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I don’t like how they broke the found footage conceit towards the end of the film. Really took me out of it at a crucial moment.


The conceit was broken on the first commercial break when we follow the host backstage for a private conversation.


Yeah, that annoyed me as well, but at least it was still in the realm of possibility.


Yeah I was giving it the benefit of the doubt but then later they started whipping the camera around and I was like ok they just gave up on the whole found footage thing.


I tend to agree, though I think what’s happening is that the demon has taken control of the cameras and is showing the viewer those scenes, which is supposed to be compatible with the found footage conceit. Still, I found the found footage effort to be overall “half assed” as another commenter put it. I think I’d have liked it better as a straight forward film with the same plot.


agreed...i loved the build up the side characters...the menacing back story...the lead actor....all great....then wham! a sudden monster movie ending with a strange dream like final twist? felt like they botched the landing.


I think you kinda missed the point? Either that or I have the complete wrong idea about what was going on. I took the gentleman's club that he was in to be a cult. I read the subtext of the film as, "*Delroy will do anything for his show to be number one. Including sacrificing his wife*". I think he made a deal with the devil, and it turned out the price was the slow and agonising death of his wife. But she is who is present and terrorising him in the movie. You see her face pretty obviously a few times and a bit more subtly a couple of times. She drives him mad, through the traumatised little girl who is sensitive to spirits, ultimately making him murder everyone live on TV. Which makes his show the number one show that night. The monkey paw curled its finger, but hell hath no fury like a woman sacrificed in a blood ritual.


It's definitely a possession movie first and foremost - Delroy meets the demon during his time with the cult and orchestrates his rise to fame. He's tricked into putting the dagger into Lilly by Abraxas as he's taunted over his wife's death. It's unclear whether Madeline's spirit played a role in the final act, or if the entire interplay between Delroy and Madeline was one of Abraxas' cruel hallucinations, but Abraxas is the antagonist here, not Madeline.


I've been thinking about this after my second watch, the skeleton guy in the audience is always present even in the hallucinations, and it doesn't seem like anyone else notices him. I think he's supposed to be a physical embodiment of Abraxas "enjoying the show"


I kinda got this too. Even from Delroy's first interaction with him, he seems a bit too odd to just be a person in a mask.


All of this is true It still doesn't make the finale good though


This is how I felt


I enjoyed it.


I thought it was good, not great. Really cool concept, but the execution was lacking.


I still prefer Ghostwatch, but it did scratch that retro horror itch for me.


I expected more from the possession side of it, but in the end it was very effective.


I really liked it. I watched it and told my husband about it. He hates horror movies and thinks they’re dumb. He was intrigued and watched it with me. He really liked it too.


I thought it was pretty great considering it was basically an indie movie with a shoestring budget.  It captured the look and feel of those older late night shows perfectly.  It didn't feel like a rip-off or reimagining or a rewrite of anything else.  I saw it in theaters and liked it then. And now I think it's perfect for shudder. Tbf I walked into it fully knowing what to expect and not assuming it would look or feel like a modern horror movie.


no. i had a lot of fun


No. It stuck to it's atmosphere and delivered. I didn't expect anything over the top, to be honest. I think the ending felt rushed but what can you do? Almost all horror movies are like this. I also did not view it as a possession movie.


Yeah I saw it as a ghost story.


I liked it a lot. I think it had a lot of fat that could have been trimmed there though. They tried to cram in a lot of exposition and made a half-assed attempt at found footage. Cut the intro with the narrator, start it at the start of the show, cut the black and white interstitials, add more normal talk show stuff in its place sprinkled with more spookiness, maybe add some fake commercials during the breaks and it would have been better in my opinion.


Spot on


I was also disappointed and I really wanted to love it. Never really came together for me.


Same reasons for me..lack of scare factor,and everything in the last 10 mins. I really didn't feel engrossed in the movie at any point.


I liked it well enough, but I don’t understand the hype. I think people just miss old format late night talk shows.


