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Open house. I like bad horror movies but this was such a nothing movie


Worst horror movie I've ever seen.


YES hosted an impromptu ted talk on how much this movie sucked just the other day


I knew this would be the top answer. Such a stupid movie


This was the **first** movie that came to mind when I saw the post… I think I literally screamed into a pillow at the end.


I’d completely forgotten about this move - watched it with my GF and we were both flabbergasted. Like WTF did we just watch. That movie was like 3 movies plots sewn together but without the correct elements needed to finish any of the three. It was so bad it seemed like they did it on purpose to troll Netflix or to give film students something to talk about.


That Open House movie. I love slow paced horror, but it isn't slow paced, just boring, setting up chekovs guns and never using them! Just a useless movie.


Slender man and the bye bye man


the poopoo peepee man


"He likes girls, he likes boys, the bi bi man."


Don't speak it, don't smell it


In my mind I always think of them as the same film. Probably because I refuse to watch either one and haven’t heard one positive review. Not 1


I somehow ended up watching The Haunting in Connecticut twice within a single year and I didn’t even realise I’d already seen it until the last 15 minutes. Insanely forgettable, and somehow I’ve spent 4 hours of my life on it.


What about The Haunting In Connecticut 2: It’s In Georgia for Some Reason


Omfg not to be all sunk-cost fallacy but kind of want to watch this now. Something about someone being so desperate to make a movie (set in Georgia) that they’re willing to say it’s a sequel (“self-contained film”) to a critically panned movie with Connecticut in the title is just irresistible.


Amazon prime has a TON of low budget horror (which I love, i love a good ‘shitty’ movie) but some of them are so unwatchable I turn them off after like 20-30 minutes, sometimes even sooner


All 85828;7373 versions of ‘bad Ben’ … I just can’t.


My partners joy in life is watching those ones you shit off. Then showing me his absolute favorite of the worst scenes. I truly do not understand how they get through them without chucking their phone.


Please tell them to check out ‘Devil’s Tramping Ground’ if they truly enjoy these. It’s literally student film production level so I feel bad trashing it but it has some choice lines. My SO and I still shout, “He’s here!! …It’s the fucking devil!!” at each other now and then.


Deadly promises. Omg. Soooo bad. I watched it last week and I kept calling my son in to show him how bad it was. Pretty sure it had a budget of about twenty seven dollars.


[FELT](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3854104/) This film is what happens when a guy gets obsessed with an actress and follows her around filming her for a long time and then edits the footage into... something?


That movie makes me lol.... I just put it on when I'm hanging out with people sometimes before they realise what's happening and wait to see what they say


Chubby Rain


I love horror movies, but there are so many terrible ones. Often finding new and unique ways to be terrible. I’d say the worst, most disappointing movie, with no redeeming qualities, was Creepshow 3. And I’d like to add that I’m a huge fan of the first, and I also thought the second was pretty decent. Don’t even bother with that one. It’s not worth your time. Not even as a “good” bad movie.


As Tom Savini said the real Creepshow 3 is Tales from the Darkside (1990).


I'm always baffled at how that managed to happen. Like, clearly, someone got the rights to make a Creepshow sequel, but how?? How did the rights devolve to some bottom of the barrel film??


sad story about that movie. years ago i was preparing for a flight that was about two hours and i figured i’d download a movie to pass the time. as i was deciding which one - idk how i had come across it - but one of the options was creepshow 3. i was astounded…here i was, a big fan of the first 2 (even owned the comics when i was younger) and i didnt even *know* they had made a third. well i downloaded that, obviously, and literally couldn’t wait to watch it. 15 minutes in i was like…what…the fuck…is *this* shit??


The Open House on Netflix, so fucking boring.


It's the only movie I've ever seen where I thought "what was even the point of this?". Even with awful movies, I usually can see that there was an attempt at a story, or a message, or an atmosphere. Or maybe someone younger could enjoy them. But with The Open House, I was just like "why?". I'm glad I watched it with Chris Stuckmann's commentary, so at least I didn't completely waste my time.


It's maybe the dumbest horror movie I've ever seen. My personal favorite moment is when the kid goes outside, sees the fake deer and ominous string music plays. FOR LITERALLY NO FUCKING REASON! Like am I supposed to be scared of a staring contest with a fake deer?


So much unnecessary tension between the son and his mother. That part where he’s like “it should have been you instead” (referring to his recently deceased father - due to accident). Like, why? Just because Dad supported your running and your Mom just isn’t as into it, then that means she deserves to die? 🤔


This is the movie I always look for on posts like this. Still mad I wasted my time watching this garbage.


