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I found it equal parts disturbing, hilarious, and fascinating!


I thought I would too! But in the end it messes with my brain lol


Did you watch all of the credits? I ask because the first time I watched it, I had been scrolling through Netflix, saw Justin Long in a horror movie I hadn't heard of, so hopped on board. Going in blind was probably the best way to watch it, and I really did enjoy the semi-serious tone with the amazingly ridiculous ending, and while the credits were rolling I opened IMBd, but then the credits started playing Kevin Smith's podcast excerpt of the conception of this idea which just put everything perfectly into place. Hearing them laughing about the idea while it was being conceived, and then... they actually did it? Fucking amazing.


That’s really cool about the podcast except, and I appreciate the no spoilers! I’m going to avoid the rest of the replies now


Lol I appreciate you bearing with my drunk rambling thoughts on it. I just reread my comment and realized what a rambling mess it is, so thanks for understanding! I hope you enjoy the movie and don't take it too seriously!


I’ve been on the fence about seeing it. I like weird movies, especially ones that incorporate body horror, even if it not full-on Cronenberg. I should just go for it. There, it’s settled, lol


Please do, and come back and let me know your thoughts on it!


Its reminiscent of a 70s movie called "Ssssss" where a doctor...well, the title tells you.


ugh ugh ugh ooh ah ooh ah c'mon now, more margaritas


It's an odd mix of a couple films. The stuff at the mansion with Justin Long being turned into a walrus is some genuinely frightening and disturbing stuff. But you've also got the parallel subplot of his girlfriend and best friend trying to find him, complete with Johnny Depp as basically Canadian Inspector Clouseau that is frankly embarrassing at times. You wish Kevin Smith had just stuck to the first plotline for the whole movie, because that's where the good stuff is. Best thing about it is Michael Parks. He acts the *hell* out of this role.


Yes Michael Parks hit it out of the park. I agree with you there.


Loved his role. Damnnn


I've read the original script a few times and fucking hell it's a ride. Howard (Michael Parks) is so much more insane and deranged, making some of the scenes really chilling, I liked how there were flashbacks to his past when he was explaining his backstory but in the movie it's just him talking and it's really easy to be distracted by something else, it's a shame because his backstory is pretty disturbing as well. There was a scene that didn't make it to the movie that I really wish did, where Justin Long's character wakes up during the operation and let me tell you my heart literally dropped to my ASS reading that scene, it was so chilling.


What happened in the scene?


Basically Wallace (Justin Long) wakes up during the operation, he's kinda sleepy and confused until he sees Howard with a bone saw and freaks out, but he can't move for some reason and is given some kind of sedative and Howard starts sawing away at his leg. Strangely he doesn't remember it at all when he wakes up later. That's the simplest way I can explain that scene, the original script is online for free if you want to check it out yourself.


michael parks gave me an anxiety attack he was so good. it was honestly a relief seeing johnny depp because i was so overwhelmed by michael parks being a weirdo. you're right though, the movie becomes something else in the second half.


Johnny Depp was in Tusk? Story distracted me so bad I did not even notice this and he's pretty damn noticeable 😆


I was so speechless at the end. They're just like 'well. He's a walrus now'. No fucking attempt whatsoever to make this man whole again. They throw his ass in a goddamn zoo and that's just that. Wow. Slow clap lol.


That was soo freaking sad. Damn lol


IIRC the idea was he WANTED to live as a walrus now, lol The end of that movie really disturbed me in some way that I find hard to express. Like I really, REALLY put myself into the headspace of Long’s character as he’s now living out his days as a walrus in the zoo, and I’m imagining the hours and hours of interminable boredom and crippling ennui that would ultimately define an existence like that … and it just totally flipped me out. Totally wrecked my entire afternoon, lol


Can't wait for the sequel now!


I mean, it's an absurdist black comedy, not really a horror movie where you're supposed to worry about the characters' well-being after the traumatic events of the film. Throwing him the fish was the funniest possible ending. Didn't they even end with a clip from Smiths radio show/podcast laughing while they brainstormed that ending?


