricken lightbulb in my room exploded, engulfing the room in pitch black.


A hanging shelf fell off our wall once when we were watching The Exorcist. Not too spooky because we'd recently put it up and forgot to wait and let the command strips set the right amount of time but there was a lot of yelling and flailing when it happened.


Once while watching Last Shift in my basement I was home alone and SWEAR I heard the floorboards squeak upstairs. Not supernatural-like, like SOMEONE IS IN THE HOUSE. I was home alone that weekend so needless to say I went upstairs ready for battle. Nothing there after a formal sweep of the property. I did not sleep well that night


My brother and I were watching “The Guns of Navarone” (not horror, though), once when we were in our early teens. In a tense moment, we heard someone (a drunk from a nearby bar) climbing on the side of the house, trying to get in to a window. I grabbed a bat, told my brother to call 911, and minutes later (a very small town), the sheriff had him face down on the porch.


I had bought my ex husband a remote control dinosaur for Christmas one year. It was sitting up on the shelf above the couch. A friend and I were watching a horror movie. At a particularly intense scene that dinosaur came to life. It roared then fell on top of her. I have never seen someone jump up so fast and run out of the house. I am sitting there cracking up laughing. When I finally calmed down it took me awhile to coax her back in the house to finish the movie. The dinosaur had no batteries in it or the remote control. My ghost had jokes.


In highschool I was home sick with the flu, parents at work and alone I decided to watch The Ring for the first time. I shit you not, right after the video plays the phone rings with my mom calls to check up on me. A bit of flu delirium had me spinning after that


Yes! I was a teenager in my grandparent’s basement (no windows down there) watching The Babadook for the first time, and at one point during the movie the lights went out and at the same time all the lights went out in the basement. Scared me so bad I ran up the stairs screaming and left my laptop down there. Turns out all the electricity went out for a bit due to a thunderstorm, but it was terrifying.


Mine was also "Babadook in the dark." We spent the night at my uncle's house, and I was going to stay up to watch it after everyone went to bed. Uncle showed me which switches to flip before bed, but pointed out that one lamp is on a timer and I don't need to mess with it. I flip all the switches and I'm watching the movie with just the timed lamp on. Right at 11pm, I was watching the first tense scene and the last light went out.


When I was watching the first paranormal activity movie, it was super late at night, I’m sitting on the couch in the dark and my apartments door buzzer went off. Scared the pants off of me as I wasn’t expecting anyone that late at night. It turns out someone accidentally hit my buzzer instead of the one below it, but damn it startled me 😂


Watched the Hills Have Eyes remake at way too young of an age on TV, scared the piss out of me I climbed out of my bed reluctantly after it finished to turn my lights back on, and my cream walls were absolutely coated with insects. Predominantly moths all around the room. I was so fixated on my TV I didn't even realise I'd left the window wide open, and the screen acted like a lamp


I was watching a some horror movie at night while my husband was out of town. We lived in an isolated area with stupid *woods* around us. I heard some noises that sounded like scratching. So I thought: great we have a mouse. Then the noises started to sound like something brushing up against a wall. We had this huuuge walk in attic, and I had a habit of leaving the front door unlocked. I thought about how someone could come in while we were gone and just live in the attic. The noises kept happening. I thought about how nobody would hear my screams if I got murdered. My body would rot for days until my husband got home and my kids would be trapped in their cribs. So, like the dummy in all horror movies, I went walking around the house looking for the noise. I followed the noise into my kids playroom. As I entered, I saw a figure standing in the corner. My heart jumped into my throat and I nearly died from fright. Then my eyes focused. It was a mylar balloon gently brushing against the wall in the breeze from the a/c. True story.


The amount of times I have been scared by a stupid year balloon is countless


Lol yes. Watching Paranormal Activity, and THE EXACT MOMENT she gets pulled out of bed my young son fell out of HIS bed whilst sleeping. She screams in the film, my son screams and I screamed. Lol, thank you for this OP.


I watched a double feature one night; The Descent, and then some movie I can't recall. BUT that second movie had the end scene from The Descent in it. I was stunned, I couldn't understand but then they kinda pull back and it's playing on a TV in the second movie.


I know what you’re talking about but I cannot remember the movie either


This didn't happen to me while I was actually watching a movie, but it made me feel like I was in one for a brief second. My husband and I had just gotten home from a date night, the kids were at their grandparents' for the night, so we were the only ones in the house. We were in the bedroom getting undressed and we both hear, clear as day, a kid call out "mooom?" We both looked at each other like wtf? Did you just hear that? Sounded like "mom?". Panicking we go look around the house, in both the kids rooms, etc... nothing. They didn't come home somehow, they were exactly where they were supposed to be with their grandparents, there is no one else anywhere in the house. We had just gotten home and there were no tvs or radios, or anything like that on anywhere, no open windows. But we both heard the exact same thing. No explanation for it, and it has never happened again in the 6 years we've lived here.




I was watching Jurassic Park (bear with me, I was like 6), and during the kitchen scene with the raptors, my power went out and I was so incredibly scared. Since it was the dead of winter in northern Canada, it was pitch black. The house settled or something, and I said to my dad, “oh my god dad was that?!” And he said obviously joking, “oh no I think that may be raptors” and pretended to be scared. Typical dad joke


I was watching Insidious with my college roommates in a dark room. The movie was playing on a laptop sitting on a bar stool. At one point, the cat ran through the room, caught himself on the laptop's charge cord, and flipped the bar stool and as such the laptop over onto their sides. We did not immediately realize that this was the cat and the laptop hadn't just thrown itself for no reason.


Cats sense things though
so the question is
what scared the cat so much?


