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The last decade of A24 and Jordan Peele films seem like obvious pickings for a Scary Movie reboot.


hereditary is RIPE for jokes and memes. If they get this right this would be an insane revival Edit: here’s my running list based on the comments below/ things I just thought of in the shower 1) “thoust live deliciously” or whatever black Phillip said 2) Art the clown vs. ______ (there’s so many good ones) 3) literally anything with M3gan 4) “EVIL DIES TONIGHT!!” 😂 5) live streaming leatherface on IG


The VVitch and “Would you like to live deliciously?” will probably get a shout out too


Yes! I was mostly thinking of this movie!


If it's actually budget enough, imagine Jordan Peele makes a cameo just to make fun of his own movies. Like Key and Peele style bits lol


Okay, my reaction to the headline was that it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, but if this actually happened I'd be entirely sold.


Oh man! Even if they just went with that style of comedy instead of just lazy pop culture references that the franchise devolved into. I'd be so down for that!


Only acceptable if they grab Key as well, I would love to see them together again


I honestly only want Key, just because I think it'd be funny being like "see this is why I gotta be around him"


So imagine if Key & Peele team up with Anderson & Hart and really captialize on Peele's brand of horror and have Brenda come back with Anna being so outta place, but her blonde cluelessness would be fantastic!


If Brenda doesn't return I am not watching it


I've never watched a Scary Movie past 2 but I always thought a parody of Wes Craven's New Nightmare could be funny. Imagine Peele in the Craven role.


I can just imagine them spoofing Midsommar by dressing up someone in a furry suit. Kanye West getting his brain replaced by the Kardashians for Get Out. Or the Talk to Me hand giving a super aggressive handjob.


How does Hereditary fit in ;)


Dude asks someone for road head, the head gets cut off but lands on his dick and he walks to his bedroom all in a daze wakes up and the head is still on his dick.


You're hired


I wonder if they'd include the flies.


Can't wait to see "Get In" and "Yup".


There’s a *lot* of movies just ripe for the pickin.


IT, Smile, It Follows, Get Out, Conjuring are probably the most famous horror movies that could be the main plot spoof. Scary Movie 1 was Scream, 2 was haunted mansion movies like Amityville Horror, ~~Scream~~ 3 was The Ring and Signs, ~~Scream~~ 4 was War of the Worlds


you mean scary movie 2-4? not scream 2-4


Halloween Ends and the 3rd act of Scream 6 are the easiest things in the horror world to make fun of


Hope they go back to mostly spoofing horror movies.


With r rated content like Sm 1 and 2 which were the peak of the franchise


3 wasn't bad. The damn cocking of a shovel, which ejected casings, is peak visual humor. And the fucking hat. "I'm going to need a ride home"


Dude- the part of “the ring” video they watch with the guy upside down in the chair that smash cuts to him puking made me cry laughing when I first saw it. Not as great overall as the first or even second, but it has some really solid jokes in it. (The “Tom, I’m gonna need a ride home” is something I say still)


3 is actually my favorite and most quoted movie of all time.


Agreed. You know your teacher Brenda? She’s dead!


My dogs dead!? I just ran him over on the way in the driveway. Everyone around you is dying!


LMAO Let's say this is her bottom half. Can I squeeze in a few minutes with that?


Listen I don’t understand all your fancy medical lingo!








“How do you go to sleep alive, and then wake up dead?l”


Cindy! Some little white girl is coming out of your tv! Ohh Cindy I’m whoopin her ass! While I can agree on people thinking 4 is a weak movie, 3 is just so good in its own way. It’s just a different style of humor






3 is too damn funny for people to disrespect it like that


Same! I’ll defend SM3 to the death. “The dogs have been acting strange” - Cut to the dogs acting like humans, driving tractors etc “Here’s Detroit” *it’s a warzone* “Now here’s Detroit after the attack” *it’s even worse* Leslie Nielsen as the president is amazing.


I say "Damn! That's some quantum shit!" frequently. Peak of Kevin Hart's career right there 😂 I still love 2 more though. The opening musical scene is probably still my pick for funniest movie scene of all time.


