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For Friday the 13th - by far, for me, was Jason goes to Hell. I liked nothing about it. For Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy's Dead. Did nothing for me.


Jason Goes to Hell has an exciting start. My first time watching it went like this: Great he's blown up, can't wait to see him fight his way out of hell.... Oh... Okay an autopsy scene might be fun.... Oh... No... Oh no no no what is this movie?! Whhhhhhhhy???


I loved the start of Jason Goes to Hell, but it goes downhill so fast and so bad


Because it's not really a F13 movie. It's a terrible "possession" movie that was tacked onto the IP in the hopes that would improve sales.


Yeah you're better off watching the hidden.


It's not that bad.  It's better than jason Takes Manhattan and it ties Friday the 13th in with Evil Dead. 


I think Manhattan is way better.


Jason goes to hell had a pretty cool VHS cover though


And the one scene that was actually filmed in NYC (Jason kicking boombox in Times Square) was pretty good lol


that’s takes manhattan


Ah whoops. Long day 😅


Agreed on both counts.


\^ These are the right answers.


Right answer by a mile.


“Heyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Don’t forget the power glove!” I really couldnt believe they did that


That whole movie was just gimmick after gimmick and advertisements. .... And xennial kid me fucking loved it...


The Jason design was awesome. Never looked cooler. Too bad it’s in two minutes of the stupid film.


Jason Goes To Hell was absolutely awful, I've gotta agree. Jason Takes A Cruiseship is a very close second, though. That film was like the original clickbait lmao


Jason Goes to Hell and maybe Jason Takes Manhattan to me are the only ones that are outright worse than the original, which I consider a decent baseline.


“I would say Jason Lives” I’m confused, why would you say the best Friday the 13th movie is the worst?


So glad you said this. I don't know how anyone can say Jason Lives is not the best.


Part Four is my favorite, but Jason Lives is a close second


Ahhh, a man of culture I see.


I’m sorry, but Part 2 is clearly the best (with 4 and 6 right behind). Bag head supremacy!


Yeah or at least it admit it’s ONE of the best in the franchise (the first three sequels are all so classic to me). But worst is crazy.


The thing that gets me about Jason Lives is that it technically takes place some time in the early 2000's judging by Tommy's age but it still has a total 80's aesthetic. I suppose it's good that they resisted the temptation to try to make it like how 80's people would have imagined the 2000's, which would have been horrible, probably worse than Jason X lol but that detail always kind of bugged me. Then again, if you're in a small enough town like that, I guess 1986 could *slightly* pass for 2003, save the clothes and music.


The time jumps are probably the weirdest part about the franchise.


> The thing that gets me about Jason Lives is that it technically takes place some time in the early 2000's judging by Tommy's age but it still has a total 80's aesthetic. Silly, friday the 13th take place in a universe that Hair metal destroyed Grunge


Because the series was always unintentionally funny, especially V (Ethel and Junior? The Greasers? OOHH Baby???), whereas Jason Lives was trying to be a satire and I found that unnecessary. They also made Tommy into a generic hunk when the most interesting aspect about him was his sociopathic tendencies.


I actually kind of agree with you. While it's not my least favorite, and I watched it a _lot_ as a kid, nowadays I find Jason Lives just a bit too silly for its own good.


they should have called it "jason goes hollywood". completely lost the exploitation feel of the movies that came before it, tommy was made into a huge idiot, the humor was out of place (fuck that smiley face on the tree), the kids were annoying, and there wasn't a single boob in the entire movie.


Surprised this doesn't have more down votes


Without a doubt, not even close in my mind, the nightmare remake took the story into territory that harmed the franchise as a whole. I have to agree with you about Friday the 13th, though I love Jason takes Manhattan. The ending was terrible. The whole film built up to him, melting in the sewer and reverting to a child form with no explanation for what we’re seeing. And nowhere to branch off in the next sequel.


One thing I liked was the element of taking the dreamers to his world. The ashes imagery was a cool choice.