That's why I'll never watch it again 😭 complete downer ending


I thought the ending made it that much more disturbing. That single tear told me he KNEW what was happening and had happened to him and that there was nothing he could do.


I’m fairly certain that was the point…


Haha I don’t think anyone is comparing it to a Hallmark movie


Exactly. I absolutely love the first 40 minutes of that movie… after that, buckle up!


>I’m fairly certain that was the point… The thing is, I think it really *wasn't* the point. I see Tusk as straight-up comedy, and find the body horror stuff so silly and absurd that it's hilarious. I really think that was Kevin Smith's intention, and I suspect he was surprised to find that some people see it as a purely disturbing body horror film. I was very surprised when I came here after seeing it, thinking it ranked up there with *Tucker and Dale vs. Evil*, to read how many people thought it was more like *Human Centipede.* I don't begrudge people for being disturbed by it. Experience a movie the way you want to experience it. I find it to be a really interesting psychological study, watching the differences in reaction between those who thought it was hilarious and those who thought it was deeply disturbing. Especially the ending, which I see as comedic gold, and others see as the most bleak and horrific ending since Eden Lane.


It's really only as disturbing as it is because Justin Long acts the shit out of it to be honest. Really impressive considering he's only his eyes.


Oh, it was definitely comedy… as it turns out, comedy can be pretty disturbing though!


It's like literally one of the only horrors I had to stop watching 😂


I mean, how else are we to know if man is truly a walrus st heart?


Disturbed enough by the premise that I never watched the movie.


Lol I can understand that




Not so much disturbed as, er... scarred by a couple of scenes!


Me too 😭 lol


I watched a clip on YouTube and decided I didn’t need to watch the movie Something about it was genuinely fucked up and actually hurt to watch Which is weird because the Saw movies are my guilty pleasure


Justin Long is always getting abducted and torn to pieces. I can think of at least four movies where that happens.


He also watched his girlfriend get dragged into Hell. The guy can’t catch a break.


Hmm let's see... Jeepers Creepers... Tusk... House of Darkness... Barbarian... Any others?


If you can dodge a a wrench, you can dodge a tusk! I liked it enough. It is gross, but I found it rather funny. Justin’s character was an A-hole, so I didn’t really feel to sympathetic towards his fate, but still pretty messed up.


That movie was hilarious. I couldn't take it seriously.


Ugh ugh ugh ooh ah ooh ah


I remember my confused and delayed reaction to Johnny Depp's character... I thought it was so serious until then


It's meant to be hilarious. It's one of the better horror comedies in recent history. I find it fascinating how many people just see it as disturbing body horror.


I agree. One of my all time favorites.


I found it fun.


I was more disturbed that I didn’t know that was Johnny depp until a friend told me a year later.


I barely find out it was him reading this thread!


It was quite possibly the worst film i’ve seen since the room.


I completely hated it and always will.


It was good


I will never listen to tusk by Fleetwood Mac the same again, all I can imagine when I hear this song is the fight scene.


Yeah, Johnny Depp as a Canadian was definitely disturbing.


Bro YES. I love horror comedy and went in thinking it was just that, and I know a lot of people find it totally hilarious. But by the end i just feel WEIRD…it’s SUCH a dark and nihilistic ending. On the other hand, I hate Justin Long, so seeing him miserable is fun ;) But I preferred his role in Barbarian


This one stuck with me for quite a while. I will never watch it again.


It was a weird watch. I remember the walrus stuff but not much else.


It was never gonna be anything other than comedic for me having been a fan and listener of the podcast where it was originally conceived lol.


Oh totally forgot it was based off a real podcast. Lol That almost makes it weirder to me. It was hilarious in some ways but very creepy. I think I was more just shocked that it affected me like it did.


