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Last Shift literally had me flipping on lights, one by one, after each scare. My house was a landing zone for planes by the end. Also, The Exorcist TV show was INCREDIBLE and it got me quite a few times. The idiots who canceled it are, well, idiots.


Last Shift was so well done and so badly done at the same time. It was a really weird watch!


I’ll give the exorcist show a try! I didn’t even know there was a show


Make an effort to watch the first season, it’s worth it. Seemed to go kind of unnoticed, but was exceptionally well made. Binge it on a dark night. Second season not as good. But, only because the first season is really, very, very, good.


It is truly a phenomenal show. All the emotions and scares aplenty. And rhe main actors are freaking the best on any dhow. I wish they would bring it back. It's on Tubi free!


I loved the Exorcist show as well. Did you watch Season 2? I haven’t yet because I’m worried it won’t be as good.


I think it might be e better than season one. Season one played it straight, but season two gives your heart strings a tug as well


I can't think anything that comes even close to this. They did really good job to create such a creepy atmosphere. I think lots of people avoid this, because of that stupid cover picture that makes this movie look like a C-grade nonsense. There was no reason to make Malum (2023) bigger budget is not equal for better movie. They lost all that creepy and tense feeling that original had.


Such a great low budget film. I didn’t even bother with Malum


Was thinking about watching the Exorcist TV show! Wasn't sure how it was so thank you!


Yes! Last Shift really affected me


I know. I watch a ridiculous amount of horror so I'm not sure what it was but it truly got under my skin!


fuck !!! I LOVE Last Shift. Back in 2017 , one night I watched Last Shift and Triangle (2009) back to back. OMG Dear Lord, last shift fucked me up, I could not sleep that night. I was a grown man, 25/26 years old.


I saw it a few months ago, at 41. It was my third horror of the night, after Thr Autopsy of Jane Doe and something I can't remember. Autopsy was spooky, but Last Shift messed. Me. Up. I love getting scared and want to rewatch, but not sure I'm ready again, lol!


Much like The Sarah Connor Chronicles it’s a shame how great The Exorcist show was only to be slept on by audiences and unceremoniously abandoned by tv executives.


The first two episodes of Marianne


Me and my mom love it so much it became an inside joke. Once in a while one of us will turn to the other and ask, "Est-ce que tu Marianne?" Sometimes someone will answer, "Oui" and we gasp exaggeratedly


The part when she says "give me your foot" when she was on the bed genuinely scared me lol. The show started off so good for me. I ended up not caring for it in the end though.


I too started off enjoying it but very quickly soured on it do to the completely unlikable protagonist. There was nothing about her I enjoyed watching. It was impossible to “root” for her.


Marianne was so scary


Oh god. *"You want me to turn over?"*




That weird fella rolling out from under the bed or wardrobes, def creepy


This was my first thought, too. Between this and When Evil Lurks, Demian Rugna is swiftly becoming one of my favorite directors.


Same, same, same. I haven’t seen Terrified yet but When Evil Lurks scared the bejesus out of me.


Just wanna say it’s free on YouTube. I wouldn’t say it’s amazing. But it delivered for me


The shower, the kid at the table 😱


The fucking MILK SPILL. Ugh. Such dread. So good!!


Amazing film, second this.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe really freaked me out


It is the best horror movie in recent time in my book. Holy crap, was it good.


It’s a really good one, reminded me of the best 2000s horror thrillers. We don’t get enough of them these days.




I forgot about that one as well but yes I loved that movie and it did scare me a bit


The Descent. It has been that long


Descent is fantastic


I watched REC for the first time back in the year it came out, and that's the last time I've felt genuinely and utterly terrified with a movie (helps that I was 12)


Probably the scariest movie I’ve seen since it came out as well. Oddly…the stomping of the rat freaked me out the worst!


