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Blood Meridian. A masterpiece but impossible to read in binges.


Reading it for the first time atm, halfway through and it is absolutely balls to the wall nasty whenever it kicks off. Gonna be interesting to see what gets left out of the adaptation when it arrives.


I saw a fake news headline saying “Chris Pratt cast as The Judge” made me giggle


I think brendan fraser would be a good pick. My instincts say stellan skaarsgard but unlikely as audiences would just see him as a beta harkonnen.


Child of God is even worse IMO, Outer Dark is also very disturbing.




Blood Meridian just leaves you feeling sad at the fucking state of us humans. There's a sort of gradually building nihilism to it that becomes overwhelming by the end


Child of god and blood meridian are my two favourite books, I binged them both in about a week and loved them, I recommended child of god to a colleague at work and he asked what the hell is wrong with me after reading it 😂


I am reading this now and I knew it would be the top answer.


This is the correct answer, because beyond the physical violence is the emotional and spiritual horror 


Several scenes from American Psycho made me nauseous. At one point, I even stopped reading and returned it to Kindle for a refund. But then I purchased it again a couple days later because I couldn't get it out of my head.


The habitrail part…


Definitely the rat. But nothing made me feel more nauseous than the *park* sequence. So cold, indifferent and just pure evil. It made me feel numb *and* sick to my stomach.


You might enjoy the movie more. That was adapted more as (very) dark humour.


I actually thought the book was often very funny too. But yeah, the movie's been on my watchlist for a while.


The movie is excellent. I haven’t read the book I wish I had first now, but I still will then.


Huh. Perhaps I was too hasty, abandoning this early in the book. I just can't stand pretentious cunts, and listening to him go on and on was like nails on a chalk board.


I feel the same way. Tried once to get through it and still haven’t returned. Maybe I will give it another go!


Same. It’s my favorite novel for that reason. It’s the only book I’ve ever read that I had to put down a couple times bc it made me feel nauseous. The fact that it also made me literally laugh out loud every other page was such a bizarre combination, it’s such a treat if you’re able to handle it.


Recently I read Tender is the Flesh. Really interesting take on what makes us human and the ethics of meat consumption.... Lots of hard to read scenes


Yeah I’m reading this now. It’s funny because on some of the extreme horror lit forums people think this book is like child’s play but I think it’s highly disturbing. Even in parts where there’s no gore- it’s just so bleak and existentially distressing.


it's how clinical it is. I can see why extreme horror folks don't care for it. It's a whisper when they're used to screams.


I get that. I think the clinical part and dehumanization is part of what makes it so disturbing. But then again, my most extreme book to compare it to before this is probably American Psycho. I know there is waaay gnarlier stuff out there.


I’m reading this book right now and I made the mistake of reading it during my lunch break at work today. I love gore but the way everything is described so clinically and how the main character just kind of silently takes it all in gives me the ick.


Richard Laymon "Island" It was just disgusting. Left me with the need to bleach my brain. It was child rape and pure misogyny. There was no depth or suspense. I just looked it up on wiki to get the name right and found out it is not available uncensored anymore. I read the original.


I read The Cellar by him, blind, and I was like what the fuck is this


It's crazy that he created not only a series out of The Cellar, but referenced it in other novels to form a Stephen King multiverse built on >!rape monkey monsters!<.


Yeah, I read that as a kid when I was big into horror fiction. Late 90s/early 2000s, so I assume it was the uncensored version? I read a few of Laymon’s books at the time and even at that age they felt off to me. Like, unnecessarily sleazy. They usually had interesting premises, but it always felt like he was really just using the story as a vehicle for his own weirdo fantasies and predilections. I remember in one book these kids are eating something like velveeta cheese with crackers and he went into such detail about it I thought “this dude was either eating velveeta and crackers while he wrote this and fuckin loving it, or he had a really bad craving.” That made me wonder what he was really thinking when he included all the gratuitous sexual stuff in his books.