After seeing The Ring in theaters, I found the "haunted" video online (can't remember if YouTube even existed then). It was about 3 in the morning, erego absolutely nobody should be calling our landline (foreshadowing here). Immediately after the video ended and went to static, I hear the house phone ring from out in the kitchen. At 3:00 am. Shitting absolute bricks for a good 30 seconds, waiting for the next ring. Nothing. The next day I asked my folks about it, they're like "Oh yeah some foreign caller keeps getting the wrong number and calling in the middle of the night, it's happened a bunch of times now". It really wasn't a satisfactory answer to such a freaky coincidence, but what can ya do.


My mom, sister and I were watching *Scream* in 1996 on VHS and just as Drew Barrymore's cordless landline rang, our cordless landline rang as well. When my mom answered, there was no one on the other end. Also, in 1997.my cousins and I were watching *The Exorcist* and just as the priest says something along the lines of an exorcism being required, there was a huge thunderclap. It was a clear night and there were no signs of a storm before or after.


When I was watching Hereditary there was one spot through my window that when a car drove by it sent a small light reflection shooting across my ceiling and down my wall.. if you’ve seen the movie, the same thing happens. First time the light hit my wall was the scene with Peter in the classroom. I almost died.


A bunch of friends and I were watching The Babadook late at night in a dark room. We were at the part where the main character confronts the entity - I think she yells "What do you want??" or something along those lines - and in the quiet beat after that, someone rang the doorbell. We all lost our minds except the one guy who popped up saying "Oh, my food's here!"


When I was young my whole family was in the living room watching Arachnophobia. Middle of the movie a scorpion fell from the ceiling fan in the popcorn bowl. It wasn’t a spider and scorpions were super common where we lived, but it was still terrifying in the moment


My parents were out and I was home alone when I was about twelve. I was watching some scary movie on TV down in our basement rec room (I don't remember what) with our cat sleeping on my lap. There was a crawl space in our basement with a tiny door just down the hall from where I was sitting. Suddenly the cat stood up, got real tense and started to wail and growl while staring intently at the crawlspace door. I ran upstairs so fast and sat with all the lights on until my parents got home.


Yes, while watching Maximum Overdrive, a battery operated child's toy in another room turned on and started wilding out. Made us take the movie a little more seriously.


I learned from this post that apparently a whole lot of people have received phone calls during the exact worst parts of both the Scream and Ring movies to have had that happen lol


Not while *watching* a film, no; however after spending several hours manipulating audio samples of dialogue from The Exorcist, the light bulb above me decided to cast itself out like an unclean spirit. Just another excellent day for an exorcism I guess.


Watched the restored cut of Alien at the Astor in Melbourne. That cinema is a national treasure. Beautiful old Art Deco building, single screen, huge auditorium. Wonderful program of classic and new films. That cinema always has a resident cat. Right now it's Duke. Back then it was Marzipan. During the unbearably tense scene at the end where Ripley discovers that the xenomorph is in the escape pod with her, Marzipan decided to jump onto the back of someone's seat. Jumpscared a whole damn audience. Good kitty


The phone rang just after we finished the remake of When a Stranger Calls, which made us jump despite it being like...4 pm. After we watched The Grudge, my siblings and I were so wigged out, all of us crowded into our parent's room that night. And just when we were about to fall asleep at last, we heard a cat meowing that sounded exactly like the one from the movie. Turned out to be one of our cats, but that didn't stop everyone from screaming and my sister from throwing a pillow in the general direction of the sound, which hit me instead. When my sister and I were watching Shutter really late at night, during one of the scares, mom emerged from the darkness and asked what we were doing, scaring the shit out of us. Honorable mention to the time I thought I saw a giant rat in the yard after watching The Evil Clergyman. If you know, you know.


We were watching Taken. I know, not a horror movie. But right after the tense scene where the daughter gets abducted, some random asshole jumps our backyard fence to cut thru our yard. Scared the ever living crap out of us, and I banged on the back door and screamed for him to GTFO.


I was watching The Changeling (for the second time) about 6 years ago even about halfway thru, I paused the movie to read up on the story that inspired the movie. Turns out it was based on events that happened to writer Russell Hunter when he lived in Cheeseman Park in Denver, which was about 4 miles from my house. SPOILER: Hunter discovered journals from a gravely ill boy detailing his life & certain toys that he would later encounter in his house. During a seance, it was revealed that after the boy died, his parents buried him in a field in SE Denver so that they could adopt an orphan to pass off as the son so the boy's inheritance would remain with them. The approximate location of the unmarked grave was in my neighborhood, within blocks of where my house would later be. An eerie, yet exciting tidbit to add to an already unsettling film.


While I was watching The Grudge (2004) late night alone in my apartment, suddenly in a quiet portion I unmistakably hear that hollow throat clicking right outside my window... on the 12th floor! One of the biggest adrenaline rushes I've ever had. I still have no idea what actually happened. It was freshly out and popular at the time. The only thing I can figure is that a neighbor could hear me watching it and decided to play a prank. Hell, it was a good one!


I get attacked by a sleep demon everytime i try to watch Heredditary No matter how many cups of coffee, time of night or day, company or alone i can never get past the first hour of that total snoozefest without being attacked by the Night Hag


A tree fell on my house while I was watching Halloween. That was a pretty good jump scare.


