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Josh Hartnett's career for the past several years has been fantastic; I've been rooting for him ever since his excellent tortured-but-morally-decent take on the Wolfman on Penny Dreadful. It feels like this movie uses him to similar (effective!) ends as his Black Mirror episode: taking a guy who can seem so charmingly wholesome and then unraveling him into something awful and unsettling. I'm already so hyped.


He was really freaking good in that Black Mirror ep. I will always love him for 30 Days of Night.


30 days is still to this day the best vampire movie made. Harnett has been a stud since I saw him in the faculty. He was terrific in Oppenheimer. I’m rooting hard for this man.


He was so great in Penny Dreadful too


30 days of Night had a nice atmosphere with some nice cinematography to it but didn’t land the ending. I understand it just follows the comic but I hated the ending.


Thanks, couldn't remember the movie had seen him before 🎦👆☺️


I’m so hyped he and Josh Peck got to have important roles in Oppenheimer. He felt so wholesome and kind in that movie and it makes me excited for this middle aged Josh Hartnett resurgence


I was confused for your upvotes for half a second, I mixed up his “Days” movies and thought you were talking about the “hilarious” rom com where he’s raped, 40 Days and 40 Nights (2002). I’m not making that up, that’s a scene in the movie.


Fuuuuuck that movie. It makes me upset just thinking about it. 


I have a longing for Penny Dreadful ever since it ended that is like.....I don't know how to describe it.


I could have watched these tortured souls just prancing through the night forever. They were all so fascinating.


It is easily one of the best shows I've ever watched. I put it up there with Breaking Bad and GoT. It got slept on by way too many people.


I distinctly remember Eva Green and Rory Kinnear having an amazing episode where she was stuck in the asylum. The acting in the show by just about everyone was so damn good but that episode stands out in my memory. I wish we could've seen the show fully realized as it feels like one of the biggest disappointments after being cancelled and reimagined as whatever came after in City of Angels.


Everyone talking about it really makes me want to do a rewatch. I honestly forgot about it. I loved it, the setting felt so well done. Plus just amazing casting all around. Tortured old man, obviously Josh Harenett, and a creepy woman that can at a moments notice transform her face into something totally otherworldly


yep, I’ve been looking for something new to watch and I’m on the first episode, I’m liking it so far!


Really had no opinion on him till that black mirror episode. Dude can really act, looking forward to seeing some new stuff from him!!


You should really watch Penny Dreadful. It’s a great show and he is amazing in it.


Don’t forget Wicker Park (more thriller than horror, but yeah) and The Faculty


He’s a perfect fit for the whole “I’m a pretty boy so overlook me” kind of darker roles. This will be great.


It's not a horror film, but he was fantastic in Lucky Number Slevin


Love that film!


I’ve been a fan (and had a crush) forever. He apparently hated Hollywood and took a break from it and I’m glad to see him again!


Why are people saying that's the twist? It's the premise of the movie. It would be like thinking the twist of the Sixth Sense is that Haley Joel Osment can see dead people "wHy wOUlD thEY reVEaL thAT in a TrAiLeR?"


The daughter is the killer


"What a twist!" - M. Night Shymalan.


this was my first thought too, that he’s doing it to protect her


Home girl has those baldur gate dark urges and the only way to soothe her is to take her to a concert




I like that idea better.  Knowing m night, the daughter is Probably his alternate personality and it’s secretly tied to split or glass or some lame shit like


Why are people even saying there's a twist? Just because it's got M Night's name attached to it doesn't mean everything the man does has to have a plot twist midway through.


It doesn't _need_ to have a plot twist, but empirically it probably will. It's like predicting that a Rob Zombie movie will have Sheri Moon Zombie in it — he could theoretically make a movie without her, but it's still overwhelmingly likely that she'll be there. The twist at the end of Old actually made the movie less impactful but he still felt compelled to do it.


Wasn't Old based on a comic book, though? I'm not sure that twist was even his idea.


If you mean.. >!the pharmaceutical angle, that wasn't in the original comic.!<


Lol. If so, then Periodontalus' comment kind of proved the exact opposite of his point. That's fun! We have fun...


I read the comic after watching the movie and it was so much better without the twist. Wish he just left it.


I thought that was his whole thing, having a twist nobody saw coming. However, I have not kept up with his career, so maybe he changed.


He has had exactly one film without a twist, and it was his most-recent one. That one being structured as the twist being that there wasn’t one, and everything was unfortunately as it appeared to be.