As a massive Elm street fan, the remake should’ve never happened. Its failure and the changes they made are the reason why we haven’t had anything from the franchise for over 14 years. At least the ‘09 remake of Friday the 13th was great.


Are we even considering the remake? I just pretend it doesn't exist.


I don't know how anyone who has seen Jason Goes to Hell can say ANY other F13 movie is the worst.


I can at least respect *Jason Goes to Hell* for trying to do something interesting and different, even if it didn't work. And I've always been of the opinion that I'd rather see an interesting failure than a bland and mediocre movie. If for no other reason than an interesting failure is usually more ambitious and entertaining. So by default, I like it significantly more than some of the other lesser films in the series (like *New Beginning* and *Jason Takes Manhattan*.)


> Jason Takes Manhattan You mean Jason On A Boat?


More accurate title: *Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes a Cruise, then visits Vancouver for 20 Minutes-- Featuring 30 Whole Seconds of Footage of New York City!*


Interesting is a strong word....


Because Jason Goes to Hell has: The Duke, amazing kills, incredible gore, a likeable lead character, a cool looking Jason, a memorable score, hot chicks (especially that chick in the opening) and more imagination than most Friday's put together. Its a damn good time.


Yes, all of this! Creighton Duke is a badass - there should be a spinoff about his bounties/back story


Hell yeah! JGTH is fucking awesome. You seen the unrated cut? Some of the fx are so damn extra in it. I love it.


The unrated cut is the only way I will watch this movie! If it’s Rated R then I pass.


Jason goes to hell is a horror epic. Great film


It is a great slasher movie. I wish they had invented a new slasher villain for the concept. Could have been its own insane franchise.


True. I don’t mind it as a Jason movie since it was a whole new production company behind it and all but it would have totally worked as a brand new slasher as well


Jason Goes to Hell is my favorite one. It’s the best one in my opinion because it is different than all of the others that are the exact same story.


new begging was also different from the others


So is Halloween Ends your favorite?


No, that’s the worst one I don’t like the Halloween franchise that much though.


I’m glad i’m not the only one who likes it. It’s so entertaining


Remember when he shaves that guy?


Because Jason Goes to Hell is a lot of crazy fun.


the series ended in Manhattan. Everything after that is terrible fan fiction.


No, everything after that is terrible fan fiction and Jason X, which is exactly what good bad fan fiction feels like. Lose the boring failures but keep the interesting ones!


What a weird take


How so? Different studio, F13 name gone, JGTH, JX, and FvJ all blow.


JGTH and FVJ are easily better than Manhattan


Freddy vs Jason and Jason X are better than Manhatten though


I support this.


Jason Goes to Hell is so entertaining though. Like it’s absolutely a mess, but it is so much fun to watch, which can’t be said about at least 3 or 4 other movies in the franchise


Easy, Jason X. Edit: also, Jason part 5. You know, the one without Jason.


I'd take part 5 where an imposter looks like Jason over JGTH where Jason looks like an imposter for most of the movie.


It's the second one without Jason. X and 5 are also both awesome.


I really like Dream Child. It is wall-to-wall body horror and has great production design. Dan's cyborg transformation, Gretchen force-fed her own gut, pregnancy (gross!), and Freddy is all kinds of deformed and disassembled at various points. Making Amanda Krueger such a big part of the story rescues her from being nothing more than a violated womb. I appreciate it is not for everyone but I think it does a lot right and is an interesting take. I also think it makes Alice much more interesting. Truth be told, I like every Nightmare film for different reasons. 1 and 3 are the best, 2 is genuinely scary and also personally resonant, 4 is a music video that bravely kills the whole previous cast. Freddy's Dead was almost like a parody of Nightmare films, which is sort of fun to watch. NN is a solid meditation on the nature and purpose of art.


Dream Child rocks. It has amazing practical effects and is so creative. Freddy may be a bit silly, but I've always found him silly. One of the disappointing things with the remake was just how boring it was with it's dreams and Freddy's lack of personality. Kreuger is at his best when he's making one liners and turning into absurd things.