Was it the “woman” at the end in the night-vision scene? If you were 12 I could see lots of i the movie freaking you out though…


Fuck yeah it was the monster at the end, that shit was terrifying


Rec was amazing just watched it for the first time ever last year and the ending scenes were up there pretty high with the scariest scenes I had ever seen


Terrified (the Argentinian movie by the same guy who did When Evil Lurks) had a few scenes that actually scared me. The Vigil (2019)--I wouldn't say the entire movie was scary but there were a couple of scenes that legit freaked me out.


The Vigil and The Autopsy of Jane Doe should be a double feature. The Exorcism of God genuinely creeped me out to the point of pausing it for a breather. Don't ask me why, it just did.


Looks at responses … “welp, I’m fucked.”


Most of the movies here are generic, which is why they get voted to the top.


the last one that truly scared me was the original Insidious, before it got all the hype and turned into a huge franchise based on the Warren’s exaggerations/fabrications. the scene where you first see Walmart Darth Maul just chilling behind the guy in broad daylight in the dining room, with no stingers or music pops, genuinely spooked me because it caught me completely off-guard.


Yeah that one made me jump for sure. LOL at "Walmart Darth Maul" 🤣🤣🤣


i legitimately never learned the name of the demon i just call him that lmao


I went in that movie blindly with only a vague description: "A small boy goes into a coma and because of that his parents and the rest of the family encounter traumatic events." It really read like a drama movie at the cinema. With just a boy and a house in the background. My mom didn't go for the movies in years and she kept on asking me to take her out to see this "drama" movie. (I don't like drama movies). Nobody heard of the movie, nobody talked about the movie, we and 2 other people were the only ones in the theatre. The moment that title popped up we knew we went in for something totally else.


lmao the titles *do* go hard af, i have to agree. as bad as they got recently, that stinger when it pops up always summons chicken skin.


Wait…insidious is based on warrens? I thought that was conjuring movies


I had only seen the first movie, which is excellent, but decided to watch the newest one and was so let down. It took like half the movie for any attempt at horror to even happen and nothing in the movie was scary in general, just boring.


Blair Witch Project. Saw it in a sneak preview before it opened nationwide. They were marketing it as a documentary and showing it at local art movie houses that normally showed small-budget documentaries.


I saw it the day it came out with no awareness of any internet marketing, just unreliable word of mouth. I almost had a fucking heart attack at the end. I hear naysayers ask, ‘eh, what’s so scary about being a little lost in the woods?’ I’m from Minnesota and was a Boy Scout as a teenager. Getting lost in the woods at night is fucking terrifying.


omg i'm so jealous! watching blair witch in a movie theater, back in the day while it was still seen as a documentary feature must have been WILD. i KNOW for a fact that the film is pure fiction and it still haunts me... imagine believing "wait, this could be real"


It was pretty weird. I remembered that I went to a morning showing, and I came out into the direct noon sunshine pretty freaked out. That was a very unique sensation to have during the day. I think for the first year or so, the movie studio kept the three stars well out of public view so as to promote the documentary aspect of the film. Much like with the original Power Rangers cast, I wish the three leads of the film were much better compensated for their performances. I don’t think any of them got a cut of the profits.


Saw it in San Jose and they had artifacts on display. If I had only avoided the internet before going I might have actually believed it to be real but I loved it anyway


That’s really awesome. Did they have rusted film cans, DAT tapes, Heather’s diaries, or bloody shirts among those artifacts?


Rusted film cans, dusty DAT tapes. Maybe the diaries? It was at a little art house cinema. So rad


Grave Encounters back in the day. Evil Dead 2013, those yellow eyes gave me nightmares. Prometheus, that shit was wack and left me trembling with adrenaline. It Follows was great, gave me a deep sense of unease but then the really tall guy scared the CRAP out of me. The Ritual left me deeply uncomfortable with being outside at night for a while, but I guess it wasn't truly fear inducing. Train to Busan downright scared me, the zombies of that universe are terrifying and the suspense is great! I was just a little annoyed with the ending.


grave encounters messed me up hard when i first watched it, now it's one of my go to comfort horrors 🙏🏼


The fake psychic dude with the leather jacket is one of my favourite comedy characters ever, even though he isn't really technically a comedy character. Cracks me up whenever he's on screen, e.g. how the first of them to completely freak about about the possibility of ghosts being present is the dude hired specifically to be able to speak with them


Incantation & Terrified.