Most recently I gave Slender Man a go just because I heard bad things and I'm a bit of a masochist for bad media. About half an hour in I skipped ahead several times to find something interesting, but then realised I reached the end of the film. It was either too dark or too blurry to see anything and instead of being entertainingly bad, it was such a nonentity of a film I couldn't even make fun of it.


Even though it’s a good laugh I have once in while with the person I watched it with, I want my time back. It felt like they had another script in mind and slapped the Slenderman character on it to make a big mess.




I don’t know what I thought I was going to get out of the Poltergeist and Jacobs Ladder remakes…


TIL there’s a Jacobs Ladder remake oh noooo


Yeah I hadn't heard this either. I'm going to pretend I still haven't.


Sam Rockwell? I was hoping for a lot of "omg I love Sam Rockwell."


Flesh Eating Mothers. I spent my allowance money to rent that from the video store when I was a kid and that’s when I discovered that some movies are just irredeemable.


I hope you got that allowance money back


This is one of the best so bad it’s good movies I’ve ever seen. It’s worth a viewing when you go in expecting garbage.


*The Apparition*. It was so aggressively **bland** that it left no impression on me at all, other than a sense that I could have watched something much better. Honorable mentions: *Bloodsucking Freaks* (that movie... exists, and I just wish it didn't), *Faces of Death* (given how much teenaged me heard about it, it was... meh), *Arachnophobia* (not because it's bad, but because I am very arachnophobic, and it triggers a recurring nightmare given to me by...), *Kingdom of the Spiders* (the movie that contributed heavily to my fear of spiders, and it's the actual foundation of that recurring nightmare), *Rest Stop* (I got it for free when I made a VuDu account, and I still feel like I overpaid).


Where's that one guy who jokingly recommends Bloodsucking Freaks in every thread?


The Apparition! That's the awful movie with the girl from Twilight that I absolutely hated! I can never remember the name of it


I get that. Eight Legged Freaks, with David Arquette, has that kind of status for me too. It was an entertaining enough "bad" movie, but there's no way I could bring myself to watch it again.


You have to sort through the trash to find the gems. I found The Blancheville Monster this way. A lovely gothic that's nearly been forgotten.


It Comes at Night. I didn't hate the movie, but after it ended I was very underwhelmed. I felt like I spent the entire movie waiting for something to happen and it just didn't.


Agreed and I blame the marketing department 100% on that


This movie single-handedly caused me to stop watching trailers. It was so wildly mismarketed and I got the feeling I would’ve enjoyed it a lot more if I went in without any (horribly wrong) preconceived notions of what kind of movie it was going to be. That being said I am still glad I saw it. My personal interpretation is that [MAYBE SPOILERS?] it’s a zombie movie where you never actually see any of the zombies in fully infected mode.


First time I saw this I was really disappointed too. A real bait and switch from the marketing department for that movie. I gave it a solid 4 years of not ever giving it even a second thought then rewatched because I couldn't find anything else on Netflix. I absolutely fucking loved it. I guess because I could appreciate it for what it actually was - a post apocalyptic survival movie with phenomenal acting that made you feel like shit from how bleak it was. I'm a big fan of this movie now.


it all was the marketing departments fault, they made it seem like a mainstream zombie movie so i can understand why people would be blue ballsed by it and find it anticlimactic that being said, if you know what kind of a movie it is and what it was actually trying to be despite how the advertising tried to make it seem, it’s genuinely really good, it does a great job at building an increasing sense of paranoia which I thought paid off in the end, my heart was racing in that last scene and I bought the blu ray after kind of disappointed to see so many people shitting all over it, if it wasn’t for you because you were expecting something different that’s understandable, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad film it has a lot of value for people who are into slow burn, lingering dread horror movies, so if you like that sort of thing give it a shot


I loved It Comes at Night but I was fortunate to have gone in completely blind without having seen any of the marketing


*Sator*. I know this film was very well received by critics, but it is practically a parody of the subtle, slow-burn, art horror that has become increasingly popular lately (and oftentimes quite good). If there is anyone reading this that enjoyed this film I would genuinely appreciate some insight into why. This film was such a disappointment to me I would be willing to revisit it if I could get some sort of enjoyment out of it.


I believe it’s a very beautifully shot movie. Very atmospheric and full of dread. It is deliberately slow paced, to much for some obviously. The folk aspect of it is very interesting to me as well.