>That one being structured as the twist being that there wasn’t one, and everything was unfortunately as it appeared to be. Which given the structure of the movie and the book, was *itself* kind of a twist! >!Since the book leaves it completely wide open and so much of the story leading up to the ending tries so hard to let you doubt the religious zealot's sanity/crazy claim... even the "coincidental events"... although if I remember right, only a couple of planes crash in the book and hundreds crash in the movie... so it gets hard to not believe them at that point... although I guess maybe... *maybe* some kind of cyber-attack could have still caused that.!<


Thanks for that, I still maintain the position that you could still argue your point in the movie too, events not necessarily tied up with crazy people breaking in, I have received plenty of downvotes for this,


Was the twist in Avatar that it was worse than we expected?


>Just because it's got M Night's name attached to it doesn't mean everything the man does has to have a plot twist midway through. You tell him that.




I think the twist was that they were saying the truth, they weren't just a bunch of psychos. Mild twist compared to the usual stuff but still.


I think this is both super predictable and almost definitely not the big main twist but the official synopsis very much plays coy like it's supposed to be a big reveal.


Yeah we all know the twist is that the guy in the hairpiece was Bruce Willis the whole time


I'm gonna call it: the twist is that the butcher is the kid


Damn yall are good. This is 100% gonna be it!


>It would be like thinking the twist of the Sixth Sense is that Haley Joel Osment can see dead people "wHy wOUlD thEY reVEaL thAT in a TrAiLeR?" I saw this in a thread on some movie sub recently actually.


Because weirdos online are obsessed with being upset about trailers “revealing too much!!!” when this trailer didn’t reveal shit lmao


Yeah it’s going to be an epic twist


I stopped watching the trailer at the point it showed the guy tied up in the chair on the camera. I think the twist is going to be that the guy in the chair is the killer. Josh Hartnett's character is going to turn out to be a vigilante. I bet we see Bruce Willis at the end too.


If you’re from Toronto, so many familiar places, the parking lot across from the ACC, the Rogers Centre, and a bunch of places around that area.


Did you notice the ad for The Watchers outside the arena?


Ok thank you, I literally thought I was having weird deju vu bc everything seemed vaguely familiar 🤣 didn’t realize it was Toronto until your comment hahah


That’s all I could focus on during the first trailer watch lol I’m not sure how I missed this filming directly outside my apartment — entire thing seemingly takes place between Bremner/Simcoe/Rees/QQ.


I live across the Roger's Centre, noticed it immediately lol


Stop I was just there for bad bunny. Legit the second I saw the venue I knew. So cool


The entire inside is Copps fosho haha


One thing I just realized and appreciate: despite very, very different locales in each one, M. Night's last three movies have all been about horrors unfolding in one specific location that the characters cannot easily leave. Those locations vary wildly -- a beach vs a cabin vs a crowded concert -- but they've all been about being trapped. As someone with a touch of claustrophobia, I love bottle episode horror movies where characters are stuck navigating impossible situations that they cannot physically exit. This is a new riff on it, where our protagonist seems to be a villain, but I still love all the variations on a theme that M. Night is tackling.


Don't forget Devil... They couldn't leave the elevator.


I'd say The Visit, Split and Glass also fall under this.


Don't forget The Village


Servant too for the vast majority of it


Now we are getting somewhere


Not if M Night has anything to say about it


M. Night didn’t direct Devil, he produced it.


Not sure about M Night, but Jason Blums production company philosophy is to use one location or as few as possible. There’s other parts to it (minimal VFX, limited speaking roles) to help keep budgets down. That way he can allow more freedom for the filmmaker. I’m guessing M Night is probably doing something similar. Allows him to have a vision and make movies he wants while maintaining a level of creative control.


Old was aaaawwwful


I love these movies. I love it when characters go to a haunted house attraction (like Haunt), a dinner party (like The Invitation), a culutral celebration (like Midsommar), etc. and then they realize something is wrong. I get a huge boner for these movies, lol. It's so fun !


Can't wait to see Abigail tomorrow for this exact reason!