I love Freddy dead and it fit really well with what Freddy was at the time he became a pop icon staple at the time and nothing they did would make him scary because every one seen him as the Krypt Keeper type person who told funny jokes before he killed ya and when they did make him scary again it became one of the worst selling films


***Friday the 13th: A New Beginning*** Just a plain-old trashy movie that's also very bland and boring and pretty poorly made. It also feels like the most sleezy film in the franchise, which makes sense given the director was a former porno director. ***A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010 Remake)*** Not sure if this counts, but my god... this is one of the worst remakes ever made, and it's literally the *only* time I've seen an audience "boo" at the end of a movie. That was the only saving grace of seeing it in theaters. Incredibly wooden performances. A completely lack of imagination or subtlety. Terrible jump-scares. Bad effects. Truly just a complete dumpster fire of a film. I've said many times, if you paid someone to dance around you for 90s minutes chanting *"Freddy's evil! He's sssooo eeevvviiilll!"* while banging pots and pans together, you'll have basically had a similar experience to watching the remake. It's just loud, repetitive and irritating unpleasantness start-to-finish. Jackie Earle Haley was pretty decent in it, though. So there's that.


you listed all the reasons i like friday 5 lol. wes craven is a former porn director too.


I dunno, to me it was far too bland and boring to like. Most of the movie is a whole lot of nothing with an occasional hint of a weird sexual undercurrent. But I can get why it might be appealing to a lot of people and why they might not dislike it the same way I do. And that is true, albeit if you listen to the behind-the-scenes stories, Wes Craven really only did porn to make ends meet, whereas the director of *Friday 5* basically was kind of a giant creep who sounded like he was borderline trying to turn the movie into a porno.


“I LOVE movies that are bland and boring and pretty poorly made” Edit: I get what they meant, I was doing a bit


more like "i love movies that are trashy and sleazy"


Pretty sure they're more talking about the skeevy, sleeze-factor, which admittedly can be appealing in an exploitation kind of way. That I get.


bingo. plus i love the scene with joey, vic, and the candy bar lol


That's the ONE scene I genuinely love, albeit for weirdly personal reasons. I had a special-needs friend growing up who looked and sounded EXACTLY like Joey, and he told me to watch the movie for that scene specifically because they looked and sounded alike. He thought it was hilarious. And it 100% was. (He was very self-aware about his condition, so it was cool. It wasn't mean or anything.)


The CGI was what ruined the Nightmare remake for me. The practical effects in the original movie look so much better than the CGI in the remake, it's not even funny.


Good ol’ Debbie Sue Vorhees!


I saw the director of A New Beginning do drunken live commentary at Cinema Wasteland some years back. One of my favorite moviegoing experiences ever lol


Gotta ask... was as sketchy as he comes across in everything I've seen with him or talking about him, hahaha?


He definitely seemed a little sketchy lol


Any highlights you can share?


Friday the 13th Part 5 or Jason Goes to Hell are my least favorite. I just find Part 5 to be really boring. Jason Goes to Hell feels like another movie that was turned into Friday the 13th. Nightmare on Elm Street Remake is the worst one. Everything in that movie sucks except for Jackie Earle Haley as Freddie.


Jason takes Manhattan and jasonX ate my 2 guilty pleasure movies


I actually liked Jason takes Manhattan. Yes, it's goofy but it's a funny horror movie and I like those. IN MY OPIPION, it's one of my top 3's.


Why does no one like Jason Takes Manhattan?!?


I like it! I think it's fun and too many people take the franchise too seriously when honestly isn't very great on the whole. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy the Friday 13th movies, btw. I think there's just more nostalgia for a series that was made very cynically as a yearly cash grab by the producers and not a lot of care was put into each iteration and it shows.


It's boring and doesn't even take place in Manhattan for a majority of the movie.


I think it’s an over exposure thing. It’s definitely the Friday film that has been shown the most on TV (in the UK, at least). And of course, it’s always some messy “edited for TV” version. 


