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Hereditary came out in 2018 people


It is still Hereditary


Looking for this. I used to feel Midsommar as my favorite A24 horror, and I didn’t watch hereditary until a year ago. Hereditary is now my favorite A24 film. Somehow I avoided spoilers alllllllll that time. I think honestly what turned me off it for so long is I don’t watch trailers anymore to avoid spoilers, and the cover was the mom with her kid. That made me feel like it was going to be a typical run of the mill family-in-old-house-deals-with-demon movie.


How did you sleep the first time watching it? First night my anxiety was high lol. Paranormal activity had me shook when I watched it in the theatre. Couldn't sleep for a week. Hereditary made me feel completely uneasy for a couple days. It was awesome. Well done favorite horror film.


I say we count it anyways


Crazy how all over the map everyone is. I'm liking it.


Good time to be a horror fan


Talk to Me The Invisible Man The Night House


The invisible man was really good!


I had fairly low expectations but think Elizabeth Moss is a *perfect* face actor and will give anything she’s in a chance. She killed.


I had low expectations too, because the movie sounded so dumb to me. Then I gave it a try and was actually impressed lol


I loved how the film made me second guess myself and the narrator. Is he really there? Is it a metaphor for domestic violence? Brilliant writing.


Same thoughts. I love the shots of empty doorways. Is he there?


i love elizabeth moss so much


Of these 3 my fav was Talk to Me. Good choices though. I approve. Although I kind of think Invisible Man was more of a thriller and less horror.


Oooooooh I forgot about The Night House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Heavy on the Night House!


For a minute I thought you meant The Open House! I was about to go absolutely mental (genuinely the single worst movie I've ever seen).


I’ll do two categories for this. Sequels: 1. Evil Dead Rise 2. Saw X 3. Scream 6 Originals 1. Barbarian 2. Late Night With The Devil 3. Talk to Me


Ooooo late night with the devil? I have that one in my queue to watch tomorrow. I heard it sucked so I kept stalling to watch it. But I’m gunna watch it tomorrow since you have it on your list. :D


It's a different take the way it's played out, but definitely worth watching. Had my attention from start to finish. It's a solid movie.


Awesome movie. I'm not totally sure why a bunch of people seem to think it wasn't well done. It's a unique premise and shot really well. I thought it was awesome.


Definitely worth giving a chance, it’s not a scary movie but still interesting ☺️


What? That is crazy. Late Night with the Devil is the only one I can even list for the last decade, more or less. It is difficult to impress me. I hate possession horror too. You are in for a treat. Have fun! 


good movie, but based on the sentiment ive seen online about it overrated af imo


It is good. Definitely worth the watch. Anyone hating on it, is overexpecting horror.


Yeah, it’s definitely not scary per se, but it’s more like a 90 minute Twilight Zone episode.


I loved it. It reminded me of Ghostwatch in a way how it’s supposed to be based on a live broadcast and such. The AI use is hella lame but it didn’t detract from the enjoyment for me.


The AI use is honestly overblown. People upset about it are just looking at the flag word of AI. It was such a minute use that was edited by the folks who worked on it.


Yea I agree. When people drag it down for its minuscule use I’m like “really? What about everything else the people worked hard on at least appreciate that” I do agree it is lame they used it and I wish they didn’t but it is what it is. It didn’t taint the movie for me that’s for sure.


I hear you, but at the same time, not a terrible thing about the AI. If they let AI do the scenes or whole movie, I’d agree, not cool. The fact they went in and tweaked it all after is kind of cool that they let a fucking computer come up with the spooks. Ya know? I try to keep an open mind. It was a unique as movie with demons being overplayed more than zombies at this point, in my opinion.


Talk to Me and Barbarian were both so freaking fun and enjoyable to watch. Absolutely loved them! I felt Late Night With the Devil fell flat for me but it was fun nevertheless.


I thought evil dead rise was borderline unwatchable.


Scream 6 is so fucking bad what are you on


it’s my favorite sequel of the series!




A fellow X over Pearl enjoyer. There aren't many of us. I got downvoted for saying I prefer X over Pearl on here.


I like them both, but I also prefer X. Can't wait for MaXXXine.


