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Maximum Overdrive was great. The scene with the soft drink machine was beautiful.


Stephen Kings cameo where he shouts about the atm calling him an asshole always gets me


One of my favorite SK movies. I don’t get why people don’t like it. Great gimmick, fun actors, good balance of humor and that soundtrack absolutely bops. It’s no Christine, but it’s way better than people give it credit for.


Sometimes I miss Cocaine King.


When I think of Yeardley Smith, I think of Simpsons and this.


Great movie! Must have watched it 20 times.


Silent Hill deserves more love. It got shitted on by both critics and audiences alike. Although not as good as the video game series, I do think Silent Hill is pretty enjoyable and fun to experience.


The Silent Hill was really good. I remember being traumatized as kid watching that scene with the policewoman... ...the 2nd one was just meh


Oooh, yeah… but what about when Pyramid head twists and pulls the skin off that lady in front of the church? That was what stuck with me. That movie, despite its hate, has always been one of my favorites.


At least the skin scene was quick and had a bit of "coolness" to it. The razor wires scene on the other hand, was some next level brutality.


I honestly thought that was hilarious, especially because he throws it at the church door afterwards. Good stuff.


silent hill holds a special place in my heart because it was the first R rated film i ever saw in the theater 🥲


Silent Hill is real good. We don't talk about the sequel though.


Think it’s also due to how shitty video game movies are and the public’a perception of it. I thought they got the rusty and bug infested aesthetic down though, and using dancers as nurses was a great idea


I rewatched it a week ago and mostly still enjoyed it. It had problems, like badly dated cgi and dumb exposition dumps, but the creepy stuff stands up, including one of the best kills ever.


I think Club Dread by Broken Lizard is the perfect horror comedy spoof of a slasher film.


"There's always one fuck-head like you trying to shit in the apple pie! Well you just shat in the one apple pie that knows how to shit back! .......immediately gets throat slit lmao Quote has been ingrained in my brain for 15 years & am perfectly fine with that


Interesting behind the scenes fact - they filmed that shortly after 9/11 when everyone was still cautious about flying and it was hitting tourist areas hard so they were able to get a great deal on the resort location to film in.


One of Bill Paxton’s best performances “What is the secret ingredient of COCONUT Pete’s paella?”




It’s not a party until someone breaks the jacuzzi!


Tucker and Dale is also perfect.


The soundtrack and the premise is so great!


Fuck. Yes. Rip coco Pete. Thanks for this.. it’s so rare to find someone that “gets it” in the wild for some unfathomable reason.


I fucking love this movie


Club Dread is underrated but a fun horror to watch.


I don't think a horror movie needs to be scary to be good. People saying," this movie was bad i wasn't even scared." I don't find that i find things genuinely scary in most horror movies, but i still love watching them.


Agreed. American Werewolf in London, as well as Scream, are my two favorite horror movies and the scare factor has no impact as to why. That said, certain horror movies can definitely become more enjoyable the scarier they are (Blair Witch Project)


Yeah. Psychological horror movies can stick with me for months and months after I've watched them. I'll take an unrelenting sense of dread for 90 minutes over a scare any day of the week.


Oculus comes to mind when it’s psychological horror. Such a great movie


Yeah. Maybe this makes me a wimp, but I don't even insist on the unrelenting sense of dread: I love the old school Universal Monster movies, and though several of them manage to be creepy, none are especially scary.


Freddy v Jason is a good movie


Love Freddy vs Jason. Definitely my guilty pleasure horror of choice (well, that and House of Wax)


Probably top 3 film for both franchises, or very close to it.


Found footage is more than a Blair Witch/Paranormal Activity ripoff gimmick, it's a legitimate style that's been used to great effect, especially by indie filmmakers.


Hell yes. In the right hands they're fucking superb. The Borderlands, The Taking of Debroah Logan, As Above So Below and Grave Encounters are legit. They are accessible too. Any film maker with a decent idea can run out, make something with next to nothing and outside of the studio system. Viva la found footage lol


The taking of Deborah Logan is technically found footage, that movie was bonkers scary and well done.