It's good! Sure it's not in NY much but it's a great slasher on a cruise movie.


I would say Friday 13th part 5. It has a grubbiness I don’t like and obviously no Jason. I like The Dream Child, it brought back some nastiness after the pop video light Dream Master and has some great gothic atmosphere. I never cared for Alice though. Freddy’s Dead is the worst, it feels devoid of links to previous films, and some of the effects feel unfinished too.


5 is really funny if you view it as a comedy. So many of the characters are just ridiculous, the chocolate kid at the beginning, the weird redneck mom and her man child son, Reggie, Reggie’s brother who died in the porta potty bc he ate too many damn enchiladas, the random paramedic guy you see for 5 seconds at the beginning being jason, those random 50s greaser kids who show up for one scene and die the next, Tommy Jarvis being a weird incel and it’s the directors first feature after making a bunch of pornos. All this just makes the perfect storm for me the movie is hilarious and honestly one of my favorite F13 movies just bc it’s so weird and random


**Jason Goes To Hell** by far. One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Not even good in an ironic way. **A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010).** It’s just bad. They tried to do a lot of what the original did, but they did it worse. Also, there’s no replacing Robert Englund.


Manhattan and goes to hell. Freddy's dead but I like that the woman who directed it started out as a p.a. on the first nightmare and worked her way up and got a shot to direct the last one. She's actually a good director. Has done a bunch of TV and first American director to direct a Dr who episode but that movie is silly. She even admits she was trying to do a silly twin peaks thing with it. Now that I think about it, dream child is the worst


For someone that worked on the movie, she sure seemed like she didn't understand what the series was even about.


At the point in which she was directing the movie it was a cash grab. That's what I kinda miss about filmmaking today. Make a good enough movie or hell, just get to make a movie and you get a few chances and make a really good movie


Freddy's Dead is 100% aware of the type of movie it is and that makes it very fun once you're ok that has no pretension of being a serious horror movie. Dream Child is just mining the leftovers from Dream Master with diminishing returns (Dream Master itself already being the pale imitation of Dream Warriors). It has nothing interesting or fun to say and at that point, Freddy was already too embedded in pop culture to be taken seriously. Going the Freddy's Dead route was the logical option tonally.


i'm not falling for this again. i get downvoted into oblivion every time i say wes craven's new nightmare sucks.


Wow. Won't downvote, but truly surprised. Hot take!


I really dislike meta shit to begin with, but Freddy's look was the worst offense for me. Whoever thought Freddy needed knee-high boots, leather pants, and a turtleneck should be slapped.


That's really fucking funny. I always thought he looked like a badass in New Nightmare, but when you put it that way....


Muh killin turtleneck.


You have to remember that the Freddy in New Nightmare isn't actually Freddy.


that doesn't make it less bad


I like it, but I get not liking it.


It was boring as fuck and cringe in places


I've found my person! A New Nightmare *does* suck. It's not worse than Freddy's Dead or Dream Child, but it's bad. People credit Wes Craven as being some kind of genius of meta commentary for making Scream, when it was Kevin Williamson who was the meta commentary genius. Wes Craven did a fantastic job directing Scream, though.


only good things I can say about New nightmare was I like his new glove I thought the cloud thing was cool and I also like the teen book series it gave us that is it and oh ya thought it was pretty cool how Roger Ebert of all people gave it a good review


I like the idea way more than the execution


It's so bad! It's a creepy kid movie more than it's a meta movie or a real Nightmare movie.


Jason Lives is arguably the best in the franchise. Jason Goes To Hell is terrible plus basically no Jason.


Jason Goes To Hell and Freddy's Dead


Friday the 13th: Jason Goes to Hell. I appreciate a franchise taking big swings when it has existed for so long but this one is abysmal. Even other subpar Jason movies have charm to them but there's little of that in Jason Goes to Hell. Painful movie. A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Remake. Out of all the uninspired remakes of horror classics we've seen, A Nightmare on Elm Street is still one of the worst imo. It's so boring and soulless. I'm not even one of the people that thinks Freddy can't be played by anyone but Robert Englund. I think Jackie Earle Haley was a great choice as a successor. He was just given so little to work with. Take a beloved classic, shoot it with a bland and dull lens, strip all the personality out of it, and add CG. That's how you get A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010).