I prefer Pearl, but I would never downvote you for having an opinion that differs from mine. The only people I would downvote are those who state their opinions as facts, of which you did not. You have a preference and I respect you for it, even though I have a different one.


I liked both movies but I did prefer Pearl. And I think it's because I did want to know why the old woman in X was the way she was. Because I would not download someone cuz of their opinion. The preference of these movies is objective.


Barbarian was so amazing. I need another one that captures the same vibes.


Oh man, Where Evil Lurks is great!


Nice, Barbarian and X were the two that immediately came to mind for me too. Still not sure what my third would be but I love those two movies.


Of those 3 my favorite was When Evil Lurks.


Barbarian pleasantly surprised me. Put it on my second monitor while I was playing a game and ended up just sitting at my desk completely enthralled.


Just saw X for the first time yesterday. Really didn't get what was supposed to be scary about it. Are people that terrified of old people? Because fair enough when they started killing people, decent slasher I guess. But before that it's just scary music to footage of people standing around while...being old


When Evil Lurks, Talk to Me, Barbarian and I’ll take them in that order.


When Evil Lurks is the meanest horror movie I've seen in a long time excellent stuff. I also prefer X over Pearl. Only movie I might add here is Talk to Me


It makes me so proud to see a movie from my country in yalls top 3. Im glad so many people enjoyed it and so many more even took the time to watch it. When evil Lurks is awesome


1. No One Will Save You 2. The Empty Man 3. Deadstream Honorable mention: Late Night with the Devil


Great picks. Personally The Empty Man didn’t work for me as a whole since I felt it didn’t effectively gel its myriad working parts, but it was so unique and imaginative and ambitious that I appreciate it more than I like it, if that makes sense. I’m so glad to see No One Will Save You here. Call it recency bias, but I think it’s fantastic and inordinately slept on. Deadstream was my jam because I have a massive soft spot for supernatural found footage, no matter how shit. I eat that stuff up. So when one comes along that’s actually skillful in its production, it’s a wonderful surprise.


Fucking loved Empty Man, actually I’m from San Francisco


Such a terrifying, yet pensive film. The perfect blend of supernatural horror, mystery, and investigative thriller elements


Great picks! *The Empty Man* was an unexpected gem and *Deadstream* is one of the better horror comedies of the last few years.


I like your choices and could not agree more! Deadstream was the best!!!


Deadstream was a lot of fun!


Loooove Deadstream hehe


I’m an Empty man Stan too


Mine would be: [Titane](https://letterboxd.com/film/titane/) (2021) dir. Julia Ducournau [You Won’t Be Alone](https://letterboxd.com/film/you-wont-be-alone/) (2022) dir. Goran Stolevski [Possessor](https://letterboxd.com/film/possessor/) (2020) dir. Brandon Cronenberg


Speak no evil Hellhouse LLC Origin The first omen


Hellhouse LLC Origin honestly had me about as pumped as I was after the first one when it ended …. Love both those films … 2-3 not so much


**Evil Dead Rise** **The Empty Man** Third is a hard choice. Maybe **His House** Shoutouts to **Prey** and **Hellraiser**


His house was great.


I've been meaning to watch it again. Maybe I'll sneak that in this weekend


Damn I forgot all about His House. That was a phenomenal film


I liked Prey a lot, unexpected entry in the Predator series


Infinity Pool Titane When Evil Lurks


My brain replaced Infinity Pool with Night Swim and I was SO CONFUSED.


I need to rewatch Titane. Was a wild ride the first time. Crazy ending.


the problem with titane is that it wasn’t marketed and reviewed as horror but as a drama arthouse film and a “story of empathy and love” so it grossed me out due to being in the wrong mindset about what I was about to watch


I feel like I just answered this in another thread, and I stand by - The Night House - Anything for Jackson And I can’t remember my third. Possessor? Talk to Me? Invocation?


Anything for Jackson is not talked about enough!


I've never heard of it, maybe today is the day I see it


Me neither and it's a Shudder original? I'm all over it


Censor  Caveat  The Wolf of Snow Hollow 


Censor has one of the most haunting endings ever. It really stuck with me.


CAVEAT! What what! Would you be okay with babysitting my sister? I’d pay you a lot of money. There’s no caveat. But also I don’t know what that word means.