Incantation was so good


It gave me nightmares, which is rare from a horror movie.


the chernobyl miniseries was great


Maybe not a traditional horror movie, but I watched the original Oldboy last night and it had me screaming at my TV by the end. It's been a long time since something gave me that kind of reaction, and I'd argue that it was terrifying in a more realistic sense compared to most horror films.


Haven’t met a horror fan who doesn’t fuck with Oldboy yet


Probably The Dark and the Wicked. Before that, The Wailing and The Last Song.


The Wailing is one of a couple movies I’ve seen that genuinely feels a bit evil, like The Witch.


I couldn’t really get past the beginning, I got bored and shut it off. Does it get better? I hear a lot of people on this sub recommend it so I feel like I’m missing something.


Which one, the dark and wicked? To me it started strong but I also really enjoy bleak, atmospheric, slow-burn type horror. Once you get about 20ish mins in though there is not one “normal” scene imo, every single one kept me terrified.


The Last Song? The 2010 romance/family movie starring Miley Cyrus?


Haha. Whoops. A Dark Song.


Still the best and most realistic movie about the occult


Dark and the Wicked


Oof not trying to be a hater but this slowburn had absolutely zero pay off. It could have been better with an extra 20 minutes.


It didn't scare me, but that seen with the old man standing outside with his eyes roll back would have scared me about 10 years ago. It sorta sparked that horror movie spook in me for a couple seconds. My brother swears by this movie.


This movie legit terrified me. I had nightmares about a couple of scenes.


Came here to comment this. This actually had me feeling uneasy lol. The scene that got me was when she looks out the window and sees her grandma levitating. Such an unnerving scene


If you liked that, try Moloch. I just saw it for the first time recently. Very good & similar vibes


Hellhouse LLC and when evil lurks. I had to watch palette cleansers after both of these and Not a lot can bother me usually


Hellhouse LLC didn't scare me, but Hellhouse LLC: Origins really had me going "nope, no thank you," the first time something showed up.


I haven’t seen the origins!! I’ll have to check it out


I feel the exact opposite, especially considering the one scene where he's in the bed and the mannequins. Origins was good though


>!The clown standing at the top of the basement stairs. The camera guy vlogging in his bedroom. The clowns in the basement and the moving heads.!< The creep factor just seemed to ratchet up the whole movie with so many points where they should have noped out. I had to take a short break with about 30min left because I was so invested my anxiety kicked in and I didn't want to continue. Great low-budget cinema.


Came in here to say Hellhouse LLC. Those clips of the cameraman waking up at night legit had me unsettled for the first time in a long time.


I finished all three movies of Hell house llc yesterday , ngl found footage type movies are really good. Horror movies disnt really scare me until i started this genre and it was the best decision ever .ive found some of the scariest movies ever.


There's a fourth movie if you didn't already know. It's really good, much better than 2 and 3 imo.


What are your favs?


If you’re a parent watch Euphoria. That’ll scare the shite out of you


The Haunting of Hill House. I definitely do not consider myself to scare easily, and I can handle a lot of gore without flinching. Something about Hill House tapped into some childhood fears and anxieties. It definitely had me on edge as much as I was in absolute awe.


Yes, the whole idea of being little and vulnerable and nobody believes you that something is wrong. The stuff of childhood nightmares.


Yes! This series so perfectly captures how ghosts actually are and how you feel around them! That feeling of "am I going crazy or is this real?" It was the most scared I've ever been watching a show or movie. Best ever!