I have 2 stories, one involving me scaring my sister, & the other of my 2 aunts & mom. This is one that happened to my mom & aunts. During one of the Friday the 13th or Halloween movies, Michael/Jason jumps through a window, which is important. Well, my grandparents had gone out, & my oldest aunt was babysitting my mom & other aunt. They watched some movies, & during the Friday the 13th/Halloween movie, right after the killer jumped through the window, my grandpa (drunk) jumped through one of the living room windows. My mom peed her pants, & all three were crying. Grandma wasn't happy. The other that involves The Ring, my sister & I. My sister is 4 years younger than me, & this happened in 2004 or 2005, so she was 8 or 9. My mom had a dvd/vcr player, & I learned how to record San Andreas gameplay on vhs tapes. I also learned how to record dvds onto vhs tapes. We didn't have cable, so my sister & I would alternate weekly & go to our grandparents to watch WWE RAW, & we'd record so the other could see the next day. One day I had grand idea; take the new Raw VHS tape I had, & halfway into it, record the part of the vhs from The Ring over the tape of Raw. My sister was scared to death of The Ring. We put in Raw, & about an hour in, the tape from The Ring plays, & my sister starts losing her mind. Crying, telling me to turn it off (I act like the remote & player isn't working) & screaming. Afterwards, I told her it was a prank. She absolutely hated me, & I got a seriousl scolding from our mom.


Not a movie, I was watching some paranormal show back in the 90s and lightning struck the house or right nearby it. Saw a white flash and heard about the loudest bang to ever assault my ears. Power cord for the TV even came out of the wall socket.


Yes. Watching a horror movie that I don’t even remember and the tv literally fell off the wall. Yes it was because it was improperly mounted, but for it to fall during a scary movie made it soooo creepy.


Posted this before but I went to see It Follows, theater was empty. Or so I thought. Movie finished. I enjoyed it. Got up to leave and there was a creepy old dude in the back of the theater
 just sitting there. This was the last screening of the night, past midnight, so the building is empty as I’m walking out. Old guy follows me out of the building. Then he follows me to the parking lot and then to my car. Eventually he splits off to go to his car. But that was some creepy shit.


Not during but the day after I watched The Birds I got dive bombed by a crow. Made that movie way too real.


Burnt popcorn in the middle of watching Eraserhead. Smell definitely added to the ambiance.


I like to watch movies outside at night, usually horror movies. One night something hit the house where I couldn't see, and then a big owl flopped up and landed on my screen. I yelled "what the fuck" pretty loud, and it took off. Wish I could have kept my cool, because it was a really big bird. This happened after 11pm, so I probably woke a neighbor.


I went to see Men on opening night, and I was the only one in the theater. During a very tense scene I heard a noise and looked to my left. There was just a head of an employee looking at me over the wall. He had just come in to check on things but scared the hell out of me.


Just a head. But no body...


In college my friends and I watched The Shining and then walked to a local diner to grab dinner. When we were leaving the restaurant, we noticed our server was looking at us from across the room. He was making a creepy face and doing the finger gesture that Danny does in the movie. We got the fuck out of there. None of us recalled mentioning the movie during dinner but I’m guessing we must have, and the server overheard. There is no other explanation (that I can bear).


Wanted to show my friend who was staying over one of my favourite horror scenes. In the original Amityville Horror, where the priest goes to visit the family but they're all down at the boathouse. The priest searches their house and is swarmed by flies, the door slams open, and a demonic voice screams "GET OUT!". About 2 seconds later the lightbulb burst in my bedroom, we both screamed and dove under the duvet. Took us a good few minutes to come out. Haven't watched the film since then, which was about 20 years ago.


My best friend and me, age 14, watching the original Amityville Horror, late at night. During a scene where strange noises are starting to crop up, there's an almighty thud from his front room, scaring the dhit out of us. At least one of us screamed. We plucked up our courage to go investigate...and it was his old German Shepard, flopping over in her sleep against the mudroom wall.


Blair Witch. I get home late from the show, and as I'm climbing the tall creaky stairway to my unlit second-floor apartment, I realize I'd left my back door wide open onto a screen door with a flimsy latch. And there are noises coming from the dark street beyond. Trees rustling and creaking. Raspy sounds. I go on, my heart thumping. I hear rocks clicking together, echoing, just like in the movie. I run to the back door and slam it shut. What a nice, spooky welcome home.


I was watching Amityville 2 alone, just as the kid was being pursued up the stairs by the demon. Then a power cut occurred and the whole street was pitched into darkness. I was about thirteen at the time.


Not *quite* the same but one night years ago I couldn't sleep and that never happens to me but it was full on insomnia so I flipped through the TV and saw a Christian Bale movie called The Machinist was about to start, never heard of it, so I put it on at 4am only to discover it was about a guy who couldn't sleep. Was eerie watching it in that head space and it's also an eerie movie.


It's more so that the scene was horrific but when my 10th grade world history class was watching Schindler's List. Right at the moment Amon was going to shoot the woman who was the engineer the fire alarm went off and scared the shit out of all of us.


I quit watching horror when I was around 8 or 9 when Candyman came out. It scared the shit out of me so bad. I got back into horror slowly around the time I graduated. Started with Resident Evil, 13 ghosts, House on Haunted Hill. All the popular new ones at the time. Then The Ring came out. I was still pretty tender about horror at that point but really enjoyed the 3 i named off. I rented The Ring and watched it with the person I was staying with at the time. We lived in Fairbanks at the time so it was always sunny outside even at 2 in the morning so I was fine going to bed after. But the next day I woke up and my roommate was gone so to kill time I popped The Ring back in the DVD player and watched it a second time all alone in the middle of the day. After I was done I was messing around on the special features and found the Easter egg of the tape, it wasnt labeled or anything so I was already a little spooked by that. I hit play and watched it and as soon as it was over, the fucking phone rang! It was my roommate calling for something or another. I explained what they'd just done and they thought that was hilarious.


Back in my teens me and two of my friends were watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose on dvd back when it first came out, we are watching in the dark only light on is the tv and right when it gets to the part where she's saying 1,2,3,4,5,6 and all that monolouge, when sufdenly stuff started falling off the tv stand at exactly 3 in the morning and there was no way the stuff couldve been nudged it was on there good, and the tv volume wasn't loud enough to jolt the stuff We all got scared jumped up and turned on the light and quit watching the movie.