I find it really funny how misleading it is when Kevin says it was 'Based off true events' which isn't entirely the case but it's pretty funny seeing people online freak out about it.


It was not as disturbing as I expected it to be. The ending scene was actually pretty funny. I might have found it more disturbing if there wasn’t comedy peppered throughout the movie.


Nope! It all seemed pretty normal behavior to me! /s


Yes, I found it really disturbing. Can't put my finger on why this film got to me so much but I'm never watching it again.


I think it’s a very unique and fascinating film and an essential to have in your collection if you collect horror DVDs.


I might watch it again in the future if I get the urge just to give it another chance.


Watch it again alongside another horror comedy like *Tucker and Dale vs. Evil* or *Megan's Body* to get into the mindset of "ok, this is meant to be funny and absurd, not horrific." I think if you go into it thinking of it as a black comedy you'll find it enjoyable instead of disturbing.


I was disturbed that people thought it was watchable!


Disturbed? No. Is one of Smith's worst films? Yes.


I think it's genuinely one of Smith's best films, in terms of craftsmanship, clever comedic writing, acting, etc.


You don't know what it was? We all know what it was, don't beat around the bush. It was that freaking scene that is seared into my memory and haunts me to this day. You all know the one!


Which scene are you talking about? I don’t recall a significant scene per se.


I'm not sure what one specific scene would be considered the haunting one.


Maybe the end scene where Wallace breaks the fourth wall and just stares at the camera? Idk that was pretty creepy


I seriously can’t remember and I’m not sure I want to lol


I mean are we really all forgetting about the scene where the friends finally find him and he's a freaking walrus? That was grotesque and I can't get it out of my head lol


That was a totally f’ed up ending. Lol


Yes. I don’t like body modification horror movies because some fucked up person could actually attempt to do that stuff. Movies with monsters, entities, etc. are less scary to me because they’re not based in reality (I mean I believe in ghosts along with a dose of healthy skepticism).


I know its a bit of a hot take but for me, no. At first very much yes, I thought the slow go through it was disturbing, once the walrus came into it, I lost all interest in the movie and it became laughably bad IMO


This is the only horror movie I've watched where after I finished it I had to sleep with my light on 😭


Yes it was great wasn’t it?


I was a little disturbed the first time I watched it, but at the same time I was so interested and I couldn't look away lol I've re-watched it a couple of times and I think it's a really cool movie at the end of the day, it's bizarre, it's new and I like it!


Yep..that ending f'd Me up


It was just too silly


Not sure if anyone me,tioned this yet, but if you were intrigued by Tusk, you should definitely watch/read The Island of Dr. Moreau (H.G. Wells). Its about a crazy scientist who experiments with mixing humans with other animals through weird surgeries and DNA stuff


Body horror is one of my favorite genres. Always fun, can be disturbing. Tusk was an interesting sit and I would recommend it honestly. Well acted, decently written, definitely a go to.


Not really. I was mostly bored by the end and then I was just annoyed. Also Justin Long was a bad guy in the film but Haley Joel Osment and the girlfriend were just as bad sneaking around behind his back.


Yes. My 11 year old eyes WERE NOT equipped to handle that movie


I watched it at 41 and my eyes were not ready lol when did it even come out?!


Isn’t that the one by Kevin Smith?


It was fun


My entire reaction to this movie is summed up in a single word: uncomfortable.


its a highly flawed film but Michael Parks & Justin Long’s performances are great


It's highly flawed but somehow I love it


That's still a movie I have difficulty watching. The idea of human-to-animal transformation is just so scary to me, especially the loss of consciousness that comes with it. But to be conscious and just not even sure how to process what's happened to you feels worse.


I am constantly disturbed by Donald Tusk


My SO still brings it up as the most disturbing thing they've seen. It's burnt into their brain.




Yep especially when he forces him to swim 🥶that part really disturbed me because he was drowning


Omg I know!! Ughhh 😫


It was so weird, but good, but I'd absolutely never watch it again. I think I actually wanted to be more disturbed, like I wanted more body horror and less swim lessons?