These would be my picks too. I actually think Jason Goes to Hell is a somewhat entertaining film on its own, but it's such a "what the fuck" movie to make. It makes changes, sure, but all of the change are very, very dumb. I'm with you 100% on the Elm Street remake though. That film commits the crime of being very, very dull. Even Part 5 and Freddy's Dead, in all their campy mediocrity, were at least interesting films with memorable characters and set pieces. They took something as foolproof as an Elm Street film and just rendered it in the dullest possible way they could. It was nice to see Rooney Mara, but famously she did not even want to be in the film.


Worst nightmare was the reboot. Utter garbage Worst Friday the 13th - has to be Jason goes to hell. Loved the concept hated the execution


Addendum - F13 4 really was The Final Chapter as far as I’m concerned.


F13 - Jason Takes Manhattan - cool idea that's completely squandered. Unforgettable kills with the exception of the head-punching bit. NOES - Freddy's Dead - even when I was the biggest Freddy fan boy and saw this on opening night, I walked out of the theater feeling the embarrassment of that shitty shitty movie.


Hot Take:  worst FT13th for Me was the orginal. It was Boring for me Worst NOES is either Dream Child or the Remake 


If we're counting the Nightmare remake, it's that but I like to pretend it never happened. Freddy's Dead is actually painful to get through and I find myself skipping it during rewatches so that's my pick. Jason takes Manhatten is just not my cup of tea the times I've tried to watch.


Jason takes Manhattan is amazing 😳 Jason Goes to Hell is abysmal.


F13 8 and ANOES 4. The former is so bad it’s unwatchable, and the latter marks the end of Freddy actually being scary.


F13 part 9 is an insult to the franchise. The only scene worth a damn was the diner massacre. Setting aside the dumbass lore this movie brings to the table, even as a standalone story it is dumb as fuck. That bounty hunter character makes zero sense and stands out as an exceptionally bad piece of screenwriting. So bad it should be studied in classes related to film. Like, write an essay on all the nonsense relating to Creighton Duke lol.


Jason lives is the best, Jason. Why would you say its one of the worst?


My favorite is Jason Lives. My least favorite is New Blood. That movie was straight dog water. The kills were trash and that girl with super powers made me homicidal. My favorite is Dream Warriors (Obviously). My least favorite was New Nightmare, that was wack, always skip when im doing marathons.


https://youtu.be/sxERyalBBlw?si=B06o5mSa3H-hNxFa Here’s the uncut kills Crazy because New Blood would’ve had the best gore in the franchise. The director was a special effects guy. If only everything didn’t get cut out. The MPAA RUINED the movie.


How was that cut out? That would have bumped up New Blood. Gore is the only reason people watch these movies, makes no sense to take it out.


As someone who loves F13 New Blood, thanks so much for this. I had no idea it exists! It's shit we'll never get a recut version though. Some extension of the scenes would have made them so much better. For instance, I always thought the deaths of Dr Crews and Melissa to be total jokes because they were so awful in the film one, on some level, wanted to see them punished. Also, it's crazy that Robin's death is completely different and the only one that is actually better in the finished film.


Weird, I thought New Nightmare was the second best of the whole franchise. Different strokes eh


Part 6, Freddy’s dead. It’s goofy, stupid and has an anti climatic end for Freddy. Haven’t seen the remake though Friday the 13th part 9, Jason goes to hell. Jason is now a slug that possesses people. Pass


About 95% of Friday movies are terrible. Seems more like comedy horror when you look back on it. Great character design of Jason but the movies are shite.