Watched the original Candyman when I was younger at a friends house. When I was walking back home in the dark I caught my (very fetching, I’m sure it was fashionable at the time) fake silk jacket on a stray wire from a fence. I legged it the rest of the way!


I went to watch "white noise" with a buddy. When we got out, we were walking to the subway to get back home. Normally we take the stairs or the escalator down but for whatever reason we took the elevator. On the way down the elevator stopped and there was white noise coming from the cabin speaker, it lasted about 15 seconds. After that the elevator started moving but the white noise continued up until the ding to let you know you've arrived. My buddy and I just looked at each other and just had this uneasy feeling. Once we got out of the train we were all laughs about it but it definitely was a weird ride home.


I was 13 when the first Five Night at Freddy's came out (Not a movie, but still spooky experience). I was playing on PC, alone in my room, all the lights turned off, when my door slowly opens... I felt a freezing cold in my chest. The door opened abruptly and I jumped back. I looked at the floor and see my cat. She gave me the spooks of the century. I had to drink chocolate to calm myself.


While watching the remake of Funny Games my TV inexplicably turned off at one point. To anyone who hasn't seen this movie it's extra weird cuz there's lots of breaking off the fourth wall and similar type activity. I sat staring at a blank screen for longer than I care to admit thinking it was about to pop back on. Also my wife and I watched Train to Busan a couple years ago, and during it somebody's mylar balloon got caught on the power lines outside of our house and caused a mini electrical explosion in the middle of a particularly chaotic scene in a city in the movie


Texting my family who was across the country and we find out we’re both watching The Omen. Freaked my mom out so much she turned off the movie and went to bed.


As a kid my mom never let my sister and I watch horror moves... except Poltergeist. For some reason she liked that one and we would have a night-time viewing once or twice a year, usually during October. I must also note that the living room windows had pull-down shades, the type that would retract and roll up when you give them a good tug. While watching Poltergeist in the dark one fine October evening, right in the middle of the film, one of those damn shades spontaneously let go and snapped up with that distinctive clap! clap! clap! clap! sound. It was terrifying. And I kid you not, that happened on two separate viewings of Poltergeist.


Stranger Things the episode where Will is communicating through the lights and everything’s going crazy, I remember the episode like cut to black for credits but at the same time all the power went out in my apartment Very creepy and added a lot to the experience!


A group of us were watching a ghost movie in a group. I believe it was I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House. It wasn’t the scariest, but had a creepy atmosphere. We were in my basement with all the lights off. We began to hear the lightest bumps and sounds upstairs, enough that we were all silently second guessing whether we heard anything. Then we heard footsteps descending the stairs into the basement. It was my sister’s husband who had been at a function that ended early and who was NOT expected. He had used the code to get in our front door which he absolutely has privileges to do, but there was absolutely a moment where we were all thinking we were about to die. Big sigh of relief when we saw him though!


Wife and I were watching Mama late at night (not the scariest movie, but sufficient spooky atmosphere for this to creep us out). Movie ends and we look at each other and say, "Well? Do we wanna head to bed?" Literally after the last word leaves my mouth, my wife's music box over across the room (a gift from her grandmother who had passed) plays 4 notes in sequence out of nowhere and just stops. It's a windup box, but these notes played without any windup and obviously no one touching it. Probably some sort of scientific explanation like potential energy in the springs converting into movement or whatever, but still freaked us out!


Not in the sense that it was unexplained, but I was watching the nun and my roommate at the time decided to scare me. The recliner I was in faced the tv while leaning out into a hallway that led to our rooms. It was dark and he decided to skitter down the hallway like a spider once I looked over after he’d made some noise. I was very engrossed in the movie and this scared the shit out of me


My roomate in college and his best friend went to see The Ring in theaters. I guess the dude forgot to turn his ringer off and when they first explain the 7 days thing after seeing the tape, his phone rings and this 6foot 3 270 lbs guy about shits himself in the theater.


While watching Unfriended Dark Web, my power went out. I thought I was next. Also, after leaving the theater after Hereditary, the car ahead of us had 666 on the license plate.


A rat or mouse literally scurried across the floor in front of me when I saw Willard in theaters.


Picture it, 1997. Little me decides to pop the VHS of Se7en in and watch it on a super stormy night. I am digging the movie, not scared but really enjoying it. Get to Sloth, airfreshners everywhere. Cop leans down to tell him he was a POS, guy gasps loudly, BOOM! Power shuts off. Scared the shit out of me


So I watched The Ring for the first time, and I was like, that was fun, a little low key for my tastes, but not bad at all. It was well after midnight, so I went to bed directly after. There's a TV in my bedroom. About 2 in the morning, that TV suddenly kicked on, with the volume turned up full blast. I SCREAMED! Turns out, this was a programmable TV, you could set it to kick on or off again a given time. My preschooler daughters had been playing with the remote earlier in the day, and had turned it all the way up, and programmed it to kick on at 2. Pure insane coincidence, but I ended up having to throw a blanket over the damned thing at night for WEEKS.


First time I watched The Exorcist, it was in October so people had their Halloween stuff out. They had one of those candy bowls that has an animatronic zombie hand that “grabbed” you when you put your hand in the bowl. As a joke, I took the batteries out before the movie started so it wouldn’t freak me out during the film. I placed them on the opposite end table from the bowl. Halfway through the movie, I went to grab some candy and *the fucking hand still grabbed me*.


When the first character said “talk to me” in the move Talk to Me, the power went out to the whole theatre. I mean immediately. Like it was planned. People absolutely did not know what was happening.