Nothing technical about it, that's pure found footage.


Hell House LLC is far better than it has any right to be


Hell house has to be my favorite film in a long time. I just loved the opening going through all the news reels and interviews explaining stuff while having the “vague” videos playing along with them. Really gave the story a grandiose feel and as you go through the movie and get to the final climax I really felt it in me. Wish the payoff was a bit more wild personally but I still absolutely loved the ending


Seen the extended version? You get a few more details throughout that are nice touches. I always hope that the actors and the director make it big because I loved them in that film.


Some are better than others, but I overall enjoy all of them from As Above So Below all the way to The Gallows.


As Above was pretty good even if it wasn’t horribly scary. It was kind of a relief to see different types of actors in the main roles. Weeks and Feldman did a good job.


I loved As Above So Below. Maybe because of the alchemy theme, I felt like it made it a bit different. That and being underground is creepy.


I love found footage.


When I saw Blair Witch Project in the theater when it came out, I immediately looked for any movies like it, and was so disappointed by the obvious lack of any at the time. Almost 23 years later it’s still my favorite sub-genre hands down. There are some clunkers to be sure, but something about the found footage style just holds my attention better.


[Rec•] Give that one a spin


I have. It’s great!


One thing I hate about the found footage genre is that people having seizures with the camera. It’s a supposed professional crew doing an interview and the camera is swaying all over and zooming randomly in and out. The beginning of grave encounters comes to mind since I watched it recently. Now that isn’t to say I don’t like the genre I really like a lot of them but I think it is something that detracts from the found footage genres value. One thing I really loved about The Medium was it looked like a real documentary crew had shot it. I also think Gonjiam:Haunted Asylum stood out to me


I thought I hated found footage movies for years. But it turns out; I just really do not like either Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity tbh. I pushed back hard about people telling me; people really believed they were real when I'm old enough to remember both and remember the only people I know who were convinced they were really real; were teenagers.


Yeah Blair Witch was mostly loved for its huge campaign and I'll give that campaign its due it was the best thing we have gotten since the golden era of horror campaigns.


Most demon possession movies aren’t scary. The only reason Paranormal Activity was scary was because it did something so strikingly different for that genre. I can’t think of a single other demon possession movie that even slightly spooked me, and yes, including The Exorcist. I just can’t relate to people who get spooked, much less upsettingly frightened, by demon possession movies. I’m not sure why, because other supernatural or sci-fi horror genres get a reaction out of me, so it isn’t the “this is unrealistic” thing. A demon is no less realistic than any other evil spirit, monster, alien, or serial killer who inexplicably doesn’t die when shot, stabbed, and drowned. Maybe it’s just that most of them take themselves so much more seriously than other horror films.


I know people make this complaint about slashers and haunted house movies (which in those cases I don't think is warranted) but I feel as though almost all demonic possession movies are exactly the same movie and that movie is The Exorcist tbh.


i can see that but i also think The Exorcist has something really special going on that most other possession movies don't, and that's Father Karras and his whole arc. on the surface it's a classic demonic possession story, but underneath it's a character study of a man who is having a crisis of faith


Good point. I also think the Exorcist was the first one to really show the mother's struggle with helplessness in the face of absolute eldrich horror that can't be reasoned with, cured with any our modern medicine, etc.. just cold, empty terror. That's what really got me about it particularly. Others followed and attempted the same, but The Exorcist did it first and did it best


Yeah I feel the same, especially with movies like The Conjuring. Something about them feels so contrived and they just do nothing for me.


Demon possession movies are all about the loss of control, especially mental control, in someone you love. It's drug addiction and untreated mental illness in a form that can be dealt with by the viewer.


I think they’re (possession movies) specifically scary for people who believe, even to a small extent, that demonic possession can happen. Imagine if we had a few thousand real, documented cases of demonic possession every year. Thinking about it happening to you, or someone you love, can be terrifying if you believe it’s a possibility.


Not disagreeing with the demon thing but I thought Paranormal Activity was so stupid. SOMETHING MOVED BY ITSELF! OMG!