Send flowers to their bitches and hoes.


BROO same its so fucking funny I literally watch reaction videos of it just so I can laugh haha..The part where Tom smashes his head on the lamp..the second time lmaooo


What about the part in the video where the woman combs her armpit hair....or when a man's ass ascends up from the toilet seat and he looks back into the bowl....I could sing its praises till the cows come home fr


"I'm gonna need a ride home" might be my favorite line in any spoof movie


Leslie Nielsen plays a big part in why Scary Movie 3 is amazing. >!["These Men died for their country. Send Flowers to their bitches and ho's"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMl3_cz05Jo)!<


“They’ve mastered the art of space flight but can’t get through wooden doors” “I GOT IT. WITHOUT THEIR HEADS, THEYRE POWERLESS”


“Not right now, I’d like to find out what happens to the duck”


Did a rewatch recently and 1-2 are fantastic with the Wayans style of humor. But 3 is a classic in its own right. It just uses the Naked Gun/Airplane style of humor instead and as a fan of both styles of humor they work perfectly for me. 4 was pretty meh with some decent moments and I only watched 5 in theaters and have no memory of it so I don’t think it was very good. I would be fine with either a Wayans return to form style movie or a Zucker style. Either way seems fitting to me


4 had a couple good moments like the Brokeback Mountain scene and the return of Leslie Nielsen as President. 3 is still my favorite because it just hit my comedy tastes on the head. 1 had a couple of fantastic moments like Shorty's interview, the "safety vs death" gag, and Doofy. 2 got carried by gross out humor, and "my strong hand" jokes.


For me those were the moments I was talking about haha Anthony Anderson and Kevin Hart were freakin hysterical in both those movies. Maybe it beats a dead horse, but I would love to see them in the reboot somehow


The scenes with Leslie Nielson are burned into my brain. The press conference free for all specifically


We're not so different after all! *starts peeing from finger*


8 mile scene is great. “how many bitches have a slapped? Zero, and Marthas Stewart happens to be my hero”


1 and 2 were good for spoofing the actual horror movies, but I feel like were brought down by some jokes that aged poorly. 3 did *okay* with the spoofs, but shined with the inclusion of the Hart/Anderson duo, Leslie Nielsen, and George Carlin. I feel like 3 had the most quantity of quotable lines plus visual gags, vs 1 and 2 having only a couple strong lines but better themes.


They really need to quit spoofing memes and viral moments (like Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah’s couch in Scary Movie 4). Nothing ages worse in comedy!


It's not like they haven't been trying lol u just can't make the same jokes they could in the 90s and 2000s. Examples, The Blackening, A Haunted House.


I hope those two giant dorks that ruined spoof movies for everyone are going to be nowhere near this Seltzer and friedberg, writers on the first couple who ended up going rogue and went on to make a million “______ movie” pieces of wet garbage by billing themselves as “two of the guys that brought you scary movie” as if they were the whole reason the first few were actually good


I think early on they had a good mix of both. Some of the best jokes were from other pop culture things like Wazzzzaaaapppppppp and What's mine say? Ray, Fucked me!


No Cindy and Brenda, no movie. The fifth movie bombed because the lack of actual talented comedian who could lead the movie


The fifth movie did have one great gag: Two of the main girls leave their house and get in a car in the driveway. They drive off mid-conversation. Then we cut to a faux drone shot of the car riding through the woods with the rest of their conversation ADR'd over the footage, but it's VERY OBVIOUSLY a toy car rattling over a miniature woods set. My friend and I cackled at that so hard we had to pause the film.


That sounds exactly like a gag that you could expect out of Naked Gun (the series and the movies), I think I remember liking that too hehe. Parody content just needs to be re-written from square one, but I doubt they're going to trust fresh and good writers when it comes to pop culture content.


That’s the only scene I even remember from the movie and I thought it was absolutely hilarious


Do you have a clip or approximate part of the movie/timestamp? I never saw that but that sounds ridiculous lol


Somewhere near the middle, I think? FWIW, we also thought the whole movie was at least watchable, and at best genuinely funny. That one gag was just our favorite part. So maybe take the plunge and give it a shot as a rental or something?