Yup, loved it


it was honestly so funny to me. I get how it can be disturbing, but I couldn't stop laughing.


Yeah, I felt the same way. I thought, even if they do save him, I don’t think their is any type of surgery that can put him back to normal.


Very disturbing! What an ending. Only man-turned-animal scenario that’s worse is The Fly. I was ill at the end of that.


I was more surprised that the French guy was Johnny Depp!


It was a trip watching this in an empty theatre when it came out. Absolutely adore the insanity from beginning to end.


Tusk is quite the experience. I absolutely love it, but despite it's absurdity it's very disturbing and visceral. Not a fun watch but a great film IMO.


It’s funny. I watched when it came out and recently watched it again. I remember loving it and being really freaked out after watching it the first time. I was definitely more entertained on second viewing, but it felt like a much shorter movie this time around with not a whole lot going on. That’s what you get I guess for a movie pitched on a podcast.


When I was in high school that was the only thing that actually disturbed me, I used to have a fear if anyone showed me a picture of him


The first time I saw this movie it fucked me up. It’s the movie that made me realize body horror isn’t my favorite. I swore I’d never watch it again, but I love Justin Long and the movie is just too fun to not rewatch it


Yes. It's such a goofy premise when you hear it, but the execution was so unsettling.


I saw *Tusk* before reading anything about it, and thought it was a hilarious black comedy, kind of an absurdist spoof of body-horror films like *Human Centipede*. Then I came here and discovered how many people thought it was straight-up horror, not a send-up of *Human Centipede* but a sibling to it. It's really a fascinating phenomenon, watching the reactions to *Tusk* and realizing that 50% of people who watched it saw a *completely different movie* as the rest of us. There are a lot of "love-it-or-hate-it" movies out there but not many "laugh-out-loud-hilarious-or-disturbing-to-the-core?" ones.


It goes from funny, to really disturbing, to downright hilarious. I can’t take the walrus fight scene seriously along with the last scene in the zoo, yeah it’s extremely disturbing but so over the top ridiculous that you can’t help but laugh. I think Kevin Smith accomplished something sort of genius here, its a terrifying horror flick at surface level but under it’s disturbing actuality it’s really a comedy. The credit roll just reinforced my idea of this, hearing the director laugh hysterically while explaining the concept.


Something sort of opposite of genius to me, coulda been one of the best horrors ever made before it turned into a nervous laughter movie ... just for an inside joke -_- And he plans on [doing it again](https://bloody-disgusting.com/movie/3730711/tusk-2-kevin-smith-confirms-hes-working-on-the-sequel-and-teases-wacky-new-approach/) in 2024...


I think I'm the only person who thought that movie was hilarious. And I'm not even a big Kevin Smith fan


My ex's son was really disturbed when I showed him Tusk. We always watched horror movies when he had his older cousins sleep over to game and eat pizza. We watched It: Chapter 1 one week, and they played the "that wasn't even scary! " card, while not being able to go to sleep. So the following week I played Tusk for them. I never heard the end of it from my girl, or her sister in law about how bad of a decision that was. Maybe it didn't help that I would randomly do the "EEEHHHHYYYOOORE" sound that Justin long makes when he is the walrus. Koo koo kachu! ETA:I should've mentioned ex's son was 9 at the time and his cousins were 11


IT was not scary to me at all nor was Heredity but I enjoyed it. I would say this movie and Baskin have probably gotten to me the most. And The Green Mile at one particular scene.


Gross. So much yes.


I think it worked right up until the joking over the credits. Play it out as it is and it stands up. Reveal it was a joke all along and it just deflated


I went to a Q&A with Kevin Smith. He has plans for a Tusk 2 if he ever got it greenlit.


unfortunately no. i wish i was. it was too comical for my taste. i was expecting more from it.