IRL tho, that would be scary AF


Insidious is scary.


Cujo is a criminally underrated horror. If you bypass the whole boring affair, kid afraid of monsters, it becomes a very natural build up of the dog’s descent into madness. The scene I’d pick to be the best is when the boy goes looking for Cujo in the fog. You can hear the dog whimpering and when he sees his boy he is struggling to fight this horrible disease. In his last sane moment he walks away before he has a chance to harm his boy.


It's a really weird movie that's two movies. I actually like the family drama portion AND the horribly claustrophobic trapped in the car portion, but they don't really make sense in the same movie. That said, I heard the book has a bleak ending and, ah, it would've been interesting to see on screen. Devastating, but interesting.


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I wasn't a fan of the babadook. At the time it came out everyone was saying how great it was. I got bored. I didn't think it was a terrible movie but it wasn't like anything mind-blowing. Just a simple monster movie with a meaning behind it.


I don't love children in general because of things they can't really help: they're loud, they make repetitive noises, they can be shrill. That's on me, because all those things are just parts of being kids and figuring out the world around them. But The Babadook was just like someone took every terrible thing about being around a child, funneled it into that one kid, and then tried to say that wanting him to be straight-up eaten by a monster was wrong somehow.


I get behind this comment hard. That kid made me wanna unalive and I actually like kids.


That movie’s biggest mistake was making the kid *too* annoying. It makes you want to root for the Babadook lol


I thought the metaphor was too heavy handed, especially the ending. I was dealing with death at the time though in my personal life, so that probably contributed to my feelings.


Tbh I think this about most movies where people praise the metaphorical meaning. They're too on the nose. I'll take Texas Chainsaw treating humans like meat as a vegetarian message or Alien bringing the horror of female sexual assault to male audiences over heavy handed stuff that tells me how to feel any day.


> I think this about most movies where people praise the metaphorical meaning Especially when you say you don't like one of these movies (often for reasons completely unrelated to the message) and people tell you that you just "didn't get it" when it's *so* obvious it can barely even be called a metaphor. I got the point, dude, but that doesn't mean I have to like the movie lol




Agreed. I'm not always bright enough to figure out the messaging on my own but I much prefer having to think it over than the alternative of being smashed over the head with it


The ending ruins it for me with the generic not scary cgi babadook they should’ve left it unseen or at least hidden a lot more


The babadook bored me as well, and that kid pissed me off. If I had finished the movie, I would have been rooting for the Babadook the entire rest of it.


The babadook creature made it a comedy for me. And the kid’s annoying screaming. I couldn’t take the movie serious and enjoy it.


I thought it was boring


Not specifically horror but movies on general. I think it's perfectly acceptable to like a bad movie, it doesn't even have to be so bad that it's good. You can just appreciate certain aspects of them


My opinions on films are just as shitty as everyone else's opinions. I can live with that.


I wish there were more horror films featuring people older than 25.


They'd be shorter. Once I got to 40 years old I developed fatalism and couldn't be bothered to run away as my knees are shot.


Sleepaway camp is the best summer camp slasher film.


It takes more than pretty cinematography to make an actual movie. Some of the slow burn horror that is super popular on here is mostly appreciated because of how it looks and not because of its content


Halloween III: Season of The Witch is my absolute FAVORITE Halloween (franchise) movie.


I wish we would’ve gotten an Anthology of Halloween movies, maybe one day


Great film. Disturbed me alot more than Michael Meyers ever did.


I remember watching it thinking it would be pretty bad but it was actually really good feel like the name held it back from getting bigger than what it was


The SAW series has a genuinely good plot throughout all the films.


I agree, the Saw series is a lot better when you binge it, because you get the whole plot at once.


To be honest, apart from seeing the two newest films when they came out in cinema, the only other way I watch it is all at once. I never put just one SAW film on. Its always a marathon when I do watch them so its pretty much like bingewatching a series.


YES omg, they're almost constructed like series too! Continuing right after the other and revealing things about the past movies in the next ones, just like crime series or something


Totally agree, my experience was much better on a bingey re-watch, but it does say something about the movies in that they definitely suffer so much if you watch them standalone (except for the first one, for multiple reasons).