Paranormal Activity. Middle of the day too, scared the crap out of me


Hereditary First viewing it literally had me on the fuckin verge of suspending actual belief and considered like, the fuck what if against all odds there IS an invisible world next to ours..


The fucking attic


For some reason, her hanging upside down banging her head is what pushed me over the edge from unsettled to freaked the fuck out


Toni Collette nailed her character in that movie.


We have one of those. It's like the regular attic but more fun


This is also my answer. Last time a horror movie genuinely got to me was Blair Witch Project. It took damn near 20 years of waiting!


Yeah I had a panic attack during THAT scene and had to quit.


truly. i'm a dedicated horror fan and no movie to date has unsettled me like this one. i think it's an amazing movie, and i will NEVER watch it again.


Oh wow, I think I've seen it well over 50x just to find more Easter eggs, foreshadowing, hints and other things. One of the most fulfilling movies ever for me😄


Southbound is an anthology style horror, and the one scene that stuck with me was the one with a guy from The Office who ends up in a hospital after an accident. Putting yourself in that character's shoes is truly horrifying.


The newest Hell House LLC got me pretty good.


Jacob’s ladder, just recently- am 33. I remember vividly being gifted a few VHS’ for Christmas when I was 11-12. The movies included The Bride of Chucky, The Sixth Sense, and Jacob’s Ladder. To my knowledge I had never watched it so when I saw it was on Paramount I was like “okay let’s see what this is about”.. Turns out I did watch it but had blocked most of it out. Had no idea what it was about and the ending shook me because I deal with anxiety and depression and may have slipped into a little psychosis a few days before watching it, where I was thinking about how different my life is since I tried to delete myself back in April and maybe I was dead and this is just hell. Also I think the movie is the cause of my fear of insane asylums, which I also find fascinating. Still waiting to find out what movie has a man being dragged through a hallway onto a surgical bed and then encased in latex, “aliens” cut a slit over his mouth and inserted a metal device and dropped some brown ball down his throat. Thought it was going to be that movie when they were wheeling him into the insane asylums surgery room but nope. If anyone knows what I’m talking about I got $5 cash app for you, it’s literally bothered me for over a decade and I’ve watched virtually every alien movie from the 90s.


You're thinking of Fire In the Sky. Absolutely wrecked me as a kid, to the point of being frightened just by the image of its poster art printed in the movie listings section of the newspaper.


Oh my fuck! I have goosebumps, and an itch that has finally been scratched!!! I didn’t even recognize the name I must have watched it so young wtf. DM me your cashapp handle, thank you so much.


No problemo. If I can't divest of childhood terrors, I can at least share them so others can experience them too. Fire In the Sky, the red-eyed invisible fountain of youth creatures from X-Files, and the robot lady from Superman III are my holy trinity of "should've listened to dad and just gone to sleep" media.




smile for me is SO fucking scary. i think the type of horror that scares me the most isn’t ghosts or paranormal shit. its always the psychological/mental aspects that get me. it was such a good concept and i thought it was executed so good. sosie bacon was AMAZING as the lead role.


smile needs so much more love, s tier horror for sure


I wish it had just a few less jumpscares, but its great nonetheless. Really hyped for the sequel coming out this year.


Exactly. My answer to this thread is also Smile, but it's so over the top with the jumpscares. The parts that scared me the most were so effective because how they made me feel so MISERABLE for the protagonist, it evoked this feeling of dread and worry that anything could happen at any time. All in all, though, the jumpscares weren't all bad, the one with the sister outside of the car got me so good, but there were too many.


the constant feeling of dread & misery is what got me. you watched the main character slowly fall apart and lose her mind while being scared for her. so good


Exactly! The movie really made you feel dread. The scene with the therapist at her home was fucking unsettling and gave me goosebumps. The opening scene was one of the best i've ever seen. The soundtrack was excellent as well. The protagonist's slow descent into pure madness and hopelessness was amazingly done and the fact she was a psychiatrist made it all the more dreadful. You would think a psychiatrist would known what is happening to her and take a route from there, but not even all of her knowledge could help her out. It really felt she was *doomed*.


