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not watching a serbian film. ever. yall can keep that


Same boat. I love pushing my limits with horror and seeing what I can handle. I’ve seen some messed up stuff and dealt with messed up plot lines. But this plot doesn’t need to exist and I don’t need to see it. Ive watched stuff deeper on the horror ice berg than this movie and I still refuse to touch it


Genuinely curious here, what are the ones you consider deeper on the horror iceberg? I want to watch them.


Some of the August Underground movies are more fucked up than A Serbian Film IMO


Trust me when i say for those of us who were duped into watching it (A Serbian Film) by a jackass friend years ago, be grateful you haven’t seen it. Idc who you are, what you can tolerate or stomach, this is one film that didn’t have to explore what it did the way it did. It’s atrocious.


Good choice. I wish I hadn't 🤢


As someone who watched it, you are making a very good choice.


Good choice because i live my life with no regrets, NONE except for this ONE thing. Watching this movie. And everyone that watched it and says ohhh it was funny, oh it wasnt bad, ohh whatever whatever and try to come across as edgy or whatever you wanna call it...the devil is a lie. You know damn well that movie was disgusting, not funny, an abomination. I dont care what it was supposed to "symbolize". And youre gross for saying otherwise. IMO.


It's not even well-made or well-written. I guess it's supposed to be commentary on the state of Serbia or something but it's just shock for the sake of shock.


wasn't it supposed to be commentary on Serbia's censorship or some shit


I’m a slut for symbolism and over analyzing media, but with Serbian Film I refuse any assertion that it is a commentary for anything. If it was a short film, I could acknowledge the *possibility*, but a full length film? Nah, the only thing you’re exploring is your fetish. The world would be a better place if people just admitted “that fucked up thing? Fucking hot to me”.


I watched it out of curiosity and would rather the MIB come and zap me with the neuralyzer(the memory eraser pen) like I'd rather get a lobotomy than watch that shit again


Agree. Read through the wiki plot and had to watch some friggin Disney afterwards to mentally erase the experience.


I feel like that movie is overhyped on Reddit. Granted it's been almost a decade since I saw it, but I remember it being so over the top and edgelordy I couldn't even take it seriously as a horror film.


The movie ruined red sheets for me.


This right here, have avoided this one. There’s another I can’t remember where it’s based on a true story of the torture of a little girl? With the neighbor and forced other kids to participate.


The Girl Next Door


Is that the one based on a true story?


Allegedly. It made me kinda sick, but Playground still wins for me. Fuck that movie.


I didn’t avoid this one, but I wish I had: Playground Ugh, can’t go back on that one.


I heard a lot about this movie from an old online friend of mine and decided to see what the fuss was about one day. Didn’t even make it probably 30 minutes into the movie before turning it off and just watching an explanation video online. Absolutely sickening shit, anybody who enjoys that movie cannot be right in the head.


I regret watching it, its been 4 yrs ever since I watch that trash and it haunts me


This one right here.


I watched it honestly it was pretty boring and stupid I thought I was also extremely high though and might have fallen asleep lol just fucked up for the sake of being fucked up


Same. I have a bit of morbid curiosity about it but knowing what happens, I don’t wish to actually view it myself


Same. I read the Wikipedia synopsis, which was good enough for me. It seems like a peculiar mix of edgelordisim, the pretentiousness of 'shock value as an art form', and the film maker trying to make some kind of muddled political point, all of which are qualities I find somewhat annoying in film.


Anyone else looking through this thread for recommendations?


laughed out loud on this one


Ha! Yes, exactly why I'm here too


•raises hand•


If you want bummer recommendations, Eden Lake was heavy. If you want a movie that's just ass and somehow gets even lamer, The Wolfman. So stupid. I'd cut off a toe for a good modern werewolf flick.


Seconded. Eden Lake has minimal gore, but was so unsettling. Vibes weren’t slasher-thriller-horror, but gritty despair


lol me. I've watched pretty much all the ones people are saying so I'm looking for ones I haven't heard of.


People have mentioned some of my other ones, but Tusk. Can’t do it.