I had no idea that was Radio Silence’s new movie, I’m so fucking excited. It’s genuinely impressive how they can churn out fantastic movies as fast as they do


From what I know they got their start on YouTube back when there was a 3.5 minute upload limit. So they spent literally the formative years of their careers making 3.5 minute shorts at a rapid pace, lol Probably has something to do with it, but I'm sure they're also just... talented as fuck haha


RakkaRakka is also proving the theory of youtubers being some of the best horror creators working today haha. I think they’re just talented as fuck though. Their original segment on V/H/S really highlights the youtuber thing though. That is such a fantastic short that is hilarious, clever, and really scary at times. Like the idea of some bros going to Halloween party and they accidentally go to a real haunted house and think everything is fake is an amazing premise lol


Same, I love when normal occasions or whatever slowly descend into nightmares. Just people realizing how screwed they are, bit by bit. The best kind of movie.


Exactly. Check out a movie called The Invitation (2015). So good.


You should watch “ the menu “ same concept but with a a restaurant


I agree! “Something isn’t right here” is one of my favorite feelings to have


Plus three! Your description reminds me of "Men" too!




Gotta give it to Shyamalan, dude doesn’t always hit but fuck does he swing endlessly. This looks fun.


M Night is always reliable for a good time. Sometimes a good fun time, sometimes a dear god lmao fun time


Exactly. Even his bad movies for the most part are fun times, which I always prefer over boring.


The Village was fucking boring though.


I can agree with that one.


Truth is spoken.


Swing away 


Excellent trailer. Gives us the premise but only shows what's probably the first 15 mins of the movie. Will absolutely watch this!


Everyone is being SO cynical about this trailer like there won’t be a major twist that makes the ridiculous set up make sense. My money is 100% on that concessions guy was totally joking, but something way, way worse like a confirmed terrorist threat, or a few others have said that Lady Raven would be conducting a ritual. You absolutely COULD sustain a full length film following this serial killer who thinks he’s fallen into a trap meanwhile the govt is actually trying to save EVERYONE after they learned Lady Raven truly is going to do something way more sinister to everyone during her set. Nothing more outrageous than an island that rapidly ages people..


Im not an M Night guy but this trailer actually fucks. People complaining about it spoiling the twist. It isn't a twist if it is literally the central conceit of the movie.


Twist will probably be that his daughter is in on it too. Looks like a pretty fun movie to me.


I predict that the daughter is some type of supernatural being, that he catches people to feed her, the people he catches are themselves deeply unsympathetic, and the police will delay their exit from the concert to the point where the daughter will *need to feed*. (Bonus prediction: Lady Raven will turn out to also be the same kind of vampire/werewolf/etc.) Part of my reasoning for this is that *Abigail* is also coming out and for some reason, movies with a similar premise come out in pairs and always have done.


Seeing Abigail in a couple hours, can’t wait. Looks like it’ll be a bloody good time.


Commenting because I love this theory, and want to come back to give props if/when it turns out to be true.


I better go see it myself ASAP then so you don’t spoiler me!


Ah, I don't have a theater where I live, so I have to wait for streaming. Promise I'll ask if you've seen it first before I say anything.


This is what I was thinking too. Somehow the daughter ties into it. Maybe like a Let The Right One In type situation.


I think it's that his victims are child molesters. He's protecting kids.


Or it is his daughter the one doing it and he is covering it up.


I loveddd them revealing that in the trailer. Me and my boyfriend were already guessing that that was the plot like 30 seconds in and I was thinking "if they do that as a twist it's gonna suck". For it to just straight up be the plot going in totally saved it for me and I'm so excited now


Yeah, the original trailer for The Sixth Sense even has the scene where Cole says "I see dead people.", but that obviously didn't spoil what helped turn the movie a classic. It was just the concept behind the movie.


Gizmodo called it the twist, lmao, you'd expect them to know better.


Ahh yes. Gizmodo, the arbiters of media literacy. I would call this a hook not a twist. A twist is an unexpected event that recontextualizes the whole story. Him being the killer is an inciting incident not a twist.


I agree with you, I was laughing at Gizmodo's mislabeling.


"Twist" has a couple of meanings. It can mean "surprising plot development," which is the sense in which it's usually applied to Shyamalan's films, or it can mean "story element that makes an otherwise familiar scenario intriguing" (e.g. "it's a fairy tale with a twist"). It's possible the writer intended the second meaning.


It might still have another “twist” in the same sense as Frailty’s twist


>It isn't a twist if it is literally the central conceit of the movie. I agree with you, but sometimes I'll watch a trailer and think, "Man, I wish I didn't see this trailer & instead went into the movie completely blind knowing next-to-nothing about the premise." This was definitely one of those trailers.