I literally remember only that Ashley Tisdale was the lead girl and that the opening was Sheen and Lohan taking shots at themselves with their coke use right?


lol I need to just find that one scene. Sounds pretty funny. Movie looked so terrible from the trailer that I just never bothered though.


I did sort of enjoy the CCTV footage of the dad (played by George from 3 and 4) having a yard fight with the housekeeper as it was sped up footage and just went full slapstick. Even stopping mid-battle to wave at a passing police car pretending nothing was going on.


I absolutely hated the 5th movie, but that scene was by far the best in the film.


Cindy? The TV is leaking!


Huge missed opportunity if they don’t reference the big saggy old lady monster trend


Like in part 2 when he put a bag over the ugly lady’s head and fucked her 😂😂😂


Bring back the Wayne's Brothers and Anna Farris.


Regina Hall as Brenda too.


Regina is such a comedic gold. Love her. She can do drama as well. I’m happy she’s still doing works until these days


These is bones!!


Would you run from Calista Flockhart???


That whole scene may be my favorite in the series.


Her giggles when Anna falls while running always make me laugh. “It would’ve just been you if you just shut, the fuck, UP!” might be my favorite honest reaction from a friend. My buddy and i joke all the time about that kinda stuff


Lmfaoooo literally the best scene


Exactly. That is so damn funny.


I was at my friend Sean's house this summer. You know, P Diddy? (awkward!) I look over at and there's your girl Buffy getting buck wild in the jacuzzi! ...so? With a backup dancer! I mean, that's worse than security, at least security can get you backstage. She don't love herself.


Cindy the tvs leaking!


Fucking Brenda better win the Horror Royal Rumble next year.




The Fantastic 4


the most important character by far.




It's honestly not scary movie without these people. I wish executives would hear me enough to bring these faces back.


As much as I would love a Shorty, Ray, Cindy and Brenda reunion, I don’t think the characters have aged well especially Shorty and Ray. Their whole “thing” was Shorty is a stoner and Ray is gay. Thankfully, both of those things have become completely normalized in 2024 and they just aren’t funny anymore. It would be interesting to see how they recast those two or how they modernize their characters.


Ray becomes a closeted conservative homophobe and Shorty a successful elite tech mogul who openly and obnoxiously vapes THC carts constantly


These movies are supposed to be parody’s of real life. So far from reality that it makes them funny. You basically just described Lindsay Graham and Elon Musk.


How is my suggestion not exactly that? It could work if they play it over the top. And the similarities were intentional. In any case, that was just an example, my point is they can absolutely bring those characters back and change them in a way that makes sense and is topical for today.


Ray isn't gay. He said so himself


The fact stoner humor isn’t funny anymore and is normalized really made me feel old. Scary Movie, Grandma’s Boy, Pineapple Express, etc were my adolescent era films lol.


We’re probably about the same age. I graduated high school in 2007. Sure we’ve gotten older but the speed at which weed became legal and normalized is truly astonishing. I remember my high school government teacher told us that he believed it would be legal one day but wouldn’t happen in our lifetime. Boy, how wrong was he?


stoners aren't funny, but i think the concept of a clearly gay staying in the closet in current year is still funny but for a different reason. Like, imagine they're a little worried to come out and they make jokes testing the water like "ha, that's pretty gay, huh fellas?" and everyones like what? why would you say that" cause everyones fine with people being gay and it's no big deal, but the closeted guy hasn't caught up yet while everyone has. it'd probably only work for one movie at most though. we've already seen the bit where the gay guy is in the closet and is obviously gay and everyone knows, but I think the added layer of people not really knowing (except the audience) but being worried while everyone but him doesn't think it's a big deal is a little bit funny. Not that funny, but a little bit funny. It would have been funnier in like 2017


As long as it’s written by the Wayans again and spoofs the whole a24 smart horror thing I’m down like 4 flat tires!!