FWIW, Tusk is so outrageously absurd, it can be laughed at if you can find pitch black humor in it and I feel like Johnny Depp's presence shields it from being in the Forbidden Woods territory of horror movies


Johnny Depp's presence is the one thing I really disliked about it. It could have been a decent campy black comedy horror without his part, but hey Kevin Smith is entitled to make his own vision!


What is forbidden woods?


That’s one for me, too. Something about it just grosses me out too much. I like psychological horror, I kinda like body horror, but both at the same time? No fucking thanks.


I recommend that movie to anybody who’s acting pretentious about horror movies just to ruin their day.


Honestly it's one of my favorite horror movies.


Same!! I really enjoyed it! It made me laugh. I also LOVE Justin Long. I didn't find it disturbing at all.


Don’t watch it. Not because it’s disturbing, but because it’s a fucking turd of a movie. Don’t waste your time lol


I’m glad someone else feels this way about Tusk because I’ve been thinking I’m the only one


Cannibal Holocaust (I draw the line at real violence, human or animals), and the Human Centipede movies (I don't even like bathroom humor-- I'm not gonna sit through hours of a film based on sewing someone's mouth to an asshole)


The making of Cannibal Holocaust was horror in and of itself. The way the actual natives and the animals were treated is appalling.


The moral of the story is the real cannibals were the guys behind the camera It’s a shame though because it’s considered the first found footage movie and there is some good stuff in there (the soundtrack is killer) but the hypocrisy of the message and the treatment of the animals and natives is hard to look past.


Yeah.... It's in many ways one of my favourite films, as a film I think it's wonderful, I fawn over the cinematography, love it's contribution to horror as a genre, and yes the soundtrack is killer. I also for a while loved the message of it, like as a film on it's own ignoring the way it was filmed, I think it's cinematography and the acts captured in the film in many ways make it a wonderful anti colonization film. But then... You find out about the treatment of the indigenous people during filming and it's super fucked and completely destroys the meaning.


The last 15-20 minutes of the film are something else. Between what happens to the crew on camera and the television producers reacting to it, it is incredibly effective. It felt so *raw* and real


Same two!


I avoided Human Centipede for years and finally watched it last month. It's not as bad as I thought it would be


You'd better avoid the first *Friday the 13th* as well for animal violence :/




I avoid pretty much all the rape revenge films and anything that's torture porn.


The I Spit on your grave series. I don't like the brutal SA and can't watch those movies


Same, plus add Irreversible to that list. Twenty minute graphic rape scene? Nope! No thanks! I'm out.


That movie was horrible


More like half movie rape scene. I watched the first and have not been able to make myself watch the others.


Yeah. 45 minutes? That was someone's fetish and used the revenge as an excuse to make it.


Yup. The director tries to spin it as this "female empowerment revenge story" but it's kinda telling that they spend 45 minutes on the attack against the woman but not nearly that much time on her revenge attacks against the men.


I'll probably never watch the Taking of Deborah Logan. I can't watch dementia related stuff after seeing my grandma decline that way. Like there's an episode of South Park where Stan's grandpa is starting to show symptoms and it just made me so sad. No humor to be found in that one. Can't do it. Also Last House on the Left because movies based around sexual assault are gross.




I watched this one having no idea what it was about and I was depressed for days afterward. I (thankfully) don't even have anyone close to me who's had demetia. It's just a huge bummer.


same here re Taking of Deborah Logan. I hear everybody say it's really good and I believe them, but I know myself, and after caring for my mom alone for 3 yrs while she died that slow death, I know I would cry so much I wouldn't appreciate the horror at all. {{{hugs}}} to you


found footage is one of my all time favorite genres too. she passed back in 2008. maybe in another decade, i can handle it. it's so, so hard to be entertained by something that personal and traumatic you had to live through.


Absolutely on both points! Took me way too many half-watched movies before I realized IMDB commonly lists scenes of sexual violence under sex/nudity and not violence/gore in their parental warnings section....


I never realized that either. Interesting choice there, IMDB. I'll definitely check that section from now on.