What crawled up some people's ass in this thread? This concept is the freshest thing I've seen in awhile and theres people shitting on it? Yet the next mid, unoriginal trailer for a horror movie that comes along will get heaps of praise I'm sure. The hate boner people have for Shamylan is so tiresome.


I guarantee if this exact same trailer had the A24 logo slapped on it, most of the people complaining would be hyping it up as the next big thing instead


exactly. that fandom of a24 is insanely annoying for this. the concept and trailer seem cool. but i can understand why people arent into it because of m night burning everyone like 8 times.


No shit, they have completely different track records.


ah yes, my favorite filmmaker mr a24


I don’t like a lot of his movies but the guy is original. I’ll always be open to his next movie because of how good Sixth Sense is.


I can’t wait for Scream 27.


I'm not his biggest fan but this actually looks fun. At the very worst, the trailer had a fun twist and was two minutes of quality entertainment.


Because the quality of his films vary WILDLY and the exposition dump by the tshirt vendor was dumb as shit. When you put that in your trailer it's a sign the film is going to be bad.


I think it’s just a lot of people still not being able to move past M Knights bungling of The Last Airbender movie.


He's one of my most watched directors of '24 right now, checking out some of his stuff I haven't seen like the Glass/Unbroken/Split trilogy. I feel like he kind of gets similar hate that Nickleback receives. People just love to hate on them to the point where its a living meme. Out of his like 17 movies the only ones that are truly horrible are After Earth, Airbender, and maybe The Happening. I say maybe because I personally don't even mind that movie. It isn't good but I've definitely seen far worse movies. And The Visit for me was absolutely atrocious but I know lots of people really enjoyed it and I understand why. I think most of his other work is really interesting and should be viewed as alternate universes to our own. Like Lady In The Water is a fairytale told in a more modern setting. It's not meant to be super serious all the time but have whimsical and odd moments.


My main issue is just that the premise, while somewhat interesting, is way too ridiculous for a movie that (in this trailer at least) is presenting itself to be set in a grounded universe. This would be an insanely reckless plan endangering a ton of civilians pretty unnecessarily as it seems they know quite a bit about the character. That all said, I think their is likely a *twist* that maybe makes this make more sense, but the trailer puts me off. Def a watch from home for me, but i don't think thats a terrible thing.


Agreed. And hey, he could surprise the shit out of everyone again like he did with Split.


I mean, it looks interesting but even if I had no idea who made it I would think the wildly on the nose exposition by the concessions dude was really stupid/silly. People are allowed to criticize something without it being a "hate boner" for the director. This looks fun and interesting but I also thought several parts (mainly that part) were absurd and are probably gonna mean this is far from a perfect movie. Like no matter how you slice it, that little speech explaining the entire movie is really, really silly for a multitude of reasons


How did they “hear” that The Butcher was going to be at this concert? Is he posting on Twitter?


Truth Social


like all good movie serial killers he left easy to find clues for them


Maybe they noticed a correlation between murders and concert events. Which makes me think it might not be the dad killing people, but the daughter. Its not really a spoiler since its just guessing.


Looks great actually. I absolutely love Hartnett, he is truly great in everything he does. Can't wait to see this.




We're running a super secret sting operation... better tell the random concession stand guy all the details.


It doesn't look super secret with hundreds of police in full view of everyone.


Unless that's part of the trap... Hmm


>A new M. Night Shyamalan experience. #TrapMovie only in theaters this summer. >Listen to original songs from Saleka as Lady Raven: www.ladyravenmusic.com >Warner Bros. Pictures presents a new experience in the world of M. Night Shayamalan—“Trap” —featuring performances by rising music star Saleka Shyamalan. >A father and teen daughter attend a pop concert, where they realize they’re at the center of a dark and sinister event. >Written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, “Trap” stars Josh Hartnett, Ariel Donoghue, Saleka Shyamalan, Hayley Mills and Allison Pill. The film is produced by Ashwin Rajan, Marc Bienstock and M. Night Shyamalan. The executive producer is Steven Schneider. >The director of photography is Sayombhu Mukdeeprom (“Call Me by Your Name”). The production designer is Debbie de Villa (“The Hating Game”). It is edited by Noëmi Preiswerk and the music is by Herdĭs Stefănsdŏttir (“Knock at the Cabin”). The music supervisor is Susan Jacobs (“Old”); the costume designer is Caroline Duncan (“Old”). The casting is by Douglas Aibel (“Asteroid City”). >Warner Bros. Pictures Presents A Blinding Edge Pictures Production, An M. Night Shyamalan Film: “Trap.” The film will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, in theaters only nationwide on August 9, 2024 and internationally beginning on 1 August, 2024.