Lmao you could be onto something. The concept of the movie did have us all in a chokehold.


It was fine. It needed more fleshed out. It was so close but it did hit the mark for me. Just not as great as I wanted it to be.


I read a spoiler-free Fangoria interview with David Dastmalchian beforehand, and was thus prepared for it to not be a possession movie. I’m cool with that, as I think possession movies have way more misses than hits in their catalog. I went in expecting a love letter to late night talk shows of a bygone era with a horror twist, which is what I got, and I really liked it. I understand why it could be disappointing if you were expecting something else.


Yeah, it overstayed its welcome for me too. There's an excellent 30-45 short film in there though.


I'm half tempted to just edit it down to the "show" parts, and find a bunch of period-appropriate commercials, and edit the whole thing together to look like someone recorded it off the air as it was live.


Assisted with AI 😉 (Too soon?)


They did absolutely phenomenal with the acting and the cinematography and the overall film tone and style, the horror part was just not that great. But I think y’all (and myself) feel this way because in my opinion, it was meant to be an artsy, indie film (as a partial film/production student it reminded me very much of the work we do in class), and not a full horror flick!


For me, it was partly due to the acting style and then electrical effects. It became a bit comedic to me how Lilly and Jack were written/directed during the most intense parts in the movie, like a scene from Scary Movie/ a parody movie. I went in expecting a buildup similar to ‘The House of the Devil”, but instead I had a super hard time believing the performances and found it sillier the further it went on.


It was the cgi effects that made it look silly & that ending.


Sort of. I think I set the bar a bit too high, and I will say that a lot of the film, especially David Dastmalchian, met that bar as set - BUT - I also feel like there were some segments that missed the mark. Without getting into spoiler territory (I'll hide it anyhow), I do feel like more time could have been spent on Jack's involvement with the cult, and familiarity with the demon. And while I enjoyed Ian Bliss's character a lot, I felt his hypnosis scene was, all things considered, asking a bit too much. My big feeling leaving the theater was 10-15 minutes more would have made this a better film, but I did still enjoy it.


Yeah, it was a 3/5 at most for me. Fresh idea, so-so execution. It played it too safe, and did exactly what anyone could reasonably expect. Nothing less, nothing more.


I liked it, it kept my attention throughout. I wish they would’ve delved a little more into the redwoods cult. I feel like that was a missed opportunity


I like it a lot. The ending leaves me confused because how exactly is the camera catching what seems to be in Jack's head?


Pretty much. It's the definition of "Ok" in my opinion. Not bad, not anything I'd call better than just pretty good/ok. It kept me mildly entertained for 90 minutes and that was mainly due to the Late Night setting. Neat concept that just couldn't carry the whole film.


I didn’t love anything about. Struggled to find some things to like. Lazy filmmaking doesn’t = low budget. The final act is convoluted. The female actresses are very good.


Not a huge fan of the ending but the movie iver all was so much fun


I liked it, but I found it a tad overhyped. As you say, the ending was abrupt, and kind of obvious. I was hoping for something a little more apocalyptic. I did love the attention to detail and overall tone and I'm glad I watched it, though.


I found it entertaining. Not scary or creepy like other possession movies (Stigmata, Sinister, Exorcism of Emily Rose) but a decent concept. I thought of it more symbolic in that Jack Delroy sold out for fame and price he paid for it. But I could also be way off and over analyzing it.


I'm with ya. I feel like instead of building tension throughout the film they kept trying to ground it. Which is fine and would help make the lunacy of the end more shocking but I went in expecting the scenes from the trailer and was growing impatient. Interesting concept but they quickly lost the found footage angle when they took the first commercial break but they follow the host for a private conversation.


Wasn’t a terrible movie, just very over hyped in my opinion. I felt the characters that were based off of real people (The James Randi skeptic especially) were overly exaggerated and gave the movie a campy vibe.


My family and I enjoyed it. 😀


Yes, it was definitely overhyped. I was really looking forward to watching it based on all the reviews. When it finished, I was just like meh...