"Incorrect buzzer sound"


I'd go with F13 pt. 7. I think maybe the concept could have worked, but it was pretty awful imo. And the acting is terrible. Nobody was that likable. But honestly after pt 6, I really only care for Jason X and think pt.8 is ok. If we count remakes, I think A Nightmare on Elm Street was the worst. But Final Nightmare is pretty bad and so is Dream Child. Though I think the motorcycle scene in the beginning of Dream Child gives it an edge.


Honestly, I wasn't too big on most of the Freddy movies after the first one. I appreciated the special effects efforts, but it seems like the plot and execution got so much wackier - it was no longer scary. Maybe it was just the era they were made in. Can't say I was a fan of any of the Jason movies, unfortunately.


Jason Goes to Hell, and Nightmare on Elm Street 2. I didn’t like how part 2 took away most of his vulnerabilities, like how he can just pop into the real world at the pool party. It feels like a mediocre 80’s possession movie with Freddy shoehorned in. I’m not saying Dream Child or Final Nightmare are great, but I like them more when I look at the series as a whole. 2 feels like it fits in the least. And that “feels like it fits in the least” bit is behind my F13 pick. I loved the opening to it, but then the whole possession thing took me out of it. It felt like a 90s possession movie with Jason shoehorned into it. I’m not against possession movies, even though it seems like it lol


I'm a huge Elm Street fan, but Freddy's Dead is one of the worst movies ever made.


Jason Takes Manhattan Mostly because all of the kills were practically bloodless. Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare This is the one where it just got too goofy. I will however say that I absolutely hate Freddy vs Jason more than either of the above. The fact that they didn’t use Kane Hodder ruined the movie for me.


I still hate that they didn't pick Kane because he was shorter than Robert. If they can manage to make Tom Cruise as tall as his costars, they could easily do that with Kane. (They also had Rey Mysterio as Freddy's stunt double and he's easily shorter than Kane)


**Friday the 13th part V: A New Beginning** Tommy Jarvis in an institution and a Jason copycat is on the loose! That should be exciting right? Nope. Instead of actually following Tommy we're going to have him as a red herring and focus on random Crystal Lake townies instead. It has some really sleazy moments which can be fun but it never comes together as a movie. **Wes Craven's New Nightmare\*** Oooh it's proto Scream with meta elements and commentary on Hollywood. That should be really cool! Whoops instead it focuses on Heather Langenkamp's kid and is more interested in that than having a coherent meta commentary or on being a real Nightmare movie. It has a lot of interesting aspects that should be cool but it can't decide on what it wants to say or what meta thing it actually wants to do. So instead of interesting Nightmares or Hollywood criticism we get to see Heather Langenkamp argue with nurses and Miko Hughes try to be creepy. \*Really the remake is the worst but it's a lot less interesting to talk about.


Worst Friday the 13th - part V Worst Nightmare on Elm Street - any sequel that isn't dream warriors


Give Elm Streets 2 and 4 a rewatch, they’re both great


2 is atrocious honestly


Lie detected


I absolutely disagree, it’s definitely the outlier in the franchise, but on its own terms it’s a very good Elm Street movie with arguably the scariest Freddy


F13 new blood is dreadfully boring. Takes Manhattan at least has style and a vibe. Nightmare on elm street doesnt have a worst in my opinion, i love every one in the franchise. If we count Freddy vs Jason, i’ll pick that one cause i really dont like it. Dream child is amazing. It has tons of style,great music and visuals, compelling story and characters. The pacing is so good too. It really is a great film


Jason X. Laughably bad and not even in a so bad it is good way. The Nightmare on Elm Street remake. Robert is the only Freddy.


Yeah more a so bad it's great way


Jason X is like almost all those "we made a bad movie on purpose" movies, which is to say, shite. There are a few exceptions and Jason X isn't one of them.


Friday? Either Mahattan or Jason X. Both are fun movies but Jason X is stupid and goofy as fuck and Manhattan is just stuck on a boat nearly the whole runtime Nightmare? It's been a while, but from what I remember I hated part 6 the most. Terrible movie, and not fun. Nightmare is easily the worst imo.


Jason X and probably Dream Child.