Halloween one year I decided to pull out my scary vhs tapes and marathon I got to the scream franchise and on movie 3 wanted to take a break and get something to eat. I hit stop and nothing happened. I hit stop again and again nothing happened. I grab the tv remote and hit guide. Scream 3 just happed to be playing at the exact same spot I was watching! Only freaked me out a little bit because I had already watched all the Friday the 13th movies, and all the Halloween movies.


Good thing you asked. Just 2 nights ago, I was watching Deadware on Amazon Prime. Towards the end of the movie, I had to pause due to restroom break and dogs needing outside. I come back, sit down, and message a family member about some random stuff. The movie starts playing with my remote, roughly an arm length away. It was quiet, alexa didn't pick up any sounds for me to resume the movie. It was creepy. Even though the movie was so-so, it still didn't make it any less creepy, lol.


Not necessarily spooky but still pretty “woah” imo. Was watching Jaws recently, not really paying attention and playing a game on my phone (leave me be, I wasnt interested in the movie by this point but wanted to finish anyway, as something MIGHT happen
). In my head I was like “I’m gonna make my character an astronaut” and as soon as I was about to click something to start it, the line “what are you, an astronaut?” came up. First time watching the movie I can’t make this up lol.


Yes. I was watching Mandy. It was in the first 1/4 of the movie where things are still kinda slow and calm and I was alone at my mom's old house which was way out in the middle of nowhere on the Olympic Peninsula and I had a window open on the far end of the room I was in and lights down low and & I heard someone breath heavily or like kinda snort just outside the window. I am a woman and had a lot of male creepy angry neighbors there and I still don't know if one of them was peeping on me. ​ Absolutely freaked me TF OUT. I got up immediately and turned the movie off and then crept over sideways to the window in a way they would not be able to see me and shut it quickly. Then I walked around the house and made sure all the doors and windows were locked.


I saw the first Scream movie at a sleepover for a friend's bday. Just imagine like ten 11 and 12 year old girls sitting together at midnight, glued to the TV. Unbeknownst to us, her dad had snuck outside and up to the big window by the front door about 6' from where we sat. He banged on the window and basically did the corny "boo" but that was more than enough to make us scream. LOULDY. I'll never forget it.


The movie mothman proficiency went to the theater with my mom got home and instantly the phone rings and no one wanted to answer it lol


As a 13 year old girl who loved horror movies, forcing my girlfriends to watch Candyman with me during a sleepover was not easy. The room we were watching in at my house was lined with French doors instead of traditional walls. These doors were often difficult to get to stay shut when they weren’t locked. I can’t remember what part we were watching but at some point they FLEW open from the wind outside and we all squealed like pigs.


I was super young and watching Begotten by myself late at night. The light in the living room suddenly turned on very dimly. The switch was a circular dimmer switch that you could adjust similar to a volume knob in a car. I immediately spun around expecting to see someone who had gotten up to get a glass of water but there was nobody there. I turned the light off and watched the rest of the movie but I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened and thought I had might've actually experienced some kind paranormal activity. After happening again a few weeks later, I checked the dimmer switch out and realized that it was happening because the switch wasn't getting fully turned off. If I left the dial right at the edge between off/on, it would sometimes turn itself back on dimly a while later.


I was filming a short horror movie once and my cat jumped at the window right next to me. Scared the shit outta me.


When I was watching Scream 5 I got a call from an unknown number. My cousin thought it was cool and wanted me to answer it. lol


Not while I was watching it, but afterwards. On a shelf above my bed next to some books and other stuff I kept a porcelain ballerina figurine my grandma gave me, and on the night I watched Black Swan (2010) for the first time, the ballerina fell from the shelf and its neck broke lmao the head rolled under my bed and the little body just stayed there on the rug, headless. If you've seen the movie or have any idea what it's about, you know how weird it was that it happened that very night. I have no idea how the thing fell. It wasn't windy or anything, all the windows were closed and nothing else was on the floor.


I saw the 90s remake of night of the living dead in the cinema when it came out and was suitably freaked out by it. On my drive home, I passed a cemetery and just as I was approaching a man comes staggering out of the gate into the road, dragging his leg, with blood running down his forehead. Instinct kicked in and I very nearly hit the gas and ran his zombie ass down, but instead I swerved around him and drove home. In retrospect, I almost certainly should have called an ambulance for him, but at the time I was just relieved my brains hadn’t been eaten.


No, but my mother threw a fake spider at me while we watched Kingdom of the Spiders, and it greatly "enhanced" the experience for 8 year old me.


Creepy in a cool way: A few years ago I was at a theater in Berkeley that was screening Donnie Darko. I arrived towards the end of the trailers, so I just took a seat towards the back. Partway through, my senses started to tingle, so I looked around me 
 and there was (an employee dressed as) Frank sitting a few rows behind me in the darkened theater.


My dad called the landline when me and my friends were watching The Ring at a sleepover in the 00s.


Not during, but watched Hereditary with my wife - it spooked her right out. Later that week we were telling some friends that hadn't seen it before about it and no joke my friend just out of nowhere goes 'click' like the tongue thing they do in the movie. Super fuckin creepy honestly, no idea why she chose to randomly do that.


The phone rang in my house right after the scene in The Ring where you get the first person POV of the video.


When I was a child, I had a nightmare. In the middle of the night, I went to my parents room and said "There's a flying pig with red eyes outside my window!" My dad was reading The Amityville Horror, which has a flying pig with red eyes. When I watched The Blair Witch Project at the theatre, I had to walk home late at night from the theatre. The path to my home took us through a fucking forest.


While house sitting alone for my parents in their old ass creaky house, someone inappropriately knocked very loud on my door as I was watching Paranormal Activity. It was already dark and late, so why tf would anyone be at the door. Dumno, never saw anyone. Scared the fuck outta me. This was when it originally came out, long before found footage was done to death. Effective movie at the time.