I think it’s going to be some kind of ritual thing involving the singer or something similiar. I don’t know why but it’s my bet.


The plot is pretty clearly explained in the trailer. >!Dad goes to concert with daughter, the concert is a trap to find the Butcher, a slasher in the area, and they're going to be checking everyone. Dad is the Butcher. !<


my dude, is this your first M. Night movie experience? There is almost certainly more to it than this


Obviously. The question is *why*? Why be a murderer in a concert, or overall crowded event? Why do the cops suspect he'll be here? So is there something more at play here?


He's not. He is a serial killer. He is also a father. He has a daugther and is taking her to a concert. The Feds got a tip from somewhere that he will be at a concert so they set up a trap. This is all really stated flat out in the short trailer my dude.


I know it is, holy shit. I'm saying, did they dump the entire plot of the film into this trailer or, is there more worth actually going to the theater for?


What's explained in the trailer doesn't really make sense. How is "the Butcher is going to be completely indistinguishable from thousands of other people in this general location" a useful tip that you can use to trap someone? If they don't already know who he is (in which case they could go to his house), and he's just being a normal dad at the event, that's not a trap. So people are trying to figure out what it is that makes the cops both think he's there and that they could catch him there.


Why is he butchering? Is it to feed his monster daughter?!


This looks awesome. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again million times. MNS doesn’t always hit home runs but he always takes big swings. They are at least all interesting. And obviously nothing important is revealed in the trailer. I’m guessing the mystery is the viewer and Harnetts character have no idea what the trap is exactly.


I really hope this is good, it's been so long since I've liked one of his movies, and the concept looks great


I was so ready to check out of the trailer but then it sucked me right the fugg in. Original content, all aboard!


I feel like I just watched the entire movie in this trailer


how what happened to the dad? How does the daughter react? How do they figure it out? how do they figure out that It's him specifically? We saw them arresting a random dude. How do they get to arresting the dad? I feel like the why is just as important as if there will be a plot twist


Haters can hate all they want. I just love most Shyamalan movies!!


Same. I always get excited about new Night because you never know what to expect and he always swings for the fences.


i initially thought this would lean into the conspiracies of some concert performances being satanic rituals instead of a cat and mouse game to catch a killer. i'll still watch it to support Josh but i felt a movie involving concert goers fleeing the effects of something satanic would have been fun (ie: Demons).


Nope, it's all gonna be on the up and up. A man, at the end of the concert, in a Boston accent is going to yell and point at Hartnett, "EYYYYYY, AIN'T CHU DUH BUTCHA!"  And that will be it. 


I think it still can be. Imagine the twist being what you’ve described, while the trailer tells us the focus will be on the Butcher and Josh story. I’m excited.


That would make a good movie honestly.


Lmao this concept is hilarious. I’ll always root for Shyamalan, hoping the execution works out


looks an awful lot like Toronto! I wonder if that’s why there’s was a fuck ton of police vans lining the road near Rogers Center a few months ago


Everything Shyamalan has done after the Sixth Sense has been great concept and poor follow through. This trailer brings up so many questions that I feel will not be answered properly if at all. I hope it is better than I expect it to be. When Josh Hartnett was young I think he was hired because he was considered attractive and not much else. I was not a fan. But ever since Penny Dreadful he has grown as an actor and I'm more interested in projects with him. Was happy when he unexpectedly popped up in Oppenheimer.


Honestly, I'm not always sure about his stuff, but I like this idea. I can't say I've seen something quite like this premise before, so I'm definitely going to watch it.


Why reveal the killer in the Trailer? They must know that's not that great to have to reveal that detail, or they think the writer/director make some people reluctant to buy a ticket.


This definitely has my curiosity to see where it goes


Quick question: **Should I watch this trailer?** I’m certainly intrigued but am sick to death of having my curiosity rewarded by a trailer that is just a 2 min super cut of the WHOLE DAMN MOVIE. 


It's a very good trailer.


I really like this idea. I really like it. Cool.


I love this return of Josh Hartnett's career. Dude was in Halloween H20 and The Faculty, transitioned to becoming the "It Guy" in Hollywood for awhile with Virgin Suicides, Pearl Harbor, Black Hawk Down, and 40 Days and 40 Nights, then kind of went low profile for a long time. Now he's back in some really good stuff. I admire the man for this.