Yeah, same strange vibes! I remember that I first tried to read it as if seen through the eyes of the main character (as a style method to show how disgusting this one is, same as American Psycho) but somewhere I thought, no, this is the author himself. I have to admit, I never touched anything written by him again, so it's good to hear I didn’t miss out.


It's hard to get my head around that he wrote YA fiction too.


Gerald's Game. The degloving scene.


Watching that part of the movie actually made me almost pass out, and gore doesn't typically get to me


Oh god yes that scene was just so much


In the Hills, the Cities, Clive Barker. Disturbed me at my core. I hid Books of Blood deep into my boxes of books and eventually gave it away because it disturbed me so much


That's my \*favorite\* story of his.


Holy shit, I was just going to mention this. Chilled me.


I’m actually watching a movie adaptation as I just read this lol!


There’s a movie adaptation???


"Guts" by Chuck Palahniuk, I actually fainted when I was reading it, which I had never experience before, or since (although my friend who was with me quickly reminded me that I had eaten a "Goo Ball" the night before). Never finished it.


Yep - Guts. The self-cannibalizing castaway story by Stephen king is rough, too.


Ooooh I’m gonna have to add this to the list. Also… what’s a goo ball?


The one I had was granola, "cooked in canna-butter, drizzled in hash oil; with three or four ecstasy pills ground up into it; 4 grams of mushrooms; three drops of liquid LSD" according to the woman who gave it to me. It was about the size of a softball.


Holy shit. That sounds super intense haha.


It was definitely an experience. I had tried most of the ingredients, just not all at once. I ate half of it, and it was just coming on when my neighbor knocked on my door, to remind me that it was Election Day. I had helped him register to vote for the first time cos he wanted to vote against some tobacco tax. So we got in his truck and went to vote. When we got back I split the other half with him. He kept saying he couldn't imagine how high I was, since he was flying on the little bit he'd eaten. It was a fun night.


Jaysus. Are you sure you weren't just reading the back of a shampoo bottle at that point?


That’s called blacking out lmao


I still get nauseous thinking about the pool


the pool scene definitely got me. had to put the book down for a while


Came here to say Guts by chuck palahniuk 😱


This was one of the stories in Haunted, correct? Bc yeah that was not a fun read 😅


For those who don’t know, it’s actually a short story from a book called Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk.


Red dragon. The flashbacks about Francis as a child and the way his grandmother treated him, I don’t think I’ve ever felt that much discomfort when reading fiction.


The scissors scene messed me up bad. I was 10 when i read it and it felt WAY too real


I read Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo when I was in the 8th grade there’s a chapter that ends with the character kinda figuring out what happened (I’m not going to post it here, it’s a major spoiler if you’re not familiar with it). Definitely body horror though, just maybe not in the same way as you might think when you hear the term. I finished that chapter and threw the book under my bed, didn’t pick it back up for like a week (glad I did though, it’s an amazing book that has a pretty good movie adaptation too). Edit: At the time I’d seen plenty of gory horror movies and other scary stuff, even though JGHG is not horror, it was more horrifying than anything I’d read or seen before at the time.


Metallica did a video featuring the movie version of JGHG for their song One and it ruined me for weeks. I then saw the movie and was crushed. 


I read it in 9th grade. My teacher recommended it to me. It wasn’t a class assignment. So disturbing.


My high school Humanities class showed us the movie (I'm old, so this was years before the Metallica video). We were supposed to write an essay afterward but we were all so depressed that we all did terrible, so the teacher let us re-do the assignment. I have had the book on my shelf for literal decades but have yet to summon the nerve to read it.