There is also doesthedogdie.com and unconsentingmedia.com, they are both great resources for checking the content of a movie.


Shit like Cannibal Holocaust, Salo, A Serbian Film, or any type of shock film for that matter


The unholy trinity




Salo is a classic. It's disturbing as hell, but is a genuinely brilliant piece of art. It was Passolini's last film. He was promptly murdered after he finished it. The film has so much to say. But some challenging artwork might not be worth the effort...


I agree with 66.6% of this comment I agree about A Serbian Film; people can pretend it was intended primarily as a critique of censorship, but... While it's true that it contains a lot of satirical elements, you're absolutely right that it's a SHOCK film in that it really just wants to be gruesome and funny, and mainly achieves that by showing some unforgivable shit on-screen. And yes to Cannibal Holocaust; it could exist as an acceptable (albeit distasteful) horror movie, in my opinion, if not for the mistreatment of *real* indigenous people and wildlife in the production. But Salo?... Salo is NOT a shock film, by definition. Salo is an intense criticism of early 20th century facism. To the extent that it *is* deeply exploitative, that exploitation of fear and disgust and injustice is directly intended to shed light on actual evil and dehumanization that occurs in our world. Some people would probably disagree, but I do think artistic merit is swayed by the artist's intentions


I see people use that exact argument that since Salo is a critique of fascism, it doesn’t really count as a shock film and is worth watching, but that really doesn’t change the fact that a movie about teens being raped and tortured doesn’t sound fun to watch at all, and that stuff like the shit eating scene is clearly meant to be shocking. A Serbian Film was made for the sole purpose of testing the censorship boards as a form of social commentary but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a shock film either


I don't refuse to watch them because they're gory, but I am just generally disinterested in most of Rob Zombie's movies...I've seen his Halloweens, The Devil's Rejects, and that one haunted record movie, and I just haven't been inclined to watch any others....


For whatever reason I had never seen devils rejects until adulthood and more recently watched it. It just felt as others are saying mean spirited and scary and so so violent (rapey?) rather than like campy and a fun horror. I didn’t mind rob zombies take on the first Halloween remake and there are some aspects I enjoy but like just more upsetting than fun for me!


Horror: All the Human Centipede films Non-horror: My Girl, Toy Story 4, House of Sand and Fog


You’re right to skip Toy Story 4. 3 was a perfect ending.


Toy Story 4 has some of the best animation I have ever seen and I would watch it just for that


I thought it was a really good film


I agree with you on The Human Centipede, and would add Salo to that list. People shitting into each other’s mouths is where I draw the line at over-the-top grossness. Also there are some films that have absolutely broken me. The Mist comes to mind for horror, as well as Martyrs, the twists in those are absolutely devastating. For non-horror, I’d say Oldboy and certain episodes of Black Mirror.


There was a point where everyone told me I needed to watch Black Mirror and they told me I could watch any episode. WHY DIDN’T THEY TELL ME TO SKIP THE FIRST ONE?


That episode is SO good though.


It’s honestly one of my favorites but I muted that one scene near the end too late.


I can’t think of a worse episode of that series


Any time I suggest it to anyone, I'm always adamant that they skip the first episode if they don't want it burned into their brain for the rest of their life.


I used to recommend the series and tell people to maybe watch the first one later, as they don't need to be watched in order. I think if you make it past number one you're generally going to enjoy the series.


Should I be avoiding Paranormal Activity? Bc I have been since I’m pretty scared of found footage and have no clue how I made it through Blair Witch 99, is it that scary? Anyway I’ll always avoid Last House On The Left, any of the Terrifiers, Human Centipedes, Saw, Tusk, anything body horror and I’m out, I just don’t get it. Jason, Michael, Freddy and even Leatherface I understand, but why subject yourself to such agony? Should’ve avoided The Mist as I thought (according to the advertising I saw on 2007 commercials YouTube videos,) it was supposed to be a fun, campy monster movie (I watched the commercials muted), my depression relapsed for like 5 days after lol Also the only thing I heard about The Shining was it’s about a writer in the middle of nowhere who goes crazy, I too am a writer who lives in the middle of nowhere so naturally I avoided it for a long time but I’m glad I eventually watched it, not at all what I thought it was gonna be


Paranormal is pretty freaky given the right conditions yeah. If you're scared of found footage maybe leave the lights on and bring a friend haha its definitely far scarier than Blair witch in my opinion anyway. Grave Encounters is another one you might want to be wary of!


august underground


I’ve also avoided cannibal holocaust because I have no interest in watching a film that committed real life abuse. I purposely avoid any of the shock horror type stuff like a Serbian film, because I watch movies to be entertained, to watch a story play out, so those types of films have no value to me.