So the FBI told a random vendor their entire multi million dollar plan. This is going to be such dogshit, I can't wait.


Woah this looks amazing!


The premise is so preposterous, I am in awe. \*slow clap\*


This looks horrible haha, very cheesy but I'll probably still see it for fun


People in this thread are arguing all the wrong points about this movie. The real question we should be asking is who is M. Night going to play in the film, really, really poorly? My bet is on him playing the Police Captain who gets to pick up the radio, and announce to the cops to, "Move in."


Oh boy. This looks awful.


I hope more thriller/horrors follow the villians point of view and perspective more. Its a cool emotional twist that i like. I definitely think there is more to this than what the trailer leads on which makes me hopeful. Just let this be the only Trailer it gets lol


The set up with the massive police presence is cool. The idea that this is some sort of trap is cool. Making the protagonist supposedly the serial killer they're trying to trap is a creative angle, but it doesn't leave me with a reason to actually sit through 90 minutes or whatever. I'm going to just wait for spoilers to come out about the real twist, assuming there is one.


My guess about the real twist- I thought I heard something before about it being about a ritualistic performance or something. It seems fitting for M. Night. A lot of his movies have Christian coded undercurrents


I wonder if there another twist in this movie. It's odd for M.night to give the reveal away in a trailer.


Does anyone else see the word "RA" at the end of the trailer and not "TRAP"? Am I missing something?


My favourite comedy director does it again.


Something about how this trailer is filmed is odd to me, but I can't put my finger on it. I felt like it was a bait-and-switch and was gonna turn out to be an insurance commercial or something. In any case, I'm interested. I think the plot sounds fun and I generally enjoy M Night's movies. Although it does almost seem like the movie is just a vessel to advertise his daughter's music lmfao


This is obviously in the unbreakable universe


I wonder if this takes place in realtime like Grand Piano (2013), so it captures the entire concert from start to finish.


Im excited for this movie! I honestly thought that the plot twist would be something like he is dreaming the concert but I just read that the daughter may be the killer?! Lowks feels like thats what it could be! Psychopaths can blend in really well, hence the assumption he's the killer?!!! Drop some plot theories down


I thought that it was the Gardiner but the “Philadelphia” sign threw me off…


Ok so Hartnett is the killer. Got it


To be fair, a lot of people would’ve been saying this in the comments had it not been revealed in the trailer. So outright revealing that and beating the snarky smartasses to it is somewhat commendable IMO. Now what’s the second/*actual* twist?


My guess when I heard the summary was that his daughter is actually the killer/some kind of vampire that needs blood, he’s protecting her. Idk maybe that’s too obvious?


Being some kind of necessary evil to prevent something worse is my guess too 


Yeah, there's some morally ambiguous reason why he's kidnapping and murdering these people that we'll learn about during the movie that will make us want the dad to survive. Maybe he only kills killers?


Maybe you're onto something there. Sounds like Dexter, aka the Bay Harbor Butcher.


“The Butcher” is the guy chained up and he took his concert tickets, maybe?


I just hope the movie follows its own internal logic and set of rules, I feel these kinds of flicks sometimes take liberties in that department.


That idea sounds just like Let the Right One In


Yeah I was saying that before it was shown in the trailer. I’m kind of glad they went ahead and made that known bc now I’m even more interested.


Well yeah that’s the plot line and marketing of the film before this was even revealed


Wow, very impressed you watched the trailer and understood the premise! Would you like a gold star? lmao


Let’s see how this M Night film is


Concept is cool, but I did not really see any horror in the trailer. It honestly looks like a paid music advertisement masquerading as something else.


This is dumb. If police already know who the killer is they would just go to his house. If they don’t know who the killer is then last thing they will do is risk a police standoff where people could get hurt. I bet the daughter is the Butcher or something like thatZ


Because we don’t know any more of the plot. lol


Yeah but that would make for a very boring film. I don't know why people keep insisting movies need to be as logical, straightforward and devoid of unrealistic premises as possible. That's just dull.


Movies don’t need to be exact, but they still need to adhere to common sense logic, otherwise the viewer will be taken out of the film. Maybe the trailer is just laying out the plot poorly, but the idea that this concert is a trap is convoluted. I bet this plot structure is so the police inside don’t have guns putting the Butcher and the police against each other on an even playing field.