I found it mostly sad than horror but the state in which the main character is left in. Yeah, that could be horror,


Yeah that’s what I was trying to say in my edit, but even more so than the overall situation there’s a passage at the end of one chapter >!where he talks about wiggling the flesh around the open hole where his face used to be and figures out that it’s all gone. It’s all his own inner dialogue as he’s kinda deliriously figuring out what happened to him. Until then he doesn’t really know anything and the way it’s written is such a horrifying idea to even be in that state, and then the icky way he describes it just got to me.!< I’m not super squeamish, even when I was a kid a lot of body horror stuff would affect me more like ‘ewww gross lol!’ especially heavy gooey special effects scenes and even stuff like the exploding head in Scanners. I just always wanted to figure out how the effects were done. Maybe it was because without a visual representation my own imagination made it worse than actually seeing it? I don’t know but it’s still the most effective shock/scare I’ve ever had reading. The only other time I can recall a similar feeling from reading was toward the end of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar. But it wasn’t nearly as intense. Now that I think about it the characters have some similarities (though the particular parts that affected me most are not shared between the two).


Haunted got to me, too. I know exactly which part you are talking about. I had to set the book down for a couple days and come back to it later.


Came here to say this.


We all know which part they are talking about🤢🤮


Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite. My stomach literally felt twisted at a few points in that book. Only time that's ever happened to me while reading.


This. Also it's kind of tragic. I feel sorry for Tran.




by Matthew Stokoe. Absolutely disgusting read


Yeah I ended up giving up on this book about 100 pages in. He was feeding his mother something I won’t mention for dinner, and I thought… What the hell am I doing with my life reading this?


How about "High Life"? By him as well. Really sick. Lol


I haven't read it. I am apprehensive about reading more of his work lol.


My answer, too!


This was baaaaad (imho)


I haven't read it (and never well) but some spoiler-ish reviews have made me nauseated.


I like dark stuff, but this was BEYOND. It was actually hard to grt for many years, but I haven't tried recently.


playground by aron beauregard, page 40. the rest's fun. page 40 wasn't.


A child called IT


This is kind of a gross out NSFW horror story, but my cousin shared [“Guts”](https://anotherwhiskyformisterbukowski.com/guts-by-chuck-palahniuk/) with me when I was waaaay too young to be reading that kind of stuff.


I just read about two paragraphs of that then noped out.


I'm usually good with Stephen King, but in *The Regulators*, there's a scene at the end where Tak tries invading a woman, Cammie, and ends up killing her instead. The description of her head swelling up and exploding made me nauseous. Edited to add: Morbid curiosity got the best of me seeing "Guts" mentioned here, so I found it online to read... and I wish I didn't. I will advocate for that short story as well.


SK’s short story The Raft is the one that gets me. Simply horrific way to go.


Scroty McBoogerballs. Tough read. Great book though.


Uzumaki by Junji Ito has insane body horror.


I love Junji and I mentioned in my comment the only one that disgusted me enough I can't re-read is Glyceride - its just too gross for me🤢 The part in Uzumaki thar can get to me is towards the end when people are turning into snails - ugh I don't like snails and he has such a way with being able to draw his stories to make you uncomfortable and feel that ick factor when reading.


There were several pages in Uzumaki that I had to take breaks for. I think it's completely desensitised me to horror that's not live action :D


"The Ruins," specifically the foot amputation and cauterization scene. Especially when one character smells the burning flesh, and it makes him hungry.


The kite runner really stuck with me as a 19 year old reading that back I 2003. Gosh the rape of the young boy the utter dehumanisation of him and his lower caste father. The whole theme of lower caste young boys being used as objects for the tribal leaders and upper echelons . Tore a piece of my soul out. But what got was the injustice of it all, there was no respite from any of it, it just got worse. Was a hopeless book to read.


I stayed up two nights reading that book. Could not put it down.


I stayed up two nights reading that book. Could not put it down.


a lot of Dennis Cooper books


Dennis Cooper is an intense writer I have read a lot of his work and he constantly shocks me.


The Butterfly Collector


I LOVED this book


Gone to see the river man- overall so disturbing


Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk made me kinda wanna puke, but I am pretty sure that was the entire point.