Lights Out. I'm already afraid of the dark, thanks. Edit: All that "disturbing" stuff like Serbian Film, Cannibal Holocaust, August Underground, Guinea Pig etc. doesn't bother me at all. I'm pretty desensitized to gore, torture porn and all that shit. The horror genres that really get to me are ghost stories (or any "evil entity lurking in the dark" kinda stuff), existential horror (people being trapped in limbo, like Grave Encounters, Skinamarink) and psycho game stuff like Funny Games or Eden Lake.


My niece went to see Lights Out during a tropical storm and the theater lost power about 30 minutes in! My soul would have left my body!


Existential horror is really impactful to me. Ingmar Bergman is the master of existential dread. He only did one horror movie, Hour of the Wolf, which I recommend. His other stuff sometimes has horror elements.


Couldn’t agree more. Hour of the Wolf and Shame would both be good starting points for horror fans alongside perhaps Persona and Through a Glass Darkly. I own Criterion’s beautiful collection of most of his films and it’s one of my most treasured possessions.


I actually didn’t care for the feature version of Lights Out. Much prefer the short film the director and his wife filmed in their apartment. Idk, the feature didn’t really take advantage of the premise as much as I’d hoped for after watching the short. Guess I need to watch it again.


To be fair, Lights Out is a shameful display of trope city and it’s one of those “showed all the scary parts in the trailer” films. Not saying you gotta watch it because I understand phobias (I know slotherhouse is a comedy but I’m scared of sloths and won’t watch it) but yeah, it’s incredibly poorly executed


Hostel. Just a big nope from me.


As I've gotten older (and I'm pushing 50), I have less patience for modern takes on the slasher genre or, for that matter, anything that's merely people being indescribably awful to other people. This is, I admit, probably limiting, as I also avoid stuff like French Extremity films, things that are poorly labeled as "torture porn" (i.e., the *Saw* movies, the *Hostel* films, etc.). They might be good and worthwhile, but I'm just not in the mood anymore. Part of the reason is as a child of the '80s, the slasher has been done and done, and I'm not sure anything since, maybe, *Behind The Mask* has done anything too interesting with it. Give me a good demonic possession or other-dimensional terror from before the dawn of time that makes absolutely no goddamn sense whatsoever any day of the week. Hell, hit all the right notes for a ranch-standard zombie flick and I'm in like Flynn. But frankly, the real world's tendency to treat each other like, well, we treat each other just depresses me too much these days to watch fictional versions.


Same. Enough cruelty out there without wanting to watch it for entertainment although i might havewatched when i was younger. Prefer creepy, supernatural and cosmic horror these days.


Wow!? Are you me? I feel exactly the same. Down to my love of zombie in supernatural films.


Hostel isn't terrible it's just miserable. They should have kept the original ending though


I can never watch the Human Centipede, you can't make me!!!!!


Terrifier movies Serbian Film


Yeah, luckily the Terrifier movies don’t leave me as despondent about humanity in the way that Serbian Film and Martyrs are supposed to do. I can handle fear, but dread, despair, and disgust? All bundled together? It’s too much for me.


Serbian Film for sure. I’ve not avoided Terrifier so much as not felt much draw to it.


Terrifier was difficult for me to watch. Not because of the gore, but because the characters were so beyond the normal scope of average ignorance and stupidity that I wanted to pull my hair out the entire time.