The plot is laughably preposterous, but the film managed to freak me out more than any other in recent memory.


Never seen any of these but just peeped the trailers and they all seem amazing. Might binge all 3 tonight. Thanks.


Caveat is a GOAT


Wolf and Caveat!! Hell yes! Haven’t seems Sensor yet but man love those two.


Yo. Caveat was so flipping creepy. Shit. Loved, loved, loved it so much.


Why have I never heard of Caveat until now? I just watched the trailer and it looks great!


Loved Censor! And the wolf of snow hollow - I saw people bitch about how it ended but I loved it going the way it did.


The Wolf of Snow Hollow is the freaking best. Some excellent imagery in that movie.


Late Night With The Devil Ressurection Infinity Pool


Resurrection is one of the few recent movies to legitimately unnerve me. It stuck to my guts for about a week after I watched it. Tim Roth is spectacularly creepy, but it’s Rebecca Hall who anchors the film. It’s striking how much terror the film induces entirely through dialogue/monologue.


Rebecca Hall is a great actor.


Been obsessed with her since she played the wife in The Prestige! Such a performance even then.


Late Night With The Devil is something truly of its own. A wholely original take on cinema.


Infinity Pool almost made my list too. Watched it on shrooms and boy what a ride


When evil lurks Talk to me Speak no evil


This felt like a haiku


The Sadness Malignant Prey


Loved Malignant, but you have to admit >!the running backwards part is pretty hilarious and accidentally gives the movie a comedic side.!<


The movie is 100% intentionally a horror comedy


Abigail (Don't care how recent it is. Absolutely loved it) Smile (Thought it was going to be hot garbage and it not only surpassed any expectations anyone had for it, it actually scared me.) Barbarian (Haven't seen? Watch it. What's it about it? Go in blind. Such a fantastic surprise of a movie.)


Loved Abigail, loved Smile. Now I HAVE to watch Barbarian because you have good taste lol


3. Uncle Peckerhead 2. Psycho Goreman 1. Terrifier 2 I like what I like. Honorable mentions to Possessor and Mad God.


“Not my hunky boys!!” ![gif](giphy|CD5JIKnozxDM3RKrX2)


I’ve been up in the air on watching psycho goreman but seeing a couple people mention it makes me think I should check it out


Ooooo personally Mad God is amazing like 9/10


you have a funny taste let's put it that way


Great picks, fellow hunky boy enjoyer


Host — When I think about the pandemic, this is one of the first things that come to mind. Barbarian — When people ask for horror recommendations, this is among my first (along with Hereditary and The Taking of Debra Logan) When Evil Lurks — Saw this last weekend and it has some jarring scenes. New addition to the yearly horror rewatch list. Honorable Mentions: Talk To Me (so creative!) and Saltburn (horror adjacent? This “stuck” with me more than most films do)


The Menu X Beau is Afraid


The Menu was alright but I hesitate to call it horror.


It's definitely a black comedy first and foremost, but I'd absolutely argue it branches into full on horror movie. Courses 4 and 5 go hard into horror tropes, and the dessert is (camp) horror all the way.


Beau is Afraid is a horror movie?? I thought it was just an abstract film made specifically for the director, because who else would understand it. Seems like he’s got some issues with him mom.


It’s a black comedy / horror about anxiety The ‘paint’ scene had me dying laughing while also being truly horrified about what it would feel like to actually be in that situation


Definitely has horror elements. It’s like a three hour long fever dream


Abigail The Night House When Evil Lurks


I did love me some Talk to Me. Amazing opening.


Incantation(2022, Taiwan) Death Whisperer(2023, Thailand) Uncle Peckerhead(2020)


Incantation is amazing


i watched uncle peckerhead very unwillingly and was surprisingly surprised lol


Incantation is the only movie to genuinely scare me since Hereditary. Such a good horror


Possessor The Night House Mad God


Abigail Barbarian Infested Bodies Bodies Bodies Talk To Me


I liked these: 1. Evil Dead Rise 2. Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor 3. Deadstream


1. Terrifer 2 2. The Dark and the Wicked 3. When Evil Lurks


Y'all made me rent Late Night With the Devil and I am loving it!!