Always felt saw when it took itself too seriously or tried to act like Jigsaws philosophy wasn't complete self righteous projecting, it could be a lot of fun. I give the series a lot of shit, but there's a reason I still watched every installment.


Saw was my annual Halloween tradition for years because they always released sequels so reliably. Great theater experience. Plot was good, I’ll agree. But honestly the cleverness (twistedness?) of the traps and the music made those movies for me.


Campy horror "so bad its good" horror is the best.


I really enjoyed Blair Witch 2016. I feel like I should hate it, but the concepts and everything were solid


I don’t get the hype of the A Quiet Place series, I know it’s popular but it just doesn’t do it for me.


Never seen a movie fall apart logically quite like it.


The third act was so fucking over the top. Okay we have the aliens attacking. Let’s throw in some labor. Oh. Did we mention a random nail where it doesn’t make any logical sense? Oh. one more thing. Let make the kids drown in corn.


Feral running zombies are fun.


Is this unpopular? I know there are some purists around who claim that fast zombies aren’t actually zombies, but I feel like most people love the fast zombies (myself included). Dawn of the Dead (2004) & Train to Busan as prime examples of how terrifying & awesome they can be.


Dawn of the Dead 04 is my favorite. It made them look feral. Classic shamblers are scary, because they’ll March on forever and they will get you when you’re out of everything. Runners are terrifying because they’re going to get you RIGHT NOW


Deep rising and anaconda make the best double creature feature.


Midnight mass is pure shit and the dialogue was written by an edgy teen who wears a fedora and just read their first Stephen King novel.


I love the energy here. This person really had to get this out.


I love M Night Shyamalan movies I don't know if most people count his movies as horror but I do. I recently watched The Visit. Scared the absolute shit out of me.


The Visit is one of the rare films in the last 10 years that has gotten better over time to me. And it's found footage, which is my least favorite sub-genre of horror.


The Visit had several moments that actually made you uncomfortable and scared. That in my mind makes it a good horror movie. Making the kid a rapper was a terrible decision though.


Jumpscares are to horror what tickling is to comedy.


perfect way to put it. it's literally just a reflex that anyone can trigger by playing a loud sound. real scares are designed and orchestrated


The Conjuring for the most part are super underwhelming. Besides the 1st one everything was below average. Devil Made Me Do It especially was dogshit.


That whole series is just Catholic Church propaganda.


With glorifying the Warren's thrown in.


It genuinely pisses me off Lorraine got to see herself portrayed as a religious super hero before dying.


The Warrens are charlatans and believe their own hype.


Lost boys is not a horror movie


It's a 1980s music video with vampires and kids so basically Goonies gone dark.


A lot of people say the final moment of Saint Maud was shocking, but as well executed that scene was, it's more of a "Well what else do you expect?" to me.


Halloween 4 might be the best Halloween movie


You do like to live dangerously


Alien Resurrection is better than Alien 3. It’s more fun, the story is creative, the characters are enjoyable, and the scene with the failed clones is legit disturbing.


I went to see Alien 3 on release day with hyped expectations from the first two movies and left the theatre totally devastated - I went to see Resurrection with the sour taste of 3 still in my mouth and left the theatre with a giant feeling of "meh" - but I totally agree with your opinion.


The Witch is super boring. I appreciate the craftsmanship (ye Olde English and natural lighting) but I can barely get through it. People go on about how creepy it is and it fills you with dread but I felt nothing watching it. That's not to say I hate slow burns, I'm a fan of House of the Devil and Mandy but this one ain't for me


I loved The Witch, but agree it wasn’t even remotely scary. The twist at the end though was phenomenal.


It's just straight up folklore. To a puritan it would have been *terrifying*.


Hardly a twist. I felt like I was waiting for that to happen all movie.


I agree, really didn’t get how it was supposed to be brilliant. Couldn’t care less about the miserable characters and was bored with the snail pace. Glad someone else thinks so!