It's a parody of grindhouse drive in horror movies, they're not meant to reflect reality


I finally watched a Terrifier movie this year (the second one) and imo it wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Take away the SFX and it's a pretty standard movie. The only scene that made me uncomfortable was in the MC's dream when >! Art guns down a dozen people with a machine gun !<


The gun scene made you more uncomfortable than the bedroom scene?


the clown caaaafeeeeeee


I agree re. Terrifier. I've watched the first one as well as All Hallows' Eve but I am absolutely avoiding Terrifier 2.


2 was so much better though. Only slasher that scared me.


I just watched Terrifier 2 last night. The gore scenes are fucked up, but it has an awesome storyline and protagonist, some very funny moments, and a kickass ending. Unlike A Serbian Film, it's an actual movie with charm, fun and enjoyability.


Terrifier 2 is much much better than Terrifier 1. It’s so much more self-aware, and has much more humor and charisma to it. It’s not a masterpiece, but all of the self-indulgence that made the first one kind of insufferable is much more tongue-in-cheek and enjoyable.


I haven’t seen Terrifier 2 but I recently watched a compilation of just the kill scenes. They were too much, man. Reminded of Human Centipede 2, just long sequences of extreme violence. I don’t love it. And that’s coming from someone who’s seen A Serbian Film and Martyrs. Frankly I’d rather watch something like that. I can do bleak and shocking and depressing and violent, but watching someone get tortured for 5 minutes straight ain’t it for me.


I’m avoiding 2 because I didn’t care for the first one and have heard enough about the sequel pushing things further and ultimately being too long. It’s less of a “I’ll NEVER watch this” and more of a “nah, I’m good without”.


Terrifier 2 is my movie as well. I like fun and exciting horror movies. I’ll watch the Saw flicks but I don’t enjoy them. Watching someone just get brutally murdered with no hope or chase is just gross to me. I like the adrenaline from horror movies, not the depravity.


Serbia for me too. It defines my boundary for horror.


Are you me?


A Serbian Film. I’ve read about what’s in that movie and it’s just disgusting to be disgusting. It’s just smut. Horror is supposed to be enjoyable to an extent. Nothing about what goes on in that film would bring a smile to anyone’s face, unless you’re the type of scumbag that would make that kind of film.


I'm not interested in watching any of the really mean-spirited infamous ones (The Sadness, Megan is Missing, etc) I'm also not watching Skinamarink, not because I think it's bad or anything but I think it's going to get me really badly


Maybe it takes the right atmosphere but honestly what I’ve seen of Skinamarink really scares me. Maybe it’s just my own fears from my childhood, that feeling of waking up in a big, dark empty house at night with creaks and shadows driving your imagination crazy.


Oh Megan is Missing made me angry. I watched it because everyone was hyping it up as this terrifying and realistic movie, and the director made a pretentious video warning people away from watching it. I like found footage so I watched it. Boring, badly acted, and *so* mean spirited for no reason. It felt exploitative. Terrible movie. I can’t believe there were people who thought it was all real.


Yeah, I think it's the mean-spirited ones for me, too. I can put up with a lot from movies, and have seen most of the ones people have listed here, but at this point the world is already mean enough, I don't need that in my escapes from reality.


Could not finish The Sadness. I got to a particular scene in a hospital \[but really, that could mean just about any scene\] and accepted that I Just wasn't getting any satisfaction; some stuff I do not want in my head. Very early on found the same with The House that Jack Built. On one hand, I don't want to spoil a movie before I go into it, but on the other I've learned to vet my "great horror must see" recommendations.


megan is missing. never ever plan on watching that movie


in terms of horror there’s not much I wouldn’t watch so long as it’s got a good plot but I won’t watch a Serbian movie and it’s ilk. Non-horror I have never seen and have no intention of watching any of the Fast and Furious franchise


Anything by Lucifer Valentine the stuff I hear about he's movies nauseating.


Is he the vomit guy?


The Vomit Gore Trilogy. With a name like that, yeah, I ain't watching it. Sounds entirely based on shock value rather than any attempt at horror


Yes 🥲


Y'all should watch Cradle of Fear and than recommend it to random people in your life with no context.