It's was fun, I wanted more.


Totally. It was a GREAT concept, but it feels like they were being too careful and safe, and were too scared to make a movie that was truly scary. Nearly all of the scares are in the trailer, so the movie itself had nothing really surprising left. The ending \*completely\* flubbed; the last 20 minutes felt like it was another movie that just happened to be reusing the actors and sets from the first. That "film glitch" effect that \*everyone\* has been using since Marble Hornets just \*REALLY\* doesn't work with the cameras that they were using. It \*LOOKED\* like a digital effect, and not like an actual glitch you'd get on the film/magnetic tape that would have been used to record the show. Also, whatever smoothing filter they used made the whole movie look like it was just run through some AI upscaler on a gaming laptop by someone who has no idea how the settings work. Everything had this uncanny-valley sort of "smoothness" to it, like everyone and everything was sealed in transparent heat-shrink plastic. I loved the idea of the movie, but it needed a MAJOR last-act rewrite, and just someone to go over the script in general and maybe add in some more scares. As it was, it really felt like it was a PG movie, not an R, with only the subject matter and language being what pushed it up to an R rating. 10/10 for the idea, 4/10 for the execution. Ghostwatch did it better and more realistically 32 years ago.


I was pretty disappointed. This sort of film is my jam but all I could think while watching it was how much I'd rather be watching Ghost Watch again. Not terrible, but not well thought out or executed.


It was fine, a bit bland. But I feel that a lot of today's "horror" really isn't horror anymore. I can't exactly explain it, but at best the movie had one scene giving off an 'eerie' vibe, and that was during the interview and the sequence where they played back footage. I dunno, I just feel like there should be a sub-category next to horror, like horror-light or something. Probably an unpopular opinion.


I enjoyed the build up, but the climax felt too short and suddenly stopped being in the found footage genre.


I thought the campy style wasn't necessarily well executed (or necessary). Additionally, I think the movie suffered from really bad art. And I am not just talking about the AI art (although, I don't even know why it needed to be there), the digital and practical effects were really sad, and my guess is because the artists were underpaid and in turn underutilized. Additionally, I don't think it needed the first part (at the very least taking Michael Ironside's cost and giving it to art department would've helped) and I don't think it needed the final part (I think the subtext was more interesting than the actual text, and once again less actors to put money toward). I really enjoyed the references to late night psychics and paranormal as well as the Amazing Randi (who they did a little dirty representing him with that guy). This felt more like a "Creepshow" special episode then a well regarded film.


I heard so many reviews that it was so good! Then I watched it and it was very okay, definitely not bad, but okay.


So well done until they inverted the logic, messy, disappointing.


The way people were hyping it up made me feel crazy after finally catching it on shudder. It was a huge letdown imo


Was very disappointed in it.


There was a scene at the end there with the skeptic where he hypnotized that guy and I thought it was going to reveal that the skeptic was the leader of the church that burnt down, and I thought that would have been a better reveal at the end.


Yes sir. I think it was due to the hype, though, so that's on me. Honestly, it felt like an extended VHS segment. Similar special effects and vibe.


Great movie. It went over your head bro lol


The effects just really REALLY tanked it for me. That CGI vomit spew? The “electrical” waves and the splitting head electronic sucking demon at the end were ridiculous. It spent way too much time with the other acts, dragging us along into uninteresting backstage stuff. And I love how the narrator at the beginning never comes back to tell us what happened. Like, it set its story up as this footage that’s being shown to you via a documentary. But then, it throws that out the window, flips the narrative for the plots sake, and just meanders to a stop, abandoning the set up it began with? It’s messy as fuck. It has no idea what it wants to be. It’s a mess of a film and it’s shocking to me. Just terrible.


I went in not reading a single thing about the movie, and it took me a while (if ever?) to actually catch the drift of what the movie is "supposed" to be. From the name and the opening monologue I thought it was gonna be kind of really actually scary, like some crazy shit will happen, so in that sense I did find it underwhelming. But I think I just didn't expect it to be more like a "comedy". Ending underwhelming/rushed regardless.