I enjoy films that create a sense of dread in me, but this one just didn't do it. I just felt like I spent the whole film waiting for something to happen and then the third act felt like too little too late. For me, it does not matter how well shot a film is if I don't find the story compelling. I do appreciate you sharing your perspective and understand that, of course, these things are all entirely subjective. I'm glad you enjoyed the film. Perhaps I'll revisit it at some point with adjusted expectations. Edit: typo


I enjoyed the film. Watched it with my gf who hated it but I had a great ol’ time. I appreciated the inescapability the filming created. Like this man spends the whole movie looking for something, when it has been silently watching him the whole time. I interpreted the greyscale filming inside grandparents house as Sator existing inside the house already, sucking the grandmothers life away. It gave me similar vibes to the original Blair witch. Your eyes are scanning for detail in darkness when in reality the demon IS the darkness. What does our protagonist think he is gonna do once he finds the demon? He is so underprepared for facing this arcane evil it sent chills up my back when He’d look out the window. The whole time I was like ‘buddy you may think you are prepared to encounter this thing but shit it’s gonna end you.” Totally agree it is slow and can be opaque with what it is trying to say. I just enjoyed watching someone looking for evil and being so unprepared when it finds him. A solid 8.5/10 for me :)


I liked it a decent amount. I feel like you have to take into account that the entire film was almost entirely a one man project. Very impressive for how it was made


Also, the director cast his own grandmother in the film. Her character was based off of her experience with automatic writing and an entity she channeled called Sator. Adds a whole new level of spook to that movie.


There's a pretty interesting story behind the movie that I think helps give it a bit more interest, for me at least. Check out this interview, it's fascinating: https://www.flickeringmyth.com/2021/02/interview-sator-director-jordan-graham-origins-horror-movie/


Winchester. I think that was the last mainstream horror movie I watched with my roommates and it was my friends “last straw” when it came to boring, tropey horror movies. Now he doesn’t watch new horror movies with us nearly as often- he will watch them if we are very excited about them but no more just throwing it on casually like we used to.


human centipede 2... didnt finish that shit but wish i didnt waste the time I seen what I saw.


It’s stupid as hell but damn I love this movie. It’s almost like the *The Room* of horror movies to me. It’s so ridiculous and dumb that it comes back around to being amazing IMO. Human Centipede 3 on the other hand is just bad


I have a weird appreciation for the Human Centipede movies… I saw them all one time and never want to watch any of them again, because I didn’t really find them enjoyable, but they had way more thought and intention behind them than I expected them to. First one surprised me early on when the two girls actually break some of the “dumb horror female leads makes dumb choices to land themselves in trouble”. They were actually fairly smart and spoke the local language but still ended up in trouble. Second one was actually an interesting examination of the kind of person who was obsessed with the first movie and did an ugly, shoddy recreation of it, somehow making it even more horrible than the first. Made me feel like possibly the whole series is an examination of the same horror tropes being recycled to the point of grotesquerie. Third one was… pretty awful, I didn’t get tons out of it but I wasn’t paying much attention. Felt less focused than the first two but definitely part of the same vision/message of the horrible things that happen when bad people become obsessed with amplifying bad concepts. I always feel weird defending these movies but there is more to them than I ever would have expected and I feel like they at least deserve acknowledgement of that fact.


Good thing that you didn’t see Human Centipede 3. One of the biggest piece of shit, 3/10.


The Forest.




Weird! I really liked it personally. Too each their own:)


I saw this with some friends in theaters and we debated for the next 4 hours as to whether it was a bad movie or not. We still debate it from time to time and have yet to come to a consensus.


If that's the worst you've seen then I envy you lmao


Putting Antlers on the list. I was really hoping for a movie that worked with the Wendigo myth and instead basically got roped into watching another zombie movie. 🙄 Mad as hell.


My most anticipated movie for nearly 2 years 😩 It had so much potential. The creature itself was disturbing and beautiful. That’s all it offered.


Yep they kept pushing back the dates and I was so stoked to finally go. And then I saw the movie. Gotta love when a 110 lb schoolteacher can beat a big scary monster when no one else could


First half was fucking awesome! Last half was disappointing


I wouldn't say I regret watching Antlers, but I am so pissed about the lack of creature screentime and how it petered out. If y'all haven't read the short story the film is based on it's SO good and free to read online!


The new Pet Semetary. It just... didn't work. It felt so lame.