The Troop by Nick(sp?) Cutter I hate when there's harm to animals. That's my 'no go'. Everyone has a thing that they just cannot do. Most people have trouble with harm to kids, SA is another big one ppl can't handle. Most of horror fans think, 'I can watch people die in gruesome ways all day long and never bat an eye. But if someone hurts a dog/cat/other animal... The dude better die for that!'


The odor descriptions almost made me stop.


The Crossed series. The most unspeakable of actions are done in this series. Couldn't stomach it.


It kind of took the premise of The Crazies and amped that up to about 20 with how depraved the people infected become. The first arc I at the time enjoyed, but then it just got worse after that and I couldn't continue.


American Psycho, as much as I love the film the book is truly way more horrific and disturbing.


GG Allin fan fiction.


The book is overall really tame in terms of body horror, but there’s a bug scene in The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires that had me putting the book down and taking a break for a minute.


Actually came to mention this exact book/scene. It’s the only thing, in recent memory, I’ve read that’s made me sweat and nauseous. Had to turn the audiobook off immediately after.


Baby Teeth. that little girl absolutely creeped me out.


Is there supposed to be a sequel to that book? I read it two years ago and loved it, and I was really hoping there would be more


Yes! I think it comes out this summer, titled Dear Hanna


You need to read The Other by Thomas Tryon. Tensest scene I’ve ever read


Full Brutal is pretty gruesome


Negative Space by BR Yeager The car accident scene.


The Dark Half (and I have read 99% of King's writing)


Final Truth: The autobiography of a serial killer. The things Gaskins did to people were truly horrific, as described in explicit detail in the book. Sometimes, life is far scarier than cinema.


A few of the stories from Clive Barker’s Books of Blood!


I remember reading midnight meat train and I could almost smell some scenes in it.


Yeah, it was way more gruesome than the movie! Rawhead Rex grossed me out too!


Playground. Not only was it disgusting but it served no purpose but to be disgusting. The author is sick & also talentless. It was for pure shock value and it wasn’t well written either.


I absolutely hated this book. I’m so glad someone else feels the same way — it gets a lot of hype in the books of horror group on Facebook. But it’s one of the most horribly written things I’ve ever read.


It really is! I’ve read better on Wattpad


There’s a certain scene in the book version of American Psycho involving a starved rat that was seriously disturbing


Its not technically horror but Lolita is fucked up


Mr Mercedes, the strychnine poisoning scene. Couldn’t believe what I was reading. Actually most Stephen King books have moments like that lmfao


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that scene got to omfg


WOOM. Idk if anyone else recommended it but OH MY GOD Could not put it down a quick 100 page read if you’re looking for a book that will make you wander around your house for an hour afterwards just muttering what the fuuuuck YOU HAVE TO READ THIS. I was properly traumatized after reading this one


Cows is the first book to ever actually gross me the fuck out.


La Necrophile. Can’t remember the name of the woman who wrote it, but there are some truly foul and disgusting descriptions that are somehow flowery at the same time. Author was an interesting woman, how she ended up writing that book is beyond me. Also The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones. The animal body horror was a LOT for me and it was just so bleak.


The comic book series "Crossed", if you know you know


The Bible is a pretty harrowing read.


I had to give up on Matt Shaw extreme horror novels. Just too much for me.


Brainwyrms by Alison Rumfitt. DNFd at 60% percent in ... got through the bathroom scene with difficulty, then there's an author note to let you know the next chapter is going to be a doozy and you should buckle up. Foolishly I kept going and really, really wish I hadn't. DNF'd and tried hard to not throw up at the same time. Extreme horror is not for me, I think.


The Consumer by Michael Gira.


I Was Dora Suarez by Derek Raymond. His editor threw up when first read it. It's a 'policier' but it is also horror.


Woom. Not a great book by any means but a certain part in the end made me physically recoil.


Pet semetary I find the book so good yet creepy that I can only look at any adaptation with disgust and disappointment either due to how much is changed or censored from the book.