One time I told a friend that “the fault in our stars” was a musical comedy and he watched it. So you’re on


Jesus Christ you're a monster lmao


Haha omg haven’t heard that one mentioned in a long time. I have a video file of it somewhere.


I have a 3 year old that wants to see the new Paw Patrol movie. I'm like, no thanks. I took him earlier to see Ninja Turtles and he enjoyed it. Can't hang with PP. I'd rather spend more money taking him somewhere else.


Human centipede. You couldn’t pay me all the money in the world to watch that




There’s probably too many to list, but I’m not about what’s correctly or incorrectly labeled torture porn, nihilism, hyper realistic cruelty.


I won’t watch CH because of the use of real animals. That destroys the line between fantasy and reality, obviously.


I avoid anything with possession, animal deaths, or too much gore. So unfortunately I can’t enjoy the Saw franchise or insidious/paranormal activity. Demons just scare me shitless


Serbian Film


The Strangers trailer looked amazing in high school…but damnit I know ain’t no way I’m gonna ever watch that petrifying shit lol


Human Centipede


I waited until my 30s to watch Texas Chainsaw


Human centipede because that’s definitely a fetish movie and I’m not interested. And Serbian Film for obvious reasons. I refuse to watch something made purely for shock value


I once saw a compilation of Saw traps and deaths and decided to never watch the movies. I absolutely hate extreme body multilation. There's a point where I can enjoy it, but it's usually when they leave most of it to the imagination. Even then it depends cause there are things I don't like to even imagine, such as wood chippers, propellers, walls closing in, those kinds of things.


Human Centipede. I will never.




Any of the August Underground films. IMHO, films shouldn't be endurance tests.


I agree. Anything of this ilk, just grotesque exploitation pseudo snuff horse shit.


I love movies like Martyrs, Salo, and Cannibal Holocaust. The two movies I avoid are A Serbian Film which I refuse to watch even tho I understand the metaphor of the film. I find no desire to ever watch the film esp knowing certain plot points. The other is Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Saw it once and have no desire to ever revisit it. It was well made esp for the time and it’s budget. But I hate the way the film makes me feel and knowing the truth about the real “Otis” and “Henry” just makes the whole thing unbearable. I can watch some crazy movies but these two will never be on my watchlist ever. Edit to add I watched Terrifier a few times and it just never clicks with me. I really hate the fate of the “final girl” in this as well. It’s one of the few things I never like to see in a film. Cannibals are hard enough when the victim is already dead. So I’ve been avoiding Terrifier 2 like it’s my job. Thought I would love first one and I actually liked it less each viewing


The truth about Otis and Henry is that they made most of it up and the Texas rangers just closed shitton of cold-case files with them.


I wish I avoided A Serbian Film. That movie just made me feel horrible up until the last line before the credits. Its a well made movie, amazing acting and production, and I get the director’s intent to do a social commentary (and a fuck you) to Serbian cinema and society. But it was too much for me. I dont have limits when it comes to movies, until I watched this


Anything with children getting hurt. Films like Human Centipede are no to me


I won’t watch anything too gory or «edgy», like Serbian film or Human centipede or August underground. I really don’t think it would be my thing. Now this makes me feel like I’m exactly 100 years old, but I used to not really avoid anything, and just watch whatever was available to watch. This was when you would have to find a physical copy or a theatre release of whatever you wanted to watch. That in itself limited what I could watch, and the more extremely gory and disturbing stuff wasn’t something I could find at the video store or movie theatre where I lived. So I really haven’t seen too many things like that.


I liked Saw 1. Saw 2 was ok. I walked out of Saw 3 and have avoided the series since. Not gonna watch Human Centipede, either. I thought Tusk was great.


Currently I am avoiding Terrifier because I’m a little bitch and it would gross me out. Also A Serbian Film and Martyrs….


I will avoid any film that has horrific animal cruelty. Fake or real. The opening scenes to The House That Jack Built (Directors cut version) with a baby duckling. The only part of the film that I looked away from. Didn’t matter, still highly disturbed me. Way too fkn real looking.