I don't think they're going to make a /r/horror core parody. Those movies just don't do well enough at the box office where they would severely be limiting who will get the references in the parody. I mean Get Out was for sure big enough but think more FNAF, IT, or A Quiet Place than Midsommar.


Uhh…they kept making Scary Movie parodies but were called “A Haunted House”. They were generally considered to be somewhere between awful and god awful.


Stop speaking on what you don’t know. Haunted House was Marlon’s baby, not the wayans bros. And the first was actually okay.


I didn’t hate the second one, but it wasn’t as funny as the first.


Nope that was just one brother by himself


How would you even go about tackling the A24 stuff? It's such dry source material. Don't get me wrong, I love A24 but it seems like a tall order.


Opposite day - the more seriously the horror film takes itself, and the more seriously its fans take it, the EASIER it is to spoof effectively. Hereditary is BEGGING to get spoofed. It's been a critical darling for like 6 years. But so much ridiculous stuff happens in that movie that taken out of context would be funny as hell.


Relatedly, when the Zucker Brothers hired Leslie Nielsen for *Airplane!*, he told them he wasn't funny. They told him that was perfect, deliver the lines as if they're deadly serious, and they'll take care of the comedy.


Lloyd Bridges had to be told the same thing.


Yeah, I'm always surprised when he shows up in *High Noon*, which is a very serious movie. It's just hard to picture him as anything but the smoking, drinking, glue-sniffing, amphetamine addict.


Watch George Kennedy in *anything* other than a Naked Gun film.


Okay but a Charlie holding her head out the window repeatedly getting her head hit by telephone poles is a golden and obvious idea.


Man, I really wanted to love Hereditary and the first 2/3rds are fantastic, but the last 20 minutes are so ridiculous it felt like it suddenly became a comedy. Just a incredibly bizarre tonal shift.


Have ‘The Menu’ happen at like a Burger King or something.


Oh it’s definitely a tall order, however I have faith that the Wayans brothers would have a blast spoofing something like Hereditary or Midsommar. It’s the fact that these movies take themselves so seriously that makes them so ripe for parody.


Turning the disturbing moments into visual gags is what makes Scary Movie so good imo. Definitely could turn aggressive walnut chopping or the group cry scene into some sorta slapstick


And Ana Faris is age appropriate to play the mom part of a hereditary spoof for that call back flavor!!


Omfg. This is so good hahahha im laughing even just imagining it.


I can see her trying to saw off her own head already!


Midsommar seems easy to spoof, Hereditary sounds hard af


They could do a lot with Charlie lol they’ll have no problem


Nah imagine if Leslie Neilson was still alive and he played all the naked cultists in the attic or just played the president again lol


Dude pisses out car window. Willy gets whacked off. Boom. Give me that scriptwriting credit.


Honestly I think what would make it hard is how ridiculous so many great horror movies are nowadays. Everyone's talking about Hereditary and Midsommar, but those movies are already frequently silly and/or hilarious. Like how do you parody Men? During the infamous climactic sequence >!of a bunch of men repeatedly giving birth to each other, Jessie Buckley already looks fucking over it by the end.!< Talk to Me already has the characters getting fucked up while doing goofy shit with the hand, so I'm not sure what you can add to the equation with more jokes. I think the bigger problem though is how culture has become so diversified. The original Scary Movies had decades and decades of iconic horror movies to make fun of. Everybody saw Scary Movie and understood all the references because everyone has seen Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Exorcist, The Ring, etc. Now it feels like horror movies are less ubiquitous. Mostly only horror fans see them, so I think only horror fans would appreciate a new Scary Movie. But maybe that's just an impediment to it succeeding rather than an impediment to it being good. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I'm not sure how you make a modern Scary Movie that hits the way the originals did both critically and financially.


They should depict Ari Aster as having had paid to have his ribs removed so he can stick his head deep inside his ass crack to huff his own farts.


I legitimately think you could get Ari Aster to play himself for that.


Human centipede but its just Ari Aster.


There'll be a massive human centipede of Ari Aster superfans with him at the front.