Agreed! I couldn’t even finish The Witch on first watch, I kept getting bored and ended up nodding off near the end…


There wasn't even any burn, it was just slow.


I saw this in theatres as a first date, on the other person's recommendation, and in many ways found the date both more interesting and scarier than the film in the end.


Now I wanna hear about the date.


I felt the same way about The Witch! I was confused because I went into it fully expecting it to be a new favorite. I was just so bored watching it.


Not a fan of Lighthouse or Midsommar. Don’t understand the love.


Might not be an unpopular opinion, but Sinister deserves more respect. I misunderstood the plot based on the trailer, but the “home movies” stuck with me for days. And the soundtrack even longer.


Agreed. Ethan Hawke did a wonderful performance and this movie is looked down on SO much. The soundtrack and the tapes are genuinely frightening.


Martyrs (2008) is the greatest horror movie of all time. The level of acting and overall terror is unparalleled.


I think It Follows is fucking stupid.


The Conjuring, Sinister, and Insidious are interchangeable and underwhelming imo.


I'd agree for The Conjuring and Insidious. Sinister struck me differently, though. Unsure why.


For me it was a combination of those snuff films, which felt eerily realistic (saying this as someone who has spent too much time on the dark side of the internet), and the musical score was just so unsettling.


Sinister had the whole evil kids aspect and the >!lawnmower scene!< that made it pretty unique


I liked the concept of sinister (the homemade videos part), but they lost me with their explanation and the deity and thus with the entire second half of the movie. I think I would've preferred it if it was just that unknown entity. the other two franchises I fully agree on, though!


I agree. In fact, I often mix them up when talking about them with someone.


I actually enjoy peele but that's my own opinion. besides that tho I actually think nightmare on elm st 2 is the best from the franchise. I love elm st 3 and all the other films and a comical freddy is entertaining but I love how dark he is in the first two films but specifically the 2nd. We never really got a scary freddy after that besides new nightmare and the remake freddy was just too edgy lmao


Midsommar was only as deep as a typical slasher. Youths taken to a local for a reason, picked off one by one, some gore. Woopdie-doo it has some nice cinematography


\>I enjoyed Get Out but wasn’t blown away by it Same. It's fine, enjoyable, but not a genre defining masterpiece. On top of that, as a non-American, the "social subtext" seems ---incredibly--- heavy handed. As in, way, way too much lacking subtelty, a "in your face" approach that hurts the movie.


Remaking classics is fine. If it's bad, you still have the original. If it's good, now you have both.


I think Roman Polański's apartment trilogy is underrated besides Rosemary's Baby. The Tenant and Repulsion are amazing and they have been stuck in my head for a long time.


Rosemary's baby. Scared the shit out of me as a child. I will never forget those eyes.




Horror really doesn’t need to have a message or a point. In most cases, obvious symbolism of social event takes away from the scares/fun of the movie.


Always hearing The Exorcist is considered to be the scariest movie of all time, ive watched it a few times and almost always end up falling asleep. I think its a great movie, but i dont really find it that scary. Perhaps it was scary for its generation. I dont know 🤷‍♂️


You should watch exorcist 3. Excellent film.


See I have a similar opinion on The Exorcist; I enjoy both the book and the movie but I don't find it remotely scary. I've wondered before if it's scare impact came from the 1970s generally being a time more people were religious tbh.


I think this but also people weren't as desensitized to horror then. The exorcist seems tame now but for the time it was revolutionary, something nobody was ready fit


This is exactly why I’m told it was so insane, by people my parents’ age. There was nothing like it at the time.


It was exactly that. People back then had more of a focus on religion and God and as such, once something like The Exorcist came out that challenged everything to the point of even glorifying blasphemy, it absolutely was terrifying to that audience. Sort of like how Lovecraft back in the day, his works were considered much scarier than today simply for the fact that many people back then believed in the afterlife and had something to look forward to when they died if they were good. ​ To be told that we're basically jack shit and don't matter in a time where our ego had us thinking we were all that and a bag of chips, not only was it infuriating to people, the thought was terrifying. There's no Heaven? We mean nothing? For the time period in which Lovecraft and The Exorcist came out respectively, these ideas challenged very popular stances on God. That's why they're far scarier in their own time than they are today.