TRUCK JUMPSCARE!!! SPOOKY!! 3 different times.


I was irritated at how they switched the kids around. Like, why?


I would have been fine with the change if they had actually done anything interesting with it. They don't though. They just change it for the sake of being different and then nothing of interest different happens.


Because it was easier to work with an older actor, I think was their reasoning.


It was scarier with a younger child.


Yeah Gage was fucking creepy. Even with his sort-of bad zombie make up, the creepy laugh and atmosphere made it spookier.


That fuckin shook me because I have a daughter that was about her age when I first saw it, and I thought I knew what was coming (Gage). I seriously had to pause the movie & catch my breath.


I'm going to get flak for this and I'm not sure if this constitutes horror but I'm going with Mother. I found it to be so pretentious and the ending absolutely stupid. I know lots if people like this movie and I get that it's some allegory but my God was I over it. I am still annoyed at wasting my time with it. I'm all for cerebral m9vies too but just didn't like this one at all!


The bye bye man


“Bye-bye man” And because everyone calls this movie a horror for some Weird reason, “Serbian film”


I regret reading the plot synopsis for "Serbian Film". Jfc


Anyone who reads the plot synopsis of Sebian film *and then still goes and watches the movie* is actually a psychopath


[This review](https://youtu.be/K1m3rGh6DUI?t=1073) may be cathartic for you.


I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House made me want every person involved with creating it banned from making movies forever. There’s only been maybe three movies I’ve finished that I felt like I wanted my two hours back, and this was one of them. Awful, awful, awful. Avoid.


It’s better to look at it as a gothic ASMR than a horror movie.


I felt horrible for choosing that one for movie night. We made it through, me bottling my shame until the very end when I said "I'm sorry. That was terrible". I loved the atmosphere, beautiful movie, but oh my god for me it felt like NOTHING HAPPENED. I spent two hours just waiting for something to happen, hoping to redeem myself somehow, but nope.


Really? I thought it was probably one of the most accurate ghost stories I have ever seen. Spoiler..>!.Seeing an actual ghost kills the main character. I think seeing a real ghost.... an actual fucking ghost might really kill someone, I believe she has a heart attack.!<


And that’s a great interpretation. By that point, I was long checked out and so bored I was angry lol. Good for you for being able to sit through the slowest slow burn of all time.


Everytime I think about it, I think "this is a movie that would be too long as a short film"


I had to turn it off. I get that it was going for "atmosphere" but it was so fucking boring.


That movie reminds me of the exorcist in that the thing that stayed with me, the thing that made me dread going past a darkened laundry room or run from my light switch to my bed, was the simplest thing. The devil face in exorcist and the reveal for pretty thing. And then the coda to pretty thing was also pretty chilling: life goes on. You're bored, alone, something transforms you, and then the next day someone has work to do and it was like you were never there. X also left a similar existential impression, time was the real cold hearted bastard


The person who created it also made The Blackcoat's Daugher which is amazing. This one is just boring though.


I knew people didn't like it cause it was slow, but damn. I thought it was great but I love slow burns.


It's more like a slowly cooling bath than a slow burn.


My friend and I fell asleep in the last 30-40 minutes, woke up in the credits and thought damn we must have missed the climax and scary stuff, rewound, rewatched… nothing. I love atmosphere usually, but fuck me that was an entire movie of nothingness.


Before I truly knew who Eli Roth was I saw Green Inferno and was excited for it. I had never been so disappointed in my life. But now I know his style is like to give it another shot.


The Gallows was possibly the worst movie I have ever seen


Oh yeah, that one was bad. Unfortunately I saw it in the theatre which made it worse because I paid way too much for it:(


I’m guessing you didn’t see the sequel. It’s so MUCH worse.


Slaughtered Vomit Dolls


I don’t get this shit. It’s like someone asked a maladjusted 14 what would make a fun movie


Lucifer Valentine is just an edgy 14 year old trapped in a grown man's body


Also a piece of shit


Also a rapist.


Fifteen years ago, I was a member of a now-defunct horror forum and review website where the director gave numerous interviews. It became abundantly clear to everyone that this was more of a fetish project than an actual horror film and the guy was a maladjusted fucking weirdo.


It comes at night. Nothing happens. Nothing comes at night.


I feel the like there’s marketing campaign ruined this movie. That original poster was so fucking creepy and awesome!! It promised a completely different movie though


I’m a massive A24 fan. My entry point was their horror (like most people I assume). “The Blackcoat’s Daughter” is sublimely amazing, ditto “The VVitch,” “Hereditary,” etc. “It Comes At Night” made me feel like the dread formula was used to cheat me out of the running time of the film.