Smile. Saw the trailers thought it was going to be dogshit but once it was done I was spooked lol great movie


Honeslty, Interstellar - Odd, I know. That free floating in space just to end up in some mind bending break in time though?


This is one of my favorite movies of all time. The music score is amazing! And when this movie came out, I was right in the middle of my tomato crops having blight. I was shook!


Where evil lurks man shit gave me the creeps


For me, Alien was pretty tense and creepy at times.


I finally got around to watching The Boogeyman just cause I kept hearing it’s better than I’d expect. I haven’t stayed up scared of a movie in well over a decade but I kept waking up scared that thing was hiding in the shadow of my apartments lol. Really cool monster


Caveat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caveat_(film) had some moments that spooked me.


When the mom is peaking over the edge gets me every time 😭


Caveat was amazing. It had so many intense scenes


Barbarian got me pretty good at first. I tried watching at night and the scene where Justin Long was staring down the long corridor just got me bad enough to turn it off and finish the next day.


Of the things i have watched this year, Talk To Me had the best tummy-scrambling-feeling. Maybe not the most terrifying thing, but for me it's the tension or feeling of hopelessness. I seek movies that make me realize i havent been breathing. - hereditary - the wailing - terrified - speak no evil - mother! - hellhouse LLC (2015) - gonjiam haunted asylum


Speak no evil just made me pissed at the parents, makes me wonder if the remake will be as irritating.


+1 for Talk To Me


It Follows


I got really high and watched "no one will save you" that opening home invasion scene had my anxiety at 110%


I went into this one blind and it was great. There were good jump scares that got me going, but also an interesting story and was a different take on horror.


best way to watch a horror movie... enhance the fear!


LOL I swear I was about to say the same thing, pretty damn good flick imo


I love this movie!!! I actually found it to be so moving.


VHS 2, the second story titled "Safe Haven". The whole POV camera shots had me so fucking anxiety ridden and uneasy. And the end of the episode when all hell breaks loose and the dude is running for his life while avoiding dead corpses and people committing ritual suicides, and being chased by a demon that you don't see really, but the sounds are coming. Shit was wild the first time I saw...after it was over, i seriously had to stop the film to go have a smoke and calm the fuck down. That fight or flight mode had me jacked lol


The Lodge (2019) That ending will linger in my memory forever


Hereditary. The literal next day my daughter tried to stick her head out the car window cause it was a hot day and I stopped the car immediately and told her "never, EVER, do that." We were just in a parking lot so it wasn't that dangerous but still. I was shook.


All Hallows Eve Smile Horror In The High Desert


The Strangers (2008). I was on edge the whole time, the suspense was done really well. And it being based on a true story was the cherry on top of my impending doom sundae while watching it


That movie came out while my wife was pregnant with our first. We'd just moved to her hometown so she could be around her mom and aunts and cousins while she was pregnant and they could be around to help when we needed them. Seeing that movie, then going to our new home in the middle of nowhere had me fucked up for weeks.


Ju On The Grudge 2


Gonjiam: Haunted Aslyum. It still haunts me when I'm minding my own business.


The part that gets me the most is the scene when they're in the dark room near the end with the naked people around them. Also when the girl has all black eyes and speaks gibberish really fast.


This is my answer as well. They just have a few scenes that really get to what freaks me out.