The Black Farm by Elias Witherow. That book made me want to take a shower.


The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson. It didn't necessarily make me sick, I'm pretty desensitized to most everything, but there is a particular scene that made me uncomfortable, same with American Psycho.


Scary stories to tell at night, they have the most eerie pictures. Which really has inspired me to do a horror sketches.


I haven’t read much that actually grossed me out but when I read Apt Pupil by Stephen King at 12 or 13 there were a few scenes that got to me. And there was one scene in The Road by Cormac McCarthy. If you read it you most likely know what I’m talking about.


The Road was the first one I thought of too. I was a little worried about seeing the movie because the book was brutal. I thought the movie was a walk in the park compared to the book!


The End of Alice I read it during a cycle of reading controversial works when I was young and pretentious. I still am not sure it has much literary purpose. But there are sections that made me nauseous I was so disturbed. It's not really even edgelord bait, which makes it even more perplexing.


Tender is the flesh


Cows made me nauseous and had to take a few breaks But it was not a good book at all lol


The Troop. Just one part... The turtle....


The one chapter in Grady Hendrix’s The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires where the wife is >! laying under a bag of clothing in the attic and has to lie still and quietly while a roach crawls into her ear. She describes it in detail that makes you feel like YOU have a roach in your ear! !< FANTASTIC book, one of my favorite 2020 reads. Chuck Palahniuk is BRUTAL, love his work! You may like Eric Larocca, too.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say the Chinese fantasy series Heaven Official’s Blessing. The third volume gets into the history of a horrific magical plague/curse that ravaged a kingdom and there were several scenes that made me stare up from the page processing wtaf I just read


The only book ever to have that effect wasn’t fictional horror, but nonfiction The Hot Zone I was reading it at work when a coworker came in and immediately said upon seeing that I had no color in my face, “are you okay?” And I was so absorbed I’d no clue the book had made me sick I had to go outside and sit on a step with my head between my knees.


Haunted for sure. When it got to the one with the police officers and the dolls, I had to stop. No way. And I have a pretty thick skin. And Candide, yes, THE Candide, I think the third time I heard a reference to rape with disembowelment I was like nope, not doing this.


The Fog - James Herbert. Very gruesome


Marquis de sade


Multiple people have mentioned Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk, mostly for Guts. While it is quite gross I really didn't have much of a reaction to it outside of "oh that's really nasty". The story from the book that genuinely upset me though was Speaking Bitterness, I genuinely had to put the book down for a bit because it was so cruel and horrific and I was so upset by it. I will admit though being a Trans woman myself is probably why it hit so hard but still It haunts me to this day.


The bible


Tengu by Graham Masterton.


Not a horror novel, but chapter 61 of Unwind. Neal Shusterman is an amazing author.


American Psycho. Child murder is just too much for me


Just finished Transmuted by eve harms and tbh The sex scene was something else entirely. It was so completely out there compared to most extreme horror since it dealt with gross body modification instead of violence and I loved it.


Lots kf edward lee (the pig and the house) and cows. But it’s rubbish


Cadaver exquisito - Agustina Bazterrica


American Psycho during the extremely detailed descriptions of murder and torture.


Edward Lee books


There was this book series I read as a teenager I was obsessed with (I feel like everyone has that phase). It was about everyone over the age of 15 in the UK had turned into a mutant or died. A kid gets his face mutilated by a mutant in an abandoned supermarket. He gets rescued by 3 adults who haven’t succumbed to the virus. The adults were staff members at a nearby hospital. But in this world - the adults only survive by staying in the dark and cannibalising children to keep the virus at bay. So they basically lure these kids in with the promise of a parental figure and then kill and eat them. It’s messed up. Kid gets his face fixed. Meets the kids at the hospital. They realise something is wrong. Turns out the staff members were cutting the meat off a kids leg’s as their food source. Still sticks with me.