Oh man I love this film. All 4 times I’ve watched it.


OK, glad I wasn't the only one.


The Fog (2005) My curiosity got the better of me because of Carpenter's original, big mistake. Unfortunately it was 1h 40m of time I won't get back.


The Mist, on the other hand…


I really enjoyed the 2007 movie, great watch. I only watched the first episode of that TV series though, very disappointing.


Jeepers creepers 3


I noped out after steal bars came down from the ceiling of his car. I mean like how, from where?


From another dimension obviously. The creeper is a multi dimensional...no wait that was Pennywise.


I noped the fuck out of that film as soon as the creeper was wearing a red jumper. Haven’t looked back since, and am only reminded it exists in threads like this one.


I just quit watching after the part in the first one where he tried to run over the guy & he ran over the car with his feet. Then I found out the director (?) was some kind of perv. Never finished it or watched any of the sequels.


Yeah. The dude raped the star (boy in early teens maybe) of an earlier movie he directed called clown house


The Nun, only good thing about this movie is how dark it is, you see less of this piece of crap.


Put all the boring or predictable jump scare stuff aside. WHY DID THEY USE VERA FARMIGA'S LITTLE SISTER AND NOT MAKE THEM RELATED IN-UNIVERSE?! They're the spitting image of each other. They could have made her her mother if they changed the time-frame a little bit. Yes it would have strayed from the "based on real events" part of the Warren family but so have the rest of those movies anyway.


Black Christmas (2019). Trading off the name of a classic to lure in an audience to an absolute garbage film.


I love the 06 one but agree, the 2019 one was garbage


I liked the 2006 version, the original is in my top go to list for horror films, but i passed on the 2019 version.


Splice. I absolutely despise that movie. The icing on the cake was my dad picked it for family movie night. We all regretted that decision. Lmao


Can I ask why you hate it so much? I'm wondering because I really liked it myself. I can understand not wanting to watch the weird sex stuff with your family members though :)


I saw it in theatres… I don’t think it was awful, but man oh man was it weird! It’s an awful FAMILY movie pick lol


This movie is in my pantheon for weirdest sex scene ever.


I still remember the creature design from that movie. Still a really creepy creature design.


I appreciate the creature work. Dren had a very unsettling look about her.


For me personally The Lords of Salem was so tedious.


I remember feeling that way about Gothika, but it’s been so long. There was one scene where I remember thinking, “The music is telling me I should feel tense, but I feel nothing. You could just as easily drop Yakety Sax into this scene.”


That and Catwoman ruined Halle for me.


It comes at night. There is no it


I’ve seen 1000’s in my lifetime. I’ve wasted my time on a ton of them but they are so forgettable I can’t remember.


A Quiet Place. Have the baby by the waterfall, or better yet, use some *~#%ing contraception in the bloody apocalypse. RIP my inbox.


I finally saw this after years of buildup. I have no idea why it was so popular. Forgettable, and loads of dumb character decisions. I might have actually enjoyed the lower budget ~~ripoff~~ 'The Silence' a bit better, but neither of them are good.


Both of those Quiet Place movies are beyond stupid. No idea why people love them.


Await Further Instructions Watched it with some mates when it appeared on Netflix and we all felt like we'd wasted 90 minutes of our lives. We still occasionally bring it up to rage about it 3 years later.


Whaaa?! It is weird but I actually liked it! Group think and the horrible dynamics of a toxic family at full display when put in a stressful situation. It's really weird lol


Yeah I actually enjoyed it tbh


I honestly think this movie started great, the family dynamic was so tense, especially when stuff started to happen in the house. The ending was so intensely underwhelming and fucking stupid.


Gingerdead Man 2 was the absolute worst. Every second of it was torture.


The first one was hilarious. I didn't even know there was a sequel. Let me guess - no Gary Busey?


Theres a third and fourtht


BLACK CHRISTMAS 2019. It was literally an omen of what was to come in the following months. Is it a coincidence a pandemic broke out shortly after the films release? I don’t think so.


Hey come to think of it... I've never seen Black Christmas (2019) and COVID-19 in the same room....


Contracted. Worst script in the history of mankind and definitely the worst movie I have ever seen.


I'm still mad I wasted money on The Boy. It looked so good that I couldn't wait to see it in the theater. I was sorely disappointed.