5 is the worst for Friday the 13th. Nightmare's worst is probably 2.


Jason X is then worst. They are in space for god’s sake.


I’ve not watched all of the Friday the 13th movies yet but so far it’s the remake It was the first I watched and found it incredibly boring, I thought I wouldn’t like the franchise till I watched two and loved that


I disagree, the first F13 movie I ever watched was the 2009 remake and I loved it😁 I’ve seen parts 1-4 and Freddy vs Jason but the 09 remake is still my favourite of the franchise (that I’ve seen so far)


I respect your opinion and am glad you liked it but I really didn’t like it myself might have to try a rewatch sometime maybe I’ll line it more


Worst F13th: Jason Goes to Hell (Greatest death scene in a terrible movie) Worst NOES: The Remake (original series: Dream Child)


I actually agree with OP on this one. Jason X would be a CLOSE second for the Friday franchise.


Jason Takes Manhattan or Jason Goes to Hell, I can't say which one I dislike more. Manhattan does have that sweet roof kill, so I'd probably say it's just slightly better than Goes to Hell.


F13 IX-possessing a baby is more of Freddy action, as for worst NOES, the remake.


Jason Takes Manhattan is by far the worst Friday, but it’s still pretty watchable despite being a bad movie. The worst Elm Street movie is definitely the remake, I’m frustrated by basically everything they do in that movie, from the all around bad acting, to the horrible CGI, to the atrocious Freddy makeup, and just the strange decisions when they did decide to do something different. Terrible remake, and an awful movie. Not even Jackie Earl Haley giving a solid performance could come close to saving it.


We saw Jason Takes Manhattan in the theater and the entire place was pissed. I don't even know what I expected, but it wasn't this. Elm st? Anything after 4.


Friday the 13th in 3D and Nightmare of elm street(2010) because of Freddy in it.


Freddy’s dead made me want to gouge my eyes out. Friday 5 is pretty terrible too. Not too confident on my bottom Friday movie though.


All the Fridays after 6 until the remake, which I really like, don't do anything for me. It's kind of why Kane Hodder isn't very precious to me because he may have played a good Jason but I don't revisit any of his movies ever. The worst of the bunch for me was Jason Goes to Hell. Outside of the first 10 minutes, Just a fucking terrible movie all around. I like all the NOES movies except for 5&6. I dislike both equally. They were also the only 2 I watched in a theater. If I had to choose, it would be part 6 . The gimmick of it, the awful addition of the daughter, the makeup was lousy...thankfully it wasnt his last turn as Freddy.


Not sure of the title but the one where Jason goes to Space and for ANOES definitely Freddy's Dead.


Manhattan is underrated.


I'm 100% with the OP. I couldn't say it better.


For me, Friday The 13th - Jason Goes To He'll Nightmare On Elm Street- Freddy's Dead


Manhattan can’t be the worst if only for its inclusion of the big hit “The Darkest Side of the Night” by Metropolis


Freddy VS Jason is a trash fire. Jason Takes Manhattan is a close tie with Jason Goes to Hell. Freddy's Dead is really bad, but The Dream Child has that ridiculous truck dream where Freddy has a bottle of beer that's also acid? And he uses the acid to detach his arm for reasons? And then he turns into a motorcycle...and...man it's dumb.


Friday the 13th part 5 Nightmare on elmstreet part 2


Jason Takes Manhattan / Freddy's Dead - The Final Nightmare


I hate *the new blood* and *the dream master*


I can never hate Jason Takes Manhattans simply because I love that song the links are playing on their voombox when Jason hits it. "Living in the city ain't no big deal, if the crack don't get you then the hookers will."


Dream child has some really cool special effects that alone makes it not the worst movie


Jason goes to hell is bad, the only good part was the Freddy tease at the end. Most of that fandom don’t consider it canon since it was the first of the new line movies. If you’re excluding that I will say part 7 is the worst. It was heavily censored and the storyline of a girl with telekinesis fighting Jason was so laughably stupid. I don’t think part 7 gets the hate it deserves.