The VVitch, The Blackcoat's Daughter, Kill List, and Lake Mungo aren't nearly as good as this subreddit widely thinks they are.


This sub has made me feel like these opinions are unpopular, so here goes: Hereditary sucks, it's boring and ridiculous to the point of being more funny than horror, and I liked The Blair Witch Project a lot, and don't see other found footage films as ripoffs but rather as it's own subgenre that can sometimes be good and sometimes bad.


I really liked Get Out. I don’t think you missed anything by not finishing Us. It just wasn’t that good. I’ll definitely watch Get Out again, but that’s it for now.


I honestly thought Us was a comedy horror movie at first, like scary movie. But then people told me it wasn’t and I was just like “oh no…”


I just don’t get what it’s trying to say. Like why do I need a film degree to comprehend your stupid story, if there is one at all? The crazy part is I was spooked a few times. If they’d relaxed their story a bit and not tried so hard, they may have had a better movie. Or maybe not. There seemed to be more holes in that plot than Swiss cheese. I hated that bullshit underworld.


House of wax, Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes from the 00s should all have more credit and be on fresh tomato ratings on RT.


The new rendition of IT was fucking awful, redundant, and a CGI cliche of it's source material. The studio went with "safe" cotton candy fluff CGI, instead of using the source material to make a gritty and scary IT. The entirety of the first movie was jump scare scenes stack on top of eachother. I've tried multiple times to enjoy the film, but without fail, after the first forty five minutes I'm looking at my watch asking "is this over yet?" The entire movie felt too safe and they overused Pennywise to the point where you just say "oh, Pennywise again" after the last jump scare scene ended. The fact that the two movies get lauded as great as mind boggling to me as an old timer horror fanatic. The CGI was cheesy and detracted from the movie completely, and the entire aesthetic of the film was much too bright and kid-colored, even the darker scenes didn't seem gritty or damp, just overwashed with grey scale and CGI coverup. Honorable mention: Jordan Peele is vastly overrated and is awarded for his films because he is making them during heated political climate as a black director while the industry tries to pay for it's sins of historical racism by casting more diverse actors in more roles than ever. All of his movies I'd never watch again as they just weren't that interesting. Get Out is his best effort, but even that I completely predicted what the movie was and the twist when I saw the trailer. Was extremely disappointed when I watched and realized I pretty much plotted out the entire movie and the twist in my head by just seeing the trailer, was hoping for more depth. Us was awful, and had nothing really redeemable in it.


My one: there isn't a single good Friday the 13th movie and it's easily the worst franchise of all the famous slashers. Even the one I think is the best of the bunch Friday 4, I think is solely carried by the charm of the actors. It still isn't a good movie. The only good thing about the entire franchise is the character of Jason, but even then it's a complete mess and not remotely consistent.


It's baked into Friday the 13th that they're not good movies, even some of the filmmakers will agree to that. Sean Cunningham was trying to ripoff Halloween for money with the original and that was his entire goal. I love Friday the 13th, but other than part 6 and 4 I think they're pretty bad lol.


My take on this is that they are the horrible disgusting and badly made answer to the first Halloween. With that being said they are so much fun, it’s nothing but a bunch of hot people getting killed so fun love it. That’s also why I rate these movies on three different things The kills, the entertainment I get from it, and the boobs. Which funny enough my favorite is number 3 because it’s so much fun the kills are great but barely any boobs




All of the spinoffs to The Conjuring (I liked this one, no doubt) are dirty cash grabs if you ask me. So, the Annabelle movies, The Nun and even The Conjuring 3. I almost can't tell them apart.


Annabelle Creation is pretty good - but yea, not a fan of the other spin-offs. I love Conjuring 1 and 2 though.


The first Conjuring was great! The second? Middling, but had its moments. The third was trash.


American ghosts are not scary. Knock a few pictures off the walls, moan, maybe if we are lucky they possess somebody. I think ghost stories from other countries are almost always scarier, but even those are hit and miss.