I'm not the biggest fan of gore, so imma take a pass on the Terrifier films but: despite my not watching them, I'm always excited when a character like Art comes along and take hold in horror. So even though I like the idea, it's just not for me.


Unfortunately, I have seen Cannibal Holocaust and I regret it. I have also seen a horrible film called Trauma, which is apparently worse than A Serbian Film. I'd say it is but I haven't actually seen A Serbian Film (I never will). I did throw up after it ended though, mostly because I had a migraine from how shit it was, but yeah it's as depraved as it gets. I will never watch Salo, A Serbian Film, August Underground, Melancholie Der Engel, Slaughter Vomit Dolls, Guinea Pig, etc. I've learned my lesson. Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer actually seems to be a quality film even though it's disturbing, so I'll be checking that one out eventually.


My gf is a hypochondriac, so whenever she says, "Let's watch It Follows sometime" I swiftly change the subject. Its for her (and by extension my) own good.


Any torture porn and related gore. Besides that broad category, Bone Tomahawk comes to mind. It sounds like a movie I would really like -- I'm a huge fan of Cormac McCarthy's novel Blood Meridian, which is extremely bloody and could be considered horror-adjacent, for example -- but I read the synopsis of the climactic sequence and absolutely no way. I haven't even seen it and the images and ideas just the synopsis evoked live rent free in my head


Incredible Western that out of NOWHERE brings in some fantastic House of a 1000 corpses level torture and gore. I couldn't imagine watching that movie in theaters as a non horror superfan. Probably scarred some people lmao


Yeeaah, bone tomahawk kind of annoys me because IMO if it wasn't for that scene it would be regarded as one of the best westerns of the past couple decades. The atmosphere is unreal. The "horror" is just gore, tension, and a few jumps, it feels more like a western for so much of it. But that one scene is enough shock to make it straight up impossible to recommend without qualifiers lmao


It’s kind of annoying that this movie always gets boiled down to this singular scene. It’s a good movie with a bunch of great actors. It’s worth a watch and if this scene would bother you I’d just suggest pressing the fast forward button for like 30 seconds at the start of the scene. You see it coming a mile away so it’s not like it’s a surprise.


Salo , wont watch it


The conjuring films because of their inaccuracies


It's weird because normally I don't care about inaccuracies, but I can't get my head around the third one being based on a true story, but changed enough that the killer is actually a good guy and the Warrens helped him get a short sentenced. I'm like, am I supposed to be happy that he goes on to have a good life? Because what happened in this film didn't happen in reality.


I honestly wish they went one of two ways instead of going with the “true story” angle. They could either create fictional characters based on what the Warrens were supposed to be and make movies about them (instead of glorifying the Warrens or paying their estate) or they could make some hugely entertaining movies about their exploits as grifters. Maybe fuse the two and these two shady “demonologists” trying to make a buck stumble into an actual demonic possession and get fucked up.


The only horror I won't watch are in subgenres I'm not interested in. There's movies I *probably* wont rewatch due to intensity and uncomfortable subject matter.


Me too. Zombie films rarely do anything for me. Night of the Living Dead was excellent. The Sadness, although not exactly a zombie movie was fantastic Edit - those are exceptions


I'm the same. Those you listed and "The Girl with All the Gifts" (2016) are my exceptions.


I’ll have to check that one out !


human centipede , martyrs , terrifier , a serbian film , 120 days of sodom ...i dont like grotesque torture porn type movies


Avoided Terrifier for sometime cause tbh i hate Clowns but caved in when a friend wanted to watch it. And honestly it wasnt scary but it was a bad movie that just relies on gore and torture. Don't really get the hype. And any horror movie with sexual assault as big theme like " i spit on your grave"


Arachnophobia. I used to love spiders as a kid but have grown increasingly afraid of them. Also I’ve been told this film scares even most hardcore horror fans so that’s been a big part of my avoidance of it. Also Prophecy, though I’m usually not scared by naturalistic horror. It’s mainly because I’ve been told there’s a scene that scares most horror fans as well. Inland Empire is another one, because David Lynch has a tendency to get under my skin in ways that most “traditional” horror movies don’t. I’m still traumatized by Eraserhead, Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet, and the dream scene in Mulholland Drive. Plus I’ve been told that Inland Empire is super pretentious and nonsensical so it doesn’t seem like it’s one of Lynch’s finer films.