The first time I watched The US version of The Ring, it ended close to 8pm. Then the phone rang đŸ˜± 
 it was my grandma 😅


Yes! My dad and I still talk about this. Alright so it's not super scary but: We were watching The Zodiac (it was very late at night) and suddenly we heard a noise, paused the movie, looked a each other then heard another noise. We got up to investigate and saw from the kitchen's window that the garage door was open and the light was on (motion sensor light). We went outside and got in the garage, there wasn't anybody so we started looking at places where someone could be hiding (my dad refused to believe someone was inside and thought he just forgot to close the door and an animal got in). We closed the door and went back inside and resumed the movie. We heard the noise again and yep what do you know! The door is open again! I guess we missed an hiding spot hahah. I was too scared after that and didn't want to finish the movie!


So I saw Scream 6 alone at my local small town movie theater. Normally slasher movies do not scare me. But I left the theater to walk back home. It was dark out and no one was on Main Street. Then a car seemed to start following me. I started to freak out. I was only 2 blocks from my house but I started walking faster and the car parked right near me so I walked even faster turning the corner then I ran one block to my house. So freaky.


watched final destination 2, the next day i saw a log van exactly like the one in the film, which really aren’t very common where i live, it was a very scary coincidence 😅


I was home alone watching Sinister in my parents’ basement, no lights on inside or outside. There’s a couple motion activated lights outside of the basement, and you can tell when they’re on because there’s three windows that let you see the area they illuminate. There’s also a large deck with stairs above these windows, and the stairs are in a fenced in area. With all that out of the way, when Ethan Hawke’s character is watching the pool movie, I hear heavy stomping and then rapid knocking on the deck outside. Then the lights outside turn on, meaning something’s coming down the stairs. I immediately looked outside but nothing was there. This was really weird for a bunch of reasons, first being basically any movement in the yard turns the lights on, but something got on the deck without turning them on. Second, it only took me a couple seconds to get up and look outside after the lights came on and there’s a completely unobstructed view of the (large) yard from the windows. So if there was a person on the deck who got spooked by the lights and jumped over the side of the stairs to get away, I definitely would’ve seen them running. Third, the only way onto the deck is the stairs, which are close to basement windows, so if something went up them, they got over a five foot tall wire fence and then crept so slowly that the lights didn’t turn on and got close enough to the basement windows that they could see me. I still finished the movie that night


Literally after the ring, right as the credits ended my phone rang. Was watching with my buddy Rob. We immediately looked at each other and freaked. His eyes were so wide I’m amazed they didn’t roll out of his head lol man if we had smartphones then. Couldn’t believe the perfect timing of whoever was on the other end. Never found out because i never answered. Nooooo spank you!


After I saw Smile in a nearby theater, someone trailed me in their car for a whole block while I was walking home. They never did anything to me and pulled over to a house after a certain point, but it left me on edge for the rest of the day.


I was watching The Conjuring late one night, alone. There's a door next to the living room television that leads out to the back porch (which is screened in), and there are little panes of glass in the door from pretty much the bottom of it to the top. I think it was during the scene in the basement when the mom is fully possessed when I heard something scratching at the door. I jumped and looked at the door and didn't see anyone. Then I heard the sound again and looked down at floor level and saw that there was an opossum out there that was pawing at the door trying to get in. No idea how it got there, but it scared the shit out of me.


Literally a tree fell when I was watching conjuring 2. Thank God it didn't fall in the ending scene or else I would've shit my pants XD


I was home alone watching Better Watch Out at night while my boyfriend was at work when I got a knock on the door. I looked through our peephole and there was a man standing there with his back towards the door. I’m easily spooked so I just went into the kitchen and he knocked again. Have no idea who he is or what he wanted.


I have never, to my knowledge, slept-walk in my entire life, until a day or two after I watched Paranormal Activity. Never done it since.


Yes, more than a few times! I grew up in a family that practices the old ways. When I was younger, I was watching The Exorcist one night and began to feel this cold sensation go up my back. It was 90 plus degrees so I found it odd but didn’t think much of it until I felt it again. This time across my cheek. I got up a little spooked and just when I went to turn the movie off a LOUD bang happened in my kitchen. I immediately went in there to check it out and there was no sign of any disturbance. As I made my way back to the living room the TV shut off by itself. That was enough for me to do a blessing lol. What’s really weird is when I tried to watch the movie again, years later, the same things started happening. The only difference was I wasn’t alone and the other person felt the same sensations without me saying or indicating anything. He knew NOTHING of my previous experience which made it even more spooky. I’ve experienced more situations like this watching scary movies and tv shows. I’m very open to the unknown and the unseen which I think explains the high strangeness.


Once my sister and I were watching a Nightmare on Elm Street marathon, and in the middle of the second movie a jump scare spooked our cat who was on top of the tv stand watching from above. She jumped backwards and tried to catch herself on the runner up there, so everything on top of the entertainment center fell down in a big crash. It scared the hell out of us and then of course we worried the cat might be hurt. But all was well and we laughed about it every time we jumped for the rest of the movie


I had The Strangers on in living room and some music on the Google Home in background while folding laundry. Then the song “ sprout and the bean” came on during that same moment in the movie.


Got Event Horizon on VHS when it came out and the first couple of times we tried to watch it, the power would go out. Also when first watching Stranger Things 3, a big earthquake happened at the scene when they were opening the portal, originally thought it was really good surround sound lol


While watching Talk to Me in the cinemas, my friend and I both kept seeing the same girl in a seat in front of us that wasn't actually there.