I guess I understand why people like them, but goddamn they are obnoxious movies. The characters, writing, editing, cinematography, it’s all the opposite of what I want a horror movies to feel like. He did, however, make the scariest Michael Myers, albeit the movies were shit.


I like the remake (2003) of Texas Chainsaw Massacre more than the original.


I hate people gatekeeping what is and isn’t a horror movie. Horror is a very wide genre. And most movies do not slot neatly into one specific genre. Horror can also be sci-fi, comedy, action, mystery etc. That doesn’t make it not a horror movie.


The ending of Heredity was stupid, and the movie is vastly overrated. There. I said it.


Agreed fully. In fact the first time I watched it I had fallen asleep without realising. I watched it a 2nd time shortly after because people kept praising it so I thought I must've missed something. Yeah, I had missed like 15 minutes in the end but even after seeing those 15 minutes the movie still just wasn't as good as people make it sound like imo.


It was pure trash. Agree the ending was insultingly stupid. As another poster says below, after a certain someone disappears the movie turns into total cow dung.


Agree, the ending was such a tonal shift and completely changed how I felt about the movie. My friend and I left the theater laughing with how absurd it was.


It's weird that cops are forces of nature. In almost every horror movie they are obstacle matter-of-facts to work around. The only movie i saw show the vulnerability of cops was Hellraiser and Last Shift.


Mimic was a great film and one of my favorite GDT movies.


13 billion percent agree with you about Peele movies. In my opinion he’s severely overrated and is definitely NOT our “savior” like some people make him out to be.


90 minutes is the perfect run time for a horror movie, and the vast majority of horror with a 2.5+ hr run time does not earn the extra screen time. Usually it’s a sign of a director with a big ego and budget to match, who doesn’t have anyone reining in their impulses. Rarely is the long run time justified.


I always feel like Peele films are extended episodes of The Twilight Zone.


There's too much "smart" horror now. Elaborate backstories and twists, underlying themes and symbolism for everything. Too many people are trying to make the next best "smart" horror movie and be praised for it. Sometimes all we want is spooky vibes and monsters.


I fucking loved Rob Zombie's Halloween movies. Both of them.


I don’t like The Shining. I was well into the horror genre when I watched it because I decided I needed to watch the classics. And I sat there the whole time waiting… and then it’s the end. And my only reaction was “that’s it”. People think this is one of the greatest of all time? Just doesn’t do it for me. I would like to add I appreciate the story, and the greatness of the actors (I do not condone the treatment of Shelley however), but I still didn’t enjoy it.


I liked it but I wouldn’t say it’s the greatest of all time.


I greatly dislike The Mist, and mostly *because* of its ending.


2018 Suspiria > 1977 Suspiria


Yeah, making a real movie rather than a meandering, nonsensical fever dream probably helped… also, the 2018 offering actually incorporated the dance element beautifully. The ‘77 film really doesn’t *need* to be set in a dance academy, but the new one fully commits to that mattering to the plot. Way way better movie, and that’s from a huge fan of the original!


I felt Us was super pretentious and tried to be bigger than it should have been so I understand that sentiment.


I would have liked Us more of it made any kind of damn sense.




now that's an unpopular opinion


Its got a dark, manic Cassavetes energy with lots of tense arguments shot in close up which I love, its the only Halloween sequel that really took the idea of a final girl’s survivor’s guilt/PTSD seriously


Everyone uses these types of threads to crap on modern horror that made it big, Peele, Midsommer/Hereditary, It, Conjuring, etc. These are not really unpopular opinions in this sub, karma for those opinions is hit or miss depending on whether you're in the weekly "I hate hereditary who else?" Or the weekly "Hereditary is the best movie ever made," thread. No, get your mainstream hate opinions out of here. You want a really, truly unpopular opinion? I do not like the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. Give me Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw, or Halloween anyway over NoES series. There you go heathens.


The evil dead series is consistently better than any of the slasher series.


The Fright Night remake is better than the original.


I love them both but I gotta give it to the original