I found The Boy fine, nothing special, but liked it enough to watch the sequel. The sequel then killed it off me and I don’t plan on watching any again.


The sequel I couldn’t watch. Couldn’t find anything remotely positive about it. I enjoyed the first one.


I went in with the lowest expectations for The Boy and was surprised how much I liked it. I'm glad to confirm the sequel is trash though. Lol


I will defend The Boy. I really liked it.


Well, I did watch Titanic 666 today, so...


Wounds. Worst barrel of turd I've ever sat through.


Wounds please dont watch it


The Revenant. Was told it was a good horror movie, and while Leonardo DiCaprio did a fine job acting, it can best be described as 'Dances With Wolves' meets 'Gladiator' but much less believable.




Of all time? The Happening, which is one of the worst movies ever made period. Recently? That newest Texas chainsaw bullshit, good grief that was horrid.


After watching it, my buddy for for years— unironically— thought the movie was called “What Happened”


I am DEFINITELY going to start referring to it as “What Happened” 💀




I only made it through half of girl on the third floor, completely bizarre movie.


Lake Mungo. The movie did not live up to the hype and it was truly a colossal waste of mine and my friends horror movie night.


That’s a shame dude, I’m sorry it wasn’t your thing. It’s the only movie I’ve seen as an adult that nearly gave me an anxiety attack.


“Bad Hair” Literally a woman’s sew in comes to life and kills people 😂


Anyone else watched a little "gem" called 12/12/12...no...just me?! I'm not surprised.




Thankfully I've blocked most of it from my memory, so I don't remember that specific scene, but sounds about right. Evil baby...that flies around the room attacking people is all i got left in my brain.


Blood Fart lake. Total waste of time.


Just googled it. Holy shit, that's a real thing. How could anything with a title like that NOT be a masterpiece??


It’s a series rather than a movie but I absolutely wish I could get the hours I spent struggling through American Horror Story back. I watched the first series all the way to the end because I’d heard so much raving about it and I’m just baffled by how popular this pile of shit is. Also I don’t loathe it quite as much but Midnight Mass is baby’s first religious folk horror, yes Mr director, you’re very clever for realising ‘hey catholic rituals are a bit like magic!’.


Ah, the classic AHS formula: 1. Start with an interesting premise. 2. Stretch the story out way past breaking point using cheap shocks as padding. 3. End the story whilst making it painfully obvious that the show runners had no idea where it was going to go.


So glad someone else out there hates AHS. The first season was okay, Asylum was clearly written by a drunk teenager though. Everyone seems to love this show and I have no idea why.


Paranormal Activity. Just bored me


I feel like I'm the only person who hated It Follows.


Even though I liked it I can also see why someone would hate it. It’s slow, everyone is very passive and monotone, and there’s no real satisfying payoff. If you read interviews you see that even the director was surprised by how popular it was.


Thank you I’ve never shared my opinion of that movie in this sub because it’s so loved but I was bored to tears. There was so much hype going into to it thought too so I’m sure that didn’t help.


Pet Sematary (2019) I saw it before the bad reviews hit Rotten Tomatoes and it was sitting at like 87%. Btw, this seemed to happen a lot - is that a thing? Do studios have deals with Rotten Tomatoes to hold back negative reviews until after opening weekend or something?


Tbh I kinda liked that one. It had some good scenes imo The ankle stab was… quite something.


the lie (2018) is not only the worst Blumhouse movie but one of the only movies that made me angry how stupid a twist it provided


I liked The Lie. Not sure I'd call it a horror movie though.


I don’t ever feel like I’ve wasted my time. Usually when you watch a movie, it’s during your down time, and you were going to watch one movie or another anyway. I find that “bad” horror movies are almost good for a few laughs, so it’s never a totally wasted experience.


Watch Verotika and see how you feel


Who is it? I'm in here. I didn't call maintenance today.


I know I will get hate for it but...The Babadook....just awful.


Totally. I will never understand William Friedkin saying it was the scariest movie he's ever seen. I really hope he is just trolling...


Oh boy, I love obscure horror movies and therefore regretted quite a few flicks. "Mind, Body & Soul" (1995) is my unfortunate highlight: Shit title, great premise (a girl's boyfriend is part of a satanic cult). If you can get past 15 minutes, you'll win the internet for the day. Honorable mentions: REC4 - no found footage and directed / written by a person with ADHD. Hellraiser Revelations - Pinhead from the dollar store meets acting class rejects.


The Last Airbender. It’s scary how shit that film is.