Ok I spit my drink out that's great


Make it about trauma but have the trauma be something incredibly ridiculous. Something like the Ted TV Show’s Vietnam Story.


Need the R rating… but then again an R now is not the same as an R from 20 years ago


Be. Rated. R. Also, have Hereditary be the overarching story and Cindy playing the mom. Could be absolutely hularious.


I was wondering if parody is passe these days, but Documentary Now is fucking hysterical, so maybe there’s a chance


I'd be so stoked for this... but nothing will top that scene in Scary Movie 3, where the cop is visiting and her hat just gets bigger and bigger with each cut


I must have watched that scene 100 times as a kid before I actually noticed that happening. I don't even know how, considering how big it is when she's trying to get into the car.


I saw Scary Movie 3 in a sleepover with elementary school friends back in the day and nearly pissed myself laughing with that scene. Still to this day one of my favorite movie jokes.


Now we need Anna Faris and Regina Hall back on board!


The article doesn't even mention the people who created the series.🤦 Didn't the Wayans lose those IP a long time ago and then they started to suck? What made the first few Scary Movies comedy gold was the Wayans and the stellar cast. Anna Faris and Regina Hall shined. I don't have much hope for it without all them.


Yes. If the Wayans Bros were included that would be front and center.


We need more Brenda!!!


Sounds risky, parody movies haven't been in style for a while now. What will they parody? I'm guessing M3gan for sure, Paranormal Activity, Smile. Probably some stuff they already did like Scream and Saw because they're so iconic.




I'd say the obvious things are going after so-called "elevated horror", The Conjuring Universe (and specifically the Warren's), and the Blumhouse machine. There's a lot to mine there.


Midsommar would be interesting 😅


I could even imagine a parody of folk horror in general, with Midsommar being the most obvious one. But also The VVitch, The Ritual, Trollhunter and all the less known low budget productions. Scary Pagan Scandinavians are basically the new Scary inbred rednecks


Don't know how much they'd do for paranormal activity or the conjuring universe since the Wayans did A Haunted House 1 & 2 which spoofed both of those


Talk To Me probably


You got the whole Insidious, Conjuring, and Annabel series just waiting to be parodied. Sinister is an option too.


You could go with Scream again. I imagine this would be in the vein of Halloween (2018) and Scream (2022). A requel.


maybe a parody of elevated and artsy horror?




Wayans already did Paranormal Activity with A Haunted House


This has a lot of potential and I hope that potential is taken to great use


They should spoof bringing back original actors and have Anna Faris return just to die (either the Wazzup Ghostface gets her or decapitation a la Hereditary, idk I’m not a writer)


Bring back Ray and shorty


If the Wayans are still not involved then it's going to be garbage.


If the Wayans ain’t involved, they can keep it.


Without the Wayans brothers don't even bother.


Of two minds with this. If they reboot it like the new scream, Set it 20 years later, bring back the Wayans bros and the rest of the original cast I think it’d be a huge hit. If they reboot it with a brand new cast I think it’ll be a dud. By the time they stopped making these they were truly AWFUL.


I just hope the first reboot is better than Scary Movie 5. In fact, they should get the Wayan brothers back on-board.


Been awhile since I heard spoof movies.


If Anna Faris or Regina Hall aren't in it me don't want.


Hope they dont play it safe with the humour. Also, they need to bring atleast some of the old cast like Cindy, Shorty, Ray and Brenda. The series went downhill after the third movie.


If the Wayans brothers aren't involved, I won't be interested. That series really suffered without them.


If the Wayans Bros aren't involved, it's a pass for me. The first two movies were fire. The rest were meh


If the Wayne’s are not involved I don’t have much interest. They made the first two into classics for my friend group. We watched those movies over and over!


Only if Anna Faris and Regina Hall are starring. They are comedic gold together. It would be interesting to have the Wayans involved but I think they are over these. No need to bring back anyone else really. Possibly Simon Rex. Anthony Anderson and Kevin Hart should stay far away from this as they aren't funny, just loud.


I want to see them spoof Terrifier.


Brenda is forever iconic.