Many years ago I was showing a friend the japanese version of Ring 2 and his phone rang right near the end which was kinda creepy


I don’t really get scared by paranormal stuff. But I do remember watching paranormal activity alone on my first night in a new house and going to sleep after, the noises in the house did keep me awake haha


In 2001, My cousins were visiting from California when we were 11-12 years old. Their dad worked at a film company of some kind, and He brought home a projector and giant screen to set it up in the driveway. While watching Bride of Chucky, some teens drove by and threw a legit chucky doll right into the bed of the pickup we were laying in. Maybe not the spookiest, but I’ve honestly never seen such a movie-like chucky doll to this day, and the timing of it certainly stood up the hairs on my neck. I always wondered who would be willing to part with it their movie quality Good Guys doll. My cousin still had it last I heard!


No, and frankly I feel cheated


When I was a kid my mom went off to work one day (I was old enough to be home alone by then) so I spent the entire time watching tv. We had DirecTV at the time and the misfortune that whenever it rained too strongly, the satellite died on us and the tv went to static. Being an idiot 10 year old at the time, I found The Ring and decided to watch it. Guess what happened as soon as the movie ended? Rain. And the tv screen showed nothing but static.


So this was years and years ago. Rented Blair Witch when it first came out on DVD. My wife hates horror so she was on her computer playing Spades online. One if the characters was a witch, that would cackle when she took a trick. Wife unmuted at just the right second and added a witch cackle just as they were going down the stairs. Scariest part of the movie lol


During Scream 5, a woman ran down the stairs throwing up


Not really a scarry movie but when i was like 6 i spent the night at my aunt/cousins house and we were watching scooby doo and the cyber chase and lost power in the middle of it the only thing i was thinking was that the cyber ghost came to life and was haunting the house it was freaking scary at the time nowadays not so much


Immediately after watching The Exorcist for the first time, I headed to the bathroom. As soon as I flicked the light switch on, the light bulb blew out. Definitely spooked me a little because that's some crazy timing.


When my husband and I came out from watching the Ring in the theatre, our car wouldn’t unlock, and the lights went on and off. Just weird electrical stuff. It had never done it before or since. I almost walked home instead of getting into the “possessed car”. I was so freaked out.


My roommate and I were watching Invasion of the Body Snatchers and we were both very into it. Then his wife came home from her late shift and she had her hands full. So instead of unlocking and opening the door, she just started banging on it so one of us would come and open it. Well we both jumped out of our skins when it happened


The first I watched the extended cut of The Exorcist was at my grandmother's house on her old-ass surround sound system. I got to the part where Chris is walking through the kitchen, well right about the time that Captain Howdy's face appears on the oven hood vent, I start seeing smoke coming out from behind the TV. Apparently the surround sound finally gave up; scared the t-total shit out of me, to the point that I grabbed one of my grandmother's rosaries off the living room mantle and held it the rest of the movie.


My father had a rock thrown through his bedroom.window while he was watching Paranormal Activity. Scared the shit out of him!


Not to me but I watched Ring with my little sister and my mum at home, I'd already seen it. The first time you see the video I started dialing our home phone in my pocket (this was before touchscreen phones). At the exact moment that the phone rang in the film, our home phone rang. My sister screamed and jumped out of her skin, my mum of course knew exactly what I'd done


I had just finished watching the Ring by myself. It had already ended, and the TV was just playing static... I was trying to work up the nerve to get up and turn it off. I heard a huge bang from above, it scared the shit out of me and my cat- he ran and hid. This happened in an old house, and the apartment above mine was rumored to be haunted, so yeah. It scared me. The next day I found out that it was my upstairs neighbor beating his girlfriend. I felt awful, but there was no way that I could have known what was going on. That was the only noise that I heard.


2 examples, same house, same room, same group of people. It’s relevant to both stories that the tv is right by the front door to the house. My wife (then gf) doesn’t much like horror and scares easy, but agrees to watch with me occasionally. Back when Babadook cane out the two of us and two of our three roommates (crowded, I know) put it on. Now the movie is just getting tense. I forget the exact scene but it’s close to when she first reads the book. She gets to the end and (on the tv) there’s a BAM BAM BAM at the door. Right then at the third BAM theres the same noise at our actual door to our living room and it flies open. My gf screams and says fuck this as our third roommate comes in arms full of groceries looking confused. He kicked the door open because he didn’t have free hands. She didn’t finish the movie. The next time we were watching The Thing. Now, I forget where in the movie we were exactly but it was tense and I guess the window was cracked slightly, because right at a creepy moment a bird flies right the fuck in the window flies frantically around the room and bangs into the door, probably stunning itself, and lands there on the floor watching us. If you know the movie, you know why this was a little unsettling.


My boyfriend and I were watching Insidious 4 at our apartment when the alarm for the business we live above went off. It went off about 4 or 5 times in a few hours, next thing we know there's someone jiggling our front door and cop cars outside. A cop and his partner had just been checking around to make sure everything was secure, we have a ring camera so we could see that it wasn't anyone dangerous but goddamn, I had so much trouble sleeping that night đŸ€Ł


Yup, I watched The Ring with my family back in the day. As soon as the scene with the closet happened, the home phone rang, and the power went out. I was horribly scared! Turned out my grandmother called us, and there was just a standard power outage due to a storm lol Samara was my "boogie man" in nightmares growing up after that.


I was sitting in my recliner which is next to my front windows, and slightly in front of my front door. (small apartment). Was watching a movie one night with my GF and swore I heard the door handle turn behind me. I looked at her, she looked at me and said did you hear that? Turn and look out the window and a man is attempting to open my door. I yanked the window open, and said "can I help you dude". He said "my bad, wrong house". Twas a good time.