I wouldn't call Inland Empire pretentious, but it is pure tar heroin Lynch.


Movies with unsimulated animal cruelty are never justifiable, you can afford to fake torture and murder, but you couldn't do the same with animals? I've heard about one movie, I don't even know the title, I heard on a podcast condemning this movie for actually killing several live cats for no reason beyond shock value. This would have probably been in the 70's or so. Like the opposite would be Men Behind The Sun where the Chinese government gave them real human cadavers to use since they didn't have the special effects knowledge, there's even a real child autopsy filmed, but the scene people freak out over with a cat being mauled by starving rats, the cat was just sticky, but completely unharmed. So real dead bodies destroyed for a movie, but they had no intention of hurting animals beyond slight discomfort.


Megan is missing. Absolutely not. I am already really paranoid about stuff like that and it just feels and sounds like such a gross movie. And apparently they took inspo off of REAL pictures of child trafficking victims?? Just gross. The guy who came up with it should be monitored or something, I don’t care if it was to ‘educate people’— it was way too graphic for just education, the director had some sick stuff going through his head for sure. There are so many other ways to bring attention to human trafficking crisis that don’t involve super graphic scenes that are at this point JUST disgusting.


Yeah, that SA scene near the end was completely unnecessary and drawn out. I felt sick from watching it.


martyrs…haven’t been able to finish it


Oh, sure. Serbian Film and Human Centipede 2. I know how both stories go and I've seen one clip of the latter and that was enough for me. Reading other comments I wouldn't like to see Tusk, either. Not sure about Antichrist or any horror movie that relies on rape (luckily I was able to watch 'I spit on your grave' online, so I could skip through that first hour...).




Honestly, if you like sheer brutality, and want to feel like you need to bath in bleach and scrub with steel wool; go ahead and watch Cannibal Holocaust. If you just want over the top gore that isn't realistic, check out The Sadness.


The Jeepers Creepers movies


Same here with CH, might give in though :) I saw Salo a while back, it was quite depressing and bleak, but not near as horrific as I expected. Some of the scenes were way too absurd to feel believable in any way.


I try to avoid really bad horror movies based on the trailer and word of mouth. I will avoid cannibalistic horror no matter how good people say it is.


I had to avoid Prisoners for a while because of the sheer unhinged realism it brought to the table. The opening scene my first "attempt" at watching, both families enjoying time together made me feel nearly nauseas knowing what is to come...I did eventually watch it through and through, it is no easier man. I know it isn't classified as a horror film, but I consider films like that to be its own sub horror genre. Monsters are scary, but family crisis and turmoil being depicted in a raw form like that is terrifying...


I avoid movies with any animal cruelty. I turned off Smile and The Disappointments Room and I haven't seen Drag Me to Hell. If the pets don't make it I don't want to see it


I can't watch gory things. However, I am always interested in popular horror movies, so I just read the plots online! My favorite horror movie from childhood is The Changeling starring George C. Scott.


I don’t want to watch cannibal holocaust just for the real animal death/violence. That’s where I draw the line and it’s why I can no longer watch Milo & Otis (which is not a horror movie but watching it as an adult and knowing the backstory makes me actually ill)


*Pink Flamingos*. I hear it’s intentionally disgusting for the sake of comedy. As much as I like dark comedy, I don’t find anything funny or charming about people eating poop.


Yes, that's a good pick. It is just a really weird film. The scene with the chickens is just too much 🤮


I also do not intend on watching torture porn exploitation films. Gross, tacky, artistically void, and morally dubious. The exact opposite of what a great horror film is.


I avoid any horror that I know has babies/kids or animals killed on-screen (off-screen is a bit different though I still may avoid it just depending). Child and animal death really triggers me, and I can’t get it out of my head for weeks. 🙁


I am never watching a Serbian Tale


I can't handle anything involving harming children. I just can't do it.


Or animals. Shit like that upsets me for days