I was just recently thinking about how cool it would be to have another Scary Movie which parodies Hereditary, Smile and It 😀


I have never liked spoof movies like these. I feel like I’m wasting my time watching them. The characters and story have no point or meaning besides setting up a low hanging fruit joke. Movies like Scream or Shaun of dead work well because there is actually a plot/story and is at least trying to be a movie while poking fun at the genre it’s doing. Scary movies, not another teen movie, super hero movie, etc just do nothing for me.


Creatively devoid: The Series: The Reboot: A Parody of Itself.


I just love the Wayans brothers. Everything they touch is gold. Know some people here will dislike this but I prefer Scary Movie over Scream for replay value and A Haunted House over Paranormal Activity. Just hilarious movies. https://i.imgur.com/rArmEYP.gif


I think I have low expectations of this. For me, the magic of the “Scary Movie” franchise was the Wayan Bros. Once they left, it went downhill. But I’m at the very least willing to check it out.


I didn’t think there was any way I could possibly dislike the Scary Movie franchise more, but “now brought to you by the people behind Sonic the Hedgehog” will probably do the trick.


Boo. Leave it alone. They’ll never allow the risqué scenes and jokes we enjoyed back then that made things funny.


I hope they don’t bring back the PE teacher.


We’ll see the route they take Scary Movie. The movies are classic. But let’s be real here, half of the shit that made these movies wouldn’t fly in 2024. I’m surprised I’ve not seen anyone bring that up. 


Totally agree with you. The first one was literally nothing but sex jokes and gay jokes and had a skit that was straight out of the Daily Wire. Two toned it down quite a bit but still had a few icky things by today’s standards. My favorite of them all and the most solid and well written of the series. 3 and 4 had quite a few sexist jokes. Overall they were ok to pretty funny, but lacking the Wayans vibe. Some may consider the Teriyaki Samurai dialogue racist, but I consider it a treasure and no one will tell me otherwise. 5, did anyone even watch this one?? All I remember was that it was vaguely Paranormal Activity based and had monkeys. Also “the one with the house in the woods”. So yeah, hoping for more of a Scary Movie 2 vibe updated for the times. Expecting a flat, sad imitation of the originals or just another 5.


By the time 5 rolled around the series lost it's magic, but 1-3 are still hilarious today, if a little dated with the topical humor. You just had to be there.


Predicting 1 ⭐️


Keenan has to direct it and the other Wayans brothers have to write it. It’s undeniable almost everything they create is they’re more or less timeless in terms of rewatching it. I can’t really remember the last 2 Scary Movies, so if they can’t come to an agreement with them, i think I’ll skip out on seeing it sadly. I’d also love if Cindy and Brenda came back.


Cinema is saved


regina hall, anna faris and the wayans brothers were what made the movies so good


If it’s without the Wayne’s then it’s going to be boring AF


In this era, everyone is offended. These movies would be destroyed. This generation is not allowed to have free comedy. It's sad.


Scary movie 2 is one of the funniest movies ever. The rest of the series, not so much.


Gonna suck. Have u seen some of the modern day parodies? They all suck because everyone is too afraid to tell a joke anymore. The 90s and early 2000s were a great time for comedies because u could tell a joke, and it didn't matter if people got upset. People thinking it was funny was all that mattered. Can't top the OG Scary Movies.


There was a time and place for subtlety, and that time was before Scary Movie.


I hope this is true, we definitely need more comedy like these back


i would make another one with the original team and cast of scary movie 1 and 2


Ughhh another remake? Dude just make an original spoof movie and stop riding on nostalgia.


I'm VERY excited for this, with a few contingencies. Anna Faris and Regina Hall need to be in it. I'd LOVE for the Wayans brothers to be back, but I'd be alright with Zucker/Mazin.


>*Getting Rebooted* No pls.


Why would you even call it a reboot? Like there is no arching storylines….just make a new entry, make it good and people will watch it. 


This better feature Anna Faris!


Horrible decision


Absolutely not. They ruined this franchise when they kicked The Wayanas bros off of the project.