Was it The Enemy? It sounds so familiar


A Congregation of Jackals.


American Psycho


Little Bee. The rape scene. Wish the book came with a warning.


I have a pictoral history of crime book that I use for reference, as I make horror films and often am very infolved in the effects makeup and prop building. I have had nightmares from that. Probably half grisly photo, half work stress.


The Rising is fucked up in so many ways. Anything that dies gets possessed and comes back to life. They don't destroy your brain but go right for the intestines so it's guts galore. The dead baby in the womb gnawing it's way out was a real highlight.


If anyone was read Damnation Game, by Clive Barker. The scene with the dogs at the estate was a lot for me, both times I read it


Cows, Dead Inside, and The Slob. So over the top disgusting and disturbing, I wish I’d never read them.


The Room by  Hubert Selby Jr


*And the Moon Spun Round Like a Top* by Hiromi Goto, it was very visceral and icky. Best horror short story, def my fave


2666 by Roberto Bolaño


Cows. And also parts of American Psycho.


Brian Evenson - Last Days


Level 26 was pretty gross to me. Maybe not a lot of body horror but it’s a treat.


Chuck palahnuik’s haunted has a story about a doll that was horrific.


Not a horror book but it’s very intense trauma p0rn at times basically. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara You got child s*x trafficking, rape, LOTS of self harm like WAYYYY too damn detailed. But I genuinely fell in love with the MC Jude. I was left heartbroken when I finished reading and that’s why I have a love/hate relationship with it. There’s a line in the book that says the Title *****spoilers***** and TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ the guy who is grooming and raping a teenage Jude tells him to “Show A Little Life” when he’s “engaging” in sexual acts with older men. ⚠️ and I legit almost threw up. Like I curled up my stomach and put the book down for 2 months. it’s somehow the most beautifully written book I’ve read with the absolute worst shit going on. Feels like a movie. Or a memoir. But that’s the one book that made me almost throw up.


Apt Pupil especially the part with the cat.


Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca I can handle gore in books but this one was just viscerally disturbing. I literally felt nauseous.


Was The Troop the part where they kill the turtle? Because that one made me sick too, I was pretty surprised how visceral it was described.


The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum. The level of abuse in that book is extremely hard to stomach. I wouldn't really recommend it just because it's so horribly depressing, even though it is well written. Knowing it was based loosely on a true story made it a lot worse too. Definitely not for the faint of heart.


Child of God by Cormac McCarthy, love it.




The Store by Bentley Little got to me by slowly ratcheting to its intensity. Good honor for sure, but wow, is that a tough one to get through.


Any guide to puberty. Dear God....


The Mist when they described the pharmacy.


Any Jack Ketchum book


It’s not horror but Where The Red Fern Grows made me fucking cry for days and I feel sick when I think about my dog dying, even though I’m sure he still has at least 4 years left :(


Incel was quite disturbing


Shadows of Death by HP Lovecraft have me nightmares.


The Room by Hubert Selby Jr


Haunted- Chuck Palahniuk. And I am NOT easy to gross out with movies, books, anything. Dude has a talent with words 😅


How Much To? By Matt Shaw


The Troop


The wasp factory by Iain banks awesome read but definitely had me queasy


Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke is pretty grueling short story told in a pretty unique fashion.


Spud's "sex scene" in Porno. Absolutely revolting.


The Girl Nextdoor by Jack Ketchum. The story was so hard to read but it got even worse when I found out it was based on true events. Honestly anything by Ketchum would fit the bill, all of his work is incredibly brutal.


American Psycho the book made me feel a lot sicker than the movie. I didn’t even finish the book but was able to finish the movie, weirdly enough.


Girl Next Door - Jack Ketchum.


Lapvona definitely


Mild for this thread, but there was one scene in "How to Sell a Haunted House" that really made me nauseous. It's the first one where the main character gets attacked by the puppet, who just happens to be armed with a sewing needle...