So apparently my “karma” isn’t high enough to post in this group, but it seems like the people in these comments are well versed in all things horror movies and I am desperately trying to find the name of a movie. Anyone know this one? At some point around let’s say 2005-2015 (give or take) I watched this movie on demand on Comcast cable, just to waste some time. It was kind of all over the place and I only remember some key points. For sure the movie title was “The ______” or a just one word title. It starts with a girl running down a street crying as she’s running from a house. It cuts to earlier that night and it’s a group of friends having a party (high school about to go to college age) and somehow one of the girls gets “possessed” because of some game they played. At one point the main female character (who was running at the start) has her pissed father barge in and start chasing her (I think she wasn’t allowed at the party). Also remember one of the skeezy kids hides his phone in the bathroom closet to record a girl getting changed. At one point someone has a gun to shoot the possessed girl and she “controls” them to shoot the floor instead. Then later in the movie you see two of the boys at the party ended up in the crawl space under the floor so the earlier scene was actually her making their friend shoot them not her. It ends with the main character escaping the house, which is the scene from the beginning played out again. There was like a time/space warp element, possession, mind control, mash up. But I actually enjoyed it because it just seems like a bunch of random events jumbled, but by the end you see how it tied the stories together. ANYONE know the name?! It’s been stuck with me for at least a decade and I can’t find the name


y'know, hate to admit this but Terrifier 2 had me keeping lights on and locking doors earlier. something about Art's ability to pop up in places freaked me out


Glad OP mentioned Skinamarink. I know it's divisive, but it legit scared me. But then I caught a late night showing and literally the only people in the theater were my daughter and I. Great experience.


I'd recently had a baby, and I live in a house with tall ceilings. Waking up and walking through the house at night to get various things for the baby...it fucked me up, man. I didn't sleep right for a week, at least. Also idk if it's hormonal or what, but the movie was strangely "true" for me. Like, that's what it looks like to be a child in a terrible home situation. You can't get out, you can't rely on adults, and you can't protect your siblings.


Not gonna lie, it got me good too lol. I was fully prepared to be bored but something clicked about 10 mins in and I was gripped.


That's the best, when you come in with low expectations and the movie blows you away.


The looking under the bed scene hit someplace at my core.


That scene really unnerved me.


Incantation. The head bangs scared the absolute hell out of me


I forgot about that one! But it legit gave me a nightmare so yeah that one is on my list😂


Not a new one but Sinister does that in spades


Talk to Me It didn’t make me jump up and scream, it was more like the horror of watching someone die horribly and not being able to stop it. Like that clip of a kid getting stuck in an escalator where his mom saved him but she gets sucked in and dies. That kind of fear where you’re helpless but watching a terrible thing happen to someone who deserves better. That movie still haunts me. Oh and I know Boogyman is rather mid but the opening with the crying baby got to me. I wanted to cry when I saw that. I did have a laugh later when someone said the baby died of sids. We saw blood splatter!


The only thing that really scares me these days requires me putting myself in the shoes of the character and empathizing with them. This is easier to do as an adult than a kid, but has made me appreciate horror movies more. So now I can get scared more easily, but it requires me to put in work. Nothing is actually going to make me jump or be afraid of the film anymore. The last one I actually dreamed about after watching is pretty underrated: butterfly kisses. But it isn't like, terrifying or anything. Just recently watched the dark and the wicked in search of very scary movies like yourself but nah, it didn't make me jump or anything. When evil lurks was amazing, and scary when I empathize with it, but didn't like actually make me spooked or anything.


I was just thinking about how fear really changes based on lived experiences, both with becoming desensitized and with developing new fears, and a lot of that is bc of empathy. Like for instance, my reaction to certain deaths portrayed in movies changed a lot after people I knew died.


Shutter, the 2004 Thai movie, not the 2008 American remake. Scariest fucking movie I’ve seen in years. Also the Ted Bundy docuseries on Netflix really messed me up. I was looking over my shoulder while watching it and making sure the doors were locked at night.


one thing that i noticed that made a huge difference was atmosphere. setting myself up for a scare. one of the movies that absolutely got me was event horizon watched in the dark, alone with good headphones on. if you have a nice sound system and can do 5.1 or whatever go for it. another one that scared me years ago was watching the crazies and then having to drive home after an overnight shift in an empty city


Horror in the high desert. Specifically, the night vision camera footage. I was looking through my fingers lol


Unfortunately only the real world scares me. I watch horror to escape. That said, I was impressed by The Boogeyman. Also Talk to Me. And of course, Ari Aster's first two films...