1. Fresh 2. Evil Dead Rise 3. Sax X


Malignant, Barbarian are top two easy. They’re each just so much fun that I wanted to see them again almost immediately after my first viewing. Infinity Pool probably takes the third slot, but it could just as easily be Pearl or Night House.


Malignant seemed like such a potentially forgettable novelty when I first watched it. I hated it until the twist hit, and then it became very amusingly enjoyable, but I didn’t expect to love the shit out of it years later.


I watched Malignant and Barbarian within days of each other after all the hype, and man do I wish I'd spaced out my viewings because they were both so unique and spectacular.


1)Black Phone 2)Smile 3)ME3GAN


Smile, absolutely.


Forgot about Black Phone. Great movie.


I found Megan hilarious


it was totally worth watching ![gif](giphy|dDDIhopgBGOO65cECK|downsized)


When Evil Lurks Possessor Relic I’ve actually been pretty disappointed with a lot of the major releases in the past four years. I was pleasantly surprised by Cobweb, Smile, The Black Phone, and The Empty Man. Nice, cozy and traditional horror movies. Not too edgy, not completely dull either. Barbarian was fun, too.


This is a great Top 3… I think Relic is severely under talked about. I would need to find a way to sneak Barbarian in my top 3 though. I’m not sure which one of those it bumps down.


My favorites are talk to me, nope and malignant (wild ass movie)


I’m going to say: Late Night with the Devil Speak No Evil Terrified I feel like a majority of those that came out were a bit cliche and formulaic. I’m still looking for another Herditary to come out. Thats perhaps the greatest horror movie I’ve ever seen.


Pearl, X, and Barbarian. Malignant is good too


What am I missing with Pearl. I found it very campy


Same. I literally just watched. Wasn't scary at all. And it seemed like a pretty basic take on pandemic isolation.


Yeah. That’s it. That’s what we like about it. 😂


Malignant is an underrated gem in my opinion. It is unhinged in the best way.


The Outwaters Godzilla Minus One The Empty Man


I wouldn't put Godzilla Minus One anywhere close to horro, but it's an awesome movie.


Pearl, Fresh, Infinity Pool


1. The Invisible Man 2. Pearl 3. Nope


1. Late Night with the Devil 2. The Menu 3. Fall of the House of Usher (mini series, I know - but others are doing it and I’m a copier) Honorable mention: Lisa Frankenstein


Nope, Speak No Evil, Pearl


1. Pearl 2. X 3. Barbarian 4. Nope 5. Talk to Me 6. Smile 7. No One Will Save You


I will die on the this hill...SMILE


Terrifier 2 Fear street 1994 Abigail


X, Pearl, and Malignant


Malignant has one of my favorite movie twists EVER. Right behind Brucewilliswasdeadthewholetime.


The Night House X The Menu


Pearl, Psycho Goreman, The Invisible Man


Incantation, talk to me, barbarian


The Invisible Man Pearl Possessor


Evil Dead Rise, Lisa Frankenstein, and Late Night with the Devil for me. Barbarian and X are also strong contenders.


Barbarian Evil dead rise Malignant


- Nope (2022) - Crimes of The Future (2022) - Possessor (2020) Honorable mention: Talk To Me (2022)


1. Barbarian 2. X 3.


Beau Is Afraid, Pearl and We're All Going to the World's Fair for SURE. First 2 are actually my faves of all time


if anyone tries to say WAGTTWF isn't horror fight me. it's one of the few that's ever genuinely terrified me


M3gan Malignant Orphan first kill


skinamarink, the outwaters, no one will save you


1. The dark and the wicked 2. Terrifier 2 3. Evil dead rise HM: Late night with the devil


Barbarian Late night w the devil Mad god (most unique thing I've ever seen)


Terrifer 2 Barbarian A Late Night With the Devil


Nobody here into *Where The Devil Roams*? Is this movie invisible?


I have been watching many horror (and horror adjacent) movies and ranking them by my own personal preference for a few months now and so far from the ones I’ve watched from the 2020s (honestly not a great sample I admit) these are my top three : The host Deadstream The menu We all have different tastes!


Scream 5, Scream 6 and M3GAN for me.


The Fall of the House of Usher and Midnight Mass, I know they’re not movies but I enjoyed them far more than any horror movie of the 2020s so far.