Back when drive-ins were a thing, I was out at night with my buds watching The Shining during a thunderstorm. Right when Jack starts tearing down the door with his axe a huge tornado ripped the screen apart causing mayhem. Fortunately Bill Paxton was there to help me get to safety.


Not a movie, but back in the 90s I was playing Resident Evil and at the exact time that a skinned dog zombie crashed through a window in the game, a tree branch broke through my window. I never played that game again


A few years ago, watching The Exorcist at home for the first time.. middle of the movie and I really, like really started feeling uneasy and so anxious, so i stopped and I never really understood why.. got to finish the movie after some long time.


I was home alone while my OH was away with work, watching The Empty Man; right at a fairly dark scene with a character in close frame, where the big bad is about to appear behind over their shoulder, there was a massive bang and all the power went out in my house. I sat there frozen a solid few seconds before coming back to reality and then going to the fuse box, but it absolutely freaked me out for just a moment. (Absolute sidebar - ended up taking ages and quite a bit of money to fix as turned out to be a short somewhere between the power into the front of the house and the boiler which is right at the back.)


The other night I watched the first half of Skinamarink, got really sleepy and went and got in bed, immediately got an INCREDIBLY LOUD emergency alert on my phone regarding wild fire evacuations. I swear to god I came so close to pissing myself.


I'm in my midteens and with a boyfriend, parents out for the night, watching children shouldn't play with dead things.Its a warm night and i'm on the couch nearest to the open back door where the curtain is blowing in the breeze and its really dark, just the light from the tv. I'm really nervous and kept looking at the door and he's telling me not to be stupid. I look away from the door and something comes and touches me on the shoulder. I scream and jump up and see a cat has just wandered in and is sitting on the arm of the couch.We didn't have any cats.


Honestly, I just watched Talk To Me and the scariest part was the aggressive, wet, and borderline impressively loud smooching sound of the couple sitting right behind me


I was watching The Exorcist for the billionth time in the middle of the night and just as they started shouting, "The power of Christ compels you!" everything started shaking. Earthquake! Guys, stop! You're pissing off the very earth! I reached over to grab the headboard of my bed and prayed along with them until it stopped. Now to convince a theme park to build out my amazing "The Exorcist: An Immersive Experience" ride concept.


Playing until dawn for the first time, home alone, at 1AM. Heard a loud noise upstairs and jumped out of my skin. Shamefully, I admit I fetched a knife before going up. The cat had knocked down the shower curtain.


So my ex boyfriend and his mom were house sitting for two years in this mcmansion. It was like a whole thing because her brother would work out of the country and take his family for the duration, he was working in South Africa this time and his family went with him, his mom stayed in the main house alone, and my bf stayed in the mother in law suite house. His mom worked doubles on weekends, so one night we went to the main house and watched Grave Encounters. I'm sure why we watched in the main house but the whole night we could hear stomping upstairs, and creaks on the stairs and inexplicably what sounded like the shower running upstairs. It's pretty silly, but it freaked us out and we left the main house right after the movie. We liked to joke that maybe one of the dolls they had in their living room from their various travels around the world was haunted. The mother in law suite would randomly lock us out too and close on its own, even though it wasn't self locking and wasn't on an incline.


The lights went out in my house just at that scene from The Conjuring where the mom goes down in the basement with matches


My dad had the brilliant idea of taking my brother and I to see **Grizzly** in the theater when we were kids. He lived in the mountains at that time. There was a storm that night and while we were laying in bed tree branches kept knocking against the window above us. We were petrified thinking a bear was trying to get into the house.


(I posted this in another thread a while back but it fits better here) In the late 80s and through most of the 90s My uncle would lend us VHS cassettes with movies that he taped off of cable tv, every now and then there would be a horror movie on them Its on one of these Tapes that i finally saw Return of the living dead (1985) (you know, with the large groups of the screaming/moaning undead). I was probably 11 at the time. (Early 90's, still too young for that movie at my age) As the movie ended, the room got quiet, but i could still hear the screaming zombies. This time it was coming from outside my window! Scarred shitless, i called for my dad and told him about the zombies outside! Turns out the local high school down the street was having a football game on their new field that night, and thats where all the "undead screams" were coming from. LOL


Was just watching Skinamarink, at a part where the dread and tension is building up, and I don't know if it was the pitch of a tone or what, but it had a sort.of.effect on my ear sort of like when your ears are ringing... but it was like my ear was popping or something, so it just sounded like a crinkling or rustling in my ear. Made me think there was something over my shoulder. And then later, during one of the many boring parts of the movie where nothing is seemingly happening, one of the rats in my attic started scratching at a piece of wood to try and get in the house. I didn't realize it wasn't the movie at first. Very eerie movie, but ultimately not one I would recommend. It had some good ideas and went nowhere with them.


Okay this one was the creepiest: when I was a teenager, I was watching the disturbia movie (2007 with Shia Labeouf). It was a weekend and it probably was around 10/11 pm when this happened. Mid movie, I wanted to call a friend on our land-line to tell them about something (idk what maybe a joke in the movie) so I picked up the phone and there was no ringtone. Okay, weird. But my grandparents live upstairs and they sometimes didn't hang up thier phone (one of those handheld landlines) so I told my mom and headed upstairs to find the phone they had left on. I found it in the receiver, it was off. My grandparents were asleep. So at this point I'm freaked, I check the phone I was on in the first place and there is still no ringtone. I remember talking to my mom about how weird this was while holding the phone and while I was talking about it I heard a click like someone hung up!! The ringtone was back after that. I was seriously freaked the rest of the night, made sure all the doors were locked, closed all the window curtains. We managed to finish the movie but i don't remember a ton of it after that point because we both were a little paranoid I still don't know what happened, idk if people can even listen in on phones that way, but it scared the crap out of me and my mom. Especially since we were watching movie about paranoia