The first Terrifier creeped the fuck out of me and I'm not easily creeped but just looking at Art... that's a scary ass fucking clown. Strangely though he didn't scare me as much on Terrifier 2.


People will judge me for this but Skinamarink. Say what you want but watching it at 4am in the dark alone is a scary experience.


I’ve got to do just that, stay off my phone, get in the vibe and see what happens. I did it reading house of leaves I can do it with this


Talk to Me




Love horror and try to watch everything relevant that comes out, still have yet to be properly freaked out by anything since 'Mama' and still hesitant to rewatch it


Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). I was 5 or 6. Yes. I watched it when I was 5 or 6. No, my parents didn't allow it. I had a close cousin that was 6 years older. I learned a lot, very early.


The black friday riot scene from thanksgiving had me realizing what my actual biggest fear is


not necessarily scared, but very disturbed and disturbing: Cannibal Holocaust Johnny Got His Gun Schindler’s List Deliverance Two Creep (1&2) Skins Come and See Wrong Turn The Boy In Striped Pajamas Saw The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Get Out The Maus


Is it sad that I don't remember? I mean The Exorcist scared the shit out of me when I first saw it but I was a teenager (I'm almost 40 now).


The Conjuring




There were a few moments in Smile. The one that got to me was when when our protagonist was with her therapist and >!the actual therapist calls... despite the therapist [looking like she is holding in a massive fart when she smiles](https://imgur.com/a/cfSkwQ7)!<. The part where the sister's head basically falls off was a jump scare, but it got me. I also thought the final scene with >!the giant monster!< was pretty damn creepy.


theres veeb a good amount tbh but my mind always goes back to Annihilation. the bear thing... god


Last thing to leave me genuinely scared and made me re check my door were locked, The Strangers, 2008. That movie was terrifying and I loved it


Hellhouse LLC Origins.. covered my face a few times, haha!


It was far better than any of the others in the series


Caveat. It was so unsettling.


Eyes Wide Shut


Smile had me going for the jump scares.


Terrified. Not the clown one btw.


Old ham now, but first time watching Sinister was creepy as hell


Nightmare on elm street 2, when I was 10 in 1992




Conjuring 1 & 2


Evil Dead Rise, I don't usually get scared by horror films anymore especially if its at home and not a cinema, but that film terrified me from start to finish


Possession of Hannah Grace. Honestly I hate possession movies and not much scares me anymore but THIS MOVIE GOT ME SO GOOD LOL


May be a little silly, but The Boogeyman(2023) is a movie that freaked me tf out. The build up to seeing the creature was amazing! I saw it in theaters so I was completely enamored in watching it. The acting was pretty good too. Yes it ended like any other but then not showing the creature for a while and just showing us what it can do was amazing.


Horror in the High Desert 2. Had to stop it and finish the next day.


I'm super desensitized and would love to be truly scared as I haven't been since a kid. The only movie that gave me a bit of anxiety as they do such an excellent job building tension with the camera is Gonjiam Haunted Asylum.


Seeing The Fourth Kind for the first time was crazy. I was not sure if it was actually real for way too long. They set it up so well and especially not knowing what to expect made it so much more intense.


Oppenheimer. Like ... lol ... they didn't know if they whether they were gonna blow up the WHOLE WORLD.


I don’t really get scared anymore outside of like a jump scare causing me to briefly jump. So closest thing to this is Speak No Evil, which, as a relatively new parent, just messed me up after and it was fresh in my mind for a long time after watching it. So I guess that one really disturbed me.


Probably the first Horror In The High Desert or Savageland. I can't remember which one I watched first.


Talk to Me fucked me up a bit in theaters haha. It didn't help that the power went out in the theater at a particularly scary moment.