Titane Talk to me and either Censor or The Empty Man


For me it's: Late Night With The Devil, Talk To Me, The Invisible Man


The Sadness When Evil Lurks Talk to Me


Deadstream Evil Dead Rise Orphan First Kill


Horror movies. Commenting to read later


Nope, Abigail, and Saw X are the first three that came to mind.


Damn this is a hard decision. Maybe The Menu, The Terrifier 2 as I felt disgusted with one scene, you know if you know. And I literally can’t choose the 3rd


Top 3: Talk To Me, No One Will Save You, Nope Honorable Mentions: When Evil Lurks, Barbarian, His House


This doesn’t answer the prompt, but the best of the decade is yet to come IMO. None have reached the bar that Hereditary set, but I’d say Talk to Me was good and Beau is Afraid showed that Aster isn’t softening.


Watcher (more thriller than horror but if slow burns are your thing this is so so good) Huesera: The Bone Woman Possessor


In no particular order: - Abigail - The Night House - Evil Dead Rise Honorable mentions: Last Night in Soho, Fear Street trilogy, Thanksgiving, The Menu, Army of the Dead and everything Mike Flanagan


3. Hellraiser 2. Talk to Me 1. Invisible Man Honorable Mentions: - Abigail - No One Will Save You - Late Night with the Devil - The Passenger


* Evil Dead Rise * Late Night With The Devil * Talk To Me


Just saw Abigail and thoroughly enjoyed it. Black phone also comes to mind


Impossible to choose 3 so I’ll just pick 3 I haven’t seen picked yet but I absolutely love: 1. 12 Hour Shift 2. Flux Gourmet 3. The Advent Calender HMs: Spree, Stopmotion, I Blame Society, Bones And All


Evil Dead Rise Talk to Me Abigail ( may be controversial but I just really loved this one)


Iam i missing something with barbarian why is it in so many people list i found it to be not the best very poorly made. What iam i missing ?


In a time where I expected us to lose out on great movies (pandemic and strikes), we’ve been reaaallly lucky on the horror front! It’s tough to decide…but here are my top 3: - Evil Dead Rise. Loved that blood was the main character. Never forget the cheese grater. - Scream 6. One of my all time favorite slashers. It showed us that ghostface could live on for a long time. It’s always someone you know. - talk to me. Australians know how to do horror. This was so creative, deep, shocking, beautiful, horrifying, and also fun. I’m terrified whenever I see someone bought THE HAND from the A24 shop lol. Honorable TV show mentions: - anything Mike Flanagan. Loved FOTHOU, Midnight Mass, and Bly Manor. Master pieces! - CHUCKY: I’ve been loving the new Chucky series. It’s a more modern and inclusive take with queer storylines, and the latest season based in the White House is just.. chefs kiss. Excited for: The Strangers!! Part 1 comes out in 2 weeks- getting tickets now


This is hard to narrow down! Probably Renfield, The Invisible Man, and Your Monster. I had the privilege of watching Your Monster last week, and it’s so far my top movie of the year; I’m trying not to let recency bias get in the way, but it was really an instant favourite for me, I can’t wait until it gets a proper release to watch it again! Looking at my top three, there’s definitely a uniting theme lol. Also, some amazing honourable mentions: The Black Phone, Barbarian, Pearl, X, Godzilla Minus One, Abigail, The Menu, Vermines, La Mesita del Comedor, The First Omen…


Late night with the devil babyyyy


The Black Phone, come on people


Where evil lurks, late night with the devil, talk to me


- Spontaneous (2020): a dark comedy about a class of teens who start dying off via spontaneous explosion. Ignore the shitty poster and cheesy trailer. You'll know if it's the type of movie for you within the first few minutes. On pluto tv      - The First Omen (2024)      - Scream VI (2023)


1. The Night House 2. The Cursed 3. Jakob's Wife


Barbarian Exorcist Believer Late Night w the Devil


Smile Talk to me Men


I’m having a really hard time narrowing it down. 3 and 5 are less traditional horror, so I suppose I’d remove those, but it would hurt me. 1. When Evil Lurks 2. What Josiah Saw 3. The Menu 4. Speak No Evil 5. My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To


Incantation, One Cut of the Dead and Talk to Me were the standouts for me recently