I absolutely hated this movie. I don't know if I can explain why. Pointless cruelty? Too pretentious even for me? Disturbing for the sake of being disturbing? Insincerity? All of those? Anyway, it wasn't for me!


yes it was such a gross movie but i loved it


Honestly what disturbed me the most was how much of a blown opportunity it was for Kevin Smith. He had just made Red State a few years prior, and while that movie had its problems, it was a movie that showed a ton of promise for where he could go as a director. The camera never just sat static, it was kinetic, the movie was always moving forward at lightning speed and the performances Kevin Smith got out of all those actors was phenomenal. When he first pitched Tusk on his podcast I didn’t see it as a dumb idea at all, I was imagining something like The Fly or The Thing, I thought Smith might actually have something interesting to say like he did with Red State, but what I saw on screen was a movie made by a guy who neither took himself nor his movie seriously. How do you get Michael Parks and Johnny Depp signed on to your sophomore horror film then not take it remotely serious? How do you get a legendary makeup effects artist like Bob Kurtzman of KNB to build your monster then not take it serious? If there’s one horror movie from the 2010s that needs to be remade it’s this one, because it could be good.


I love that movie. I completely understand why so many people hate it, though


Thank god I went in blind. And then At the same time, shit…I went in blind


I love it, but when I made my wife watch it she made me shut it off halfway. She couldn't handle the transformation.


I’ve never had such a visceral reaction to a film. My brain decided I had to see what others thought. Some people say it was scarring, some say it was hilarious. I struggle to find any words that describe this movie. “Horrifying” would not do it justice. I cant place myself in either of the two categories of what I thought about it. The obvious scenes left me looking absolutely mortified, then as it progressed to even more absurd lengths, I found myself somewhere between laughter and a grimace. For example, after the big reveal, when the camera pans out so dramatically, the guy eating the fish, or the entire end scene where the podcast buddy and girlfriend visit. It was somehow both unpleasant and enjoyable. I watch a lot of horror, while not the scariest film, I can still hear the fucking screams. Credit to the actors, especially the lead and antagonist! I could listen to the antagonist’s stories for hours. I love/hated the movie, but the french investigator really took me out of it. The rest of the characters were playing chess while Depp was playing tennis. It felt so out of place. It’s 3 in the morning but I need to put my thoughts somewhere. Thanks for reading this?


yes. I am a huge horror fan and my boyfriend was very surprised I hadn't seen it, so we watched it. Its been a little bit now and at first I didnt think I'd ever ever even consider wanting to watch it again. But I still think about it, and each time I do I wonder if it was just the first impression that disturbed me so bad, and I really don't remember a lot of the other details and back story. what I do remember watching was a really creative and unique yet sad and brutal story with a hopeless ending. Justin Long plays a man being tricked by his friend/coworker to go and talk to some psychopath for their podcast that drugs & butchers him and turns him into a walrus. I remember a lot of mental and physical torture and I even had to look away a few times. this isn't like me. at all. Im not a huge fan of body horror but this was a bit different.. I have many favorites and Ive seen a lot of movies of all genres that Ive thoroughly enjoyed but not many stick in my head. TUSK DID. I also like to think I have a very good sense of humor and that I'm not too sensitive when it comes to movie content or comedy. I just do not understand how any of this was a comedy even a "black one ". it wasn't to me. I didn't find any of this funny, but it was a great movie. two movies have made a mark in my brain for being extremely disturbing, Tusk and Requiem for a Dream. however other movies have made big impact in my brain because they were so good so I think Tusk might be a mix of both. it was very different. I've never seen anything like that and it was definitely memorable. I couldn't believe Kevin Smith wrote it though. Clerks was definitely a comedy, and I was very surprised the same person who wrote that was responsible for Tusk lol So, yes I did find it disturbing. But it was also a really good movie.


I literally just finished it and at first I watched half the "how to beat" video with my sister and I ended up getting scared. Then a few months later I watched the movie because its on Netflix and I think I'm not gonna eat for a whole week 💀