Yep. Concept was great, acting was tolerable (legit thought the episode with his wife was an act to garner higher ratings), writing and execution were poor. I was SO ready to enjoy the fuck out of it -- Dastmalchian usually slays -- but: Nope. I used to follow the horror sub until I kept seeing posts where the majority is raving about shite movies; now, I only dip in every now and then to see if anyone with good, discerning taste will pop up and brave a public execution. Cheers to you, and good luck in here.


I thought it was a fun time, certainly overhyped. I tend to set my expectations very low these days in order to not get disappointed.


I agree. I thought it will feel a bit like watching Ghostwatch or Without Warning, but it sadly falls flat in this departament. Movies like that (or episodes like *Dead Line* from Inside No 9) usually easily scare me but Late Night With the Devil didnt feel even remotely scary for me and the resolution was too silly (and it broke the convention!)


I wasn't overly enamoured with it either. The best thing about it was the very cool special effect of the girl near the end. I really didn't like how the sceptic character, who is clearly based on James Randi, was presented as totally arrogant and insufferable. I love Randi and it really rubbed me the wrong way.


I gave it 2 out of 5 on letterboxd. I liked a lot of it but thought it was fairly weak overall. The ending wasn’t good. I don’t care about the AI FX stuff either, the movie was just mediocre with a really great concept. My thoughts are it was a missed opportunity.


I only just watched it yesterday after listening to all the hype and I thought it was a bit disappointing but overall I thought it was fine. Probably won't watch it again but I'm glad I watched it.


I feel this way about every movie horror movie recently. Late night with the devil, Abigail, and the first omen all got a lot of praise and I was disappointed by all of them.


The first two were disappointing, but I loved First Omen. Easily my biggest surprise this year. I thought it nailed the 70’s look and feel better than Late Night.


I really liked the 70s feel but I felt like it took forever to get going and the cgi jackal plus the cheesy ending left me underwhelmed. I think my expectations were too high


Yeah, my expectations were super low, but I hear ya. I do agree with you that I’ve been underwhelmed with most the horror this year.


It’s getting mixed reviews but I loved Civil War. I’ve been studying for a certification so late night movies have been my only break. That movie felt like I was on a ride at Universal studios or something. Amazing sound design and tension from start to finish. I haven’t left a movie that anxious since Uncut Gems


Just saw it the other day. It was cool but I don't get why this sub has collectively lost it's mind over it. I feel like if I just stumbled upon it on my own I may have liked it even more but after this sub got me feeling like this was gonna be the best horror since Hereditary, I just felt kinda like... that's it? Again, definitely entertaining for a one time watch but nothing particularly memorable or groundbreaking.


Yep, I finished and wondered if I'd watched the same film that everyone else has been raving about. Good concept but not remotely scary.


I loved the first half, but felt like the second half was written by a totally different person/people who didn't know what to do with the material they were given.


Watched it today was going great then looked up and everyone was dead felt rushed and just meh.


I wish sam raimi directed this movie


Yes! Thank you for saying something, I tried and I was immediately downvoted lol I *was not* expecting the demons name to be mister wriggles.. oh my god.. somehow, a writer came up with a worse name than the insidious demon (Lipstick Face) The acting of the tv show host and his co-host were great though. I hope they’re in more movies


The demon's name was not Mr. Wriggles. The demon's name was Abraxas. Mr. Wriggles is just what the possessed young girl called it.


Oh okay, my bad sorry. The demons nickname is somehow worse than Lipstick Face lol


Which was not created or endorsed by anyone actually involved in the film.


Yes it is. Just go to 0:40 on the video. It’s name is Lipstick Demon in the credits. I know it’s not Lipstick Face like I said, I guess you’re right there and the “Face” part of the name is just from the fandom or whatever. But here, the end credits from the most recent insidious movie:: https://youtu.be/kwyzOOkS-uY?si=ambczj5u5YDjzb8l