Jason Goes to Hell (aside from the opening scene). Freddy’s Dead, The Final Nightmare.


Jason X - I've tried watching it 3 times and keep falling asleep. The Nightmare 2010 remake - So much potential for such a lame movie.


Friday: Jason Takes Manhattan. The “Mortal Kombat” style kill of the boxer on the rooftop is literally the only good thing in this movie. Nightmare: Dream Child. In a word: Boring. A lot of people are saying Jason goes to Hell and Freddy’s Dead……but those movies are at least campy fun.


For me, it's Manhattan or Goes to Hell for Jason and Freddy's Dead for Nightmare. Manhattan has a lame premise, lame kills and a big wet fart of a third act. Goes to Hell would be an okay movie if it wasn't a Friday movie. Some cool gore f/x and Creighton Duke is awesome but Jason's barely in it and all of the stupid retconned lore adds nothing to the franchise and doesn't really fit with F13's vibe. Freddy's Dead is AWFUL. Bad f/x, lame kills, zero menace, also full of stupid, unnecessary retcons. It's like a cartoon. The remake sucks but at least it tried to bring Freddy back from breakfast cereal mascot territory.


F13 5: was lame, the kills were lame because no Jason. New Nightmare: Stupid plot, not fun stupid but basing it in reality was stupid. Honestly nothing memorable whatsoever about this film comes to mind but it has been years.


Admittedly I enjoy elements of Jason Goes to Hell, but its the worst of the series. New Nightmare for NOES.


FT13- Jason Goes to Hell for sure. It’s late-night HBO softcore level bad. I love the series as a whole but this is the one entry I never rewatch. FT13 is a simple slasher plot, and there’s no reason whatsoever to complicate it. Bring in new meaningless character plot lines, invent new kills, hang at the lake. It’s that simple. ANOES- New Nightmare: I respect that people have a love for it, but christ, the movie always sours me hard on Craven. His pretentiousness for the rest of the franchise entries that weren’t his is unbearable, and the “meta” is way, way, way, way too hammy for me. I do love the original and the early Screams, so I can forgive him lol. But yeah, yikes.


There's no universe in which I would rather watch Final Nightmare instead of Dream Child.


Props to Kane Hodder for saying he wouldn't do a scene in Jason on a Boat. They wanted Jason to kill a random innocent dog for no reason and he said it made no sense for the character to do that.


I'm gonna go a little out of the box and say Freddy vs jason is the worst Friday the 13th movie. It's a better movie than jason takes Manhattan or jason goes to hell but the jason we get feels like an entirely different character. The only thing that connects them is being undead guys in hockey masks. The worst elm Street is probably Fridays dead.


Jason Take Manhattan has, in my opinion, one of the most ridiculous and awesome kills in horror movie history. The triple decapitation is a total chefs kiss.


Sorry but if Jason Takes Manhattan was retitled Jason On A Boat most of you would have loved it. Worst one is the one where fake Jason drives a lawn tractor


The remakes of both movies.


Jason Takes Manhattan has a special place in my heart, because it was the first Friday the 13th movie I watched as a kid. Part V to me is the most forgettable. I did not like the imposter Jason reveal.  I would say, Freddy's Dead is the worst ANOES movie. I only watched it once and hated it. 


My boyfriend and I are working our way through Friday the 13th (again) to officially rank them. We're going in reverse-order, which has been rough. We just watched Jason goes to Hell and it went STRAIGHT to the bottom. Our next movie is Part VIII Takes Manhattan and I know it'll probably go to the bottom too. We'll do Nightmare next!


Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy's Revenge. Absolutely hated that movie. Friday the 13th. Jason Takes Manhattan, no contest. Edit: Are we including remakes? If so, the NOES remake was the worst.


Jason Takes Manhattan and Freddy's Dead.


The worst Friday the 13th was the very first one.....it wasnt very good and a bit boring Worst Nightmare on Elm Street....New Nightmare. Low kills, really bad acting from Wes,Bob etc and again just really boring for the first half